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THE YEA^R 1872
Digitized by the Internet Archive
in 2007 with funding from
IVIicrosoft Corporation
anou. Anonymous.
b. 1. Black letter.
col. Colored.
cd. Edition.
eng. Engraved.
fao8. Facsimile.
fol. Folio. 4^. Quarto. 8^. Octavo.
Duodecimo, etc.
iucl. Including.
1. Leaves,
n. d. No date.
n. p. No place of publication,
numb. Numbered.
obi. Oblong.
p. Page.
phot. Photograph.
pi. Plates.
p. 1. Preliminary loaves.
pp. Pages.
ps4n]don. Pseudonymous.
sm. Small.
sq. Square.
t. Tome.
tab. Tables.
tinp. Unpaged.
V. Volume or volumes.
The books are described as folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, etc., according to the ap-
parent size of the volume, and not according to the printer's designations derivetl from
the fold of the sheets.
In the alphabetical arrangement, the prefix J/c, M\ or Mac, is treated uniformly as a
component part of the word, as if spelled Mac. Thus, McLeod or M^Lcod precexles Maclure.
In like manner, the prefixes JVieit?, La, l)u, etc., are treated as component ])arts of the words
to which they belong. Thus New England follows Newell instead of preceding it, as it
would do if the prefix New were treated as a separate word.
It is one of the aims of the present catalogue to furnish with the titles a sutliciently
full collation of each work. Thus it is made a part of the description to give the number
of pages, in the case of all works not exceeding two volumes, together with th«^ numlH>r
of maps and plates, if any, and the name of the publisher. The information thus con-
veyed will, it is believed, be found of practical value to reatlers, as conveying at a glance
some idea of the extent of each work, while the addition of publishers' names is useful as
supplying a guide to the identification of editions. In the cose of books printc<l without
date, the actual or approximate date is usually supplied in brackets.
Brackets in any part of a title indicate that the words included in them are not fVmnd
in the title, but are inserted.
The titles of most modern books are given with approximate fullness, but it is to be
understood that long titles are uniformly abridged, the more significant words of the title
only being inserted.
The letter .s, aflixetl to any title, denotes that the work helongs to the library of the
Smithsonian Institution, now deposited in the Library of Congress.
A. (F.) Marion Ho ward ; or trials and tri-
umphs. [OMOM.] 627 pp. 12°. rjiiladd-
jphia, P. F. Cunningham, 1872.
A. (H. G.) Chloe Lankton ; or, light beyond
the clouds. A story of real life, [a/jon.]
266 pp. 2 pi. 16°. ridladelplu a, American
8. 8. union, [18.59].
A. (Mrs. J.) Jessie Linden: or tlie seven cor-
poral works of mercy, lanon.} 243 pp. 1
pi. 18°. Keio York, E. Dunigan, 1847.
[Dunigan's home library, no. 8].
A. (S. D.) Life sketches from Scottish his-
tory, or brief biographies of the Scottish
presbyterian worthies, lanon.'] 144 pp. 1
pi. 18°. rhiladelphia, Freshijierian hoard
of publication, [1855].
A. (T. B.) The bells ; a collection of chimes.
By T. B. A. [anow.] 144 pp. 12°. New
TorJc, J. C. Dei'hj, 1855.
A. (W.) Fewell : a series of essays of opin-
ion for churchmen. By W. A. lanon.'\
269 pp. 12°. Baltimore, J. liohin8on,18A6.
Abailard, Abeilard, or Abelard (Pierre).
Dialogus inter philosophum, judieum et
christianum. Nunc primura edidit Frid.
Henr. Rheinwald. xiii, 132 pp. 8°. Bav-
Uni, impensis T. C. F. Enslin, 1831.
[Rheinwald (F. H.) Anecdota ad bistoriaui ec-
clesiasticam peitinentia. Paiticula i].
Epitome theologicBchristianaj.xxxviii,
1, 116 pp. 2 1. 8°. Berolini, F. A. Herhig,
[Rheinwald (F. II.) Anecdota ad historiam cc-
clesiasticam pertinentia. Particula ii].
Abbey (Alonzo J.) Songs of the bible. See
Ogden (W. A.) and Abbey.
Abbey (Bev. Richard). The city of God
and the church-makers ; an examination
into structural Christianity, and criticism
of christian scribes and doctors of the law.
XX, 315 pp. 12°. New York, Hard ^
Houghton, 1872.
1 0
Abbie (Aunt, pseudon.) Carroll Ashton ; or,
the rewards of truthfulness. By aunt Ab-
bie. Ipseudon.] 156 pp. 1 pi. 18. Phila-
delphia, American haptint publication society,
Abbott (Anne W.) The lost wheelbarrow
and other stories. 172 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Bos-
ton, S. Cr. Simi)kin8, 1846.
Abbott (Bev. John Stevens Cabot). Ameri-
can pioneers and patriots. 3 v. 12°. Xcic
York, Dodd ^ Mead, 1872-73.
Miles Standish, the puritan captain. 3 p. 1. 372
pp. inc. 5 pi. 1 map.
Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky. 1 p. 1.
331 pp. 5 pi.
Ferdinand de Soto, the discoverer of- the ilissia-
sippi. 1 p. 1. 351 pp. 3 pi. 1 map.
Christian duty : or brief practical di-
rections for those commencing a christian
life. 44 pp. 32°. Boston, Crocker ^- Brexcs-
ter, 1842.
The mother at home ; or the princi-
ples of maternal duty familiarly illustrat-
ed, viii, 13-164 pp. 12°. Boston, Crocker
4- Breivsler, 1833.
The young astronomer ; or, the facts
developed by modern astronomy. 144 pp.
12°. Xew York, Saxton 4' Miles, 1846.
Abecedariu pentru scoalete elementare ro-
mcenestl de legea gr. n. unitoo. Din Un-
garia si Banatd. [rt«o/i.] 110 pp. 16°.
Viena, in c. r. cdicume de ccerll scolastice,
The same. 112 pp. 16°. Viena, in c.r.
editura de cccrfi scolastice, 1860.
Abeken (Heinrich). Babylon and Jerusa-
lem : a letter addressed to Ida, countess of
Ilahn-Hahn. From the german. [anon.}
With a preface by the translator, xii, 116
pp. 16°. London, J. W. Parker 4' Son,
iV'ote.— Erroneously attributed in the preface to
" Dr. Nitsch, of Berlin."
theilauKen ilber colonisation, n»it beson- .j- co. 1836.
Trer rUckHicht a«f Hra.ilien. viii, 232 The same. A grammar of the latm
pltaWe H. Berlin, yicolai,lS41. language, on the b^sis of the gramtnar of
pp. 1 lauiu. , ^^^^ ^^ Edinburgh. By C. D.
AbeU(ifr,.L.G.) ^7- 'f/'^ :^''^>'^^^- Cleveland. .3d ed. 320 pp. 12o. i>/u7a.
an otYering of punty an.l truth Ln^d. ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ Cotcperihcait 4' co. 1845.
tit. 408 pp. 12 pi. 12 . ->''f i'"^ "• The same. Latin grammar, with some
//oWrfrf/7f.[18:.OJ. improvements, by B. A. Gould. 300 pp.
AbcloM (Louis David). WilUam tlio taci- ^^^ Philadelphia, E. H. Butler, 18G6.
turn. Translated by J. r. Lacroix. From The same. An abridgment of Adam's
the french. 2.-.i) pp. iuc. 2 pi. 1G\ Xeic ^^^.^ grammar. [By W. W.] New ed.
lorJl-, Xe/«on.j- rAi//«>, [1872]. ^..^ j,^^ ^^^ ^qc Cambridge, [.l/ass.]
Abercrombio (John, wi. rf.) The man of 1 jsroxnt, Shattnck ij- co. 1832.
faith, or the harmony of christian faith ; ^^^^^^ (5^,.,,/^ 9,;, „j6o< 0/ ////). Vita
sancti Columbao : auctore Adamuano mo-
and character. From the 2d Edinburgh \
Ci\. 117 pp. 18 . Xew-York, Van Nos-
irami ,y Ihcioht, \t;:\:>.
Abercrombie {Her. K. M.) T\w prayer-
lKK)k and its story. 242 pp. 1 pi- lfi~.
Xnc York, A. IK /'. Bamlolph, 18G4.
About (Edmond Fran^-ois Valentin). The
roiiinn question. TrHU.slaled from the
french. By mrs. Annie T. Wood. Ed-
ited, with an introduction, by E. N.
Kirk, d. d. 1 p. 1. 308 pp. 12 \ Boston, J.
E. Til ton .;• CO. 1859.
Trente et quaranto. Sans dot. Les
parents do Bernard. 2 p. 1. 345 pp. 12*^.
Paris, L. JIachette .^ cie. 1850.
Academy (The). A record of literature,
U«arning, science, and art. fSenii-monthly].
Jan. I to dec. 15, 1872. v. 3. A . London,
J. Murray, 1872.
Acton (i/iM Eliza). Modern cookery in all
its branches. With directions for setting
out and ornamenting the table, carving,
relative duties of mistress and maid, etc.
Revised by mrs. S. J. Hale. 2 p. 1. 21-418
pp. 12^. Philadtlphia, J. E. Potter, 1860.
Acton (/?«'. Henry). A vindication of the
unitarian doctrine concerning the sole
nasterii biensis abbate. 4 p. 1. I.kxx, 497 pp.
2 maps, 7 pi. 4^. Dublinii,typi8acad€mici8,
1857. s-
[Baxxatyse club publications, no. 103J.
Adams (Miss Abigail). Journal and corre-
spondence. See Smith (Mrs. William
Adams (Alexander). Dr. A. Adams's rudi-
ments of latin and english grammar, with
numerous expansions and additions. By
James D. Jobnson. Improvements on the
3d New-York, from the last english ed.
252 pp. 12^. Philadelphia, Key tj- Mielke,
Adams (Charles, f7. d.) Evangelism in the
middle of the nineteenth century; or, an
exhibit, descriptive and statistical, of the
present condition of evangelical religion
in all countries of the world, x, 17-316
1 pp. 12^. Boston, C. U. Pcirce, 1851.
' Notes of the minister of Christ for the
j times, drawn from the boly scriptures.
I 246 pp. 16'. New-York, Lane 4' Scott,
I 1850.
Tortraituro of the new testament
I churcb-members. 368 pp. 12°. Xeio-
deity of the God and father of our lord York, Lane <f- Scott, 1851.
Jesu* Christ. 2 p. 1. 164 pp. 12'. AVWcr, Adams (Charles Francis, jV. and Henry).
[X If.] T. Beitley, 1835. I Chapters of Erie, and other essays. 2 p. 1.
Adam (Alexander). Adam's lulin grammar, 420 pp. 12-. Boston, J. 11. Osgood cj- co.
with some improvements. By Benjamin j 1871.
A.Gould, viii, 284 pp. 12\ /;o«/o», Cim- Adams (Daniel, m. rf.) Adams's new avith-
mingi^, mUiard .f- co. 1825. motic. Arithmetic in which tbo principles
The same. With additions. By David of operating by numbers arc analytically
Patterson, viii, 232 pp. 12. .Vnc-rort, I explained, and synthetically applied. 264
DHyckinck,Vomnn4co.\>^n. \ PP- 1'-^^ Keene, X. IL, J. Prentiss, im.
The same. With numerous additions The same. Revised ed. 306 pp. 12^.
and improvements. By C. D. Cleveland. ! Kecne, X. IL, J. W. Prentiss <j' co. 1848.
Adams (Daniel, m. <Z.)— contiuued.
The same. 2C1 pp. 12°. Keene, N. H.,
J. W. Prentiss (f- co. 1854.
Key to Adams's new arithmetic. Re-
vised ed. 88 pp. IQ'^. Kecne, N. H., J.
W. Prentisa 4- co. 1848.
The agricnltural reader. 264 pp. 12°.
Boston, Eichardson 4" Lord, 1824.
The scholar's arithmetic ; or, federal
accountant. 10th ed. revised, with addi-
tions. 216 pp. 8^. Keene, K. II., J. Pren-
tiss, 1816.
Adams (Rev. Emma). Woman's rights ; or,
the great mystery exjilained by the bible,
socially, religiously and politically. 188
pp. 8". Davenjport, Iowa, Gazette job office,
Adams (Frederick Augustus). Arithmetic,
in two parts. Part first, advanced lessons
in mental arithmetic. Part second, rules
and examples for practice in written arith-
metic. 212 pp. 12<^. Lowell, D. Bixhy,
The same. 11th thousand. 298 pp.
12°. Lowell, D. Bixhy <j' co. 1848.
Key to examples for practice in writ-
ten arithmetic. For the use of teachers.
37 pp. 12°. Lowell, D. Bixhy, 1847.
Adams (George H.) Asher & Adams' new
atlas and gazetteer of the United States,
etc. See Asher (John R.) and Adams.
Adams (John Quincy). Twelve messages
from the spirit of J. Q. Adams, 1859. See
Stiles (Joseph D.)
Adams (Joseph H.) Catiilogo ilustrado de
ferret6ria americana, herrami<5ntas,maqui-
naria en general, instrumentos agricolas y
otros artfculos. Ed. revisada. 2 p. 1. iv,
304 pp. 8°. Nueva York, M. M. Zarza-
mendi, [1871].
Adams {Mrs. J. S.) The bouquet of spiritiial
flowers, 1856. See Child (A. B.)
Adams (J. T.) The lost hunter. A tale of
early times. lanon.'\ 462 pp. 12°. New
York, Derhy 4' Jackson, 1856.
Adams (Nehemiah, d. d.) Agnes and the
key of her little cofiin. By her father.
ianon.-] 191pp. 12°. Boston, S. K. Whip-
ple 4" CO. 1 857.
[Imperfect ; wanting pp. 97-108, sig. 8 being re-
The same. Agnes and the little key :
or, bereaved parents instructed and com-
forted. By her father. Ianon."] 8th ed.
191 pp. 12°. Boston, Ticknor 4- Fields,
Adams (Nehemiah, d. d.)— continued.
Bertha and her baptism. By the au-
thor of Agnes and the little key. [ano»i.]
297pp. 12°. Boston, S.K.Whxpple 4' oo.lHSiT.
The same. Revised ed. 297 pp. 16°.
Boston, Ticknor 4- Fields, 1863.
Catharine. By the author of " Agnes
and the little key." Ianon.] 192 pp. 12°.
Boston, J. E. Tdton, ia59.
The same. Revised ed. 192 pp. 16°.
Boston, Ticknor 4' Fields, 1863.
Adams (William, d. d.) The elements of
christian science. A treatise upon moral
philosophy and practice. 379 pp. 8°.
Philadelphia, H. Hooker, 1850.
Adams (William Taylor). All aboard ; or,
life on the lake. A sequel to " The boat-
club." By Oliver Optic. Ipseudon.] 252
pp. 16°. Boston, Brown, Bazin 4- co. 1856.
[Boat-club series, v. 2].
Cross and crescent ; or, Young
America in Turkey and Greece. A story
of travel and adventure. Engd. tit. 347
pp. 3 pi. 16°. Boston, Lee 4- Shepard, 1873.
[Young America abroad, 2d series].
In doors and out ; or, views from the
chimney corner. By Oliver Optic, [jwcm-
don.] Engd. tit. 330 pp. 5 pi. 12°. Bos-
ton, Brown, Bazin 4- co. 1855.
In school and out ; or, the conquest of
Richard Grant. By Oliver Optic, [pseu-
don.] 286 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Boston, Lee 4-
Shepard, 1864.
Little Bobtail ; or, the wreck of the
Penobscot. By Oliver Optic. Ipseudon.]
Eugd. tit. 333 pp. 12 pi. 16°. Boston, Lee
4- Shepard, 1872.
[The j'acht-club series.]
Little by little; or, the cruise of the
Flyaway. By Oliver Optic, [pseudon.]
280 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Cincinnati, Rickey, Mal-
lory 4- CO. 1861.
Now or never; or, the adventures of
Bobby Bright. By Oliver Optic. Ipseu-
don.] 1 ill. title, 263 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Bos-
ton, Brown, Bazin 4' co. 1857.
Palace and cottage ; or, Young Amer-
ica in France and Switzerland. By Oliver
Optic, \_p8eudon.] Eugd. tit. 348pp. 3 pi.
16°. Boston, Lee 4' Shepard, 1869.
[Young America abroad series, v. 5].
Poor and proud ; or, the fortunes of
Katy Redburn. A story for young folks.
Engd. tit. 274 pp. 1 pi. 12° Boston, Phil-
lips, Sampson 4' co. 1859.
[Boat-club series, v. 5].
Adams (William Taylor)— contiuned.
Rich and humble; or, the mission of
Hortha Grant. A story for young people.
IJy Oliver Optic, [/miulon.] Kngd. tit.
'IJi) pp. 3 ])1. 1»; . lluxton. La .J" Sluparil,
(Worwlvillo utorio.H, v. 1].
The 8;iilor-l)oy ; or, .Jack Somers in
the navy. Hy Oliver Oi)tic. [p>iCHdun.^
Kmk*!. tit. XU; pp. 2 pi. in . lloslou, Ln-
if- Slujtard, 1 ■^(I.'>.
[The army anil navy sMiif.s, v. 1].
Sea and sh(»re; or, the tramps of a
traveller, hy Oliver Oi)tic. [pnendou.'l
Knpl. tit. 'XtO pp. i:? i>l. IG . noston, Lee
tf- Shtpuril, l^'2.
(The upward ami onwanl strioj*, v. C].
The soldier hoy; or, Tom Somers in
the army. IJy Oliver Optic, [psendon.'^
yx\ pp. 4 pi. 1'^ . Ihstim, Lee .)'• Shejyard,
(The army ami navy stories].
A spellinjj-book for advanced classes.
i*C pp. 12^. Ihilou, Limcer .V- Ttleston, 18G3.
Watch and wait ; or, the young fugi- ,
tives. Hy Oliver Optic, [pscudoii.'] 270
pp. IG . lloHton, Lie .J- Sliepard, lci()4.
Adams (— ). Woman. Sketches of the
hi.story, genius, disposition, accomplish-
ments, eujployments, customs and import-
ance of the fair sex, in all parts of the
world. 15y a friend to the sex. [rt?/0M.]
viii, 400 pj). 1-^ . London, C. Kearsley,
The same. Interspersed with anec-
dotes. IJy a friend to tho sex. [anon.']
21M; pp. 1-2. liofiton, J. nnmstead, 1807.
Addicks ( .)/r«. Barbara O'Sullivan). Pocket
manual, treating of tho science of the
french language, under tho heads of, 1st,
orthography, iJd, etymology, 3d, syntax.
Kir^t num])er. Of orthography, xxxii,
H':i pp. l.-< . Philadelphia, ld44.
Addison (Joseph). Tho evidences of tho
christian religion, with additional dis-
courses. Collected from tho writings of
Addison. 31 2 pp. 12 . dreenfteUhl.yfaffs.]
./. Ik Rio, IfiVi.
Tho happiness of tho souls in lieaven.
[fn nr.I.LAKMIXn (KolM^rlo). Tlift joys of tlio
l.lr»M.Ml. f^ '. London, E. Curll, 172;j. pp. i-ix].
Adriaiii ((Hovambattista). Istoria do' suoi
tempi. [l.-|3(;-l.-,73J. 8 v. M. r,alo,fra.
trlli Giarhflti, l'?22-'i3.
.Vor/.—Ganihft say, of this oilition. "non i'- rho mn-
t*«rial.« riitampniil <|tie-llft(l<.l l.V-3;' .and Hrinict
■■ "9*:, rOimpn-iwlon puro cl Bimplo do cello de
Adventures (Tlie) of Harry Franco, a tale
of the great panic. [anoM.] 2 v. 2 p. 1.
271 pp ; 2 p. 1. 254 pp. 12°. Xeto Tori; F.
Saunders, 1839.
Adventures (The) of Willsou Avery. By
the author of * ' The black velvet bracelet."
I [flwoM.] 234 pp. 16°. Boston, B. H. Greene,
! 18.33.
Advice from a lady of quality, to her cbil-
i dren; in the last stage of a lingering ill-
ness. Translated from tho french, by S.
Gla.sse, d. d. [etc. anon."] 4th ed. 1 p. 1.
XV, 245 pp. 16^. Glocceter, [Eng.'] R. Baikes,
for liirington, elc. 1786.
Advice to Julia. A letter in rhyme, \_anon.]
I 2 p. 1. 23() pp. IC^. London, J. ^furray,
! 1820.
Advice to a young brother, on practical sub-
jects. By a missionary, [anon.'] 115 pp.
1 pi. 16^. Xcw-Tork, Taylor <f- Gould,
Advice to a young christian, 1830. See
Waterbury (Jared B.)
Advice to a young gentleman, on entering
society. By tho author of the "Laws of
etiquette." [anon.] 1 p. 1. 295 pp. 10^.
PhiladeljyMa, Lea ^' Blanehard, 1839.
Advice to young mothers on the physical
education of children. By a grandmother.
[anon.] Ist american ed. with additions.
355 pp. 12^. Boston, IJilUard, Gray .j- co.
.aischines. The oration of -<Eschines against
Ctesiphon. [330 B.C.] With notes. By
J. T. Charapliu. xii, 182 pp. 12°. Cam-
hridge, [^fas8.] J. BartlcU, 1850. "
iEschylus. The Agamemnon of ^schylus,
with notes. By C. C. Felton. x, 199 pp.
12 \ Boston, J. Munroe 4' co. 1847.
Tho Prometheus of iEschylus, with
notes. By Theodore D. Woolsey. New ed.
X, 108 pp. 12°. Boston, J. Munroe cf co.
Tho Prometheus and Agamemnon.
Translated into euglish verse, by Henry
William Herbert, xii, 156 pp. 12^. Cam-
bridge, [Mass.] J. Bartlett, 1849.
Septem contra Thobaa, a tragedy.
[Gr.] Edited, with onglish notes, by Au-
gustus Sachtlebon. x, 156 pp. 12". Boa-
ton, J. Munroe .j- co. 1853.
iEsopus. One hundred of ^sop's fables, iu
french ; preceded by a description of fifty
animals, most of which occupy a place iu
the fables themselves; and accompanied
iEsopus — continued,
by a french-english dictionarj'. 237 pp.
18°. rhiladcljihia, J. Dohson, 1842.
The same. New revised ed. 237 pp.
18°. riiiladeliyhia, F. Leypoldt, 1865.
African metbodist episcopal Ziou cburcb.
Hymns. Improved ed. Tiiblisbed by S.
M. Giles, C. Rusb, and J. P. Tbompson.
524 pp. 24°. New- York, 18^8.
African (The) repository. [Monthly]. Jan.
to dec. 1872. v. 48. 8^. Washington,
American colonization society, 1872.
Agar (J.) The American's book of oratory,
or guardian of liberty. 350 pp. 8°. Au-
iurn, IX. F.] Derby .j- Miller, 1852.
A-gaseiz (Louis John Rudolph). Twelve
lectures on comparative embryology, de-
livered before the Lowell institute, in
Boston, dec. and jau. 1848-9. Phonograph-
ic report, by J. W. Stone. 104 pp. 8°.
Boston, Bedding cj- co. 1849.
and Grould (Augustus Addison). Prin-
ciples of zoology, touching the structure,
development, distribution, and natural ar-
rangement of the races of animals, living
and extinct. Part 1. Comparative physi-
ology. New revised ed. 250 pp. 12°.
Boston, Gould ij- Lincoln, 1873.
Note. — Xo change whatever from edition of 1851.
Agatha, or one thing I do. By the author
of " Early and later rain." [_anon. ] 195 pp.
1 pi. 18°. PUladelplna, Preslyterian board
of iniblication, [1859],
Aglar (James Francis). The Missouri tem-
plar's hand book. 2 p. 1. 200 pp. 18°.
Chicago, E. B. Myers, 1870.
Agnes and the little key, 18G3. See Adams
(Nehemiah,^. d.)
Agnes and the key of her little coCBu, 1857.
See Adams (Nehemiah, d. d.)
Agnes in search of truth ; and other sketch-
es, lanon.'] 184 pp. 16°. New YorJc,
American tract society, [1872].
Agrippa von Nettesheim (Heinrich Corne-
lius). [De incertitudine et vanitato sci-
entiarum]. Van de onzeekerheyd ende
ydelheyd der weetenschappen en konsten.
Wt latijn in hollantsch overghezet ; door
I. Oudaan, 1650. 12 p. 1. 610 pp. 16°.
Haerlem, J. A. Colom, 1651.
Aguilar (Grace). Home scenes and heart
studies, vii, 399 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Xew York,
D. Appleton 4^ co. 1873.
Ahn (Friedrich). Ahn's method of learning
the german language. Revised by Gusta-
( Fried rich)— continued.
vusFischer. 2 v. vi, 134 pp; 117 pp. 12°.
New York, E. Steiger, 1871.
V. 1. First (practical) coarse.
V. 2. Seconu (theoretical) course.
Dr. F. Ahn's praktischer lehrgang zur
schnellen und leichten erlernung der eng-
lischen sprache. HerauBgegebeu von H.
Ginal. Beide curse in einem bande. 204
pp. 12°. rhiladelphia, Sehufer <|- Koradi,
A new practical grammar of the dutch
language. With dialogues and readings
in prose and verse. 2 p. 1. 105 pp. 16°.
London, F. Thimm, 1854.
Aids to mental development ; or, hints to pa-
rents. By a lady of Philadelphia. lanon.'\
335 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Key 4- Biddle,
Aikin (John, m. d.) The juvenile budget
opened ; being selections from the writings
of doctor John Aikin, with a sketch of
his life. By mrs. Sarah J. Hale. 288 pp.
18°. Boston, Marsh, Capen, Lyon <f' Wehh,
The juvenile budget reopened ; being
further selections from the writings of
doctor John Aikin. With copious notes.
By Sarah Josepha Hale. 250 pp. 18°.
Boston, Marsh, Capen <f' Lyon, 1840.
Letters from a father to his son, on
various topics, relative to literature and
the conduct of life. Written in the years
1792 and 1793. xi,249pp. 16°. Dublin,
R. Marchbank for J. Milliken, 1795.
Poems. X, 136 pp. 8°. London, J.
Johnson, 1791.
A view of the life, travels, and philan-
thropic labors of the late John Howard.
196 pp. 1 1. portrait. 16°. Philadelphia,
W. W. Woodward for J. Ormrod, 1794.
The same. [With an ode inscribed to
John Howard. By William Hay ley]. 178
pp. 18°. Boston, Manning 4' Loring, 1794.
Aikin (J. B.) The sabbath-school minstrel.
158 pp. 1 1. sq. 16°. Philadelphia, pro-
prietor, [1859].
Aimwell (Walter, pseudon.) See Simonds
Ainslie (H.) A pilgrimage to the land of
Burns; containing anecdotes of the bard,
and of the characters he immortalized,
with numerous pieces of poetry, original
and collected, lanon.} 1 p. 1. 271 pp.
1 pi. 8°. Deptford, author, 1822.
Ainsworth (Robert). A new abridgment
of Ainsworth's dictionary, english and
latin, for the nse of grammar schools. By
John Dymockjll. d. New american ed.
with corrections and improvements. By
Charles Authon. 2 v. in 1. 8, 306 pp. 1 1 ;
405 pp. sq. IG^. Philadelphia, A. ToKar,
[f/c] 183C.
Airy (George Biddell). On sound and at-
mospheric vibrations, with mathematical
elements of music, [etc.] xvi, 2C3 pp.
2 tab. 6^. Cambridge, [I'Jno-] ^acmiUaii
4 CO. 18G8.
Aitken (William, m. d.) The science and
l)ractice of medicine, with additions by
Meredith Clymer, m. d. 3d am. from 6th
Lond. ed. 2 v. 10.')(> pp ; 9C2 pp. 1 pi. 1
map. 8^. Philadelphia, Lindsay <$• Dlakis-
toH, 1872.
Akers {li<r. Thomas P.) Sermons for the
homo circle. A series of twenty four ser-
mons by eminent ministers of diflerent de-
nominations. With an introduction by
rev. L. R. Thayer, xii, 511 pp. 12-. Bos-
ton, li. II. Pussell, 1859.
Alabama (The) case. Articles and letters
relating to the same which have appeared
in the London newspapers. [From de-
cembcr 30, 1871, to July 15, 1872. News-
paper-cuttings, mounted on foolscap pa-
per, with manuscript index]. 9 v. fol.
lAtndon, [1871-72].
[Mainly from The tlrnen. The morninR post, The
ntaiDianl, The dally iiows, and The telegraph].
Alabama (The) manual and statistical regis-
ter for 1871. Edited by hon. Joseph Hodg-
son. H^. Montgomery, [Ala.'\ Advance office,
Alard (Marie Joseph L. J. Francois An-
toine). Do I'intlammation des vaisseaux
alworbans-lynjphatifiuesdermoidcset sous-
cutan<^s; [el<<phantia.sis]. Nouv. (^d. xxii,
m) pp. 5 pi. 8^. Paris, J. 11. P.aiUiere,
I)u si<^ge ct do la nature des maladies, !
on nouvellcs considc^rations touchant la
v<<ritablo action du systemo absorbant
dans les ph<5non)enoH do lYconomio ani-
malo. 2 V. xxxvi, 3(57 pp ; 2 p. 1. .^77 pp.
8". Pari», ./. /{. JSaillihe, 1821.
Albany {Cily of). Maumil for the common
council of the city of Albany, 1871. By
Martin Delehanty. 1 p. 1. 114 pp. 18^.
Albany, Argut company, 1871.
Alciati (Andrea). Contra vitam monasti-
cam, ad coUegam olim suum, qui transi-
Alclatl (Andrea)— continued,
erat ad franciscanos, Bernardum Mattium
epistola. Accedit sylloge epistolarum Gi-
phanni,Vulcanii,Tychonis Brahe, Scriverii,
Pontani, Vossii, Sibrandi Siccamte, Gro-
novii, Boxhornii, aliorumque virorum
clarissimorum, quae variam doctrinam
continent, [etc.] Primus omnia in lucem
protulit, adjectis passim notis Antonius
Matthteus. xii, 560 pp. 8 1. 8"^. Lugduni
Batavorum, F. Haaring, 1695.
Alcott (Amos Bronson). Concord days,
vii, 276 pp. 16°. Boston, Boberts brothers,
Alcott (Louisa M.) Aunt Jo's scrap-bag.
V.2. Shawl-straps. 3 p. L 226 pp. 2 pi.
16°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1872.
Flower fables. 1 p. 1. 182 pp. 6 pi.
16°. Boston, G. W. Briggs df- co. 1855.
Moods. [Isted.] 297 pp. 12°. Bos-
ton, Loring, 1865.
Alcott (William Alexander). Familiar let-
tors to young men on various subjects. A
companion to the Young man's guide. 312
pp. 12°. Buffalo, G. U. Derby tj- co. 1849.
[Alcott's new series].
The house I live in. Part Orst. The
frame. 144 pp. 18°. Boston, Lilly, Wait,
Colman <J- Holden, 1834.
Letters to a sister ; or woman's mis-
sion. To accompany the Letters to young
men. xx, 13-307 pp. 12°. Buffalo, G. H.
Daby 4- co. 1850.
f Alcott's now series].
Paul at Ephesus. 193 pp. 18°. Bos-
ton, Mass. s. s. society, 1846.
Vegetable diet : as sanctioned by
medical men, and by experience in all
ages, xi, 276 pp. 12°. Boston, Marsh,
Capen «y- Lyon, 1838.
A word to teachers : or, two days in
a primary school, xvi, 84 pp. 18°. Bos-
ton, Allen <j- Ticknor, 1833.
The young housekeeper, or thoughts
on food and cookery. 2d ed. 424 pp. 16°.
Boston, G. W. Light, 1838.
The young husband, or duties of
man in the marriage relation. 1st stereo,
ed. Engd. tit. 388 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Boston,
G. W. Light, 1839.
The young wife ; or, duties of woman
in the marriage relation. 376 pp. 16°.
Boston, G. W. Light, 1837.
The young woman's guide to excel-
lence. 356 pp. 18°. Boston, G. IT. Light,
Alcott. Sec AUcott.
Alden (Ebcnezer, wi. d.) Memoir and cor-
resiioudcnco of inrs. Mary Ann Odiorue
Clark. 22G pp. 18°. Boston, Mass. s. s.
society, 1837.
Alden (Joseph, d. d.) The aged pilgrim.
108 pp. 18*^. Boston, Mass. s. s. sockty,
The cardinal flower, and other tales.
108 pp. IH'^. Boston, B. Berkins <j- co.
The departed sister, and other tales.
178 pp. sq. 18°. Xew York, Gates .^ Sted-
man, 1847.
Hand-book for sunday-school teach-
ers. 222 pp. 16°. New York, Nelson 4-
Fhillips, 1872.
The light-hearted girl ; a tale for chil-
dren. 108 pp. 18°. Boston, B. Perkins ^
CO. 1845.
The lost lamb, and other tales. 108
pp. 18°. Boston, B. Perkins 4- co. 184G.
The old revolutionary soldier. 152 pp.
5 pi. sq. 18°. Keio York, Gates cf Stedman,
Alden (Miriam). Bashie's service : or
where 's a will, there 's a way. 1 ill. title,
224 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Boston, Warren, Brough-
ton ^' Wyman, [1872].
Aldine (The), a typographic art journal.
[Monthly]. Jan. to dec. 1872. v. 5. fol.
Neiv York, J. Sutton 4' co. 1873.
Alene i London, 1870. See Smith (Han-
Alex. \_ineudon.'\ As she would have it. By
"Alex." [The woman question]. 105 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4' co.
Alexander (Archibald, d. d.) Thoughts on
religious experience. 311 pp. portrait.
12°. Philadelphia, Presbyterian hoard of
publication, 1841.
The same. 3d ed. 397 pp. portrait.
12°. Philadelphia, Presbyterian board of
publication, 1844.
The same. 397 pp. portrait. 12°.
Alexander (J. W. d. d.) — continued.
The life of Archibald Alexander, d. d.
3d thousand, xi, 700 pp. portrait. 8°.
New-York, C. Scribner, 1854.
The same, xi, 5G3 pp. portrait.
12°. Nexv York, C. Scribtier, 1856.
Alexander (John Henry). Catena domini-
ca. 1 p. 1. V, 177 pp. 12°. Philadelphia,
H. Hooker, 1855.
Alexander (Samuel Davies). Princeton
college during the eighteenth century.
xvii, 326 pp. 8°. Neio York, A. D. F.
Randolph 4' CO. [1872].
Alexander (William, o/2/en«/rJe, afterwards
earl of Stirling or Sterline). [The monarch-
icko tragedies. Crajsus, Darius, the Alex-
andncan, Julius Cajsar]. 3 p. 1. 253 pp.
fol. ILondon, 1637].
[Imperfect : title-page wanting. Probably v. 1 of
au edition entitled Recreations with the m uses J .
Alexander (William, of Philadelphia, born
1808). The poetical works of W. Alexan-
der ; including his Christiad, dramas, and
minor poems, with dissertations on poetry,
and a sketch of his life, xv, 203 pp.
portrait. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin-
cott 4' do. 1847.
Alexander (William D. S.) The hermit of
the Pyrenees and other miscellaneous
poems. From Loudon ed. ii, 126 pp.
16^\ London, Longman, [e<c.] 1859.
Alford (Henry). The poetical works of
Henry Alford. 1 p. 1. 424 pp. 12°. Bos-
ion, Ticknor, Reed ^ Fields, 1853.
Alfredus. liyseudon.'] The needle- woman.
ByAlfredus. 155 pp. 8°. IBoston, 1871].
Alger (Horatio, jr.) Bertha's Christmas
vision; an autumn sheaf, viii, 248 pp.
1 pi. 16°. Boston, Brown, Bazin 4' co.
Frank's campaign ; or, what boys
Philadelphia Presbyterian board of publica-
tion, [1868].
Alexander (James Waddell, d. d.) Conso-
lation : in discourses on select topics, ad-
dressed to the suffering people of God.
448 pp. 8°. Neic-York, C. Scribner, 1853.
Discourses on common topics of chris-
tian faith and practice. 463 pp. 8°. Netv
York, C. Scribner, 1858.
can do on the farm for the camp. 296 pp.
2 pi. 16°. Boston, Loring, 1864.
Luck and pluck series. 1(P. IBos-
ton, Loring, 1872].
Strive and aucoeod ; or, the progress of "Walter
Conrad. Engd. tit. 355 pp. 4 pi.
Tattered Tom series. 1st series in
4v. 16°. Boston, Lonng, [1871-72].
1. Tattered Tom ; or, the story of a street Arab.
282 pp. 3 pi. [1871].
2. Paul, the pedlar; or, the adventaresof a young
street merchant. 281 pp. 3 pi. [1871J.
3. Phil, the fiddler ; or, the story of a young street
musician. 265 pp. 3 pi. [1872].
4. Slow and sure ; or, from the street to the shop.
280 pp. 3 pi. [1872J.
All ben Abi Taleb (the Aih caliplt). Car-
inina. Anibico et latino. PMidit et notis
jllustravit Goranlus Kiiypers. 4 p. 1. 195
pp. 18 1. f^ . Lugdani Jlatavontm, J. Ilase-
brotk if- n. Jougehjn, 1745.
AUco and Re-s-sie; or growth in grace.
[anon.^ Itk) pp. 18 . rhUaihlphia, Ame)-i-
can ». ». union, [K/.l].
Alice Clirtonl, and her day-areanis. [nnon.]
i>iJ8 pp. 4 pi. 1"^ • rhlhuUIphla, Ameri-
can «. 9. union, [1854].
AUda ; or, miscellaneous sketches of occur-
rotiees during; tho Lite americau war.
rounded on fact. By an unknown author.
[anon.] vii,'22:ipp. H. Xcic York, au-
thor, 1841.
Alison (/.•'»'. Archibald). Essays on the
nature and principles of taste. With cor-
H'ction.s and iniprovenionts by Abraham
Mills. 4G1 pp. V2 . ^'<"' York, Uarpcr
,S brothers, 1844.
Sermons, chielly on particular occa-
Kions. 2 V. xvi,488 pp; xii,483 pp. 8°.
Kdinburijh, A. Conslable .j- co. 1815-17.
yolg.—v. 1, Cth eil ; v. 2, 2d etl.
The same. 3d americau ed. '206 pp.
\'i . Ceorgctoirn, Col, IV. A. Hind <j"- co.
Alison (.Archibald, U. d. son of preciding).
History of Kurope from tho commence-
ment of tho french revolution in 1789, to
the restoration of tho Bourbons in 1815.
Abridj^ed from tho last London ed. By
Kdward S. Gould, xxiv, 494 pp. '6^. New
York, J. innchesler, 1813.
All tho children's library. 4 v. sq. 16^.
Itoiton, JValhr, JJ'we .| co. 1800.
|trAKi<<(;rant'H tronMuro. By aunt Dora, [psevdon.]
Mixlrnty an<l nuTit ; or. the GraybinlB story of
Itttin MnylloMt nii<l -Toliii. [anon.]
Nt>Uy Hvrliort, and other Htorit.-.s. \anon.]
Smumt>r (A) with th<> little CJrays. [anon.]
AUardyce (.Mrxander). An address to tho
proprirtoFM «>f tho bank of England. 3d
ed. with a<ldition.s. [Entitled, Postscript
to an addn\s.s. etc ; with ati api)cndix, and
A continuation of the postscript]. 32, 156
pl». 4 . London, If. ./. .J- J. JHchardsnn,
17 IH.
Allcott (Wil'iiatn W.) Alicott's produce
tabl»\s, showing the value of any quantity
«»f grain, estimated at sixty pounds to tho
bushel. 6.'. 1 . u n p. 1 G \ nochcuicr, [ X Y. ]
.yfari^hall .y />f oh, 1831.
Allebach (J.C.) and Hnnsberger (I.E.)
Readable notes for tho Bunday-school,
being a very choice collection of hymns
and tunes, in the seven character notes.
160 pp. sq.lGo. Philadelphia, S. C. Col-
lins, [1872].
The temple harp ; being a very choice
collection of sacred music, comprising the
most popular psalm and hymn tunes, an-
thems, &c. in J. B. Aiken's seven charac-
ter notes. 384 pp. obi. 8^. Philadelphia,
S. C. Collins, [1872].
AUeine (Joseph). Earail dhurachdach do
pheacaich neo-iompaichto : le I. AUeine,
eadar-theangaichto o'n bheurla, lo I.
Smith, d. d, a nis air a leasachadh. 180
pp. 18°. Glasgoic, D. Macvean, 1839.
[.\. tran.slation from tho abridjjment of Thornton,
entitled " AUeiuo's admonition").
Allen (Chester G.) The coronation, 1872.
See Seward (T. F.) and Allen.
Allen (Elizabeth [Akers]). Forest buds,
from the woods of Maine. By Florence
Percy. [p«eMf?o«.] 207 pp. 12°. Boston,
Broxvu, Bazin ij- co. 1856.
Allen (Rev. Joseph Henry). Greek reader.
Selections. "With notes. 1871. See Good-
■win (William W.) and Allen.
Latin primer ; a first book in latin for
boys and girls, viii, 127, 27 pp. 10 1. 12°.
Boston, Ginn brothers ij' co. 1870.
and Greenough (James Bradstroct).
A latin grammar for schools and colleges,
founded on comparative grammar, xv,
2.52 pp. 12°. Boston, Ginn brothers, 1872.
Allen (Lewis F.) History of the short-horn
cattle: their origin, i>rogress and present
condition. 266 pp. 10 pi. 8°. Buffalo,
author, 1872.
Allen (Richard L. m. d.) Domestic animals.
History and description of the horse, mule,
cattle, shoop, swine, poultry aud farm-
dogs. Also, their diseases, and remedies.
227 pp. 12°. Xeic York, author, 1848.
Hand-book of Saratoga, and stran-
gers'guide. 131 pp. 4 pi. 12°. Xcw-York,
W. II. Arthur .^ co. 1859.
Allen (William, c[.(?.) Wunuissoo, or the
valo of Hoosatuunuk, a poem, with notes.
237 pp. portrait. 12°. Boston, ,T. P. Jeweit
«fro. 1856.
Allgemeine zcitung. [Augsburg tiiglicho].
1 januar bis 31 doc. 1872. 4 v. 4°. Stutt-
gart tj- Augsburg, J. G. Cotta, 1872.
Allison (Joy, pseudonf) Kato Jameson
and ber friends. 308 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Boa-
ion, Congregational puhlishhuj society, [1872].
Allix (Peter). Dissertationes tres. i. De
sanguine d. n. lesu Christi, ad episfc. 146
8. Augustini. ii. Do conciliorum quorumvis
definitionibus expendendis. iii. De Ter-
tuUiani vita & scriptis. 3 parts in 1 v.
12°. Lutetiw Pariisiorum, apud A, Cellicr,
Allman (George James, vi. d.) A mono-
graph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian
bydroids. Conclusion of part 1, and part
2, containing descriptions of the genera
and species of the gymnoblastea. 3 p. 1.
155-450 pp. 11 1. 11 pi. fol. London, 1872.
[Ray society].
Allston (Emma F.) The jewel; a holiday
gift for boys and girls. 160 pp. 10 pi. 18°.
New York, J. Winchester, 1844.
All-wood (Rev. Philip). A key to the reve-
lation of st. John, the divine ; being an
analysis of those parts of that book which
relate to the general state of the christian
church through all the times since it was
written, [etc.] 1 v. in 2. xxvi, 984 pp. 1
table. 8". London, C.J.G. 4' F. llivington,
Almanac for the use of navigators. See
United States. (^Navy department). Xau-
tical almanac office.
Almanach de I'universitd royale de France,
et des divers dtablissements d'instruction
publique, 1846-48. 3 v. 8°. Paris, L.
Hachette 4^ de. 1846-48.
Almanach de la cour, de la ville et des de-
partements. Pour I'ann^e 1810. {^anon.'\
17 p. 1. 220 pp. 32". Paris, Janet, [1809].
Almindelige (Den) danske landmandsfor-
samling. Den ellevte danske landmands-
forsamling i Kjobenhavn 6te-10de juli 1869.
Beretning om moderne, forhandlingerne
og foredragene, dyrskuet og ovrige udstil-
llnger. Udgiven af D. Dessau. 8°. Ejd-
henhnvn, J. H. Scliultz, 1870. s.
Almon (John). A collection of treaties of
peace, commerce and alliance, between
Great-Britain and other powers, from the
year 1619 to 1734. [With] a discourse on
the conduct of the government of Great-
Britain to neutral nations. By C. Jenkin-
son. \_anon.'\ iv, 156 pp. 8°. London, J.
Almon cj' J. Dehrett, 1781.
[A review of mr. Pitt's administration].
Die staats-verwaltung des herrn William
Pitt, in und ausser Grossbritannien, vor
Almon (John)— coutinued.
und wiihrend seinem staats-gecretariat, un-
partheyisch erzilhlot und beurtheilet. Aus
dem englischen originale. [ano»i.] 326
pp. portrait. W\ Perlin, F. W. Jiirnstiil,
The same. Anhang zu der Staats-
verwaltung des herrn William Pitt, [etc.]
Aus dem englischen des verfassers der
beurtheilunggedachtor staats-verwaltung.
[a/iow.] 96 pp. 16^. Berlin, F.W. Birn--
stiel, 1764.
{With the precodin};].
Alpers (W.) The Beethoven collection of
sacred music, 1855 ; also, 1857. See Ives,
(E. jr.) Alpers (W.) and Timm (H. C.)
Althea. lanon.'\ 152 pp. 18°. New York,
Carlton 4' Porter, [1862].
Alvarez (Francisco, c/topZatu to Manuel, king
of Portugal, 1515). Ho preste loam das
Indias. Verdadera informa^am das terras
do preste loam segundo vio y escreveo ho
padre Francisco Alvarez. Agora nova-
mente impresso. h.l. 1,361. 51. unp. fol.
ICoimhra, L. Rodriguez'], 1540.
iVote.— Imperfect ; wanting title-page and last p.ige,
and numerous leaves, which are, however, sup-
plied in ms. In rude gothic type, 42 lines on a
Alvarez (Raphael) and Grediaga (Isidor
G.) Guia de Nueva York, para uso de los
Espauoles 6 Hispanoamericanos. 166 pp.
38 pi. 1 map. 12°. NuevaYork, J. A.Gray,
Alvergnat ( Victoj). The modern class book
of french pronunciation. With an appen-
dix in which the conjugation of the most
difficult verbs is given, etc. 12°. iv, 173
pp. Boston, ShonJiof^- Moller, 1872.
Amaranth (The), a literary and religious
offering, designed as a Christmas and new
year's present. Edited by J. H. Bucking-
ham. 180 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Newhuryport, C.
Whipple, [1831].
Amaranth (The) ; or token of remembrance.
A Christmas and new year's gift for 1848.
12°. Boston, N. C. Barton, 1848.
The same. For 1850. 12°. New-York,
Gates, Stedman 4' co. 1850.
Amateur (The). A repository of music, lit-
erature, and art. [Monthly]. Anthony
O. Busch, editor. Sept. 1870, to aug. 1872.
V. 1-2. 4°. Philadelphia, Lee 4' Walker,
Amateurs' (The) guide for 1872. A complete
book of reference, relative to the amateur
editors, authors, printers and publishers of
American (The) exchange, etc.— continued.
feb. 1873. V. 21-22. 8°. Philadelphia,
lieview publishing tf- ivinting co. 1872-73.
American (The) gift-book; or military
souvenir. [Incidents in the mexican war.
flHoM.] 262 pp. 20 pi. 12P. Neto-York,D.
Appleton .f- CO. 1848.
yojir-book, exhibiliti},' reoeiit pro^aess in American (The) grainers' hand-book, 1872.
aKricultural tlieory and prattico, and a See Masury (J. W.)
jjuide to proHont ami fnturo labors, 1S71. American (The) historical record, and re-
Amateurs' (The) guide for 1872— continued.
America. Written and compiled by Fred.
K. Morrill. 88 pp. 10 pi. 18^. Chicago,
Amateur puhUahing co. 1872
Ambrose {liev. Isaac). War with «levils.
228 pp. 1'2 . Jlt-nrick, }f'. I'hottioii,l7\)7.
American agricultural annual. A fanners'
[ V. 5]. U'y . .\tic York, O. Judd .J- co. 1 87 1 .
American (The)«^it^"lturist. For the farm,
garden and household. [A monthly mag-
azine]. Jan. to dec. 1872. v. :U. 4 \ Xew
York, O.Judd^co. [1872].
The sauie. Der amerikanischo agri-
culturiHt, gewidmet dor belehrnng aller
klas.sen, welche in tier bodencultur l>ethci-
ligt .sind, dariu begritVen dor farmer, giirt-
ner, etc. Januar bis dez. 1872. v. lU. 4.
.Vnr Ymk, O. Judd .$■ co. [ 1872 J. |
American annals of the deaf and dumb.
K<lit«'<l by LewoUyn Pratt and Edward A. I
Riy. Jan. 1870, to oct. 1872. v. 15-17. 8'=. I
JfaHhington, ('oni-cntion am. instructoi'8 deaf
and dumb, 1870-72. !
American (The) bee journal. [Monthly].
Kditeil by Samuel Wagner. July, 1871, to
June, 1872. v. 7. 8\ Wanhinglon, S.lVag-
n/T, 1872.
American (The) bibliopolist. [Monthly].
Jan. to dec. 1872. v. 4. 8 . Xew York, J.
Sabin <f- Bonn, 1872.
American (The) bookseller's guide. Month-
ly. J.an.l to dec. 1,1872. v. 4. 8\ New
York, American ncirs company, 1872.
American colonization society. See Afri-
can (The) repository.
American (The) connnonplaco bo(dc of
prose. See Cheever (G. IJ.)
American eclectic medical review. [Month-
ly]. Editors: K()l)ort S. Newton, m. d.
Alexander Wilder, m. d. and E. S. McClel-
lan, ni. d. July, 1^71, to June, 1872. v. 7.
Xcw York, Langr, Little ,J- IliUman,
pertory of notes and queries concerning
the history and antiquities of America and
biography of Americans. Edited by Ben-
son J. Lossing, 11. d. [Monthly], Jan. to
dec. 1872. v. 1. sm. 4°. PhUadelphia,
Chmc ,$• Town, 1872.
American horticultural annual. A year-
book of horticultural progress for the pro-
fessional and amateur gardener, fruit-
grower, and florist. 1871. [v. 5]. 16°.
New York, 0. Judd ^' co. 1871.
American institute of homoeopathy. Trans-
actions of the twenty-second session, held
in Boston, June 8-11, 1869. New series.
V. 1. 8°. Boston, A. Mudge <j- son, 1870.
The same. Transactions of the twen-
American (The) educational monthly. A
mnga/ino of popular instruction and liter-
ature. Jan. to dec. 1872. v. [). p . JS>,r
York, J. ;r. Sehnmrrhorn .J- co. 1872.
American (The) exchange and review. A
miscellany of useful knowledge and gen-
eral literature. Especially devoted to
llnnnce, mining and metallurgv, insu-
rance, [etc. Monthly], March, 1872, to
ty-fourth session, held in Philadelphia,
June 6-9, 1871. New series. 8°. Chicago,
Lakeside press, 1872.
American institute of instruction. The
lectures delivered before the American in-
stitute of instruction, in Boston [and else-
where], including the journal of proceed-
ings, and a list of the officers. [For the
years 1831, 1844-45, 1850, 1852, 1858-61,
1863]. 8° & 12°. Boston, W. D. Ticknor
tf CO. 1832-64.
AiiBOTT (Jacob). On moral education. 1831.
Alcott (W. a.) Prize essay ou the constructiou
of Bchool-housoa. 1831.
Adams (F. A.) On intellectual arithmetic. 1845.
A HAMS (T. D.) The bearings of popular education
upon civilization. 1861.
liATKS (J. jr.) Ou dr. Thomas Arnold. 1852.
Bkllows (J. N.) The duty of the american
teacher. 1844.
BuooKs (C.) On the introduction of natural his-
tory as a regular classic in our seminaries. 1844.
BuooKH (W. II.) Ou the education of the Ave
senses. 1831.
IJitowN (G.) On grammar. 1831.
JiaowN (M. T.) Tlie necessity of education in a
free state. 1860,
BuTi.Eii (J. D.) Incentives to mental culture
among teachers. 1852.
(^Ai.TUUor (S. R.) Pliysical development. 1858.
CUASR (C. C.) God's plan for educating men. 1850.
DuiutiN (C.) On natural history, as a branch of
common education. 1831.
Emkrson (G. B.) On the education of females.
Fki.tox (C. C.) The schools of modern Greece.
FosTKB (.John), Ifodern notions of a practical
education, 1858.
American institute of instruction — cont'd.
FowLE ("W. B.) On tho boat method of teaching
geography. 1845.
Fowler ( W. C.) Influence of academies and high
schools on common schools. 1831.
Galloui' (D. r.) Some of the dangers of teachers.
Greene (S. S.) On methods of teaching to read.
Gulliver (J. P.) The school the ally of the pul-
pit. 185<J.
Hale (J.) On school discipline. 1844.
Hawes (J.) Address on tho formation and excel-
lence of the female character. 1845.
Dignity of the teacher's office. 1845.
HiLLAUD (G. S.) On tho counoctiou between ge-
ography and history. 1845.
Jakvis (E.) On tlio necessity of the study of
physiology. 1845.
Jenneu (S.) On the importance of early train-
ing. 1850.
Johnson (A. N.) On vocal music in common
schools. 1845.
McKeen (J.) Tho school-system of tho state of
New York. 1852.
Mann (H.) The necessity of education in a re-
publican government. 1844.
NoRTiiEXU (C.) On some of tho obstacles to the
greater success of common schools. 1844.
Olmsted (D.) On the beau ideal of the perfect
teacher. 1845.
Tarkhuust (J. L.) On the means which may bo
employed to stiftiulato the student without the
aid of emulation. 1831.
Philbrick (.J. D.) Characteristics of the true
teacher. 1850.
Phillips (S. C) On the usefulness of lyceums.
Putnam (B. W.) Drawing as a branch of educa-
tion. 1858.
Quint (A. H.) Province of legislation in regard to
education. 1860.
EusSELL (W.) Female education. 1844.
Sanborn (E. D.) Aids to the study of the classics.
The duties of examining committees. 1845.
Sawyer (H. E.) Privileges and pleasures of teach-
ers. 1861,
Smyth (A.) Christian culture in public schools.
Stowe (C. E ) The religious element in educa-
tion. 1844.
Town (S.) On county teachers' institutes, 1845.
Valentine (T. W.) "Words fitly spoken. 1858.
"Walker (A.) Political economy as a study for
common schools. 18.50.
"Walker (J.) Introductory lecture. 1831.
"Weld (A. H.) On classical instruction. 1844.
Wells (W. H.) Self-reliance. 1852.
Wetherell (L.) The liberal education of woman.
Wheeler (C. H.) Essential elements in ameri-
can education. 1852.
Whitaker ( W. J.) Drawing as a means of educa-
tion. 1852.
WooDBRiDGE (W.) On the size and ventilation of
school-rooms. 1831.
Wyman (E.) The influence of the social relations
in the schools. 1850.
YouMANS (E. L ) The masquerade of the elements.
The papers read before the American
institute of instruction, at Lewiston, Me.
august, 1872, with the journal of pro-
ceedings, including the constitution. 198
pp. 12°. Sjjringfield, Mass., C. W. Bryan
4- CO. 1873.
American (The) journal of the medical
sciences. [Quarterly]. Edited by Isaac
Hays, m. d. July and October, 1872. New
8eries,v.64. 8°. PMladelitMa, H.C.L€a,l872.
American (The) journal of science and arts.
[Monthly]. Editors, James D. Dana and
B. Silliman [and others]. Jan. to dec.
187^. 3d series, v. 3-4 ; [complete series,
V. 10.3-104]. 8°. New Haven, editors, 1872.
American (The) journal of syphilography
and dermatology. Devoted to the consid-
eration and treatment of venereal and skin
diseases. Edited by M. H. Henry, m. d.
Quarterly. Jan. to oct. 1872. v. 3. 8°.
Xeio York, F. W. Christern, 1872.
American literary gazette and publishers'
circular, [Semi-monthly]. Nov, 1, 1871,
to Jan. 15, 1872. 8vo series, v, 18, Phil-
adeljyhia, G. W. CMlds, [1871-72],
Note. — Discontinned and united with the Pub-
lishers' and stationers' weekly trade circular.
American (The) medical almanac, for 1848:
containing statistics of the various medi-
cal colleges, hospitals, dispensaries, etc.
of the United States, 18°, Philadelphia,
Lindsay cf- Blakiston, [1847].
American (The) monthly magazine. New
series, v. 1-2. 8°. Boston, Otis, Brooders,
<t CO. 1836.
American (The) musical directory, 1861,
[oMon.] 260 pp, 18°, New York, J. Hutch-
inson, 1861,
American (The) naturalist, an illustrated
magazine of natural history. [Monthly].
Edited by A, S, Packard, jr. and F. W.
Putnam, Jan. to dec, 1872. v. 6, Salem,
Mass., Pedbody academy of science, 1872.
American normal school awd National teach-
ers' associations. Addresses and journal
of proceedings, at Cleveland, Ohio, 1870.
272 pp. 8°, Washington, J. H. Holmes,
American philosophical society. Proceed-
ings. vol.1. 1838-1840. 8°. Philadelphia,
society, 1840.
Xote.— The title-page, and nos. 1-4, 11, and 12, are
reprints ; the rest, of the original edition.
Transactions. New series, v. 13-14.
4°. Philadelphia, society, 1869-71.
American (The) practical cookery-book ; or,
housekeeping made easy, pleasant and
economical in all its departments. By a
practical housekeeper, lanon.l^ 319 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, G. G. Evans, 1859,
American (The) primary class-book; or,
lessons in reading, for younger classes of
cbildren. \,anon.'\ 144 pp. 16°. Provi-
dence, Cory, [e/c] 1830.
American (The) publisher. [Monthly],
Editor, Orion Clemens. April, 1871, to dec.
American (The) i>ubli8hor— coutiuued. j
1872. V. 1-2 in 1 v. fol. Hartford, Conn. \
[American publishing company, 1871-72]. j
iN'ote.— Name changed to the Amebic ax monthly. |
American railroad journal. Steam naviga- 1
tion, commerce, tinanco, engineering,
banking, mining, manufactures. [Week- j
ly]. John II. Schultz, editor. Jan. G to |
dec. 28, 1872. v. 45 ; 2d quarto series, v. |
28. 4 -: Xetc York, J. U SchulU, 1872.
American ship masters' association. Rec-
ord of amcrican and foreign shipping,
from surveys made and compiled, to pro-
vide a standard american classification of
vessels. 20 p. 1. 7r>8, 55 pp. 4-. Xiw
York, [ R. C. Root, Anthony 4- co.'\ 1873.
American (The) Sunday-school hymn-book, j
[anon.1 :«>0 pp. 24^. Philadelphia, Amer-
ican a. 8. union, [ 1860 J.
American system of education. Sec Chap-
man (John L.) and Scott (James).
American undemsritcr's manual and iusnr- 1
anco directory for 1862-63. Compiled by
Joseph I J. Ecclesine. 108 pp. 1 pi. &-.
yeic York, Gricrson tf- Ecclesine, 1862.
Amerikanische (Dcr; pfordearzt, enthal- ;
ten<l eine anweisung zur erziehung uud I
haltung der pferde. Aus den besten ameri- 1
kanischen uud englischen schriftstellern I
zusammen getragenundiibersetzt. [awon.]
240 pp. 1 pi. Vi\ Philadelphia, A, Towar, '
Ames ( Mm. Mary Clemmer). A memorial of j
Alice and Pha>be Cary, with some of their '
later poi'ms. xii, iiol pp. 2 portraits. 12 \
Sew York, Ilurd .>• Houghton, 1873. j
Amhurat (Nicholas). Terra'-filius: or, the!
secret history of the university of Oxford; '
in several essays, [anon. 2d ed. With]
Remarks upon a late book, entitled. Uni-
versity education, by R. Newton, d. d. 2
v. in 1. xxiv, 348 pp. 1 pi. 16'\ fA)ndon,\
R. Francklin, 1726.
At, a/*o. Craftsman (The).
Amory (Lizzie). Little Paul and other'
stories. 2 p. 1. 113 pp. 1 pi. 16 \ lioston, I
nhitlemort, MUs .f- Ifall, 1856. i
Amory (Robert, m.d.) The physiological |
and therapeutical action of the bromide
of potassium and bromide of ammonium.
See Clarke (Kdward Hnmmoud, m. d.)
and Amory.
Amsterdam. Koninklijk zoologisch gcnoot-
itrhap Xalnra arlis magistra. Jaarboekje,
Amsterdam— continued.
1860-64. 5 V. 16^. Amsterdam, M. If'es-
terman «f- zoon, 1860-62.
Socii'te' pour V encouragement dcs fab-
riques etpour Vindustrie ouvrieredans Ics Pay-
has. Exposition internationalo d'<^cono-
mio domeatiquo ji Amsterdam— 1869.
Catalogue g<^u<5ral. 2 p. 1. 128 pp. 8^.
A msta-dam, K. H. Schadd, [ 1869]. s.
Auabaptisticum ct euthusiasticum pan-
theon und geistliches rilst-hauss, wider die
alten quackcr, und neuen frey-geister,
[etc.] 14 v. in 1. fol. [n. p.} 1702.
Altk und ncuc schwamiKeiater-bruth, und quiicker
greuel. [anon. n. p.] 1102.
Eksciikockuche briiderHchafft dor alten und
ntnien widertiiuffcr, quiicker, 8(;hwarmcr uud
freygeist«r, [etc. anon. n. p.] 1702.
FicKK. Fur^tellunK vior neuer welt-weisen, na-
niontlich, 1. Kenati Des Cartes, 2. Thoniiu
Ilobbes, 3. Bcuedicti Spinosa, 4. Balthasar Be-
ckers, [etc. anon, n.p.] 1702.
I''i<;kkx (B.) Historia fanaticornm, oder elne
vollkomniene relation uu(\ wissenschatft von
denen schwarmern, als alien anabaptisten iind
iiouen qviikem, [etc. anon. ] Frank/urth am
Mayn, M. Hemozdorff, 1701.
Gkumaxy (Empire of). Der riimischen kiiyscr-
lichen ma^ji'stiit ernstliches edict an die rcbtissin
7,u Ilerfordt, die widertaufl'or, [etc.] ausderostifft
7,a 8cliafleu lujd iiicht niehr zu duldeu. [n. p.]
GKScinrnTE (Die) von dem proasen betrieger, oder
lalschon Jndenkonige Sabatai-Sevi von Smirua,
]etc. anon, n.p.] 1703.
KiixioLicHE, chnr- uud fiirstlicho edicta, und ver-
ordnungen, wider die neuen cingcbleicheudcn
schwjirnier, [etc.] Cothen, W. A. Meyer, 1701.
Kkatzexsteix (II.) Dea qvedlinbuigiachen ertz-
acliwermcra und qvaker-propbeteu lleiurich
Kratzenatoins geacliichte, aua aeinen eigeu-
hiindigen brieffeu und schrifften, [etc.] 1701.
MOi.LEK (J. C) Greuol <ler falacben measieu, wio
anch schatz-kammer dea wahren messi<'c Jesu
Chriati [etc. 7i.p.] 1702.
NKU88 (H. G.) rrobatio apiritua et doctrinai
Deniocriti, das iat, priilung des ceistes und der
lehre Ciiriatiaui Deniocriti, sonat Dipjjel genandt,
[etc.] llalberntadl, J. D. liergmann, 1701.
Nc^vL's in Beilgio Judiuorum rex OligerPaulli, [etc.
anon, n.p.] 1702.
TiiKOBAU> (Z.) Der alten und neuen achwiirmer,
widertiintreriacher geist, [etc.] Cothen, W. A.
Meyer, 1701.
VEK.SCII.MITZTE (Der) wcltmann und acheinbeiligo
tyranno in Engellaud, Olivier Cromwel, [etc.
anon.] 1702.
"Weu-i.e (F. 11. von). Die liorrlichkeit Jesu
Chriati dea wahreu measijo und heyland der
welt, [etc. n.p.] 1702.
Anacreon. AleXr/. Lo odi di Anacroonte.
(/n S.WERio (Francesco). Le odl di Anacreonto
e di Saflb. 2 v. in 1. 8°. CoUe, 1782-83. v. 1, &
V. 2, pp. 1-157].
Select odes of Anacreon, with critical
annotations. [Also] translations and imi-
tations of other ancient authors. By rev.
Hercules Younge. xvi, 167 pp. 16°. Lon-
don, Vcrnor .f- Hood, 1802.
Anatomical (The) remembrancer; or Com-
plete pocket anatomist. From the 2d
Loudon ed. revised, [anon."] 245 pp. 18°.
Xcw York, S. S. «f- W. Wood, 1845.
Anatomical (Tho) remembrancer— cont'd.
The same. 3(1 ed. With corrections
and additions by C. E. Isaacs, m. d. xii,
265pp. 18°. New York, W.Wood ij- co. 1871.
Ancillon (Johann Peter Friedrich). Es-
sais de philosophie, de politique, et de littd-
rature. 4 v. 8°. Parin, Gide l^- A. T. I)c-
laforest, 1832.
Andachtsbuch zu ehren unserer liebeu
frail von der immerwUhrenden hlllfe.
Mess-, vesper-, beicht-, communion- und
andere gebete. 2e amerike. auf. [anon.']
1 p. 1. vi, 428 pp. 1 1. 24°. New-York, F. J.
Lambert, [1871].
Anderson (Christopher). The annals of
tho english bible. Abridged and contin-
ued by Samuel Irenwus Prime. 549 pp.
8°. New York, E. Carter ^ brothers, 1849.
Anderson (Elbert). The sky-light and the
dark-room ; a complete text-book on por-
trait photography. 220 pp. 7 1. 5 phot. pi.
sni. 4". Philadelphia, Benerman <f Wilson,
Anderson (James, d. d.) The new book of
constitutions of the most ancient and hon-
ourable fraternity of free and accepted
masons, containing their history, charges,
regulations, etc. Published by the order.
Collected from the Book of constitutions
published in England, in 1738. By Edward
Spratt. 2 p. 1. 172, 40 pp. 8°. DnUin,
J. Butler, 1751.
Anderson (John J.) A practical system of
modern geography, for exercises on maps.
108 pp. 18°. New York, J. S. Eedfield, 1851.
Anderson {Rev. Eobert, curate of Trinity,
Brighton, Eng.) Discourses on the beati-
tudes. XV, 238 pp. 12°. London, J. Hatch-
ard 4' son, 1837.
Anderson {Eev. Eufus). Memoir of Cath-
erine Brown, a christian Indian of the
Cherokee nation. 138, 4 pp. 16°. Phila-
delphia, American s. s. union, 1832.
Andrada (Jacinto Freire de). See Freire
de Andrade.
Andrae (C. G.) Den dansko gradmaaling,
1867-72. See Denmark. Geheime-etats-
raad og directeur for gradmaalingen.
Andral (Dr. G^rge). Grundriss derpatho-
logischen anatomic. Aus dem franzosi-
schem liborsetzt und mit einer einleitung,
bemerkungen und zusiitzen herausgegeben
von dr. Ferdinand Wilhelm Becker. 2 v.
xxviii, 428 pp \ xx, 505 pp. 8°. Eeutlin-
gen, Fleischhauer 4' Spohn, 1832. 8.
Andreini (Francesco). Raglonamenti fau-
tastici di F. Andreini, da pistoia comico
geloso, dctto il capitano Spavento ; posti
informadi dialoghi rapprcsentativi. 4 p. 1.
112 1. 1 l.uup. sm. 4°. Venetia, G. A. So-
masco, 1612.
Andrews (Eev. Elisha). A vindication of
the distinguishing sentiments of the bap-
tists, against tho writings of messrs.
Cowles, Miller and Edwards. 156 pp.
12°. Boston, Manning </• Loring, 1805.
Andrews (Eev. Emerson). Living life; or,
autobiography of rev. Emerson Andrews.
336 pp. 2 pi. 12°. Boston, J. H. Earle,
Andrews (Ethan Allen). First lessons in
latin : or, an introduction to Andrews and
Stoddard's latin grammar, iv, 19-209 pp.
18°. Boston, Crocker ^ Breivster, 1837.
The same. 40th ed. 265 pp. 16°.
Boston, Crocker ^* Brewster, 1864.
Latin exercises ; adapted to Andrews
and Stoddard's latin grammar. 2d ed.
336 pp. 12°. Boston, Crocker cfc Brewster,
The same. A key to Latin exercises.
Ill pp. 12°. Boston, Crocker tf- Brewster,
The latin reader. See Jacobs (Franz
C. W.) and Doring (Franz W.)
A manual of latin grammar ; intended
especially as a first grammar. 250 pp. 12°.
Boston, Crocker <f- Brewster, 1859.
and Stoddard (Solomon).
A gram-
mar of the latin language ; for the use of
schools and colleges, xii, 323 pp. 12°.
Boston, Crocker tj- Breivster, 1836.
The same. The 18th ed. revised and
corrected, by E. A. Andrews, xii, 323 pp.
12°. Boston, Crocker 4' Brewster, 1849.
The same. 65th ed. 410 pp. 12°.
Boston, Crocker ij- Breivster, 1857.
Andrews (Eev. H. P.) The arbor ; or,
sequel to voices from the old elm. 238 pp.
18°. New York, Carlton 4' Porter, [1859].
The common school exhibition ; con-
taining The may queen, and Fairy queen,
and other pieces for declamation. 3 p. 1.
165 pp. 16°. Boston, Fitz 4- Hobbs, 1849.
Andrews (Stephen Pearl) and Batchelor
(George). The practical pronouncer and
key to Andrews and Batchelor'sNew french
instructor. 347 pp. 12°. New York, J).
Appleton 4' CO. 1856.
Andxews (SU?i>hon Pearl) aad Boyle (Aa-
j;nHtus F.) TUo complete phonographic
clai«-l>ook, containing a strictly inductive
expasition of i'itiuan's phonography. 132
J. p. Vi . Jio-^ton, Phonographic institution, ,
Andrews (Thomas, »i. d.) Studium gene-
rale. A chai>ter of contemiwrary history.
Tho university of London. The queen's
university. The catholic university. The
rolh-ge of Maynooth. 2 p. 1. IK) pp. 8-.
London, Longmans, \riG7.
Andy O'Hara; or, the child of providence.
[anon.] IIW pp. 18. Xiic York, Carlton
.f I'orttr, [l^A],
Anecdote library ; being the largest collec-
tit)n of anecdotes ever assembled in a sin-
gle volume. Ry tho editor of tho vocal
library, [anon.] 720pn. Ipl. sq. 16°.
London, (i. U. Whittaker, [1822].
Anecdotes, [anon.] 112 pp. 1 pi. 18^.
I'hiladtlphia, American s. s. \inion, [1838].
Anecdotes of tho electric telegraph.
[anon.] 128 pp. 2 pi. 18\ London, W.
Ttgg .y CO. [about l^oO].
Anecdotes of missionary worthies, in the
Moravian church. Related by a father to
his children, [anon.] 116 pp. 16°. Phil-
adtlphia, American ». s. union, 1832.
Anecdotes of the puritans, [anon.] 144
l>p. 1- . Xcw York, M. W. Dodd, 1849.
Anecdotes sccr^te8 des ^^gne8 do Charles
VIII ct Louis XII, 1741. Nee Lesconoel
Angel-voices ; or, words of counsel for over-
coming the world. After the mode of
Richter's " Hest hours." [anon.] 2d cd.
117 pp. IS . llonton, Ticknor, lived <S-
Ftrldn, IM'X
The same, [anon.] A new and en-
larged ed. 224 pp. 1 pi. 8\ lionton,
Tuknor .» Fuidx, l-<()4.
Angell (Avery K.) (Jcnealogy of tho de-
•^cendantM of Thomaji Angell, who settled
in Trovidencp, 1636. 201) pp. H . Prori-
drncr, A. C. drrrnr, 1H72.
Angell (Oliver). [The union series,— in
«ix nuntltcm]. Nos. 2-.'). 6 v. 18 & 12^\
Proridrnrr, [I{. /.] Corg, Mnrxhall .f Ifam-
mond, [rtr.] 1h;10_.'1,',.
Tho union, no. 3;
I" . i^ao.
The Mtm**.
Tlip union, no. 3
I" . two.
The samr.
or, chihi'M sri-oud IkkjU.
144 pp.
Pthr<l. I3fipp. 18^. 183.">.
or, child « third book. 216 pp.
H\\ tMl. aw pp. 18?. le,!.').
Angell (Oliver) — continued.
The union, no. 4. Stereotype od. 252 pp. 12°.
The union, no. 5. Stereotype ed. iv, 296 pp.
12°. 1831.
The same. Angell's readers, nos. 1,
2, 4, 5, 6. New ed. 5 v. 18P & 12°.
Philadelphia, E. H. Butler 4' co. 1849-50.
Tho select reader, or union, no. 6 :
being the sixth of a series of common-
school classics. Revised ed. 504 pp. 12°.
Philadelphia, W. Marshall cf* co. 1836.
Anguera (J. de). New and complete method
for the guitar [etc.] xviii, 112 pp. 4°.
Boston, II. Tolman <f- co. 1868.
Angus (Joseph, d. d. ) The bible band-
book: an introduction to the study of
sacred scripture. Revised ed. 727 pp. 1
map. 8°. Philadelphia, J. S.Claxton,lSG6.
Christ our life : in its origin, law and
end. 336 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, American
baptist jyuhlication society, [1853].
Anleitung zum aufnehmeu und zeichneu
der gegeuden, vorzUglich zu militUiriscbem
gebraucb verfertigt und auf die hievon be-
kanntesten sbriften gegriindet von einem
officier. [anon.] xv, 200 pp. 3 1. 20 tab.
8°. Goltingen, J. C. Dietench, 1783.
Anley {Miss C.) Miriam ; or, the power of
truth. A Jewish tale. By the author of
" Influence." [anon.] A new ed. With
an introduction by rev. John Todd. 292
pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Griffith <f- Simon,
Ann Conover. [anon.] 176 pp. 18°. Phil-
adelphia, American s. s. union, [1835].
Anna Clayton; or, the mother's trial, [anon.]
See Dimmick (F. M.)
Annales de la propri^t<S industrielle, artis-
tique et litt^raire. Journal de legislation,
doctrine et jurisprudence frangaises et
dtrangferes en matibre de brevets d'inven-
tiou, litt6rature, thdtltre, musiquc, beaux-
arts, [etc.] R6dig6 par mm. J. Pataille
et A. Huguet. 1855-56. v. 1-2 in 1 v. 8°.
Paris, Bureau des annales, 1856.
Annales des voyages, de la gdographie, de
I'histoire et de I'archdologie, dirig6es par
y. A.Maltebrun. [Mensuelles]. Oct. jusq'ti
d6c. 1870. 8°. Paris, (^hallamel ain<^,
I 1870-[711.
: Annals of bee culture ; a bee-keeper's year-
I book, D. L. Adair, editor. 1872. 12°.
lA>msrille, Ky., J. P. Morton 4' co. 1872.
JAnnandale, a story of the times of tho
, covenanters. By the author of Marion
Annandale— continued.
Harvey, [anow.] 196 pp. 2 pi. 18P. Phil-
adelphia, Presbyterian hoard of jyuhlication,
Annet (Per. Peter). Judging for ourselves ;
or, freethinking, the great duty of religion,
displayed in two lectures. 1739. Reprint.
23 pp. 12°. London, 1797.
Lectures on the following subjects,
viz. 1. Introductory lecture. 2. On con-
sideration and social conversation. 3. On
pure and false religion, [etc.] Corrected
and revised by him. 2 p. 1. 146 pp. 8°.
London, for the hooksellei's, 1822.
The resurrection of Jesus considered ;
in answer to the Tryal of the witnesses.
3d ed. with great amendments. By a moral
philosopher, [anon.'] 92 pp. 12°. Lon-
don, M. Cooper, 1744.
^"ote.— The 2d ed. is spurious and erroneous.
Annette Warrington ; or sequel to The black
velvet bracelet. By the author of "Early
impressions." \_anon.'] 231 pp. 1 pi. 16°.
Boston, B. H. Greene, 1832.
Annie {_Sister, pseudon.) Ellen Murray; or,
one that everybody loved. By sister
Annie. 176 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Boston, Mass.
s. a. society, [ 1862].
Annie Foster: a story for school-girls.
lanon.'] 123pp. 18°. Philadelphia, Ameri-
can 8. 8. union, [1853].
Annie Sherwood ; or, scenes at school.
lanon.} 160 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Philadelphia,
American s. s. union, [1843].
Annuaire louisianais. Commengant 41'dqui-
noxe de mars 1808, et se terminant h celui
*de mars 1809. ParB.Lafon. 220 pp. 18°.
Nouvelle-Orleans, auteur, [1808].
Annuaire n<5crologique, ou compldmeut an-
nuel et continuation de toutes les biogra-
phies ou dictiounaires historiques; conte-
nant la vie de tons les homines c^l^bres
liar leurs Merits, leurs vertus ou leurs
crimes, morts dans le cour de chaque an-
n^e, h commencer de 1820. R6dig<S et
public par A. Mahul. 1820-27. 7 v. 8°.
Paris, Baudouin frdres, Ponthieu <f- de.
A'otc.— Wanting part 1, 1827.
Annual (The) american catalogue. [Third
year]. Containing an alphabetical list of
books published in the United States, and
imported, during the year 1871. With a
classified index. 8°. New York, Publish-
ers^ and stationers^ weekly trade circular, 1872.
Annual record of science and industry for
1871 [and] 1872. Edited by Spencer F.
Baird, with the assistance of eminent men
of science. 2 v. 12^. New York, Harper
4' brothers, 1872-73.
Another estimate of the manners and prin-
ciples of the present times. \_anon.'\ 112
pp. 8°. London, G. Kearshj, 1709.
Note. — Prol)al)ly occasioned by the work, with
similar title, of dr. John Brown, vicar of New-
castle, published 1757.
Ansart (F61ix Charles) and Rendu (Ani-
broise, fih). History and geography of
the middle ages. (Chiefly from the french).
By G. W. Greene. Parti. History. [anon.'\
1 p. 1. 454 pp. 12°. New-York, D. Appleton
4' CO. IQhl.
Note. — ^Part 2 (on geography) was never published.
This work Ibrms part of a " Cours coraplet
d'histoire et de g6ographie," published in Paris,
Anthon (Charles, II. d.) Anthon's latin
grammar— part 2. — An introduction to
latin prose composition. 327 pp. 12°.
New-York, Harper 4 brothers, 1842.
Elements of latin prosody and metre.
compiled from the best authorities; to-
gether with a synopsis of poetic licenses
occurring in the versification of Virgil, a
metrical index to the lyric compositions of
Horace, and the scanning of the mixed
trimeter and dimeter iambics of the lat-
ter poet, xi, 120 pp. 12°. New-York, T.
4- J. Swords, 1824.
First greek lessons, containing the
most important parts of the grammar of
the greek language. 1 p. 1. 238 pp. 12°.
Neio York, Harpen' 4" brothei's, 1839.
First latin lessons, containing the
most important parts of the grammar of
the latin language, for the use of begin-
ners. 2 p. 1. 363 pp. 12°. New York,
Harper 4' brothers, 1839.
A grammar of the greek language, for
the use of schools and colleges, viii, 284
pp. 12°. New York, Harper 4' brothers,
A grammar of the greek language,
principally from the german of Kiihner,
with selections from Matthia?, Buttmann,
Thiersch, and Rest, xii, 536 pp. 12°. New
York, Harper 4' brothers, \Qi\.
Key to Anthon's latin versification.
Ip. 1.135 pp. 12°. Nctv-York, Harper S-
brothers, 1845.
A system of greek prosody and metre ;
with the choral scanning of the Prome-
Anthon (Charles, //. d.)— coutiuued.
theus viuctus of iEscliylus, and tho Ajax
juuldMipus tyranuusof Sophocles. [Also],
KrinarkH on indo-jjermauic aualogies. ix,
'J70 pp. 1".^ . Xtic- York, Harper .V brothers}
A HVHtfm of latin prosody and metre,
from the best anthorities ancient and
nuMlern. 3 p. 1. KJ-'Jlf. pp. Xew-York,
Ilarprr .y brothein, 1"<-11.
Anthon (Charles Kdward). A pil«;rlmage
to Trrves, through tho valley of tho Mouse
and tho forest of Ardennes, in tho year
H^l. I'i-^ pp. 1'2 . Xiw York, Harper iS-
brother», l^i:».
Anthony (K.) Teoria y practica del arte do
la fotojjrafia, jjor un eniinente fotografista
a-nericano. [anon.] 240 pp. 8 . Xiteva-
York, E. Jackson, IdG'i.
Anthony (Susanna). Memoirs of miss Su-
Manna Anthony. Consisting chiefly of ex-
tracts from her writings, with observations
on them. Compiled by Samuel Hopkins,
d. d. New ed. with preface, by dr. Ky-
land, [etc.] 2p. 1.241pp. 8. Clipstone,
[/•;«//.]./. jr. Morris, 1803.
Anti-Saint-Nicaise. .S< Kessler von
Sprengeysen (C. F.)
Autiaell (Thomas, »i. (/.) The manufacture
of photogenic or hydro-carbon oils, from
coal and other bituminous substances,
capable of supplying burning fluids. 144
pp. "^ . .V<»r York, D. Appleton .f co. 1859.
Anton, the peasant boy. A tyroleso story.
[anon.] llH pp. \H . Xvir York, Carliton
,S I'ortrr, [1-^GlJ.
Antoninus arvhUpmopm Jloreutlntis. Opus
exccUentissimu hystoriaru sen cronicaru
reueredi.H.simi in xpo patris ac dni : dfii Au-
timini arehiepi tlorelini nnprimo p. magis-
tru .Johantie emedatfi: necessariisqj anota-
tioiiib': ac aliof hystoriographof cocorda-
tii.i illu.Mtrntnm. 2v.ini. //. /. 12 p. I.
ccxv pp. :* I ; xvii, ccxl pp. r, 1. fol. Lug-
dtini, [ about l.'>12. ]
Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). M„ijk„v 'A^-
rniiim' ni ToKfrnToiwr. Tur fir uivrov pift?ua
if'. Marei Antonini iujperatoris. Eorum
Muje nd soiiwum libri xii. Kccogniti &
[C.r. A. lat.] 8p. 1. 24G
thratro nhrtdoniano,
"^ . Oxonitr,
noti.M il
pp. 3 I.
Antrim (Joshua). Tbehistory of Champaign
.•^ud I^»gan counties f()hi«)], from their first
Antrim (Joshua) — continued,
settlement. 4G0 pp. 1 photo. 8*^. BeVe-
fontaine, Ohio, Press printing co., 1872.
Ant^verp. Exposd do la situation admi-
nistrative de la province d'Anvers. 1843,
1845-48, 1851-53, 1857-58, 1860, 1662-65,
1867-69, 1872. 19 v. 8°. Anvers, [1843-
Proces-verbanx des stances du conseil
provincial d'Anvers. Sessions de 1845-46,
1851,1856-60,1868-69. 10 v. 8°. Anvers,
Rapport 8ur la situation administra-
tive de I'arrondissement pendant I'exer-
cice 1866. 8^. Anvers, C. de Backer, [1866].
Anzeiger fur literatur der bibliothek-
wissenschaft. [Herausgeben von J.
Petzholdt]. Jahrgang 1840-44. 4 v. in
1. 8*^. Dresden, Arnoldische buchhandlung,
1841-45. 8.
The same. Anzeiger der bibliothek-
wissenschaft. Ilerausgegeben von J. Petz-
holdt. Jahrgang 1845-49. 4 v. in 2. 8°.
Dresden, Arnoldische buchhandlung, 1846-
50. s.
Tho same. Anzeiger fiir bibliogra-
phie und bibliothekwissenschaft. Jahr-
gang 1850-52. Herausgegeben von J. Petz- ,
holdt. 3 V. 8°. Halle, If. W. Schmidt,
1851-53. s.
Aphorisms for youth, with observations
and reflections. [anon.~\ 200 pp. 1 pi.
16^. London, Lackington, Allen 4- CO. 1801.
Aphorisms of wisdom ; or, a collection of
maxims and observations extracted from
tho works of various writers [Swedenborg
and others] upon divine subjects. [a?ion:]
214 pp. 8'-\ Boston, J. W. Folsom, 1794.
Aphthouius, 0/ Antioch. Tipoyvfivaa/iaTa.
[fn P0UTU8 (F.) "Oi iv rj) ptjTopiKjj re)^v(i Kopv^aioi.
Ki^. [Genevae], anchora I, Crwpmi, 1570. v.
1. pp. 1-45J.
Apicius (Caelius). Caelii Apitii de re cvli-
naria libri x recens e tenebris eruti, &
a mendis uindicati. Praeterea, P. Plati-
nae cremonensis, de tuendaualetudine, na-
tura rerum, & popinjo scientia libri x, ad
imitationem C. Apitii ad unguem facti.
Ad haec, Pavli iEginetao de facvltatibvs
alimentorvni tractatvs, Albano Torino in-
terprete. 4 p. I. 366 pp. sm. 4°. Basileae,
Apocalypse (The) unveiled. The day of
judgment, tho resurrection, and tho mil-
lennium, presented in a new light. Tho
repossession of Palestine by the Jews and
Apocalypse (The) unveiled— continued,
their conversion to Christ as their mes-
siah. lanon.2 2 v. 396 pp ; 329 pp. 12".
Xew York, E. French, 1853.
Apocryphal (The) new testament. See
Bible. (English). New testament. Apocry-
phal bool's.
Apology addressed to the traveller's club,
1825. See Rose (William S.)
Applegate (liev. Thomas). The evening
twilight, and the glorious dawning. 4 p.
1. 172, 1.35 pp. 12°. Wethersjield springs,
N. Y., L. W. Applegate, 1873.
Palestine, Egypt and Scotland. 3
parts in 1 v. ix, 83, 63, 47 pp. 12°. Weth-
ersjield springs, N. Y., L. W. Applegate, 1873.
The precious gift. 1 p. 1. 98 pp. 12°.
Geneva, N. Y., L. TV. Applegate, 1872.
Appleton (D. ^' co.) Appleton's compan-
ion hand-book of travel, 1860. See Rich-
ards (T. Addison).
Appleton's journal of literature, sci-
ence and art. [Weekly]. Jan. 7, 1871, to
dec. 28, 1872. v. 5-8. 8°. Neiv York, D.
Appleton 4' CO. [1871-72].
Appleton's northern and eastern trav-
eller's guide : likewise, a complete guide
to the middle states, Canada, New Bruns-
wick, and Nova Scotia [etc.] By W.Will-
iams. 313 pp. 28 maps. 16°. New York,
D. Appleton ^ co. 1850.
Appleton's railroad and steamboat
companion, 1857. See Williams (W.)
Appleton (John H.) An introduction to
qualitative chemical analysis. 2d ed. 68
pp. 12°. Providence, [i?. /.] Hammond,
Angell cf co. 1872.
An introduction to quantitive chem-
ical analysis, vi, 96 pp. 12°. Providence,
[i?. /.] Hammond, Angell 4^ co. 1872.
Arabia. Comprising its geography, history,
and topography, {^anon."] iv, 340 pp. 3 pi.
1 map folded. 16°. Philadelphia, T. War-
die, 1833.
Arabian nights' entertainments. The ori-
ental moralist, or the beauties of the
Arabian nights' entertainments. With re-
flections by the rev. mr. Cooper. 6 p. 1.
262 pp. 7 pi. 12°. London, E. Newhery,
[about 1800].
Arabs (The) in Spain, [anon.'] v. 1-2, [to
a. d..l031]. 1 p. 1. 299 pp ; 1 p. 1. 336 pp.
12°. London, E. Churton, 1840.
Note.—'No more published.
Arago (Dominique Frangois Jean). Astron-
Arago (D. F. J.)— continued.
omy for schools; upon the basis of [his]
lectnres at the royal observatory of Paris ;
with an appendix. By R. W. Haskins, a.
m. 324 pp. 12°. Neto York, Robinson,
Pratt ^^ CO. 1841.
The same. The comet. Scientific
notices of comets in general, and in par-
ticiilar of the comet of 1832, whose revolu-
tion is of six years and three quarters'
duration. Translated from the freuch by
colonel Charles Gold, xii, 124 pp. 16°.
London, Baldwin <f Cradock, 1833.
Aran (F. A.) Practical manual of the dis-
eases of the heart and great vessels. Trans-
lated from the french, by Wra. A. Harris,
m. d. 296 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, E. Bar-
rington 4^ G. D. Haswell, 1843.
Arbroath or Aberbrothoc (Abbey of). Liber
s. Thome de Aberbrothoc. Registrorum
abbacie de Aberbrothoc. 2 v. [Edited
by Cosmo Innes and Patrick Chalmers],
xl, xxiv, 383 pp. 1 pi. 4 facs ; 45 p. 1. 628 pp.
2 pi. 1 map. 4°. Edinbnrgi, [Bannatyne
cluh], 1848-56. s.
[Bannatyne club publications, no. 86, v. 1-9].
Para prior. Eegistrnm vetus munimentaque eidem
coetanea complectens. 1178-1329. 1848.
Pars altera. Kegistniin nigrum necnon libros car-
tarum recentiores complectens. 1329-1536. 1856.
Archiv fiir pathologische anatomic und phy-
siologic und fiir klinische medicin. Heraus-
gegeben von Rudolf Virchow. v. 9-5(>.
8°. Berlin, G. Beimer, 1857-72. s.
Note.— -v. 1-8 wanting ; also v. 50, no. 3 ; v. 51, no. 3.
Archiv skandinavischer beitrage zur natur-
geschichte. Herausgegeben von C. F.
Hornschuch. 2 v. 8°. Greifswald, C.A.
Koch, 1845-50. s.
Note.— No more published.
Archives of ophthalmology and otology.
Edited and published simultaneously in
english and german by H. Knapp, m. d. and
S. Moos, m. d. V. 1-2. 8°. New York, W.
Wood 4' CO. 1869-72.
Archivio storico italiano, fondato da G. P.
Vieusseux, e continuato a cura della r.
deputazione di storia patria per le provin-
cie della Toscana, dell' Umbria e delle
Marche. Serie iii. v. 10. part 1-2. 1869.
8°. Firenze, G. P. Vieusseux, 1869.
Aretius Felinus. [pseiidon.] See Bucer
Argens (Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis (f ).
Lettres juives, ou correspondance philoso-
phique, historique et critique, entre un
Argens (J. B. de H. marquis rf)— continue<l.
juif voyjigeiir h Piiris, et sea correspond jin 8
rn divers eiidroit.s. Noiiv <''<l. [auon.} 7 v.
1<; . LauManne, M. M. liuitnquet, 1750.
Argentine confederation, or tbo United
States of the Kio de la Plata. Caniara de
H«>nadoreH. Sesionesde lf^7-<>S. 2 v. sni.
fol. lUunos Airis, imprvitta dtl Ordeu,
lH4;S-70. H-
Docnnientos relativos ;i la ne^ociacion
del oniprestito eaterior de :U>,0O0,(K)0 de
IMWw fiierte.s, 1871-1872. Preseutados al
fM'uadt) en junio do 1872. 8\ Buenos Aires,
Mayo, 1^C2. s.
In forme y docnnientos sobre la inter-
vencion en la i>rovincia de San Jnan on
|,m',H-im;i». Publicacion ordenada por ol
Hvnado nacional. 140 pp. sni.fol. Buenos
AireH, impnnia del Orden, 18<;i). s,
Depariamento de gncrra y marina. Me-
njoria presentada por el niinistro do estado
en el departaniento de gncrra y marina al
eon^jreso naeional de 1^04. 8 \ Buenos
Airen, [impnnia del conurvio del Plata,
IfM'A]. s.
Mcmoria del ministerio de
gnerra y marina, 1872. 8 . Buenos Aires,
imprenia de la ^'Union,^^ 1872. s.
Departaniento dt hacienda. Estadfstica
de laH aduanas de la Uepilblica Argentina,
1H70. Ano 1 . Pnblicacion oficial. sm. fol.
Bunion Airen, imprenta de El naeional,
1K70. S.
Informe presentado por el poder
ejecntivo naeional al congreso naeional
H4)bre la denda pnblica reconoeida basta el
:U de marzo de 18<)9-70. 2 v. sm. fol.
Buenon Aireii, 1800-70. 8.
Departaniento del interior. Memoria,
]>re8eDtada al congreso naeional en las
mvsiones do 18(;i), 1870, 1871. 2 v. 8*^.
Buenon Aires, inqKargentina de ''El naeional,"
DriHirtnmento de juaticia, cnlto, y in-
ntruccioH publica. Coleccion do leyes y
deeretos sobre jn^ticia naeional. Pnblica-
cion oficial. 8 . Bni-noH Aires, imprenta de
la ".VanoM argentina,'^ iKCtf*. s.
DejMirtamento de relacione^ esteriores.
Docnnientos relativos a la declaracion do
gnerra del gobierno argentina al del Para-
gnay. Pnblicacion oficial. 42 pp. S"^.
numot A ins, imprenia de la Xaeion argen-
tina, 18<V4. s.
Memoria del iniiiiHterio de relaciones
Argentine confederation — continued.
e.steriorca presentada al congreso naeional.
18^)0,180)5, 1868-72. 7 v. 8^\ Buenos
Aires, 18G0-72.
Direecion general de corrcos. Anario
de correos de la Roptiblica Argentina pre-
sentado al gobiorno naeional por el director
general. 14no pnblicacion. [1872]. 8^.
Buenos Aires, imprenta del Poirenir,
1872. s.
Superintcndente del censo. Primer
censer de la Ropi'iblica Argentina. "Veri-
ficado en los dias 15, IG y 17 do setiembre
de 18<')9. iJajo la direecion do Diego G. de
la Fnonto, snporintondonto del censo.
fol. Buenos Aires, imp. del Forvenir, 1.872.
Argoli (Andrea). De diebvs criticis et
legrorvm decvbitv libri dvo. Ab anctore
denno recogniti, ac altera i)arte anet lores,
pa'neqne noui. 4 p. 1. 8, 371 pp. (5 1. 4'^
Patarii, apud P. Framhottum, 1G52.
Exactissima? secvndorvm mobilivm
tabvlic, inxta Tycbouis Bralie, & auctoris
mixtas hypotheses, accuratasque e ccelo
dednctas, & ex tota Enropa vndique
sumptas nouiter obseruationes. [1041-
1700]. 3 V. 4°. Patavii, typis P. Fram-
botti, 1648-50.
Pandosion sphairicvm. In quo sin-
gula in elementaribus regionibus, at(|ne
»therea, mathematice pertractantur. Ed.
2a emendatior. 12 p. 1. 354 pp. 1 pi. 4^.
Patavii, typis P. Framhotti, 1653.
Primi mobilis tabvlro. 2 v. Engd.
tit. 5 p. 1. inc. portrait, 95, 7.57 pp ; 91X5 pp.
4°. Patavii, typis P. Ftamhotti, 1644.
Argosy (The). [A monthly magazine].
Edited by mrs. Henry Wood. Jan. to dec.
1872. V. 13^14. 8°. Tendon, R. Bentley
i^son, [1872].
Arguments of Colsus, Porphyry, and tho
omperor Julian, against the christians ;
also, extracts from Diodorus Siculus, Jose-
phus and Tacitus, relating to the jews.
With an appendix ; containing the oration
of Libanius in defence of the temples of
the heathens, translated by dr. Lanlner.
[awoM.] xiv, 116 pp. 18°. London, T.
liodd, 1830.
Argus ; the house-dog at Eadlip. Memoirs
in a family correspondence, by the author
of Constance and the Pharos, [anon.'] 3 v.
16^'. London, T. Hookham, 1789.
Ariel. [|w»«?o«.] /S'w Payne (Bnckner II.)
Ariosto (Ludovico). Orlando fvrioso. Con
•ill ar^onienti in ottaua rima di m. Lodo-
iiico Dolce, et con le allegoric h ciascun
cjuito, di Tomaso Porcacchi. 462 pp. 1 1.
IC) . Vcnezia, D. Loviaa, 1713.
Aristophanes. The clouds of Aristophanes,
with notes. [Gr.] By C. C. Felton. xii,
I'M pp. 12^. Cambridge, [Ma««.] J. Owen,
The same. 4th ed. xx, 228 pp. 12°.
Cambiidge, [Mass.'] J. liartlett, 1852.
Comedies of Aristophanes. Trans-
lated into english : with notes, xii, 500
pp. 1 pi. 8'^. London, A. J. Valpij, for
Lachhigton, Allen cf co. 1812.
Tlic clouds. Translated by R. Cnmbeiland.
Plat lis, a comedy : with large notes, explanatory
and critical. Translated by Henry Fielding and
the rev. uir. Young.
The fiojrs. Translated by C. Dunster.
The birds. Translated with notes. By a member
of one of the universities.
Thdatre d'Aristophane, avec les frag-
mens de Menandreetde Phil6mon ; traduit
en fran<;ais, par m. Poinsinet de Sivry.
Nouv. dd. V. 2. 41() pp. 8°. Paris,
IM'srag, 1790.
Arlot ( — ). A complete guide for coach
painters. Translated from the french by
A. A. Fesquet. To which is added an
apiiendix, containing information respect-
ing the materials and the practice of coach
aud car painting and varnishing in the
United States and Great Britain. 173 pp.
12*^. rhiladelphia, U. C. Baird, 1871.
Armor (William C.) Lives of the governors
of Pennsylvania, with the incidental his-
tory of the state, from 1(509 to 1872. 528
pp. 29 portraits. 8". Philadelphia, J. K.
Simon, 1872.
Armroyd (George). A connected view of
the whole internal navigation of the United
States, natural and artificial ; present and
prospective, lanon.] 192 pp. 10 maps.
8^. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey <)'• /. Lea,
Armstrong (George D. d. d.) The theology
of christian experience, designed as an ex-
position of the "common faith" of the
church of God. 342 pp. 12°. New York,
C. Scribner, 1858.
A^rmstrong (John, general). A treatise on
agriculture ; [etc. Also], a dissertation on
the kitchen and fruit garden. With notes
by J. Buel. 282 pp. 18". New- York,
Harper <J- brothers, 1839.
Armstrong ( John M. ) The voice of melody :
a choice collection of hymn tunes. 160 pp.
16°. Philadelphia, Lee «f Walker, 1860.
Armstrong (Rev. Lebbeus). Allegorical
dialogue between a professed messenger
from heaven, and an old man, on the
assumption by the messenger, that immer-
sion is an essential condition of salvation.
408 pp. 12^^. New York, author, 1851.
Armstrong (W. C.) The life and adven-
tures of captain John Smith : an account
of his travels in Europe, Asia, Africa, and
America. Also, the early history of Vir-
ginia and New England. 264 pp. inc.
portrait. 12". Hartford, (Conn.) Andriis
^' son, 1855.
Armstrong (William Jessup, d. d.) Memoir
and sermons. Edited by rev. Hoi lis Head.
411 pp. 12°. New York, M. W. Dodd, 1853.
Army life, or incidents from the prayer
meeting and the field. \_anon.~\ 179 pp.
4 pi. 18°. New York, Board of publication
of the reformed protestant dutch church, 186:5.
[Superscribed, "TuiUMrns of grace,— Fulton street
prayer meeting "J.
Arnaud (Francois Thomas Marie Baculard
d'). Memoirs of the count of Comminge.
From the french. 181 pp. 16 . London,
G. Kearshj, 1774.
Arnaud ( — ). The history of count
Gleichen, a gernian nobleman, who re-
ceived pcrmi.ssion froin pope Gregory IX.
to have two wives at the same time.
Translated from the french i>f Arnaud.
[pseudon .'] 2 p. 1. 220 pp. 16^\ London,
T. Hookham, 1786.
Arnault (Emile). Pinney and Arnault's
french grammar, 1861. (Set; Pinney (Nor-
man) and Arnault.
Arndt (Johann). True Christianity : a trea-
tise on sincere repentance, true faith, the
holy walk of the true christian, etc. Orig-
inally translated into english by rev. A.
W. Bcehm. A new american edition, re-
vised from the original german, with in-
troduction, by Charles F. Schaefler, d. d
xliii, 500 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lutheran
book store, 1868.
Arnold (George) and Cahill (FrAuk). Par-
lor theatricals ; or, winter evenings' enter-
tainment. By the author of " The magi-
cion's own book," [etc. anon.] 171 pp.
12°. New York, Dick ^- Fitzgerald, [1^59].
Arnold {Mrs. Harriet S.) Birthday gift:
consisting of original poems, and original
Arnold {Mrs. Harriet S.)— coutinuetl.
and st'lectt'd prose. 128 pp. ld\ Ikd-
ham, [J/«««.] U. A. Mann, l^'oS.
Arnold {Dr. Joluuin Fninz). rraktiHtbe
^rrainmutik der eiij^lisclum spraolie. Nuch
dem oriKinule aufs neue beurlK-itet nnd
iiiit vielen zujiatzeu vonnelirt von W. H.
FurnoHM, d. d. ix, IMS pp. 12 \ rhiJadd-
phia, ./. Ueik, 1K11>.
Arnold ( H. Arthur). From the Levant
Black 8<'a, and the Damiho. 2
pp; viii, 312 pp. 12 . London,
Hall, 1H<)H.
Arnold (Thomas Kerchever). First greek
h'ssons. Re-arranged and corrected by
rt<v. J. A. Spencer. From the 3d Lond.
ed. 2:52 pp. 12. New - York, D. AppU-
ton cf- CO. 1840.
Greek reading hook, for the nso of
schools : containing the substance of The
jiractical introduction to greek construing,
and a treatise on the greek particles. And
a copious selection from greek anthers,
with english notes, and a lexicon, by rev.
.1. A. Spencer. Ol-^ pp. 12 . New-York,
I). AppMon .f (w. lb4H.
A tirst latin b«K)k. Revised and cor-
recte<l by rev. J. A. Spencer. From the
.''.th Lond. ed. 333 pp. 12 . New York,
I). Apphton .)• CO. 1H4().
The same. Arnold's lirst latin book ;
V. xi, 330
Chapman «V-
remodelled and rewritten, and ailaptod to
the OllcndortY method of instruction. By
A. Harkness. xii, 302 pp. 12^. New-York,
1). Apphton .y- CO. 18;'>1.
A practical intro<luction to greek
I»roH« composition. Revised ed. with ref-
erence to Kiihner's greek grammar, viii,
IIH) pp. 12^. lioHton, J. Munroe tj- co. 1845.
The same. Revised by rev. J. A.
Spencer. From the 5th Lond. ed. 237
pp. 12 . New- York, D. Apphton .f- co. 1847.
The same. Part ii. (The particles).
Ist am. ed. [By rev. J. A. Spencer], vi,
21"' pp. 12 . New York, D. Apphton «j- co.
1 ■'.V.i.
A practical intnnluction tolatin i)rose
composition. Revised and corrected by
rev. .1. A. Spencer. From the 0th Lond.
ed. :V|0 pp. 12 . N»ir- York, D. Apptiton
.y CO. l^U\.
Arnold Znlig, a swiss story. l?y the author
of Constance, Pharos, and Argus, [nnon.^
2 p. 1. 281 pp. 10 . London, T. Hookham,
Arnot {Rev. William). Laws from heaven
for life on earth. Illustrations of the book
of Proverbs. 2d series. 412 pp. 12°. Lon-
don, T. Nchon cf- sons, 1858.
Arnott (Neil, m. d.) Elements of physics ;
or, natural philosophy, general and med-
ical. In tive parts. Ist. Somatology, stat-
ics, and dynamics. 2d. Mechanics. 3d.
Pneumatics, hydraulics, and acoustics.
4th. Heat and light. 5th. Animal and
mcHlical physics. New ed. revised from
the last eng. ed. with additions, by Isaac
Hays, m. d. xx, 25-520 pp. 8". riiila-
delphia, Lea i^ Blanchard, 1841.
Arpe (Peter Friederich). De prodigiosis na-
tune et artis operibus talismanes et amu-
leta dictis cum recensione scriptorum
hnius argumenti liber singularis. 3 p. I.
184 pp. 8 1. 1 pi. 12°. Hamhnnji, apnd C.
Liehezeit, 1717.
Arrlngton (A. W.) The rangers and regu-
lators of the Tanaha: or life among the
lawless. A tale of the republic of Texas.
By Charles Suramerfield. [pseudon.^ 31)7
pp. I pi. 12^\ New York, li. M. I). fHtt,
Arsenius, archbishop of Monenihasia. 'Ano-
(l)fi£y/iaTa<pi?>.oao<j)iJV Kat arpaTrjyuv, prjTofujv re
sat TTouj-uv. Pra^clara dicta philosopho-
rum, imperatorura, oratorumq3, &, poe-
tarum, ab Arseuio archiepiscopo Monem-
basiic collecta. Ip. I. 1141. 8°. lUome,
ahout 1521].
Xote.—Tho second part, under tlie title, Dicta
pootaruni, is wantiuc. This volume bas twenty
lines on a page,
eatch words.
id is -without pagination or
1795. See Burgh
Art (The) of speaking,
(James). '
ArtemidoruB, daldianus. De somniorvm
interpretatione libri qvinqve. A lano
Cornario medico physico francofordiensi
latina lingua conscripti. 296 pp. 16^.
Lvgdrni, apvd S. Gryphivm, 1546.
Arthur (Timothy Shay). The angel and the
demon : a tale of modern spiritualism.
311 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. JF. Bradley,
Cast atlrift. 364 pp. 8 pi. 12°. Phil-
adilphia, J. M. Stoddart <J- co. 1873.
Cedardale; or, the peacemakers. A
story of village life. Engd. tit. 208 pj).
5 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, lAppinoott, Grambo
tj- CO. 1852.
The hand but not the heart; or, the
life-trials of Jessie Loring. 317 pp. 12P.
New York, Derby <j' Jackson, 1858.
Arthur (Timothy Shay)— coatinued.
llaven't-timoand Dou't-bo-iu-a-hniTy,
ami other stories. 153 pp. 5 pi. 16^. Phil-
advlphia, Lippincott, Gramho if- co. 1852.
Lessons in life, for all who will read
them. 215 pp. 18^. Fhiladclphia, Lippin-
cott, Gramho tj- co. 1851.
The pitclier of cool water, and other
stories. 177 pp. 1 pi. 18^. New York,
National temperance society and publication
house, 1870.
Stories for young housekeepers. 212
pp. 18°. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Gramho
<y- CO. 1851.
Temperance tales. 2 v. in 1. 2 p. 1.
l)-196pp.l pi; 195pp. 12°. Philadelphia,
E. Ferrett <.f co. 1844.
Twenty years ago, and now. 312 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, J. W. Bradley, 1860.
Arthur Singleton, or what lack I yet ? By
the author of '• Broken cisterns." [^anon.'\
249 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, Presby-
terian hoard of puhlication, [1859],
As it is, 1860. See Smith (William R.)
Asbaje. See Juana Inez de la cruz.
Asbury (Francis, bishop of them. e. chnrch).
The character and career of Francis As-
bury, illustrated by selections from his
journal. By rev. Edwin L.Janes. 615 pp.
portrait. 12°. New York, Carlton cj- Lana-
han, 1872.
Asensio y Mezorada (Francois). Floresta
espanola. See Santa Cruz de Duenas
(Melchiorde) and Asensio y Mezorada.
Ash (Edward, m. d.) Four lectures on the
apocalypse, delivered in Bristol, in the
spring of 1848. 2 p. 1. 116 pp. 16°. Nor-
wich, \_Eng.'\ J. Fletclier, 1848.
Ashe (/^ey. Simeon). Primitive divinity ; a
treatise on divine contentment. Pub-
lished, with notes, by Stephen Gerrish.
216 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1823.
2fote.— The 15th eng. ed. was published in 1793.
Asher (John R.) and Adams (^George H.)
Asher & Adams' new commercial, topo-
graphical, and statistical atlas and ga-
zetteer of the United States: with maps
showing the Dominion of Canada, Europe
and the world. [735] pp. 5 1. 29 col. maps,
fol. New York, Asher tj- Adams, [1872].
Ashley {Bev. R. K.) Glances over the field
of faith and reason : or Christianity in its
idea and development ; its connection with
human progress and unity. 430 pp. 12"^.
Boston, Crocker tf Brewster, 1855.
Ashmand (J. M.) Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos,
etc. 1822. See Ptolemaeus (Claudius).
Ashwell (Samuel, w. d.) A practical trea-
tise on the diseases peculiar to women,
illustrated by cases, derived from hospital
and private practice. 1st complete am.
from the last Lond. ed. With not<«, liy
Paul B. Goddard, m. d. xvi, 13-.V20 pp.
8°. Philadelphia, Lea .f- Blanchard, 1845.
Association (The) for the improvement of
juvenile books. The remembrancer; or,
fragments for leisure hours. 216 pp. 16 .
I^hiladelphia, T. E. Chapman, 1840.
Second reading-book. 180 pp. IH**.
Philadelphia, T. E. Chnpman, 1837.
Association monthly. Richard C. Mors<',
editor. Jan. to dec. 1871. v. 2. 4°. New
York, Young vien^s christian associations of
United States and British provinces, 1871.
Assoucy or Dassoucy (Charles Coypeau
d'). Aventures burlesques de Dassoucy.
Nouv. 6d. avec prdface et notes, par £raile
Colombey. xxviii, 468 pp. portrait. 16 .
Paris, A. Delahays, 1858.
[Bibliotht'que gauloisej.
Astrand (J. J. director of Btrgcn observato-
ry). Lommebog ved kjtib og salg, hvorved
man hurtigt kau finde hvormeget 1, 2, 3, o.
8. V. indtil 13,000 stykkes, alen, tonder,
potter m. m. koster fra i skill, til de hoieste
priser, tilligemed rentetabeller for hver
halv fra 4 til 9 procent. Samt forklaring
over iuden- og udenlandske pengemynter,
saaledes som de modtages i told-oppebiirs-
lerne. 360 pp. 24°. Bergen, N. Nielsen,
1869. s.
Astrologer (The) of the nineteenth century ;
or, compendium of astrology, geomancy,
and occult philosophy. By the members
of the Mercurii, the editor of the Prophetic
almanack, and other celebrated astrologers.
[a»toM.] 6th ed. xvi, 350 pp. 8°. London,
W. C. Wright, 1825.
Note. — Published origin.illy in weekly nnnilM>r8
under the title of "The strapfiling aatrcdojier,"
from June 5, 1824 (no. 1), to oct. 30, lft24 (no. 2-J).
At Jesus' feet, [a/jow.] 372 pp. 16°. New
York, Prot. episcopal society for the promotion
of evangelical knowledge, [1871].
Atanagi (Dionigi). Lettere di xiii. hvomini
illvstri. Nelle qvali sono dve libri di di-
versi altri avttori, et il fiore di qvante belle
lettere, che fin' hora si sono vedute ; cou
molte del Bembo, del Nauagero, del Fra-
castoro, del Manutio, & di altri famosi
Atanagi ( I)ioniKi)-continiie«L
auttori nun piii ilato in luc«. [anon, in
fd. ] ^ i>. 1. 71;'- vi*. 1«; . Venetio, Conun da
TriHO, irj4)l.
Athenwxun (TluO jiu.rnal of literature, sc»-
iMice, the flue arts, muMic, aud the Uraiua.
[WtM'kly]. Jau. C. to dec. 'Z^, If^'-i. 2 v.
Atheneum (The); or, spirit of the euRlish
uia>:a/ine8. [Ist series], april, 1817, to
april. lH*i4. 14 v. 8 . Boston, Munroe .V
FritHciM, lril7-*4J-l.
[ Ini|Hri«t ; waiitiii;; ▼■ 1»M-
The sauie. 2<l series. April, 1814, to
tH-t. l**iH. 9 V. H^ . BoHlon, Miinroe .)•
Francis, .f J. Cotton, 1824-'i8.
1 Inipwrffcl ; wanting v. «].
. The muuo. 'M series. Oct. 1828, to
april, l'*it>. V. 1. 8 . Boston, J. Cotton,
Athern (Anna). »«*re and hereafter: or,
the two altars. iv.irtipP- l'-^- ^^oston,
Vronby, N'uhotH .f- co. lHr)8.
Katheriue Morris: au autobiography.
\\y the author of *' Step by step," [etc.
,uim>.] 1 p. 1. :i:»:5 pp. V£ . Boston, Walk-
er, mw 4- CO. \r<W.
Atkin ( Francis F.) Atkiu's pocket compass
of the harbors, [wrts, lighthouses, and
buoys of lake Ontario and river St. Law-
rence. 1>1 pp. 2 tables. s(i. 18 . Oswego,
S. v., Adnrlisfr poncr press offu'< ,\^l.
Atkins (M. A.) Must ; or, Ann Holbrook's
^irlluMHl. Hy theauthor of "Ellis Aniory,"
{etc. anon.] :W8 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Boston,
Max^. n. H. nmlfty, [l^tVl].
Atkinson (Mary Kllen). The arohitoct of
Colognr, and other po^-nis. 101 pp. 1 pi.
12 . /I.w/«'H, />. Lolhrop .»• eo. I 187:i].
Kow^ and Millie, l^y the author of
" Hester's happy summer." [anon.'] 26G
pp. :\ pi. HI'. Boston, I). iMthrop ^ CO.
Atlantic (The) alumnae, 1H7;J. f^ . Boston,
J. /;. OMjood 4 CO. [1872].
Atlantic (The) monthly. A magazine of
litrrature. »cience, art, and politics. Jan.
to dec. 1-^2. V. 'U-:\0. b . //o»/0H, J. Ji.
Onf/ofNf .<• CO. Ih72.
Atle« (Washington L. m. d.) General and
ditVerential diagnosis of ovarian tumours,
with »|»ecial ref«»rence to the operation of
oxariotomy. 4*2 pp. 8 . J'hlladelphia,
J. li. I.ippineott .r CO. \^X
Atwood (Mo«e« (t.) The american defini-
tion f«iH?lling book, improved. Revised
Atwood (Moses G.)— continued,
and adapted to Walker's principles of en-
glish orthoepy, with progressive reading
lessons. 180 pp. 18°. Concord, N. H.,
Hoag .j- Atmod, 1830.
Auborn (A. d'). The freuch convert: a
true relation of the happy conversion of a
noble freuch lady, from popery, to the
reformed religion. [Followed by Maria :
or, the ever-blooming flower]. 144 pp. 1 pi.
18-. liew York, G. G. Sickeh, 1830.
Aubrey (Jobu). Wiltshire. The topo-
graphical collections of J. Aubrey, a. d.
1659-70, with illustrations. Corrected and
enlarged by John Edward Jackson, xiii,
492 pp; 3 tab. 46 pi. Devizes, lEng.-^ Wilt-
shire archwological and natural history socie-
ty, 1862. «•
Aubry (Jean Francois). Les oracles de Cos.
Nouv. 6d. suivie d'uue lutroduction h la
thdrapeutique de Cos. viii, 686 pp. 8°.
Montpellier, J. G. Tournel, 1810.
Auburn {N. Y.) Boyd's Auburn directory :
1872-73. [Also], business directory ot
Union Springs, Aurora, Cayuga, and vil-
lages on the Southern central railway, with
a list of farmers of Cayuga county. Com-
piled by Andrew Boyd. 8°. Auburn , F.
Allen, [1872].
Augenstein (Morit/). Augensteiu's man-
ual of instruction, with tables for brewers
and distillers, xlvii, 169 pp. 8 '. Wash-
ington, D. C, Judd <)•• Detu-eihr, 1872.
Auger (Ilippolyte Nicolas Just). La femme
du monde et la femme artiste. 2 v. 1 p. 1.
342 pp; 1 p. 1. 3()r) pp. 8-\ Paris, A.
Dnpont, 1837.
Augusta {Ga.) Directory of the city of
Augusta, and business advertiser for 1859.
8^\ Augusta, B. A. Watkins, 1859.
Augustinus (Aurelius, sanctus). The two
hundred and one and thirtieth sermon of
St. Augustine, Do tempore, of shunning
druukonnesse. [Ako], the second sermon
of St. Augustine: of avoiding druukeu-
nosso. Sermon 232. [Translated by
Matthew Scrivener].
[In ScRivENKii (Matthew). A Iroaliso aKaln«t
(Iriiukouness. 1C°. London, 1685. pp. lo7-19J].
Aunt Abbie. See Abbie {Aunt).
Aunt Betsy's nile, and how it worked, 1863.
See O'Brien (H.)
Aunt Grivce's home ; or, early days in New
Hampshire, [anow.] 144 pp. 1 ph 18°.
Boston, Mass. «. s. society, [1855].
Aunt Margaret's twelve stories, to illustrate
and impress important truths, {anon.}
12G pp. 18*^. rhiladelphia, American «.-«.
union, [185G].
Aunt Ruth, or persecuted not forsaken. By
the author of Ella Clinton, [anon.] 2:{7
pp. 2 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, Presbyterian
hoard of imWicaiion, 1857.
Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus). See Anto-
ninus imperator (Marcus Aurelius).
Aurora (///.) Aurora census report and
statistical review, embracing a complete
directory of the city. By Richard Edwards.
8". Aurora, Fox river printing co. 1872.
Austin (George Lowell). The life of Franz
Schubert. 163 pp. portrait. IG'^. Boston,
Shepard .f Gill, 1873.
Austin (Rev. John Mather). Golden steps
to respectability, usefulness, and happi-
ness. Lectures to youth, on character,
principles, associates, amusements, relig-
ion, and marriage. Engd. tit. 243 pp.
12°. Auburn, Derby, Miller ,f co. 1850.
A voice to youth, addressed to young
men and young ladies, vii, 390 pp. 18°.
Utica, IXetc Forfe], Grosh 4^ Hutchinson,
Austin (Texas). Mercantile and general
city directory of Austin, Texas, 1872-73.
By Gray & Moore. 8°. Austin, S. A.
Gray, 1872.
Austro-hungarian empire. (Statistisohe
central-commission). Ausweise iiberdenaus-
wUrtigen handel der osterreichisch-un-
garischen monarchie im sonnen-jahre
1870. xxxi jahrgang. 4°. Wien, K. k.
hof- und staatsdruckerei, 1872. s.
Bevolkerung und viehstand
der im reichsrathe vertretenen konigreiche
und lander. Nach der ztihlung vom 31 dec.
1869. V. 5-6. 4°. Wien, K. k. hof- und
staats-druckerei, 1872. ' s.
V. 5. Erlauterangen zu den beviilkerangs-ergeb-
V. 6. Wohnorte. Erlauterungen zu den vieh-
Die eisenbahnen dor oster-
reichisch-ungarischen monarchie und ihr
betrieb im jahre 1869. 4°. Wien, K. k. hof-
und staatsdruckerei, 1872. s.
Mittheilungen ans dem gebiete
der statistik. 18te jahrgang, iii-iv heft;
19te jahrgang, 1-ii heft. 8°. Wien, K. k.
hof- und staatsdruckerei, 1871-72. s.
V. 18, iii heft. Die zunahme der verbrechen fete.]
von 185T bis 1869. Die hoch- und mittei-
Austro-hungarian empire— continued.
Hrhuhsn dor im reiclisratlie vertretenen
kruiigreicho nnd liinder von 1851 bis 1870.
iv heft. Der liprgworks-betrieb, 1870.
V. 19, i heft. Bewj'guiit; im boHit/.- und laaten-
Btande der nalitiitfii im jahre 1870.
ii heft. Vurliandluii^en dur k. k. statinti-
achen central-eonimimion ini .jahre 1871.
Statistisohes jahrbuch ftlr 1870.
&^. Wien, K. k. hof- und staatsdruckerei,
1872. 8.
Authentic (An) narrative of the russian
expedition against the Turks by sea and
land. [a»J0«.] 160 pp. 5 1. 8°. London,
S. Hooper, 1772.
Authentic papers relating to the expe<lition
against Carthagena, [1740] containing
original lettei-s between the admiral [Ed-
ward Vernon] and the general [Went-
worth], etc. 2d ed. 3 p. 1. 100 pp. 12°.
London, L. Eaymond, 1744.
Autobiography of a reformed drunkard ;
or letters and recollections, by an inmate
of the alms-house, [anon.] 4 p. 1. i;i-l.^>9
pp. 6 pi. 18°. rhiladelphia, Griffith .^- Si-
mon, 1845.
Auvergne-Corret (La Tour d'). Sec La
Tour D' Auvergne-Corret.
Auxilio escriturario : dispuesto para facili-
tar con utilidad la lectura de la hiblia.
\_anon.] 2p.l. 102 pp. 18°. Londres, J.
Davis, 1838.
Avery (.James). Old .Jim Avery's own far-
rier and recipe book, a cheaper, safer,
and sorer method of farriery than any be-
fore offered to the world; disclosing the
whole secret of training and educating
the horse, with hints on breeding and
surgery. [With] a biography of the
author, by a friend. 340 pp. 5 pi. por-
trait. 12°. Albany, Munsell </• liowland,
Avery (Samuel P.) Tlie book of 1000 com-
ical stories ; an endless repast of fun. By
the author of "Mrs. Partington's carpet-
bag of fun." [Also, Laughing gas : an ency-
clopjedia of wit, wisdom, and wind, anon.}
2 V. in 1. 120 pp ; 156 pp. 12°. Xew
York, Dick <j- Fitzgerald, 1859.
Avventure d'un giovane cavaliere fino a
stabilirsi, in un vero ma raro modo, felice-
mente nel secolo : date altra volta alia
luce col titolo di Veritii mascherata, ora
ricorrette dall' editore [p. d. Carlo Bar-
bieri. anon.'] 2 v. xii, 288 pp; .300 pp.
18°. Verona, A. Andreoni, 1752.
Aydelott {liec. B. P. in. d.) An acconnt of
the deHtruction of Jerusalem, establishing
the divine origin of Christianity.
[In WatTh (Iwaac, d.d) A *hort viow of tin'
whole m-riptnre hintory. It". rhUadflphta,
J/ farfy t£ /Airi*, loJ-i pp. 'iTS-O** J.
Ayguals de Izco (Wenceslao). Mario
r Hspagnolo, on la victinjo d'un nioine.
Histoire de Madrid. rri-c<^d<^e d' uno in-
trmluction par m. Eugfno Sue. 2 v. in 1.
xi, 420 pi> ; '2 p. 1. 'M>2 pp. portrait. «^.
I'aritt, DuUrlre, ISM\.
Ayres (George B.) New descriptive hand-
hook of the Pennsylvania railroad, and
travelers guide to the great west I IIG pp.
V> . PUliibunjh, jr. 5. Havvn, [18,')!)].
Ayres de Cazal or Casal (Manuel). Coro-
gratia brazilica, on relavfio historico-
g»«ogratica do reino do lirazil. 2 v. G p. 1.
X'iQ pp; 2 p. 1. 'i79 pp. 2 1. 8 . llio de Ja-
neiro, imprvxHao rajia, 1817.
Azeglio (Massimo Taparelli, 7«art7»<0»e rT).
Niecoli) de' Lapi ovvero i palleschi e i
piagnoni. viii, 442 pp. IG^. Leipzig, F.
A. lirmkhauKy 184)G.
The same. Florence betrayed ; or,
the last days of the republic. Translated
fn>m the italian, by a lady, xii, 529 pp.
8 , Jionton, jr. r. Sjxncer, ISiS.
B. (G.) 1st. Narrative of a private soldier in
his majesty's l>2d regiment of foot. Writ-
ten by himself, [atioti.'] Detailing many
cirrumstances relative to the insurrec-
tion in Ireland in 1798; the expedition to
Holland in 171>9; and the expedition to
Kgypt in l^^Ol. With a preface by the
rev. Kalph Wardlaw, d. d. Ist am, ed.
21G pp. 18 \ rhiUukiphia, United foreign
mtMionary xociety, 1822.
B. (G.) 2d. The american metrical psalter.
2H| pp. IG . yew York, r, J. Huntington,
B. (.1. II.) Wie kann ich selig werden ?
o<ler : der silnder /u .Icsu gewiesen. Von
.1. H. H. [rtwoM,] 117 pp. 18. St.LoniM,
./. », Mclntyre, 18r,7.
B. (.1. K.) .Vf Bloomfield (J. K.)
B. (.1. V.) See Blake (.lanu-s Vila).
B. (L.) The duchess Hen<^o ami her court.
[anon.] 2iK> pp. IH . Sew York, Ameri-
ean tract xociety, [ \f<72 ].
B. (M. E.) The queer people, and other
stories. By M. E. B. [anon.'\ 279 pp.
lf» . Neir York, Warren, llroughton tV
}\yma», [1872].
B. (M. G.) Petite anthologie po^tique, on
choix de po<^sies ^ I'lisage de la jeunesse
tinges des meilleurs auteurs modernes. 4
p. 1. iii, 1G8 pp. 12^. Nottingham, G. Si-
vwns, [1837].
B. (K.) Si-e Bolton {Rev. Robert).
B. (R. L.) See Storer (Harriet G.)
B. (S. B.) Willie and Nellie: or stories
about my canaries. By cousin Sarah.
lanon.-\ 212 pp. 4 pi. sq. 24^. Philadel-
2)hia, jr. S. tf- A. Martien, 1859.
B. (T. A.) Trials and trust. A story of the
french revolution, [ahom.] 190 pp. 3 pi.
18^. Philadelphia, Preshyterian hoard of
publication, [1872].
Babad (P. d. d.) A Portuguese and en-
glish grammar, compilotl from those of Lo-
bato, Durham, Sane and Vieyra. viii,
13-2.30 pp. 12°. Baltimore, author, 1820.
Baboock (Rufus, d. d.) Tales of truth, for
the young; or, waters from the living
fountain, flowing at all sea-sons. 144 pp.
18^^. Philadelphia, G. W. Donohue, 1839.
Baboock (Sarah A.) Hidden treasure; or,
the secret of success in life. 264 pp. inc.
4 pi. 16°. New York, Carlton ^' Porter,
Babcock (liev. William R.) Sacred melo-
dies : a collection of hymns and spiritual
songs, etc. 128 pp. 3C°. Danaville, A.
B. Knox, 1845.
Babylon and Jerusalem, 1851. See Abe-
ken (Heinrich).
Bacci (Pietro Giacomo). The life of saint
PJiilip Neri, apostle of Rome, and foutulor
of the congregation of the oratory. [ From
the enlarged roman ed. of 1837]. 4 p. 1.
414 pp. portrait. 12°. New York, E. Duni-
gan, 1847.
A'^ofc— Superscribed The saints and servants of
Bache (Mrs. Anna). The fire-screen, or do-
mestic sketches. 191 pp. 12°. Philadel-
phia, W. J. (S- J. K- Simon, 1841.
Bacheler(/^et'. O. R.) Hinduism and Chris-
tianity in Orissa: and an account of the
operations of the American freewill bap-
tist mission in northern Orissa. 214 pp.
1 1. 16°. Boston, C. Waite, 1^53.
Bacher (Wilhelm). Nizami's leben nnd
werke. Beitrlige zur geschichte der per-
sischen literatur nnd der alexandersage.
See Yuauf ben Mowayyed el-Kinjewi,
known as Nitzami.
Bachi (Pietro). Conversazione italiana,
or a collection of phrases and familiar dia-
Bachi (Pietio)— continued.
lo<;nes in Italian and english. viii, 224
l)p. 2 1. 12°. Cambridge, IMass.^ J.
Munroe tf co. 1835.
[Corso (li studio italiano, part 6J.
Raccolta di favole morale, or a col-
lection of italian fables in prose and verse,
with interlinear translations and explana-
tion of idioms, xi, 156 pp. 12°. Cam-
bridge f [ilffl«8.] J. Munroe <f- co. 1836.
[Corso di studio italiano, part 2].
Back {Sir George). Narrative of the Arc-
tic land expedition to the mouth of the
Great Fish river, and along the shores of
the Arctic ocean, 1833-35. viii, 338 pp. 1
map. 8°. Paris, A. ^ W. Galignani ^- co.
Backus (Eev. Isaac). A discourse shewing
the nature and necessity of an internal
call to preach the everlasting gospel.
[Also], the experiences and dying testi-
mony of mr. Nathaniel Shepherd. 116 pp.
12°. Boston, JFbujfe, 1754.
Bacon (Albert M.) A manual of gesture ;
embracing a complete system of notation,
with the principles of interpretation and
selections for practice. 260 pp. 12°.
Chicago, S. C. Griggs Sr co. 1873.
Baco^ (David Francis). Lives of the apos-
tles of Jesus Christ. \_anon.'\ 608 pp. 16
pi. 8°. New Haven, L. H. Toung, 1836.
The same. 650 pp. 16 pi. 8°. Neic
Haven, Young t^- Uhlhom, [1863].
Bacon (Mrs. Eliza Ann Munroe). Memoir of
rev. Henry Bacon. 361 pp. portrait. 12°.
Boston, A. Tompkins, 1857.
Bacon (Leonard, d. d.) Additional hymns,
designed as a supplement to [Timothy]
Dwight's psalms & hymns. 1 p. 1. 509-634
pp. 32°. New Haven, Durrie cf Feck, 1833.
A manual for young church-members.
216 pp. 16°. New-Haven, S. Cooke, 1833. "
Bacon (Thomas). First impressions and
studies from nature in Hiudostau ; em-
bracing an outline of the voyage to
Calcutta, and five years' residence in
Bengal and the Doab. 2 v. xx, 406 pp.
11 pi ; XV, 436 pp. 16 pi. 8°. London, W.
H. Allen c^ co. 1837.
Bacon {Rev. William). Esthetic piety, or,
the beauty and loveliness of the christian
religion. 243 pp. 16°. Auburn, 1861.
Salvation made sure. With remarks
on the nature of spiritmil darkness, etc,
vi, 154 pp. 16°. Ithaca, Mack </• Andrus,
Bacon (William J.) The champion song
and dance book. 205 pp. 24°. New York,
Fisher if Denison, [1872].
Bacon (William Thompson). Poems. 134
pp. 12°. Boston, Weeks, Jordan .j- co.
Bacon-Tacon (Pierre Jean Jacques). Re-
cherches sur les origines celtiijues, princi-
palement sur celles du Bugey, considdrd
comme berceau du delta celtique. [2«
publication]. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 572 pp. 2 pi ;
479 pp. 7 pi. 12°. Paris, A. Bertrand,
Badeau (Adam). The vagabond. 368 pp.
12°. New York, Rudd .f- Carleton, 1859.
Badeker (Carl). The Rhine and northern
Germany. Handbook for travellers. 4th
ed. xxii, 444 pp. 23 maps, 38 plans. 16°.
Coblenz, C. Bwdeker, 1870.
Baden (Frances Henshaw). The artist's
love. See Southworth (E. D. E. N.) and
Baden (Grand duchy of). Justizministerium.
Uebersicht der biirgerlichen rechtspflege
wahrend 1869. 4°. Carlsruhe, C. F. Mul-
ler'sche hofbuchhandlung, 1870. s.
Grand ducal commission. Exposition
universelle de 1867 5, Paris. Les exposants
du grand-duchd de Bade et leur produits.
Publication de la commission grand-
ducale. xviii, 132 pp. 12°. Carlsruhe,
F. Muller, 1867.
Baden-Povrell (Warington). See Powell.
Badger (Catharine N.) The teacher's last
lesson ; a memoir of Martha Whiting, late
of the Charleston female seminary, con-
sisting chiefly of extracts from her jour-
nal. 284 pp. portrait. 12°. Boston, Gould
if Lincoln, 1855.
Badois (Charles). Grammaire anglaise
d'aprcs le systiime d'Ollendorflf, 5, I'usage
des Frangais. 2 parts in 1 v. 179 pp ; 103
pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton tf- co. 1852.
Baer (Karl Ernst von). Nachrichten iiber
[seinem] leben und schriften, mitgetheilt
von ihm selbst. Veroftentlicht bei gele-
genheit seines funfzigjiihrigen doctor-
jubiliiuras am 29 aug. 1864, von der
ritterschaft Ehstlands. vi, 674 pp. por-
trait. 8°. St. Petersburg, buchdruckerei de)'
Kaiserlichen akademie der wissenschaften,
Baer (Warren). Carmine; or, the trader at
the fort, [awort.] Engd. tit. 140 pp.
12°. Galveston, Advocate publishing co. 1672.
Bagatelles morales, [amom.] '249 pp.
Paris, DiwhtMne, 17.')4.
Bage (RobtTt). Man as ho is. A novel.
[aiion.'\ 4 V. 10 . J.omlon, W. Lane,
Bagehot (Waltor). Physics and politics;
ov, thoiij^htH on the applieation of the
principles of " natnral selection'' and
" inheritance " to political society. 2 p. 1.
'A'4 pp. 1-' . -NV/r York, />. Api>UtoH .»• vo.
Iliit.riiiitioiuil sri.ntitic sorii's, v. "-'I.
Bagshaw (Kaward). The life an<l death of
nir. [Robert] Bolton.
1 //jBoiton (KoIm It). ^Ir. Bolton's liist aiulh'arned
work.'. «m. 4 . London, (J. MiUe,\ KIIW. pp.
Bahn (Rachel). Toeins. 2(Ki pp. 1*2 . Yorl;
J'a., H. C. Adamx .) co. LS;i>.
Bahr (Carl Christian W. F.) The hocdcs of
tko kings, 1872. .v«r Bible. ( A'«i//i»/0. A
conunontary on the holy scriptures. By
J. P. Lange. v. 0 of the old testament.
Bailey (Ebenezer). First lessons in alge-
bra, xi, ti2S pp. 1'2^. iJos/oM, CartiT,
Ilemlce .f co- 1B:3:?.
The same. Improved ed. 252 pp. 12.
lioHlon, Carter, Hemlre t)- co. IKV\.
The same. Revised ed. ^M pp. 12 \
Bonton, HickliiKj, Swan .!'• Jircuer, IHCO.
The young ladies' class book ; a selec
tion of lessons for reading, in i)r<).se and
vtTsc. 4(H ]>p. ]•* . Jiiixton, Lincoln <|-
Kdmauih, 1^51.
Bailey (Nathan). A complete english dic-
tionary, o<l»'r vtdlstiindiges englisch-dent-
sches >vortcrI>iirh, 17.-^:?. Sic Klausing
(Anton E.)
An universal etynudogical english
dictionary. 24th ed. 472 I. r . London,
Ji. M'u/T, [etc.] 1770.
Bailey {Mm, Una Locke). Dr. Plassid's
patients. ''Z'^it pp. '.) pi. 10 . lioston, 1).
l.othrop .y- CO. 1H72.
Baird (K. Thompson, d. d. editor). Hymns
of the voice (»f praise. 2-^5 pp. ;{2^. liich-
mond, [ rrcshijterian committee of publica-
tion, 1872].
and Reden (Karl), pucudon. for Con-
verse (Charles Crozat). The voice of
l»raise: a eh-ction of hymns and tunes.
210 pp. obi. 10 \ Iiichmond,[PreHbytcrian
committee of pnldication, IH72].
Baird (Robert). Mmioir of the rev. .Joseph
Siinford. vi,2»>H pp. portrait. 12. I'hil-
adelphia, If. rerkinn, 1^30).
Baird (Samuel J. d. d.) The church of
Christ: its constitution and order. 144
pp. 18°. Philadelphia, Preshyivrian hoard
of pullicaiion, [1864].
Baird (Spencer Fullerton). -See Annual
record of science and industry for 1871-72.
Baker (B. F.) and Southard (L. II.) The
Haydn collection of church music. ;i52
])p. obi. 8^. Boston, C. II. Peirce, 1850. h.
Johnson (A. N.) and Osgood (Jo-
siah). Melodia sacra; a collection of
church music. 416 pp. obi. H\ Boaton,
J..V.Jo/iHSOH,[ 18.52]. s.
Baker (George M.) A baker's do/,«Mi. Ori-
ginal humorous dialogues. l:?7 pp. 10°.
Boston, Lee .f- Shepard, 1872.
The drawing-ro(nu stage : a series of
original dramas, [etc.] lUustrated. Engd.
tit. 274 pp. 3 pi. 16 '. BoHlon, Lee <S'
Shepard, 1873.
Baker (Harriet Newell Woods). Hai>py
home stories for boys. By atint Hattie.
lp8endou.'\ 6 v. 18^. Bonton, H. J. Young
tj- CO. 1871.
V. 1. Diligent Dick ; or, the yoini": farnicr. 107
pp. 4 pi.
V. 2. Consin Willie. 104 pp. 4 i>l.
V. 3. Lazy Robert; or, the colonils scrv.nnt. lOfi
v. 4. Little Fritz. 106 pp. 4 pi.
V. r>. The new buggy. 109 pp. 4
V. 6. Bertie and hi.s .sisters. 104 pp. 4 \>\.
I'll try ; or, the young housekeeper.
By mrs. Madeline Leslie, [psendon.} 232
pp. inc. 2 pi. 16^. BoHton, Shepard, Clark
<|- Brown, 1859.
Jack the chimney sweeper, and other
stories for children. By mrs. Madeline
Leslie. Ipseudon.] 245 pp. inc. 4 pi. 16°.
BoHton, Shepard, Clark .|- Brown, 1859.
Mrs. Leslie's juvenile series. 16°.
Boston, Shepard, Clark .^ Brown, 1858-59.
v. 2. Play and study. Eugd. tit. 200 pp. 3 pi.
V. 3.
Jloward and his teacher, and other stories.
Engd. tit. 244 pp. 3 pi. IK")!).
V. 4. Trying to be usoliil. Engd. tit. 256 pp. 2 pi.
Baker (James Loring). Men and things;
or, short essays on various subjects, in-
cluding free trade. 287 pp. 12°. Boston,
Crosby, Nichols tf- co. 1858.
Baker (iier. P.) The devout communicant ;
or, pious meditations and aspirations, for
three days before and three days after re-
ceiving the holy eucharist. Revised. 320
pp. 2 pi. 32°. Ballimore, F. Lucas, jun.
Baker (7?ejr. P.)— continued.
The lenten monitor, or moral reflec-
tions and devout aspirations on the gos-
pels, for each day from ash-wednesday to
easter Sunday. 2 p. 1. 13-259 pp. 12^.
Baltimore, P. Blcnkinsop, 1827.
Baker (Sarah). Barton Todd. By aunt
Friendly. \_i)8eudon.'\ 201 pp. 1 pi. 18.
New York, A. D. F. Randolph, 1863.
The children on the plains. By aunt
Friendly, [pseudon.^ Author of the " Jew-
ish twins." 192 pp. 2 pi. 18\ Xew York,
li. Cartel' <$• brothers, 1860.
Christian effort : or facts and inci-
dents designed to enforce and illustrate
the duty of individual labour for the sal-
vation of souls. 271pp. 18'^. Xew- York,
Lane <f- Scott, 1850.
The Jewish twins. By aunt Friend
]y. Ipseudon.'l 210 pp. 1 pi. 18' . New
York, Carter <f brothers, 1860.
Baker (William). Peregrinations of the
mind, through the most general &. in-
teresting subjects usually agitated in
life. A new ed. [with] A biographic me-
moir of the author, x, 253 pp. 12^. Lon-
don, editor, 1811.
Balcarce (Florencio). Poesias de F. Bal-
carce, con uoticias sobre el autor y sus
obras por los senores d. F. Varela, d. V. de
la Vega, d. J. M. Torres Caicedo. Ed. hecha
bajo la direccion de J. M. Gutierrez. 132
pp. 12"^. Buenos Aires, C. CosavaUe, 1869.
Balch (William S.) Ireland, as I saw it :
the character, condition, and prospects of
the people. 432 pp. 12°. Neic-York, G.
P. Putnam, 1850.
Baldamus (A. C. Eduard). Schiitzet die
vogel! Die niitzlicheu und schiidlicheu
vogel Deutschlands und Europa's. ix, 104
pp. 16°. Bielefeld, Belhagen (^ Klasing,
1868. 8.
BaldTviu (D. A. in. d.) The family pocket
homccopathist, a concise manual for ho-
moeopathic practice. 142 pp. 24°. Roch-
ester, N. Y., E. Darrow '4^ bro. 1864.
Baldwin (Thomas, d. d. of Boston). The
baptism of believers only, and the particu-
lar communion of the baptist churches,
explained and vindicated. In three parts.
2d ed. revised. 340 pp. 12°. Bostyn,
Manning tj- Loring, 1806.
Bald-win (Thomas, teacher in Philadelphia).
A universal pronouncing gazetteer. [Ist
Baldwin (Thomas)— continued,
ed.] 544 pp. 2 1. 1 map. 12 . Philadel-
phia, Lindsay <|- Blakiston, 1845.
Bale (John). The apology of Johan Bale
agaynste a ranke papyst, aunswering both
hym and hys doctours. b. I. 1.54 1. unp.
18°. [ London, J. Day, 1550 ] .
Balestrier de Canilhac (L'abbe L. S.) Po-
liticon, on choix des meilleurs discours,
sur tons les sujets de politi(|iio, traitt^s dans
la preuiiere assemblde natioiiale de France ;
avec une analyse historique et criti<iue des
notions et opinions sur les mftmes sujets.
Eurichi de portraits. 6 v. 8°. Paris, I mh-
rent, letc.'\ 1792.
Balfour (Walter). An in«iuiry into the
scriptural import of tin; words sheol, hades,
tartarus, and gehenna: all translated htll,
in the common english version. 3d ed.
347 pp. 12°. Boston, B. B. Mussry, 1832.
The same. Kevised, with essays an«l
notes, by Otis A. Skinner. 358 pp. 12 .
Boston, A. Tompkins, 1854.
Letters to rev. Moses Stuart. 125 i»p.
16°. Boston, B. B. Mussey, 1833.
Three inriuiries. 1. Into the scrip-
tural doctrine concerning the devil and
satau. 2. The extent of duration, expressed
by the terms olim, aion, and aiouios, ren-
dered everlasting, etc. in the bible. 3.
The new testament doctrine concerning
the possession of devils. 3d ed. viii,
13-420 pp. 16°. Providence, Z. Baker, 18A2.
Balguy (Thomas, d. d.) Discourses on va-
rious subjects, xii, 344 pp. 8°. Winchester,
for L. Davis in London, 1785.
Ball (Benjamin West). Elfin land: and
other poems. 1 p. 1.150 pp. 12°. Boston,
J, Munroe tj"- co. 1851.
Ball (Charles). Slavery in the United States ;
a narrative of the life and adventures of
Charles Ball, a black man. 400 pp. 12°.
Letvistown, Pa., J. W. Shugert, 1836.
Ball (Rev. John). A treatise of faith, diuided
into two parts. The first shewing the na-
ture, the second, the life of faith. 2d ed.
enlarged. 18 p. 1. 428 pp. 25 1. sm. 4°.
London, G. Miller for E. Breivster, 1632.
Ball (Richard). Astrology improv'd: or, a
compendium of the whole art of that most
noble science. 2d ed. enlarg'd. xii, 303
pp. 16°. London, G. Parker for A. Bettes-
icorth, 1723. .
Ball (i?er. Thomas). lloiiJ.rjvonvpyog. Pasto-
rum propugnaculum. Or, the pulpits pat-
Ball (Rer. Thomas)— continuetl.
ronage a;jaiiiHt the force of uii-ortlaiuetl
usur[>atioii, and iuvasion. 5 p. 1. 344 pp.
Hiu. 4 . LonduH, S. U. for J. IfYtght, IGoG.
Ballantlne (AVr. William). Tlie infant
school reader. Being an improved edition
of the " B(H)k of wonls of one sound." 2
p. 1. l^-14r. pp. 1 pi. lb \ J'ittsbutyh, J. I.
Kay .f CO. Ief31.
[Kay's infant and primary school
stnies]. 3 v. IH^. rhUaiklphia, J. Kay
jun. .J brother, 1H40.
Infrtiit autl priuiJiry 8ch(M»l romlor & Kpeller.
No. 1. In wonl.s ot two and three IctteiH.
No. a. Ill wonln olont> syllable only.
No. 3. In wonU of one aud two syllables.
Ballard {Mrs. J. P.) The hole in the bag,
and other stories. 25G pp. 8 pi. 16°. New
York, Xatioiial temperance society aud publi-
cation house, 1872.
Ballou's monthly magazine. July to dec.
1872. V. 36. 8 . JioHton, Thomca i^ Tal-
bot, [lf^2].
Baltimore. The Baltimore address direct-
ory: [to business houses]. By W. G. Ly-
ford. 142 pp. 12^. Baltimore, J. Bobiii-
mii, 18:W).
Balzac (IIonor<5 d'). Nouvelles segues de la
vie de Province. 2 v. 300 pp. 11; 2 p. 1.
298 pp. 1 1. 16^. liruxellcH, Soci^te beige de
librairie, lf*'V7.
Balzofiore (Filippo, d. d.) The life of the
venerable servant of God, Anna Maria
Taigi. Translated from the Italian. By a
religious of the order [of st. Augustine].
1 p. 1. 7-16<l pp. 1 pi. 16 >. rhitadelphia,
E. CummiMkty, 1872.
Bangor (Maine). The centennial celebra-
tion of the settlement of Bangor. Sept. 30,
1869. Published by direction of the com-
mittee of arrangements. 1 p. 1. 182 pp.
1 pi. 8 . liangor, B. A. Burr, 1870.
Bangs («<r. John). Auto-biography. [Al-
so], a vindication of the christian relig-
ion : and remarks on church membership,
»li vision of the church, etc. 3(»'J pp. 12 .
Snr-York, author, \H.\{].
Bangs (Nathan, d.rf.) An original church
of Christ : or, a scriptural vindication of
the orders and powers of the ministry of
the methoilist epi8C<»pal church. 388 pp.
1*/ . \eir- York, T. Ma»on J- (;. Lane, 1837.
The prcwnt state, prosiMjcts, and
rMponsibilities of the njethotlist episcopal
church. With an apiKMidix of ecclesias-
Bangs (Nathan, d. d.) — continned.
tical statistics. 326 pp. 18°. Xew-TorJc,
Lane <f- Scott, 1850.
A vindication of methodist episco-
pacy. 195 pp. 18°. New- York, X. Bangs
i)'- T. Mason, for m. e. church, 1820.
Banka (J. Harrie). State prison life: by
one who has been there. In two parts.
Showing the horrors of the old system,
aud the advantages of the new. Written
by a convict, in a convict's cell, lanon.}
552 pp. 17 pi. 12°. Cincinnati, Neto York,
«f- Chicago, author, 1871.
Bankers' (The) magazine, aud statistical
register. [New York monthly]. Edited
by L Smith Homans. July, 1871, to June,
1872. Third series, v. 6; [complete se-
ries], V. 26. 8°. New York, I. S. Uomans,
Bankers' (The) magazine, journal of the
money market, and commercial digest.
[London monthly]. Jan. to dec. 1872.
V. 32. 8°. London, Groonibridge <)'• sons,
Bannac (Adolphiis, pseudon f) The appari-
tion ; or female cavalier. A story foiluded
on facts. 3 v. 16°. London, F. «j- J. No-
ble, [1756].
[v. 2 imperfect; title-page and table of contents
Banvard (Joseph, d. d.) A new graded se-
ries of question books on the great prom-
ises of the bible. In three volumes: v. i,
for young classes, v. ii, for intermediate
classes, v. iii, for adult or bible classes.
3 v. 18°. Boston, H. A. Young 4' co. [1871].
Priscilla ; or, trials for the truth. An
historic tale of the puritans and the bap-
tists. 405 pp. 7 pi. 12°. Boston, Heath .)•
Graves, 18.54.
Baptist (National) educational convention.
Sec National baptist educational conven-
Baptology. My bootmaker and I on modes
of baptism. By an old student, lanon.
By Daniel Dana, jun?] 104 pp. 12°. New
York, D. Dana, jr. 1860.
The same. 2d ed. 104 pp. 12°. New-
York, H. B. Durand, 1868.
Barbarouz (Charles-Ozd). L'histoire des
fitats-Uuis d'Amdrique. fid. revue et
corrigde, pour I'usage des dcoles. 304
pp. 16°. Boston, Carter, Hendee <f co. 1832.
M<Smoire8 de Robert Guillemard, 1826.
See Lardier (JosepU-Alexis) and Barba-
Barbauld (Mrs. Anna Lctitia). Mrs. Bar-
baulcl's lessons for children, translated
iuto french. By Gustavo Cbouquet. 124,
35 pp. sq. 16°. New York, R. Lockwood 4~
son, 1845.
Things by their right names, and
other stories, fables, and moral pieces, in
prose and verse, selected and arranged
from the writings of mrs. Barbauld. With
a sketch of her life, by mrs. S. J. Halo.
263 pp. 16°. Boston, Marsh, Capen, Lyon
4- Webb,l8A0.
Barber (John Warner). The book of simili-
tudes: illustrated by a series of emble-
matic engravings; also the principal
events connected with the religious history
of the world. 524, iv pp. 2 pi. 16°. New
Haven, Conn., by the author for J. H. Bradley,
Patmos, and the seven churches of
Asia, 1851. See Bre-wer {Rev. Josiah).
and Ho-we (Henry). Our whole
country ; or the past and present of the
United States, historical and descriptive.
Also biographical sketches of distin-
guished persons, [etc.] 2 v. 770 pp. por-
trait, fac-sim. map; 1 p. 1. 779-1496 pp.
portrait, map. 8°. Cincinnati, H. Howe,
Barber (Jonathan). Exercises in reading
and recitation, reduced to the system of
notation, as explained in his lectures on
the science and practice of elocution, 208
pp. 12°. York, Pa., J. Barber 4- C. Mason,
An introduction to the grammar of
elocution. 175 pp. 12°. Boston, Marsh,
Capen 4- Lyon, 1834.
The same. 2ded. 174 pp. 12°. Bos-
ton, Marsh, Capen 4' Lyon, 1836.
A practical treatise on gesture, cliie^y
abstracted from Austin's Chironomia. 2
p. 1. 116 pp. 13 pi. 12°. Cambridge,
IMass.^ miliard 4' Brown,lS2l.
Barber (Joseph). Barber's american book
of ready-made speeches, containing origi-
nal examples of humorous and serious
speeches, — with appropriate replies to
each. 215 pp. 16°. New York, Dick 4-
Fitzgerald, [1871].
Barber (Thomas). Barber's illustrations of
the isle of Wight. Accompanied by his-
torical and topographical descriptions. 2
p. 1. 110 pp. 41 pi. map. 8°. London,
Simpkin 4' Marshall, ^about 1835].
Barclay (Robert). A treatise on chnrch
government. Formerly called anarchy of
the ranters, &c. Being a two-fold apol-
ogy for the church and people of God,
called, in derision, quakors. [Also], an
epistle to the national meeting of friends
in Dublin, concerning good onler and dis-
cipline in the church. By Joseph I'iko.
2 p. 1. 124 pp. 16 . Philadelphia, S. W.
Conrad, 1822.
Barclays (The) ; or, trying to serve two
masters. [<ino«.] 172 pp. 1 pi. 16-^. Phil-
adelphia, American 8. s. union, [IS-W].
Bardouc, or the goatherd of mount Taurus.
A persiau tale. Translated from the
french. \_anon.'\ xi, 213 pp. 1 pi. 16'.
Boston, W. Crosby 4- H. P. Nichols, 1850.
Bar^re de Vieuzac (Bertrand, redactenr).
See Point (Le) du jour, 1789-91.
Baret (Eugene). De I'Amadis de Gaule et
son influence sur les moeurs et la littdra-
ture an xvi« et an xvii^ siticle, avec une
notice bibliographique. 3 p. 1. 203 pp. 2 1.
8°. Paris, A. Durand, 1853.
Barginet (Alexandre Pierre). Histoire du
gouvernement f(5odal. 1 p. 1. viii, 360 pp.
12°. l*aris, Raymond, 1825.
Barker (Charles C.) Hymns of the morn-
ing. Designed for the use of God's peo-
ple. [With music]. 145 pp. 16°. Con-
cord, N. H, C. W. Sargent, 1872.
Barker (Luke, wi. d.) A collection of
psalms, hymns and spiritual songs ; select-
ed from diiferent authors, vi, 304 pp.
18°. New- York, G. F. Bunce, 1831.
Barlow (Mrs. C. Y.) Helen Mac Gregor ; or,
conquest and sacrifice. 328 pp. 4 pi. 16^.
Philadelphia, J. C. Garrigues 4' co. 1865.
Barlo-w (Peter). An essay on magnetic at-
tractions, and on the laws of terrestrial
and electro magnetism ; with an appen-
dix, containing the results of experiments
made on ship board from latitude 61° s.
to latitude 80° n. 2d ed. enlarged. 1 p.
1. xii, 368 pp. 1 1. 6 pi. 8°. London, J.
Mawman, 1824.
Barnard (David> Biblical women. 140
pp. 2 1. 8°. Cincinnati, Hart 4' co. 1863.
Barnard (Frederick Augustus Porter). A
treatise on arithmetic, in which the prin-
ciples of the science are inductively de-
veloped. X, 288 pp. 1 1. 12°. Hartford,
Packard 4' Butler, 1830.
Barnard (Jouatban Gilbert), "Wright (II.
G.) and Michie (Peter S.) Rejwrt on the
fabrication of iron for defensive pnrposes,
anil its uses in uioUern fortifications. Es-
pecially in works of coast defense, iii,
-^'>0 pp. liH pi ; (supplement) 51 pp. 5 plans
folded. 4 . Washing Ion, If^Wi 2.
( I 'xiTEM States. War departmfnt (Corps o/ en-
(/iiuem). rruloMsiuuul pa)K-i>«, iio. 'Jl A: suiiple-
Barnard (H.) Every youth's book; or
interesting conversations on arts and sci-
ences, vii, UK) pp. 13 pi. 8<j[. W . Neic
York, Collins brothers, l!^44.
Barnes ( lUr. Albert ). Discourses on t he sab-
bath, 183G. See Duffield (George) and
Notes on the book of Job : with a new
translation, ld7*i. See Bible. {Knglish).
(Hd testament. Job.
Notes on the book of revelation, 1852.
N<r Bible. {Kuijlixh). Xeif testament. liere-
Notes on the general epistles of James,
Peter, John and Jude, 1848. See Bible.
{English). Sew testament. Epistles.
— Prayers for the use of families ; with
a preliminary essiiy ; together with a selec-
tion of hymns, xii, 340 pp. 12°. Phila-
delphia, Clark <|- Kascr, 1833.
Questions on the epistle to the Ro-
mans. 158 pp. 18 '. Xew York, Leavitt,
Lord .r CO. 1834.
Barnes (William). New York insurance
rrports, 1830-53. See New York (.S'/a/eo/).
Bamett (Francis). The hero of No fiction ;
or, memoirs of Francis Barnett, the Lefevre
of *'No fiction;" and a review of that
work. With letters and authentic docu-
ment.s. 2 v. .384 pp ; 300 pp. 18°. Boston,
C. Kuer .J- T. Jiedlington, 1823.
Bamett (Samuel). Seven per cent, tables,
exliil)iting without change of page or
column, interest computed by ali(iuot
parts. 122 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. li.
I.ippinrott .J co. 18.51).
Barnett (S.M. ni.rf.) The gymnasium at
h«)me. Barnett's patent parlor gymnasium
and chest expander. 120, iii pp. l^c.
Xfir York, J. Jkckrr .f- co. [ 1871 ].
Barnum (Phineas Taylor). Djis leben von
P. T. Barnum. Beschrioben von ihm selbst.
Bart (Rev. John) — continued,
concise dictionary of the holy bible. 3d ed.
iv, 177 pp. 12°. Glasgow, Blackie.S' «ow,1832.
Barrande (Joachim). Crustacds divers et
])ois8on8 des ddpOta silurieus de la Boht^rae.
Extrait du suppldment an vol. i. du Sya-
teme silnrien du centre de la Bohi^me. 127
pp. 8°. Prague, Vauteur, 1872. 8.
Barren (George, jr.) Bubbles of fiction.
300 pp. 12°. Xew-York, Deicitt <S' Daven-
port, 1852.
Barr^re (P.) Les dcrivains fran^ais, lent
vie et leurs ocuvres, ou histoire de la lit-
tdrature fran^^aise. [Froissart — Voltaire].
563 pp. 12°. Londres, Williams t^- Xorgate,
Note. — Printed at Krusflcls.
Barrett (B. F.) Letters ou the future life,
addressed to Henry Ward Beecher. 191
I)p. 12°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Eemeen ^'
Haffelfinger, 1873.
Barrett (George). The advent, ministry,
and works of our lord Jesus Christ; being
a versification of some portions of the
four evangelists. 124 pp. 18°. Columbus,
[O.] Wright i^' Legg, 1842.
Barrett (Rev. Selah Hibbard). Autobiogra-
phy of S. H. Barrett, the self educated
clergyman, v. 1. 1822-72. 396 pp. por-
trait. 12°. Rutland, Ohio, author, [1872].
Barrow (Mrs. Fanny). The little nightcap
letters. By the author of "Nightcaps."
[«woM.] 198 pp. 5 pi. sq. 16°. Xew York,
D. Appleton if co. 1861.
The wife's stratagem: a story for
:v,t7 pp. jmrtrait. 12. Xew-York, L. W.\
Schmidt, 18.')5.
Barr (/^er. John). The scripture student's
assistant; being a complete index, and i
fireside and wayside. [aMO«.] 336 pp.
12°. Xew York, D. Appleton if co. 1862.
Barrows (Elijah Porter, jr.) Memoir of
Evertou Judson. 212 pp. portrait. 12°.
Boston, Crocker <f- Brewster, 1852.
Barry (Samuel F.) A statistical view of
the number of sheep in [various states].
See Benton (C.) and Barry.
Barry (Rev. William J.) The sacramentals
of the holy catholic church, or flowers
from the garden of the liturgy. 224,
1, xxxi pp. 1 1. 12°. Cincinnati, J. P.
Walsh, 1858.
Bart Ridgeley ; a story of northern Ohio,
1873. See Riddle ( Albert G. )
Barter ( fte»;. William Brudenell). Tracts in
defence of the christian sabbath, the
church, her priesthood, and her sacra-
ments. Ixxxvii, 528 pp. 8°. London, F.
<j- J. Rivington, 1851.
Bartholo-w (Roberts, m. d.) Manual of
hypodermic medication. 2d ed. 170 pp.
4 tables folded. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B.
Lippincott 4- co. 1873.
A manual of instructions for enlisting
and discharging solditjrs. With special
reference to the medical examination of
recruits, and the detection of disqualify-
ing and feigned diseases. 27C pp. 12^.
Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott tf- co. 1663.
Bartlett (David W.) The heroes of the In-
dian rebellion. 456 pp.1 pi. 2 portraits. 12^^.
Columhua, Ohio, Follett, Foster ^- co. 1859.
Bartlett (John Russell). The literature of
the rebellion. A catalogue of books and
pamphlets relating to the civil war in
the United States, and on subjects grow-
ing out of that event, together with works
on american slavery. 477 pp. 8". Boa-
ton, Draper 4' Halliday, 1866.
Bartlett (Mary Belle). Minnie Carleton.
245 pp. 1 pi. 16°. New York, M.. W. Dodd,
Bartlett (Montgomery Robert). The com-
mon school manual; a regular and con-
nected course of elementary studies. In
four parts. [1st ed.] Part 2. 1 p. 1.
87-346 pp. 1 1. 12°. Utica, Northnaij <f-
Bennett, 1827.
The same. 2d cd. Parts 1, 2, and 3.
3 V. 12°. New York, author, 1830.
The same. The national school man-
ual. 2d ed. 4 v. 12°. Philadelphia, Ca-
rey tj' Lea, 1832.
V. 1. Eeading, spelling, and arithmetic— the fun-
damental rules.
V. 2. Reading, spelling, arithmetic, grammar, and
V. 3. Reading, arithmetic, grammar, geometry,
and book-keeping.
V. 4. Elements of geography and history (general),
geography and history of the United States,
of South' America, etc. and au appendix,
on natural philosophy.
The juvenile orator; or, every schol-
ar's book. Being a series of simple rules
in the art of reading. 216 pp. 12°.
Philadelphia, B. W. Desilver, 1839.
The practical reader, in five books.
xvi, 13-348 pp. 12°. New-York, Myers 4-
Smith, 1822.
Bartol (Bev. Cyrus Augustus). Church and
congregation: a plea for their unity.
xxiv, 336 pp. 12°. Boston, Ticknor 4-
Fields, 1858.
Discourses on the christian spirit and
life. 344 pp. 12°. Boston, W. Crosby 4-
H. P. Nichols, 1850.
Bartol (liev. Cyrus Augustus) — continued.
The west church [in Boston], and its
ministers. Fiftieth anniversary of the
ordination of Charles Lowell, d.d. {anon.]
2 p. I. 242 pp. 12°. Boston, Crosby, Nichols
4- CO. 1856.
Barton (Jerome). Barton's comic recita-
tions and humorous dialogues. 180 pp.
16°. New York, Dick 4- Fitzgeiald, [1871].
Barton (Lucy). Bible letters for children.
With concluding verses by B«!rnard Bar-
ton. 162 pp. 1 pi. 18^. Philadilphia,
Latimer 4- co. 1832.
Barwell (lfr». — ). Infant treatment : with
directions to mothers for self-management
before, during, and after pregnancy. Ist
am. ed. Revised, by a physician of New
York. 2 p. 1. 9-148 pp. 12°. New-York,
J. Mowatt 4' CO. 1844.
Barwick (Edward). A treatise on the
church, chiefly with respect to its govern-
ment: in which the divine right of episco-
pacy is maintained, the supremacy of the
bishop of Rome proved to bo contrary to
the scriptures and the primitive fathers;
and the reformed episcopal church in p]n-
gland, Ireland, and Scotland, proved to bo
a sound and orthodox part of the catholic
church. 2d ed. enlarged, xl, 350 pp. 1 1.
8°. Belfast, ilrelandl, 0. Berwick, 1813.
Basanistes. Ipseitdon.J 'Aipeaeuv avaaTaair:
or, a new way of deciding old controver-
sies. By Basanistes. 3d ed. enlarged.
1 p. 1. xxxvi, 210 pp. 8°. London, J.
Johnson 4' co. 1815.
Bascom (John). Philosophy of rhetoric.
251pp. 12°. New York, Wool worth, Ainn-
xvorth 4- CO. [1872].
Bastien (Jean Frangois). Calendrier du
jardinier, ou journal de son travail, dis-
tribu^ parchaque mois de l'ann<Se. 2e <5d.
4 p. 1. 12, Ixiv, 648 pp. 12°. Paris, A.
Bertrand, 1807.
Bastus y Carrera (Joaquin). Nuevas
anotaciones al ingenioso hidalgo d. Quijote
de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes
Saavedra. 2 p. 1. 425 pp. 8°. Barcelona,
viuda e hijos de Gorchs, 1834.
Bastwick (John, m. d.) Elenchus religionis
papistic®. In quo probatur : neqiie apos-
tolicam, neque catholicam, imo neque
romanam esse. Ed. 2a. 4 p. 1. 259 pp.
18°. Londini, G. Jones, 1627.
Batchelder (Samuel). Introdaction and
early projfress of the cotton nianufactare
in the United States, iv, lOS pp. 12^.
lioaton, Litlle, Broun 4 co. 18(53.
Batchelor (Geor-^e). The practical pro-
nounc'T and key to Andrews and Uatche-
hn's lu'w frencli instrnetor, 185G. See
Andrews (S. P.) and Batchelor.
Bateman (John Frederic). City of Buenos
Ay res improvements. Kejiort on the
«Irainaj;e and sewerajje and water supply
of the city. 1 p. I. 31, 22 pp. 4 maps
fiddfd. »m. fol. London, Vacher «[• aons,
[1H71]. 8.
The sanje. Mejoras de la cindad de
Buenos Aires. Informo sobre drenage,
sistema do cloacas para desagiie y sobre
provision de agua de la cindad. 100 pp
H^. liitinos Airv8, impnnta del Siglo,
lr<71. S.
Docunientos relativos a las obras del
puerto de Buenos Aires 6 iuforrae del
injfuiero J. F. Bateman. 103, xxxx pp.
3 phms fohled. t^'^. Jiiienoa Aires, imjyrenla
del Sifjlo, 1871. S.
Port of Buenos Ay res. Supplemen-
tal report to the minister of finance of
the province of Buenos Ayres, on im-
proved harbour accommodation. 13 pp^
2 phms folded, sm. fol. London, Kell broth-
rrx, \r^\. S.
Bates (Klisha). The doctrines of friends:
or prineiitles of the christian religion, as
h»'ld by the Society of friends, commonly
called «piakers. viii, 320 pp. 8'^. Mount-
plenxant, [().] author, 1825.
Bates (Fly). A Chinese fragment. Con-
taining an enquiry into the present state
of religion in England. With notes by
tho editor, [amoh.] vi, .300 pp. 8°. lA)n-
doH, ./, Darin, for ./. Strahan, 1780.
Rural philosophy: or reflections on
knowledge, virtue, and happineas; chiefly
in reference to a life of retirement in the
country. 4th ed. xxxi,383pp. 8. Imu-
don, I.ninjman, IHO.').
( Wiih hi* A chincHe fraxmonf. ITtT.).
Tho same. 1st am. from tho 4th Lon-
d(.n od. xxvii, 270 pp. 12^^. I'hiladel-
l>'iia, II. II. Hopkinn .(• en. 1807.
Bates ( I.iz/ie). Hud yon been in his place.
'S2i pp. 3 pi. ir, . ynr York, li. Carter .f-
ttroH. 1^73.
Stories of the flowers. 11)2 pp. 10 .
.\nr York, American tract aociclif, [1872].
Bates (Stockton). Dream life, and other
poems, vii, 123 pp. 16°. Philadelphia,
Claxton, Remsen tf- HaffeJfinger, 1872.
Batjiu (Nicolas). Histoire complete de la
noblesse de France, 1789-1862 ; snivie de
considerations sur la grandeur de la
noblesse, sa situation actuelle et Tinflnence
morale qu'elle exerce sur les autres classes
de la socidtd. 536 pp. 8°. Paris, E.
Dentu, 1862.
Baudart (Willem). Apophthegmata chrir-
tiana, of te gedenck-weerdigo, leersame en
aerdigo spreucken van vele ende ver-
scheydene christelijcke, en christen-
gelijcke personen gesproken: in seven-
thien boecken onderscheyden. Hier is
noch van nieuws by-gevoeght het
tweede decider apophthegmata Christiana,
llde druck, van nieuws oversien : cock
vermeerdert met het xvii. boeck. b. I. 2
V. in 1. 4 p. 1. 368 pp. 16 1 ; 2 p. 1. 196 pp.
4 1. sm. 4°. Amsterdam, P. Matthysz, 1665.
Baumbach (F.) Arnold von Selehofen,
erzbiscbof von Mainz. (1153-1160). Inau-
gural-dissertation. 104 pp. 8°. Gottin-
gen, W. F. Kaestner, 1871. s.
Baumgartner (Andreas). Elementi di fisi-
ca. Traduzione e continuazione del dr.
Bernardino Zambra. 2 v. in 1. 1 p. 1. 296
pp ; 190 pp. 1 1. 8°. Vienna, i. r. direzione
per la vendita dei libri scolastici, 1858.
Principii fondamentali di fisica. Tra-
duzione fatta sulla 4a ed. tedesca. 4 p. 1.
456 pp. 8°. Vienna, i. r. direzione dei libri
scolastici, 1855.
Baxter (G. R. Wythen). Humor and pathos ;
or, essays, sketches, and tales. With
illustrations, by F'rank Howard, viii, 262
pp. 4 pi. 12^^. London, G. Itoutlcdge, 1842.
Baxter (James). The euterpia, a library of
music. 384 pp. obl.S'^. Friendship, N. Y.,
J. C. Crandall, [1872].
Baxter {Rev. Richard). Aphorismes of justi-
fication, with their explication annexed.
Wherein also is opened the nature of the
covenants, satisfaction, righteonsuesse,
faith, works, &c. [Also, An appendix ;
being an answer to the objections of a
friend]. 7 p. I. 334 pp. 16°. Hague, A.
Brown, 1655.
Apology against the modest excep-
tions of mr. T. Blake, and the digression
of mr. G. Kendall. [With] animadver-
sions on a late dissertation of Ludiomaius
Col vinus, alias, Ludovicas Molinieas, and
Baxter (Rev. Richard) — coutiuueil.
an admonitiou of mr. \V. Eyre, with uir.
Craudou's anatomy for satisfaction of nir.
Caryl. 5 v. in 1. 13 p. 1. [658] pp. 2 1.
sm. 4°. London, T. Undcrhill cj- F. Tyton,
A call to the unconverted. With an
introductory essay, by Thomas Chalmers,
d. d. 159 pp. 18°. New York, American
tract society, laJ)Out 1840].
The same. 216 pp. 18°. Xew York,
li. Carter, 1845.
The christian's converse with God :
or, the insuflScieucy and uncertainty of
humane friendship : and the improvement
of solitude in converse with God. With
some of the author's breathings after him.
sm. 4°. London, F. Tyton 4- N. Simmons,
[In his Treatise of the knowledge of God, 1064,
part 3, or pp. 293-378. Imperfect ; lacking pages
at end].
The crucifying of the world, by the
cross of Christ. With a preface to the
nobles, gentlemen, and all the rich, direct-
iug thom how they may be richer. 36 p. 1.
254 pp. sm. 4°. London, E. W. for N.
Simmons, 16.58.
The cure of church-divisions: or.
directions for weak christians, to keep
them from being dividers, or troublers of
the church : with some directions to the
j)astors, how to deal with such christians.
2d ed. 24 p. I. 430 pp. 3 1. 16°. Tendon,
N. Symmons, 1670.
The description, reasons & reward.
of the believers walking with God. sm,
40. London, F. Tyton 4^ N. Simmons, 1664.
[In his Treatise of the knowledge of God, 1664,
part 2, or pp. 153-291].
The english nonconformity as under
king Charles II. & king James II. truly
stated & argued. 7 p. 1. 304 pp. sm. 4°.
London, 1689.
[Imperfect; wanting title-page].
Full and easie satisfaction which is
the true and safe religion. In a confer-
ence between a doubter, a papist, and a
reformed cathdlick christian. 12 p. 1. 190
pp. 12°. London, N. Simmons, 1674.
Jesuit j uggling.' Forty popish frauds
detected and disclosed. Ist am. ed. with
au introductory address. 312 pjj. 12°.
New Yoi-k, Craighead cj- Allen, 1835.
The poor man's family book. 1.
Teaching him how to become a true chris-
tian. 2. How to live as a christian, to-
Baxter ( AVf. Richard) — continued,
wards God, himself, and others, in all bis
relations; especially iu his family. 3.
How to die as a christian iu hope and
comfort, and so to be gloritted with Christ
for ever. With a form of exhortation to
the sick [etc.] 6th ed. 6 p. 1. 504 pp.
18°. London, R. Ereringham, 1697.
The reasons of tlie christian religion.
The first part, of godliness: proving by
natural evidence the being of God, the
necessity of holiness, and a future life of
retribution. The second part, of Chris-
tianity: proving by evidence, supernatu-
ral and natural, the certain truth of the
christian belief; and answering the ob-
jections of unbelievers. It openeth also
the true solution of the christian faith.
Also an appendix, defending the soul's
immortality against the somatists or epi-
cureans, and other pseudo-philosophers.
- 13 p. 1. 604 pp. sui. 4 ; London, R. While
for F. Titon, 1667.
The reformed pastor ; a discourse on
the pastoral office. Abridged by Samuel
Palmer. 190 pp. 1 1. 12°. Washington,
Fenn., office of the fVestern telegraph, ISIO.
The safe religion. Or three disputa-
tious for the reformed catholike religion,
against popery. 27 p. 1. 455 pp. 7 1. 16°.
A. Miller, for T. Underhill cj- F. Tyton, 1657.
A saint or a brute. The certain ne-
cessity and excellency of holiness, &c. 8
p. 1. 23,384 pp. portrait, sm. 4°. London,
R. W. for F. Tyton 4^ N. Simmons, 1662.
Tlio first part : shewing the necessity of holiness.
The second part: clearly proving by reason as
well as scripture : 1. In general, that holiness
is best, and necessary to our felicity. 2. Par-
ticularly, that it is beat, 1. For societies; 2.
For individual persons; and more distinctly,
1. That it is the only way of safety. 2. Of hon-
esty, [etc.]
The saints' everlasting rest: or, a
treatise of the blessed state of the saints
in their enjoyment of God iu glory. Ex-
tracted from the works of mr. R. Baxter,
by John Wesley. 398 pp. 16°. New
York, E. Cooper 4- J. Wilson, 1806.
A treatise of knowledge and love
compared. In two parts: 1. Of falsly
pretended knowledge. 2. Of true saving
knowledge and love. 8 p. 1. 342 pp. sm.
4°. London, T. Parkhurst, 1689.
A treatise of the knowledge of God
and the impression which it must make
upon the heart ; and its necessary eflFects
Baxter (lUv. Richard)— continued.
upon our lives. 1» p. 1. 151 pp. sm. 4 .
lAindtiii, F. Tyton ijj- X. Simmons, U)64.
A treatise on pride; extracted froiu
the works of the rev. IvMehard liaxter. By
rev, Noah Levings. 144 ])p. IS . iSw
York, McKlrath .V Bamjs, IdJ'J.
The vnreasonableness of infidelity;
iiianif«'«ted in four discourses. 4 v. in
f)<» p. 1. [711 pp.] Mr. London, H. W. fur
T. Cnderhill, l<>>r>.
Bayues (I. W.) Alfred Montrose; or, the
way I should go. 153 pp. 1 pi. Id. Bos-
ton, Mass. s. H. society, lt*39.
Beacon lights and beckonings: for the
hoys. [anon.] 1G2 ]»p. IS . Jhston,
Mitxs. s. M. society, [ 1853].
Beadle (J. H.) Life in I'tah ; or, the mys-
teries and crimes of niornionisin. With a
history of polygamy and the mormon sect
from its origin to the present time. G08
pp. 16 pi. 1 map. 8 . rhiladeljihiayXa-
tional publishing co. [1H70].
Beal ( Nathan Stone Read). Diamond leaves
from the lives of the Dimond family. By
an old, old bachelor. 3H1 pp. 1*2. Mace-
don, X. Y. author, 187*3.
Beale (Mrs. O. A. 8. ) Georgy Lee; or, The
boy who became a great artist : and The
shadow in the house. 140 pp. 18". New
York, Carlton .f- Porter, [ISm].
Beard (,K>hn M.d.d.) Man's origin, duty,
an<l destiny considered, in answer to the
<|u«'8tions— " What am I *" " Whence am
ir "Why am IT "Whither am I
going?" "What are my wants?" "Who
will give nn; aid?" xi, 7-100 pp. 12^.
London, K. ft'hit field, 1857.
Beastall (William). The grocer's and dis-
till.'r's useful guide, being a complete
directory {or making and nninaging all
kinds of wines and spirituous liquors;
al.H4., f<.r preserving beef, pork, and fish;
for making the best pickles and preserves,
anil for i)reserving fruits Sc vegetables
treMh and goo<l throughout the year. 2d
cd. 43*2 pp. 1 pi. lo . Xew-York, author,
I •"32.
BoaUoii(Alexand.'r). A view of the ori-
gin and conduct of the war with Tippoo
Sultaun; comprisiug a narrative of the
operations of the aruiy under lieut.-gen.
^'••orge Harris, and (»f the siege of Sc-
lingapatam. xxiii, -m, clxxii pp. 5 plans,
I Beatson (Alexauder)— continued.
2 tables. 4°. London, TV. Bulmer <J- co.
1 1800.
Beattie (James, //. d.) The minstrel; or,
the progress of genius: and other poems.
! 21«)pp. Ipl. 18^. New-York, R.,^- W. A.
, Bartow, 1821.
' Beauchamp (Alphonso de). L'iud<5pon-
dance de I'empirc du Br6sil, pr6sent<5e aux
monarques europ^ens. 1 p. 1. xv, 138 pp.
1 1. 8-\ Paris, Delaunay, 1824.
Mdmoires de Joseph Fouch<5, dtic
d'Otrante, rainistro de la police gdn<^rale.
2e <5d. 2 V. 1 p. 1. 253 pp; 1 p. 1. 226 pp.
8". Paris, Le lionge, 1825.
Note. — Le famille ile Fouch6 a (l^savon6 ces n\v-
iiioircs et lea a fait saisir. On a hu dopuis qu'ils
ont 6te r^digt'S par in. de Beauchamp, sur des
notes foiirniea par m. Jiillian, anciou agent du
miuist(>re do Napol6on.— Querard.
Beauchamp ( Rev. William). Letters on the
call and qualifications of ministefs of the
gospel, and on the apostolic character and
superior advantages of the itinerant
ministry. With a preface by bishop
[Joshua] Soule. 132 pp. 18'^. Charleston,
S. C, J. Early, 184U.
Beauchampe, 1842. See Simms (William
Beaufoy (— ). Tour through parts of the
United States and Canada. [By a british
subject, anon.^ viii, 141 pp. 8°. />o«-
don, Longman, 1828.
Beaulieu (C.) Histoire de Lyon, depnis les
Gaulois jusqu'a nos jours. 672 pp. 8 pi.
8°. Lyon, J. Baron, 1837.
[Imperfect ; wanting pi. 7].
Beaumont (Leprince de). See Leprince
de Beaumont.
Beauties of the muses: or, select senti-
mental poems and elegies, viz. 1. The
hermit. By dr. Parnell. 2. Elegy in a
church yard. By mr. Gray. 3. The trav-
eller. By dr. Goldsmith. 4. Death. A
poem. By dr. Porteus. 5. Deserted vil-
lage. By dr. Goldsmith. 6. Hermit of the
dale. By ditto. 7. Futurity. Extract
from dr. Dodd. 2 p. 1. 211 pp. 6 pi. IS •.
IVorecJiter, [3/rts».] ./. Thomas, 1793.
Beauties (The) of the souvenirs : being a
selection of the most interesting miscella-
nies from those popular works. [a»ioM.]
144 pp. Ipl. 18'. New York, G. G. Sickels,
Beauty (The) of the blondes' songster.
i \_ctc. anon.] 176 pp. 16^. New York, R.
! M.DeWilt, [1870]
Beauvoir (— marquis dt). A voyage rouud
the world. 2 v. xii, 307 pp ; vi, 388 pp.
8*2. London, J. Mtiiray, 1870.
Note.— A translation of his Voyage antour du
monde. 18C9.
Beaven (James, d. d.) A catechism on the
tbirty-nine articles of the church of En-
gland. With additions and alterations.
152 pp. 18°. Neiv York, Gen. protestant
eplncopal 8. 8. tmion, 1853.
Bebescourt (— ). Les myst^res du christia-
nisme approfondis radicalement et recon-
nus physiquement vrais. [awoH.] 2 v. 7
p. 1. 431 pp. 1 pi ; 3 p. 1. 404 pp. 1 pi. 8°.
Londrea, 1771.
Bechstein (Ludwig). MUrchenbuch. Mit
1)0 holzschnitten uach origiualzeichnun-
gen von Ludwig Richter. Nach der 24sten
autt. verbessert und vermehrt. 251 pp.
1C)0. Fhiladelphia, J. Kohler, 1869.
Becker (Carl Ferdinand). Systematisch-
chronologische darstellung der musikali-
schen literatur von der frlihesten bis auf
die neueste zeit. 4 p. 1. 572 col. on 143 1.
573-605 pp. 4°. Leipzig, R. Friese, 1836.
Beckwith (E.L.) Following the master.
288 pp. 4 pi. 16°. PlitladelpUa, rreshifterian
hoard of publication, [1872].
Beckynton (Thomas). Memorials of the
reign of king Henry vi. Official corre-
spondence of T. Bekynton, secretary to
king Henry vi. and hishop of Bath and
Wells. Edited, from a ms. in the archi-
episcopal library at Lambeth, with an
appendix of illustrative documents, by
George Williams, b. d. Published by au-
thority. [Lat.] 2v. 4, ccxv, 295 pp ; 6,
432 pp. 8°. London, Longman 4~ co. 1872.
[Great Britain. Treasury department. Rolls
office. Kerum britaunicarura medii a'vi scrip-
B^court (R. de). The grave of human
philosophies, ancient and modern, or, the
universal system of the brainins unveiled.
From the french with additional notes,
by A. Dalmas. 2 p. 1. ix, 95, x pp. 2 1. 1
map. 8°. London, Shei'wood, G i Ihert <j- Pipei',
Beddoe (John, wi. df.) On the stature and
bulk of man in the British isles. 2 p. 1.
191 pp. 2 maps. 8°. London, AsTier ^' co.
A^ote.— Reprinted from v. 3 of the Memoirs of the
Anthropological society of London.
Bedell (Gregory Townsend, d. d.) The life
of Moses. 213 pp.1 pi. 18^'. Philadelphia,
American 8. s. union, 1832.
Bedford (John W.) Bedford's arithmetic.
The american arithmetical investigator.
239 pp. 12'^. SyracuHc, Stoddard tj- Bahcock,
1850. 8.
Beebe {Rev. Gilbert). The baptist liymu
book, adapted to the faith and order of the
the old school, or primitive baptists. 1st
ed. 800 pp. 18". Middl€town,N. Y. office
of the " Sign8 of the times," 1858.
Beecher (Catherine Esther). Arithmetic
simplified, in three parts. 273 pp. 12-^.
Hartford, D. F. Robinson .)• co. 1832.
The moral instructor; containing
lessons on the duties of life, arranged for
study and recitation. Revised [2d] cd.
1 p. 1. 9-188 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, Truman
tf Smith, 1838.
[Eclectic school series].
Beecher (Eunice W. or Mre. Henry Ward).
From dawn to daylight; or, the simple
story of a western home. By a minister's
wife, [anon.] 339 pp. 12°. Keio York,
Derby 4' Jackson, 1859.
Motherly talks with young house-
keepers : embracing eighty-seven brief
articles on topics of home interest, and
about five hundred choice receipts for
cooking, etc. xx, 492 pp. portrait. 12°.
New York, J. B. Ford 4' co. 1873. -
Beecher {Rev. Henry Ward). Lectures to
young men, on various important subjects.
New ed. with additional lectures. 6 p. 1.
280pp. 12°. New York,J.B. Ford i^'co.l'^^.
Notes from Plymouth pulpit : a col-
lection of memorable passages from the
discourses of H. W. Beecher, with a sketch
of mr. Beecher and the lecture-room. By
Augusta Moore, xlviii, 25-310 pp. 12°.
New York, Derby 4- Jackson, 1859.
Prayers from Plymouth pulpit.
Phonographically reported, viii, 332 pp.
12°. New York, C. Sctnbner 4' co. 1867.
The same. 5th ed. viii, 332 pp. 12°.
New York, C. Scribner 4' co. 1867.
The sermons of Henry Ward Beecher
in Plymouth church, Brooklyn. From
verbatim reports by T. J. EUinwood.
"Plymouth pulpit," sept. 1871, to march 15,
1873, 7th-9th series. 3 v. 8°. New York,
J. B. Ford 4- CO. 1872-73.
See, also, Plymouth collection of
hymns and tunes, 1856.
Beecher (Lyman, d. d.) Views in theology.
240 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, Truman 4- Smith,
t 36
Beers (Frederick W.) Atlas of Addison co.
Veraiont. 48 1. inc. :f7 maps. fol. New
York, F. jr. liters 4 co. 1871.
Atlus of Bristol co. Ma.ssacliuRetts.
rM 1. inc. :V2 mai)s. fol. New York, F. ff.
Jietrsiyco. 1871.
Atlas of Cumberland co. Maine. G2 1.
inc. 45 maps. fol. Xew York, F. fV. Beers
.f CO. 1871.
Atlas of Franklin and Grand Isle cos.
^'e^nlout. 4G 1. fol. Xeir York, F. W.
Ileern <)• co. 1871.
Atlas of Indiana co. Pennsylvania.
4()1. f(d. Seir York, F. W. lieerHcSco. 1871.
Atlas of Monmouth co. N. J. 1'21 pp.
inc. 40 col. maps. fol. yeic York, lieern,
Comstock <)• Cline, 187:J.
Atlas of Oakland co. Michigan. 141
pp. inc. 5o maps. fol. Xeir York, F. TV.
Ji-'TH .y- CO. 1872.
Atlas of Snsqnehanna co. Pennsyl-
vania. 4r) pp. inc. 35 col. maps. 4*^. New
York, A. Pomeroy ^S■ co. 1872.
State atlas of New Jersey : based on
8tat« geological survey, and from addi-
tional surveys by and under the direction
of F. W. Beers. 122 pp. inc. 44 maps. fol.
New York, Beers, Comstock ^' Cline, 1872.
Beers (J. B. <f- co.) County atlas of West-
chester, New York. Published by J. B.
Beers & co. assisted by S. W. Wilson and
others. 80 pp. fol. New York, 1872.
Beeton (S. O. editor). Beeton's great book
of poetry : from Cjedmon and king Al-
fred's Boethius to Browning and Tenny-
son. With sketches of the history of the
poetry of our country. 2 v. 1 p. 1. Ixx pp.
21)0 1 ; :«)5 1. 8: London, Ward, Lock 4-
Tyler, 1H71.
Beez (Richard). Die elcnunite der geo-
metric. Planimetrie, trigonometric, stereo-
nietrio. vii, 216 pp. 8^. Plauen, F. E.
Neil pert, 1869. S.
Beggs (Thomas). An inquiry into the ex-
tent and causes of juvenile depravity,
viii, 184 pp. 8^. London, C. Gilpin, 1849.
Begin (Louis Jacques). Trait<^ de physiolo-
gio i)athologique, r6dig<^ suivant les prin-
cipcH do la nouvello doctrine mddicale.
2 v. xxix, 000 pp; 2 p. 1. 092 pp. 8^
I'aris, MetiHiynon-Marris, 1828.
Beginning and growth of the christian life ;
or, the Sunday-school teacher, [anon.^
190 pp. 12 . Boston, Cronhy, Xichoh .)• co.
Beharrell (Rev. Thomas G.) The brother-
hood, being a presentation of the princi-
ples of odd- fellowship : with a brief his-
tory of bible men and women, who devel-
oped the principles that have been adopted
by the fraternity in their lives. 282 pp.
12^. Cincinnati, Apphgate^i co. 18G0.
Behind the bars. [Insane asylums, omoh.]
350 pp. 1G^\ Boston, Lee <S- Shepard, 1871.
Behind the curtain. A tale of Elville.
[anow.] 1 p. 1. 11-442 pp. 12°. Dans-
ville, N. Y, J. B. Trembly, 18.'33.
Behrens (Georg Henning). Hercynia
curiosa, i. e. curioserllartz-wald, darinnen
alle an- und auf dem Hartz gelegene holen,
seen, brunnen, berge, und andero daselb-
sten an/utreflende curiositiltcu beschrie-
ben werden. Mit unterschiedeuen uiit/.lich-
und ergot/lichen medicinischen, physicali-
sclien und historischen anmerckungen.
4 p. 1. 200 pp. 8 1. sm. 4". Nilrnherg .J-
Altdorff, hey J. D. Tanhers erben, 1720.
Belcher {Bev. Joseph). The bloom of youth;
or, worthy examples. 120 pp. 3 pi. 18^.
New York, American tract society, [1804].
Facts for girls. 144 pp. 18^. Netv
York, L. Colby, 1844.
Belcourt (George Antoiue). Principes de
la langue des sauvages appolds Sauteux.
140 pp. lO'^. Quebec, lytkhetie c^ oie. 1839.
Belden {Bev. A. Russell). Thrilling inci-
dents and narratives for christian parents
and their children, to the third and fourth
generation. 385 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Auburn,
Derby cj- Millei', 1852.
Belden (L. W. m. d.) An account of Jane
C. Rider, the Spriuglield somnambulist.
134 pp. 18°. Springfield, lMass.'\ G. .^ C.
Merriam, 1834.
Belding (Pamelia). An infant class man-
ual. 334 pp. IG'^. Cincinnati, Foe if-
Hitchcock, 18G4.
Belek^ (Caspar J.) A grammar of the ger-
man language, systematically arranged on
a new plan, xii, 228 pp. 12°. Philadel-
phia, G. W. Mentz «;■ son, 1840.
Belgium. Academic royale des sciences, des
tettres ct des beaux arts de Belgique. Biblio-
giaphie acad6miquo ou liste des on v rages
publics par les membres, correspondants
et associes residents. 1854. 1 p. 1. xxiii,
2.54 pp. 12^. Bruxelles, M. Hayez, 1855.
Banqne nati&nale. Documents offl-
ciels de la banque nationale. 1850-72.
Belgium— continuotl.
2 p. 1. xcii, 69G pp. 2 tab. 4^. Jtruxelles,
F. ffayez, 1872. S.
Dociiraentfl officiels rolatlfs li la prorocafion do
cette inatitutiun dt'-crctoo par la loi (In ao mai,
Lois organiqncH, statnts,
r^glement d'ordre intdrieur. Rccneil des
documents et discussions parlementaires
concernant I'institution de la banque
nationale. 2 p. 1. 379 pp. 8°. BnucclJes,
E. Gmjot, 1872. 8.
Chamhre dea repre^entanis. Abolition
des octrois communaux en Uolgique.
Documents et discussions parlementaires.
[1860]. 2v. 2p.l. 770 pp. 11; 2 p. 1.718
pp. 8°. liruxelles, M. Hayez, 1867.
La cotir dea comptes. Comptes rendus
par les ministres, sur la comptabilitd de
l'6tat. 1866-67. 2 v. fol. Bruxellca, M.
Hayez, 1868-69.
Observations de la cour des
comptes, soumises h, la legislature avec le
compte g6n6ral des finances pour 1866,
1867, 1869. 3 v. fol. BruxeUes, M. Hayez,
Mhmibre de VinUnenr. Catalogue des
produits industriels et des ceuvres d'art
[JH I'exposition universelle de Paris, 1867].
685 pp. 12*^. BruxeUes, Bruylant, Chi'is-
tophe 4' cie 1867. s.
— — I^apport triennal sur la situa-
tion de I'instruction primaire en Belgique.
8e pdriode triennale. 1864-66. fol. Brux-
eUes, F, GoUaei-ts, 1868.
Rapport triennal sur l'(Stat de
I'enseignement moyen en Belglque. 5o
pdriode triennale. 1864-66. fol. Brux-
eUes, F. GoUaerts, 1867.
Situation de I'enseignement
supdrieur donnd aux frais de I'ctat. Rap-
port triennal. 1865-67. fol. BruxeUes,
F. Gohbaei'ts, 1869.
(Commission centrale de statis-
tique). Bulletin de la commission centrale
de statistique. v. 11. 4°. BruxeUes, M.
Hayez, 1869.
Documeiits statis-
tiques publi6s par le ddpartement de I'in-
t<5rieur, avec le concours dela commission
centrale de statistique. v. 12-13. 4°.
BruxeUes, T. Lesigue, 1868-69.
Statistique gdudrale.
Rapport au ministre de I'intdrieur sur les
travaux de la commission centrale et des
Belgium — continued,
commissions provincialeo de statistique.
[1846]. 8°. BruxcW's, imprimerie du Motii.
tmr beige, 1846.
(Commission sur VorganiHation
de Venseignement indushnel). Rapjwrt sur
I'organisation de renseignement indiis-
triel, addresHi^. i\ m. le ministre de rint<^ricur
par la commission nomm«^e par Tarr^K?
royal du 14 ddc. 1851. 1 p. 1. 224 pp. 8 •.
BruxeUes, M. Hayez, 18.52.
( Commissions m^licahs prorin-
ciales). Rapports des commissions nx-di-
cales provinciak'H sur leiirs travaux pen-
dant 1866-67. 2 V. 8-. BruxcUcx, M.
Hayez, [1867-68].
(Conseil snp^ritur ff agricul-
ture). Bulletin du conseil sup<?rienr
d'agriculture. Situation de I'agriculture.
V. 22, V. 24 (2e partie), v. 25. 3 v. 4 .
BruxeUes, H. Thiry, 1870-72.
■ (Exposition nationale di'Ji pro-
duits de I'agriculture el de I' horticulture).
Rapports sur I'exposition nationale des
produits de I'agriculture et do I'horticul-
ture de 1848. 8^. BruxeUes, Parent, 1849.
Ministere de la justice. Circulaires,
instructions et autres actes 6man<5s du
minist<ire de la justice, ou relatifs j\ ce
d6partement. 3e86rie. 1867-r>8. 2 v. 8-.
BruxeUes, M. Weissenbruch, 1868-69.
(Commission royale pour la
publication des anciennes lots et ordonnanccs
de la Belgique). Recueil des anciennes
coutumes de la Belgique, publid par ordro
du roi. 4°. BruxeUes, F. Gobbaerts, 1872.
De Loxg6 (G.) Coutumes du pays et ducbe de
Brabant. Quartier d'Anvers. Tiiine So. Cou-
tumes de la ville d'Auvers.
Ministere des travaux 2)nbUcs. Cana-
lisation de I'Escaut et de la Lys. Projet
de loi pr(5sent6 le 27 d(Sc. 1837, pri?c<5dd d'un
rapport du ministre des travaux publics,
et suivi du mdmoire de I'inspecteur, auteiir
du projet, et de pit^ces justificatives. 2 p. 1.
xxxvi, 137 pp. fol. BruxeUes, H. livmy,
Chemin de fer de l'<^tat.
Postes. Tdldgraphes. Comptes rendus
des operations pendant 1867-68. Rapport
prdsente aux cliambres legislatives par
m. lo ministre des travaux publics. f<»l.
BruxeUes, F. Gobbaerts, 1868-69.
Chemins de fer de I'dtat.
Tarifs pour le transport des voyagenrs.
Belgium— contiuiitil.
Expos«5 lies msultats de la reforme iutro-
duite le Ur iniii 18<U>. IHGD. Vt2 pp.
7 pi. 1 map. tol. /iruxdkfi, F. Gobbacrts,
Rt-nsfijiiiemcuts stati.stiiines
rrcueillis i)ar lo dopartoineiit des tra-
vaux publics. l.-'(j.V4)7. :{ v. l'»)l. Uritx-
illes, lf^()7-€)l).
Belgravia. A London niajja/ine. [Month-
ly J. Conducted by M. E. Braddon. March
to oct. Ifi7'2. 2d series, v. 7-8 ; 1st series,
V. 17-18. .*^ . London, [liobxon •)• »(>w«,
Belgravia (Th.-) annual. [Edited] by M.
E. l?raddon. [Christmas, 1872, for] 1873.
"^ . London, Ilobson .f- «ohj*, [1872].
Belinaye (Henry). The sources of health
and disea.so in communities; or, element-
ary views of " hygiene." ix, 2r)2 pp. 16^.
London, Treuttd .)• Wiirt: .y- nkhta; 1832.
Belisle (I). W.) The parterre : a collection
of flowers culled by the wayside. [Poems].
128 pp. 18\ rhiladclphia, J. 11. Lipp\n-
cotl .V- CO. 1841).
Bell (Rev. Charles Dent). Faith in earnest.
17r) pp. 18. London, S. Low iS- son, ISo'X
Bell (.John, m.d.of rhiladclphia). Lectures
on the theory and practice of physic, ad-
ditional to those delivered by dr. Stokes.
\ln StoKKS CWillinin, v>. d.) LfotiiroH on tho
th«><»ry nii<l prnotifc of phy«i<".
H\ VhUadd
phia.JIagwdl, JiarriDgton <f- llasirell, 1840. i»]>.
Bell (L'cr. .John, rrrlor of Ilrinton). The
waiHlerings of the human intellect; or, a
new dictionary of the various sects into
which the christian religion has been di-
vide<l, [With] an introductory essay on
universal history, from the much-admired
historical di.scoursti of dr. IMuquet. 31)8 pp.
H . XcnvaHllr, E. Walker, 1^1 1.
Bell (.Joseph S.) Zion's hynuis, 1,"^.>|. Sa
Hearn (Kufus). Bell, and Randolph.
Bell (Solomon, pncudon.) Tales of travels
in the north of Europe. Kil pp. inc. 1 pi.
1 map. 18 . lloHton, dray ,S Jhicen, 1831.
Bellamy ( /.Vr. Daniel). The family-preach-
er: consisting of practical discourses for
every sunday througliout the year. As
also, for christma.s-day, gf>odfrid;iy, and
other particular occasions. 2 v. 1 p. 1.
xvi, 372 i)p. 1 jd ; 2 p. 1. 408 pp. 1 pi. 8^.
London, W.Fadcn.for T. l'>rllamy,\':'A.
Bellarmino (Roberto).- The joys of the
blessed; being a practical discourse con-
cerning the eternal happiness of the saints
in heaven. Translated from the latin of
cardinal Bullarmiu. By Thomas Foxton.
With an essay upon the same subject.
Written by nir, Addison. 7 j). 1. ix, 130 pp.
8-. London, E. Curll, 1722.
BellchambeiB (Edmund). A general bio-
graphical dictionary. 4 v. 32^. I^ndon,
A. Jicll cf- CO. [cfc] 1835.
Bellini (Vincenzo). La sonnambula, nielo-
dramma di Felice Komani, jiostoin musica
dal m. Bellini. Kiduzione per canto con
accomp. di pianoforte del m. L. Truzzi.
Nuovaed. 1 p. 1.277 pp. obi. fol. Milano,
Titodi G. liicordi, [about 1850].
Bello (Andr<?s). Compendio de la gramatica
castellana. Escrito para el uso de las cs-
cuelas de la America espanola, por T. Ar-
nold© Marquez. 165 pp. 18^. Nnera
York, I). Applelon .y- co. [I860].
Belmont (Cara, pscndon.) The city side;
or, passages from a pastor's portfolio. 297
pp. 1 pi. 18'^. BoHton, PhiJlipa, Sampson <r
CO. 1854.
Belmont (Harvey). Tht; avenger, a terrific
tale. 34 pp. inc. col. front. 16"^. L^ondon,
Dean 4" Mnnday, 1822.
Beloe (William). Miscellanies: consisting
of poems, classical extracts, and orientsil
apologues. 3 v. 16' \ London, E. .V- ('.
Jiirinylon, 17i>5.
Belot (Adolphe). Men are what women
make them ; or, the drama of Rue de la
paix. From the french. By Julia Morton
Furbish. 347 pp. 12^\ I'hiladelphia, If.
X. M c Kinney iS- co. [1872].
Beloved (The) disciple. The life of the
apostle John. [anon.'\ 160 pp. 18<^. I*hU-
adclphia, American «.-». union, [1835],
"Beloved (The) of the lord:" a sketch of
the life of Solomon, the last king of Israel.
[anon.'\ 204 pp. 18 \ Philadelphia, Ameri-
can s. H. union, [1845].
Belsham (AVr. Thomjis). A vindicatiou of
certain pa.ssages in a discourse, on occasion
of the death of dr. Priestley, &c. [Also],
the discourse on the death of dr. Priestley.
2 p. 1. viii, 1 18 pp. 12 \ Jioslon, T. li. Wait
iS- CO. 1800.
Ben (Uncle, pseudon.) Portraits of my mar-
ried friends; or, a poop into Hymen's
kingdom. 343 pp. 7 pi. 12. XeuYork,
/>. Applcton .f CO. 1&'>8.
Ben K0B8: a sequel to Rosa Lane, lanon.]
170 j)p. 4 pi. 18^\ Philadelphia, American
H. 8. union, [1864].
Beuaveu (Jean Michel). Le caitjsier italieu,
oil I'art do connoitre toiites les mounoies
actuellos d'ltalie; ainsi que celles de tons
IcB dtats et princes de I'Europe, qui y ont
cours. 2 V. Engd.tit. 346 pp. 1 1; engd. tit.
1 p. 1. 173 pi. 175-178 pp. fol. Lyons, 1787.
Benedict (N. D. m.d.) A compendium of
lectures on the theory and i)ractico of
medicine, delivered by prof. Chapman,
1846. See Chapman (N. m. d.)
Benedict (/'ro/. William W.) Up-country
letters [from Zachariah Pundison, j;»e«-
ffoM.]: edited by prof. B — [Mark H,
Beecher], national observatory. 331 pp.
4 pi. 12^. New- York, D. Appleton <j- co. 1852.
Bengel (John Albert). Gnomon of the new
testament. Pointing out from the natural
force of the words, the simplicity, depth,
harmony and saving power of its divine
thoughts. A new translation, by Charlton
T. Lewis and Marvin R. Vincent. 2 v.
925 pp ; 980 pp. 8^. Fhiladelphia, Pcrkln-
pine 4^ Higgins, [1860-62].
Benjamin (Rev. De Witt Clinton). Theo-
retical and practical arithmetic. Also,
book-keeping and business items. 240 pp.
12". Neio York, author, 1854. s.
The same. Parti. 63 pp. 12°. Xew
York, author, 1852. S.
Benjamin (Israel Joseph). Acht jahre in
Asien und Afrika. 1846-55. Nebst einem
vorworte von dr. Berthold Seemann. 2te
aufl. xiv, 314 pp. 3 1. 4 tab. 1 map folded.
8°. Hannover y verfaaser, 1858.
Bennet (James Arlington, originally knoicn
as James Bennett). The american arith-
metic, adapted to the trade and commerce
of the United States. 104 pp. 8°. New
York, author, 1835.
A system of book-keei)iug by single
entry. 127 pp. portrait. 8°. Xew- York,
J. A. Bennet cf- co. 1846.
Bennet or Bennett (Mrs. Agues Maria).
Agnes de-Courci, a domestic tale. 4 v.
16°. Bath, author, 1789.
Bennet or Bennett (Thomas, d.d.) An
answer to the dissenters' pleas for separa-
tion, or an abridgment of the London
cases; wherein the substance of those
books is digested into one discourse. 4th
ed. 8 p. 1. 326 pp. 12°. Cambridge, lEng.;\
University press for A. Bosvile, 1707.
Bennet (Thomas, d.d.) — contiiiu<Ml.
Directions for studying, i. A general
system or body of divinity, ii. The thirty
nine articles of religion. [Also], St. Je-
rom's epistle to Nepotiauus. 3il eti. 4 p. 1.
196 pp. 8°. Lond'jn , J. .f- J. Knapton , 1727 .
Bennett (Emerson). Kate Clarendon; or,
n<;cn)inancy in the wilderness. 249 pp.
12 . J'hiladelphia, T. B. J'eterson, [ 1854 ].
Bennett (James). Sec Bennet (James Ar-
Bennett (A'er. John). Letters to a young
lady, on a variety of useful and interesting
subjects. 1st N. Y. ed. 2 v. in 1. 114 pp ;
119 pp. 16°. Xew- York, J. Bud for E.
Duyckinck <f co. [1796].
Note. — Date on title-pa<?c crroneouslj' printed 17 IG.
Bennett (Titus). A complete key to the
revised impression of Bennett's practical
arithmetic. 208 pp. 12°. Philadelphia,
Bennett 4- Walton, [1824].
Bennett (Il(w. William James Early). The
encharist, its history, doctrine, and prac-
tice, with meditations and prayers suit-
able to that holy sacrament, xv, 430 pp.
8°. London, W.J. Cleaver, 1837.
Bent (APiss Fannie). Out of the dark : the
story of Alice Leith's experience. By the
author of "Harold." lanon.'] 300 pp. 4
pi. 16°. Philadelphia, Presbyterian board
of publication, [ 1872 ] .
Benton (C.) and Barry (Samuel F.) A sta-
tistical view of the number of sheep in
the several towns and counties in Maine,
New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York,
Pennsylvania, and Ohio: a partial ac-
count of the number of sheep in Virginia,
Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, and
Kentucky, in 1836. [etc.] 143 pp. 16°.
Cambridge, Folsom, Wells tj'- Thurston, 1837.
Benton (James G. ca2)t. U. S. a.) A course
of instruction in ordnance and gunnery,
composed and compiled for the use of the
cadets of the United States military acad-
emy, vi, 518 pp. 8°. Xew York, I), ran
Xostrand, 1861.
Berean (The) question book, (international
scries,) for 1873. 140 ])p. 18°. Xew York,
Xelson^- Phillips, [1S72].
Bergens kathedralskole. Indbydelsesskrift
til den offentlige examen 1 Bergens kathe-
dralskole. 1868[-70]. 3 V. 12° & 16°.
Bergen, B. Dahl, [efc] 1868-70. s.
Bergmann (Bonjainiu vou). Voyage cbez
Ifs Kalumks. Tratluit de ralloniand.
Par m. Moris, xxviii, 361 pp. 1 pi. 8.
rii(itillnn->fiir-Stine,C. t'oniillac,lS2o. j
Beriugton (Simon)- Dissertations on the \
luoHiiical creation, delnge, builtlin;? of Ba-
Ih'1, anil confusion of tongnes. 7 p. 1. 4Uu ,
pp. 6. London, anlhor,l7'i0.
Berkenhout (Jolni, m.d.) Clavis anglica
linguii' botanicji' ; or, a botanical lexicon ;
in which the terms of botany are ex-
plained. 2d ed. [With] ealendarium
botauicum. 1(571. 12 \ lAjitdon, T. Cadell,
Pharmacopoeia mcdici. Ed. 3a ancta
& eniendata. 5 p. 1. 117 pp. 6 1. 12°.
iMiidini, apud li. Baldwiii, 1782.
Berlin {City of). Reinignng uud entwiis-
serung Berlins. Einleitendo verhandluu-
gen nnd berichte iiber mehrore auf veran-
hissnng des magistrals der koniglicheu
liaupt- nnd residcnzstailt Berliij, ange-
.stellte versuche nnd nntersuclmngen. 1
p. I. 2<ll pp. 3 pi. 8 . IScrlin, A. Ilirsch-
wald, 1870. s.
Berliner medicinischo gesellsehaft. Vor-
handhingen der Berliner mediciuischen
gesellsehaft in den jahren 18(57 uud 186H.
(Als 8eparatab<lruck aus dor Berliner
klinisehen wochenschrift). Herausgege-
bcn vom vorstande der gesellsehaft. viii,
ccxxxiii, 148 pp. 8\ Ik)Un,J. Sittenfeld,
1871. s.
Bernard (Charles Bernard Du Grail de la
Villette, kiionn as Charles de). The lion's
skin and the lover hunt. [Translated
i'voiu tlie french]. 339 pp. 12^\ New
Yorh; Jifd/uUl, 18;)3.
Bernard (AVr. Richard). The isle of Man;
or, U'gal procee<lings in Manshiro against
sin. Wherein, by way of allegory, the
chief nnilefactors are detected. And their
arraignment and judicial trial. With the
spiritual use thereof. New ed. With au
account of the author, xxxvi, 142 pp.
Iri . hmdon, T. Trgg <)• mn, 1«34.
Thesaurus biblicus, sen promptu-
ariuui sacrum. [Also], all the marginal
readings, with the words of the text.
I With ) an abstract of the principal mat-
ters contHiued in the holy scripture. 2d
ed. by William Retchforde. 246 p. 1.
176 pp. 1 1. fol. London, A. (rook, [e^c]
Bemardi {Major Johu). A short history of
the life of major John Bernard!, written
by himself in Newgate, where he has been
for near 33 years a prisoner of state.
1 p. 1. 135, 62 pp. 8^. London, author, 1729.
Bemheim {liev. G. D.) History of the ger-
man settlements and of the lutherau
church in North and South Carolina, from
the earliest period of the colonization of
dutch, german and swiss settlers to the
close of the first half of the present cen-
tury, xvi, 25-557 pp. 12°. FhiUidelphia,
Lutheran book store, 1872.
Berquin (Arnaud). The children's friend,
from the french. 4 v. 16^\ Dublin, fV.
Porter, 1787.
The same. The beauties of the chil-
dren's friend ; being a selection of inter-
esting pieces from that celebrated author,
m. Berquin. Interspersed with pieces of
poetry from various authors. By the au-
thor of the Child's first book. 252 pp.
18^. Boston, Lincoln tj* Edmunds, 1827.
The same. The child's friend : being
selections from the various works of Ber-
quin. Adapted to the use of american
readers. With a sketch of his life and
writings. 252 pp. 18°. Bonton, Marsh,
Capen, Lyon <J- Webb, 1840.
An introduction to the study of
nature; with other pieces, from the
freuch. 142 pp. 12^. Philadelphia, J.
Crissy, 1841.
Berra (Domenico). Dei prati del basso
Milanese detti a marcita. xvi, 160 pp. 2 1.
2 pi. 4 tab. 8^. Miluno, dalV im2)eriale
regia stamperia, 1822.
Del modo di allevare il bestiame bo-
vino e formarne buoue razzi nostrali.
142 pp. 1 1. 8^\ Milano, N. Beitoni, 1829.
[ }yith his Dei prati del basso Milanese].
Beniau (William, d.d.) Enter into thy
closet. 232 pp. 12". Xcw York, J. A.
Sparks, 1845.
Family and private prayers, taken
chiefly from the liturgy of the protestant
episcopal church, [etc.] 204 pp. 12^\
New- York, T. *)• J. SwordH, 1823.
The same. 4th ed. revised. 424 pp.
12°. New York, Stanford .j- Swords, 1846.
The same. 5th ed. 424 pp. 12°.
New York, Stanford .J- Swords, 1847.
Recollections of departed friends.
219 pp. 16°. New York, Stanford Ji'
Swords, 1850.
Berrian (William, rf, d.) — continued.
The sailors' 'and soldiers' manual of
devotion. 120 pp. 16°. Xew York, Army
and navy convention, [1844].
Berridge (Rev. John). The christian world
unmasked. With life of the author, by
Thomas Guthrie, d. d. xxiv, 183 pp. 12^^.
Boision, Gould <J- Lincoln, 1854.
Berry (Mrs. Martha E.) Mattie Carson's
early years. 226 pp. 1 pi. 18'^. Boston,
Mass. 8. 8. society, [1864].
Berry (William). The history of the island
of Guernsey, part of the ancient duchy of
Normandy, from the remotest period of
antiquity to the year 1814, [etc.] 12, 348
pp. 28 pi. 1 map. 4°. London, Longman,
Berryer (Pierre Nicolas). Souvenirs de m.
Berryer, doyen des avocats de Paris, de
1774 h 1838. [Avec Quelques vues en
6conomie politique, v. 2, pp. 377-444].
2 v. 2 p. 1. 400 pp ; 2 p. 1. 438 pp. 8".
Paris, A. Dupont, 1839.
Berteau (Felix G.) New practical and
theoretical method for teaching and learn-
ing the french language. 2 v. 2 p. 1. vii,
164 pp; 2 p. 1. 165-418 pp. New-Yorl, F.
G. Berteau, 1845-46.
Bertha and her baptism, 1857. See Adams
(Nehemiah, d. d.)
Berthellot. See Sosth^ne-Berthellot.
Bertrand (Pierre Jean Baptiste). Prdcis
de I'histoire physique, civile et politique,
de la ville de Boulogne-sur-mer et de ses
environs, depuis les Morius jusqu'en 1814.
[etc.] 2v. 3 p. 1. X, 471 pp. 1 chart ; 2 p.
1. 672 pp. 1 chart. 8^. Boulogne, 1828-29.
Berzelius (Johann Jacob). The kidneys
and urine. Translated from the german,
by M. H. Boy^ and F. Leaming, m. d.
viii, 17-179 pp. 8°. Fhiladeljyhia, Lea <j-
BlancJiard, 1843.
Besse (Joseph). Defence of quakerism ; or,
an answer to a book intituled A preserva-
tive against quakerism ; written by Pat-
rick Smith. With an appendix, contain-
ing 1. An examination of the first class of
quaker-testimonies, produced in a late
vindication of the bishop of Lichfield and
Coventry. 2. A detection of the falsehood
of Pickworth's narrative, viii, 416, xvii
pp. 8°. London, assigns of J. Soivle, 1732.
Bessie Duncan ; or, the first year out of
school, lanon.'] 160 pp. 1 pi. 32°. Phila-
delphia, American 8. s. union, [1858].
Bethtme (George Washington, d. d.) Early
lost, early saved. An argument for the
salvation of infants ; [also], original and
selected poems, on the same subject. 283
pp. 18°. New York, Board of publication
reformed protcstant dutch church, 1859.
The fruit of the spirit. 210 pp. 8°.
Philadelphia, II. Hall, 1839.
The same. 4th ed. 305 pp. 18°. Neio
York, Board of publication reformed proten-
iant dutch church, 1859.
Memoirs of mrs. Joanna Bethune.
With an appendix, containing extracts
from the writings of mrs. Bethune. 250
pp. 12'\ New York, Harper <$• brothers,
Bettner (George, m. d.) Harmoniio cajles-
tes, or christian melodies : and other
poems. 147 pp. 12°. New-York, WElrath,
Bangs # co. 1833.
Beugnot (Jacques Claude, comte). Life and
adventures of count Beugnot, minister of
state under Napoleon I. Edited from the
french by Charlotte M. Yonge. 2 v. x, 365
pp; viii, 343 pp. 8°. London, Hurst tf-
Blackett, 1871.
Beule (Charles Ernest). L'acropole d'A-
th^nes. Public sous les auspices du minis-
ikve de I'instruction publique et des cultes.
2 v. 356 pp. 4 pi; 392 pp. 4 pi. 8°. Paris,
F. Didot freres, 1853-54.
Bevan (Philip). Adalia : the sinless world.
[A poem]. 154 pp. 8°. Louisville, Ky.
N. H. White, 1861.
Beveridge (William, d. d.) The great neces-
sity and advantage of public prayer, and
frequent communion. 331 pp. 18°. Neio
York, J. A. Sparks, 1845.
Bezout (fitienne). First principles of the
differential and integral calculus, or the
doctrine of fluxions ; taken chiefly from
the mathematics of Bdzout. 2d ed. vi,
195 pp. 8°. Boston, Hilliard, Gray .j-
CO. 1836.
Bianconi (Giuseppe). Storia naturale dei
terreni ardenti, dei vulcani fangosi, delle
sorgenti infiammabili, dei pozzi idropirici,
e di altri fenomeni geologici operati dal
gas idrogene e della origino di esse gas.
214 pp. 1 1. 2 pi. 8°. Bologna, J. Marsigli,
1840. s.
Bibbiena (Michel Angelo di). La donna
dell' apocalisse, Maria santissima madre
di Dio, sempre vergine concetta in grazia.
14 p. 1. 481 pp. fol. Lucca, P. Fiediani, 1712.
Bible. {EngU»h). The holy bible, contain-
ing; the old and new testaments : translated
out of the original tongues, and with the
fonner translations diligently compared
and revised. :VM\\. \2 . jyorcentir, ^fasn.,
I. Thomas, 17'Jl.
The same. 270 1. 12 . Bos-
ton, I. Thomas 4 E. T. Jndirws, 1801.
The same. Tlio pictorial house-
hold bible: with marginal references;
and notes. With copious comments and
selections from the most esteemed writers,
and an illustrated bible dictionary. [1104]
pp.72 pi. 10 maps. 12 J. Springfield, I Mass.]
n\ J. JIuUand c)- CO. 1873.
,V,>f<r._Tho text of " Tho orifiital biblo : by rev.
Iiiffniham Cobbin," London, 1850, with a low
additions, and a dictionary.
New illustrated devotional
and practical polyglot family bible: with
the apocrypha, concordance, and psalms
in metre. Also, a carefully abridged ed.
of dr. Wm. Smith's complete dictionary of
the bible, and a history of the religious
denominations of the world, [etc.] 4 parts
i n 1 V. 4 . [ I'h iladelph ia ] , Xa Hon a I puh-
Ushlng CO. [etc. 1872].
The people's standard edition
Bible (£w^7J8/<)— continued.
new testament. By J. P. Lange, d. d.
Translated from the 3d german ed. with
additions, by Philip Schatf, d. d. 8c>. Neto
York, C. Scrihner, 1865.
Commentary on the
new testament: critical and practical.
By John J. Butler, d. d. The gospels.
495 pp. inc. 1 plan, 1 map. 12°. Dover,
[X H.^ G. T. Day .f co. 1870.
The same. v. 1. The
gospels. 495 pp. inc. 1 plan, 1 map, 12".
Dover, \_X. IT.'] Freewill baptist jjrJMfJwflf
of the holy bible, and the apocryphal writ
ings: with a complete concordance, the
psalms in metre, [etc. Also], a trea-
tise upon the literature, history, and inspi-
ration of the bible, [etc.] 7 parts in 1 v.
2 p. 1. [958] pp. 10 pi. 4°. Philadelphia,
Ziegler .J- McCnrdy, [1872].
Commentaries. A comment-
ary on the holy scriptures; [etc.] By
J. P. Lange. v. G of the old testament.
The books of the kings. By Karl Chr. W.
F. BJihr, d. d. Translated, enlarged, and
edited, part i, by Edwin Harwood, d. d.
Book ii, by W. G. Sumner. 2 parts in 1 v.
vi, 2G0 pp ; 312 pp. 8°. New York, Scrih-
ner, Armstrong .j' co. 1872.
The same. Old testa-
ment. V. 9. [Or] The psalms. By C. B.
Moll, d. d. From the german, with addi-
tions, by rev. C. A. Briggs, rev. J. Forsyth
rev. J. B. Hammond, rev. J. F. McCurdy ;
[with] a now version of the psalms and
philological notes by rev. T. J. Conant. 8~.
Xew York, Scrihner, Armxtrong iS- co. IS72.
The same. New testa-
ment, v. 1. The gospel according to
Matthew, together with a general theolog-
ical, and bomiletical introduction to the
establishment, 1870.
See Brown (liev.
John); Butterworth {Rev. John).
Xew testament. Family bible.
The new testament, with brief notes and
instructions, by Justin Edwards, d. d.
Containing the references and marginal
readings of the polyglot bible. 425 pp. 2
maps. 8°. Xew York, American tract «o-
ciety, IW^ll
The new testament of
our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, newly
translated out of the original greek, and
with the former translations diligently
compared and revised. 141 1.
delphia, W. Spotswood, 1792.
The same.
12°. Fhila-
108 1. 12°.
Fkiladelphia, TV. Young, 1794.
The same.
Xew-Haven, Tiehout <f O'Brien, 1796.
The same. 162 1.
Worcester, IMass.] I. Thomas, jun. 1802.
The same. 931. 16^
Boston, Thomas 4" Andrews, 1804.
The same. 168 1. 12°.
New-York, E. Duyckinck tj- F. A. Mesier,
The same. 321pp. 18°.
S. G. Goodrich, 1818.
The same. 312 pp. 12°.
Hartford, Conn.
Frovidence, (Ii. I.) Miller «J- Hutchens, 1821.
The same. 288 pp. 12^
Hartford, S. Andrm, 1823.
The same : with refer-
ences and a key shoot of questions histor-
ical, doctrinal, and practical. [With use-
ful tables of scripture names, scripture
geography, scripture chronology, scripture
references, etc. prepared to accompany the
reference testament]. By llorvey Wilbur.
328, 18 pp. 18°. Bostoiif Hilliard, 1827.
Bible (£w(77<«/0— continued.
The same. Engd. tit.
288 pp. 18°. ffarfford, S. Andrus, 1827.
The same. 286 pp. 16°.
Middletown, (Con.) W. H. Niles, 1829.
The same. 336 pp.
Boston, C. Gnylord, 1830.
The same.
378 pp. 2
18°. Hartford, Conn., S. Andrm,
The same. 252 pp. 18°.
Trenton, N. J.,
Bishop Davenport, 1835.
The same. 251 pp.
Jfartford, Jiuld, Loomis ^- co. 1836.
The same. 288 pp. 16°.
Middletown, Conn., Hunt if co. 1840.
The same. 288 pp. 12°.
Xeicarlc, N. J., B. Olds, 1842.
The same. With illus-
trations by Kenny Meadows, [etc.] and
notes historical and descriptive. Engd.
tit. 3 p. 1. 119 pp. 4°. London, Tllastraied
London neivs, 1847.
The same. A literal
translation from the syriac peshito ver-
sion. By James Murdock, d. d. ix, 515
pp. portrait. 8°. Neic Yorlf, Stanford ^•
Swords, 1851.
The polyglott new tes-
tament of our lord and saviour Jesus
Christ. With marginal readings and ref-
erences. 264 pp. 6 pi. 18°. Woodstock,
Ft, J. B. 4- S. L. Chase 4- co. 1836.
The practical exposi-
V. 1.
V. 2.
V. 3.
Bible (7^w<7?w/i)— continued,
interspersed with the text. By John
Winebrenner. 416, 47 pp. 16°. Harris-
hurg. Pa. The gospel publisher, 1836.
Acts of the apostles.
tor : or, an exposition of the new testa-
ment, in the form of a paraphrase ; with
occasional notes, and serious recollections
at the close of every chapter. [With text
in the margin]. By John Guyse, d. d.
5th ed. 6 v. 8°. Edinlurgh, Ross tf- sons,
for li. Boss, 1797.
Matthew and Mark.
Luke amlJohu.
Acts of the apostles and Paul's epistle to the
V. 4. Paul's epistles to the Corinthians, Galatians,
and Ephesians.
V. 5. Paul's epistles to the Philippians, Colossians,
Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon,
and the Hebrews.
V. C. The general epistles of James, Peter, John,
and Jude ; and the revelation of st. John,
the divine.
nouncing testament, according
to the
standard of the American bible society ;
with a copious and judicious selection of
references to parallel and illustrative pas-
sages, translated from the germau and
Notes, critical and explanatory, on the
acts of the apostles. By Melancthon W.
Jacobus. 430 pp. 8 pi. 1 map. 12°. Xeto
York, R. Carter 4- brothei's, 1859.
Apocryphal books. The
apocryphal new testament, being all the
gospels, epistles, and other pieces now
extant, attributed in the first four centu-
ries to Jesus Christ, his apostles, and their
companions, and not included in the new
testament by its compilers. Translated,
and now first collected into one volume,
with prefaces, tables, notes, and referen-
ces. Ist am. from last Lond. ed. 366 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, E. T. Scott, 1825.
Epistles. Notes, ex-
planatory and practical, on the general
epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude.
By Albert Barnes. 459 pp. 12°. New
York, Harper # brothers, 1848.
Ephesians. An
exposition upon the epistle of 8. Paule,
the apostle to the Ephesians : by s. lohn
Chrysostome. Truely and faithfully
translated out of greeke. 6.?. 4 p. 1. 342
pp. 18 1. sm. 4°. London, H. Binneman
4- B. Newberie, 1581.
Hebrews. Com-
mentary on the epistle of Paul, the apos-
tle, to the Hebrews. By William S. Plu-
mer, 11. d. 559 pp. 8°. Xew York, A. D.
F. Randolph 4- co. [1872].
Romans. A
translation of Paul's epistle to the Romans,
with an introduction and notes. By Will-
iam A. Whitwell. xii, 108 pp. 12°. Bos-
ion, W. Crosby 4- H. P. Nichols, 1848.
St. John. Apos-
tolic instruction exemplified in the first
epistle general of st. John. [A commen-
tary with text, anon."] xi, 431 pp. 12°.
London, R. B. Seeley 4- W. Burnside, 1840.
The gospels. Harmony
of the four gospels in greek. According
to the text of Hahn. Newly arranged,
with explanatory notes, by Edward Rob-
inson, d. d. xix, 235 pp. 8°. Boston,
Crocker 4' Brewster, 1845.
The same. According
to the common version. Newly arranged,
Bible (Eh///i»7/)— contiuuetl.
with expluuatory notos. By Edward Rob-
inson, d. d. XX, SKI pp. 1-2 . Jioston,
('rocker .)• linwuUr, l'!'4G.
. A manual of tbe i
p>spcls : being an abridgment of tbo au-
thor's "Harmony and exposition of tbe i
gospels." By James Strong. Edited by ^
Daniel P. Kidder, xxxvi, 218, 214»-1S pp-
1(P. Xew Yorh; Carlton .f- I'hillips, 1853.
Selcclioiis. Collectanea
Bible (English) — continncd.
The psalms of
David, and the song of Solomon, in metre,
1850. See Mc Clure ( Samuel ).
The psalms of
evangelica; or selections from tbo greek
testament, consisting of portions of tbe j
four gaspels arranged in chronological
order, forming a connected history of tbo
life of Jesus Christ. By N. C. Brooks. 2d
ed. 1 p. 1. 7-210 pp.. 18 . Jiallimore,
('ashing «)• brother, 1347.
Mark. Notes
on gospel of Mark. A'a Clark (George W.)
CoHjxls and Ads. Evan-
gelical history: or a narrative of the life,
doctrines and miracles of Jesus Christ,
and of his holy apostles; containing the
four Gospels and the Acts : with a general
introduction, and prefatory remarks to
each book. By Alden Bradford. 528 pp.
12 \ Koston, liradford <)• Head, 1813.
llvvdaiion. Outlines of
prophetic revelation, being a concise ex- j
jdanation of the revelation of st. John. |
[With text]. By rev. R. B. James, x, 504
pp. 12. Xcn'-York,ncdficld,\Qb2.
Notes, explana-
tory and practical, on tbe book of revela-
tion. By Albert Barnes. 50G pp. 12°.
AV»r York, Harper .^ brothers, 1852.
Old testament. Job. Notes,
critical, illustrative, and practical, on tbe
\nH)k of Job; with a new translation, and
an introductory dissertation. By Albert
Barnes. New improved ed. 2 v. cxxvi,
311 pp; 312, 72 pp. 12 \ Xew York,
Lcaritt .y- Allen bros. [1H72].
Job, I'rovn-bs, and Solomon.
Divim^ l>biloHophy : containing tbe books
of Job, Troverbs, ami Wisdom, with ex-
l»lanatory n(>tes. By Z. Isham, d. d. 3
p. 1. 320, HH pp. f^ . London, W. S. for
n. (Inrdl, [dr. J 170<'..
I'salms. The psalms;
with notes, critical, explanatory, and
practical. By Henry Cowles, d. d. iv, 554
pp. 12 . Xew York, I). Appldon .y- co. 1872.
David rendered into english verse of vari-
ous measures, 1854. See Jones (Abner).
Selections. A compendium of
tbe religious doctrines, [etc.] See Dick-
inson (Rodoli>hu8).
(French). Xew testament. John. [Le
saint dvangile de Jdsus Christ selon saint
Jean. Avec des explications & rdtlexions
qui regardent la vie intdrieure]. 3-503
pp. 18°.
[Imperfect ; wants title-page].
(German.) Xew testament. Das neue
testament unsers herrn und heilandes Jesu
Christi, nach der deutschen uebersetzung
dr. Martin Lutbers. Mit kurzem iuhalt
eines jeden capitels, nnd vollstiindigen
anweisung gleicber scbriftstellen. Wie
auch aller sonn- und festtiigigen evange-
lien nnd episteln. le aufl. 540 pp. 16*^.
Somerset, F. Goeh, 1814.
Tbe same. Mit er-
kliirungen und nntzanwenduugen. Her-
ausgegeben von Daniel Dobler. ' 6 p. 1.
428 pp. 12°. Libanon, Fenn., S. Miller, 1840.
(Greek). Xew testament. Acts of the
apostles. Tlpa^Eig ruv dytuv d7roaTo?MV Kara
TO Oetov apxeTVTTOv. UpoaTidevTai Se axo7ua
<j)i?i,o?ioyLKa Kai laropiKa, Kai 7tapa-r]pTjaei^
doyfiUTiKat kul i/Pikoi. iii-viii, 311 pp. 8°.
U£XlT7J, 1827.
ripaff/f TUV CITTO-
cTo?Mv. The acts of the apostles : accord-
ing to tbe text of Augustus Hahn ; with
notes and a lexicon. By John J. Owen,
d. d. xii, 276 pp. 1 map. 12°. Xew York,
Leavitt 4' co. 1850.
(Hebrew and english). Fentatcuch. The
law of God. Edited, by Isaac Leeser,
V. 1-4. 8°. Fhiladelphia, C. She)-man.
5005, [1845].
[v. 5 wanting].
(Hungarian). Gospels and e2)istles.
Szent evangeliumok, leczk(5k 68 epistoliik
a katbolikus egyhrizi dvnek minden vasitr-
68 iinnepnapjaira, iidvozitonk 8zonved6s-
tort6net6vel es egy fiiggel6kkel. [etc.]
278 pp. 16°. Becsben, a cs. k. iskolakonyvek
kiaddsdban, 1860.
(Latin). Fsalms. S. psalmorvm libri
qvinqve ad ebraicam veritatem versi, et
familiar! oxplanatioue elvcidati. Per Arc-
Bible (Za<t«)— continued,
tivm Felinvm. Ipseudon. Martinutn Bu-
cer]. 8 p. 1. 394 1. 6 1. unp. sm. 4^. Ar-
geniorati, G. V. Andlanus, 1529.
Psalma. Sacrao scriptura) lo-
corum quorundam versio metrica, 173G,
See Burton (John).
(Malayan). New testament. Jang
ampat evangelia derri tuan kita Jesv
Christi, daan berboatan dorri jang apos-
toli bersacti, bersaliu dallam bassa ma-
laj'o. That is, the four gospels of our lord
Jesvs Christ, and the Acts of the holy
apostles, translated into the malayan
tongue. 2 p. 1. 14, 215 pp. sm. 4^^. Ox-
ford, H. Hall, 1677.
(Modern greek}. Peniatench and hook
of Joshua. 'O TrevTaTEvxoc rov Mwvcrewf :
KaC TO filfULOV TOV 'IrjGOV vlov TOV 'NaVTj : EK
Tov ij3paiKov apxerv-nrov e'lg kolvtjv tX7.TjvLKrjv
6ta?.£KTov ix£Ta<^paGdevra. 1 p. 1. 270 pp. 8".
Ev AovJpa, 'P. Ovarrf, [1833].
(Telogoo). Neio testament. The new
testament in telogoo. v. ii. Containing
the epistles and the book of revelation.
2d ed. pp. 541-916. 8°. Madras, Cal-
cutta hihie society, 1819 ?
[Imperfect; title-page toru].
Bible stories in bible language. \_anon.'\
197 pp. 10 pi. sq. 12°. Neiv York, D. Ap-
pleton 4- CO. 1860.
Bible verses for the little ones, 1872. See
Putnam (Mrs. Henrietta J.)
Bibliographie de la France. See Journal
g^ndral de Timprimerie et de la librairie.
Bibliophile (Le) beige. [fidit6 par m. le
baron deReiffenberg]. v. 1-6. 8°. Brux-
elles, A. VanDalb, [etc.} 1845-50. s.
The same. Bulletin du Bibliophile
beige, fond^ par m. le baron de Reiffen-
berg, public [1850-51] par J. M. Heberl^,
[1852, par F. Heussner], sous la direction
de m. Ch. De Ch6nedoll6. v. 7-9. S°.
Bruxelles, J. M. Heherle, lelc. ] 1850-52. s.
Bibliotheca sacra (The), and theological
eclectic. [Quarterly]. Edited by Ed-
wards A. Park and George E. Day, with
the co-operation of dr. J. P. Thompson
[and] dr. D. W. Simon. Jan.to oct. 1872.
V. 29. 8°. Andover, (Mass.) W.F. Draper,
Biblische geschichte des alten uud neuen
testaraentes. Zum gebrauche der katho-
lischen hauptschuleu im kaiserthum Os-
Biblische geschichte, etc. — continued.
terreich. 258 pp. 3 1. 16°. Wien, im k. k.
schulbiiclier-verlag, 1858.
The same. FUr die katholischen
volkschulen der Vereinigten Staaten Nord-
amerika's bearbeitet von eincm priester
der diozese Basel. lanon.'\ 235 pp. 2 pi.
12°. New Tork <f Cincinnati, Benziger bro-
thers, 1864.
Biblische geschichte. Zum gebrauche der
israelitischen schulen. {anon.'\ 262 pp.
16"^. Wien, im k. k. schulbiicher-verlag, 1869.
Bibra (Ernst von). Chemische fragmento
iiber die leber und die galle. 1 p. 1. iv,
194 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, F. i'ieweg .j"-
sohn, 1849. .s.
Bichat (Xavier). Pathological anatomy.
The last course of Xavier Bichat, from an
autographic manuscript of P. A. B<jclard ;
with an account of the life and labours of
Bichat, by T. G. Boisseau. Translated
from the french by Joseph Togno. 2:52 pp.
8°. Philadelphia , J. G rigg, 1 827.
Bickerstaff (Isaac, pseudon.) See Tatler
Bickersteth (Rev. Edward). Bickersteth's
treatise on the lord's supper ; adapted to
the services of the protestant episcopal
church in the United States. With an in-
troduction, notes, and an essay by G. T.
Bedell, d. d. 3d ed. 210 pp. 18°. Phil-
adelphia, Key 4' Mielke, 1831.
Bickersteth (Edward Henry). Water from
the -well-spring, for the sabbath hours of
afflicted believers. 254 pp. 16°. New
Tork, B. Carter <j- brothers, 1856.
Bickerton ; or, the immigrant's daughter.
A tale. {_anon.} 191 pp. 12°. New Tork,
P. O'Shea, 1855.
Bickmore (Albert Smith). Reisen im ost-
indischen archipel in den jahren 1865 und
1866. Autorisirto vollstiindige ausgabe
fiir Deutschlaud. Aus dem englischen,
von J. C. A. Martin, xvi, 443 pp. 32 pi.
2 maps. 8°. Jena, H. Costenoble, 1869.
[Bibliothok {leoffrapliischcr reisen und eutdeck-
ungen iilterer uud ueuerer zeit, v. 4].
Biddeford and Saco (Maine) directory.
Greenough, Jones & co.'s directory of the
inhabitants, institutions, etc, in tbe cities
of Biddeford and Saco, for 1872. 4 p. 1.
202, 32 pp. 8°. Boston, Greenough, Jones
4' CO. 1872.
Biddle (Bev. William P.) and Newborn
(Bev, William J.) The baptist hymn-
book ; in two parts. Selected from vari-
Biddle and Newborn— contiiine<l.
ons authors. xxiv,GOr>, 28 pp. IS'^. HVm/i-
inytoii, ./. N. Mnhan, 182.'».
Bieber (AVr. I. W.) Titns Livius. Witb
ail interlinear translation. 1872. See
Livius (Titus),
Bigelow (Jacob, in.d.) Nature in disease;
illustrated in various discourses and es-
says. [Also] miscellaneous writings,
chielly on medical subjects. 2d ed. en-
larj^ed. 410 pp. 12 . Ilostoti, Phillips,
Sampxon •>• co. 18,')U.
Bigelow (Marion Albina). The northern
harp : containing songs from the St. Law-
rence, and forest melodies. 400 pp. 1 pi.
IS '. Jitbuni, X. y. Derby cf ^fiUe1', 1852.
Bilbao (Manuel), llistoria de [Felipe San-
tiago] Salaverry. xv, 411 pp. 8^. Biwnos-
Airen, caxa di gohUrno, 1807. s.
llistoria de Kosas. Tomo i. (Desdc
1810 hasta 1832). 379 pp. 8^. Jiuenos-
Airen, mm de gobierno, 1808. S.
Bill (Ledyard). Pen-pictures of the war.
Lyrics, incidents, and sketches of the
great rebellion. With a full account of
many of the great battles. 344 pp. 1 pi.
12 . Keic I'orA, 1804.
Bingham (Caleb). The young American's
Ki)eaker: being a new selection of lessons
for reading and speaking. 228 pp. 12°^
I'hiladelphia, J. li. Lipp'nicott ^j• co. 1857.
.Vote.— Fonnorly entitled " Tho american precep-
tor iiiiprovftl," the G8th ed. of which was
puhlishtd at Boston, in 183.3.
Bingham (Hev. G. L.) Triumphs of grace.
Fulton street prayer meeting, [anon.^
3 V. 18^. Xew York, hoard of puWieation
of the reformed protectant dutch church, 1863.
Army lilV.
Ilo-spital life.
Living; words from living men,
Bingham (AVr. Hiram). A residence of
twenty-one years in the Sandwich islands;
or the civil, religious, and political history
of those islands. 010 pp. portrait. 5 pi. 1
nKij), 8. Hartford, II. J{nuthigton,lSA7 .
Biography of pious persons ; abridged for
youth, [annii.^ vi, 9-336 pp. 10°. Spring-
Jirld, Masx., Merriam, Little .f- co. 1832.
Biot (.ban I{ai)tiste), An elementary trea-
tis<'oii analytical geometry. Translated
from the french. By Francis IT. Smith.
Ufvised ed, 302 pp, 8 >. Richmond, V a.,
A. Mnrrix, ISOO,
Birch (.fames). The book of chernbical
reason, with its law and nature ; or, of the
Birch (James)— contiuoed.
law and priesthood of reason : with some,
description of the law, nature, and king-
dom of faith ; and of the seraphims. 2 p.
1. viii, 144 i)p. 5 1. 8°. London, author,
lahout 1800].
The book upon the gospel and regen-
eration. 1 p. 1.274 pp. 8°. London, author,
lahout 1800].
[ With his The book of cherubical reason, leoo].
Bird (Robert Montgomery). Calavar; or,
the knight of the conquest : a romance of
Mexico. [rt?}o«.] 2 v. 278 pp; 290 pp.
12^. rhiladelphia, Carey, Lea ij- lilanchard,
The hawks of Hawk-Hollow. A tra-
dition of Pennsylvania. By the author of
"Calavar." [anon.^ 2 v. vii, 271pp;
256 pp. 12°. rhiladelphia, Carey, Lea tf
lilanchard, 1835.
The infidel ; or the fall of Mexico. A
romance. By the author of " Calavar."
\_anon.'\ 2 v. 1 p. 1. 13-254 pp ; 1 p. 1.
13-228 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea cj-
lilanchard, 1835.
Nick of the woods, or the Jibbenaino-
say. A tale of Kentucky. By the author
of " Calavar," [dc. a/ion.] v. 2. vi, 13-240
pp;240pp. 12'=. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea
<)• Blanchard, 1837.
Peter Pilgrim : or a rambler's recol-
lections. By the author of "Calavar,"
lanon.-\ 2 v. 4 p. 1. 13-247 pp; 2 p. 1.
13-250 pp. 12^. Philadel2)hia, Lea <)'•
Blanchard, 1838.
Sheppard Lee. Written by himself.
[rtxoM.] 2 V. viii, 5-273 pp ; viii, 3-277
pp. 12°. Xew- York, Harper ij- brothers,
Birkholz (Adam Michael). Der compass
dor woisen,von einem mitverwandten der
innern verfassung der iichten und rechtou
freymiiurerey beschrieben ; herausgegeben
mit anmerkungen, einer vorrede, in wel-
cher die geschichte dieses erlauchten or-
dens vorgetragon, und die irrthiimer
einiger ausgearteter franzcisischer frey-
mJiurer-logen entdekt werden, von Ketmia
Vero. Ipseudon.'] 2to vermohrte ausg. von
AdaMah Booz. 8 p. 1. 430 pp. 1 pi. 16°.
Berlin, F. Maurer, 1782.
Birthday (A) book for boys and girls. By
the author of "A book for the eldest
daughter." Engd. tit. viii, 207 pp. 4 pi.
10'^. Xorthampton, [Mass.} Uopkins,
Bridgman <f- co. 1853.
Bisbee (John). Lectures to young men.
172 pp. 1C°. Northampton, IMass.'} Butler
if Jiridgman, 1849.
Bishope (George). A looking-glass for the
times. Being a tract concerning the orig-
inal and rise of truth, and the original and
rise of antichrist. Shewing that the
principles and practices of the people
called quakers, in this day, and their suf-
ferings, are the same as were the principles
and practices of Christ and his apostles.
1 p. 1. 236 pp. fol. London, 1668.
Bismark or Bismarck-Schonhausen (Carl
Otto, fUrat von). Die reden des grafen von
Bismarck-Schonhausen. Erste sammlung.
Reden aus den jahren 1862-66. 2te ver-
voUstiindigte ausg. 352 pp. 8*^. Bei'lin,
F. Kortkampf, 1870.
The same. Dritte sammlung. [Land-
tags-session, 1869-70]. 104 pp. 8". Ber-
lin, F. EortJcampf, 1870.
Bissel (Mary L.) The Robinsons. 252 pp.
3 pi. 16°. Boston, D.Lothrop 4- CO. 11872}.
Bissi (Benedetto). Proverhj, motti, e sen-
tenze ad uso ed instruzione del popolo.
140 pp. 8^. Piacenza, i Orcesi, 1805.
Bivero (Pedro de). Sacrvm sanctvarivm
crvcis et patientiaB crvcifixorvm et crvci-
ferorvm, emblematicis imaginibvs labor-
antivm et segrotantivm ornatvm: arti-
fices gloriosi noy£B artis bene vivendi et
moriendi secvudvm rationem regvlae et
circiui. Engd. tit. 10 p. 1. 678 pp. 10 1. 70
pi. sm. 4°. Antverpice, ex offidna planti-
niana B. Moreii, 1634.
Blaauw or Blaeu (Jan). Nieuw vermeer-
derd en verbeterd groot stedeboek van
Piemont en van Savoye, of naauwkeurige
beschryving van derzelver steden, palei-
zen, kerken en voornaamste gebouwen.
AUes volgens plans en naarde de origi-
neele aftekeningen, door de voornaamste
meesters uitgevoerd, en door den uitgever
overzien. [^anon.^ 4 v. in 2. fol. Gra-
venhaage, E. C. Alberts, 1725.
Note.— This work appeared in latin (Theatrura
statuum Sabaudiae aucis), 2 v. in fol. Arast. 1682,
and was translated into french by Jacques Ber-
nard. The plates to the work were destroyed
by fire in the year 1672.
Blaauw or Blaeu (Wilhelm). Institvtion
astronomiqve de I'vsage des globes et
spheres celestes et terrestres, comprise en
deux parties, I'une, suivant I'hypothtise de
Ptolem^e, qui veut que la terre soit immo-
bile ; I'autre, selon I'intention de N. Co-
pernicus, qui tient que la terre est mobile.
Blaauw or Blaeu (W.) — continued.
9 p. 1. 277 pp. sm. 4^\ Amsterdam, J.
Blaev, 1669.
Black (Adam and Charles, puhlisliers).
Black's guide to England and Wales.
10th ed. xxiv, 544 pp. 9 pi. 42 maps &,
plans. 16°. Edinburgh, A. if C. Black,l>f72.
Black's picturesque tourist of Scot-
land. 19th ed. xxxii, 616, 72 pp. 8 pi. 35
maps & plans. 16^. Edinburgh, A. <j- C.
Black, 1872.
Black (J. R. m. d.) The ten laws of health ;
or, how disease is produced and can be
prevented. 322 pp. 12'^. Philadelphia,
J. B. Lippiticott ij- CO. 1872.
Black (William, m. d.) A comparative view
of the mortality of the human species, at
all ages ; and of the diseases and casualties
by which they are destroyed or annoyed,
xvi, 430 pp. 1 1. 2 charts. 8°. London, C.
Dilly, 1788.
Black (William, novelist). A daughter of
Heth. A novel. 11th ed. iv, 481 pp.
1 phot. 12°. London, S. Low, 1872.
Kilmeny. 3 v. 16°. London, S. Low,
son cf Marston, 1870.
Blackbeard. A page from the colonial
history of Philadelphia, [ohow.] 2 v. 236
pp; 232 pp. 12°. Neiv-York, Harper f
brothers, 1835.
Blackburn (J. S.) and McDonald (W. N.)
A grammar-school history of the United
States ; from the discovery of America to
the present time, xii, 241 pp. 8 maps. 12°.
Baltimore, W. J. C. Dulany f co. 1871.
Blackburn (Eev. William Maxwell). The
exiles of Madeira. 216 pp. 1 pi. 16°.
Philadelphia, Presbyterian board of publica-
tion, [I860].
Note. — A history of the protestant missions and
their results.
The holy child, or the early years of
our lord Jesus Christ. 260 pp. 5 pi. 16°.
Philadelphia, Presbyterian board of puhlica-
tion, [I860].
Blackmore (Sir Richard, m. d.) A treatise
of the spleen and vapours : or, hypocon-
driacal and hysterical affections. With
three discourses on the nature and cure of
the cholick, melancholy, and palsies.
Never before published, xxxv, 284 pj).
8°. London, J. Pemberton, 1725.
Blackmore (R. D.) The maid of Sker. A
novel. 182 pp. 8°. Xew York, Harper f
brothers, 1872.
[Harpeb's library of select novels, no. 381].
Blackwood's Eclinbnrj,'h magazine, 1834-
'.I'i. V. 3r>-aSiir2v. 8^. Xeic Haven, repub-
lished by Peck »)• Xeicton, 1834-3').
The same. Jan. to dec. 1872. v. 111-
ll"2. 8. Kdinbunjh, }l'. lllarkivood ,S' f>oiiH,
Blake (.W;'». Caroline L.) Alice Kosedale,
or the power of a consistent christian life.
iHt; jjp. 2 i>l. J'hihidelphia, VreHhyterian
board of publication, [18G0].
Frank Kston, or the Joy of believing
in Jesns. 144 pp. 3 pi. 18'. Philadelphia^
Proibtjterian board of publication, [1864].
Blake ( Her. James). .Six sermons on divers
snbjects, preached at Weymontb. vi, 1G3,
2 pp. 18 \ lloHton, J. Edwardn, 1772.
Blake (/.Vr. James Vila) ««rfn.( A. F.) ''The
morning stars sang together." A book of
religions songs for Sunday schools, and the
home circle. [Hy J. V. 15. and A. F. H.
anon.^ 128 pp. obi. 12=^. Boston, O. I)it-
miH .)'■ CO. 1800.
Blake (John L. d. d.) Every day scripture
readings ; with brief reviews and practical
observations. 408 pp. 12". Xeic-Torh
a. I'. Putnam tj- co. 1853.
The high school reader, designed for
a first class book. Consisting of extracts
in prose and poetry. 408 pp. 12^\ Boston,
jr. Ihfdc 4- CO. 1832.
The second reader, or juvenile com-
l)anion. 2()0 ])p. 1(F. Boston, Russell,
Odiorne .j- co. 1833.
The young orator
consisting of
prose, poetry, and dialogues for declama-
tion in schools; selected from the best
authors. 2.')2 pp. If). Boston, Lilly, I83:i.
Blaiicbois (William). A digest of the laws
of the order of knights of Pythias, 1872.
Stc Knights of Pythias.
Blaiichard (Calvin). The religion of sci-
ence : or the art of actualizing liberty,
an<l of i)erfecting and satisfactorily pro-
longing happin«!ss; being a practical
answer to the great (piestion, " If you take
away my religion, what will you give me
in its stead?" [anon.} 188 pp. 12^:
Xcir York, C. Blanchord, iHfiO.
Blanchard (Orlando). Theoretical and
practical arithmetic. With a supplement.
High school ed. ;{4-<pp. 1^ '. Cazcnoria,
( .V. 1'.) Crandall .f- MoRcly, 18.-,3.
Blanchard (/^m W. S.) The pilgrims. A
p«)enj. 21*2 pp. 12. Chicago, <;oodspccd's
empire publishing house, 1872.
Blank book (The) of a small colleger.
[anon.-] 3 p. 1. 142 pp. 12°. London, T.
Boys, 1824.
Blatter fiir gefliigelzucht. Central-organ
siimmtlicher deutschen gefliigelziichter-
vereine. Redigirt von Julius Braun. Nos.
13-24. l.julitoir).dec.l872. 4". [Dres-
den, C. C. Meinhold <f* sohne, 1872]. s.
Blaue (Die) llagge, 1870. See Blue (The)
Blaufus (Jacob Wilhelm). Vermischte bey-
trJige zur erweiteruug der kentniss selte-
ner und merkwiirdiger biicher. 14 p. 1. 387
pp. 12'^. Jena, J. A. Melchiors sel. wit we,
Blaze (Francois Henri Joseph, dit Castil).
La pie voleuse, opera, en trois actes, sur la
musique de Rossini. The magpie and the
maid, an opera, in three acts. Translated
literally. By G. B. C. 181 pp. 18^. Bal-
timore, E. J. Coale, 1831.
Bleeker (Sylvester). Gen. Tom Thumb's
three years tour around the world, accom-
panied by his wife— Lavinia Warren Strat-
ton, commodore Nutt, miss Minnie War-
ren, and party. 144 pp. 1 pi. 12^. Xew
York, S. Booth, [1872].
Blind Annie Lorimer. By the author of
*' George Miller and his mother." [anon.}
200 pp. 3 pi. 180. Philadelphia, Presby-
terian board of publication, [1863].
Blind Tom: or the lost found, [anon.}
316 pp. 2 pi. 160. Philadelphia, W. S. 4"
A. Martien, 1857.
Bliss (Benjamin K. tf sons, florists). De-
scriptive catalogue of a choice collection
of vegetable, agricultural and flower seeds.
17th to 19th annual ed. 3 v. 8°. Spring-
field, Mass., S. Bowles tf- co. 1871-73.
Bliss (John .^ co.) Abridgment to the
nautical almanac, tide tables, and list of
light-houses of the United States coast.
For the years 1868-1872. 5 v. 8°. New
York, J. Bliss 4- co. [1869-71].
Bliss (Mariauna H.) Little Tiger Lily and
her cousin Alice ; or, how a bad temper
was cured. 172 pp. 18°. Xew York,
Carlton 4^ Porter, [1859].
"Blonde" (The) of the period songster.
[anon.} 192 pp. 16°. Xew York, B. M.
Blood (Benjamin). The philos(>phy of jus-
tice between God and man. 269 pp. 12*--.
Xew York, J. S. Taylor, la'il.
Bloomer (J. G.) The pacific cryptograph :
a complete donhlo index cipher for tele-
graphing. 151 pp. 12"^. San Francisco,
Bacon 4' co. 1872.
Bloomfield (J. K.) Patient Susie: or, pay-
ing the mortgage. By J. K. B. \_anon.'\
205 pp. 6 pi. 16". Cincinnati, Hitchcock tf-
Walden, 1873.
BIoss (C. A.) Ancient history, for the use
of families and schools. Revised and im-
proved hy John J. Anderson. 1 p. 1. ii,
445 pp. 1 pi. 4 col. maps. 1 col. chart. 12*-'.
Xcw Yorkf Clark <|' Maynard, 1873.
Blossoms of childhood. By a mother.
[rtHOH.] 155 pp. 1 pi. 18°. New York,
rrotestant episcopal s. s. union, 1840.
Blossoms of childhood. [Poems]. By the
author of "The broken bud." \_anon.'\
368 pp. inc. 1 1)1. 16^. New York, Ii. Car-
ter .j'- brothers, 1852.
Blossoms (The) of morality. Intended for
the amusement and instruction of young
ladies and gentlemen. By the editor of
The looking-glass for the mind, [anon.']
With engravings on wood by Anderson.
196 pp. 12^^. New- York, E. Dmjckinck,
Blue (The) flag. By the author of The fish-
erman's boy. \_anon.'\ 200 pp. 18°. New
York, Am. tract society, [1861].
The same. Die blaue flagge. Eine
erzahlung flir die christliche jugend.
\_ano7i.} 151 pp. 3 pi. 16°. New York,
Amerikanische traktatgesellschaft, [1870].
Blue [The] socks; or, count the cost.
lanon.^ 232 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Philadelphia,
Am. s. s. union, [1862].
Bluntsohli (Johann Caspar) and Brater
(Carl). Deutsches staats-wtirterbuch. In
verbindung mit deutschen gelehrten her-
ausgegeben. v. 11. [Ver. — Zwi.] 8'^.
Stuttgart ^ Leipzig, Expedition des staats-
worterhuchs, 1870.
The same. Nachtrag zum band 1-11.
8°. 1870.
Boardman (Henry Angnstns, d. d.) The
great question ; Will you consider the sub-
ject of personal religion ? 230 pp. 1 pi.
12'^. Philadelphia, Am. s. s. union, 1855. s.
A selection of hymns : designed as a
supplement to the " Psalms and hymns "
of the Presbyterian church. 516 pp. 16°.
Philadelphia, W.S. 4- A. Martien, 1861.
Boate (Gerard, m. d.) Histoire natvrelle
d'Irlande. Traduit de I'anglois. [Par P.
Briot]. 4 p. 1. 334 pp. 2 1. 18°. Pam,
R. de Ninville, 160G.
Boccaccio (Giovanni). Boccace Des dames
de renom. Nouueliement traduict d'ita-
lieu en langage fran^oys. 384 pp. 16^.
Lyon, G. lionille, 1551.
Bockett (John). Gentile divinity and mo-
rality demonstrated: in a brief collection
of sayings, precepts, counsels, sentences,
and exhortations of several eminent gen-
tile philosophers, princes, orators, etc.
with an account of their lives. New ed.
[Also], an apology for this book. By
Richard Claridge. xv,272pp. 18°. Lon-
don, W. Owen, 1767.
Bockshammer(Gustav Ferdinand). Bocks-
hammer on the freedom of the human
will. Translated from the german, with
additions by A. Kaufman, jr. 199 pp. 12°.
Andover, Gould 4' Newman, 1835.
Boeck (Jonas Axel). Crustacea amphipoda
borealia et arctica. Sterskilt aftrykt af
videusk-selks. Forhandlinger for 1870.
200, viiipp. 8°. [Christiania,l^lO'\. s.
BcBuf (.Joseph F. A.) A new and complete
grammar of the french tongue. - 2d ed.
360 pp. 12°. New-York, [_aut1ior'\, 1832.
The same. 3d ed. corrected, enlarged,
and improved. 2 p. 1. 391 pp. 12°. New-
York, publisher, 1834.
Boggs (J.) The southern christian ; exem-
plified in the memoirs of Anthony Jeffer-
son Pearson, [of South Carolina]. 153 pp .
18°. New York, E. Collier, 1835.
Bogue (David, d. d.) The theological lec-
tures of David Bogue : never before pub-
lished. Edited by the rev. Joseph Samuel
C. F. Frey. 1 v. in 2. 806 pp. 8°. New
York, L. Colby, 1849.
Boies (Lura Anna). Rural rhymes. Also,
an introduction, from rev. Joseph E. King.
189 pp. portrait. 8°. Saratoga Springs, G.
M. Davidson, 1859.
Boise (James R.) Exercises in greek prose
composition, 1872. See Jones (Elisha)
and Boise.
and Freeman (.John C.) Selections
from various greek authors for the first
year in college ; with explanatory notes,
and references to grammars, vii, 204, iv,
180 pp. Chicago, S. C. Griggs 4' co. 1872.
Boisseau (Francois Gabriel). Pyr^tologie
physiologique, ou traits des fi^vres con-
Boisseau (Francois Gabriel) — coutiuued.
sidritles clans I'esprit de la nou voile doc-
trine ni^'dicale. :?o <^d. 4 p. 1. 722 pp. 8^.
I'arin, J. 11. liailitht, l'!'2().
Boissonade (Jean Franvois). Anecdota
nova; descripsit et annotavit Jo. Franc.
BoiHMonade. [Gr.] viii, 420 pp. 8 .
I'arm'tH, Diimont, 1844.
'Xvutvvftov (\i0ayiov) ntpi poSov. p. 31(5.
'.KyiuvvfiOV ntpl Twv arj^Cnoy Tov OafttToV. p. 3C3.
("aIIASILAjI. T<f» KviiAttj). p. 3-(J.
(Jm MXLti (J.) Tow irapaKOifi-unevov tow XoVftvov
cirtcTToAai. p. 'M3.
("lICMNL'rt (N.) "EiriffToAat p. 1 ; ntpt wAi)?. p. 191.
DKMKIUII'S CVKUML'S. "ETTiffToAa*. J). '251.
Ki (.KXKlH (I.) '¥.K<^pa<Tei<:. j). :W9.
KlfiKMrih (M.) "EiTiffToAi/irtpi opwi' j?u)r)?. p. 340.
Lk»j, I'lin.OhtU'llls. .Vfo^Tov <i>iAoao</>ow (cai larpow
aJTO<TnaanaTloV. p. 307.
Mam I::l II, I'liloolonu.'*. Aoyot nayt}yvpiKo<:. p.
tSi. Wiipta TV 'Aaaijj. p. 23!>. To» KwSwfn.
p. 'J47. Ai)uj;tp(u> tcu Ki/ifcit-fj. ]». 21!».
TllKuhOltls ruoKltoMrrt. 1'tixoi iafiPoi ^ovu>StKOi
tK npoautitov Tf)« atiiatrroKpa.Topi(iar}(; trrc Ta> towttjs
oMofK) «. P- 371.
Piute.— 'V\\\t>, is a continuation or supplementary
voliiint' of liijj Auectlota j;rircu. 5 v. b^. I'aris,
Boissy d'Anglas {Comie Francois Au-
toino de). Les (^tudes litt(5raires et po6-
tiqnos d'nn vieillard, ou reciieil de divers
t'critaen ver8 et en prose. Ov. 12. Fa-
r'm, f:, hUjj'cv, l&Z-^y.
V. 1. I5ou^ival, un poi-nie.
V. 2. La l»i«nfalsani'o, un poonio. Epitres. Ec-
claniatiuns contio ics jeux do liasai'd.
T. 3. Noticf.s bio;;rai>liiqu('s.
V. 4-0. Fra;ini«-n8 d'unc hi.stoiro de la litterature
Boker (Georj^e Henry). Anne Boleyu: a
tra^^edy. viii, 1:5-225 pp. 12^. rhiladtl-
phia, A. J fart, 1800.
Boletin oficial. IVriodico del gobierno do-
niinicano. 21 mayo 1870 liasta 18 Julio 1873.
Afio 2 -5\ Nos. 117-272 in 1 v. fol.
Santo Domingo, [Garcia lurmanos, lS70-73'\.
|Imp<'r(Vct ; wanting nos. 131, 1C5, 20.'i, 2.33].
Bolles (William). A spelling book; con-
taining exercises in orthography, prounn-
ciat ion, and reading. 1,% pp. 12^\ Xcw-
ImiuIou, S. Grail, for author, 1825.
The same. Revi.sed and enlarged.
l-'O pp. 1*2 . Xnv-Lou<hn, /!'. .j-./. JioUcs,
Bollettino consolarc. >'(< Italy. Miuistero
prr gli affnri vstai.
Bollettino indnslrialo del regno d'ltalia.
2as«iic. v. 2. Gen.— sett. 1871. ibl. 7b-
riHo, ('. Faralr .J- co. 1871. S.
Bolley (l*oniiK«ins A.) Der mist, seine clie-
mis<.;lie ztisammen.setziing, seine wirkung
als diingemittel nnd seine zubereitnngs-
weise. Fiir dentsche lamhvirtho. Nach
Bolley (Ponipeiiis A.)— continued,
dem piano von J. Girardin's vorlesungen
liber dicson gegenstand. x, 142 pp. IVP.
Jlraunschweig, F. Vietreg «f- sohu, 184C. S.
La participation de la Sni8.so jI I'ox-
position iiniversello de 18G7. Sec S^vit-
zerlaud. Commisaion (Tex^wsition ftdi'raU
Bolmar (Antoine). A collection of collo-
quial phrases, on every topic necessary to
maintain conversation [in frencli] : ar-
ranged under difterent heads. 1 p. 1. vii,
3-21Gpp. 18^\ rhiladclphia, Carey 4- Lea,
The same, ix, 3-208 pp. 18-. /V(»7-
adelphia, Carey <$• Lea, 1831.
The same. New ed. ix, 208 pp. 18-\
rhiladelphia, f.ea tj- lilancliard, 1842.
Bolton {Her. Cornelius Winter). A shep-
herd's call to the lambs of his Hock. 243
pp. 6 pi. sq. 18^. New York, li. Carter <)"•
brothers, 1853.
Tender grass for little lambs. 303 j»p.
8 pi. sq. 16^. New York, B. Carter tf bro-
thers, 1855.
Bolton (Robert, drf. rector of Br oughton). Mr.
Bolton's last and learned worko of the fouro
last things, death, ivdgement, hell, and
heaven. With an assise-sermon, and notes
on iustice Nicolls his funerall, with the
life and death of the authour. Published
by E. B. [Edward Bagshawo. 1st od.]
Engd. tit. 2C p. 1. 264 pp. sm. 4^. Lon-
don, G. Miller, 1633.
A discovrse abovt the state of trve
happinesse. 11 p. 1. 215 pp. 3 1. sm. 4".
[London, H)3i\^
[With his Some gouerall directions. Title-page
Some generall directions for a com-
fortable walking with God. 4th ed. 8 p.
1. 392 pp. 3 1. sm. 4*^. London, I. lAfgatt,
for E. Weavier, 1634.
Bolton {Rev. Robert, of Westchester co. N.
Y.) The lighted valley: or the closing
scones in the life of a beloved sister, [Abby
Bolton]. With a preface by the rev. Will-
iam Jay. [anon. Advertisement sub-
scribed R. B.] 236 pp. portrait, 1 pi. 12^.
New York, li. Carter 4" brothers, 1850.
Bomberger (John II. A. d. d.) Infant sal-
vat ion in its relation to infant dcijiravity,
infant regeneration and infant baptism.
11)2 pp. IG-'. Vhiladelphia, Lindsay ^'
lilakiston, 1859;
Bonald (Lonis Gabriel Ambroise, vicomte dc.)
Ddinonstration pbilosophique du principe
constitutif do la socidtd, suivie de m6di-
tations politiqnos tirdes do I'dvangile.
\iii, 348 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Le Clere <J' ck.
Da divorce, considdrd an 19o sifecle,
rolati vomont h, V6tat domostiquo ot h I'dtat
public de socidtd. So 6d. 1 j). 1. 33G pp.
8^. Paris, A. Le Clere, 1818.
Li^gislation primitive, considdrd dans
lo dernier temps par los seules lumi^res de
la raison, suivie de divers traitds et dis-
cours politiques. 3e 6d. 3 v. 8°. Paris,
A. Le Clere 4^ cie. 1829.
Mdlanges littdraires, politiques et
pbilosopbiques. 2 v. 1 p. 1. iv, 514 pp
2 p. 1. 596 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Le Clere,
Bona Mors association. A pious association
of tbe devout servants of our lord Jesus
Christ, dying on the cross, and the most
blessed virgin Mary, commonly called
Bona Mors, in order to obtain a good death.
190 pp. 24". Baltimore, F. Lucas, jr.
Bonar (Horatius, d. d.) The desert of Sinai :
notes of a spring-journey from Cairo to
Beersheba. 2d ed. viii, 424 pp. 3 pi.
1 map folded. 12°. London, J. Nisbet ^
CO. 1858.
Boncceur (L. pseudon?) L'instructeur de
I'enfance. (A first book for children).
141 pp. 12°. Boston, S. B. UrUno, [1864].
Bond (Thomas E. m. d.) A practical treatise
on dental medicine, being a compendium
of medical science, as connected with the
study of dental surgery. 3d ed. xviii,
25-411 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay ^
Blakiston, 1863.
Boner (Charles). Charles Boner's book.
Engd. tit. viii, 119 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Lon-
don, Chapman 4" Sail, 1848.
Memoirs and letters of Charles Boner,
author of " Chamois hunting in Bavaria,"
&c. With letters of Mary Russell Mitford
to him during ten years. Edited by E.
M. Kettle. 2 v. xviii, 297 pp ; iv, 331 pp.
8°. London, B. Bentley ^ son, 1871.
Bonneville (Benjamin L. E.) The Rocky
mountains ; or, scenes, incidents, and ad-
ventures in the far west. See Irving
Bon-sens (Le), 1772. See Holbach (Paul
Thyry, haron d').
Book buyer (The). A summary of amcri-
can and foreign literature. [Monthly].
Oct. 15, 1871, to sept. 16, 1872. v. 5. 8°.
New York, [Scrihner, Armstrong 4" «>•
Book (The) of anecdotes, and budget of
fun ; containing a collection of over one
thousand of the most laughable sayings
and jokes of celebrated wits and humor-
ists. [«MOM.] .320 pp. 12°. Philadel-
phia, G. G. Evans, 1859.
Book of the atmosphere, [awow.] iv, 140
pp. sq. 16°. Boston, Lilly, Wait 4- CO. IH'Si.
Book (The) of the months, a gift for the
young. lanon.'\ 196 pp. 13 pi. 18°.
Boston, W. Crosby 4- co. 1839.
Book (The) of Mormon : [etc.] Translated
by Joseph Smith, jr. 621 pp. 18°. Kirt-
land, O., P. P. Pratt 4- J. Goodson, 1837.
Book (The) of 1000 comical stories. See
Avery (Samuel P.)
Book (A) of ornithology for youth. With
particular notices of american birds,
[awon.] 322 pp. 16°. Boston, W. Hyde
4- CO. 1832.
Book (The) of pleasures. lanon.'\ 187 pp.
18°. Philadelphia, Key 4- Piddle, 1836.
AKEXsmE (M.) The pleasures of im'agiuation.
Campbell (T.) The pleasures of hope.
RoGEits (S.) The pleasures of memory.
Book (The) of poetry, 1847. See Johnes
(Bennett G.)
Book (The) of popular songs ; being a com-
pendium of the best songs, ballads, and
melodies, etc. [anon.] 320 pp. 12°.
Philadelphia, G. G. Evans, 1860.
Book (The) of travels of a doctor of physic.
Containing his observations made in cer-
tain portions of the two continents.
lanon.'\ 373 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B.
Lippincott 4' co- 1871.
Bookseller (The). A handbook of british
and foreign literature, [and] Bent's liter-
ary advertiser. [Monthly]. Jan. to dec.
1872. [v. 15]. 8°. London, [J. Whitaker-\,
Booth {Rev. Abraham). Glad tidings to
perishing sinners, or, the^' genuine gospel
a complete warrant for the ungodly to
believe in Jesus. 162 pp.'; 16°. Philadel-
phia, S. Taylor, 1833.
Booth (J. B.) A new pictorial history of
the United States of America. 244 pp. 1
pi. 18°. Philadelphia, Leary 4- Getz,\d^A.
Booth (Mary L.) New and complete clock
and watchmak«'i'.s inaiiual. With an
appendix containing; a history of clock
and watchmaking; in America, xvii, 'J«8
pp. G pi. 1-i . Xar York, J. WiUy, 18G0.
Bordeaux. Chamhn df comimrce. Catalogue
<len livn'8 composant la bibliothequc do la
chamhre. Avec Kupph'ment. 2 v. '2 p. 1.
viii, 7:51 pp; 2 p. 1. xxvii, 'u'A pp. H .
IkmUaux, dt Sninrinck, l"^iVJ-<!l. s.
Kxtraitw des proces-verbaux,
U'ttre.s ot nu'^moires do la chambre de coin-
merce do liordcaux. 2o s<^rio. 2()o-'21o v.
Ann<'«e lS«)V)-70. 2 v. b . Bordiaiix, A.
Lr/ra i w, 1 f-GD-T 0.
Bordier (Henri L«'onard). L«'.s archives dc
la France on histoire di-s arehivi's de Tem-
pire, dc8 archivcH des ininisteres, des
d<^partements, des communes, des hopitaux,
des gretVes, des notaires, etc. contenant
I'invcntaire d'une partie do ces d«^pots.
vi. 11*2 pp. 1 pi. H . Paris, I)iimouUu,lSiii^).
Borger(r>lio Anne). Disputatio do mysti-
cismo. [Kd. i>a.] xvi, 311 pp. 8^.
Ildfjac ((nitilnm, aimd viduam J. Allart <J-
xov. l-JO.
Borremaus (Anton). Dialoj^us literarius
<!»! poetis et prophetis. In <juo do iion
nullis, «|ua«i tum ad sacras, tum ad pro-
tanas literas pertinent,disputatur. 11 j). 1.
i:{7 i)p. I{ 1. l"? . Jinnlrlddami, II. «j'- T.
linoni, HwS.
Bbsche (lldiiard Theodor). Alli^cuneiue
besehreibunj; der erde und ihrer bcwohner
nebst einer kurzen darstellun}; der him-
nielskiirper. iv, 7iK{ pp. 1 map. 8' .
rhiladtlpliiii, Lrhirivcber ^y Hex, 1840.
Bose (Carl Adam Heinrich). llandbueh
der praktischon landwirthschaft alien
liebhabern derselbeu zuj^eeisnet. 2 v.
X, :ur> pp. 1 1. 1 pi ; vi, 40.') pp. 2 1. 1 pi.
rt\ LnpzUj, ]y. Ihin, 1797-98.
V. 1. V.lcll.:i,i.
V. -J. WitsniwacliH und vitli/.ucht.
Bosaaiige ((Jnstave). lJossanjj;e's literary
annual. Cataloguo of works of note pub-
lished in Franco in 1870-71. 2 p. 1. 158
pp. 8 . Paris, <!. BoHmvgr, 187*2.
Boat (Anji). History of the bohemian and
moravian brethren. Translated from the
trench, and abridj^ed. With an appen-
dix, continuinjr the history to /in/.i-ndorf's
death, and a sketch of tlie present state of
the moravian church, iv, 4*2H pp. 18.
Loudon, L'diijioim had xocivly, IHIM.
Boston (liev. Thomas). Memoirs of the life,
times, and writings, of the rev. Thomas
Boston, of Ettrick. Written by himself.
r>03 pp. 8 \ Aberdeen, G. <f- Ji. King, 18r>*2.
Tho sovereignty and wisdom of God
displayed in the aiUictions of men. Being
tlie substance of several sermons on
Kccles. vii. 13, Prov. xvi. 11), and 1 Pet.
V. (5. viii, I'J'i pp. IG^^. Edinburgh, W.
drag, 1751.
Boston. Pablic librarg. Handbook for
readers, with regulations. Ist ed. P2ngd.
tit. 94 pp. 32 \ Boston, Iiockwcll <)'
Churchill, 1872.
Church at Eing^s chapel. Liturgy
for the use of tho church at King's chapel
in Boston ; collected principally from the
Book of common prayer. 4th ed.' with
family prayers and services, and a collec-
tion of hymns for domestic and private
uso, by F. W. P. Greenwood. 381 pp. 1*2* .
lioHton, Carter 4" Hendee, 1831.
Directories. The Boston directory, cm-
bracing the city record, and business di-
rectory. No. 68. 1872. 8". Boston, Sauq)-
son, Davenport tf co. 1872.
The same. The Boston di-
rectory supplement. Containing a list of
those persons carrying on business who
have removed on account of the great tiro,
or from other causes, [etc.] Dec. 1872.
8\ Boston, Sampson, Davenport <y* co.
The Boston pocket business
directory. [For 18G*2-G4]. Comi)iled by
Dean Dudley. 2 v. 1(5 \ Boston, proprie-
tor, 18(5*2-63.
Stimpson's Boston directory;
and tho city register, 1841. 16*^. Boston,
C. Stim2)son, 1841.
See, also, Brown (Francis II.)
Tho medical register for Boston, etc *
Cleary (William P. <f" co.) Business direct-
ory of tho cities of New York, [etc.]
Boston daily advertiser. .Jan. 1, 18G2, to
dec. 31, 18G4 ; fob. 1, 1865, to dec. 31, 1872-
21 V. fol. Boston, 1862-72.
Boston (The) daily news. Jan. 1 to dec. 31,
1872. 2 V. fol. Boston, News compang,
Boston (Tho gynflpcological society ol).
Journal : a monthly journal devoted to
tho advancement of the knowledge of tho
diseases of women. Edited by Winslow
Boston (The gynjpcological 80c. of)— cont'd.
Lewis, ra. d. Horatio R. Storor, m. d.
Georgo H. Bixbj, m. d. Jan. to dec. 1872.
V. 6-7. 8°. Boston, J. Camphellf 11872}.
Boston lectures, 1872. See Christianity
and scepticism.
Boswell. [paeudon.} Tlio loves of Jonathan
and Virginia. 120 pp. 12°. Philadel-
pUa, 1873.
Boswell (John). A method of study : or,
an useful lilirary. 2 v. xiii, 391) pp ;
xl, 422 pp. 8°. London, author, 1738-43.
BosTVorth (Newton). A treatise on the
ride, musket, pistol, and fowling-piece:
embracing projectiles and sharp-shooting :
also the manufacture of guns, [etc.] 113
pp. 1 pi. 12°. New York; J. S. liedfield,
Botham (P. E. Bates). The common school
arithmetic. [Also], a dictionary of arith-
metical terms not found in any other
treatise. 228 pp. 12°. Hartford, Conn.,
IT. Benton, 1832.
Bottiger (Karl August). Sabine ou mati-
n6e d'une dame romaine j\ sa toilette, a la
fin du premier si^cle do I'ere chrdtienne.
Traduit de rallemand. viii, 406 pp. 13 pi.
8°. Paris, Maradan, 1813.
Boudier de Villemert (Pierre Joseph),
The friend of women. Translated from
the french. By Alexander Morrice. viii,
5-164 pp. 8°. London, anilwr, 1802.
Bouillaud (Jean Baptiste). Traitd clinique
et experimental des ficvres dites esson-
tielles. 2 p. 1. vii, 554 pp. 8°. Paris, J.
B. BailUere, 1826.
[With his Traite cliniqiie ct pliysiologiquo dc I'eii-
cepbalito, 1825].
Traitd clinique et physiologique de
l'enc<5phalite, ou inflammation du cerveau,
ct do ses suites, telles quo le ramollisse-
ment, la suppuration, les abccs, les tuber-
cules, le squirrhe, le cancer, etc. xxiv,
350 pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. BailUere, 1825.
Bouquet (Tiie) : consisting of the pleasures
of hope, the pleasures of memory, the
pains of memory, Collins' oriental ec-
logues, an ode to the passions, and other
poems. 168 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Neiv-Tork, D.
Huntington, 1815.
Bourne (Benjamin Franklin). The captive
in Patagonia; or, life among the giants.
A personal narrative. 1 p. 1. 19-233 pp.
1 pi. 12°. Boston, Gould c} Lincoln, 1853.
Bowditch (Nathaniel). Bowditch's useful
tables. [Edited by J. IngersoU Bow-
Bowditch (Nathaniel) — continued,
ditch], viii, 231 pp. 4 1. 8°. AW York,
. E.^-G. W. Blunt, 1844.
Bower (John). Tho now public school
singing book. 192 pp. 18°. Philadelphia,
Leary, Getz 4- co. 1860.
Bowersmith (Isaac). Tlie countryman's
experience. Farriery Sl surgery. With
a complete pathology of all diseases Ut
which the horse, cow, sheep «fe swine aro
subject. Also a practical theory of tho
government and inanagement of tho Iiorse
under all circumstances. 1 p. 1. 218 pp.
18°. Westervillc, 0., the Banner office, 1872.
Bow^les (Emily). Irish diamonds: or, a
chronicle of Peterstown. 1 p. 1. 219 pp.
16°. London, T. Richardson 4" aon, 1864.
Bowles (liev. William Lisle). Sonnets,
(3d ed.) with other poems, viii, 121 pp.
8°. Batli, B. Cruttwell, 1794.
Boyd (Andrew, puUisher). See Auburn,
Oswego, Paterson, etc. Directories.
Boyd {Mrs. Esther E. Johnson). Rachel
Cardingford's book. 147 pp. inc. 3 pi.
18°. New York, Carlton tf Lanahan, 1872.
Boyd (J. m. d.) Family medical adviser.
232 PI). 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin-
cott 4- CO. 1845.
Boyd {Rev. James Robert). Elements of
rhetoric and literary criticism. Ou the
basis of the recent m orks of Alexander
Reid and Robert Connel ; with large ad-
ditions from other sources. 1 p. 1. 306 pp.
16°. New- York, Harper <y- brothers, 1844.
Boyd (J. T.) Boyd's hotel directory and
tourists' guide. Containing population
of cities and towns on leading railroads
throughout the United States, names of ho-
tels, [etc.] 8°. New York, J. T. Boyd, 1872.
Boyle (Augustus F.) The complete phono-
graphic class-book. See Andrews (Ste-
phen P.) and Boyle.
Boyle (Robert). Treatises on tho high
veneration man's intellect owes to God :
on things above reason : and on the stylo
of the holy scriptures-. With an intro-
ductory essay, by Henry Rogers. Ivii, 273
pp. 16°. London, J. Hatchard ^^ son, 1835.
[Catteumole (R.) and Stebbing (U.) The sacred
claasica, v. 18].
Boys' and girls' scrap-book. Prose and
verse, {anon.'] 179 pp. inc. 1 pi. 12°.
Philadelphia, Am. s. s. union, [1852].
Boy's (The) medal : a gift for all seasons,
[anow.] 174 pp. 1 pi. sq. 16°. Philadel-
phia, Am. 8. 8. union, [1842].
Boyse (Samuel). TranHlations and poems
written on Bcveral subjects. 1 p. 1. xviii,
1% pp. 8 . London, author, 1734.
Brabant {rrovince dc). Conseil provincial
Coiupte remlu ties s<?ances du conseil pro-
vincial de Bnibaiit. Session do 1809. 8 .
llnudleH, IHO'J.
Exposi^ do la situation admin-
istrative do la province de Brabant. 1842,
1S4:1, 1S4.V48, 1851-53, 1857-58, 18<)0, 1865,
lsC)7-«)U, 1872. IDv. 8 . /in/xd/f*, 1842-72.
Proct'^s-verbaux. 1846, 1851,
1857-58,1808. 5 v. 8'-. /;rHxd/<'«,1846-68.
Rccueil des actcs et des proct'^s-
verbaux. Session de 18-15. 8\ BruxcUes,
Brace {Ilcr. Charles Loring). The danger-
ous classes of New York, and twenty years'
work among them. 2 p. 1. iii, 448 pp. 13
pi. 8'=. yew York, fl'ynkoop <^' Hallenhcck,
Brace (John Pierce). The lawn of the pale
faces ; or, two centuries ago. 288 pp. 12^.
Xttc-York, I). Jppleton .f- co. 1853.
Brace ( lit v. Jonathan ). Scripture portraits ;
or, sketches of bible characters. 341 pp.
12 . New York, M. W. Dodd, 1854.
Bradbury (William F.) An elementary
geometry. 3 p. 1. 110 pp. 8^\ Boston,
Thompson, Biyelow tf Brown, 1872.
(Katun's inntlicinatical eoriea].
An elementary geometry and trigo-
nometry. 2 v. in 1. vi, 110 pp ; 60, 62 pp.
&-\ Boston, Thompson, Bigdow <y- Brown,
(K.VTONS niatlii'Uiaticftl sorios].
An elementary trigonometry. 3 p. 1.
(')<», 02 pp. 8 . Jioslon, Thompson, Biye-
low •>• Brown, 1-^72.
[Katon's iiiiitlH-inaticiil scriosj.
The elements of plane trigonometry,
and their application to the measurement
of heights and distances, surveying of
lan<l, and levellings. vii, 107 pp. 12*^'.
lioston, Tatji/nrd t^' Thompson, 1864.
Bradford (Ahlen). Evangelical history,
l-i:'.. .svr Bible. {ICiiijlidt). Xcw tcsta-
m^nt. (iox))ilx a)id arl><,
Bradford (A'rr. John). Writings, xxvi,
240 pp. 12 . London, HiHijions tract socio-
ttj. \n\)Out lr<40].
Bradford (William). History of Plymouth
plantation. Now first printi-d from the
original manuscript, for tin; Massachusetts
historical society, xx, 477 pp. 8 . Box-
ton, Little, Ihvwn ij- co. 1.85().
Bradford club. Bradford club series. No.
2. 4°. New York, 1860.
So. 2. The cro-ikcrs. By J. R. Drake and F, G.
HalKck. 18C0.
Bradley (Mrs. Mary E.) Bread upon the
waters. With a note of introduction from
cousin Alice. 252 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Xcw
York, General prot. episcopal a. 8. union,
Douglass farm ; a juvenile story of
life in Virginia. Edited by "Cousin
Alice." 202 pp. 4 pi. 16^. New York, D.
Appleton c^ CO. 1857.
Bradley (Richard). The country house-
wife and lady's director, in the manage-
ment of a house, and the delights and
profits of a farm, x, 120 pp. 8^\ Vuhlin,
J. Watts, 1727.
Bradley (Thomas Bibb). Apheila; and
other poems, 1854. See Pleasants (Julia)
and Bradley.
Bradshaw (Wesley). Paulino of the Po-
tomac, or general McClellan's spy. An
authentic and thrilling narrative of the
beautiful and accomplished miss Pauline
D'Hstraye, who since the opening of the
southern rebellion has performed some of
the most startling and noble deeds that
Lave ever been recorded in history. 100
pp. 8°. I'hiladelphia, Barclay 4- CO. 11802].
Bradshaw's continental railway guide and
general handbook. Special ed. July,
1872. 1, 776 pp. 32 nuips. 18^. London,
W. J. Adams, [1872].
Brantome (Pierre de Bourdeillo, seiynenr dc
Vabbayc de). O^uvrea. Nouv. 6d. revue
d'aprfis les meilleurs textes. Avcc une
preface historique et critique, et des an-
notations, par II. Vigueau. 2 p. 1. xviii,
382 pp. 16^. Paris, A. Delahays, 1857.
[Bibliotliequo gaiiloise].
[v. 1). ViPB (lea dames galautcs, [«livis<^C8 en sept
Brater (Carl). Dcutsches staats-worter-
buch. See Bluntsclili (Johann C.)
Braussi (Mathieu, known as brother BhiUp).
Meditations on the pjission of our lord
Jesus Christ. By brother Philip. Trans-
lated from the french. ix, 384 pp. 12"^ .
Xew York, P. O'Shea, 1872.
Brazer (John). Essay on the doctrine of
divine influence upon the human soul,
viii, 145 pp. 18'^'. Boston ij^ Cambridge,
J. Munroe .} co. 1835.
Brazil. Min isterio da agricuUura, comnio'cio e
ohraa puUkaa. Relatorio apresentado 6.
assomblda geral legislativa. 3a-4a ses-
Bfioes da 14a; lasessao da 15a legialaturas,
3 V. am. fol. Bio de Janeiro, 1871-72.
Miniaterio da fazenda. Proposta o re-
latorio apresentados ft assomblda goral ua
4a sessfio da 14a legislatura. sm. fol. liio
de Janeiro, typographia nacional, 1872.
Ministerio da gtierra. Relatorio apre-
sentado d assembl^a geral legislativa. 4a
sess.w da 14a; la sessao da 15a Icgisla-
tnras. 2 v. 4^. liio de Janeiro, Laemmert
Ministerio da justi^a. Relatorio apre-
sentado d assembl6a geral legislativa. 4a
sessao 14a ; la sessao 15a legialaturas. 2
V. fol. Bio de Janeiro, typographia nacio-
nal, 1872.
Ministerio da marinha, Relatorio apre-
sentado d assemblda geral legislativa. 4a
sessao da 14a ; la sessao 15a legislaturas.
2 V. sm. fol. Bio de Janeiro, typografia
do Diario do Bio Janeiro, 1872.
Ministerio dos negocios do imperio. Re-
latorio apresentado li assemblda geral em
additamento ao de 8 de maio, 1872. sm. fol.
Bio de Janeiro, typographia nacional, 1872.
Breakfast, dinner, and tea : viewed classic-
ally, poetically, and practically. Contain-
ing numerous curious dishes and feasts of
all times and all countries. Besides three
hundred modern receipts. \_anon.'\ xi,
351 pp. sq. 12°. New YorJc, D. Appleton
4- CO. 1859.
Breck (Joseph). The flower-garden ; or,
Breck's book of flowers ; with directions
for their cultivation. 336 pp. 1 pi. 12°.
Boston, J. P. Jeivett c^- co. 1851.
The young florist ; or conversations
on the culture of flowers, and on natural
history. 168 pp. sq. 18°. Boston, Bus-
sell, Odiorne c^- co. 1833.
Breed (William P. d. d.) Presbyterianism
three hundred years ago. 237 pp. 4 pi.
16°. Philadelphia, Presbyterian hoard of
puUication, [1872].
Brehm (Christian Ludwig). Taxidermie,
[etc.] 3te aufl. von C. L. Brehm "Die
kunst, vugel als balge zu bereiten, etc."
in giinzlicher umarbeitung von P. L. Mar-
tin, xvi, 160 pp. 5 pi. 8°. Weimar, 1869.
[MABTrx (Philipp Leopold). Die praxis der natur-
geschichte, v. 1].
Bremen. Handelshimmer. Jahres-bericht
fur 1865-69, erstattet an den Kaufmanns-
Bremen — continued,
convent. 5 v. 8°. Bremen, C. SchUne-
mann, [cto.] 1866-70. 8.
Brenten (John H.) The tragedy of life:
being records of remarkable phases of lu-
nacy, kept by a physician. [A novel].
2 V. 2 p. 1. 323 pp ; 2 p. 1. 268 pp. 12 .
London, Smith, Elder if- co. 1861.
Brera (Valeriano Luigi). Tratado sobre las
enfermedades quo producen las lombrices
en el cuerpo humano y su m^todo cura-
tivo. Traducida del original italiano al
francos, por J. Bartoli, — de esto idionia al
inglds, por J. H. Cotlin, — y del ingh-H al
espauol, por J. Q. Warnes. 190 pp. 2 pi.
8°. Philadelphia, A. Waldie, 1831.
Breusing (Hermann). Ein Westfale. Ro-
man. 3 V. 16°. Braunschweig, F. Vieiceg
4'sohn, 1852. 8.
Bre'wer (James Sherren). Letters and pa-
pers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of
Henry VIII. preserved in the British
museum and elsewhere in England. Ar-
ranged and catalogued by J. S. Brewer.
V. 4, part 2. 8°. London, Longman, 1872.
[Gkeat Britain'. Public record office. Cluoiiicles
and mernorials of Great BritaiuJ.
Brewer (Bev. Josiah). Patmos, and the
seven churches of Asia, [etc.] from the
earliest records to the year 1850. Com-
piled principally from the ms. journals of
rev. Josiah Brewer. By John W. Barber.
364 pp. 14 pi. 8°. Bridgeport, Ct., Bradley
4- Peck, 1851.
Brewer (W.) Alabama: her history, re-
sources, war record, and public men.
1540-1872. 712 pp. 8°. Montgomery, Ala.,
Barrett ^ Brown, 1872.
Brewster {Miss Anne M. H.) Compensa-
tion ; or, always a future. 297 pp. 12°.
Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4" co. 1860.
Brewster (Samuel, Jr.) Collectanea ecclesi-
astica : a collection of curious treatises in
manuscript, relating to the rights of the
clergy of the church of England. [Also],
several original papers, records, &c. With
an essay on the ofiice of parish clerks.
1 p. 1. xiv, 446 pp. 4°. London, W. Bus-
sell, 1752.
Brickmann (Arthur O.) Am grabe unserer
kinder. Ein trostwort fiir tranernde
eltern. v, 129 pp. 18°. Baltimore, H. F.
T. Kroh, 1872.
Bridge {Bev. Bewick). A treatise on the
construction, properties, and analogies of
the three conic sections. From the 2d
Bridge (/?<«'. Bewick)— coutinned.
Loud. ed. with additions and alterations
l»y the anieiican t-ditor. 1:^0 pp. ):< \
y,w llartn, Durrit .^^ I'ivk, [18:U].
A treatise on the elements of al<^ebra.
1st am. from the Cth Lond. ed. viii, 199
pp. Vi . I'h'dmhlphia, Kty, Mitlke i)'-
IUddh; KVZ.
Bridge (Lieitt. Horatio, U. S. «.) Journal of
an afriean cruiser [18i:M4]; comprising
sk<'tches of tho Canaries, the Capo de
^'erde«, Liberia, Madeira, Sierra Leone,
and other places of interest on tho west
co;ist of Africa. By an otlicer of tho U. S.
navy. Edited by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
[nnnii.^ viii, 179 pp. 12 . iS'cjr York,
Hilrjl iS- rittiiaii), If" I.').
(Wii.KY and I'Li.NAM.s library of aiuorican books,
iio. I J.
Tho same, viii, 179 pp. 12
York, <i. /'. I'lilihiui. l^ryA.
Bridgeman (Thomas). The Horist's guide ;
<<)ntaining practical directions for the cul-
tivation of annual, biennial, and peren-
nial flowering ])lants, etc. 1*20 pp. IG\
Xiir York, lY. MihhcU, 1H:5.'..
The same. A new and improved ed.
170 pp. p<)rtrait. 12 . Xcw-York, uutJior,
The fruit cultivator's manual. 1 p. 1.
170 pp. portrait. 12 . Xcw York, author,
Th(! kitchen gardener's instructor;
containing a catalogue of garden and
herb seeds, with practical directions under
each head: with a calendar ; [etc.] 128
l>p. 12^. Xnc-York, D. Mitchell, 183C.
The young gardener's assistant : con-
taining a catalogue of garden and llower
sce<ls, with practical directions under each
hr.id, for Uu) cultivation of culinary vege-
tables and liowers. M ed. with an ap-
p<ndix, containing directions for culti-
vating fruit trees and tho grajio vino, vi,
272 pp. 12 . Xi'w York, 0. JiobcrtHou, 18.'?2.
Tluvsame. 4th ed. vi, 290 pp. 12".
.NVir York, llooth 4' Smith, 18:?:}.
Tho s;inu'. Cth ed. viii, :M9 pp. 12 .
Snr York, W. Mitrhtll, lH3r>.
The same. [Also], a calendar. 7th
ed. improved. :?f,() pp. p^ . Xvw-York,
Mit,h,H ,S- Tiirnn; 1^:57.
Thr same. 12th ed. 1^1) pp. portrait.
f" . Xnr York,.t. lion ford, 1817.
Bridgewater {}fass.) Greenough, .Tones
iV co.'s directory of North Bridgewater,
Bridgewater (3/a«8.)— continued.
Bridgewater, East and West Bridgewater,
and Abington, for 1872-73. 8°. Boston,
iirccnough, Jones <f co. 1872.
Bridgman {Rev. E. C.) Letters to children.
130 pp. 1 pi. 18^. Boston, Mass. s. s.
society, 1834.
Bridgman (Eliza Jauo Gilletto). Daugh-
ters of China ; or, sketches of domestic
life in the celestial empire. 234 pp. 6 pi.
IG^. New York, li. Carter 4- brothers, 1853.
Brief (A) history of tho United States for
schools, lanon.} 292, xlvi pp. 1 pi. 5
maps. 12^. Xew York, A. S. Barnes ^'
CO. 1871.
A'o;«.—" Barnes's ono term history."
Brief (A) illustration of the prophecies and
promises of God's word; concerning the
kingdom of God, as revealed in ditlerent
phases in tho scriptures of the old and new
testaments. By the White mountain pil-
grim, lanon.} 17Gpp. IG*^. Dayton, O.
author, 1857.
Briefs on prophetic themes : with an intro-
ductory chapter on tho parable of tho
leaven. By a member of the Boston bar.
[ttMo/j^] 2d ed. 168 pp. 12^. Boston, E.
r. Button .f CO. 186G.
Briflfault (Eugi^ne). Paris dans I'oau. II-
lustrd par Bertall. 1 p. 1. 138 pp. 1 pi
12^. Paris, J. Uetzel, 1844.
Briggs (licv. George Ware). The bow in the
cloud : discourses. New ed. viii, 280 pp.
IGo. Boston, J. Munroe cj- co. 1854.
Brill (Francis). Farm-gardoning and seed-
growing. 151 pp. 12^. Xew York, O.
Judd cf CO. \_1872'\.
Brisbane (William Henry, d. d.) The
biblo defended against the objections of
intidelity. 179 pp. 12". rhiladelphia,
Jliggius tf Verkinpine, 1855.
Bristed (Charles Astor). Five years in an
english university. [Isted.] 2 v. viii,
423 pp; 2p. 1.453 pp. 12'. Xcw York,
G. P. Putnam, 1852.
British (Tho) amorican magazine ; devoted
to literature, science, and art. [Monthly].
May, 18G3, to april, 18G4. v. 1-2. 8".
Toronto, Polio c^- Jdam, 18G3-G4.
British (The) Apollo. Containing two
thousand answers to curious questions in
most arts and sciences, serious, comical,
and humorous. Porform'd by a society of
gentlemen, [ohow.] 4th ed. 3 v. 18^.
London, J. Bettenham for C. Hitch, 1740.
British homoeopathic society. Annals and
transactions of the British homoeo-
pathic society and of the Lon<lon homoeo-
pathic hospital. V. 5. viii, 566 pp. 8°.
London, Leath ^ co. 1868. 8.
British mnsenm. Catalognes, viz: —
Gray (John Edward). Catalogue of rnininant
mamiiialia (p"Coia, LiniiSBiis) iu the British mu-
seum. 8°. London, 1872.
HaiidliHt iif the specimens of shield reptiles
in the British museum. 8°. London, 1873.
Chaldffiau account of the dehi<jje,
from terra cotta tablets found at Nineveh,
and now in the British museum. Two
photographs with transhition an<l text
bv Geo. Smith, fol. London, TV. A. Man-
aell 4- CO. 1872.
British (The) trade journal. [Monthly].
Jan. to dec. 1872. v. 10. 4". London, IS.
V. Morgan, 1872].
Brittan (N.) and Sherwood (L. H.) The
school song and hymn book. 386 pp. 18°^
New York, A. S. Barnes 4' co. 1850.
Broackes (Willinni, m.d.) Diseases of the
alimentary canal and constipation, treated
homceo|)atliically. With preface and notes
by Gideon Humphrey, m. d. Also an
essay on liomosopathic diet, [by P. Curie].
134 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, J. Dobnon, 1841.
Broca (Philippe de). Stude sur 1' Industrie
hultri^re des f^tats-Unis, suivie de divers
apergus sur la p6che cdtifere. Extrait de
la Revue«maritime et coloniale. 2 p. 1. 132
pp. 8°. Pans, 1863. 8.
Brockett (L. P. m. d.) Geography of the
state of New Yc.rk, 1847. See Mather (J.
H.) and Brockett.
Men of our day ; or, biographical
sketihes of patriots, orators, statesmen,
generals, reformers, financiers and mer-
chants, now on the stage of action, xxiv,
17-696 pp. 6 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Ziegler
4- McCnrdy, 1872.
Brocklesby (John). Elements of physical
geography, with a treatise on the physical
phenomena of the United States. 164 pp.
inc. 13 col. maps. 4°. Philadelphia, E.
H. Butler ^ co. 1868.
[Mitchell's school (geographies. Fifth book of
the series}.
Brodhead (John Romeyn). The final re-
port of J. R. Brodhead, agent of the state
of New York, to procure and transcribe
documents in Europe, relative to the colo-
nial history of said state, 1845. See New-
York {Stale of). Special reports.
Brodie (Sir Benjamin Collins). Clinical
lectures on surgery, delivered at St.
Brodie (.Sir Benjamin Collins)— continued.
George's hospital, viii, 17-352 pp. 8°.
Philadelphia, Lea <f- Blanchard, 1846.
Broken (The) bud [Carrie — ] ; or, remi-
niscences of a bereaved mother, lanon.}
325 pp. 1 pi. 16°. New York, B. Carter ^
brothers, 1851.
Brooke (Mrs. Frances Moore). The history
of Emily Montague. By the author of
lady Julia Maudeville. \_anon.'\ 4 v.
16°. London, J. Dodnley, 1784.
The history of lady Julia Maudeville.
By the translator of lady Cateshy's letters,
[awow.] 7th ed. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 240 pp ; 2
p. 1. 192, 241-252 pp. 1 pi. London, J.
Dodsley, 1782.
Brooke (Wesley). Eastford ; or, household
sketches. 328 pp. 12°. Boston, Crocker
4- Brewsier, 1855.
Brookes (James H. d.d.) May christians
dance? 143 pp. 18^. St. Louis, J. W.
Mclntyre, 1869.
Brooklyn, N. Y. {City of). Whitten's busi-
ness directory of the city of Brooklyn,
including Brooklyn, Gowanus, Williams-
burgh and Greenpoint. [For 1867]. 18°,
Brooklyn, G. E. Whitten, 1867.
Brooks {Rev. Charles). A family prayer-
book ; containing forms of morning and
evening prayers, for a fortnight. With
those for schools, religious societies, and
individuals. 5th ed. viii, 252 pp. 12°.
Boston, Cummings, Hilliard 4' co. 1825.
Brooks (Charles Timothy). Schiller's Hom-
age of the arts, with miscellaneous pieces
from Riickert, Freiligrath, and other ger-
man poets, viii, 151 pp. 16°. Boston, J.
Munroe 4" co. 1847.
The same. 151 pp. 16°. Neiv York,
J. Miller, 1864.
Songs and ballads ; translated from
Uhland, Korner, Burger, and other ger-
man lyric poets. With notes, xix, 400
pp. 12°, Boston, J. Munroe tf co. 1842.
[Ripley (George). Specimens of foreign standard
literature, v. 14].
Brooks (Edward). The normal mental
arithmetic : a thorough and complete
course by analysis and induction. 2 p. 1.
156 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, H. Cowper-
thwait 4- CO. 1858.
The same. Revised ed. with a trea-
tise on mental algebra. 2 p. 1. 168 pp.
18°. Philadalphia, Sower. Barnes 4' Potts.
Brooks (James). A seven months' ran, up,
and down, and around the world, xi v. 375
pp. 1 map. 12^. New York, D. Appleton tf-
CO. 1872.
Brooks (Nathan Covington, //. d.) C«d-
lectanea evangelica. See Bible. (Greek).
New Tfatament. Goftpeh.
First lessons in greek : a series of ex-
ercises, in greek syntax. 3d ed. 209 \)p.
18^. Philadelphia, Lorin cf Ball, IH47.
Brossette (Claude). Commentaire [sur les
tDUvres completes de Mathurin Kdguier,
6d. 1729].
[In RfeoNiKU (M.) CEuvres completes, nouv. 6d.
16°. Faru, 1860).
Brotonne (Frdd<$ric Pascal de). Histoire
<le la tiliation et des migrations des peu-
ples. 2 V. 2 p. 1. 451 pp; 2 p. 1. 441 pp.
SP. PariM, L. Deamrt tf- oie. mX7.
Broughton (/?ei?. John). Psychologia: or,
an account of the nature of the rational
soul. In two parts. 20 p. 1. 418 pp. 7 1.
8°. London, W. D. for T. Btnnet, 170.3.
Broughton (Rhoda). Not wisely, but too
well. A novel. By the author of " Cometh
lip as a flower." [ano/j.] 3 v. 12°. Lon-
don, Tinaleij hroa. 1867.
Brown {Rev. A. Morton). A wreath around
the cross; or scripture truths illustrated.
316 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Boston, Gould 4- Lin-
coln, 1851.,
Brown (Capt. Charles H.) Insurrection at
Magellan. Narrative of the imprisoonient
and escape of capt. C. H. Brown, from Ihe
Chilian convicts. [Edited by E. H. Apple-
ton]. 228 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Boston, author,
Brown (Mrs. C. S.) Memoir of rev. Abel
Brown, by his compaJiion, C. S. Brown,
228 pp. 12°. Worcester, author, 1849.
Brown (Francis Henry, m. d.) The medical
register for the cities of Boston, Cam-
bridge, Charlest(»wn, and Chelsea, viii,
170 pp. 12°. BoHion, J. Wilmn tf- son, 1873.
Brown (James). The grammatical reader :
a class book of criticism on the old theory
of english grammar. In 2 v. v. 1. 201
pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Gramho
<f- CO. 1854.
Brown {Rer. John, d. about 1680). Quaker-
isme the path-way to paganisme, or a
vieu of the qnakers' religion ; being an
examination of the theses and Apologie of
Robert Barclay. 10 p. 1. 566 pp. 1 1. 4°.
Edinburgh, J. Cairns, 1678.
flmperfect ; the laat leaf mutilated).
Brown (Rer. John, of Haddington). A con-
cordance to the holy scriptures of the old
and new testument. 1 p. 1. 220 pp. 16°.
London, J. Walker 4- co. [e/c] 1816.
The same. Diamond ed. 2 p. 1. 219
pp. 18°. London, T. Tegg 4- son, 1837.
Life and remains of rev. John Brown.
Eiigd. tit. 196 pp. 18°. Aberdeen, G. 4- R.
King, 1845.
jyor«.— MomoirH, substantially his own, with some
of his letters, siioit tracts, dyiua: words, etc.
The jiosthuinous works; with short
memoirs, and a summary of what he
uttered in his last illness, vi, 290 pp.
12°. Perth, R. Morison cf son, 1797.
Short memoirs, with a summary of what he
uttereiliu liis last illness.
Ten letters.
Brief chronolosy of redemption.
Strictures on ordination vows.
Pleasant and practical hints, chiefly from Samuel
Thouirlits on marriaffe, or resolutions upon enter-
inc the matrimonial state.
Two letters on gospel prcacliing, and exemplary
Free thouixhts upon the late regulation of the
post on file sabi)ath
Extracts from Drelinconrt's charitable visits.
Form «tf a soli-nui dedication to thH Lord.
Dying advice to his diildren. con'jrregation, etc.
Divine warranto* of fellow.sliip meetinirs.
Dissertation conceruiug the righteousness of
Brown (John A. m. d.) The family guide
to health, containing a description of the
botatiic Thomsonian system of medicine.
With a biographical sketch of the author.
224 pp. 24°. Procidence, [R. /.] B. T. Al-
bro, 18.37.
Brown (Paul). A disquisition on faith,
iv, 168 pp. 12°. Washington, author,
Brown (Ryland T. to. d.) Elements of phys-
iology and hygiene. 283 pp. 1 pi. 12°.
Cincinn'iti, Wilson, Einkle <f co. [1872].
Brown (Tlinrlow W.) Why I am a tem-
perance man : a series of letters t(» a friend.
384 pp. portrait, 5 pi. 12°. Auburn, Derby
4- Miller, 1853.
Brown (William TI.) The history of the
first locomotives in Anterica. x, 9-242 pp.
8 pi. 2 portraits. 8°. Xew York, D. Apple-
ton 4' co. 1871.
Browne (Henry H.) Insurance maps of
the city of New York. 5ec Ferris (Will-
inm G.) and Brow^ne.
Browne (Rn\ L. C ) Review of the life
and writings of M. Hale Smith ; with a
vindication of the moral tendency of
universalisra. 330 pp. 12°. BostotifA.
Tompkins, 1847,
Brownell (Thomas Church, d.d.) The
family prayer book ; accompaiiit^d by a
general commentary. See Protestant
episc'ojial cliurch.
Browning (Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett). Last
poems. With a memorial, by Theodore
Tiltim. 242 pp. 18°. New York, J. Mil-
ler, 1862.
Bro^vning (Robert). Balanstion's adven-
ture; including a tranHcript from Enripi-
des. [Poems]. 2 |>. 1. 170 pp. 16°. Lon-
don, Sinilh, Elder ^^ co. 1871.
Prince Hoheustiel-Schwangau, sa-
viour of society. 2 p. 1. 148 pp. 16°.
London, Smith, Elder <f co. 1871.
Bro^wn-S^quard (Charles Edward, m. d.)
Lectures on the diagnosis and treatment
of the principal forms of paralysis of the
lower extremities. 118 pp. 8°. Philadel-
phia, J. B. Lippincott ^ co. 1861.
Brownson (Orestes Augustus, jr.) The
spirit-rapper; au autobiography, xi, 402
pp. 12°. Boston, Little, Brown ^' co. 18r)4.
Bruges (City of). Bihliothhque puhlique.
Catalogue m6thodique de la biblioth^que
publique de Bruges, suivi de la table ali)ha-
b^tiqne de noms d'anteurs et des onvrages
anonynies, pr6c6d6 d'une notice historique
sur cette biblioth^que et de la table m^-
thodiqne des mati^res, par P. J. Lande,
biblioth^cairo. x1iii,669, liiipp. 8°. Bru-
ges, A. Bogaert, 1847. s.
Catalogue ni^thodique, de-
scriptif et analytiqne des mannscrits de la
bibliothfeqne de Bruges, par P. J. Laude,
biblioth^caire. 4 p. 1. 552 pp. 8°. Bru-
ges, Tange, fils, 1859. s.
Music de V academic. Catalogue du
mus^e de l'acad6mie de Bruges. Notices
et descriptions avec mouograrames, etc.
par W. H. James Weale. 2 p. 1. 126 pp.
4 pp. offacs. 12°. Bruges, Btyaert-De/oort,
1861. S.
Bruhns (Dr. Carl Christian). Johann Franz
Encke, [etc.] Seiu leben und wirken.
Bearbeitet nacli dem schriftlichen nachlass
von seinem dankbaren schiiler dr. C.
Bruhns. x, 3.50 pp. portrait. 8°. Leipzig,
E. J. GUnther, 1869.
Brussels. Mus6e de Vindusirie. Catalogue
des collections, public par les soins de
N. E. Mailly. 2 p. 1. 241 pp. 1 1. 8°.
Brurelles, Socieli tifpographiqiie beige, 1846.
Bryan (Thomas B.) Bryan's pracktische
englische sprachlehre ilir Deutsche. Bear-
Bryan (Thomas B.) — continued,
beitet nach der neuesten methode eiue
fremde sprache schuell zu erlernen. 2 p. 1.
190, 33 pp. 12°. Boston, M. Ho/mann,
Bryant (Rev. Alfred). Millennarian views:
with reasons for receiving them. [Also],
a discourse on the fact and nature of the
resurrection. 252 pp. 12°. Neio York, M.
W. Dodd, 1852.
Bryant (Henry B.) Stratton (Henry D.)
and Packard (S. S.) Bryant & Stratton's
national book-keeping; an analytic and
progreHsive treatiHC on the science of ac-
counts, and its collateral branches. 21(1
pp. 8°. New York, Tvison, Phinney 4' <».
White (E.E.) aHdStowell(Corydoii
G.) The Bryant and Stratton business
arithmetic. A new work. [Revised and
edited by C. G. Stowell]. 564 pp. 8°.
New York, Mason, Baker ^ Pratt, 1872.
Bryant (William Culleu). Letters from
Rome, a. d. 138. By the author of "Clouds
and sunshine," [etc. awon.] 2 p. 1. 2i}9
pp. 12°. New York, D. Jppleton 4' co-
Bucer( Martin). S. psalmorvm libriqfvinqve
ad ebraicam veritatem versi, et familiari
explauatione elvcidati. Per Arctium Feli-
num. \_pseudon.'\ See Bible. (Latin).
Buchanan (Andrew). Rural poetry. 144
pp. 12°. Stirling, author, 1817.
Buchanan (James, d. d.) Modern atheism,
under its forms of pantheism, materialism,
secularism, development, and natural
laws. 423 pp. 12°. Boston, Gould 4" Lin-
coln, 1857.
Buchner (Joseph). Morbus Brighti. Trans-
lated by Samuel Lilienthal, m. d. 148 pp.
12°. New Yorh, Boericke ^ Tafel, 1872.
Bucholz (Christian Friedrich). Chemische
analyse der schwefelquelle des Giinther-
bades bei Sondershausen. xvi, 192 pp.
16°. Sondershausen, B. F. Voigt, 1816. 8.
Buchon (Jean Alexandre C. redacteur).
CEuvres completes de Thucydide et de
X^nophon. Avec notices biographiques.
xvi, 818 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Desrez, 1836.
Thuctdipes. Histoire rte la pnerre da P61opoii-
ii6se. [ rradiiite par I*. C- L^vesqii ]
Xknoi'Hox. CEuvres completes. [Traduites par
J. B. (JailJ.
Ouvrageshistoriques de Polybe, H6-
rodien et Zozime, avec notices biogra-
Buchon (J. A. C. r^acfeur)— continued,
phiqnes. xvi, 768 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Des-
rez, 1838.
Herodianls. HiHtoire romaine. [Depui« Marc-
Aur61o jusqu'i Gonlien, 181 k 2 W de I'^ie vul-
gaire. Ti-ad. du ktcc, par rabb6 N. H. Mon-
POLYBius. HiHtoire g6n6rale de la r6pnbliqiie ro-
maine. (I)e Ian -^^O k 146 avaut J. C. Trad,
du cr«c, par V. Thuilli»'rJ.
Z08IMU8 IliHtoire roraaiue. |Ju8qu'A I'an 410
de r^re vuljraire. Trad, du greo, pur le pr6.>*i-
dent CousiuJ.
Buckalew (Charles R.) Proportional rep-
resentation, or the represeutation of suc-
cessive majorities in federal, state, nmni-
cipal, corporate and primary elections.
With an appendix. Edited l>y John G.
Freeze, xvi, 300 pp. 8<=. Philadelphia, J.
Campbell 4- son, 1872.
Buckley's melodist; a repertoire of choice
songs and ballmls, with choruses, to be
sung at the concerts of Buckley's sere-
naders. 11*2 pp. 18°. Boston, H. Tolman
4- CO. [1864].
Buddingh (D.) Geschiedenis van opvoe-
ding en onderwijs, met betrekking tot bet
bijbellezen en godsdienstig ouderrigt op
de scholen, in de Nederlaiulen, naar aan-
leiding van bet koninklijk besluit van 2
januarij 1842. 2 v. in 3. 8°. Gravenhage,
J. M. ran T. Haaf, 1842-43.
Budget (A) of letters, or things which I saw
abroad. {_anon.'\ 4 p. 1. 470 pp. 12°.
Boston, W. D. Ticknor 4' co. 1847
Budget (The) of Momus, or a preservative
against melancholy, [anon.] 2 p. 1. 312
l»p. 240. London, T. Simpson, 1810.
Buell (Jonathan S.) Buell's mercantile
cypher for condensing telegrams, iv, 308
pp. 12^. Buffalo, Faxon^s steam power press,
Buell (P. L.) and Sizer (Nelson). A guide
to phrenology. 184 pp. 12°. Woodstock,
Ft., Haskell <f Palmer, 1842.
Buenos Ayres {City of). Actas de las sesio-
nes de la comision municipal de la ciu-
dad de Buenos Aires en 1872. 8°. Buenos-
Aires, imp. de La opinion, 1872. 8.
City of Buenos Ayres improvements.
Report on the drainage, sewerage and
water supply. See Bateman (J. F.)
Contribucion di recta. Rfjistro de
Buenos Ayres (City of) — continued.
Comision de aguas coniente^. Obras
de desagiie y de salubrldad para la ciudad
de Buenos Aires. Consulta hecha por la
comision de aguas corrieutes. 152 pp. 8°.
Buenos Aire^, imprenta del Siglo, 1872.
Documentos relativos ^ las obras del
puerto de Buenos Aires. See Bateman
(J. F.)
The same. Port of Buenos Ayres.
Supplemental report to the minister of
finance on improved harbor accommoda-
tion. See Bateman (J. F.)
Mnseo publico. Aoales del mnBeo
los contribuyentes de la ciudad de Buenos
Aires afio 1870. Publicaciou oticial. 8°.
Buenos Aires, imprenta de El nacional,
1870. 8.
publico de Buenos Aires, para dar a cono-
cer los objetos de historia natural nuevos
o poco couocidos conservados en este es-
tableciniiento, por German Burmeister,
[etc.] vi, 470 pp. 28 pi. 4^. Buenos Aires,
Buenos Ayres {Province or state of). Me-
morias de los di versos departamentos de
la admiuistraciou de la proviucia de Buenos
Aires, y de las muuicipalidades de cam-
pafia. 1867, 1871-72. 3 v. 8°. Buenos
Aires, imp. Buenos Aires, 1868-72. S.
Mensaje del poder ejecutivo ^ la
asaniblea jeneral legislativa. 1870-71. 2
v. 8°. Buenos Aires, imprenta del Siglo,
1870-71. s.
The same. Rejistro oficial de la pro-
vincia de Buenos Aires. Afio de 1871. 1
p. 1. 859, xxix pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, imp.
del Mercurio, [1871].
Comision de inmigracion. Informe.
1869. 8°. Buenos Aires, P. E. Coni, 1869. s.
Convencion encargada del examen de la
constitucion federal. Diario de sesiones de
la convencion del estado de Buenos Aires
acompafiado de el redactor y el informe de
la comision. Constitucion federal con las
enmieudas y los conveuios de 11 de nov.
1859 y de 6 junio 1860. 1 p. 1. 339,100,
14, xiii pp. 8°. Buenos Aire^, imprenta
del " Comercio del Plata," 1860. s.
Departamento de escuelas. Informe del
departaraento de escuelas. Correspou-
diente (t los alios 1870-72. 148 pp. 4 1.
pp. 303-309. 8°. Buenos Aires, P. E. Coni,
1872. B.
Informe al gobierno corre-
spondiente iC los afios 1870-72. 8°. Bue-
nos AircJt, imprenta del Siglo, 1872. 8.
Departamento de gobierno. Memoria
del ministro de gobierno de la provincia
Buenos Ayres (Province of) — continned.
de Buenos Aires, 1870-72. 2 v. 8°. Buenoa
Aires, imprenia del Siylo, 18/1-72. s.
Departamevto de hacienda. Memoria de
las ofitinas del departamenrode bacieuda.
Correspomlieiite & los aflos 1869-71. '.i v.
8°. Buenos Aires, imp. de " La prensa,"
1870-72. 8.
Memoria del niinisferio de
hacienda. 1870-72. 3 v. 8°. Buenos Aires,
imp.de''Lapreiisa," 1870-72. 8.
Pivsnpnesto jeiieral de pastos
de la proviiitia, 18159-70. 2 v. 8°. Buenos
Aires, 1^69-70. 8.
Buffier (Claude, «. J.) Pratique de la ni6-
moire artiticielle, pour appreiidre & pour
reteuir I'iiistoire & la chrouoloj^io uuiver-
selle. Nouv. M. revue & auguient^e d'uue
suite cbronolofjfique des souverains des
principaux 6tat8 dn monde. 2 v. Qui
contient I'bistoire prophaiie & I'bistoire
eccl^siastique depuis J^sus-Cbrist. 2 p. 1.
xxviii, 447 pp ; 514 pp. 16°. Paris, P. F.
Giffart, 1767.
Bugard (B. F.) Freucb and euplish ques-
tions on every particular of tbe freucb
grammar, and nmre especially adapted to
tbe french accidence of W. B. Fowle.
119 pp. sq. 24°. Boston, HiUiard, Gray 4"
00. 1833.
French practical teacher. A complete
grammar of tbe freucb language on tbe
progressive system. 480 pp. 12°. Boston,
J. E. Francis, 1838.
Buhler (Hope). Sophie Danforth's school-
life; or, shod with peace. 349 pp. 3 pi.
16°. New- York, E. P. Button 4' co. 1872.
Buist (Robert). Tbe rose manual ; contain
ing accurate descriptions of all the finest
varieties of roses, with directions for their
propagation, and tbe destruction of in-
sects. 182 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, author,
Bulfinch {Bev. Samuel Greenleaf). Com-
munion thoughts, vii, 204 pp. 16°. Bos-
ton, TV. Croshij 4 H. P. Nichols, 1850.
Contemplations of the saviour; ase-
ris of extracts from tbe gospel history,
with reflections, and hymns. 155 pp. 12°.
Boston, Carter 4' Sendee, 1832.
Bull (Lucy Catlin). A child's poems from
October to October, 1870-71. 2 p. 1. 171
pp. I phot. 18°. Hartford, Case, Lockwood
4 Brainard, 1872.
Bulletin dn bibliophile beige. See Biblio-
phile btdge.
Bulletin dn bouqninist^). [Fortnightly].
Jan.-dec. 1872. v. 29-30. 8°. Paris, A.
Auhry, lw72.
BuUinger (E. W.) See Monitor (The) post
otbcr, hanking and shippers' guide, 1872.
Bullions (Peter, d. d.) Tbe principle.s of
greek grammar; comprising the substance
of tbe most approved greek grauimars ex-
taut. I2tb ed. xii, 312 pp. 1 tab. 12°.
New York, Pratt, Woodford 4 co. 1847.
Bunoe (Oliver). A bacbelor's story. 247
pp. 12°. New York, Rudd 4 Carleton,
Bungay (George W.) Crayon sketches and
off-band takings, of rlistinguisbed ameri-
can statesmen, orators, divines, essayists,
editors, poets, and pbilantbropists. 15G
pp. 12°. Boston, Stacy 4' Richardson, 1852.
Bungener (Louis F61ix). The priest and
the huguenot; or, persecution in tbe age
of Louis XV. From the freucb. 2 v. 1
p. 1. xiii-40S pp. ; 1 p. I. v-480 pp. Boston,
Gould 4' Lincoln, 1853.
Rome et la bible. Manuel du contro-
versiste 6vang6Uque. 515 pp. 12°. Paris,
Cherbuliez, 1859.
Bunyan (John). Come and Vvelcouie to
Jesus Christ. Or, a plain and profitable
discourse on John vi. verse xxxvii. lltb
ed. 178 pp. 18°. Lo)idon, R. Ware, 1756.
The same. 178 pp. 18°. New-York,
J. Easthurn, 1812.
The doctrine of tbe law & grace
unfolded: or, a discourse touching the law
and grace. 3d ed. 1 p. 1. x, 215 pp. 16*^.
Boston, J. Draper, for D. Henchman, 1742.
A free poetic version of the first part
of Tbe pilgrim's progress, [1813]? See
Drayton (J. B.)
The holy war, made by Shaddai upoi
Diabolns ; for the regaining of tbe metrop-
olis of the world ; or, tbe losing and tak-
ing again of the town of Mansoul. 348 pp.
18°. ^London, 1723] ?
The same. 4 p. 1. 280 pp. 16°. Glns-
goiv, 1752.
Tbe same. A new ed. divided into
eighteen chapters; with explanatory and
practical notes. By tbe rev. George Bur-
der. 298 pp. 16°. Albany, Webster s J-
Skinners, 1816.
The same. 290 pp. 16°. Boston, J.
Thomas, jun. 1817,
Bunyan (John) — continued.
[Tlie pilgrim's progress]. The chris-
tian ))ilgrini : containing an account of
the wondtMlul ailveutures and niiraculons
escapes <>f Christian; who tiavels from
the land of Destruction to the New Jern-
sahra, [flHOM.] 2 v. in 1. VJ2 pp. 1 pi.
24°. Sahm, [Mass.] T. Carey, H-^O.
Note — A much moilltied verbiou of The iiilyrim's
SidomoTi's temple spiritualizM, or,
gospel-light fetch'd out of the temple at
Jerusalem; to let us more easily into the
glory of new-testament truths. New ed.
1G8 pp. 18^. Philadelphia, Stewart ^•
Cochran, 171)2.
The visions of John Bunyan; being
his last reniains: giving an account of the
glories of heaven, the terrors of hell, and
of the world to come. 94 pp. 1 1. 16-.
Xornich, T. Hubbard, 171)5.
The work (»f Jesns Christ, as an advo-
cate, clearly explain'd, and largely ini-
provM, ft>r the benefit of all believers.
5 p. 1. lot) pp. portrait. 16°. London, J.
Marshall, 172.'>.
Buoninsegni (Domenico and Pietro). His-
toria tiorenfina [seritta da Domenico e
publicata da] Pietro Buoninsegni [fino al
anno 1409]. Nuouamente data in luce.
20 p. 1. 830 pp. 4^. Fiorema,, G. Mares-
rotti, l.')8l.
Burder (John). Elementary discourses, or,
Bern on-i addressed to children. 2d am. ed.
212 PI). 18°. BoHton, Crocker 4- Brewster,
Burdett (Charles). Chances and changes;
or, life as it is. Illustrated in the history
of a straw hat. l.'')8 pp. 18°. New York,
I). Applelon ^' CO. l'"^46.
Burdick {Rev. C. R.) Before the dawn : a
I)oem ; with introductory lectures on pro-
phetic symbols: portraying the last great
conflicts which result«'d in the downfall
of papal domination, [etc.] 311pp. 12°.
Buffalo, Brerd, Lent <^- co. 1872.
Burgess (Rcr. Anthony). Spiritual refin-
ing : part 2, or, a treatise of siune with its
causrs, diHiM«Mices, niiiigations and aggra-
vations. Particularly of the desperate
deceitfulness of man's heart, of prestimp-
tuons ami reigning sins, and of hypocrisie
and ft)rmality in religion. In 42 sermons.
9 p. 1. -MS pp. 4 1. 4°. London, T. V.
BnrgeBS (Josiah J.) Burgess' rail-way di-
rectory for 18:jl ; containing a correct list
of all the officers and «lirectors of the rail-
roa4ls in the United States and Canadas,
wirh their financial condition. Compiled
by Josiah J. Burgess. 196 pp. 8 1. 8°.
Netc York, Wilbur c^ Hastings, [1861].
Burgh (James). The art of speaking. Con-
taining 1. An essay ; in which are given
rules for expressing properly the principal
pa^ssions and humours ; and 2. Lessons ex-
hibiting a variety of matter for practice.
lanon.] 322 pp. 7 1, 16°. Boston, T.
Hall, for J. White cy E. Larkin, 1795.
Burgh (Ulick). See De Burgh (Ulick,
marquess of Clanrivarde).
Burke (Walter). The joshuade : au heroi-
sacred poem, containing a series of the
most important events, from the creation
to our saviour's crucifixion, ix, 240 pp.
12°. London, J. Parsons 4^ J. Downes, 1794.
Burlesque (The) songster. Containing all
the popular burlesque songs now sung in
theatres and variety halls, [awon.] 206
pp. 24°. New York, Fisher 4" Denison,
Burmeister (Hermann Carl Conrad or
German), Anales del museo publico de
Buenos Aires. See Buenos Ayres (City
of). Museo publico.
Bum (Robert). Rome and theCampagna:
an historical and topographical descrip-
tion of the site, buildings, and neighbor-
hood of ancient Rome. Ixxxiii, 484 pp. 1
pi. 25 maps & plans. 4°. Cambridge,
lEng.] Deighlon, Bell 4- co. 1871.
Bumand (F. C.) Happy thoughts, xvi,
303 pp. 16°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1872.
[Handy-vohxme series, no. II.
More happy thoughts, &c. 1 p. 1.
xiv, 300 pp. 16°. Boston, Roberts brothers,
[Handy-volame seriea, no. 9J.
The new history of Sanford and Mer-
tou. Illustrations by L. Sambourne. xvi,
268 pp. 12°. London, [Boston, Roberts
brothers], 1872.
Bumap (George W. d. d.) Discourses on
the rectitude of hunnin nature, xi, 409
pp. 1-^°. Boston, W. Crosby 4' H. P. Mch-
ols, 1850.
Lectures to young men, on the culti-
vatitin of the mind, and the conduct of
life. 144 pp. 12°. Baltimore, J. Murphy,
Bumap (George W. d. d.) — continued.
Memoir of Henry Aiignstns In^alls.
With selections from bis writinjjs. En<;(l.
tit. 210 pp. portrait. 12°. Boston, J. Man-
roe <f- CO. 184G.
Tiie spiiere and duties of woman. A
course of lectures. 3d ed. 326 pp. 1 pi.
12°. Baltimore, J. Murphy, 1848.
Burnet (Gilbert, d. d.) A discourse of the
pastoral care. With bis advice to the
clergy. [Also], bis character. By the
marquis of Halifax. 6 p. 1. 202 pp. 12°.
Dublin, W. Ralhead, 1777.
The same. 15th ed. [With] a life
of the author. 3 p. 1. 281 pp. 18°. Lon-
don, W. Tegg ^ co. 1849.
Lives, characters, and an address to
posterity. Edited with an introduction,
and notes, by John Jebb, d. d. Ist am.
ed. 344 pp. 12°. New York, H. M. Onder-
donk 4- CO. 1846.
Bumham (Roderick H.) The. Burnham
family ; or genealogical records of the
descendants of tbe four emigrants of the
name, who were ainoug the early settlers
in America. 546 pp. 4 1. 3 portraits, 1 pi.
8°. Hartford, Case, Lockwood tf Brainard.
Burnouf (Jean Louis). Elementos de gra-
m^ticalatina. Traducidosdel francos con
adiciones tornados del mismo m^todo. Por
J. V. GonzJilez. 164 pp. 12°. Nueva
York, D. Appleton ^ conip. 1862.
Bums (Eliza Boardman). Burns' phonic
shorthand, for schools, business writing
and reporting. Arranged on the basis of
Isaac Pitman's " Phonography." 120 pp.
12°. New York, Burns 4^ co. 1873.
Bums (George C.) The american woolen
manufacturer. A practical treatise on tbe
manufacture of woolens. 135 pp. 1 pi.
8°. Central Fulls, B. L, E. L. Freeman,
Burton {Mrs, H. S.) Who would have
thought it? A novel. [aMOw] 438 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott ^ co.
Burton (John). Sacrce scripturse locorum
quoruudara versio metrica. Sive exer-
citaticmum poeticarum qua> pro disciplinae
solenuis ratione adolescentibus c[<)llegii]
C[orporis] C[hristi] longae vacationis
tempore prsecipiuntur elaboran<i8e delec-
tus, [luterprete Johanue Burton]. 8 p. 1.
Burton John) — continued.
79 pp. 8°. Oxonia, e Iheatro theldoniano,
Note. — A. few extract* from otiipr hooks of tti« old
t«iHt:im<*iit am incorporated with tbeiMj pHaluiD.
Bushnell (William C.) Memoirs and select
remains. See Memoirs, 1833.
Butler (John Jay, d. d.) Commentary on
tbe IU5W testament. 6'ee Bible. (English).
New testament.
Butterworth {Rev. John). A new concord-
ance to the holy scriptures, in a single
alphabet; being the most comprehensive
and concise of any before published. A
new ed. with considerable improvements,
by Adam Clarke, 11. d. [With] the defini-
tions of Cruden, [etc.] under the superin-
tendence of rev. William Jenks, d. d. 280
pp. 8°. Bratlkboro', Brattleboro' typo-
graphic CO. [1838].
[Jenks (William). Supplfment to the compren-
sive commentary, part IJ.
Buttz (Rev. Henry A.) Memoir of B. H.
[In Nadal (B. H.) The new life dawning. 12='.
New York, Nelson dt Phillipti, lo73. pp. 11-96].
C. (L.) See Coleman (Rev. L.)
Caesare (Bonaveuture Am^deo de). Divine
life of tbe most holy virgin Mary. [1872].
See Maria <le J^sus.
Cahill (Frank). Parlor theatricals. See
Arnold (Georgt-) and Cahill.
Caille. See La Caille.
Calavar. See Bird (Robert M.)
Calef (Kobert). More wonders of the in-
visible world, or wonders of the invisible
world displayed. [Also], a postscript re-
lating to a book entitled "Tbe life of sir
Wm. Pliips." Collected by R. Calef. Lou-
don, 1700, and 1796; reprinted Salem,
1823 ; Boston, 1828.
[7n FoWLEU (Samuel P.) Salem witchcraft; etc.
1-20. Salem, 1861. i>p. l-;n3l.
Calidasa. See K^lidasa.
Calpe (Xi\vn\\m. pneudon.) See Pascual (An-
tonio D. de).
Calvert (George H.) The maid of Orleans ;
an historical tragedy. Printed for private
use. 134 {)p. 16°. Cambridge, [J/a»«.]
Rirerside press, 1873.
Cammarano (Salvatore). Belisario, tra-
gedia lirica. See Donizetti (Gaetano).
II trovatore, dramma. See Verdi
Camp (Tbe) of refuge, 1844. See Macfar-
lane (Charles).
Campbell (A. J.) A true friend. Reflec-
tions on life, character and conduct. A
Campbell (A. J.)— continued.
coUt-ction. [anon.] 576 pp. 8^. Cleve-
land, 0.. A J. Camphell, 187-2.
Campbell (Donald. />'<^H'/'>H.) ■'<ef Carpen-
ter (.Stephen C.)
Campbell (Lootnis .1.) See "Worcester (Jo-
seph E. //. d.)
Candolle (Alphonse Lonis Pierre Pyranuis
<le). Histoire des sciences et des savaiitM
depnis denx sifeeles, siiivie d'aufres Etu-
des Hur des Bii.jets scientifiqnes, en parti-
culier sur la 8<^lection dans I'especo hn-
maine. vii, 482 pp. t<°. Genhe, U. Georg.
1873. s
CanonicuB. [psewdon ] ^Str Shedd (W.)
Capital (The). [Washiiij^fon weekly].
Uonn Piatt and Henry Reed, editors.
March 10, l.-'72, to march 2, 1873. v. 2.
fol. Washiiujton, 1-^72-73.
Caraccioli (Lonis Antoiue de). The lan-
gn;t;:e of reason, [Also], an extract fi(Mn
the Thon;4hts of nions. Pascal. Traiislatetl
from the freneh liy rev. J. B. vi, 272 pp.
UP. Dublin^ TV. FoJdn, 1802.
Cardano (Girolamo). S )niiiiorvin synesi-
orvni, oniiiis generis in.soninia explicantes,
libri iiii. 21 1. 278 pp. sai. 4°. Basileae,
n. Petn, [1562].
Cardell (William S.) The haj)py family:
or, scenes of american life. 3d ed. 21;'
pp. 18°. Philadelphia, U. Hunt, 1832.
Sto»y of Jjick Halyard, the sailoi-
boy: or, the viitnons family. 30th ed.
with appropriate qnestions. by M. T. Lea-
venworth. 234 i»p. 1 pi. 18<^. Philadel
phia, U. Hunt, 1»3>.
The same. The boy of principle, the
nnvn of honor; [etc.] 310 jtp. 1 pi. 16°.
Philadelphia, U. Hunt tj- son, 18.55.
The same. The middle elass readier:
con)prisin>{ the Story of Jack Halyard.
New ed. 216 pp. 16". Philadelphia, U.
Hunt ff-flon, 1853.
Carey ( Henry (Jharles). The nnity of law ;
as exhiltife<l in the relations of physieal.
social, mental, and moral science, xxiii.
433 pp. 2 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, H C.
Baird, 1872.
The way to outdo Euf^land without
n^hlingher. Letters to the hon. Schuyler
Colfax, on the paper, the iron, the far-
mers, the railroad, and the onrrencv
questions. 165 pp. 8*^.
C. Buird, 1865.
Philadelphia, H.
' Carey (Mathew y- ton, booksellers). Cata-
logue of an extensive collectiou of boolu
in every department of ancient and mod-
ern literature, for sale. 266 pp. 1 1. 8°.
Philadelphia, T. H. Palmer, 1818.
Carey (William). The natioual obstacle
to the national public style considered.
Ob.servations on the probable decliue or
extinction of british historical painting,
I from the effects of the church exclusion of
paintings. 2 p. 1. 151 pp. 8°. London,
\ Howlelt Sr Brimmer, 1825.
Tliirty years' facts, against one re-
' viewer's f)|)in;on, in the year 1818; being
! an amicable antidote, proving the utility
; of the press, as an advocate of british
i genius, [etc.] 20 i>p. 8°. [London, Hoir-
j left .r- Briminey'\, 1825.
j { With his The national obstacle [etc.] consideredl.
I Carey. -Se^; Gary.
Carlen (Mrs. Emilie Flygare). The bride
of Oinberj^. From the original swedi-sh
by Alex. L. Krause and Ell>ert Perce. 2
p. I. 9-2i0 pp. 12°. New York, C. Scrih-
ner, 1853.
The temptation of wealth ; or, the
heir of primogeniture. Translate<l from
theswedish,byG.C. Hebbe. [2«led.] Ip.l.
158 pp. 8°. New York, C. Muller, 1846.
Carlton (Robert, paeudon.) See Hall (Bay-
nard K.)
Carmichael (Andrew). An essay on such
physical considerations as are connected
with man's ultimate destination, thees.sen-
tial constitution of superior beings; and
the presumptive unity of nature, viii,
172 i»p. 8°. Dublin, Shaw, 1830.
Carmine; or, the trader at the fort, 1872.
See Baer (Warren).
Carn^ (Louis Marcelin, comte de). Les fon-
datenrs de I'unit^ fran^aise. Suger, Saint
Lonis, Dngnesclin, Jeanne Dare, Louis XI,
Henri IV, Richelieu, Mazarin. Etudes
bistoiiques. fi<l. considdrablement aug-
ment^e. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 474 pp. i 1 ; 2 p. 1.
472 pp. 8'^. Paris, D J dter ^' cie. 1856.
Ceuroline Jones; or, outward and inward
adorning, lanon.'] 157 pp. I pi. 18°.
Cincinnati, American reform tract 4' ^ok
society, 1860.
Carpenter (Hugh Smith). Here and be-
yond: the new man, the true man. 345
pp. 12°. New York, Mason brothers, 1859.
Transition : a remembrance of Emma
Whiting. 1 p. 1. 179 pp. portrait. 12°.
New York, CarUton, 1863.
Carpenter (Lant, II. d.) Uuitarianism the
doctrine of the gospel. A view of the
scriptural grounds of unitarianism. • 2d
ed. xii, 384 pp. 12°. London, Longmans,
[e/c] 1811.
Carpenter (Marcus T.) Memories of the
past. Poems. 168 pp. 12°. New York,
Baker */• Scribner, 1850.
Carpenter (Stephen Cullon). A journey
over land to India, partl}'^ by a route never
gone before by any European. In a series
of letters by Donald Campbell. Ipaeudon.^
Comprehending his shipwreck and impris-
onment with Hyder AUi, and his subse-
quent negotiations and transactions in the
east. [523] pp. 4°. London, T. X. Long-
man, 1796.
Carpenter (Stephen H.) English of the
xivth century, illustrated by notes on
Chaucer's Prologue and Knights' tale,
1872. See Chaucer (Geoflfrey).
Carpenter (William Benjamin, m. d.) Prin-
ciples of human physiology, with their
chief applications to pathology, hygiene,
and forensic medicine. 1st am. ed. with
additions by the author, and notes and
additions, by Meredith Clymer, m. d. 618
pp. 1 pi. 8°. Fhiladeljyhia, Lea ^' Blanch-
ard, 1843.
The same. 2d am. from the last
[1844] Lend. ed. With notes and addi-
tions, by M. Clymer, m. d. xxviii, 25-643
pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea ^' Blanchard,l8i5.
Carpenter's (The) house, lanon.'] 168
pp. 3 pi. 18°. New York, Carlton 4' Por-
ter, [1862].
Carraud {Mmc. Zulma Touranger). After-
noons with grandma. From the french.
By mrs. Mary Kinmont. 320 pp. 4 pi. 16°.
Cincinnati, Hitchcock if Walden, 1873.
Carre&o (Manuel Antonio). Manual de
urbanidad y buenas maneras para uso de
la juventud de ambos sexos. Precedido
de un breve tratado sobre los deberes
morales del hombre. 322 pp. portrait.
12°. Nueva York, D. Appleton y ca. 1854.
Carrillo (Crescendo). Compendio de la
historia de Yucatan. Precedido del de su
geografia y dispuesto en forma de lecciones.
xiii, 432 pp. sq. 16°. Merida, J. D. Eap-
niosa ehijos, 1871.
Carrol (James E.) A complete key to
Mitchell's school geography. 456 pp. 12°.
rhiladclxihia, Thomas, Cowperthwait tj- co.
Carroll {Rev. Andrew). The deity of Christ,
briefly considered. 195 pp. 16°. Cincin-
nati, E. Morgan ij- co. 1846.
Carroll (Daniel Lynn, d. d.) Sermons and
addresses, on various subjects. [2 series].
372 pp; 381pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lind-
say ij' BlakiHton, 1846-47.
Carter ( Francis). A journey from Gibraltar
to Malaga, in 1772. 2 v. xv, viii, 366 pp.
1 1; 1 p. 1. viii, 431 pp. 21. 8°. London,
T. Cudvll, 1777.
Carter (James Gordon). A geography of
New-Hampshire. Embracing 1. A short
topographical and historical sketch of
every town. 2. A general view of each
county. 3. A general view of the state.
4. A glossary. 1 p. 1. x, 246 pp. 18°.
Portsmouth, N. H., N. March, 1831.
Cartwright (John). The english constitu-
tion produced and illustrated, xx, 446 pp.
8°. London, T. Cleary, 1823.
Cary (Alice). Clovernook children. 291
pp. 6 pi. 16°. Boston, Ticknor ^ Fields,
Lyra and other poems. 172 pp. 3 1.
12°. New York, Bedfield, 1852.
Cary (Phoobe). Poems and parodies. 1 p. 1.
vi, 200 pp. 12°. Boston, Ticknor, Reed ^
Fields, 1854.
Casket of gems, or devotional companion.
By a minister of the gospel. S^anon."] 160
pp. 32°. Springfield, 0. Dunlap ^ Smith,
Cassandra : the fam'd romance, 1676. See
La Calprenfede (Gauthier de Costes de).
Cassard (Andres). Manual de la masone-
ria, 6 sea el tejador de los ritos antiguo
escoces, frances y de adopcion. 1017 pp.
49 pi. 1 chart, portrait. 8°. Nueva York,
Macoy ^ Sickles, 1860.
Cassius (Dio). See Dion Cassius.
Casti (Giovanni Battista). [Li guilii tre,
sonnetti, 1762]. The three groats. Trans-
lated from the Italian. [In 216 sonnets].
With a memoir of the author. New [2d]
ed. With numismatic notes. By M.
Montagu. 272 pp. 8°. London, \_Han'i-
son 4- CO.'] 1841.
Castil-Blaze. See Blaze.
Castleman (Harry, pseudon.) /S'te Fosdick
(Charles A.)
Castles (The) of Athlin and Dunbayne,
1793. See Radclifife (Mrs. Anne).
Castro (Guillen or Gislen de). II mondo
secreto. 9 v. 16°. Milano, G. Daelli <f-
cm. 1864.
[Biblioteca nuova].
V. 1-2. Lp iniziazionianticho. I.'iiiiziazionpchriH-
tiana. Gli omauatisti. La religiono
V. 3. La cavalleria, ^Vi Isniixcliti, i templari, i
frauchi ni"«ii*;i. gli alchiiuisti.
V. 4-6. I libori iiiiiratori, i inistici.
V. 7. Gli illuniiuati, i compojjiioni, i carbonari.
V. 8. Le miuore setto italiano. Giovinozza.
V. 9. Altro societa, opilogo.
(Las mocedades del Cid). La jeunesse
du Cid. Comddie fameuse en trois jour-
n<^es et liuit tableaux d'apr^^ laquello lo
grand Corneille a compos6 le Cid.
[In LrcAS (M. 11.) Docniupnts rolatifa a I'hi.stoire
duCiU. 8'. l^aris, Alvaris, If^tiO. pp. 33-103].
Gates (William L. R.) Eucyclopa>dia of
chronology, 1872. See "Woodward (B. B.)
ami Gates.
Gatharine. 186:i. Srt Adams (Nelic-
niiali, d.d.)
Catholic (The) christian's companion to
prayer, the sacraments, and the holy sacri-
fice of the mass: with a great variety of
devotions, [etc. aiion.'\ 455, iv pp. 1 pi.
24^^. Jialtimore, J. Murphy, 1849.
Catholic (The) hymn book, [rfwow.] 2.56pp.
1 pi. 24^^. New York, E. Duuigav <J"- brother,
Catholic (The) world. A monthly magazine
of general literature and science. April to
sept. 1872. v. 15. 8 \ Xcw York, CulhoVw
juthlication house, 1872.
Catlin (Jacob, d. d.) A compendium of the
system of divine truth, in a series of es-
says, in which the principal subjects con-
tained in the holy scriptures are carefully
arranged, discussed, and improved. 304
pp. 16 \ Middleiown, E. «f- 7/. Clark, 1824.
Catlow (Agnes) and Reeve (Lovell). The
conchologist's noraenclator. A catalogue
of all the recent species of shells, with
their authorities, viii, 326 pp. 1 tab. 8°.
London, Reeve brothers, 1845.
Cattermole (Kev. R.) and Stebbing {Rev.
J f. editors). The sacred classics; or, cabi-
net library of divinity. 16^. London, J.
Ilatehard «y- son, 1835.
V. 18. Troatisos. By Kobert Boylo.
Gavazzi (Giovanni Antonio). Relation his-
torique do I'Ethiopie occidentale: con-
tenant la description des royaumes de
Congo, Angolle, &- Matamba, traduite de
ritalien du p. Cavazzi. Par lo r. p. J. B.
Cavazzi (G. A.)— continued.
Labat. 4 v. 16^. Paris, C. J, B. Deles-
innefiU, 1732.
Ca'wdell (James). The miscellaneous po-
ems of J. Cawdell, comedian : with sev-
eral sentimental pieces. [Also], an answer
to a libellous compilation, [by Joseph Rit-
son], called the Stockton jubilee. 163 pp.
1 pi. 8^. Sunderland, author, 1785.
Note.— The Stockton jubilee consists of extracts
from Shake8i)care a])plied to most of tlio prin-
cipal inbabitants of Stocktou-on-Teos, Ritsou's
Gawdray (Robert). A treasvrie or store-
hovse of similies: both pleasaunt, delight-
full, and profitable, for all estates of men
in generall. Newly collected into heades
and common places. 6 p. 1. 860 pp. 4 1.
sm. 4 \ London, T. Creede, 1600.
Caw^thorn (i?er. James). Poems. 5 p. 1.
226 pp. 4^. London, W. WoodfaU, 1771.
Cazal (Manuel Ayres de). See Ayres de
Gazette (Jacques). Le diable amoureux.
[In Jannet (P.) Contes fantastiques. 16°. Paris,
E. Picard, 1867. pp. 5-96].
Cecil (E. pseudonf) Life of Lafayette.
Written for children. 3 p. 1. 218 pp. 6 col.
pi. 16°. Boston, Crosby, Xiehols i^ eo.
Cecil (7?a'. Richard). Remains; including
remarks on authors, miscellanies, rules for
a young minister, &c. 1 p. 1. 180 pp. 12°.
London, A. Simpson, [about 1855].
Cecil's autumn adventures, 187.3. See
Goodenow (Miss C. A.)
Cecil's summer at Elm terrace, 1871. See
Goodenow (Miss C. A.)
Gellerier (Jacob-;Glis6e,jfMM<'). The au-
thenticity of the new testament. Trans-
lated from the french. With notes and
references, by a Sunday school teacher.
XV, 254 pp. 12°. Boston, Weeks, Jordan
cf CO. 1838.
Century association (Xew York). Proceed-
ings, in honor of the memory of brig.-gen.
James S. Wadsworth, and colonel Peter A.
Porter ; with the eulogies read by Will-
iam J. Hoppin and Frederic S. Cozzens.
December 3, 1864. 88 pp. 8°. Xew York,
D. Van Xostrand, 1865.
Cepeda (Teresa). Sec Teresa de Jesus
Chadbourne (Paul Ansel, //. d.) Lectures
on natural history ; its relations to intel-
lect, wealth, taste and religion. 160 pp.
12°. XewYork, A. S. Barnes .J- Burr, 1860.
Chadwick (liev. Jabez). Now lijjht ou the
subject of christian baptism. 204 pp. 12^\
Ithaca, [N. r.] Mack <)'• Audrm, 1832.
A new testament dictionary, with
original explanations and reflections. 413
pp. 12°. Ithaca, N. T. Mack, Andnis 4-
CO. 1849.
Chafa (Sara Genevra). Napoleon Bona-
parte and other poems, iv, 211 pp. portrait.
16°. Cambridge, [Mass.'] Riverside presn,
Chaldaean account of the deluge. See
British museum.
Challoner {Rt. rev. Richard). An abstract
of the history of the old and new testa-
ments, divided into three parts. 230 pp.
18". New York, E. Bunigan .$"• brother,
Chalmers (Anna Mead). Brown and Ar-
thur, 1861. See Hughes (Thomas).
Chalmers (George). An historical view of
the domestic economy of G. Britain, and
Ireland, from the earliest to the present
times: with a comparative estimate of
their efficient strength. A new ed. xxv,
496 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Constable 4- co.
Chamberlain (Charles, ^V.) The servant-
girl of the period the greatest plague of
life. What mr. and mrs. Honeydew learned
of housekeeping. 215 pp. 12°. New
York, J. S. Redfield, 1873.
Chamberlain (i?ev. Thomas). Selected let-
ters. X, 272 pp. 16°. London, J. Burns,
Chamberlin (Everett). The struggle of '72.
The issues and candidates of the present
political campaign : containing biograph-
ical sketches of all the candidates for
president and vice-president : history and
platforms of the great political parties ;
facts about public men and measures;
review of Grant's administration ; the
queer record of Horace Greeley. 570 pp.
20 pi. 8°. Chicago, Union publishing
company, 1872.
Chamberlin (William H.) History of the
eighty-first regiment Ohio infantry volun-
teers, during the war of the rebellion.
199 pp. 2 pi. 12°. Cincinnati, Gazette
steam printing house, 1865.
Chambers (James). The poetical works
of James Chambers, itinerant poet, with
the life of the author. xxiii, 7-166
pp. 12°. Ipswich, lEng.'\ C. Ragan, 1820.
Chambers (Robert and William). Cham-
bers's educational course, nos. G-7. Ed-
ited by D. M. Reese, m. d. 2 v. 12°.
New ForA", A. S. Barnes 4- co. 1849.
Xo. 6. Elements of zoology ; or, natural history of
animals, [anon.]
No. 7. Elements of geolopy, by Davitl Page.
The same. Dr. Reese's improved
edition of Chambers's educational course,
nos. 3,6. 2 v. 12 . Philadelphia, Sorin
<;■ Ball, 1846.
No. 3. Rudiments of vegetable pbyslology. By O.
Hamilton, ni. d.
No. 6. RudimcntH of geology. By David Page.
Witli notes, l)y D. M. Reese.
Chambers (William). Memoir of Robert
Chambers, with autobiographic reminis-
cences of William Chambers. 313 pp.
12°. Neio York, Scribncr, Armstrong <J- co.
Wintering at Men tone, [France],
2 p. 1. 125 pp. 1 map. 12°. London, W. J-
R. Chambers, 1870.
Chambrun (Adolpho, marquis de). Le
pouvoir exdcutif aux fitats-Unis, dtude de
droit constitutionnel. viii, 5-359 pp. 8°.
Rouse's Point, N. Y., J. Lovell, 1873.
Chamisso (Adelbert de, or Louis Charles
ddlaide). Merveilleuse histoire de Pierre
Schl6mihl. [Traduit de I'allemand par
I'auteur lui-meme].
[In Jannet (Pierre). Cont«8 fantastiqaes. 16°.
Paris, E. Picard, 18C7, pp. 122-206].
Champagnac (Jean Baptiste Joseph). L'6t^
sous les tilleuls, ou les causeries du chalet.
[Ire 86rie]. 2 p. 1. 2.34 pp. 10 col. pi. 8°.
Paris, E. Bucrocq, [1845].
Champagne. An illustrated journal of soci-
ety, sj)arkle, and sentiment. [Monthly].
June to dec. 1871. Nos. 1-7 in 1 v. fol.
Neio York, [^Champagne publishing co. 1871].
Note.So more published.
Champion (Frank). Campaign hand book
and citizen's manual. A brief review of
the colonial and constitutional govern-
ments of the United States, from 1765 to
1872. With biographical sketches of the
presidents, and presidential candidates,
[etc.] 282 pp. 6 pi. 16°. Hartford, F. C.
Bliss 4' CO. 1872.
Champion (The) song and dance book, 1872.
See Bacon (William F.)
ChampUn (James Tift, d.d.) Text-book
in intellectual philosophy, for schools and
colleges. 240 pp. 12°. Boston, Crosby,
Nichols, Lee cj- co. 1860.
Champlin (James Tift, d. <?.)— continned.
Tbo same. Coutaiuing an outline of
the science, with an abstract of its his-
tory. New ed. 312 pp. 12^. New York,
Jl'oolworth, Ahmiorth .)'• oo. [1872].
Chandler (Charles F.) Report on petro-
leum as an illuminator, and the advan-
tages and perils which attend its use ;
with special reference to the prevention of
the traflic in dangerous kerosene and
naphtha. 110 pp. 8^. Xew York, X. Y.
jmnting co. 1871. S.
Changed (The) cross, and other religious
poems. [flMon.] 2d ed. 288 pp. sq. 18°.
Xew York, A. J). F. namlolph .f- co. [1872]-
The same. The changed cross, and
the shadow of the rock. Religious poems
selected from many sources. New and en-
larged ed. 2 V. in 1. 1 p. 1. 238 pp ; 288 pp.
sq. IG^. Xcic York, A. D. F. Randolph 4-
CO. [1872].
Channing (William Ellery, jr.) Poems,
viii, 151 pp. IG^. Boston, C. C. Little 4-
J. Jirotcn, 1843.
Poems. 2d series, vii, IGO pp. 1G°.
Boston, J. Mnnroe <J- co. 1847.
[ With his Poems, od. Boston, 18-13].
Chapin (Alonzo Bowen, d. d.) An english
spelling book; containing rules and rea-
sons for orthography and pronunciation.
170 pp. IG^. Xiw Haven, Buiric tf* Peck,
A view of the organization and order
of the primitive church: containing a
scriptural plan of the apostolic church:
[also], the apostolic succession, connect-
ing it with the church of the present day.
408 pp. 12\ Xcw Haven, Hitchcock <j-
Stafford, 1842.
Chapin (licv. Edwin Ilubbell). Duties of
young men, exhibited in six lectures; with
an anniversary address, delivered before
the Richmond lyceum. 212 pp. 18".
Boston, A. Tompkins <j- B. B. Musscy, 1840.
The same. Revised ed. 203 pp. 32'^.
Boston, a. ir. liriggs, 184G.
The same. Uth ed. 203 pp. 18".
Boston, I'utnam <f- brother, 185G.
Duties of young women. 8th ed. 218
pp. 18". Boston, Putnam ,f- brother, ia%,
Chapin (.U»». Sallio F.) Fitz-IIugh St.
Clair, the South Carolina rebel boy; or, it
is no crime to be V)orn a gentleman. 252
pp. 5 pi. 12^-. J'hiladclphia, Claxton, Bern-
sen ,S- Haffelfmger, 1872.
Chaplin (Jfr«. Jane Dunbar). Annt Elsie's
ix>sts. 180 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Boston, Ameri-
can tract society, [1873].
Chapman (Edwin Nesbit, m.d.) Hysterolo-
gy: a treatise, descriptive and clinical,
on the diseases and displacements of the
uterus, xiv, 504 pp. 8". Xew-York, IV.
Wood .j- CO. 1872.
Chapman (Ilonry C. vi. d.) Evolution of
life. 193 pp. 31 pi. 1 chart. 8°. Phil-
adelphia, J. B. Lippincott L^- co. 1873.
Chapman (John L.) and Scott (James),
editors. American system of education.
[Hand-books on anglo-saxon orthography,
etymology, and grammar]. By a literary
association. \_anon.'\ 3 v. 12°. Xew
York, J. A. Gray «J- A. Montgomery, 1852-53.
A handbook of anglo-saxon orthography, 1852.
134 pp. 1 chart.
A hand-book of anglo-saxon root- words, 1853.
Outlines of english grammar. On the basis of the
anglo-saxon, 1853. 160 pp.
Chapman (M. J.) The greek pastoral poets,
Theocritus— Bion—Moschus, done into en-
glish. 3ded. vii, 380 pp. 12°. London,
Saunders, Otley 4' co. 1866.
Chapman (Nathaniel, m. d.) A compendium
of lectures on the theory and practice of
medicine. Prepared from dr. Chapman's
manuscripts. By N. D. Benedict, m. d.
viii, 17-258 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea <f-
Blanchard, 1846.
Chapman (Thomas, d. d.) An essay on the
roman senate, viii, 398 pp. 9 1. 8°. Cam-
bridge, lEng.'\ J. Bentham, 1750.
Chapone (Mrs. Hester). Letters on the
improvement of the mind, addressed to a
young lady. [Also], the life of the au-
thor; with a father's advice to an only
daughter immediately after marriage. 2
V. in 1. 310 pp. 16°. Hagci'stown, [JM]
W. Bell, for G. Xoarse, 1818-19.
Chappel (Alonzo). Lives and portraits of
the presidents of the United States, 1873.
See Duyckinck (E. A.) and Chappel.
Chapsal (C. P.) Grammaire fraufaiso. See
Noel (Fraufois J. M.) and Chapsal.
A new system of fronch grammar.
See Noel (Francois J. M.) and Chapsal.
Nouvelle grammaire fran^aise. See
Noel (Francois J. M.) and Chapsal.
Character (The) of Christ considered ; or
a brief exhibition of the scripture testi-
mony respecting the person and the two
Character (The) of Christ — continued,
natures of Christ, [awou.] 184 pp. 1 pi.
18°. Boston, Mass. 8. 8. society, 1838.
Charity Barnes, the cobbler's daughter.
lanon.'] 152 pp. 2 pi. 18°. Philadcljyhia,
Am. 8. 8. union, [18C0].
Charles (Mrs. Elizabeth Rundle). Chroni-
cles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. By
two of themselves. lanon.'\ 552 pp. 12°.
New Tori', M. IF. Dodd, 18G4.
The early dawn; or, sketches of
christian life in England in the olden time.
By the author of " Chronicles of the Schon-
berg-Cotta family." [a»jo/j.] 397 pp. 12^.
Xew York, M. W. Dodd, 1864.
Charles Vincent, 1839. See -Willet (W. N.)
Charlestown, Masa. (City of), riihlic li-
brary. Catalogue of the public library of
the city of Charlestown. xv, 200 pp. 8°.
Charlestown, C. Band, 1862. s.
Charlton (William H.) Poems and plays,
original and translated. 4 p. 1. 455 pp.
16°. London, Longmans, 1868.
Pansanias, a dramatic poem.
Now, and of old. Sonnet.
Lenor6, from the german of Burger.
Translations from H. Heine.
The son of the -wilderness, a dramatic poem, from
the german of F. Halm, Miinch-Belliughausen.
The gladiator of Eavenna, a play from the german
of Friedrich Halm.
Charvet (P. A.) De Taction compar^e de
I'opium, et de ses principes constituans
sur I'dconomie animale. viii, 312 pp. 8°.
Paris, F. G. Levrault, 1826.
Chase (A. W. m. d.) Dr. Chase's family
physician, farrier, bee-keeper, and second
receipt book; being an entirely new and
complete treatise. 644 pp. portrait. 12°.
Ann Arhor, Mich. Ann Arbor printing and
publishing co. 1873.
Dr. Chase's recipes; or, information
for every body : an invaluable collection of
about eight hundred practical recipes.
10th ed. 384 pp. 12°. Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Chase 4' Stelle, 1863.
Chase (Irah, d. d.) Baptismal tracts for the
times : the design of baptism, viewed in
its relation to the christian life. [Also,
several articles, by Henry J. Ripley,
George W. Samson and Horatio B. Hack-
ett], occasioned by dr. Robinson's Lexicon
of the new testament, and the dogma of
baptismal regeneration, xi, 194 pp. 16°.
Boston, Gould ^* Lincoln, 1851.
Chase (Lucien B.) English serfdom and
american slavery : or, ourselves — as others
Chase (Lucien B.)— continued.
see us. 259 pp. 12^. New York, U. Long
4- brother, [1854].
Chase (Pliny Earle). The common-school
arithmetic, designed for learners of every
class. [With key]. 2 parts in 1 v. 256
pp; 31 pp. 12°. Worcester, [.»/«««.] A.
Hutchinson, [1848].
The same. [Revised ed. With key].
288, 31 pp. 12°. Boston, Brown, Taggard
4- Chase, [1857].
The elements of arithmetic ; in which
decimal and integral arithmetic are com-
bined, and taught inductively, on the sy.s-
temof Pestalozzi. Part first. 144 pp. 16°.
Philadelphia, U. Hunt 4' son, 1844.
Chassant (Alphonse Antoine Louis) and
Delbarre (Pierre Jean). Dictionnaire de
sigillographie pratique contenant toutes
les notions propres h, faciliter I'dtude et
I'interprdtation des sceaux du moyen slge.
2 p. 1. viii, 264 pp. 16 pi. 12°. Paris, J.
B. Dumoulin, 1860.
Chaucer (Geoffrey). English of the xivth
century, illustrated by notes, grammati-
cal and philological, on Chaucer's Pro-
logue and Knight's tale. By Stephen H.
Carpenter. [With text], xv, 313 pp.
12°. Boston, Ginn brothers, 1872.
A treatise on the astrolabe ; addressed
to his son Lowys by Geoffrey Chaucer,
a. d. 1391. Edited from the earliest mss.
by rev. Walter W. Skeat. Ixix, 119 pp. 7
pi. 8°. London, N. TrUbner 4' co. 1872.
[Chaucek society publications, 1st series, no. 29].
The same. Ixix, 119 pp. 7 pi. 8°.
London, N. TrUbner 4- co. 1872.
[Eauly english text society, extra series, no. IC].
Chaucer society publications, 2d series, no.
7. Originals and analogues of some of
Chaucer's Canterbury tales. Part 1. 8°.
London, N. TrUbner 4' co. 1872.
The life of Constance (the source of Chaucer's
'Man-of-law's tale") from the anglo-uorman
chronicle of Nicholas Trivet, pp. 1-53.
The tale of the wife of Mercians, the emperor, con-
taining analogues of the treason that the false
knight wrought Constance and of the renega(ie
steward's attempt on her chastity. [By P. Ber-
cheur]. pp. 55-70.
King Offa's intercepted letters and banisht queen,
to compare with king Alla's in Chancers "Man-
of-law's tale." [By Matthew of Paris], pp. 71-84.
Two french fabliaux like Chaucer's Keeve'a tale,
[viz: De Gouibert et des deux clers, nar Jean
(le Boves. The miller and the two clerks], pp.
Two latin stories like Chaucer's " Friar's tale,"
viz. Narratio de (^uodam sencscallo sceleroso.
De advocate et diabolo. [By J. Herolt]. pp.
Chaulieu (Guillanme Amfrye de, ahh^).
(Euvrcs. Nouv. dd. angment<5e d'un grand
iioinbrc de int-ccs qui nV'toient point dans
les prdctdeutes, & corrigdo. Par ni. de
Saint-Marc. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 132, 159 pp. 1 pi ;
2 ]). 1. 3,')7 pp. 10 . J'ar'm, Dav'ul, letc]
Chauncy (Charles, d. d) The benevolence
of the deity, fairly and impartially con-
sidered. In three i)arts. 293 pp. 8 .
JioHton, Powars .)• IViiriH, 1734.
Cheerily, cheerily. Ky the author of The
iishenuan's boy. [aMOM.] 205 pp. 1 pi,
W'\ XciO York, American tract society,
Cheever (K/.ckiel). Skctchesof his life; ac-
companied by eight discourses ; with po-
etic elVusions, on various occasions and
topics. 297pp. 18 . Xortham2)toii,l.]fa88.']
./. Mctcnlf, 183.5.
Cheever (George liarrell, </. d.) The anieri-
can common-place book of poetry, with
occasional notes. 405 pp. 1 pi. 12^. Bos-
ton, Carter »f- llcndce, 1832.
The american common-place book of
prose, a collection of extracts from the
writings of american authors, [anon.
4th ed.] 408 pp. 10^. Boston, S. G.
Coodrich, 1828.
Lectures on the Pilgrim's progress,
and on the life and times of John Bunyan.
1 p. 1. vi, 514 pp. 9 pi. portrait. 8". Xew
York, WUcii .J- Putnam, 1844.
Kight of the bible in our public
schools. 303 pp. 10'. Xeic York, P. Car-
ter .J- brothers, 1854.
Wanderings of a pilgrim in the
shadow of mont Blanc, x, 106 pp. 12°.
Xew York, Wiley .f- Putnam, 1845.
(W'n.KY and Pltxam's library of american books,
Chellis (.Uj«« Mary Dwinell). Old times.
I'..")! pp. 1 pi. 10\ Xcw York, Xational
temperance HOC. and puhl. house, 1873.
— The standard series of temperance
talcs. 4 V. 10 . Boston, If. J. Young <f
CO. lHr,9-71.
V. 1. l?ill Drork'H iiivestinent. liJC'J
V 2. 'I'ho old (lortors son. 1870.
V. 3. Mark Duniiiiiii's ononiv. li^70.
V. 4. Tlio hermit of IIo1com(>o. Ih71.
Cheney ( .Ur«. Ednah D.) Sally Williams,
the mountain girl. 238 pp. 0 pi. 10'.
lioHton. Lcc.S- Shcpard, 1873.
Cherbuliez (Victor). Count Kostia : a
novel. From the freuch, by O. D. Ashley.
Cherbuliez (Victor)— continued.
1 p. 1. 307 pp. 16°. Xew York, Holt 4'
Williams, 1873.
[Leisure hour series].
Joseph Noirel's revenge : translated
from the french by W. F. West, iv, 317
pp. 16°. Xeto York, Holt ^ Williams, 1872.
[Leisure hour series].
Chervin (Nicolas). De Topinion des mdde-
cins amdricains sur la contagion ou la
non-contagion do la iitivre jaune, ou t6-
ponso aux alli^gations de mm. les docteurs
Hosack et Townsend de New- York. 192
pp. 8°. Paris, J. B. BailUere, 1829.
Chesebro (Caroline). Blessings in dis-
guise ; or, pictures of some of miss llay-
don's girls. 178 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Xew York,
Carlton 4- Porter, [1803].
The little cross-bearers. 100 pp. 1 pi.
16°. Auburn, Derby ij- Miller, 1854.
Chester (Edward). Gems of school song,
or songs for the school-room. 180 pp. 18°.
Xcw York, L. Cobb, jr. <f- co. 1851.
Chester (John). See Mitchell (John).
Chevalier (Michel). Cours d'dconomie po-
litique fait au coll<5ge de France. 430
pp. 16°. Bruxelles, A. Wahlen .y cie. 184$,
Che-w (Samuel, m. d.) Lectures on medic^
education. 152 pp. 12°. Philadelphia,
Lindsay <j- Blakiston, 1804.
Chiabrera (Gabriello). Lettere di G, Chia-
brera h Bernardo Castello. la ed, 1 p. 1.
vii, 330 pp. 2 portraits. 8°. Genova, Pon-
thenier <f/. 1838.
JVbt<?.— Prefixed to Vita di G. CbU^brera. da lui
stesso descritta, |^and] Vita di Bernardo Castello,
scritta da Raffaele Soprani.
Chicago (City of). Common council. Pro-
ceedings of the common council, for the
municipal year 1870-71, 8°. Chicago, J.
S. Thompson <j- co. [1871].
Directory. See Cleary (William P.
4' CO.) Business directory of New York,
[etc.] 1872-73.
Chicago (The) medical register and direct-
ory, 1872-73. Containing a description of
the medical and other scientific associa-
tions of Illinois. Edited and published
by T. Davis Fitch, ra. d. and Norman
Bridge, m. d. v. 1. 300 pp. 16^. Chicago,
Hazlitt cj' Reed, 1872.
Chicago (The) schoolnjaster. A journal of
educational literature and news. [Month-
ly]. Conducted by Aaron Gove and Ed-
win C. Hewitt. Jan. to dec. 1872. v. 5.
8°. Chicago, Schoolmaster company, 1872.
[Incomplete ; wrtnts april, 1872].
Chichester (Samuel). The analytical spell-
ing, pronouncing, and defining book. 180
pp. 12°. Xew-Yoi% author, 1837.
Chickering (.John White, d.d.) Christian
morality, a series of discourses on the
decalogue. 257 pp. 12°. Boston, Crocker
if- Brewster, 1839.
Child (Asaph B. m.d.) The bouquet of
spiritual flowers ; received chiefly through
the mediumship of mrs. J. S. Adams. 188
pp. 12°. Boston, B. Marsh, 1856.
Whatever is, is right, xi, 221 pp.
12°. Boston, Berry, Colby cf co. 1860.
Child (Mrs. Lydia Maria). Biographies
of good wives. A new ed. 288 pp. 16°.
New York, C. S. Francis <y- co. 1846.
[Fbancis &. co's cabinet library].
The biographies of madame de Stael,
and madame Roland, x, 265 pp. inc.
portrait. 12°. Boston, Carter if Hendee,
[Ladies' family library, v. Ij.
The same. Memoirs of madame de
Stael, and of madame Roland. New ed.
248 pp. portrait. 16°. Xew York, C. S.
Francis cf co. 1847.
[Francis & co's cabinet library],
Fact and fiction: a collection of
stories. 282 pp. 12°. Neiv York, C. S.
Francis ^- co. 1846.
The history of the condition of
women, in various ages and nations. 2 v.
vi, 298 pp ; vi, 298 pp. 12°. Boston, J.
Allen 4- CO. 1835.
[Ladies' family library, v. 4-5] .
Rainbows for children. Edited by L.
Maria Child, \_anon.'] Engd. tit. 170 pp.
9 pi. sq. 16°. Neio York, C. S. Francis ^■
Children's victories; or, Ossio and Maria.
[rtMow.] 400 pp. 2 pi. 16°. rhiladelphia,
Am. s.-s. union, [1870].
Child's (The) annual. [anon.'\ vi, 192 pp.
16°. Boston, Allen cf Ticknor, 1834.
Child's (The) anti-slavery book: contain-
ing a few words about american slave
children. And stories of slave-life. lanon.'\
158 pp. 18°. Xew York, Carlton ,f Porter,
Child's (Tlie) book of ballads, ianon.]
180 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Am. 8. 8. union,
Child's (The) cabinet. lanon.'\ v. 1. 1.56
pp. 16°. Xew Haven, Conn. ./. L. Crons,
Child's (The) delight: a present for young
people. Edited by a lady. [«noM.] 1.52
pp. inc. 6 col. pi. sq. 16°. Philadelphia,
G. S. Appleton, 1845.
Child's (The) guide, 18.30. Sec Merriam
Child's (The) picture book of Indians : con-
taining views of their costumes, orna-
ments, weapons, sports, habitations, war-
dances, etc. [Also], a collection of iudian
anecdotes. By a citizen of New England.
[_anon.'\ iv, 205 j)p. sq. 16°. Boston,
Carter, Hendee <$- co. 1833.
Child's (The) prayer and hymn book, for
the use of catholic Sunday schools through-
out the United States. \_anon.'\ 1 p. 1,164
pp. 1 pi. 24°. Baltimore, J. Murphy, 1844.
The same. [Also], The vespers for
CO. 1848.
Child of Mary. See Notre Dame (Sisters
Childhood ; or, little Alice, lanon.'] 189
pp. sq. 16°. Xew- York, Carlton 4- Phillips,
Children (The) of Blackberry hollow,
fanow.] 6 parts in 1 v. 18°. Philadel-
phia, Am. s. 8. union, 1863.
The little brown house. 51 pp.
Little lights. 69 pp.
The red shoes. 45 pp.
The white frock. 52 pp.
The new bonnet. 54 pp.
Tom Lane's cent. 50 pp.
Children's magazine. [Monthly]. Jan. to
dec. 1872. New series, v. 2 ; old series, v.
44. sm. 4°. Xew York, Gen. prot. epis. s. s.
union and church book society, [1872].
Sundays, benediction of the blessed sacra-
ment, and the responses before and during
high mass, set to nmsic. New ed. 348,
32 pp. 1 pi. 32°. Baltimore, J. Murphy f
CO. 1871.
Child's (The) scripture question book.
lanon.^ 197 pp. 18°. Philadelphia, Am.
s.-s. union, [1836].
Chinese (A) fragment. Containing an en-
quiry into the present state of religion in
England. See Bates (Ely).
Chit-wood (Miss Mary Louisa). Poems, se-
lected and prefaced by George D. Prentice.
288 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach,
Keys if CO. 1857.
Choice consolation for the sutt'ering child-
ren of God. Compiled from the writings
of Leighton, Romaine, Cecil, Newton,
Winslow, etc. [rt/iow.] With an intro-
duction by the rt. rev. Manton Eastburn.
155 pp. 16°. Boston, E. P. Button f co. 1864.
Choralist (The): a collection of hymns
and tunes, for worship. [ano?j.] 248 pp.
12'-. Dover, y. II. Freewill baptist print-
ing estahliHhment, [IdoO].
Choules (J. O.) Young Americans abroa*! ;
or, vaciition in Europe: travels in En-
gland, France, llolhmd, Belgium, Prussia
and Switzerland. 1 p. 1. '^l pp. 1 pi. 16^-
ISoston, Gould .f- Lineoln, 18.'>2.
Chouquet (Gustave). First lessons in learn-
ing french. 2d ed. 128 pp. sq. 10^'. ^Veit'
York, li. Lochtood t^- son, 1840.
The same. 10th ed. 171) pp. sq. 1G"=-
Xew York, R. Lockicood .J- son, 18.53.
First readings from modern french
writers. [With notes]. 254 pp. sq. 10°.
.Vtir York, li. Lockwood if son, 1855. .
The young ladies' guide to french
composition, x, 297 pp. 12. Xew- York,
I). Apphton ij- CO. 1851.
Christelijke (De) harp. Stiehtelljke po-
rzij, verzameld nit vaderlandsche dichters.
[f/HOH.] vi, 408 pp. 10-. Vtreeht, W. F.
Jhtnnen/eher, 1848.
ChriBtiaa (The) book of concord, 1851. See
Lutheran church.
Christian heroism. By the author of " The
best friend." lanon.-\ 168 pp. 4 pi. 18°.
lioston, Mass. s. s. society, [1857].
Christian (The) hymnal: a choice collec-
tion of hymns and tunes for congrega-
tional and social worship. Arranged by a
conmiittee of harmonists and musical au-
thors, under the direction of the Christian
hymn book committee. 340 pp. 12°. Cin-
cinnati, liosworth, Chase .J- Uall, 1871.
Christian (The) laborer— the christian hero.
Momoirs of a useful man. [Roger Miller,
ofthe London city mission, anon.'] 200 pp.
18". Xew- York, Carlton <y- riiiUips, 1853.
Christian (The) pilgrim, 1802. Sec Bun-
yan (John).
Christian (The) private, [Spencer Phelps.
anitn.'] 155 pp. 1 pi. 18 . Boston, Mass.
H. H. Horiilji, 1^04.
Christian (The) psalmist; being a collec-
tion of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
[anon.] 570 pp. 32. Xew York, J. .^ J.
Itorprr, 1833.
Christian (The) reader. A new miscellany,
intended for a firHt-class book in schools.
[By Matthew Ilowland? anon.] xi, 303
pp. 12 . Iloston, J. fViltton .f- son, 1H5().
Christian spiritual conversation on saving
faith, for the young, in questious and
Christian spiritual conversation — cont'd,
answers, and a confession of faith, of the
mennonites. With an appendix, lanon.']
309 pp. ISP. Lancaster, Pa. J. Baer .j-
sons, 1857.
Christian union. A collection of hymns for
the use of the churches of the christian
union. Compiled by request of the state
council of Ohio. 285 pp. 32°. Columbus,
O. Christian ^citness office, 1865.
The same. Compilation of hymns for
the use of the churches of the christian
union. Compiled by order of the general
council. 720 pp. 18<^. Columbus, 0. Chris-
tian imion association, 1871.
Christian (The) union. [Weekly]. Henry
Ward Beecher, editor. Dec. 25, 1871, to
dec. 25, 1872. New series, v. 5-6. fol.
New York, J. B. Ford </• co. 1872.
Christianity and modern thought. 4 p. 1.
304 pp. 12°. Boston, American unitarian
association, 1872.
Bellows (H. "W.) The break between raoilcrn
thought and ancient faith and worship.
Clarke (J. F.) A true theology the basis of
human progress.
CoyuEKEL (A. fits). The rise and decline of the
romish church.
Dewey (0.) Selfhood and sacrifice.
Everett (C. C.) The relation of Jesus to the
present age.
Hedoe (F. H.) The mythical element in
new testament.
Maktineau (J.) The place of mind in nature,
and intuition in man.
Peabody (A. P.) The relations of ethics and
S-MiTU (G. v.) Christianity: what it is not, and
what it is.
Stearns (0.) The aim and hope of Jesus.
Christianity and scepticism. A considera-
tion of important traits of christian doc-
trine and experience, and of leading facts
in the life of Christ, [anon.] vi, 291 pp.
12°. Boston, Congregational publishing so-
ciety, [1872].
[Boston lectures, 1872. Sermons by nine divines].
Christmas with the boys. By the author
of " Ruth Allerton." [anon.] 201 pp. 2 pi.
16°. riiiladclphia. Am. s. 8. union, [1872].
Christ's work of reform. A bible view.
By a layman, [anon.] 208 pp. 16°.
Boston, Crocker <J' Brewster, 1862.
iVote.— Title snporscribed "A glance at first prin-
Christus moin lebon. Katholisches gebet-
utul orbauungsbuch filr heilsl>ogierige see-
len, besonders fiir frommo verehrer des
heiligsten herzens Jesu. [anon.] 481pp.
18°. Einsiedeln, A'. <y X. Bcnziger, 1871.
Chronicles (The) of mount Benedict. A
tale of the Ursuline convent. The quasi
production of Mary Magdalen. [_anon.']
XV, 191 pp. 18^. Boston, piMishcr, 1837.
Chronicles of tlie Schiinberg-Cotta family,
1H()4. See Charles (3/r«. Elizabeth).
Chrysostomus. See John Chrysostom
Church (Eliza Rodman Mcllvaine). The
golden days. 409 pp. 3 pi. W^. New-
Vork, (kneral protentant episcopal «.-». union
and church Iwok society, 1872.
Michael Graham ; a boy's story. By
Ella Rodman. 183 pp. 18". Philadelphia,
IL McCauley, 18G9.
Church (^frH. Ross, h. Florence Marryat).
Petronel. A novel. By Florence Marryat.
3 V. 12°. London, IL Bentley, 1870.
Church of England. See England (Church
Churchill (Fleetwood, m. d.) On the theory
and practice of midwifery. With notes
and additions by R. M. Huston, m.d. r)19
pp. 8". Philadelphia, Lea cf Blanchard,
The same. 2d am. ed. With notes and
additions by R. M. Huston, m. d. 525 pp.
8^. Philadelphia, Lea ^- Blanchard, 1846.
The same. With additions, by D.
Francis Condie, m. d. A new am. from
the 4th eng. ed. xvi, 33-655 pp. 8".
Philadelphia, Blanchard ^- Lea, 1860.
Cicero (Marcus TuUius). Tusculanarum
qujestionum libri quinque. Ex editioni-
bus Oliveti et Ernesti. Accedunt notse an-
glicse. Cura C. K. Dillaway. 2 v. 216
pp; 212 pp. 18°. Philadelphia'., Perldns
<f- Purves, 1842.
The same. Cicero on the immortality
of the soul, or quaestionum tusculanarum
liber i. With notes and an appendix. By
M. Stuart, viii, 13-206 pp. 18°. Andover,
Flagg, Gould if Newman, 1833.
[Select clasaics, v. 1 ] .
The tusculan disputations, book first ;
the dream of Scipio; and extracts from
the dialogues on old ago, and friendship.
[Lat.] With english notes, by T. Chase,
xix, 203 pp. 16°. Cambridge, I Mass.'] J.
Bartlett, 1851.
Ad Quintum fratrem dialogi tres de
oratore. Ex editionibus Oliveti et Ernesti.
Accedunt notai anglicte. Cura C. K. Dil-
laway. 2v. 226 pp; 229 pp. 18". Bos-
toniw, Perkins ^- Marvin, 1838.
10 C
Cincinnati (City of). Williams' Cincinnati
directory, city guide and business mirror,
with directories of the cities of Covington
and Newport, Ky. 1860 & 1861. 2 v. 8°.
Cincinnati, C. S. Williams, 1860-61.
Cincinnati (The) commercial. [Daily].
Jan. 1 to dec. 31, 1872. 2 v. fol. Cincin-
nati, M. Halslead <j- co. 1872.
Cincinnati daily chronicle. See Cincin-
nati times and chronicle.
Cincinnati (The) enquirer. [Daily]. Jan.
1 to dec. 31, 1872. 2 v. fol. Cincinnati,
Faran «J- McLean, 1872.
Cincinnati times and chronicle. [Daily].
Jan. 2 to dec. 31, 1872. 2 v. fol. Cincin-
nati, Chronicle company, 1872.
Circular (The). See Oneida circular.
City (The) : an illustrated magazine. Jan.
1872. No. 1. 128 pp. 8°. New York,
American news co. 1872.
Note. — No more published.
Claggett (R.) The americau expositor, or
intellectual definer. 200 pp. sq. 18°.
Boston, Perkins if Marvin, 1836.
The easy manual of reading, speak-
ing & singing. 144 pp. 12°. New York,
Paine f Burgess, 1846.
Elocution made easy : containing
rules and selections for declamation and
reading. [Isted.] 144 pp. 12°. New
York, Paine cf Burgess, 1845.
The same. 168 pp. 12°. New York,
Cady ^ Burgess, 1848. s.
The same. Enlarged. 240 pp. 12°.
Philudelphia, Moss, brother f co. 1859.
Clanricarde (Ulick De Burgh, marquess of).
See De "Bwi^h. (l^Vnik, marquess of Clanri-
Clare (Sister Mary Francis). See Mary
Francis Clare.
Claridge (Rev. Richard). An apology for
John Bockett's [Gentile divinity and
morality demonstrated], and those people,
who neither in former ages had, nor at
this day have, the holy scriptures afforded
to them.
[In BocKETT (John). Gentile divinity, etc. 18°.
London, W. Otven, 1767. pp. 185-27-2] .
Clark (Alexander). The old log school
house. 288 pp. 6 pi. 12°. Philadelphia,
Lcary, Getz 4^ co. 1861.
Clark (Davis Wasgatt, d. d.) Elements of
algebra : embracing also the theory and
application of logarithms. 358 pp. 18°.
New-York, Harper ^ brothers, 1843,
Clark (Davis Wasgatt, d.d.) — continued.
The niethodist episcopal pulpit: a
collection of original sermons from living
ministers of the m. e. church. George
Peck, editor. .VJl pp. portrait. \'2 . Xeir-
Yorh; Lane .)• Tippett, 1S4H.
Clark (George W. </. */.) Note?, on tlu' gos-
])v\ of Mark ; explanatory and practical.
A ])opular conunentary upon a critical
basis. Also, a year in Mark. A special
study for bible classes. 'A'M pp. 12^.
I'hihidelj^h'm, Ilihh- and jtuhlicaiion mckli),
Clark (Latimer) and Sabine (Robert).
Electrical tables and f()rmulii', for the use
of telegraph inspector and operators,
vii, 2^5 pp. 12 \ London J E. «V" /'. -V.
Spoil, 1H71.
Clark (Lewis, Uciit. -commander J'. S. «.)
Theon-tical navigation and nautical as-
tronomy. 114 i)p. r* . Xeio York, J).
I'an Soxtraud, 1^72.
Clark (Mm. Mary Ann Odiorne). Corre-
spondence. See Alden (L.)
Clark (Rufus Wheelwright, d. d.) Lectures
on the formation of character, temptations
and mission of young men. 380 pp. 1 pi.
12^. Jioston, J. /'. Jewett .J' co. ia53.
A memoir of the rev. John Pxlwards
Euu'rson, with extracts from his writings.
H, 40() pp. portrait. 12^^. Jiosion, W. J.
Jt'eynolds «V' co. If^iy2.
Komanisui in America. 271 pp. 12^.
IloHton, S. K. Whipple <S' eo. V&^i^u
Clark (Schuyler). The americau linguist,
or natural granuuar. 240 pp. 12°. Prov-
idenr(, Cor if, Marshall cj- Hammond, 1830.
Clark (S. Tucker). Josephine and other
poems. 231) pp. HP. lio>iion, author, I'ST^Ci.
Clark ( Willis Gaylord, editor). Ser Parlour
(The) scrap book, for 1837.
Clarke (Adam, //. ^7.) A discourse on tlie
nature, design, and institution, of the
eucharist. [Also], a collection of his
siualler tracts. 283 pp. 1 pi. 12 . Xeie
York; K. Surgeant, [c/c] 1812.
Clarke(Kdward Hannnond, m.d.)andAmo-
ry (Robert, m. d.) The physiological and
therapeutical action of the bromide of
potjussium and bromide of anuuoniinu. In
two parts. 178 pp. 12. ltoHton,.I.Camp-
Inll, 1H72.
Clarke (Mrs. H. S.) The marble preacher.
KV. lioHton, I). Lothrop .J- ro. 1H7:?.
(T!io t^lidiii^aiKl dollar prizo sorioH).
Clarke (Mary Cowden). Kit Barn's adven-
tures; or, the yarns of an old mariner.
3G0 pp. 4 pi. 1C°. JioHton, Tieknor «?• FieUh,
Clater (Francis). Every man his own cat-
tle doctor; [with] a sketch of the anat-
omy and physi<dogy of neat cattle. Edit-
ed, revised, and almost rewritten by
William Youatt. W^ith an essaj' on the u.se
of oxen, and the improvement in the breed
of sheep, etc. By J. S. Skinner. 2.')1 pp.
12^. Philadelphia, Lea ^f- Blanehard, 1814.
Every man his own farrier. 1st am.
from the 28th Loud. ed. With notes
and additions, by J. S. Skinner. 219 pp.
12 \ Philadelphia, Lea <f- lilanehard, 184.^>.
ClaudianuB (Claudius). Rufinus. Trans-
lated from Ciaudian, book 1-2. [ By Jabez
[In IIucMES (.1.) Ciaudian the ptMst. 8°. Lon-
don, 1741. pp. 15.5-203J.
Cleland (Henry). Memoirs of the life of
William Pitt, comprehending a history of
public affairs during his administration ;
interspersed with biographical notices of
his principal political cotemporaries. 348
pp. 21. 9 pi. 12°. I London'\, Albion press,
for J. Cnndee, 1807.
Cleveland (Charles Dexter). First latin
book.— Being the author's original "First
lessons in latin," thoroughly revised and
remodelled, with improvements. 219 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, Thomas, Couperthirait ^S'
CO. 1845.
First lessons in greek ; upon the plan
of the "First lessons in latin." liy the
author of the "First lessons in latin."
lanon.} 2 p. 1. 188 pp. 12°. lioston, Hill-
iard, Gray <)'• co. 1833.
First lessons in latin, iv, 197 pp.
12°. Boston, li. J'erkinH .)'• co. 1829.
The same. 2d ed. 2 p. 1.223 pp. 12°.
Boston, Carter, Ilendee .J- Jlahcock, 1831.
The same. 1 p. 1. 238 pp. 12°. IIim-
ton, Carter, Ilendee tf- co. W.\i.
The same. Improved ed. 1 p. I. 238
pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Marshall, Hill-
iams cf- Butler, 1841.
A grammar of the latin language.
3d ed. 184.5. *SVc Adam (Alexander).
Hymns for schools, with appropriate
selections from scripture, and tunes suited
to the metres of the hymns. 270 pp. 18^-.
Xeiv York, ^f. II. Newman, 18.50.
Second latin book. — Being the first
part of Jacobs' and Doring's "Elementar-
Cleveland (Charles Doxter)— coutiiined.
biich," or latiu reader, with vocabulary,
and notes adapted to the author's latin
<;raiuuiar. JiUU pp. 12^. rhUadeJphiUj
Thomdfi, fowperlhtmit <y- co. 1845.
Third latiu book. Cousistiu}; of se-
lections from Justin's history, from J. C.
Cjesar, and from the lives of Nepos, with
notes. 187 pp. 12\ Philadelphia, Thoniax,
Coivperth trait .j- to. 1846.
Cleveland (John). The idolof theclovvn*iH,
or, insurrection of Watt the Tyler, with
his fellow kings of the commons, aj^ainst
the enj^lish chuich, the king, the lawes,
nobility and gentry, iu the fourth yeare of
king Richard the 2d, anno 1IJ81. [a/w/*.]
() p. 1. 148 pp. 16^\ London, 1054.
Clinton (George). Memoirs of the life and
w ritiugs of lord Byron, ix, 7.56 pp. 46 pi.
1 facs. 8 \ London, J. Jiobinn tf co,
Coachniakers' international Journal, de-
voted to the interests of the trade.
[Monthly]. I. D. Ware, editor. Oct.
1871, to march, 1873. v. 7-8. 4'\ Fhil-
adelphia, I. D. Ware, 1872-73.
Note. — Succeeded by Tmk carriage uioiitlily.
Coates (Henry T.) The comprehensive
speaker. Carefully selected from, the best
authors. G71 pp. 12'\ I'hiladelphia, I'or-
/<r .|- OM/t'.^, [1871].
Coates (Keynell, vi. d.) First lines of natu-
ral philosophy, divested of mathematical
formuhe. 402 pp. 12^\ Philadelphia, E.
II. Butler <S- co. 1846.
(editor). See Leaflets of memory,
Cobb (Mrs. Sauford). Living to Christ. A
mother's memorial of a departed daughter
• [Julia — ]. With an introduction, by
Asa D. Smith, d. d. [rt«o«.] 203 pp. por-
trait. 16^. Xcw York, li. Carter cj- bro-
thers, 1853.
Cobden club. Cobdeu club essays, second
series, 1871-2. 2d ed. vii, 556 pp. 8°.
London, Cassell, Petter ^- Galpin, 1872.
BuoinucK (iZon. G. C.) The law and custom of
priitiofrenitnre. pp. 57-116.
Fancuek (Julius). A new commercial treaty be-
tween (ireat Britain and Germany, pp. SO-V-O-JS.
Fowi.KK (William). The present' aspect of the
land question, pp. 117-187.
GosTicK (Joseph). Trade-unions, and the rela-
tions of capital and labour, pp. 361-402.
Laveleye (^finiile de). On the causes of war, and
the means of reducing their number, pp. 1-55.
Leslie (T. E. Cliffe). Financial reform, pp. 189-
Cobden club— continued.
RofJEKs (James E. T.) The coluuial quostiun.
pp. 40:M.'i9.
Smith (John Prineo). The on;;Iiith coinage nnoa-
tion. pp. 34.''>-:jr)9.
Wki,i>j (I)avid A.) Tlio ncent financial, indun-
trial, and commercial cx|KTient:«'Hof tlH< Unit4Ml
Ktatt^n: a curious chapter iu i»oliticouconumic
history. p]>. 4G1-541.
AlM'ENhiX: comnu^rcial policy of France, and the
treaty of En^^land of I860. ' pp. SllUViti.
Systems of land tenure in various
countries. A seri^js of essays publisheil
under the sanction of the Cob<len club.
2ded. vii, 431 pp. 8'^ London, Macmillan
.J- CO. 1870.
Coffin (Robert A.) A compendium of natu-
ral philosophy : with questions for prac-
tice, experiments, and ([ucstions for reci-
tation. xi,284pp. 12'^. yvw York,]]'. E.
Dean, 18 14.
Cogan (Thonuis). Ethical «iuestions ; or
speculations on the principal subjects of
controversy in moral philosophy, vii, 431i
pp. 8' . London, T. ('adell .>• ]]'. Ifavicn,
Cohen (A. J.) Collection des meilleurs
dissertations [etc.] relatifs A, I'histoire de
France, 1838. aScc Leber (Jean M. C.)
Salgues (J. B.) and Cohen.
Cohen (J. Solis, m.d.) Diseases of the
throat : a guide to the diagnosis and treat-
ment of alfections of the pharynx, a'so-
jdiagus, trachea, larynx, ami nares. xvi,
582 pp. 8 \ Xetv York, 11'. flood .)• co.
Cohen ( J/r.s. S. J.) Henry Luria ; or, the lit-
tle Jewish convert : being contained in
the memoir of mrs. S. J. Cohen. 215 pp.
12^. Xew York, J. F. Trow, 1860.
Colange (L.) Zell's popular encyclopedia.
Supplement. [With] a pronouncing vo-
cabulary of nearly 17,000 words. 1 p. 1.
5-202 pp. 4^. Philadelphia, T. E. Zell,
Colbum (Dana P.) Colburn's [arithmeti-
cal] series. Parts 1 &, 2. 2 v. 16^\
Philadelphia, H. Cowpcrlhmiit t^- co. 1859-60.
Tart 1. The child's book of arithmetic. 72 pp.
Part 2. Inductive lessous in intellectual arith-
metic. 144 pp.
Colbum (Jeremiah). Bibliography of the
local history of Massachusetts. 3 p. 1. Ill)
pp. 8°. lioston, W. P. Lmit, 1871.
jybte.— Reprinted from the New England historical
and genealogical register.
Colburn's new monthly magazine. See
New (The) monthly magazine.
Colburn's uuited service magazine and
naval and military journal. [Monthly].
May to doc. 187*2. 2 v. &-. London, Hurst
.)• niackeU,ll872].
Colby (Hull). The improved nautical
almanac, or true navigator. 472 pp. 3 pi.
8 '. New York, author, 1K')'J.
Coleman (Her. L.) Guide-hook of the
Lehigh valley railroad and its several
l>rauches arul connections; including also
a history of the company from its tirst
organization, and interesting facts con-
cerning the origin and growth of the coal
and iron trade in the Lehigh and Wyo-
ming regions [Preface subscrihed L. C.
anon.} 175 pp. 1 map. 12^. J'hiladelphia,
J. li. Lippincott .f co. [1672]. .
Coles (Her. George). My yotithful days.
An authentic narrative. Edited by D. P.
Kidder. 2<)7 pp. 18 \ Xtn-york, Lane
<S- >V;o//, 18.')2.
Coles (L. B. m.d.) The beauties and de-
f<umities of tobacco-using; or its ludi-
crous and its solemn realities. 1G7 pp.
UY\ Boston, Ticknor, Heed <|- J'ieUh, 1851.
Collection (A) of the funeral orations,
j)ronouncM by publick authority in Hol-
land upon i\\v death of Mary 11. (jueen of
(Jreat Britain, by <lr. .J. Perizonius, dr. G.
Grevius, P. Francius, mr. Ortwiiiius, and
[dr. F. Spanheimius]. Done into english
from the latin originals. G v. in 1. sm.
4 . London, J. Dun ton, 1695.
Collection (A) of the moral and instructive
sentiments in Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir
Charles Grandison. See Richardson
Collier (/("m Joseph Avery). The christian
home, or religion in the family. 198 pp.
12*^. rhiladelphia, I'reshijtcrian hoard of
puhliention, [1859].
The dawn of heaven ; or, the princi-
ples of th<; heavenly life applied to the
earthly. AVith a sketch of the atithor.
:?()5 pp. portrait. 12. Xeiv York, H. Car-
ter «j- Itrothern, 18()5.
Pleasant paths for little feet. 234 pp.
4 pi. 18 \ yur York, Jmerlean tract so-
eietj/, [18G4].
Tlie young men of the bible. 232 pp.
18^\ Xiw Ymk. Jm<rie((n tract society,
Collier (William Francis, //, d.) The great
events of history, from the creation of
man till the present tinu\ Edited by an
Collier (William F., 77. d.)— continued.
american teacher. 1 p. 1. 377 pp. 12P.
Xejc York, J. IV. Svhermerhorn iS' co. [1872].
Collins (Stephen, wi. d.) The autobiography
of Stephen Collins, m. d. 235 pp. 12^.
I irhiladclpfiiali, author, 1872.
Miscellanies. 308 pp. 12"-. Philadel-
phia, Carey ^' Hart, 18-12.
Collot (Alexander G.) French anecdotes
& questions, written in easy style : in-
tended as a progressive reciting book for
schools. 3d ed. 314 pp. 16^. I'hiladel^
phia, J. Kay, jr. .J- brother, 183G.
Progressive frencb grammar and ex-
ercises, on the basis of Levizac's frencli
grammar: and further comprising on a
plan entirely original, 1. A table of all the
irregular and defective verbs [etc.] 2. A
terminal vocabulary comprised in twelve
pages, whereby the gender of every noun
may be promptly determined. 227 pp.
m . Philadelphia, J. Kay, jr. .f brother, 1844.
Progressive interli near french reader ;
on Locke's plan of in&truction ; being a
course of interesting and instructive les-
sons in french literature, and preceded by
a collection of easy fables, xx, 283 pp. 16'^.
I*hiladelphia, J. Kay, jr. tj- brother, 1837.
The same. 292 pp. 16^\ Philadel-
phia, J. Kay, jr. cf- brother, 1844.
Progressive pronouncing french
reader, xx, 300 pp. 16*^. Philadelphia, J.
Kay, jr. <j'' brother, 1837.
The same. 288 pp. IG . Philadelphio ,
J. Kay, jr. ^^ brother, 1844.
Colman (Henry). European agriculture
and rural economy. From personal ob-
servation. [1st ed.] 2 V. xxiv, 492 pp.
5 pi ; xxiv, 598 pp. 5 pi. 8*^. Boston, A.
D. PhelpH, 1846-48.
The same. 3d ed. 2 v. xxvi, 492 pp.
5 pi ; xxiv, 588 pp. 5 pi. 8^\ Boston, Phil-
lips, Sam2)son tj"- co. 1850.
The same. 4th ed.
2 V. in 1. xxvi,
492 pp. 5 pi ; 588 pp. 5 pi. 6°. Boston,
Phillips, Sanq)8on 4" co. 1851.
Colman (James F.) The knightly heart,
and other poenis. vii, 251 pp. 12'. Bos-
ton, Estes ly Lauriat, 1873.
Colman (William A.) Catalogue of books,
drawings, paintings, engravings and stat-
uary, at auction, by order of the assignee
and administrator of the late W. A- Col-
man, by Cooley & Keese. ii, 216 pp. 8",
[New York, S. Colman, 1850].
Colquhon (Jauet Siuclair, lady). The
world's religiou, as cont ranted with genu-
ine Christianity. 207 pp. 16 '. Kcw-Yorkf
J. .y. Taylor, 1839.
Colqiihon (John, d, d.) A trcatiuo on the
law and the gospel. 2d ed. vii, 351 pp.
12". Ed'mhargh, Ogle, Allardice<y Thomson,
The same. 1st am. from 2d Edin. ed.
vii, 3C1 pp. 12*^. New- York, Wiley iS- Long,
Colton (John Owen). A greek reader, con-
sisting of new selections and notes ; with
references to the grammar of E. A. Sopho-
cles, xvi, 328 pp. 8°. New Haven, Diir-
rie <f Feck, 1839.
The same. 3d ed. revised and fnr-
nished with new references and notes;
with the notes and lexicon of Hoyt's edi-
tion, by II. M. Colton. xiv, 529 pp. 12".
New llaren, Durric .)■• Peck, 1855.
Columbia ( Territory of the district of). As-
sembly. Journals of the council and house
of delegates, 1871-2. 8v. iuG. 8\ Wash-
ington, 1S71-72.
Board of health. First annual report
of the board of health. 198 pp. 6". U'ash-
ington, Gibson brothers, 1873.
Board of public works. Report of the
board of public works, from its organiza-
tion until uov. 1, 1872. 8". [ Washington,
Boyd's directory of the district of
Columbia. To which is added Alexandria,
Va. W. H. Boyd, compiler. 1873. 8".
Washington, Philp tf- Solomons, [1873].
Columella (Lucius Junius Moderatus). De
I'agricoltvra. Libri xii. Trattato de gli
alberi del medesino, tradotto nuouamente
di latino in lingua italiana per Pietro
Lauro modonese. 12 p. 1. 263 1. numb.
16°. Venetia, M. Tramezino, 1544.
Colville (John). Original letters of mr.
John Colville, 1582-1603. [Also], his pali-
node, 1600. With a memoir of the author,
. [by David Laing]. 38 p. I. 407 pp. 1 facs.
4". Edinburgh, 18.58. s.
[Bannatyne club publications, uo. 104].
Combe (Andrew, m. d.) The mother's guide
for the care of her children ; or, the man-
agement of infancy. Revised and edited
by sir James Clark. 303 pp. 12°. Neic
York, Continental publishing CO. [1872].
The physiology of digestion consid-
ered with relation to the principles of
Combe (Andrew, m. d.) — continuetl.
dietetics. 1st am. o<l. xviii, 328 pp. 12".
Boston, Marsh, Capen i$' Lyon, 1836.
Comforter (The) ; or, extracts selected for
the consolation of mourners. By a village
pastor, lanon.^ 3 p. 1. i:{-203 pp. 12 .
New- York, J. .)• J. Uarper, 1«J2.
Coming (The) race. See Lytton Bulwer
(.Sir Edward).
Comings (B. N. m. d.) rn-Htrvation <»f
health, and prevention of disease : includ-
ing practical suggestions on diet, mental
development, exercise, etc. 208 pp. 8 pi.
12°. New York, I). Appleton tj- co. 1854.
Comly (John). Comly's readier, and bo<ik
of knowledge; with exercises in spelling
and detining. iv, 212 pp. 12^ . I'hiladil-
phia, T. /.. Bonsai, 1845.
A new spelling book ; comi>ih5d witli
a view to render the arts of spelling and
reading easy and pleasant to children. 1(58
pp. 16' \ Philadelphia, Kimber i^- Sharj)-
less, 1834.
The same. Comly's spelling book,
revised and improved. 163 pp. 12 .
Philadelphia, W. Marshall .)• co. 1835.
The same. Bonsai's ed. Comly's
spelling and reading book. With note^
for parents and teachers. 168 i)p. 12^ .
Philadelphia, T. L. Bonsai, 1842.
The same. Comly's spelling book
enlarged. — A new spelling book. 180 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, Kimber .)'• Sharpless, 1843.
The same. 169 pp. 16°. Philadel-
phia, J. B. Lij)pincott <[• co. 1870. '
Commercial (The) agency register. Ste
McKillop & Sprague<:o.
Commercial (The) and financial chronicle,
and Hunt's merchants' magazine, a week-
ly newspaper, representing the. industrial
and commercial interests of the United
States. Jan. 6 to dec. 28, 1872. v. 14-15.
fol. New York, W. B. Dana, 1872.
Commercial (The) code of signals, 1859.
See Forster (John T.)
Compendio della vita, e delle gesta di Giu-
seppe Balsamo, denominato il conte Cagli-
ostro, che si (i estratto dal processo coutro
di lui formato in Roma I'anno 1790, e die
pub servire di scorta per conoscere Tindolc
della setta de' liberi muratori. Aggiuutivi
i suoi aneddoti. Descritti in una lettera
d'un Italiano ad un Francese diretta.
\_anon.'\ 157,31pp. sm. 4°. /ferMa, 1791.
Complete (The) practical farmer and gard-
ener; comprising the rearing, breeding,
and management, of every description of
live stock. By an American. [John Dong-
las? anon.'] 2d ed. ."iO;^ pp. ». Xia-York,
S. Cohnan, 18:il>. I
Comstock (Andrew, »/i. d.) The phonetic ;
speaker: consisting of the principles and
exercises in the anthors system of elocn-
tion, with additions; the whole in the
ntw [phonetic] alphabet. [Isted.] :W0
1)1). 12 . I'hiladtljfhia, E. II. Jintltr ^S' ^o.
The same. 'M\ ed. 120 pp. 12".
rhiladclpliia, F-. U. Ihdhr .J- co. 18,'.l).
The rhythmical reader: being a se-
lection of pieces in prose and verse, pre-
sented nnder a system of notation which
exhil)its th«« measure of speech, the <[nan-
titiesof syllables, and the just admeasure-
ment of pauses. ;{(H) pp. 1 pi. 12. I'hUa-
dtlphia, author y 1832.
A system of elocution, with special
reference to gesture, to the treatment of
stammering, aud defective articulation.
WM, iv pp. portrait. 12' . rhiladilpliia,
author, 1841.
Tlie same.
8th ed. ,^t)4, 20 pp. 12 .
I'hitadtlphia, E. U. Butler <j- co. 184G.
A treatise on phonology : comprising
a perfect alphabet for the english lan-
guage ; a specimen exhibition of the ab-
surdities of our pr<>scnt system of orthog-
raphy ; a h'cture on phonetics, by prof.
McLaine, [et<-.J 2d ed. 135 pp. 12\
rhiladclphia, E. If. liiilkr <V- co. 18;"):).
Comstock (AVr. Cyrus). Some scripture
facts and prophecies illustrated in a trea-
tise in answer to three (luestions. 190 pp.
H)' . lyUllamHtown, [Mass.] It. liannister,
Comstock (John L<^e, ni. d.) Natural his-
tory of ([uadrupeds; with engravings, on
a new plan, exhil)iting their comparative
si/e. 1 p. 1. 201 pp. 12 . Hartford, I). F.
h'obinson .;• co. IS2'J.
Youth's book of natural philosophy
244 pp. s(|. 1«) . /lontvu, W. I'cirre, 1834.
Conaiit {Mrx. Hannah O'Brien Chaplin).
The earnest man. A sketch of the char-
acter and labors of Adoniram Judson, lirst
missionary to Biirmah. Kngd. tit. 4l>8 pp.
portrait. 12 . lionton, rhillips, Sampson «)'•
<o. IH.V,.
Conaut (Mrs. John Hubbard, or Frances
Ann). Biography of mrs. J. H. Conant,
the world's medium of the nineteenth
century. Opening renmrks by Allen Put-
nam. 32*2 pp. portrait, l'^. Boston, W.
Ifhitv .j- CO. 1873.
X(>te.—''l am told, ami holit-ve, that spirit TImk)-
ilon» Parker outliiu-d and dictat«'d its «>MHeutial
sulistaiuo. Mr. John W. Day | wrot<'] what that
Mpirit dt'sircd t<> put forth a« a bionrai)h.v of his
niediiini." — Prefatory note, by Allen Putnam.
Flashes of light from the spirit-land,
through the mediumship of mrs. J. H.
Conant. Conipiled by A. Putnam. 404 pp.
12^\ Boston, JV. nititc .)• co. 1872.
Concord (Xew Hampshire). The Concord
directory for 1872 ; containing a general
directory of the inhabitants, and a business
directory, including Fisherville and Sun-
cook; city and county registers, map, &c.
Compiled by Dean Dudley »fe co. Boston.
S\ Concord, 1872.
Coudie (Thomas G.) See Juvenile (The)
Condit (h'er. T. B.) Tlie bible reader's
guide, consisting of (piestions designed to
illustrate morning, noon, and night; with
a series of prayers, table devotions, and
scripture catechisms, v, 211 pp. 12^.
Xew York, J. A. Gray, 18G3.
Prayer aud song united ; or, a bond
of christain union for morning, noon, and
night, iv, 31pp. 12. Xew York, J. A.
dray, 1803.
Confederate (Tlu') primer, 18o4; and Con-
federate (The) spelling book. See Smith
Confederate States (so called.) )f'ar depart-
ment. A manual of military surgery.
Prepared for the nse of the Confederate
States army. By order of the surgeon-
general. 21)7 pp. 30 pi. 12"\ Itichmond,
: [ Va.] Ayres .y fVadc, 18G3.
j Congregation of the holy redeemer. See
I Versammlung des hciligsteu erlosers.
, Congregational church, (ieneral association
i of Connecticut. Psalms and hymns, for
christian use and worship; prepared and
set forth by the general association of
Connecticut. 720 pp. 10^'. Xew-Haven,
Durrie .)■ I'cck, 1845.
The same. 720 pp. 18 \ Xew
Haven, Durrie .f- Peck, 1859.
The book of praise ; or, hymns
for public and social worship. Prepared
under the sanction ami authority, and in
Con§p:egational church— continued,
behalf of the general association of Con-
necticnt. [By a committee of five pas-
tors]. G72 pp. 10°. Hartford, Hamersley
.f- CO. 18G9.
Congressional directory. Sec United
States. CongrcHH.
Conington (Jobu). Miacellaiieous writings.
Edited by J. A. Symonds. With a memoir,
by H. J. S. Smith. 2 v. Ixxi, .^/.if) pp; 3
p. 1. 491 pp. 8". London, Lou(jmann, 1872.
V. 1. Memoir.
En^liHli Htoratnro,
Latin literature,
(ieneral Hcholarsbip.
Essays from tlie "Contomporary review."
V. 2. Tlie poems of Virgil, traiishiteil iuto english
Connecticut (General association of). See
Congregational church.
Connecticut (Tbe) business directory, for
1873. A complete index to the mercantile,
manufacturing, and professional interests
of the state, with much valuable miscella-
neous information. 8^\ Boston, Briggs .)'•
CO. 1873.
Connelly (/?cr. Thomas P.) and Field (Na-
thaniel, m. d.) A debate on the state of
the dead, held in the vicinity of Indian-
apolis, 1852. Reported by J. G. Gordon
and revised by the parties. 308 pp. 12°.
Louisville, Morton ij- Griswold, 1854.
Conqueror (The). 18G5. See Flint (S. A.)
Conrad (Rev. William). Essay on the right
of infants of believing parents to baptism.
148 pp. 12°. Chamhersburg, Pa. M. Kieffer
4- CO. 1851.
Conscience (Hendrik). The amulet. Trans-
lated expressly for this ed. 3 p. 1. 9-199 pp.
12°. Baltimore, J. Murphy t^ co. 1873.
[CoxsciKXCE (Hendrik). Short tales].
The fisherman's daughter. Translated
expressly for this ed. 2 p. 1. 7-194 pp.
12°. Baltimore, J. Murphy tj- co. 1873.
[Conscience (Ileudrik). Short tales].
Consecrated talents. 1852. See T. (C. L.)
Constance : a novel, [anow.] 4 v. 16°.
London, T. Hookham, 1785.
Constancio (Francisco Solano). Novo raes-
tre inglez, on grammatica da lingua ingleza
para uso dos Portuguezes, ensinada em
vinte e ciuco li^oes. 2 p. 1. 310 pp. 12°.
Contemporary (The) review. [Monthly].
.June to nov. 1872. v. 20. 8°. London,
.StraJtan <f- co. 1872.
Contempt (The) of the clergy considered.
See Hildrop (John, d. d.)
Contes fantftstiqnes. aScc Jannet (Pierre).
Contrast (The); or, two young men de-
scrilMxl by an acquaintance, [anon.] 1.54
pp. 18°. New York, Carlton .$• PhiUipn,
Conversations on the bible. Sec Hall ( .V/«.
Surah Ewiiig).
Conversations on the mouiituiiis of the
pentateuch, and the scenes and circum-
stances connected with them in holy writ.
[anon.] 202 i)p. 18'. Xcw York, a. lAtnr
.V- /'. /'. Sandford, 1844.
Conversations on the present age of the
world. See Holgate (.Jerome U.)
Conversations on the Sandwich i.slands
mission. IJyal.ody. [anon.] 2d ed. 210
pp. inc. 1 pi. 1C)°. Boston, Mass. «. h.
union, 1832.
Conwell (Russell II.) History of the great
fire in Boston, nov. 9 and 10, 1872. 312 pp.
8 pi. 1 map. 12°. Boston, B. B. UuhhcU,
Cook (Theodore D.) Memoir of rev. James
M. Cook. A'.M) pp. portrait. 12°. Boston,
J. M. Usher, ia54.
Cook (Walter A.) General index to the
documents of the state of New York,
1777-1871. See New York {State of).
Cook (William). Original gospel hymns,
suited to God's elect family, or the seed
royal of heaven. 324 pp. 32°. Chelten-
ham, J. Broom, 1839.
Cook, Coburn & co's newspaper advertis-
ers' guide, showing a complete list of all
newspapers, periodicals and magazines
published in the United States and territo-
ries, for the ready reference of advertisei-s.
XXXV, 342 pp. sq. 18°. Chicago, (III) 18G9.
Cooke (Mrs. Harriet B.) Memories of my
life work. The autobiography of mrs. H.
B. Cooke. 356 pp. portrait. 12*-. Xeic
York, R. Cartel' tJ- brothers, 1858.
Cooke (John Esten). Doctor Vandyke. A
novel. 142 pp. 4 pi. 8°. Xew York, I).
Appleton ^- CO. 1872.
7- Her majesty the queen. A novel.
330 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin-
cott <j- CO. 1873.
Cooley (Le Roy C.) Eiusy experiments in
physical science, for oral instrnction in
common schools. 85 pp. 12°. Xew York,
C. Scribner if CO. [1870].
Natural philosoi>hy for counnon and
high schools. 175 pp. 12"*. Xew York, C.
Scribner »/• co. 1871.
Coolldge (Susan, jyscudon.) See "Woolsey
(Sarah C.)
Coppee (Henry, 11 d.) Elements of logic.
Revised ed. 223 pp. 12°. rhlladelphia,
K H. Butler .^- CO. 1872.
Elements of rhetoric. 3()7 pp. 12^'.
rhlladelphia, E. II. liuthr .f co. 1852.
English literature, considered as an
interpreter of english history. 488 pp.
12 -. Philadelphia, Claxton, nemsen .j"- Ilaf-
feljinger, 1873.
The lield nianual for battalion drill.
Containing the exorcises and mananivres
in the school of the battalion. Arranged
in a tabular form for the use of ollicers of
the V. S. infantry : translated, and adapted
to the U. S. infantry tactics, from the
latest french authorities. l.')2 pp. 18°.
rhiladeljyhia, J. B. Lippincott <f- co. 1802.
A gallery of distinguished english
and american female poets. With an
introduction. 400 pp. 1 pi. 8^. Philadel-
phia, E. H. Ilntler .|- co. 1800.
Cornell (/?er. J. II.) The little vesper-book ;
being a supplement to the Manual of
roman chant. By a priest of the congre-
gation of the most holy redeemer. [awo?f.]
172 pp. 12'^. Baltimore, Kelly, Hedian .f-
Piet, 1860.
Cornell (S. S.) Cornell's high school geog-
raphy : forming part third of a systematic
series of school geographies. New ed. 405
]>p. 12°. New York, D. Appleion <r co. 1870.
Cornhill (The) magazine. [Monthly].
.Ian. to <lec. 1872. v. 25-2(». 8 \ London,
Smith, Elder <j' co. 1872.
Cornwall (Harry, pncudon.) five Procter
(IJ. W.)
Corn^wall {Mrs. Susan I'eyton). The Fin-
land family ; or, fancies taken for facts.
202 pp. 1 pi. K; \ yew York, M. W. Dodd,
Cornwallis (Kinahan). Royalty in the
new world ; or, the prince of Wales in
America. xii,28C pp. portrait. 12'\ New
York, M. Doolady, 1800.
Correspondance de lord G. Germain [etc.]
17-«-i. Sec Great Britain.
Corwin {Her. Edward Tanjore). A manual
(»f the Reformed protestant dutch church
in North America. 107 pp. 4*^". New
York, Hoard of pidiliration ref. prot. dutch
church, 18,')1).
Cottages (The) of the Alps, 18^0. See
Johnson (Ainia C.)
Cotton (Charles). The complete angler.
See "Walton (Izaak) and Cotton.
Cones (Elliott). Key to north american
birds: containing a. concise account of
every species of living and fossil bird at
present known from the continent north
of the mexican and United States bound-
ary. 4 p. 1. 301 pp. 6 pi. 8°. Salem,
[Mof^s.l naturalists^ agency, 1872.
Count (The) de Hoensdem ; a german tale.
By the author of Constance, [etc. anon.']
3 V. 10^. London, T. Hookham .j- J. Car-
penter, 1792.
Count di Novini ; or, the confederate Car-
thusians. A neapolitan tale, [anon.]
3 V. 16°. London, G. G. <f- J. liohinson,
Court (The) journal and fashionable gazette.
[London weekly]. Jan. 6 to dec. 28, 1872.
fol. [London, W.Rayner, 1872].
Cousin Alice, [pseudon.] See'H.a.yren (Mrs.
Emily, or Alice Bradley).
Coutan {Mme. A.) Choix de poesies pour
les jeunes personnes. 329 pp. 12°. Xew
York, D. Appleton 4" cie. 1850.
Couto (Jos6 Ferrer de). See Ferrer de
Covarrubias (Francisco Diaz). Tratado de
topografia y de geodesia con los primoros
elementos de astronomia practica. 2 v.
viii, 555 pp. 8 pi ; 504 pp. 1 1. 2 pi. 8°.
Mexico, imprcnta del gohierno, 1808-69. s.
V. 1. Topofcrafia, 18(J8.
V. a. Geodesia y astronomia, ISO!*.
Cowan (John, m. d.) Die wissenschaft
eines neuen lebens. Nach der 20 eng.
aufl. deutsch von H. Bevernng. 403 pp.
portrait. 8°. New York, Cowan ^$' co. \872.
Coward (William, m.d.) Ophthalmiatria :
qua accnrata & integra oculorum male
aftectorum instituitur medela: nova me-
thodo aphoristice conciunata. 8 p. 1. 188
pp. 2 pi. 16°. London, J. G. inqyensis J.
Chantry, 1700.
Cowell (John, 11. d.) The interpreter: or
booke containing the signiflcation of
words. Wherein is set foorth the true
meaning of all, or the most part of such
words and termes, as are mentioned in the
law writers, or statutes of this renowned
kingdome, requiring any interpretation.
292 1. sm. 4 \ London, IT. Sheares, 1637.
Cowles (Henry, d. d.) The psalms; with
notes, 1872. See Bible. {English).
Crafts (William A.) Life of Ulysses S.
Graut : his boyhood, campaigns, and serv-
ices, military and civil, viii, 172 pp.
portrait. 12°. Boston, S. Walker ^ co.
Craven {Mme. Augustus, n^ de La Fer-
rounays). Fleurange. A novel from the
french. Translated by M. M. R. 1 p. 1.
347 pp. 16°. New York, Holt <$• Williama,
(Leiauro hour series].
Creamer (Hannah Gardner). Eleanor : or
life without love. 202 pp. 12^\ Boston,
J. French, 1850.
Creasy {Sir Edward Shepherd). The impe-
rial and colonial constitutions of the britan-
nic empire, including Indian institutions.
XV, 403 pp. 6 maps. 8". London, Long-
mans, 1872.
Cr^billou (Claude Prosper Jolyot de).
Lettres de la marquise de M*** au comte
de R***. 2 V, in 1. 2 p. 1. 181 pp; 2 p.
1. 168 pp. 16'^. Amsterdam, Arkstee 4' Mer-
kus, 1744.
Crenius (Thomas) or Cnisius (Thomas
Theodorus). Thom^c Crenii de furibus
librariis dissertatio cpistolica I. [II. &
III]. Ed. 2a auctior & emeudatior. 287
pp. 16°. Lugduni Batav. ex officina A.
van der Mijn, 1716.
Creole. lps€ndon.'\ M.arie's mistake. A
woman's history. 357 pp. 12*^. Boston,
Pratt brothers, 1868.
Cr^qui (Ren6e-Caroline de Froulay, mar-
qnUe de). Lettres iudditcs de la marquise
de Cr<Squi h> Senac de Moilhan (1782-1789),
mises en ordre et annotdes par ra. fidou-
ard Fournier ; pr6c6d6s d'uue introduction
par m. Sainte-Beuve. 2 p. 1. cxxii, 301
pp. 16°. Paris, L. Potier, 1856.
Creyton (Paul, psetidon.) /S'ce Trowbridge
(John Townsend).
Crooll {RahU Joseph). The restoration of
Israel. 104 pp. 8°. London, 1814.
[ With Scott (Thomas) . The restoration of Israel,
by r. Joseph Crooll, and an answer].
Crosby (Allan James). Calendar of state
papers. See Great Britain. Public record
Crowfield (Christopher, pseudon.) See
Stowe {Mrs. H. B.)
Croy 01- Crouy- Chanel (Comfe AndrdRo-
dolphe Claude Fraufois Sim6on, dit Raoul
de). Louis XI etlePlessis-lbs-Tours. See
Louyrette (W. H.) and Croy.
Cruz (Juana IHes de la). See Juana Ifies
de la cruz.
Cultivator (The) and country gentleman.
Devoted to the practice and science of
agriculture and horticulture at large, and
to all the various departments of rural and
domestic economy. [Weekly]. Jan. 4 to
dec. 26, 1872. v. 37. fol. Albany, L. Tucker
«f' son, 1872.
Cumberland {Society of the army of thr).
Fifth reunion, Detroit, 1871. 1 p. 1.246 pp.
1 pi. portrait. 8". Cincinnati, R. Clarke ^
CO. 1872.
Cummings {Rev. Ephraim Chamberlain).
Birth and baptism : discourses of first
principles. 5 p. 1. 9-263 pp. 12 \ Port-
land, IB. Thurston cf co.'\ 1873.
Cummings (J. A.) The pronouncing spell-
ing book, adapted to Walker's critical
pronouncing dictionary. xii,205pp. 18°,
Boston, Cummings if Uilliard, 1819.
Cupples (George). The desertecl ship : a
story of the Atlantic. Being a<lventures
in the early life of Cupples Howe, mariner.
258 pp. 6 pi. 12^. Boston, Shepard ^- Gill,
Cupples {Mrs. George). Driven to sea; or,
the adventures of Norrie Seton. 332 pp. 4
pi. 16°. Boston, IL B. Fuller, 1870.
■Curie (Paul F. m. d.) On homcitopathic diet
and regimen.
[In Bkoackks (W. m. d.) Di.se.iH08 of the ali-
mentary canal. liP. Philadelphia, 1841. pp.
Curriden (Samuel W.) Our soldiers and
sailors. See Veterans' national commit-
Curtis (7?er. John W.) Poems. 1(>8 pp. por-
trait. 12°. New- York, E. 0. Jenkins, 1846.
Cutter {Dr. Benjamin). A history of the
Cutter family of New England. Revised
and enlarged by William Richard Cutter,
xi, 364 pp. 1 pi. 6 portraits. 8°. Boston,
D. Clapp ij- son, 1871.
Cutter (Calvin, m. d.) Anatomy and physi-
ology : designed for schools and families.
[Isted.] 262 pp. 12°. Boston, S. N. Dick-
inson 4' CO. 1845.
The same. 2ded. 322 pp. 12°. Bos-
ton, B. B. Mussey .J- oo. 1846.
The same. A treatise on anatomy,
physiology, and hygiene. 458 pp. 5 1. 12°.
Boston, B. B. Mussey <f- co. 1849.
The same. 1850.
The same. Revisetl ed. 466 pp. 5 1.
12°. Boston, B. B. Mussty .J co. 1854.
Cutter (Calvin, t». ^.)— continued.
First book on anatomy and physi-
oloffy. [Isted.] 1:59 pp. 12^. Boston,
li. II. Mitssey .^ co. 1847.
Tlio same. Stereotype ed. 144 pp.
12^. Nmo York, [itc.^ Clark *)• Austiu, [etc.]
The same. And liygiene. 180 pp. 5 1.
V2P. Boston, B. B. Mmsey cf- co. 1841).
The same. 180 pp. 1 pi. Vi\ Bos-
ton, B. B. Mussey <f co. 1850.
First [and] second book on analytic
anatomy, physiology and hygiene, human
and comparative. 2 v. 197 pp; 310, viii
pp. 12°. riuladi'lphia,.!. B. lAppincott i^-
CO. 1871-72.
Cutter (William). Missionary efforts of the
protestant episcopal church in the United
States. Prepared from official documents.
[In IIiHTOKV of aniorii-an missions to tlio heathen.
8°. Worcester, Spootier <£ Howland, 1«40. pp.
Cuyler {lirv. Theodore Ledyard). Stray ar-
rows. 107 pp. 18^\ yew York, li. Carter
.y- brothers, 1851.
Czornig (Carl von). Oosterreich's neugo-
Htaltung, 1848-18.57. Als manuscript ab-
gedruckt aus der ethnographic der oester-
reichischen monarchie. llerausgegeben
von der k. k. direction der atlministrativen
statistik. 1 p. 1. 395 pp. 1 tab. 4°. Wkn,
k. k. hof- and staatsdrnckerei, 1857. S.
D. (G. P.) See Newman (Mrs. A. E.)
D-** de P*** (Paul). See P***.
Daheim. [Ein deutsches familienwochen-
blatt mit illustrationen]. 30 sept. 1871 bis
21 sept. 1872. v. 8. 4°. Leipzig, B. Kiinig,
Daily moniing chronicle. [Washington].
Jan. 1 to dec. 31, 1872. 2 v. fol. Wash-
ington, Chronicle puhlishing co. 1872.
Daily national republican. See National
republican (Washington daily).
Daily (The) patriot. [Washington]. Jan.
1 to nov. 9, 1872. 2 v. fol. Washington,
The patriot newspaper assoriation, 1872.
A'o^«.— Trisrontiuued from the last dat«.
Daily piety: a guide to catholic devotion,
for general use. [anon.] 288 pp. 32".
Xrw York, E. Dnnigan 4- brother, 1850.
Daisy Maynard's four promises, 1871. See
Read (Emily).
Dalzel (Andrew)- Aral^f/cra fUr^viKn r'/aaova,
sive collectanea gijeca minora: cum notis
philologicis quas partim collegit, partim
scripsit A. Dal/,el. Accedunt parvum lexi-
Dalzel (Andrew) — continued,
con et index rernm. £d. prima neo-ebora-
censis. [333] pp. S*^. Novi-Eboraei, E.
Duyckinck, [etc.] 1825.
Damberger (Christian Frederick, pseudon.)
See Schroter (Joseph).
Dana (A. H.) Inductive inquiries in physi-
ology, ethics, and ethnology, relating to
subjects of recent research or speculation,
ix, 13-308 pp. 12°. New York, A. S.
Barnes ^' co. 1873.
Dana (James Dwight). A system of miner-
alogy ; including an extended treatise on
crystallography: with an appendix, con-
taining the apt>lication of mathematics to
crystallographic investigation, and a min-
eralogical bibliography, xiv, 452, 120 pp.
4 pi. 8°. New Uaven, Durrie cf Peck, 1837.
The same. Comprising the most re-
cent discoveries. 2d ed. 634 pp. 4 pi. 8°.
New York, Wiley <f Putnam, 1844.
Dana (Joseph). Liber primus, or a first
book of latin exercises. 5th ed. 192 pp.
16°. Boston, J. H. A. Frost, 1832.
The same. [Also], colloquies from
Erasmus; with a vocabulary. By Charles
K. Dillaway, a. m. 12th ed. 252 pp. 12".
Boston, J.H.A. Frost, 1833.
Darrow (Pierce). Scott's militia tactics ;
comprising the duty of infantry, light-
infantry, and riflemen. 2d ed. xvi, 13-
284 pp. 24 pi. 12°. Hartford, O. D. Cook4^,
Dassoucy. See Assoucy (Charles Coy-
peau d').
Dati (Carlo). Vite de pittori antichi. 8 p. 1.
182 pp. 1 1. 4". Firenze, nella stamperia
delta Stella, 1667.
Vita (li Zevsi. p. 1.
Vita di Parrasio. p. 43.
Vita d'Appelle. p. 80.
Vita di Protogene, p. LVi.
Givnte alio vito de pitt«ri antichi. p. 177.
Davidson (Lucretia Maria). Poetical re-
mains, collected and arranged by her
mother: with a biography, by Miss [C.
M.] Sedgwick, xv, 33-312 pp. 12". Phila-
delphia, Lea »j' Blanchard, 1841.
Davies (Charles, II. d.) Elementary treatise
on algebra; embracing the first principles
of that science, vii, 279 pp. 12". New
York, A. S. Barnes 4- co. 1845.
Elements of the differential and inte-
gral calculus. 283 pp. 12". New York,
Wiley cj- Long, 18:J6.
Davies (Charles, II, rf.)— continued.
Elements of geometry, with applica-
tions in mensuration. 216 pp. 12^. rhila-
delphia, A. S. Barnes ^ co. 1841.
First lessons in arithmetic. 132 pp.
16°. Hartford, (Conn.) J. S. Barnes 4' «>.
The same. 168 pp. 18°. Neto York,
A. S. Barnes 4- co. 1849.
Mental and practical arithmetic.
With a key. 288 pp. 12°. Hartford, Conn.
A.S.Barnes, 1838.
[Key wanting].
New university arithmetic, embra-
Days' (The) doings — continued.
3, 1870, to nov. 23, 1872. v. 6-9. fol. New
York, Days' doings co. [1870-72].
Deacon (William Frederick). Warreuiana :
with notes, critical and explanatory. By
the editor of a quarterly review. [W. O.
pseudon.^ 192 pp. 16^. Boston, Tivknor,
Heed 4- Fields, 1851.
Dean (Philotus). The intellectual arithme-
tic: [etc.] 176 pp. 16°. Pittsburgh, (I'a.)
A. H. English 4- co. [18G1].
The primary arithmetic. Designed
cing the science of numbers and their ap-
plication. 437 pp. 12°. New York, A. S.
Barnes 4- co. 1857. S.
Davis (Mrs. Caroline E. K.) Heart's de-
light. 432 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Boston, H. Hoyt,
Little three-year-old. 164 pp. 8 pi.
sq. 16°. Boston, D. Lothrop 4^ co. [1873].
Dawes (Rev. Richard). Suggestive hints
towards improved secular instruction. 7th
ed. xxiv, 220 pp. 1 table. 16°. London,
Groomhridge 4" sons, 1857.
Daivson (Edward W.) Benedict's wander-
ings, in Ireland, Scotland, Italy and Sicily.
1 p. 1. 566 pp. 20 pi. 12°. New Haven, G.
H. Richmond 4" co. 1873.
Dawson (Henry Barton). [Gleanings from
the battle fields of american history, part
xi. The assault on Stony Point, by gen-
eral Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779. Pre-
pared for the New York historical society,
and read at its monthly meeting, april 1,
1862. 156 pp. 1 map, 19 fac-sim. 4°.
Morrisania, N. Y. {_author'\, 1863.
Day (George T.) The life of rev. Martin
Cheney. 471 pp. portrait. 12°. Provi-
dence, G. H. Whitney, 1853.
Day (Henry N.) The science of aesthetics;
or the nature, kinds, laws, and uses of
beauty, xvii, 434 pp. 3 pi. 12°. New
Haven, C. C. Chatfield 4- co. 1872.
Day (John W.) Biography of mrs. J. H.
Conant, 1873. See Conant (Frances Ann,
or mrs. John Hubbard).
Day (Samuel Phillips). Monastic institu-
tions ; their origin, progress, nature, and
tendency. With an introduction by a
clergyman of the church of Ireland. 213
pp. 16°. Dublin, W. Curry, jr. 4- co. 1844.
Days' (The) doings. Illustrating extraor-
dinary events of the day. [Weekly]. Dec.
as an introduction to mental and written
arithmetic. 108 pp. 18°. Pittsburgh, (Pa.)
A. H. English 4- co. [I860].
The public school ari thmetic. 320 pp.
12°. Pittsburgh, (Pa.) A. H. English 4- co.
Dearborn (Nathaniel). American text
book for letters, with copious remarks on
the various letters now in use. 3d ed.
52 1. inc. 46 pi. (script eng.) 53-101 pp.
obi. 8°. Boston, 1846.
De Burgh or Burgh (IJlick, 5th earl 4' fl^«o
marquess of Clanricarde). The memoirs and
letters of Ulick, marquiss of Clanricarde,
and earl of Saint Albans. Printed from an
authentic manuscript, and now first pub-
lished by the present earl of Clanricarde.
XX, 444, 65 pp. fol. London, J. Hughs, for
R. 4' J. Dodsley, 1757.
DecandoUe. See Candolle.
Deems (Charles F. d. d.) The home-altar. An
appeal in behalf of family worship; with
prayers and hymns. 281 pp. 12°. New-
York, M. W. Dodd, 1850.
The same. 281pp. 12°. New- York,
M. W. Dodd, 1851.
Deharbe (Joseph, s. j.) Grosser katholischer
katechismus mit einem abrisse der reli-
gionsgeschichte flir die reifere jugend und
fiir erwachsene. Neueste, vermehrte autl.
des sogen. " Lehrbegriflfes," no. 1. xvi,
240 pp. 12°. Regensburg, F. Pustet, 1865.
Katholischer katechismus, oder lehr-
begriff, nebst einem kurzem abrisse der
religions-geschichte, no. 1. 218 pp. 12°.
New York 4- Cincinnati, F. Pustet, 1867.
Delafield (Francis, ni. d.) A hand-book of
post-mortem examinations and of mor-
bid anatomy. 2 p. 1. 376 pp. 8°. New-
York, W. Wood 4- CO. 1872.
Delbarre (Pierre Jean). Dictionnaire de
sigillographie pratique. See Chassant
(A. A. L.) and Delbarre.
Delehanty (Martin). Manual for the com-
mon council of the city of Albany, 1871.
Sec Alhany {City of ).
Delepierre (Octave). Chroniques, tradi-
tions et 16gendo8 tie I'ancienne histoiredes
Flamands. xv, 302 pp. 8'\ Lille, Bron-
ner- Ban wens, 1834.
Supercheries litt<^rair('S, pastiches,
suppositions d'auteur, dans les lettres et
dans les arts. 4 p. 1. 328 pp. IG^. l p.
Londres, N. Triihncr «j- cie. 1872.
Deletanville (Thomas). A french diction-
ary: in two parts: the first, french and
enj^lish: the second, english and french.
4th ed. By Des Carrieres. xx pp. 405 1.
8^. London, L. Hanford, 1804.
Deleuze (Joseph Philippe Francois). Prac-
tical instruction in animal magnetism.
TranslatcHl by Thomas C. Hartshorn. Re-
vised ed. With an appendix of notes by
the* translator, [etc.] descriptive of cases
iu the United States. 408 pp. 12^. Xeiv
York, D. Apphion .f co. 1843.
Delineations of the heart. See Raithby
Dell {Iter. William). Select works, vii,
584 pp. 8^. London, for J. Kendall in Col-
chester, 1773.
Christ's spirit a christian's strength.
UnilDrmity oxaiuiued.
Tlie building, beauty, (etc.] of thcspmtnal church.
Right reformation. A sermon preached before
the house of commons, 1646.
Tlie way of true peace and unity in the true
church of Christ.
The cnicified and quickened christian. A dis-
course on Gal. ii. 19, 20.
Tin- stumbling-stone, or, a discourse [on Matt. xi.
HaiiTi<;iiCiv fiiSax^. Or, the doctrine of baptisms.
Tlie trial of spirits. [A sermon].
A confutation of errors, delivered to the nniversity
congregation, 1653, by nir. Sydrach Simpson.
A testimony against divinity-degrees iu the uni-
Luther's"^ testimony touching universities.
The right reformation of learning. Schools and
Delia Balcom. [rt»o».] 332 pp. 4 pi. 18^.
Boston, Mass. s. s. society, [18G2].
Delmont [The] family; or, familiar con-
versations on practical subjects, [anon.']
182 pp. 4 pi. 18^. New York, Carlton <^-
FhUlips, 1850.
De Long^ (G.) Coutumes du pays et duch6
de Brabant. Qnartier d'Anvers. Tome 3e.
Coutumes do la ville d'Anvers. 2 p. 1. 611
pp. 4 \ Bruxelles, F. Gohhatrts, 1872. 8.
[HKi.niuM. Minintf're de la jxixHce. Ilocueil des
ancieiincs coutumes de la iielgique].
Democrat (The); or intrigues and adven-
tures of Jean Lo Noir. lanon.] 2 v. in 1.
Democrat (The) — continued.
xii, 136 pp; 2 p. 1. 162 pp. 16^. Netc-
York, J. Bivington, 1795.
Demorest's illustrated monthly. And mme.
Demorest's mirror of fashions. Jan. to dec.
1872. V. 9. 4^. [New York, W. J. Demorest,
Young America. A boys and girls
monthly magazine. Jan. to dec. 1872. v.
6. 8^. [New York, W. J. Demorest, 1872].
Denison ( Mrs. Mary Andrews). Stolen from
home. 399 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Boston, H.
Hoyt, [1873].
Victor Norman, rector. 202 pp. 12".
rhiladelphia, J. B. Lijypincott .)• co. 1873.
Demnan (Jacob S.) Dcnman's library for
children. The eagle primer, nos. 1-0. 6 v.
16^. New York, Farmer, Brace tj- co. 1854.
The student's primer, designed as a
first book for children. 48 pp. 12". Neiv-
York, Pratt, Woodford 4' co. 1850.
The students' series. 4 v. 18" & 12".
New York, Pratt, Woodford .j- co. 1^51.
First reading book. 18°.
Second reading book. 18'^.
Third reading book. 12°.
Fourth reading book. 12°.
The student's speaker, a new collec-
tion of pieces, in prose, dialogues, and po-
etry. 144 pp. 18". New- York, Pratt,
Woodford 4- co. 1850.
The student's spelling-book, designed
to teach the orthography and orthoepy of
the euglish language, as contained in Web-
ster's american dictionary. 158 pp. 16".
New-York, Pratt, Woodford*^- co. 1851.
Denmark. Geheime-etatsraad og direcieur for
gradmaalingen. Den danske gradmaaling.
Andet bind, indoholdende meridianbuens
ho vodtri angler fra Elben til Lams og deres
forbindelse med maalingorne paa Ljad-
land. Udgivet af C. G. Andiw. 4". A)>-
henhavn, F. S. Miihle, 1872. 8.
De Pui (Rev. James). An exposition of the
prophecies of the apocalypse. 2d ed. re-
vised and enlarged, viii, 13-290 pp. 2 pi.
12". Philadelphia, Claxton, Renisen 4- Baf-
felfnger, 1873.
De Quincey (Thomas). Confessions of an
euglish opium eater. Being an extract
from the life of a scholar. 190 pp. 16".
Boston, W. D. Ticknor, 1841.
Essays on philosophical writers and
other men of letters. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 292 pp ;
De Quincey (Thomas) — continued.
3 p. 1. 291 pp. 12^. Boston, Tkknor, Reed
<f- Fields, 1854.
[De Quincey's writings, v. 13-14].
Memorials, and otlier papers. 2 v.
348 pp; 347 pp. 12^. Boston, Ticknor 4'
Fields, 1856.
[De Quincey's writings, v. 15-lC].
Derby (Elias Hjisket). Tlie catholic. Let-
ters addressed by a jurist to a young kins-
man proposing to join the church of Rome,
xii, 293 pp. 12^. Boston, J. P. Jewett 4-
CO. 1856.
Dermott (G. D.) A concise description of
the locality and distribution of the arteries
in the human body, viii, 144 pp. 2 pi.
12*^. London, S. Highley, 1827.
De Sanctis (L. d. d.) Rome, christian and
papal; sketches of its religious monu-
ments and ecclesiastical hierarchy, with
notices of the Jesuits and the inquisition.
261 pp. 17 pi. 12^. New York, Harper 4-
brothers, 1858.
Des anciens gouvernemeuts, f6d<Sratife,
[etc.] de Cr5te. See Sainte-Croix (Guil-
laume E. J. G. de C. L. haron de).
Description of Latium; or, la campagna
di Roma. See Knight (E. Cornelia).
Deshon (Rev. George). Guide for catholic
young women, especially for those who
earn their own living. 322 pp. 16". New
York, D. 4' J. Sadlier 4' co. 1863.
Deshouli^res (Antoinette Duligier de la
Garde and Antoinette Thdr^se). CEuvres
choisies. 2 v. in 1. xii, 108 pp ; 107 pp.
portrait. 24". Londres, 178G.
Desmoulins (Antoino). Histoire naturelle
des races humaines da nord-est de I'Eu-
rope, de I'Asie bor<Sale et orientale, et de
I'Afrique australe, d'apriis des recherches
sp6ciales d'antiquitds, de physiologic, d'a-
natomie et de zoologie, appliqu6e h la
recherche des origines des anciens peuples,
etc. xxxiv, 392 pp. 1 1. 7 pi. 8". Paris,
Mc^quignon-Marvis, 1826.
Desnoyers (Louis). Les m^saventures de
Jean-Paul Choppart. lUustr^es par H.
Giacomelli. [178e 6d.] 2 p. 1. iv, 332 pp.
8". Paris, J. Hetzel, [1865].
Desportes (Philippe). CEuvres. Avec une
introduction et des notes par Alfred Mi-
chiels. Engd.tit. xcii,536pp. 16". Paris,
A. Delahays, 1858.
[Bibliotli6que gauloise).
fitude sur Philippe Desportes. Par A. Micbiels.
Diaue, premi^reH amours de Desportes.
Desportes (Philippe)— continued.
Lea amours d'Hippoljrte.
C16onico, domidrea amonn de Desportes.
Imitations de I'Arioste.
MeslanRes.— Diverges araoars. Bergerios. Mas-
quarades. Epitaphes. [etc.]
Des R. (C. S). Petit dictionnaire historiqnc
et chronologique d'^ducation, on recuril
alphabdti(|uu dos traits d'histoire anciuiiue
et moderno les plus propres k former In
coiur et I'esprit de la jeunesse ; r<'!dig<*
snr le plan de celui de J. J. Fillassier, et
publics par C. S. des R— . [anon.^ ii, M-i
pp. 1 pi. 16". Paris, Ledentu, 1H19.
Des socidtds secriites en Allemagno, et en
d'autres contr6es ; de la sectedos illurniiK^s,
du tribunal secret, de I'assassiuat de Kotze-
bue, etc. ^anon."} 259 pp. 8". Paris,
Oide, fils, 1819.
Deuther (Charles G.) The life and times of
the rt. rev. John Timon, first roman cath-
olic bishop of the diocese of Buffalo. 338
pp. 2 pi. 8". Buffalo, author, 1870.
Deutsches gesangbuch, 1849. See Lu-
theran church.
Deutsch-franzosische (Der) krieg 1870-71.
1872. See Prussia. Kriegsministerium.
De Vere (Maximilian Scheie, //. d.) The
romance of american history. Early an-
nals. 3 p. 1. 254 pp. 12". New York, G.
P. Putnam 4' sons, 1872.
De Wette. See "Wette ( W. F. L. de).
Dewez (L. Dieudonnd Joseph). Histoire
gdudrale de la Belgique. [Nouv. 6d.] 7
v. 8". Bruxelles, H. Tarlier, 1826-28.
Dexter (Timothy). The pickle; from the
museum of lord Timothy Dexter.
[In Knapp (S. L.) Life of lord Timothy Dexter.
16°. Boston, 1858. pp. 123-152].
Diary (The) of a Samaritan. By* a member
of the Howard association of New Orleans.
[anoM.] 324 pp. 12". New York, Harper
4' brothers, 1860.
Dibdin (Charles). The younger brother:
a novel. 3 v. 8". London, author, [1703].
Dickens (Charles). [Works. Household
ed.] 8". New York, Harper 4' brothers,
The old curiosity shop. Illustrated hy T. "Worth.
233 up. 1872.
The hie and a<lventures of Nicholas Nickleby.
With illustrationa by C. S. Keiahart. 339 pp.
The same. New household ed. Fully
illastrated from designs by Darley, Gil-
bert, Cruikshauk, Phiz, and other eminent
Dickens (Charles)— continued,
artists. 12"^. New York, Hurd tf- Hough-
ton, 1873.
liamaby Rndpe. 3 v.
David OopiM^rHold. 4 v.
Dombey and sou. 4 v.
Great ex nee tat Ions. 2 v. !
Alartin Cniuzzlewit. 4 v.
Kicliolas Nirklebv. 4 v.
Our mutual friend. 4 v.
I'irtiiros from Italy, and American note.s. 2 v.
The uncommercial traveller.
Dickinson (Andrew). My first visit to
Europe: or, sketches of societj', scenery,
and antiquities, in England, Wales, Ire-
land, Scotland, and France. 214 pp. 2 pi.
12-. New-York, G. P. Putnam, 1851.
Dickinson (Edmund). Delphi phoenici-
zantes, sive tractatus, in quo Gnecos,
quicqnid apud Delphos celobro erat, e
losuji' historia, scriptisque sacris effinxisse,
ration ibns haud inconcinnis ostenditur.
Et quamplurima, qua? philologire studio-
sis apprinie jucunda futura sunt, aliter ac
vulgo Solent, enarrantur. Appenditur
diatriba do Noie in Italian! adveutu,
tjusquo noniinibus ethnicis; nee non de
origino druidum. His accessit oratiun-
cula pro philosophia liberanda. 15 p. 1.
160, 48 pp. 16^, Francofurti, impensis J.
C. Emmerich, 1669.
Dickinson {liev. Jonathan). Familiar let-
ters to a gentleman, upon a variety of sea-
sonable and important subjects in religion.
•A p. 1. :U4 pp. 12". Dundee, 1772.
The same. 417 pp. 16°. Newark,
N. J. 171)7.
Dickinson (Rodolphiis). A compendium of
the religions doctrines, religious and
moral precepts, historical and descriptive
beauties of the bible ; with a separate
moral selection from the apocrypha;
being a transcript of the received text.
2d ed. revised and enlarged. 274 pp. 18°.
Greenfield, Mass, compile)', 1815.
The same. 3d ed. 252 pp. 18°.
Greenfield, Mass. compiler, 1815.
Dictionnaire de synonimes franfois. See
Livoy (Timoth(Se de.)
Dillon (Wentworth, earl of Roscommon).
The poetical works of W. Dillon, xii, 275
l»p. 16-. Glasgow, li. Urie, 1749.
Dimmich (F. M.) Anna Clayton ; or, the
mother's trial. A tale of real life. [anon.'\
3.^)0 pp. U\ Bonion, J. French tj- co.
Diogenes. Ij>«fttdon.] The works of Diog-
enes. 3 parts in 1 V. 8°. London, for (he
author, by J. Hammond, 1804-5.
V. 1. Every day characters. 2 p. 1. 195 pp. 1 1.
V. 2. part 1. Letter to a noble and learned lord,
upon the absolute necessity of placing the
littoral discussion of political subjects,
(tliose of members of parliament excepted)
under an imprimatur, and exposing that
])eHt to the english nation, a professional
political scribbler. 2 p. 1. 70 pp. 1 L
V. 2. part 2. An analytical review of various libels,
publio, private, seditious and treasonable,
published by Cotin, since the publication
of those of which he was convicted, in June
last. Selected from his weekly pamphlet.
2 p. L 71-139 pp. 1 1.
Dion Cassius, surnamed Cocceianus. Dione
historico delle guerre & fatti de Romani
[librixxii,xxxvii-lviii] : tradotto di greco
in lingua uulgare, per m. Nicolo Leoui-
ceno. Con le sue figure a ogni libro,
opera nuouaraente uenuta in luce, ne piu
in lingua alcunastampata. 6 p. 1. cclxxxii
pp. sm. 4°. [ Vinegia, N. d'Aristotile di
Ferrara dctto Zopinv}, 1533.
Dion Chrysostomus. Select essays of Die
Chrysostom, translated into english from
the greek ; with notes. By Gilbert Wake-
field, viii, 256 pp. 8°. London, R. Phil-
lips, 1800.
Discursos sobre una constitucion religiosa,
1820. See Llorente (Juan Antonio).
Diversions of Hollycot, or the mother's art
of thinking. See Johnstone (^frs.)
Doane (Howard). Royal diadem for the
Sunday school, 1873. See Lowry (R.)
and Doane.
Dodd (William, 7/. d.) The beauties of
Shakespeare. See Shakespeare (Will-
Comfort for the afilicted, under every
distress. With suitable devotions. 5th
ed. xi, 380 pp. 16°. London, J. Maw-
man, [etc.'] 1809.
Engd. tit. 205 pp. 1 pi. 24°.
New ed.
New- York,
S. Marks, 1824.
The same. New ed. Engd. tit. 176
pp. 1 pi. 32°. New- York, S. Marks, 1827.
Thoughts in prison, and other mis-
cellaneous pieces, with the life of the
author. 177 pp. 2 pi. 16°. Philadelphia,
R. Johnson, 1806.
Doddridge (Philip, d.d.) The rise and
progress of religion in the soul : ilhis-
trated in a course of serious and practical
addresses. 13th ed. [Also], a sermon on
the care of the soul, xiv pp. 3 1. 336 pp.
16°. New York, J. Harrison, for New York
Doddridge (Philip, d.d.) — continiiwl.
society for promoting christian knowledge and
j)iety, 1795.
The same. [With] parlor religion
exemplified in the practice of Honorio,
his family, and friends. Also, a selection
of hymns from dr. Doddridge. Carefully
corrected. 348 pp. 10*^. Boston, J. Bum-
stead, 180C.
Dodge (Mary Abigail). Little folk life.
By Gail Hamilton. Ipsciidon.] 219 pp.
IGo. JVcMJ York, Harper <f- brothers, 1872.
Doda (John Bovee). The philosophy of
electrical psychology ; in a course of
twelve lectures. 252 pp. portrait. 12°.
New York, Fowlers 4' Wells, 1854.
Doesticks (Q. K. Philander, i^scMdon.) See
Thompson (Mortimer M.)
Domiuicau republic. xSee Boletiu oficial.
Domscheke (Bernhard). Zwanzig monate
in kriegs-gefangenschaft. Erinnerungen.
Nebst einera aiihang. 247 pp. 12^\
Milwaukee, W. W. Coleman, 1865.
Donaldson (Arthur). The introduction to
The orthographer ; or the first book for
children. 2d ed. 36 pp. 18°. Philadel-
phia, author, 1814.
The orthographer ; containing above
eight thousand words, arranged according
to their parts of speech, with about five
thousand scripture names, «fcc. [Also],
reading lessons. 226 pp. 1 1. 1 tab. 12^.
Philadelphia, author, 1814.
Donizetti (Gaetano). Belisario, tragedia
lirica del sigr. Salvatore cammarano posta
in musica. 179 pp. obi. fol. Milano, G.
Bicordi, {about 1850].
Don Sebastiano, dramma in 5 atti
del sig. Scribe, tradotto in italiano del
sig. G. Ruffini, posta in musica. 301 pp.
obi. fol. Milano, G. Bicordi, labout 1843].
Don Paez, and other poems, 1847. See
Price (James C.)
Donne (Alphonse, wi. d.) Mothers and
infants, nurses and nursing. Translation
from the french of a treatise on nursing,
weaning, and the general treatment of
young children. 303 pp. 8 pi. 12°. Bos-
ton, Phillips, Sampson 4' co. 1859.
Donnegan (James, m. d.) A new greek and
english lexicon ; principally on the plan
of the greek and german lexicon of
Schneider. 1st am. from 2d Lond. ed.
revised and enlarged, by R. B. Patton.
Donnegan (James, m.d.)— continued,
viii, 1413 pp. iit\ Boston, Uilliard, Gray
4-00. 1832.
Donnell (E. J.) Chronological and statis-
tical history of cotton, xviii, 650 pp. 1
pi. 8°. Xew York, author, 1872.
Donnelly (Eleanor C.) Out of sweet 8<}li-
tudo. [Poems]. 105 pp. 8 '. Philadil-
phia, J. B. Lippincott 4- co. 1873.
Doomed (The) chief, 1860. Set Thompson
(Daniel Pierce).
Doring (Friedrich Wilhelm). The latin
reader. See Jacobs (C. F. W.) and Do-
Dorsey {Mrs. Anna H.) The student of
Blenheim forest, or the trials of a convert.
544 pp. 1 pi. 32°. Baltimore, J. Murphy,
Douai (Adolf). A practical and complete
german grammar, x, 442 pp. 12 . Bos-
ton, Phillips, Sampson <f- co. 1858.
Douglas (James X- Errors regarding relig-
ion ; and thoughts on prayer at the pres-
ent time. 322 i>p. 12°. New York, J.
Leavitt, 1831.
Doutney (Mrs. T. Narcisse, pscudon.) See
Storer (Harriet G.)
Dovecote, 1854. See Myrtle (Lewis).
DoTV (liev. Lorenzo). The opinion of Dow ;
or, Lorenzo's thoughts, on different relig-
ious subjects, in an address to the people
of New-England. 164 pp. 16°. JVind-
ham, IConn.l J. Byrne, 1804.
Downing (Andrew Jackson). The fruits
and fruit-trees of America ; or, the cul-
ture, propagation, and management, in
the garden and orchard, of fruit-trees gen-
erally ; with descriptions of all the finest
varieties of fruit, cultivated in this coun-
try. Second revision and correction, with
large additions and an appendix of 1872,
by Charles Downing. [Parti]. Apples.
XX, 465, 42 pp. 8°. Xew York, J. Wiley .J-
' son, 1872.
Drake (James Vaulx). Life of general
Robert Hatton, including his most im-
portant public speeches; with much of
his Washington & army correspondence,
xi, 458 pp. portrait. 8°. Nashville, Tenn.,
Marshall <f Bruce, 1867.
Drake (Joseph Rodman) and Halleck (Fitz
Greene). The croakers. Ist complete ed.
viii, 191 pp. 4°. New York, IBra^ord
club], 18(K).
[BitADFonD club series, no. 3].
Drake (Samuel Gardner). Biography and
history of the Indians of North America ;
also a history of their wars, massacree and
depredations; with an account of their an-
tiijuities, manners and customs, religion
and laws; likewise an analysis of authors,
who have written upon the first peopling
of America. 5th ed. 5 books in 1 v. 8^^.
Boston, Antiquarian institute, 1836.
The same. 8th ed. with large addi-
tions and corrections. 708 pp. 16 pi. 8^.
Boston, Antiquarian bookstore, 1841.
Draper (John C. m. d. editor). See Year-
book of nature and popular science, for
Drayton (.J. B.) A free poetic version of
the first part of the Pilgrim's progress.
Sec Buiiyan (John).
Drayton. A story of american life, [awon.]
27 1 pp. 1'2^\ Xew York, Uarper cf- brothers,
Drayton-hall scries, 1871. See Mathe-ws
(Julia A.)
Dream (The) fulfilled ; or the trials and
triumphs of the Moreland family^. [amom.]
11)1 pp. 18^. Boston, J. S. French, 1846.
Dreams and realities in the life of a pastor
and teacher. By the author of " Rolling
ridge," [etc. anon.'\ 439 pp. 12°. New
York, J. C. Derby, 1856.
Dreisbach (Johannes) and Niebel (Hein-
rich). Das gcistliche saitcnspiel, oder cine
sainmlung auserlesenor, erbaulicher,gei8t-
reicher lieder. Iste aufi. 5 p. 1. 436 pp.
4 1. 16 \ New-Berlin, {Penns:) S Miller
.y- H. Niebel, fiir die evangelische gemeinacha/t,
Dresser (Amos). The bible against war.
252 pp. 18-. Oberlin, [O.] author, 1849.
Dressier (William). Peters' catholic class
book; a collection of copyright songs,
duets, trios, and choruses. Including an
easy course of elementary instruction,
with exercises. 2.56 pp. 12°. New York,
J.S. Peters, [l&72-\.
The singing festival, (siluger-fest,) a
collection of popular glees, trios, quartets,
and choruses, for male voices. Selected
from the best authors. 240 pp. obi. 8°.
New York,./. L. Peters, [1873].
Drew (Jacob Halls). The life, character,
and literary lal>ours of Samuel Drew. By
his oldest son. 2d ed. 543 pp. portrait.
8°. London, Fisher, son .J- co. 1835.
Dring (Thomas). Recollections of the Jer-
sey prison-ship; taken and prepared for
publication from the original manuscript.
By Albert G. Greene. 167 pp. 1 pi. 16°.
Providence, H. H. Brown, 1829.
Drittes lesebuch. See Lesebuch (Drittes).
Dublin (The) review. [Quarterly]. Jan.
to oct. 1872. New series, v. 18-19 ; [com-
plete series, v. 70-71]. 8°. London, Burns,
Oates 4- CO. 1872.
Dublin (The) university calendar. For the
year 1873. Corrected to december 10,
1872. 12°. Dublin, Hodges, Foster »f co.
Dublin university magazine. A literary
and political journal. [Monthly]. Jan.
to dec. 1872. v. 79-80. 8°. Dublin, G.
Herbert, 1872.
Du Calvet (Pierre, editor). The case of Pe-
ter Du Calvet, of Montreal, in the pro-
vince of Quebeck. Containing an account
of the long and severe imprisonment he
sutfored in the said province by the order
of general Haldimand, without the least
offence, or other lawful cause, whatever,
xi, 284 pp. 8°. London, [autlior'], 1784.
Du Chastelet (Paul Hay). Histoire de Ber-
traud Dv Gvescliu, connestable de Franco.
Composde uouuollement, & donudo au
public aueo plusieurs pi^ce8 originales
touchaut la pr<5sente histoire, celle do
France & d'Espagno de ce temps l.\, &
particulierement de Bretagno. 12 p. 1. 480
pp. 10 1. fol. Paris, L. Billaire, 1666.
Duchess (The) Roneo and her court, 1872.
^tc'B. (L.)
Duclos (Charles Piueau). Considdrations
sur lea mcuurs de ce siiicle. 7o dd. xii,
392 pp. 2 1. 16°. Paris, Prault, 1780.
Dudley (J. L.) Tides and tendencies of re-
ligious thought. 307 pp. 12°. Philadel-
phia, Claxton, Remsen tj- Hajfelfinger, 1873.
Duffield (George, d. d. b. 1794.) Spiritual
life : or, regeneration, illustrated in a serit s
of disquisitions, relative to its author,
subject, nature, means, etc. xii, 613 pp.
1 1. 8°. Carlisle, Pa., G. Fleming, 1832.
and Barnes (Albert). Discourses on
the sabbath, vii, 13-156 pp. 18°. Phil-
adelphia, G. W. Donohue, 1836.
Dumas (Alexandre Davy). Audr6e de Ta-
verney: or, the downfall of the french
monarchy. Being the final conclusion of
" The memoirs of a physician," " The
queen's necklace," " Six years later," and
Dumas (Alexandre Davy) — coatiuued.
" Countess of Charny." Translated from
the french, by H. L. Williams. 2 v. 2 p.
1. 21-160 pp ; 2 p. 1. 21-106 pp. 8^. Phil-
adelphia, T. B. Peterson 4' brothers, [18G2].
The Mohicans of Paris. Translated
expressly for this ed. 189 pp. 8°. Phil-
adelphia, T. B. Peterson <J- brothers, [1859].
Napoleon. With conversational ex-
orcises, explanatory notes, and references
to the " new french method," by Louis
Fasquelle,ll. d. 273 pp. 12°. New York,
Ivison ij- Phlnney, 1855.
The same. Translation, composition,
conversation. With conversational exer-
cises, [etc.] by Louis Fasquelle. 27.3 pp.
12°. New York, Ivison, Phinney ij- co. 1861.
Dumas (Alexandre, fils). Camille ; or, the
camelia-lady : ("La dame aux Camillas").
A literal translation from the french. 249
pp. 12°. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson ^
brothers, [I860].
Dimbar (Edward E.) The mexican papers.
First series, nos. 1-5. Aug. 15, 1860, to
april, 1861. 179 pp. 8°. Neiv-York,J. A.
H. Hasbrouck, [e<c.] 1860-61. s.
Note. — Nos. 1-4 entitled, on covers, " The mexican
papers. — The mexican question, the great Ainer-
ican, with personal reminiscences. A serial,
issued semi-monthly " ; No. 5. " The mexican
papers, containing the history of the rise and
decline of commercial slavery in America, with
reference to the future of Mexico. April, 1861."
No more piiblished.
Dunbar (George). A concise general history
of the early grecian states : with some ob-
servations on the nature and policy of the
spartan and athenian governments. 99 pp.
8°. IXew York, 1825].
[With Potter (John), Archaeologia grseca, etc.
8°. New- York, CoUins <£ co. 1825J.
Duncan (P. B.) Essays and miscellanea,
[awon.] 2 V. 5 p. 1. 596 pp ; 420 pp. 16°.
Oxford, T. Comber 1840.
Dungan (D. R.) On the rock: or, truth
stranger than fiction. 358 pp. 12°. Os-
kaloosa, Iowa, Call, Bristol 4" co. 1872.
Dimglison (Eobley, w. d.) Medical lexicon.
A new dictionary of medical science, con-
taining a concise account of the various
subjects and terms ; with a vocabulary of
synonymes in diflferent languages. 2d ed.
vii, 821 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea 4'
Blanchard, 1839.
The practice of medicine ; or, a trea-
tise on special pathology and therapeutics.
[Ist ed.] 2 V. xii, 25-572 pp ; 750 pp.
8-^. Philadelphia, Lea .S' Blanchard, 1842.
12 0
Dunglison (Robley, »i. d.) — continued.
The same. 2d ed. 2 v. xii, 25-632
pp; 683 pp. 8°. Philadelphia^ Lea 4'
Blanchard, 1844.
Dunlap (S. F.) S<»d^ the mysteries of
Adoui. 216 pp. 8 \ I^ondon, Williams 4
Norgate, 1871.
Sod the son of the man. xxii, 152
pp. 8°. London, Williams 4- Norgate, 18GI.
Dimuing {Mrs. A. K.) Grace Avery's in-
fluence. Engd. tit. 389 pp. inc. 1 pi. 16'^.
Boston, I). Lothrop 4" co. 1873.
[The thousand dollar prize series].
Duperron de Cast^ra (Louis Adrieu). Ex-
traits de plusieurs pit^ces du th6A,tre es-
pagnol. See Vega Carpio (F61ix Lope
Duppa (Richard). A brief account of the
subversion of the papal government, 1798.
2d ed. xii, 200 pp. 8^. London, G. G. 4'
J. Robinson, 1799.
Du Pratz. See Pratz (Le Page Du).
Dupuy (Miss Eliza A.) Was he guilty?
1 p. 1. 19-456 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, T. B.
Peterson 4- brothers, [1873].
Who shall be victor ? A sequel to
"The cancelled will." 1 p. 1. 19-364 pp.
Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson 4- brothers,
Durbiu (John Price, d. d.) Observations in
the east, chiefly in Egypt, Palestine, Syria,
and Asia minor. 2 v. xi, 347 pp. 5 pi. 2
maps ; x, 299 pp. 13 pi. map. 12°. New
York, Harpej' 4' brothers, 1845.
Durlvage (Francis Alexander). Life scenes,
sketched in light and shadow from the
world around us. Engd. tit. 408 pp. 5 pi.
12°. Boston, B. B. Mussey 4- co. 1853.
Dutcher (George M.) Disenthralled : a
story of my life. 276 pp. 7 pi. 12°. Hart-
ford, Columbian book co. 1872.
Duval (John C.) The adventures of big-
foot Wallace, the Texas ranger and hunt-
er. 291 pp. 8 pi. 12°. Philadelphia, Clax-
ton, Bemsen 4' Haffelfinger, 1871.
Duverger (— ). Recueil de pieces choisies,
li I'usage des personnes qui veulent ap-
prendre le fran^ais. v, 438 pp. 16°. Lon-
dres, B. Appleyard, [ffc] 1795.
Duvergier de Hauranne (Prosper). His-
toire du gouvernement parlementaire en
France— 1814-1848— pr6c<Sd<Se d'une intro-
duction, v. 10. 8 \ Paris, M. L^vyfrircs,
' 90
Duyckinck (Evert Augustus). History of
the world from the earliest period to the
present time. Illustrated with engrav-
ings from original paintings by Ctmppel ;
[and others]. 4 v. 8"^. -Vcjr York, John-'
WW, />»/.)• <o. [ldC9-71].
and Chappel (Alonzo). Lives and
portraits of the presidents of the United
States, from Washington to Grant. The i
biographies, by E. A. Duyckinek, and the [
l)ortraits, by Alonzo Chappel. [Also], the I
constitution of the United States ; "Wash-
ington's farewell address, etc. Engd. tit. !
248 pp. 4 1. of facs. 18 pi. 4^. Xm- 1 orA, '
Johnson, JVilson .)• eo. [1873]. !
Duyckinck (George Long). The life of;
George Herbert. 11)7 pp. :i pi. portrait. \
18^\ Xew York, Gtn. prol. epixcopal .**. s.
union and church book society, 1858. j
The life of Jeremy Taylor. 183 pp.
portrait. 16^. New York, Gen. prot. episco-
pal s. 8. union and church book society, 18G0.
Divight (Nathaniel). A scriptural answer
to the question, how may I know that I
am an adopted ch ild of God f 210 pp. 12P.
Xoncich, IConn.^ J. Dunham, 1830.
A short but comprehensive system of
the geography of the world. By way of
question and answer. The 1st Albany
ed. from the 2d Hartford ed. enlarged.
189 pp. IG^. Albany, [X. Y.] C. li. .^ d.
fVebstcr, [about 179G].
[Imperfect; wanting pp. 39-60 and 71 -701 .
D"wight (Theodore, J>'.) The father's book ;
or suggestions for the government and in-
struction of young children, on principles
appropriate to a christian country. 2 p. 1.
199 pp. 12^. SpringJicUl,lMa8S.'\ G.c^ C.
Merriam, 1834.
Dwight (Timothy, d, d.) Additional hymns,
designed as a supplement to Dwight's
I)salmH & hymns. See Bacon (Leonard).
Hymns selected from dr. Watts, dr.
Doddridge, and various other writers.
Nee Watts (Isaac, d.d.) The iisalms of
David, 1817.
D^wyer (C. P.) The immigrant builder ; or,
practical hints to handy-men. Showing
clearly how to jdan and construct dwell-
ings in the bush, on the prairie, or else-
whore, cheaply and wvW, with wood, earth,
or gravel. Mr> pp. 1 pi. 8 . Philadelphia,
Claxton, Hemsen .)'• Ilaffelfimjcr, 1872.
Dyckman (J. G.) The american militia
odicor's manual, being a plain and concise
system of instruction for infantry, field &
Dyckman (J. G.)— continued,
horse artillery, cavalry and riflemen. With
an appendix, containing forms for orders,
returns, and directions for holding courts
martial. In conformity to the militia laws
of the state of New York. 2d ed. 216 pp.
Itab. 12^. Xew-York,X.B.Holme8,\&i^.
Dymock (John, //. d.) A new abridgment of
Ainsworth's dictionary. .Ve Ains"worth
E. (B. E.) From night to light, lanon.l^
290 pp. 3 pi. IG^. Boston, D. Lothrop «y-
CO. [1872].
E. (J.) Slow horses made fast, and fast
horses made faster. A historical view of
the american trotter. With approved and
successful methods of developing the speed
of horses. [«/iow.] 101 pp. 10 pi. 129.
Xew York, J. Haney ^- co. 1871.
Early (The) dawn, 1864. Sec Charles ( Mrs.
Early englisli text society. Publications,
nos. 45-52 ; extra series, nos. G, 9, 10, 12-17.
17 V. 8*^. London, X^. TrUbner .J- co. 18G8-73.
BoKUE (Andrew). The fyrst boke of the intro-
duction of knowledge made by Andrew Borde.
A compendyous regyment or a dyetary of belth,
compyled by Andrewe Boorde. Barnes in the
defence of the berde ; a treatyse made, answor-
vn^e the treatyse of doctor Borde upon berdes.
ii^dited by F. J. Furni vail. [Extra series, no. 10] .
C. (R.) Tlie times' whistle : or a newe daunce of
seven satires, and otlier poems: compiled by R.
C. With introduction by J. M. Cowper. [No. 481.
Chaucer (G.) A treatise on the astrolabe; ad-
dressed to his son Lowys. Edited by rev. W. W.
Skeat, 1872. [Extra series, no. 16].
CiiEVKLEHE AssiGNE. The romance of the chev-
elere Assigne. Ke-edited by H. H. Gibbs, 1808
[Extra series, no. 6].
CoMPLAVNT (The) of Scotlande, vyth ane exorta-
tione to the thre estaits to be vigilante in the
deflfens of their i)ublic veil. 1549. [anon.] With
an appendix of contemporary euglish tracts.
Ite-euited from the originals oy <]^mea A. U.
Murray. Part 1, 1872. [Extra series, no. 17].
C ROWLEY (R.) The select works of Robert Crow-
ley. Edited with notes by J. M. Cowper, 1872.
[Extra series, no. 15].
Ei.Lis (Alexander J. editor). On early english
pronunciation, with especial reference to Shak-
spere and Chaucer. Partiii. Illustrations of the
pronunciation of the xivth and xvith centuries,
1871. [Extra series, no. 14].
FuuNiVALL (P'rederick J.) end CowrER (.T. M.) A
supplicacyon for the be^gers. Written about
the Vear 1529 by Simon FisIk Now re-edited by
F. J. Fumivall. With a supplycacion to our
most^i soveraigne lorde kynge H»>nry the eyght
(1544 a. d.) A supplication of the poore com-
mons (1546 n. d.) The decaye of England by
Ihegreat multitudeof shope (1550-3 a. d.) Edited
by J. M. Cowper. [Extra series, no. 13].
G HijGORY I, t/w great (Saint). King Alfred's west-
saxon version of Gregory's Pastoral care. With
an english translation, the latin text, notes, and
an intro<luotion. Edited by llcnrj- Sweet. Parti.
1871. I No. 45].
The same. Part ii. 1872. No. 50.
Lindsay (Sir David). The minor pot^nis of Lyndo-
say. Sir David Lyndesay's works, part .5." Ed-
ited by J. A. H. Murray. [No. 47].
Early english text society — continued.
M0RUI8 (Richard, II. d. editor). I^goadR of the
holy rood, Bynibols of the paflsiou and crosH —
)H>oms. In old ongliah of the 11th, 14th &.
15th contaries. Witu introduction, translations,
and filossarial index. 1H71. (No. 40].
An old english miscellany containing a
hestiary, kentish sermons, proverhs of Alfred,
religious poems of the I3th century. Edited hy
rev. Richard Morris, 11. d. 1872. (Xo. 49).
Palladius on husbandrio. Edited from the unique
ms. of about 1420. By rev. Barton Lodge. Tart
1. 1873. [No. 52).
POOB (Richard le, bishop of Sanim). The liflade
of St. Juliana, from old (English manuHcri])t« of
1230, a. d. With rendcriimM into modern eu^jlish
by rev. O. Cockayne and Edmond Brock. 1872.
Starkey (Thomas). England in the reign of king
Henry the eighth. A dialogue between cardi-
nal Polo and Thomas Lupsot. Edited, with
preface, notes, and glossary, by J. M. Cowj)er.
And with an introuuction, containing the life
and letters of Thomas Starkoy, by the rev. J. 8.
Brewer, which will form part 1. Part ii. 1871.
[Extra series, no. 12].
Vli.Ks (Edward) and Fi'RXIVAI.l (F. J.) editors.
The fraternitje of vacabondes by John Awdeloy
from the ed. of 1575. A caveat or warening for
common cursetors vulgarely called vagal)ones
by Thomas Harman, from the 3d cd. of 1567.. A
sermon in praise of thieves and thievery by
S arson Haben or Ilyberdyne from the Lans-
owne ms. 98, and (yotton vesp. a. 25. Those
parts of the groundworko of conny-catching (ed.
1592) that diifer from Ilarmans caveat. [Extra
scries, no. 9J.
Reports of the committeo. Jan. 1865,
to Jan. 1870, and Jan. 1872. Ist-Gth and
8th. 8°. ILondon, Early englisli text hoc.
^oee.— l8t-4th reports with Early englisli texts,
nos. 5, 12, 25, 31.
Early (The) life, campaigns, and public
services of Robert E. Lee, 1870. See Pol-
lard (E. A.)
Earnest (The) laborer ; or Myrtle Hill plan-
tation. \_anon.'\ 176 pp. 3 X'l. 18°. New
York, Carlton 4- Porter, [1864].
Eastern, Boston and Maine railroads, etc.
Directory, 1872. See Greenough, Jones
& CO.
Eastman (Julia A.) Striking for the right.
414 pp. 4 pi. 16°. Boston, D. Lothrop <f co.
[The thousand dollar prize series ]
Easy (The) primer, 1833. See Meniam
Eaton (Asahel K.) A text-book on agri-
cultural chemistry. In two parts. No. 1.
7, 13-160 pp. 12°. Utica, H. JI. Hawley
4- CO. 1847.
Eaton (James S.) The common school
arithmetic ; combining analysis and syn-
thesis. 300 pp. 12°. Boston, F. A.
Brown 4- co. 1862.
The same. 312 pp. 12°. Boston,
Taggard «f- Thompson, 1863.
Eaton (James S.)— continued.
The same. Enlarged cd. 336 pp.
12°. Boston, Taggard <;• Thompson, IBK^.
The same. Enlarged ed. 348 pp.
12°. Boston, Taggard .;• Thompson, 1867.
Easy lessons in mental arithmetic,
upon the inductive method ; adapted to
the best mode of instruction in primary
schools. 06 pp. 16 '. Bonton, llroicn .V'
Taggard, 1860.
The elements of written arithmetic.
Combining analysis and synthesis. 18d
pp. 16 \ Boston, Taggard tS- Thompson, ItH^.
An intellectual arithmetic upon the
inductive [or Pestalozzian] method, with
an introduction to written arithmetic.
176 pp. KF. Botton, Taggard ^S' Thomp-
son, 1864.
A treatise on arithmetic. Combin-
ing analysis and synthesis, viii, 355 pp.
12°. Boston, Brown, Taggard tf- Chase, 1857.
Eberle (John, m. d.) and M'Clellan (Qeorgr,
m. d.) editors. See Medical (The) review,
and analectic journal, 1824-26.
]^claireiu' (The), a military journal devoted
to the interests of the military forces of
the state of New York, and the official
military circular of the 9th brigade, N. Y.
8. m. f.. V. 2. August 1, 1854, to august
1, 1855. J. Watts de Peyster, editor. A.
T. Cowman, editor of v. 1. 8~. Pough-
keepsie, Piatt <y- Schram, [1855].
Eclectic (The) magazine of foreign litera-
ture, science, and art. [ Monthly ]. W. H.
Bidwell, editor. Jan. to dec. 1872. New
series, v. 1.5-16 ; [complete series, v. 78-
79]. 8°. Xew York, E. E. Pel ton, 1872.
Eclectic (The) medical journal, edited by
JohnM. Scudder, m.d. [Monthly]. Jan.
to dec. 1872. v. 32. 8°. Cincinnati, J. .)f.
Scudder, 1872.
Economist (The), weekly commercial times,
bankers' gazette, and railway monitor : a
political, literary, and general newspaper.
Jan. 6 to dec. 28, 1872. v. 30. fol. Lon-
don, T. n. Meredith, 1872.
Edinbtirgh (The) commercial list, 1873-74.
See Glasgow.
Edinburgh (The) review, or critical journal.
Quarterly. Jan. to oct. 1872. v. Kt5-136.
8°. London, Longmans, 1872.
Edinburgh (The) university calendar, 1872-
73. 16°. Edinburgh, for the unirersity by
J. Thin, 1872. s.
Edmond (Amanda M.) Rclij;ious aud other
poems. 263 pp. 1'2^. Boston, GouUl .f-
Lincohty 1872.
Edson (N. I. pseudon.) Silent Tom. 1 p. 1.
377 pp. 3 pi. IG^. lloston, I). Lothrop <»• co.
IThe thousand dollar prize serleHl.
Ed'wards (Bela Bates). Classical stndies:
essays on ancient literature and art. iSei-
Sears (Barnas), Ed^vards, and Felton.
Egerton (Sir Thomas, carl of Wilton). On
the sports and pastimes of the euglish, as
hearing npon their national character, x,
334 pp. 12^. London, Harrison, 18G8.
Eggleaton (Ecv. Edward). The mj'stery of
Metropolisville. 320 pp. inc. 10 pi. 12".
Xcw York, O. Judd.^ co. [1873].
Eggleaton (George Gary). How to educate
yourself: with or without masters, viii,
151 pp. 12^. Xeio York, G. P. Putnam .;•
sons, 1872.
[Putnam's handy-book aeries].
Egliseau (S. S.) Sketches for you. 232 pp.
3 pi. sq. 16°. Philadelphia, Prexhyt&'ian
hoard of publication, [1858].
Elchberg (Julius) and others. The fourth
music reader: a course of musical instruc-
tion, vi, 330 pp. 8". Boston, Ginn hroth-
ers, 1872.
ElementB (The) of astronomy, 1850. See
Lowell (Mrs. Anna G.)
Eliot (George, pseudon.) See Evans (Ma-
Eliot (William Greenleaf, d. d.) Discourses
on the unity of God, and other subjects.
168 pp. 12^. Boston, Crosby, Xichoh t|- co.
Elizabeth Benton ; or, religion in connec-
tion with fashionable life, [anon.^ 187
pp. 18°. Xew-York, Harpei' <J- brothers,
Elkswatawa, 1836. See French (J.)
Ellicott (Charles John, d. d.) Considera-
tions on the revision of the english ver-
sion of the new testament. 178 pp. 8*.
Xew York, Harper .J- brothers, 1873.
[ScHAFK (Philip). Tlie revision of the endiBh
version of tiio now toaUiiueut, part 3J.
Ellis {Rev. William). Sketch of the life of
mrs. Mary Mercy P:ili8, wife of rev. Will-
iam Ellis, (of the South Sea island mis-
sion), [anon.'] 160 pp. portrait. 32".
Philadelphia, Am. s. s. vnion, 1837.
TVo^c— Compiled from a memoir by W. Ellis.
Elmer (Lucius Q. C. II. d.) The constitu-
tion and government of the province and
state of New Jersey, with biographical
sketches of the governors from 1776 to
1845. And reminiscences of the bench
and bar, during more than half a century,
viii, 6, 495 pp. 8". Newark, N. J., M. B.
Dennis tf co. 1872.
The same.
[New Jersey historical society collections, v. 7J.
Elocutionist's (The) annual, comprising
new and popular readings, recitations,
declamations, dialogues, tableaux, etc.
By J. W. Shoemaker. [1873]. No. 1. 194
pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. W. Daughaday
.f- CO. 1873.
£m€ric-David (Toussaiut Bernard). Jupi-
ter. Recherches sur ce dieu, sur sou culte,
et sur les monumeus qui le repr^sentent.
Ouvrage pr^c6d6 d'un essai sur I'esprit de
la religion grecque. 2 v. 3 p. 1. ccxcvi,
349 pp. 1 pi ; 2 p. 1. 612 pp. 2 pi. 8°.
Paris, Vimprimerie royale, 1833.
Emerson (George Barrell, II. d.) Upon
studies for practical men ; with notices of
books suited to their use.
[In SULUVAN (William). The political class book.
12P. Boston, Richardson, Lord d Holbrook, 1830.
Appendix, or pp. 125-148].
Emerson {Rev. John Edwards). See Clark
{Rev. Rufus W.)
Emerson (L. 0.) and Palmer (H. R.) The
standard. A collection of sacred and
secular music. 399 pp. obi. 8°. Boston,
O. Ditson c^' CO. [1872].
Emerson (Nannette Snow). A thanksgiv-
ing story ; embodying the ballad of" Betsy
and I are out," and other poems. 200 pp.
12°. Xew York, G. W. Carleton cf- co. 1873.
Emery (E. B.) Queens. [A novel]. 379
pp. 16^. Boston, Estes <f Lauriat, [1872].
Emery (Sarah A.) Three generations.
Illustrated by miss L. B. Humphrey. 1
p. 1. 244 pp. 6 pi. 8°. Boston, Lee 4- She^-
ard, 1872.
Emily and uncle Hanso. By the author of
Amy and her brothers, [etc. anon.] 150
pp. 3 pi. 18°. New York, Am. tract
society, [1861].
Emily Ashton; or, light burdens lifted.
[anon.] 312 pp. 16°. New York, Am,
tract society, [1872].
Eminent Americans and patriots of the rev-
olution, [anon.] 151 pp. 1 pi. 16^. Nexo
York, J. S, Taylor, 1848.
Emma Herbert, or be yo perfect. Innuti.]
175 pp. 3 pi. IG \ rhiladelphia, Prenby-
terian board of publication, [1863].
Emma Parker; or, scenes in the homes of
the city poor. IJy the author of •' Wit-
nessing for Jesus." [awoM.] 408 pp. 1(5°.
Nctv York, A, D. F. Randolph 4- co. [1871],
Emmons (Richard, m. d.) The fretloniad:
or, independence preserved. An (^i)ick
poem on the late war of I'^l^. 4 v. Vi^\
Boston, author, 18*27.
England (Church of). The book of com-
mon prayer. With the psalter or psalms
of David. 1 p. 1. 23G pp. l^o. London,
Shepherd .f- Sutton, 1843.
The same. La liturgio, et Ics autres
cdrdmonies & cofltumes de I'dglise, selon
Tusage de r<5gli8e anglicane : avec le
pseautier, ou les pseaumes de David. 17
p. 1. 344 pp. 1G°. Londrcs, R. Everingham,
England (Royal college of surgeons of).
Calendar, 1872. 8°. London, Taylor «f
Francis, 1872. s.
Eugllsh (The) musical repository : a choice
selection of esteemed english songs, adapt-
ed for the voice, violin, and german llute.
lanon.li 292 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Edinburgh,
Oliver cj- Boyd, 1811.
English reading lessons, to serve as an in-
troduction to the models of english liter-
ature, lanon.'] 216 pp. 12°. Baltimore,
Metropolitan press, 1843.
Note.— The compUer is said to bo the rev. Edward
English (The) spelling book ; with a critical
analysis of the language, and a classifica-
tion of its elements; on a new plan.
[_anon.'\ 156 pp. portrait. 12". Xew York,
Leavitt, Trow .J- co. 1846.
English synonymous, 1803. See Tnisler
(John, II. d.)
English (The) Theophrastus; or the man-
ners of the age. Being the modern char-
acters of the court, the town, and the city.
lanon.-\ 3d ed. 7 p. 1. 384 pp. 1 pi. 8".
London, B. Lintott, 1708.
Entertaining (An) account of all the coun-
tries of the known world, describing the
different religions, habits, tempers, cus-
toms, trafiBck, and manufactures, of their
inhabitants, [etc. anon.^ 3d^d. 490pp.
8 1. 13 pi. 8°. London, R. Goadby, 1752.
Account (An) of a joamey from Grand Cairo to
raonnt Sinai. Performed by the presetto of
Kgypt, in company with Homo niiHftfonaricH. in
Entertaining (Aji) account, etc.— cont'd.
1772. Translated from their journal, pp. yj*-
AccouNT (An) of Pah'stino, or, the lioly land.
With a descrintiun of Jerusalem. ].p. 319-;«il.
AXHON (Co7/imodor«GcorKe). A voyaco roundlh«<
^ world. 1740 to 1744. pp. 415-490.
Canimdil's (Jicv. (Jeorgf'). An account of lln!
island Formosa, pp. 80-02.
Disco VKKV (The) of the Wi'Mt-Tndics (cilld tJic
now world) by ChriHt4»phc'r ColuujbuH. jtp. S-lii.
IDKS (E. YsbrantH). TIio Iravols of IiIh excl
loncy E. YMbrants Ides, (tivint; a copiuuH ac-
count of sfvcral nations, pp. 9;{-172.
Norwood (Col.) A voyage to Virginia, pp. 207-
KoK '{Sir Thomas). Tlio ionrnal of sir Thoman
Koo, ambaM8a<lor from kint; Jamt-H tli« first of
Knj'land, to Idian (Jiiirc, the migiity i-mpsror
of India, pp. 20l-2«>6.
Voya«;k (Tiio) of Fordinand Maglianon. or Magel-
lan, from tho 8<mth 8<-aM to th« Kant Iuili«'M.
(lieing tho lirst voyage made round tho world),
pp. 173-200.
Erasmus. The bible exposed by Erasnuis.
[pseudon. Fred. May]? viii, 351 pp. 8-*.
Boston, J. /'. Mendum, 1862.
Erickson (D. S.) The Wadsworth boys ;
or, Agnes' decision. 1 p. 1. 378 pp. 2 pi.
16^. Boston, D. Lothrop .^ co. [1872].
[Tho thousand dollar prize series].
Erskine (/^cr. Ralph). Gospel sonnets ; or,
spiritual songs. In six parts. 326 pp.
16\ Aberdeen, G. ,y R. King, 1844.
Erskine (Thomas, lord). Speeches of lord
Erskine, while at the bar. Edited by
James Lambert High. v. 4. 503 pp. 8^.
Chicago, Callaghan tj- CWAcro//,.1870.
Ertheiler (Moritz). English colloquial
phrases, alphabetically arranged, with a
free translation into the german, a literal
translation of the german into the en-
glish, and the position of the german words
in english. 19, 199 pp. 12 . Lancaster,
\_ra.;\for the author, 1843.
A phrase-book in engli.sh and german.
Arranged on the plan of a dictionary. 172
pp. 16'-. New- York; Greeley 4' McElrath,
"Erwie." [p«eMf/on.] Echo-bank. A temper-
ance tale. By "Ervie." 269 pp. 18^.
Xew York, Xational temperance society and
publication house, 1868.
Ess. Sec Van Ess.
Essays and miscellanea, 1810. Sec Duncan
(P. B.)
Essays ou various subjects of taste, morals,
and national policy, 1822. See Tucker
(Henry St. G.)
Essex county (Mass.) The Essex county
directory, for the year commencing May 1,
1871. 8^. Boston, Briggs 4- co. 1871.
Estelle Grant; or, the lost wife, [amoh.]
:«>0pp. 12°. Netr York, Garrett 4- vn.[\i^^^].
Eatemo (Ferdinand Ilouri-Philippe d').
Dob privilt'^^iiSs do Tancien rdgiuie cu
France et des privildgids du nouveau.
2 V. 2 p. 1. 589 pp ; 1 p. 1. xi, 522 pp. 8-.
Paris, Guillanmin tj- cie. 1807.
Estrada {Jos6 Manuel). Ensajo histurico
sobre la revolucion do los couuincros del
Paraguay en el siglo xviii, soguido do tin
ai><^ndice sobre la decadeucia del Paraguay
y la guerra do 1865. x, 3G6 pp. 16 .
Buenos-AircK, impreuta de la Xacion argen-
iiiia, 1865. S.
Mcmoria sobro la oducaciou coniun
ou la provincia do Buenos Aires. 284 pp.
8^. Buenos Aires, impnnta amcricnna,
1870. 8.
Estv^ (B.) War pictures from the south,
viii, 352 pp. 12 \ -NV»' York, I). Applcton
.J- CO. 1863.
Eatvan (Mathilde). Harry Delaware. Or
an American in Germany. 142 pp. 8\
New York, G. P. Putnam <y- sons, 1872.
Ethel Somers, 1857. See Smythe (James M.)
Eulenapiegel (Till). Les aventures de Til
Ulespit^glo. I'remiere traduction complete
faito sur I'original allemand do 1519, pr6-
c^d<5e d'une notice et suivie do notes, par
m. Pierre Jannct. xvi, 212 pp. 16 \
Paris, E. Picard, 1866.
[Nouvelle collection Jannct].
Note.— A. translation of Thomas Muniors Ulcn-
sniegel, horausgogobon von J. M. Lappenborg.
Leipzig, 1854. The work itself belongs to the
gernian volkshiicher of the 15th century.
Eumenea. [psrudon.'\ See GrifBth (Will-
Eutropius. Eutropii bistoriai romana; bre-
viarium; cum versione anglica, in qua
verbum do verbo exprimitur ; notls quoque
«fe indice : or, Eutropius' compendious his-
tory of Rome, with an english translation,
notes and an index. By John Clarke. 3d
am. ed. Revised by Samuel Rudd. 176
pp. 2 1. 12°. Xeiv York, E. Dnyckinck,
Evangeline. Ipseudon.'] ^et- Newman ( -if /•«.
A. E.)
Evangelische agendo. AS'ee Evangelischer
kirchenvereiu des westens.
Evangeliacher kircheuverein des westens.
Evangelische agendo, llerausgegeben von
der Evangolischen synodo des westens,
friiher benanut Evangelischer kirchen-
vereiu des westens. 1 p. 1. iv, 364 pp. 8'^.
St. Louis, Mo., L. E. SoUau, 1867.
Evangelisches gesangbuch. Ileraus-
, gegeben von dom Evangelischen kirchen-
Evangelischer, etc. — continued,
verein des westens. 480 pp. 4 1. 12°. St,
Louis, Mo., L. [A'.] NoUau, 1862.
The same. 1 p. 1. 461, 98 pp. 18°.
St. Louis, L. [A'.] Nollau, 1863.
The same. 1 p. 1. 461, 98 pp. 18°.
I St. lA)uis, Mo., L. E. NoUau, 1867.
Evangeliach-lutherische kirche in den
Voroiuigteu Staateu. See Lutheran
j (Evangelical) church.
Evangelische reformirto gcmoinc. Das
none und verbesserte gesangbuch, worin
I die psalmen Davids sammt einer samm-
I lung alter und neuer geistreicher lieder,
sowohl fiir privat- und hausandachten, als
audi fiir don oilentlichen gottesdienst
enthalteu siud. Nach eiuem synodal-
schluss zusammen - getragen und einge-
richtet fiir die evangelisch - reformirten
gemeinen in den Veroinigten Staaten von
Amorika. 7to aufl. 539, 29 pp. 16".
Sumnytaun, [Pa.] E. Benner, 1838.
Evans (B. R.) The republican compiler,
comprising a series of pieces, in prose and
verse. Selected from the best american
writers. By a citizen of Pittsburgh.
lauon.'] 262pp. 12°. Pittsburgh, Cramer
<j' Spear, 1818.
Evans (A'ev. Christmas). Sermons, on
various subjects, translated from the
welsh, by J. Davis. 408 pp. 12°. Bea-
ver, \_Penn.'\ W. Henry, 1837.
Evans {Rev. James Harington). Psalms
and hymns, selected chiefly for public
worship. 184 1. 24°. London, J. F. Shaw,
Evans (John). The paruassian garland ;
or, beauties of modern poetry : selected
from the works of the most distinguished
poets of the present age. "With intro-
ductory lines to each article. Engd. tit.
xxii, 264 pp. 18°. [London'\, Albion
press, 1807.
Evans (Marian). Middlemarch : a study
of provincial life. By George Eliot.
lpscudon.'\ Harper's library ed. 2 v. 468
pp ; 452 pp. 12°. Xew York, Harper <r
broUiers, 1872-73.
[Novels of George Eliot, t. 6-7).
Scenes of clerical life. By George
Eliot. Ipseudon.'] 4 i>. 1. 330 pp. 5 pi.
12°. Edinburgh, Blackwood ij- sons, [1868].
[Novels of George Eliot, v, 4].
Evsins (William). A new english- welsh
dictionary. 168 1. unp. 8 \ Carmarthen,
J. Boss ij- B. Bhydero, 1771.
Eve (Joseph). Better to be ; a poeui iu six
books. 156 pp. 16*^. Augusta, [C?a.]
Chronicle i^ Advertiser office, 1823.
Evening (The) post. [New York daily].
Jan. 2 to dec. 31, 1872. 2 v. fol. Xew
York, W. a Bryant cj- co. 1872.
Evening (The) star. [Washington daily].
Jan. 1 to dec. 30, 1872. 2 v. fol. Wash-
ington, Evening star co. 186y-70.
Every Saturday. A journal of choice read-
ing. [Weekly]. Jan. G to doc. 28, 1872.
New [3d] series, v. 1-2. 8^. Jioston, J. It.
Osgood tf- CO. 1872.
Everett (Edward, II. d.) Selections from the
works of Edward Everett, with a sketch
of his life. 180 pp. 2 pi. 32-^. Boston, J.
Burns, [1839].
Evidences of revealed religion, 171)H. See
Mendon association.
Examination and review of a pamphlet by
M. E. Gorostiza, entitled ** Correspondence
between the legation extraordinary of
Mexico and the department of state of the
United States, respecting the passage of
the Sabine, by the troops under the com-
mand of general Gaines." [a«ow.] 188
pp. 8^. Washington, P. Force, 1837.
Examiner (The), a monthly- review of relig-
ious and humane questions and of litera-
ture. An organ of radical Christianity.
Rev. Edward C. Towne, editor. Nov.
1870, to July, 1871. Nos. 1-5 in 1 v. 8^.
Chicago, Western news co. [1870-71];
"Xoie. — No more published.
Expedition (The) of Humphry Clinker.
See Smollett (Tobias, m. d.)
F. (L. A.) Helen Freeman; or the right
path. By L. A. F. 268 pp. 3 pi. 18^.
Philadelphia, J. P. Skelly 4- co. 1871.
Fabens (Joseph Warren). The camel hunt ;
a narrative of personal adventure, vi,
219 pp. 12°. Boston, J. Munroe if co.
Faithful in little, 1873. See Read (Emily).
Fales (Rev, Eeuben). Peregriuus in his
childhood. A poem. 296 pp. 18°. Bos-
ton, G. W. Briggs, [1849].
Fadl River (2fa««.) The Fall River directory,
and an almanac for 1861, 1864. By Adams,
Sampson & co. 2 v. 18^. Fall River, R.
Adams, 1861-64.
The Fall River directory, 1873. No. 10.
8^. Boston, Samjison, Davenport 4' «>• 1872.
Family (The). Areligious institution. 1840.
See-B.. (/^a\E.)
Family prayer for moi'niug and evening,
1861. See Schaeffer (C. W.)
Family prayers, for every morning and
evening during a month. Revised from
a London work by Henry V. D. Johns,
d.d. [anon.^ 230 pp. 16. lialtimort,
Armstrong 4' Berry, 1850.
Abt^.— Original edition publiBhed by tlio London
religiouM tract nociety.
Famham (J. T.) The early days of Cali-
fornia : embracing what I saw and heard
there, with scenes in the Pacific. 314 pp.
20 pi. 12^. Philadelphia, J. E. Potter, 1859.
Farrar (John, II. d.) An elementary treatiso
on astronomy, being the fourth part of a
course of natural philosophy, compiled
for the use of the students of the univer-
sity at Cambridge, New England. 2d ed.
vii, 4(52 pp. 9 pi. 8 \ Boston, Hilliard,
Gray 4- co. 1834.
Fashionable infidelity, or the triumph of
patience, [anon.'] 3 v. 16°. London,
T. Hoolcham, 1789.
Fasquelle (Louis). Translation, composi-
tion, conversation. Napoldon, par Alexan-
dre Dumas. *S'ee Dumas (Alexandre).
Fast {Rev. J. J.) Die cantica sacra; eine
sammlung von kirchengesiingen, enthal-
tend, nebst einigen neuen stUcken, eine
auserlesene auswahl deutscher und eng-
lischer chonele, choral- gesaiuge, psahno-
die etc ; mit deutschem und englischem
texte. [Or], The cantica sacra; a collec-
tion of church music, embracing besides
some new i)ieces, a choice selection of
german and english chorals, set pieces,
chants, etc ; with the text in german and
english. 352 pp. obi. 8^^. Hudson, O.,
Hudson hook company, [1854]. s.
Fatherland (The) series. 4 v. 16°. Phila-
delphia, Lutheran hoard of puhlication, 1872.
noFFMAXN (Fr.iuz), Knight and peasant.
Solfwill and repentance.
NiERiTZ (Gustav). Gustavna Vaea.
Redenbacheu (William). The emerald.
Fawcett (Henry, m. d.) Matrimony, im-
potency and sterility explained, with a
comprehensive exposition of the nature
and modem treatment of syphilis, second-
ary symptoms, gonorrhcea, gleet, stric-
tures, whites, seminal weakness, nocturnal
emissions, and masturbation, etc. 172 pp.
12^. New York, 1844.
Fay (Francis, pseudon.) Life real and un-
real. By Francis Fay. 264 pp. IH .
Philadelphia, Am. s. s. union, [185:1].
Peatley (Dauicl, d. d.) Ancilla pietatis ; or, Pin du rdpertoire, etc.— contiuued.
the hand-maid to private devotion : pre-
senting a manuall to her mistrcsse, fur- :
nished with instructions, hjnins & prayers.
8th ed. Engd. tit. 2:\ j). 1. 7G7 pp. 16-.
TA>ndon,by W. Iliint for X. Bourne, lO'^Cy.
[Imperfect; pp. 14.V16S wantiii;,'J.
Felinus (Aretius, pxcndoii.) Scr Biicer
Fellowea (Francis). Sacred liistory of tlie
dohigo ilhistrated ; and corroborated by {
tradition, mythology, and geology. With '
an introductory essay, by rev. C. Colton, '
d. d. 150 pp. 1 pi. 13-. rhUaddphla,
Key cj- liiddle, 1830. i
Felton (Cornelius Conway). Classical stud- ,
i»'s; essays on ancient literature and art. i
See Seara (Barnas), Edwards (Bela B.) |
and Felton. "^ '
Ferdosl. See Hasan ben Mohammed < /
TuHi (Abu'l Kaisim Firdusi).
Ferrell (William). Converging series ex- 1
pressing the ratio between the diameter
and the circumference of a circle. G pp.
4^\ \_Wash\ngton, Smithsonian itmtUittion,
I Smithsonian coutribution.s, v. 18, art. .')].
Ferrer de Couto (.Ios<5). Los negros en sus
di versos estados y condiciones ; tales conio
son, corao se supone quo son, y como de-
ben ser. nil pp. 8^. Xiiera VorJc, ffallet,
Fessenden (L. G.) The prairie vocalist,
etc ; 185;). S:e Gibson (.J«)hn) and Fes-
Fetridge (W. Pembroke.) Sec Harper's
hand-book for travellers in Europe and
the east, 1872-73.
Feuilles (Lcs) d'automne, 1341. .SV;c Hugo
(Victor M.)
Field (Kate). Pen i)hot()graphs of Charles
Dickens's readings. Taken from life. New
and ei!large<l ed. vi, 152 pp. 10 pi. por-
trait. 12 \ Jlo.'iton, J. R. fhgood if- co. 1871,
Field (Nathaniel, m. d.) A debate on the
state of the dead, 1854. See Connelly
( Uev. T. P.) and Field.
Fillmore (Augnstusl).)fOK7Skene (Robert).
The Concordia: a collection of sacred mu-
sic, selectiMl and arrar.ged for congrega-
tional worshi]), 415 pp. obi. 8. Cincin-
nati, A. I). Fit I more, [18(55].
Fin du repertoire du tbdAtre franvais, avec
un nouvean choix des pi«>c»'S des autres
theatres rasseinbl^es par [P. M. M.] Le-
peintre. v. 1-38. 18°. ParU, inme. veuve
Dabo, 1824.
TiageJUa, .3 r. r. 1-3.
A SCKI,0T (J. A F. P.) Fiesque, v. 3,
AUNAILT {\. V.) Gcrmanicus, v. 2.
AvKitiNY (C. J. L. L. (If). -Jeanne d'Arc h Konen,
V. 1.
Bis(H:.) Attila, v.2.
I.KMKKciKK (N. L.) Bandouin, empcreur. V. 2.
Freilt-jronde et Ilrun^^'haut, v. 2.
1.1 Ai^ftHK.s ( P. C.) Conradin et Fr6diTic, v. 3.
Jane Shore, v. 3.
MoKAXD (P. de). Child6ric, v. 1.
MUKVir.LK (P. N. A.) Abdelazis et Ziileima, v. I.
I'fccMANTufe (N. de). Gi-ta, v. 1.
SuLMET (A.) Saiil, v. 3.
Comedies en vers, 7 v. v. 4-10.
A NniiTRUX (F. G. J. S.) Molifre avec ses anii.s, v. 8.
AuTiiEAU (J.) Democrite, pr6teudn Ion, v. G.
La niagie de ramour, v. 6.
BoNJOUK (C.) La m«^ro rivale, v. 8.
L'^Mtucation, v. 8.
Bot'CHARD (A.) Lea arts et Tamitii', v. 7.
Coi.LlN n'HAKLEvn.LE (J. F.) Los qiierelles des
deux fr^res, v. 7.
CoKNEii-LE (P.) La snite du Menteur, v. 8.
Delauxay. Le paresseux, v. 6.
L'un pour I'autre, v. 8.
Destouches (P. N.) Le curieux impertinent, v. 7.
Dominique (P. F. B.) Les quatre semblables, v. 5.
DucTJSCEAU J. A.) Le faux due do Bourgogue,
v. 5.
Les conaiues, v. 5.
:fi TIEXNE (C. G.) Bruis et Palaprat, v. 9.
Les deux gendres, v. 9.
Les plaideurs sans proces, v. 9.
GossE (l5 ) Le ni^disant, v. 9.
Hauteroche (N. Le B. d'). Le souper mal ap-
pr6t6, V. 4.
L'esprit follet, on la darae invisible, v. 4.
Lafont (.1. de). L'amour venge, v. 5.
Lava (J. L.) L'amis des loia, v. 10.
LKdKAND (M. A.) La femme ftllo et venvo, v. .">.
end DoiiiMQUK (P. F. B.) Agn^a do Chail-
lot, v. 5.
AlKUViLLE (P. F. C.) La famille Glinet, v. 10.
MoNTFC-EUKY (A. .J.) La fille capitaine, v. 4.
La daine m<^deoin, v. 4.
Palissot de Montexoy (C.) Les courtisancs, v. 7.
Le satirique, v. 7.
PiCAKD (L. B.) Mediocre et rampant, v. 10.
I'LANAUi) (F. A. E.) Le faux paysan, v. 10.
ROMACNftsi (J. A.) Samson, v. 6.
Comidies en prose, 16 v. v. 1 1-26.
AiGUEHKUUE (J. D. D. iV). L'avaro amoureux,
V. 15.
Baudouin dit D'AuuiGNY (J. M. T.) Les pctits
protccteurs, v. 2.'5.
BhAUCHAMi'8 (P. F. G. de). Le portrait, v. 16.
Cakmoxtklle (N.) Les hommes h la mode, v. 18.
(Proverbes dramatiques.)
La brobis entre deux loups, v. 13.
A bon chat bou rat, v. 13.
r'a n'en eat pas, v 13.
Janot, choz le degraissour, v. 13.
Lo sonrd, v. 13.
Le valet de chambre et le paysan, v. 13.
Les ainans chiena, v. 13.
La veuve ridicule, v. 13.
L'amant malade, v. 13.
La ruse paternelle, v. 13.
La veuTO enibarras»6e, v. 13.
Linnocence aauvte, v. 20.
Le legs, V. 20.
• Le r,Hf6 l)orgne, v. 20.
Le muet, v. 20.
Lee deux fllons, v, 20.
Le cbanoine de Reims, v. 20.
Le fripon orgueilleux, v. 20.
I^es voyageura, v. 26.
L'uniforme de campagne, v. 20.
Plus d(! peur quo do mal, v. 2i!.
Pin dii repertoire, etc. — continued.
La tricberie retourno k son luaitre, v. 26.
Plus beureuz que sago, v. 26.
Le seigneur auteur, v. 26.
La stttiue, v. 26.
Le marcband de byoux, v. 26.
La veuvo avare, v. 26.
La marcbande de c^Mrises, v. 26.
CoLALTO (A.) Les trois iumeaux v6uitieu8, v. 17.
Dancourt (F. U.) La parisienne, v. IL
La femme d'intrigues, v. 11.
Destguciies (P. N.) L^bstacle inipriSvu, v. 15.
DoMiMguE (P. F. B.) and Romaunesi (J. A.) L'ile
du divorce, v. 14.
La svlphide, v. 14.
DoxNKAU DE Visi^: (J.) arid Coiineille (T.) La
doviueresse, V. 11.
DouviGNY (L.) On fait ce qn'on pent, v. 20.
Duval (A. V. P.) La tapisserie, v. 19.
Le faux Stanislas, v. 19.
Duval (G.) and Dossion (fi. A.) La moucho du
cocbe, V. 19.
Florian (J. P. C. de). La bonne vattTo, v. 17.
Fuzelier (L.) Mouius fabulist*, v. 15.
Garnier (C. G. T.) Le bon pere, v. 20.
Les habits des uoces, v. 20.
La CiiAi'ELLE (J. de). Les carrosses d'0rI6ans,
V. 11.
Ladoucette (J. C. F. de). IIelv6tiu8 k Var6,
Lamotte (A. H. de). L'amant© difficile, v. 14.
Lesi'arrat (A.) L'oncle rival, v. 18.
Marivaux (P. C. deC. de). Le prince travesti, v.l2.
L'ecole des meres, v. 12.
La ni»'re confidente, v. 12.
Arlequin poll par I'amour, v. 16.
La double surprise de I'amour, v. 16.
La reunion des amours, v. 16.
Marsollier des ViVETifeRES (B. J.) Ccpbise, ou
I'erreur de I'esprit, v. 18.
Morand (P. de). L'esprit do divorce, v. 15.
PiCARD (L. B.) Le cousin de tout le monde, v. 21.
L'alcade de Molorido, v. 23.
La vieille tante, v. 23.
Le caf6 du print«ms, v. 23.
Le capitaiue Belronde, v. 24.
Le susceptible, v. 22.
Le vieux com6dien, v. 21.
Les deux Pbilibert, v. 24.
Les oisifs, v. 22.
Les tracassories, v. 22.
Les voisins, v. 21.
M. Musard, v. 22.
Vanglas, ou les ancieus amis, v. 24.
and Cheron (L. C.) Dubautcours, ou le
contrat d'union, v. 21.
Piliies (J.) Le bienfait anonyme, v. 18.
PoNT-Df:-VEYLE (A. F. de). Le fat puni, v. 17.
KiccoiJONi (A. F.) Les caquets, v. 16.
KoMAGNESi (J. A.) ami Procope-Couteaux (M.
C.) Les f6es, v. 14.
IlouGBMONT (M. N. B. de). Les trois secr6taire8,
SfeGUR (L. P. de). Crispin du^gne, v. 17.
SouyuE (J. F.) Le cbevalier de CanoUe, v. 19.
Vial (J. B. 0 ) Le premier venu, v. 25.
Vii.LEMAiN d'Alancourt (J. F.) Le nouvel Ac-
t/!on, V. 20.
Wafflard (A. J. M.) LY'Colier d'Oxford, v. 12.
Drames en prose, 1 voL v. 27.
Mercter (L. S.) Jean Hennuyer, eve<iue de Li-
zieux, V. 27.
Pi<;ault-Lebhun (G. C. A.) Charles et Caroline,
L'orpheline, v. 27.
Operas-comiques en prose, 4 v. v. 28-31.
BouiLLY (J. N.) Les deux joum6e8, v. 28.
atid DuPATY (L. E. F. C. M.) L'intrigue aux
fen^tres, v. 28.
DE8F0NTA1NE8 DB LA VaLL^:E (G. F. F. D.) La dot.
V. 28.
Dui'ATY (L. E, F. C. M.) Ninon chcz madame de
Sevign6, V. 29.
Les '
. — voitures vers^es, v. 31 .
Etienne (C. G.) Joconde, v. 29.
Jeannot et Colio, v. 29.
13 0
Fin da r<5pertoire, etc. — continued.
FAVifcRES (E. G. F. de). Lisbeth. v. 29.
Gaugiran-Nanteuu. (P.C.) LuDy et Quinault,
V. 30.
GuiLBERT DE PixfeRfecouBT (R. C.) Koaloaf, V. 30.
Jalahert (C.) L'auborgo de bagni^rea, v. 30.
Marsollier veu VivKTifeRBs (B.J.) Alexis, ou
I'erreur d'un bon p^ro, v. 28.
Edmond et Caroline, v. 28.
NouvEAU (Le) seigneur de village, v. 31,
Picabd (L. B.) Les visitandines, v. 30.
Pigault-Lebrun (G. C. A.) Le major Palmer,
V. 31.
Pla.\abd (F. a. E.) L« mari de circonstanc*, v. 31.
Vaudeville*, 7 o. v. 3a-38,
Bayard (J. F. A.) Guillaume et Marianne, v. 36.
Barh^; (P. Y.) Pus (A.) Rauet (J. B.) atid Deh-
FONTAINES (G. F. F. D.) VolUire, v. 32.
BoiRiE (E. C. de), Baui>ouin D'AUHiGitr (J. M.T.)
and Cabmouciuj (P. F. A.) Le petit hommo gris,
Desauoiers (M. A. M.) Le diner do Madclon, v. :«.
and Gentil de Cuavagnac (M. J.) M. Sans-
G6ne, v. 32.
DiEULAFOY (J. M. A. M.) and Gersin (X.) Jeanne
d'Arc, V, 3:}.
JouY (V, J. 15.) and Losgchamps (C. de).
Dans quel si^cle sommes-nous? v. 32.
DuvEYRiER dit MtLEsviLLE (A. H. J.) Le pr6-
cepteur dans I'embarras, v. 33.
Favart (C. S.) and Gu6rin de Fremicourt (J.
N.) Les reveries renouvellees des Grocs, v. 32.
HAFDI& (J. B. A.) C^lestine et Faldoni, v. 36.
Lacoste dit St. Amand (A.) La veuve du Mala-
bar, v. 34.
Laya (J. L.) Falkland, v. 36.
Merle (J. T.) Brazier (N.) and Cabmouche (P.
F. A.) La carte a payer, v. 34.
(E.) Les deux pr^cepteurs, v. 33.
Phibbert mari^, v. 33.
Kevel (V. A. V.) Le fifre du roi do Prusse, v. M.
R0U88I!L\U (A.) DE8AU(ilEIt8 (M. A. M.) aiM ME8-
NARD (J. B.) Le Juif, V. 34.
Scribe (E.) La maitresse au logis, v. 37.
La loge du portier, v. 38.
Scribe (E.) and M**. Le solliciteur, t. 35.
Allarde (M. F. D. T. le Roi, bar. d') and
Brazier (N.) Partie et revanche, v. 37.
and DELA\^G^•E (J. F. C.) L'avare en
goguettes, V. 37.
Le vieux gar9on et la petite fille, v.
and Delkstre-Poirson (C. G.) Une nnit
de la garde nationalc, v. '.15.
'■ Le nouveau pourceaugnac, v. 35.
Une visite h Bedlam, v. .35.
DupiN (J. II.) and Dumersan (T. M.) La
pension bourgeoise, v. 37.
and DuvEYBiEB di< Melesville (A.
H. J.) L'eunui, v. 35,
Rodolphe, ou frere et scpur, v. 36.
Le meuteur veridique, v. 37.
Le bon papa, v. 38.
■ and Saint-Geoege (H. de). L'ecarte,
ou un coin du salon, v. 38.
and Varneh (A. F.) Los deux maris, v. 35.
Ymbert (J. G.) and Varxer (A. F.) L'iu-
t^rieur d'un bureau, v. 38.
Sewrin (C. A.) and Ourry (E. T. il.) Pierre,
Paul et Jean, v. 34.
Finley (Martha). Elsie's girlhood: a se-
quel to "Elsie Dinsmore," and "Elsie's
holidays at Roselands." 2 p. 1. 422 pp. 3
pi. 16°. New Tori; Dodd ^- Mead, 1872.
A week in Lilly's life. By Mjirtha
Farquharson. [p«e«d!o;i.] 180 pp. 3 pi.
18°. Philadelphia, Presbyterian board of
publicatien, [1865].
Finotti {Rev. Joseph M.) Bibliographia
catholica americaua : a list of works writ-
Finottl (Eev. Joseph M.)— continued.
ten by catholic authors and published in
the United States. Part i. 1784-1820.
319 pp. eP. Xeic York, The catholic jmbU-
cation house, 187'.i.
Firdusi. See Hasan ben Mohammed,
et Tusl (Abil kasiui).
Fireside (The) companion. Sec New York
fireside companion.
First lessons in the history of the United
States. By a practical teacher. lanon.'\
196 pp. 6 maps. 12^. Boston, Jlickling,
(Straw tj- Brown, 1856.
First lessons in intellectual philosophy ; or,
a familiar explanation of the nature and
operations of the human mind. From a
London copy. Edited by rev. Silas Blais-
dale. 2d ed. 358 pp. 12'\ Boston, Lin-
coln if- Edmands, 1832.
Fish (Daniel W.) Arithmetical examples,
mental and written; with numerous ta-
bles of money, weights, measures, &c. iv,
282 pp. 16°. yew York, Ivison, Blakeman,
Taylor^- CO. [1871].
(K0BIN80}«'8 mathematical series].
Fish (Henry). Memoirs of Joseph Pearson,
late of Bath : with brief notices of some of
his co-adjutors and contemporaries, com-
piled from his journal, xii, 294 pp. 12°.
Jjmdon, Sunday school union, 1849.
Fisher (Frances C.) Ebb-tide, and other
stories. By Christian Reid. lps€udon.'\
166 pp. 3 pi. Xtir York, D. Apiileton ij- co.
Fisher (William Logan). The history of
the institution of the sabbath day, its uses
and abuses; with notices of the puritans,
the quakers, the national and other sab-
bath conventions, and of the union be-
tween church and state, vii, 5-195 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, J. Fenington, 1845.
Fisk (Benjamin Franklin). A grammar of
the greek language, xii, 241 pp. 12^\
Boston, Hilliard, Gray, Little <^- JVilkins,
Greek exercises ; containing the sub-
stance of the greek syntax. Adapted to
the author's greek grammar. 1 p. 1. viii,
171pp. 12°. Boston, inUiard, Gray, Little
«f- Wilkins, 1831.
Fitch (Anna M.) Bound down, or life and
its possibilities. 338 pp. 12°. Philadel-
phia, J. B. Lippincott <j- co. 1870.
Fitch (Samuel Sheldon, m. d.) Six lectures
on the uses of the lungs ; and causes, pre-
Fitch (Samuel Sheldon, m. d.) — continued,
vention, and cure of pulmonary consump-
tion, asthma, and diseases of the heart ;
on the laws of longevity; [etc.] 324 pp.
12^. Xew York, H. Carlisle, 1847.
Fittig (Rodolph). Wohler*8 outlines of
organic chemistry. See Wohler (Fried-
Fitz (Asa). An elementary geograjihy, 1845.
See Fowle (W. B.) and Fitz.
Fitz (James). The southern apple and
peach culturist, containing full and prac-
tical instructions in successful culture,
[etc.] with descriptive catalogues of the
most esteemed orchard fruits. Also a trea-
tise on insects and their extermination.
J. W. Fitz, editor, vii, 336 pp. 1 pi. 8°.
Bichmond, Fa. J. W. Randolph <y- English,
Flagg (Wilson). The woods and by-ways
of Now England, xviii, 442 pp. 22 pi. 12°.
Boston, J. R. Osgood 4' co. 1872.
FlagitiosuB mercurius flagellatus, [1697].
See Partridge (John).
Flammarion (Camille). The marvels of the
heavens. From the french, by mrs. Nor-
man Lockyer. iv, 289 pp. 1 pi. 16°.
London, R. Bentley, 1870.
Travels [in the air].
[//i-Glaishkr (Jaraes). Travels in the air. 8°.
London, R. Bentley, 1871. pp. 103-229J.
Flech^re (Jean Guillaume de la). See
Fletcher {Rev. John William).
Fleeta. \_pseudon.'] Norah Neil, or "The
way by which he led thee." By Fleeta.
179 pp. 3 ph 18°. Philadelphia, Presbyte-
rian hoard of puhli cation, [1864].
Fletcher (Rev. John William). An appeal
to matter of fact and common sense; or,
a rational demonstration of man's corrupt
and lost estate. 165 pp. 12°. Xew-
York, J. Emory </ E. Waugh, 1830.
Flier (Gerrit Jacobus van der). Historisch-
kritisch onderzoek naar de echtheid van
Rom. xvenxvi. Academischproefschrift.
viii, 192 pp. 8°. Utrecht, J. L. Bcijers,
1866. s.
Flint (Austin, jr. m. d.) The physiology of
man ; designed to represent the existing
state of physiological science, as applied
to the functions of the human body. v.
4. Nervous system. 470 pp. 8°. New
York, D. Appleton 4' co. 1872.
Flint (8. A.) The conqueror. By the au-
thor of Ellen Murray, [awon.] 213 pp.
6 pi. 18°. Boston, Mass. s. a. society, 1865.
Floating flowers. See S. (T. H.)
Flourens (Marie Jean Pierre). De I'instinct
et de I'intelligence des animaux. 3e 6d.
2 p. 1. 17G pp. 16^^. Paris, L. Hachette *f-
ch. 1S51.
Flowers of loveliness : a token of remem-
brance, for 1852. 288 pp. 9 pi. 8°. Phil-
adelphia, H. F. Anners, [1851].
Flowers by the wayside, [awow.] 187 pp.
1 pi. 8^. Philadelphia, Am. s. s. union,
Floy (James, d. d.) Graduated sunday-
school text books, nos. 1-3. 3 v. 18".
J^'ew York, Carlton ^- Porter, [1861-C2].
No. 1. Lessons in bible history. The old testa-
ment. 950 pp. [1861.]
No. 2. Lessons in new testament history. 233 pp.
[1862 J.
No. 3. Bible morality ; or, elements of moral sci-
ence. 276 pp. [1861].
Fly leaves ; or, scraps and sketches, literary,
bibliographical and miscellaneous. [Two
series]. 1 p. 1. x, 189 pp ; xii, 182 (+33*-
34") pp. 16°. London, J. Miller, 18:)A-::>5.
Note. — V. 2 imperfect ; wanting pp. v-vi.
Fod^re (Francois Emmanuel). Trait6 du
goitre et du crdtinisme, pr6c6d6 d'un dis-
cours sur I'influence de I'air humide sur
I'entendement humain. 2 p. 1. 248 pp. 8".
Paris, Bernard, [_1800;\.
Polio. A journal of music, art and litera-
ture. [Monthly]. George Lowell Austin,
editor. Jan. to dec. 1872. v. 6-7 in 1 v.
4^\ Boston, White, Smith 4^ Perry, 1872.
Folk songs. Part 4. See Songs of nature.
FoUen (Charles, d. d.) A german reader.
A new ed. with additions, by G. A.
Schmitt. XV, 326 pp. 12°. Boston, J.
Mnnroc cf co. 1858.
Fonssagrives (Jean Baptiste.) The moth-
er's work with sick children. Translated
from the 4th Paris ed. by F. P. Foster,
m. d. 10, 244 pp. 12°. New York, G. P.
Pntnam 4' sons, [1872].
[Putnam's handy-book series, no. 11].
Fontana (G. B.) An elementary grammar
of the italian language, progressively ar-
ranged for the use of schools and colleges,
vii, 236 pp. 12°. Boston, Phillips, Samp-
Hon 4- CO. 1858.
Fonvielle (Wilfrid? de) and Tissandier
(Gaston). Aerial travels.
[/>i Glaisher (James). Travels in the air. 8°.
London, It. Bentley, 1871. pp. 231-398].
Foote (Edward, m. d.) Medical common
sense; applied to the causes, prevention
and cure of chronic diseases, and unhappi-
Foote (Edward, m. d.) — oontinned.
ness in marriage. Enlarged ed. xviii, 390
pp. portrait. 12°. New York, author, 1863.
For everybody. [An illustrated family
paper. Monthly]. Jan. to dec. 1872.
V. 2. 4°. Buffalo, H. H. Sage, 1872.
Ford (Emily E.) My recreations. Verses,
viii, 255 pp. 16°. New York, Hard 4-
Houghton, 1872.
Ford {Rev. John). Catechetical theology,
for youth. 159 pp. 18°. New- York, M.
W. Dodd, 1851.
Fordyce (James, d. d.) Addresses to young
men. 2 v. in 1. 352 pp. 16°. Boston,
It. Hodge for W. Green, lahont 1780].
Forest warbler. Ipseudon.l See McCor-
mick (M. R.)
Forichon (L. ahh^) and Maupied (F.L.M.)
De I'origine de I'homme et de I'unit^ de
Tesptice humaine. vi, 222 pp. 1 tab. f^\
Louvain, C. J. Fonteyii, 1844.
Fdrnari (Simone, da Rheggio). La spositione
sopra I'Orlando fvrioso di m. Lvdovico
Ariosto. 2v. pp. 1-560 ; 1 p. 1. pp. 561-797,
xii, 345 pp. 16°. Firenze, L. Torrentino,
Forster (.John). The life of Charles Dick-
ens. V. 2. 1842-1852. Tenth thousand.
XX, 462 pp. 3 pi. 8°. London, Chapman 4'
Hall, 1873.
— The same. v. 2. 494 pp. 1 facs. 3 pi.
12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4" co-
Forster (John T.) The commercial code of
signals, for the use of all nations ; with
the british vocabulary. Edited by Walter
F. Laricins. 2d ed. xxxv, 338 pp. 8°.
London, G. E. Eyre 4- W. Spottistcoode, 1859.
The same. Rogers' american ed. and
flags, with the british vocabulary, [anon.}
Edited by Henry J. Rogers and Walter
F. Larkins. xxxix, 338 pp. 8°. Balti-
more, H. J. Rogers 4' co- 1859.
Forster (Thomas). Sketch of the new
anatomy and physiology of the brain and
nervous system of drs. Gall and Spurzheim,
considered as comprehending a complete
system of zoonomy. With observations
on its tendency to the improvement of
education, of punishment, and of the
treatment of insanity. 149 pp. 1 pi. 8°.
London, Law 4' Whittaker, [1815].
Fortia d'Urban (Agricol Joseph Francois
Xavier Pierre Esprit Simon Paul Antoine,
marquis de). Mdmoires pour servir ^
Fortia d'Urban (Marquis de) — coutinaed.
I'histoire ancienne da globe terrestre.
10 V. 1^^. Parlx, DeteiriUe if- Xhrouet,
T. 1. Ilistoirc ancienne dcs Saliens, nation lijjuri-
enno ou celtique, et dea Salieus, pr6te8 de
Mara. 1811.
V. 2. (.'onsid^'rations sur rorijjino et I'liistoire
ancienne <lu globe, ou introduction h I'hia-
toirt) ancienne de i'Europe. 1807.
V. 3. M^inoire et plan de travail sur I'histoire des
(.'eltes ou Gauloia, o'est-^-dire, sur I'histoire
de France avant Clovis. 1807.
V. 4-5. Histoire do la Chine avant le deluge
d'OgigiNa. 2v. 1807.
T. 6. EHHai sur rorigine des ancienn peuples, 8ui\i
d'une th^^orie dea com»>t<'«. 1808.
V. 7. Ik«n>«e et Annius de Viterbe, ou les antiqni-
t^'H cahU<ennes. 1808.
V. 8. Essai sur <mel(|ue8-nnn des plus anciens
niouuniens ue la geographic, [touchant lea
diduges). 1809.
V. 9. Histoire et th«'-orio dn deluge d'Ogig^s on de
Nw), et de la Hubmeraion de r Atlantide. 1809.
T. 10. Nouveau siatenie preadaniite, ou la concilia-
tion de la (Tcneae avec runtitiuitti de I'Lia-
toire. iSOil.
Fortis (Antonio). Philosopliia negativa,
W3U disputationcs philo8ophica>, in quinqne
libros divisjr, quibus probari contenditur,
philosophiam pure humanara, sibi relictam,
in argutuenta negativa passim resolvi.
Ed. novisfiinia. Opus posthumuin. '.i p. 1.
r)76 pp. 1 1. 4'\ Venetiis, ex typographia
J. ii. AlbritH Hieron. filii, 1744.
Note.— v. 3 only, containing parts 4 and 5.
Fortnightly (The) review. [Monthly].
Edited by John Morley. Jan. 1 to dec. 1,
1872. New series, v. 11-12; old series, v.
17-18. 8'\ London, Chapman »|- Hall,
Fortschritte (Die) der physik im jahre
1867. Dargestellt von der Physikalischen
gesellschaft zu Berlin. 23.jahrgang. Re-
digirt von dr. G. Quincke und dr. B.
Schwalbe. 8^. Berlin, G.Reimer,l&70. s.
Fosdick (Charles A.) The sportsman's club
in the saddle. By Harry Castlemon.
[/wewrfon.] 310 pp. 4 pi. 16^. Philadel-
phia, Porkr if- Coates, [1873].
[The Hiwrtaman's club series].
Fosdick (David, jr.) Introduction to the
fronch language: comprising a french
grammar, [etc.] a french reader, and a
vocabulary adapted to the selections.
402 pp. 12*. Andore)', Gould, Xeicman if-
Saston, 1840.
Foster (Benjamin Franklin). The clerk's
guide, or commercial instructor: compris-
ing the principles of trade, commerce and
banking; with merchants' accounts; in-
land and foreign bills; par of exchange;
ecpiation of payments, etc. 2d ed. viii.
Foster (Benjamin Franklin)— continued.
13-252 pp. 12°. Boston, Perkins ^- Mar-
vin, 1840.
A concise treatise on commercial
book-keeping, [etc.] 171 pp. 8°. Bos-
ton, Perkins ij- Mai'vin, 1836.
Foster (Randolph S. d. d.) Nature and bless-
edness of christian purity. With an in-
troduction, by Edmund S. Janes, d. d.
226 pp. portrait. 12°. Neic-York, Harper
if- brothers, 1851.
Fouch6 (Joseph, due d'Otrante). M^moires,
1825. See Beauchamp (Alphonse de).
Fourdrinier (Harriot Elizabeth). Hints for
happy hours ; or, amusements for all ages,
xi, 215 pp. 1 pi. 16°. London, J. .f- C. Moz-
ley, 1850.
Our new parish. Its privileges and
progress. 3 p. 1. 328 pp. 12°. London,
W. Pickering, 1852.
Fo-wle (William Bentley). The bible read-
er ; being a new selection of reading lessons
from the holy scriptures. 283 pp. 12°.
Boston, author, 1839.
■ The common school geography. 228
pp. 12°. Boston, W. B. Fowle if- N. Capen,
The common school speaker ; a new '
collection of original and selected pieces,
for reading and recitation. 288 pp. 16°.
Xetc Haven, S. Bahcock, 1844.
— T — The common school spellel-; in which
about 14,000 words of the euglish lan-
guage are carefully arrange<l according to
their sound, form, or other characteristics,
[etc.] 204 pp. 12°. Boston, W. B. Fowle
if- N. Capen, 1842.
The companion to spelling books,
in which the orthography and meaning of
many thousand words, most liable to be
misspelled and misused, are impressed
upon the memory by a regular series of
written exercises. 144 pp. 12°. Boston,
W. B. Fowle 4- N. Capen, 1843.
Familiar dialogues and popular dis-
cussions, for exhibition in schools and
academies of either sex, and for the amuse-
ment of social parties. 286 pp. 12°. Bos-
ton, Tappan if- Dennet, 1841.
The french first class book ; being a
new selection of reading lessons. 288 pp.
12°. Boston, Crocker 4- Bretcster, 1832.
The hundred dialogues, new and
original; designed for reading and exhi-
Fowle (William Bentley)— continued.
bition in schools, academies, and i>rivate
circles. 312 pp. 12^. Boston, author, 1854.
Parlor dramas ; or, dramatic scenes
for amusement. 312 pp. 12^. Boston, U.
Cotton, 1857.
Practical geography as taught in the
monitorial school, Boston. Part first. 108
pp. 18°. Bo8ton,T. P. 4 J. S. Fowle, 1S2-1.
Sunny hours of childhood: or, selec
tions for the improvement of the mind and
heart, lanon.^ 159 pp. 16'^. New York,
A. S. Barnes 4^ co. 1873.
The teachers' institute; or, familiar
hints to young teachers. 258 pp. 12°.
Boston, W. B. Fotvle, 1847.
and Fitz (Asa). An elementary
geography for Massachusetts children
224 pp. sq. IG"^. Boston, Fowle <f- Capen,
Fowler (Orson Squire). Education and
self-improvement, founded on physiology
and phrenology; or, what constitutes good
heads and bodies, and how to make them
good, by enlarging deficiencies and dimin-
ishing excesses. 2d ed. v. 1. 252 pp.
8°. New York, O. S. 4' L. N. Fowler, 1844.
The same. Education and self-im-
provement: part second. Phrenology and
physiology applied to the cultivation of
memory; the intellectual education of
children, and the strengthening and ex-
panding of the intellectual powers. 3d ed.
118 pp. 8°. New York, 1844.
[With his Education and self-improvement, v. 11.
Fowler on memory; or, phrenology
applied to the cultivation of memory. 2d
ed. 69 pp. 8°. Neiv York, O. S. 4- L. N.
Fowler, 1842.
[Phrenological journal extra].
The same. Memory and intellectual
improvement, applied to self-education
and juvenile instruction. 20th ed. 231
pp. 12°, New York, Fowler 4- Wells, 1846.
JVbte.— Education and self-improvement, v. 3.
[The family]. Supplement to " The
family." [Parts i-ii]. Offspring, and
their hereditary endowment : or, paterni-
ty, maternity, and infancy ; including
sexuality; its laws, facts, impairment,
restoration, and perfection, as taught by
phrenology and physiology, together with
warning and advice to youth. 1 p. 1. vi,
5-278 pp. 8°. Boston, O.S.Foivler, 11869-].
The same. Part iii of Supplement to
"The family."— Sexual science; or man-
Fow^ler (Orson Squire) — continued,
hood and womanhood, including perfect
husbands, wives, mothers, and infantn.
Together with maternity; as taught by
physiology. 1 p. 1. 236 pp. 8°. Boston,
O.S. Fowler, IIS70}.
Human science: or, phrenology ; its
principles, etc. as applied to health ; men-
tal philosophy; God; immortality, intel-
lect, etc. xviii, 1211 pp. 8°. Philadel-
phia, National publishing company, [1873].
Oftspring, and their hereditary en-
dowment: or, paternity, maternity, and
infancy; including sexuality. (Supple-
ment to "The family," part 1). 128 pp.
8°. Boston, O. S. Fowler, [ 1869].
and Fowler (L. N.) The illustrated
self instructor in phrenology and physi-
ology. 175 pp. 12°. New York, Fowler 4-
Wells, 1859.
Fowler (Samuel P.) Salem witchcraft ;
comprising more wonders of the invisible
world. Collected by Robert Calef; and
wonders of the invisible world, by Cotton
Mather : with notes and explanations by
Samuel P. Fowler. 1 p. 1. 450 pp. 12°.
Salem, Mass. H. P. Ives 4- A. A. Smith, 1861.
Fownes (George, ph. d.) Elementary chem-
istry. Theoretical and practical. Edited,
with additions, by Robert Bridges, m. d.
xvi, 13-460 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lea .)'•
Blanchard, 1845.
Fox (George Patrick, tailor). Fashion : the
power that influences the world. Tlie
philosophy of ancient and modern dress
and fashion. Series 1850, 1860, 1872,— 3d
ed. xxiv, 17-277 pp. 8°. New York,
Am. news co. 1872.
Fox (iter. George Townshend). A brief
memoir of the rev. Henry Watson Fox.
[Abridged]. 281 pp. 4 pi. portrait. 18°.
Philadelphia, Am. s. s. union, [1853].
Fox or Foxe (John). Geschichte der miir-
tyrer nach dem ausfUhrlichen original des
ehrw. Johann Fox und anderer. Kurz
gefaszt und aus dem englischen iibersetzt
von I. Daniel Rupp. 2 v. in 1. 226 pp. 3
pi; 288 pp. 1 1. 1 pi. 12°. Cincinnati, L'oh-
inson 4' Fairbanks, 1830.
Fragments and scraps of history. See Har-
rison (George).
Fragments on woman ; being observations
on her character, and influence on society.
lanon.] 2d ed. 156 pp. 18°. London,
Longmans, [1839].
Framingham ( Mass.) Directory for 1872-73.
See Marlborough, Hndson, and Framing-
France. MinxHthe de Vagriculture et ilu com-
merce. Bmlget des ddpenses de I'exercice
1852. 4^. Paris, imprhnerie nationah,
Compte rendu par le ministre
de I'agrienlture et du commerce. Compte
de'finitif des d6pen8e8, exercice 1849, an
ler Jan. 1851. 4 \ Paris, imprimerie na-
tionale, 1851.
Conseil g<?n6ral de Pagricul-
tnre, des manufactures et du commerce,
sesflion de 1850. 4 v. 4'^. Parin, 1850.
PnM-i>«-verbaux des s^'ances.
Notice Hur lo8 dcM-uiueuts relatifa an commerce des
Notice HUT le i^'pinn* t^" commerce de la boncherie.
Notice 8ur le i^^jgime du commerce do la boulau-
Statistique de la France, [le
8<^rie]. V. 10-12. fol. Pan«, imprimerie
royale, 1847-50.
Industrie, t. 1-3.
The same. 2e86rie. fol. Stras-
bourg «f- Paris, 1858-60.
T. 6. Statistique de I'assistance publique de 1842 h
lKi3. Strasboiira, ItiT^.
V. 8. StatiHtique agricole. 2o partie. ravin, 1860.
Ministere de Vinslrnction puhlique.
Archives de la commission scientifique du
Mexiqtie. v. 1-2. 8". Paris, imprimerie
impMale, 1865-07.
Collection de documents in6-
dits sur I'histoire de France publics par les
soinsdu ministrede I'instruction publique.
le sdrie. Ilistoire politique. 3 p. 1. cxxxii,
971 pp. 4^\ PartM, imprimerie nationale,
Lottres dn cardinal Mazarin pcudnnt hou mini-
8t« T«', recncilliea et pHl)li«;8 par in. A. Chi'ruel.
V. 1, d^>c. 1643— juin 1644.
Rapport au roi sur I'dtat de
rinstruction primaire, et sur I'emploi des
fonds vot<58 au budget de 1832 en favenr
de cette instruction. 4*^. Paris, imim-
mrrie royale, [1832].
Rapport au roi sur I'instruc-
tion secondaire. 4 . Parin, imprimerie
royale, 184:5.
Ministere de Vixtaienr. (Direction
gen&alede radministration intMcure). Rap-
port j\ sa majest<5 Tempdreur sur I'adminis-
tration des dtablissements pdnitentiaires
par le ministre de rint<?rieur. Stati-stique
France— continued.
de ces ^tablissements, (ann^e 1852). SP.
Paris, P. Dupont, 1854.
Minisfdre de la marine et des colonies.
Revue maritime et coloniale. Ses Revue
maritime et coloniale.
Ministh'e des affaires ilranghes. Af-
faires 6trang^res. Documents diploma-
tiques. Ndgociations avec I'Angleterre pour
la r<5vision du traits de commerce. A^Til
1872. fol. Paris, imprimerie nationale,
Ministhe des travam publks. Travaux
publics des iStats-Unis d'Amdrique, en
1870. Rapport de mission, 1873. See
Malezieux (£.)
See, also, Annales des pouts
et chauss^es, 1870, 1871. 8 v. 8°. Paris,
J)Mno<!, [1870-71].
See, also, Journal ofliciel de la r^pub-
lique franfaise, 1872.
France (Institut de). Annuaire pour 1872.
12°. Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1872.
Francis (C. S. «r co. j>M67/«/j«r«.) Francis
& co's cabinet library of choice prose and
poetry. 10°. New York, C. S. Francis^-
CO. 1844.
TALForRD (T. N.) Tragedies, sonnets and verses.
Francis's new guide to the cities of
New- York and Brooklyn, and the vicinity.
1 p. 1. 148 pp. 31 pi. 1 map. 18°. New
York, C. S. Francis <f co. 1853.
Francis (John Wakefield, m. d.) New York
during the last half century : a di.scourse
in commemoration of the 53d anniversary
of the New York historical society. 232
pp. 8°. New York, J. F. Trow, 1857.
Frank and Amy in Palestine ; or, illustra-
tions of the scriptures, [anon."] 223 pp.
7 pi. 18°. Boston, Mass. s.-s. society, 18(>4.
Frank Austin's diamond. By the author of
"The golden-ladder" series, [anon.^ 196
pp. 3 pi. 16°. New York, P. Carter 4-
brothers, 1871.
[Drayton-hall series, no. 4].
Frank Leslie's boy's and girl's weekly, [etc.]
See Leslie (Frank).
Frankie's book about bible men. By the
author of " Sabbath talks about Jesus,"
[etc. anoM.] 180 pp. 4 pi. 18°. Boston,
J.E. TiUon^co. 1801.
Franklin (Benjamin). Works of the late
dr. Benjamin Franklin; consisting of
memoirs of his early life, written by him-
Franklin (Beujamin) — continued,
self; together with a collection of his
essays, humorous, moral and literary.
New ed. revised and enlarged. 274 pp.
W'\ Eaaton, [Pa.] H. W. Gihbs, 1810.
The select works of Benjamin Frank-
lin ; including his autobiography. With
notes and a memoir by Epos Sargent.
502 pp. 12°. Boston, rhilUps, Sanipaon <J-
CO. 1853.
A collection of the familiar letters
and miscellaneous papers of Benjamin
Franklin. Now for the first time pub-
lished. [By Jared Sparks], xvi, 295 pp.
12°. Boston, C. Boiven, 1833.
Franklin (William, translator). See Loves
(The) of Camarupa and C^malata.
Franklin (The) family primer, 1811. See
Willard (Samuel, d. d.)
Frsiser (ReiJ. Robert W.) Day and night;
or divine truths in nocturnal and diurnal
phenomena. Eugd. tit. vii, 199 pp. 3 pi.
16°. Edinburgh, A. FuUarton ^- co. 1855.
Fraser's magazine. [Monthly]. Edited
by James Anthony Froude. Jan. to dec.
1872. New series, v. 5-6 ; [complete
series, v. 85-86]. 8°. London, Longmans,
Green ^ co. 1872.
Fredet (Peter, d.d.) A treatise on the
eucharistic mystery, or defence of the
catholic dogma of the eucharist. 156 pp.
16°. Baltimore, Metropolitan press, 1844.
Free (John, d.d.) A controversy with the
people called methodists, concerning the
true nature of the christian religion. 6
parts in 1 v. 8°. London, W. Sandby,
No. 1. A display ofthe bad principles of tlie metho-
dists : in certain articles proposed to the
consideration of the company of salters,
in London. 2d ed. 22 pp. 1759.
No. 2. Enles for the discovery of false prophets :
[etc.] A sermon. 3d ed. 1 p. 1. xvii,
38 pp. 1759.
No. 3. Dr. Free's edition of the rev. mr. .John
"Wesley's first penny-letter, etc. 2d impr.
40 pp. 1759.
No. 4. Dr. Free's edition of the rev. mr. John
Wesley's second letter, etc. 78 pp. 1759.
No. 5. Dr. Free's remarks upon mr. Jones' letter,
etc. 67 pp. 1759.
No. 6. The whole speech which was delivered to
the clergy of the great city of London.
On Tuesday the 8th of May, 1759, being
the day appointed for their anniversary
meeting at Sion college. 35 pp. [1759].
Free-and-easy (The) song book : selected
by the leader of a Philadelphia " Free-and-
easy." lanon.'^ 272 pp. 1 pi. 24°. Phila-
delphia, J, Kay, jr. <J- brother, 1834.
Free church of Scotland. See Scotland
(Free church of).
Freemsm (John C.) Selections from various
greek authors, 1872. Sec Boise (James
R.) and Freeman.
Freemasons. Illinois. The templar man-
ual : containing a full and comprehen-
sive system of tactics and drill, toge-
ther with all ceremonies appertaining to
the orders of knighthood, [etc.] Preparo<l
by authority of the grand commandery of
Illinois. 10th ed. revised. 4 p. 1. 170 pp.
18°. Chicago, E. B. Myers, 1872.
Massachusetts. ( Grand lodge of Massa-
chusetts). Proceedings. Quarterly com-
munication, March 12, 1873. 8°. Boston
Eockwell 4- Churchill, 1873.
Freire de Andrade (Jacuito). Vida de dom
loao de Castro, quarto viso -rey da India
Agora terceira vez impressa. 4 p. 1. 490
pp. fol. Lisboa, herdeiros de M. Deslandes,
Freitag (A.) Professions and trades in the,
United States of North America. Zum
gebrauch fur auswanderer und in schulen
herausgegeben. vi, 370 pp. 8°. Giittin-
gen, Dieterich^sche buchhandlung, 1849.
French (John Henry, II. d.) French's
mathematical series. 8 v. New York,
Harper cj- brothers, 1866-72.
1. First lessons in numbers, 1866. 16'\ I'JO pp.
2. Elementary arithmetic, for the slate, 1867. le''.
220 pp.
The same, 1870. 16°. 220 pp.
2a. Key to French's elementary arithmetic,
[1871]. 16°. 85 pp.
3. Mental arithmetic, 1870. 16°. 180 pp.
4. Common school arithmetic, 1869. 12°. 3:36 pp.
The same, 1870. 12=. 336 pp.
4a. Key to French's common school arithmetic,
1872. 16°. 176 pp.
French (J. W. d. d.) Grammar ; part of a
course on language, prepared for instruc-
tion in the U. S. corps of cadets. 1 p. 1.
467 pp. 12°. New York, D. Van Xostrand,
French (William M.) Life, speeches, state
papers and public services of gov. Oliver
P. Morton. 406 pp. portrait. 12°. Cin-
cinnati, Moore, Wilstach 4" Baldwin, 1864.
French (James S.) Elkswatawa; or, the
prophet of the west. A tale of the
frontier, lanon.'] 2 v. 246 pp; 254 pp.
12°. New- York, Harper tj- brothers, 1836.
Frey (Andrew). A true and authentic ac-
count of Andrew Frey. Containing the
occasion of his coming among the herrn-
huters or moravians, his observations on
Frey (Andrew)— contiuued.
their [customs] ; and the reasons for which
he left them. Faithfully translated from
the german. 72 pp. 8^\ London, J. Roh-
inxon, 1753.
[KiMifs (Hoinrich). The history of tho iiioravi-
auH. Appeuilix, no. IJ.
Frey (Heiurich). The microscope and mi-
cro.scopicjil technology. A text book for
idiysiciaus and students. Translated from
the german and edited by George K. Cut-
ter, m. d. From tho 4th german od. x,
(158 pp. 8^. New York, W. Wood «f co. 1872.
Friendly (Aunt, j^scMrfoM.) 18C0. >S^6e Baker
Fries (Elias). Icones selectic hymenomyco-
tum nondum delineatorum. Nos. ii-G. pp.
15-(30, pi. 21-W. 4'-. Stockholm, lli^ I}. 8.
Sveriges atliga och giftiga svampar
tecknade efter natureu under ledniug af
E. Fries, utgifna af kongl. vetenskaps-
akadeniien. 2 p. 1. 53, 2 pp. D4 col. pi. fol.
Stockholm, 18G1[-0'J]. s.
Friis (Jens Andreas). Lappiske eventyr og
folkesagn. x, 17Gpp. 1 1.3 pi. 12". Chria-
tiania, A. Cammenucyer, 1871. s.
I With his Lai>i)i.sk mythologij.
Lappisk mythologi, eventyr og folke-
sagn. xvi, 17G, iv pp. 12 pi. 12 \ Chris-
tiania, J. Cammermcycr, 1871. s.
En sommer i Finmarken, russisk Lap-
land og Nordkarclen. Skildringer af land
og folk, vii, 3t)0 pp. 21 pi. 1 map. S".
(hrifitianla, J. Cammermeycr, 1871. s.
Fritz (T.) Praktisches lehrbuch fiir schii-
f«'r, Oder kurzo einleitung zur zucht uud
j>Hege der schafe, sowie zur kenntuiss und
bchandlung dcr wollo. xii, 18o pp. 4 pi.
12*. Stuttyart,]':bner,'i- Siubcrt, 1866. s.
From dawn to daylight, 1859. See Beecher
(.Vr«. II. W.)
Frost (John, 11. d.) The americau speaker.
448 pp. 1 pi. 12 . Philadelphia, E. C. Bid-
die, 1837.
Easy exorcises in composition: de-
signed for the use of beginners. [Illus-
trated]. 120 pp. 12\ Philadelphia, W.
Marshall <)• co. 1831).
The french reader,consisting of selec-
tions from classical french writers. 252
pp. IG . Philadelphia, J. Crissij, 1835.
Frost's pictorial family museum. [Il-
lustrated]. 648 pp. 8'. Aiihiirn,[X. y.-\
Derby .J- Miller, 18.')3.
Lives of the heroes of the americau
Frost (John, ?/.(?.)— contiuued.
tion of independence and signers' names ;
the constitution of the United States and
amendments; together with the inaugu-
ral, first annual and farewell addresses of
Washington, [anon.'] 370 pp. 4 portraits.
12^. Boston, PhillipH .f Sampson, 1848.
Frothingham (Richard). Tho rise of the
republic of the United States, xxii pp. 1 1.
G40 pp. 8"^\ Boston, Little, Brown ^- co.
Fronde (James Authony). The Euglish in
Ireland in the eighteenth century, v. 1.
xiv, 638 pp. 12". Xew York, Scribner,
Armstrong tf- co. 1873.
Short studies on great subjects. 2d
revolution : also — embracing the declara-
series. 3 p. 1. 487 pp. 8°. London, Long-
• mans, Green <)'• co. 1871.
"Thumping english lies." Fronde's
slanders on Ireland and Irishmen. A
course of lectures delivered by him in
Association hall, New York, 1872. With
preface and notes, by col. J as. A. McGee,
and Wendell Phillips's views of the situa-
tion. 224 pp. 16°. New York, J. A. Mc-
Gee, 1872.
Fiihrer (Der) zu Gott. Ein gebet- und er-
bauungsbuch fiir katholische christen aller
stiinde. [anon.^ 478 pp. 32°. 2ieto-York,
C. <j- N. Benziger, 1868.
Fnl (A) and plaine declaration of ecclesias-
tical discipline ovt of the word of God,
1580. See Travers (Walter).
Fiilborn (Edward). The german instructor;
a new and natural method of learning to
read and speak the german language.
428 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Gramho <;• co. 1852.
Fulton street hymn book, for the use of
union prayer meetings, sabbath schools
and families, [anon.'] 240 pp. 24°. New
York, Board of puhlication of reformed prot-
estant dutch church, 1862.
Fureti^re (Antoine). Le romau bourgeois,
ouvrage comi(iue. Avec notice et notes,
par m. Pierre Jannet. 2 v. xii, 201 pp ;
164 pp. 16°. Paris, K Picard, 1868.
[Nouvelle collection Jannet].
Fumess (William Henry, d. d.) A history of
Jesus. [1st ed.] 291 pp. 12°. Boston,
W. Crosby ^- U. P. Nichols, la'iO.
Futhey (J. Smith). Historical discourse
delivered on tho occasion of the one hun-
dred and fiftieth anniversary of the'Up])er
Octorara prcSbyteriau church, Chester
Puthey (J. Smith)— coiitiuuod.
county, Penn., September 14, 1870. 184
pp. 4 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, H. B. Ash-
mead, 1870.
G(E. S.) Religions consolation, [awo/j. In-
troduction subscribed E. S. G.] xxiv, 227
pp. 18°. Boston, J. Dowe, 1830.
G (W.) i. e. William Gifford, pseudon. Sec
Deacon (William Frederick).
Gage {.Vrs. William L.) Helen on ber trav-
els: what she saw and wbat she did in
Europe. [rt»JOM.] Ip. 1.186 pp. 12". New
York, nurd .f- Houghton, 1808.
Galaxy (The). An illustrated maj^jazine of
entertaining reading. [Monthly]. Jan.
to dec. 1872. v. i:?-14. 8°. New York,
Sheldon <J- co. 1872.
Galbraith (J. A.) and Haughton's (Samuel)
scientific manuals. 2 v. 18^. London,
Longmans <^- co. 1869-71.
Ghkrne (T. K.) a manual of tho sub-kiiigdoni
coelentcrata, 1869.
A manual of the sub-kinf^doni protozoa,
Galland (I.) Galland's Iowa emigrant :
containing a map, and general descrip-
tions of Iowa territory. 32 pp. 1 col. map.
8°. ChiUicoihc, [0.] JV. C. Jones, 1840.
Gallaudet {Eev. Thomas Hopkins, U. d.) The
child's book on the soul. 2d ed. 2 v-
128 pp ; 157 pp. sq. 16°. ITart/ord, Cooke
.J- CO. [1850].
Discourses on various points of chris-
tian faith and practice, vii, 239 pp. 8°.
Hartford, S. G. Goodrich, 1818.
Tho history of Jonah, for children
and youth, iv, 9-184 pp. 16°, Boston,
Crocker ^' Brewster, 1833.
The history of Joseph for children
and youth. 210 pp. 18°. New York,
Am. tract society, [1834].
Scripture biograi)hy for the young,
with critical illustrations and practical
remarks. Adam to Jacob. 200 pp. 6 pi.
18°. New York, Am. tract society, [1838].
The same. Adam to Moses. 2 v. 217
pp ; 269 pp. 2 pi. 18°. New York, Am
tract society, [1839].
The youth's book on natural theol-
ogy, illustrated in familiar dialogues. 248
pp. 16°. Hartford, Cooke .J- co. 1832.
and Hooker (Horace). A practical
spelling-book, with reading lessons. 166
pp. 12°'. Hartford, Bdknap .J"- Hamerslcy,
14 c
Gallier (James, architect). The amcricau
builder's general price book ^uJ estimator,
[etc.] from prime cost of materials and
labour in any part of the United States,
[also], a variety of useful t<ables, memo-
randums, etc. iv, 128 pp; 1 1. 72, 18 pp.
8°. New York, Lafever !y Gallier, 1832.
Gallimaufry (The); or, theatrical speak-
er's entertaining repository : [etc. anon.]
2 pi. 272 pp. 24 1. 1 pi. 12 . London,./.
Smith, 1828.
Gallitzin (Demetrius A.) A defence of
catholic principles, in a letter to a prot-
estant minister. [Also], an appeal to tho
protestant public. 2d am. ed. KU) pp.
18°. Baltimore, J. Myres, 1 827.
Gallix (— ) and Guy (— ), de VHaanlt. His-
toire complete et authentique de Louis-
Napoldon Bonaparte depuis sa naissance
jusqu'il ce joiir; prdc6d6e d'un avant-
propos intitule Le 2 ddcembre devant
I'histoire. 2 p. 1. 504 pp. 8°. Paris, H.
Morel, 1853.
Gait (William). Railway reform: its im-
portance and practicability considered as
aftecting the nation, the shareholders, and
the government, xxiv, 268 pp. 8°. Lon-
don, Woodfall tj- Kinder, 1864.
Gardeners (The) chronicle and agricultural
gazette. [Weekly]. Jan. 6 to dec. 28,
1872. fol. London, W. Richards, 1872.
Gardner ( Mrs. H. C.) Rosedale : a storj- of
self-denial. 410 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, Poe
cj' Hitchcock 1803.
Garner (John). Le uouveau dictiounaire
universel, fran^ois-angloiSjet anglois-fran-
?ois. [Or,] The new universal dictionary,
english and french,and french and english.
2 V. 2 p. 1. Hi, pp. 338 1 ; 2 p. 1. Ixiv, 383 1.
4°. lionen, la vcure P. Dumesnil ijfils, 1802.
Gamier (Francis, editor). Voyage d'explo-
ration en Indo-Chine, elFectud pendant les
ann<5es 1866-68 par une commission fran-
faise prdsidee par m. le capitaine de
fidgate Doudart de Lagrde, et publi<5 par
les ordres du miuistre de la marine sous
la direction de m. le lieutenant de vais-
seau, F. Garnier, avec le concours de m.
Delaporte, et de mm. Joubert etThorel.
2 V. 2 p. 1. vii, 580 pp. inc. 36 pi. & plans,
2 pi. 10 maps ; 3 p. 1. 523 pp. inc. 3 jd. 2
maps, 4°. Atlas, fol. Paris, Jfacheltc .f-
cie. 1873. s.
Garret (William). 4StrRight(A) ple.asauut
and famous book of histories, 18IH.
Garrett (I'himas). One hiiiulrcd clioice se-
lections, no. 4, contuiniug exercises for
(Iccliimation, recitation tX: "general reading;.
IHO pp. in . PhiUvJilphia, P. Carnit <V-
ro. 1-71.
One Imntlrcd choice select ii)ns, no. ;"),
(rontaiuing standard and recent i)rodiic-
tions, for declamation, school exercises,
l)nblic entertainments, family reading.
1*^0 pp. If) . riuJadvlphia, /', (UurvH .j- co.
One hundred choice selections, No. fi.
A repository of literary gems, eloquent,
pathetic, serious and amusing. 180 pp.
12 . rhUathlphia, r. (ianrtt <y- co. 1873.
The speaker's garland and literary
houijuet. Combining 1(>0 choice selections,
nos. 1, 2,'.i and 4. lanon.'] 4 v. in 1. 12^ .
Philadilphia, P. Carntl .J- co. 1872.
Garrett (William). Keminiscences of pub-
lic men in Alabama, for thirty years. With
an ajtpendix. 800 pp. 8 . Jtlaiila, Ga.,
Plantation puhVinhing co's prenn, 1872.
Gartenlaube (Die). Illustrirtes familien-
blatt. [Wochenblatt]. Jahrgang 1872.
[ V. 20]. 4-\ Ij'ipzig, E. Kcil, [ 1872].
Gattina. Sec Petruccelli della Gattina.
Gattola (Krasmo). Ad historian! abbatia^
cassinensisaccessiones. 2 parts in 1 v. 2
p. 1. 1)07 pp. 11 pi. fol. rcnetiit, aptid S,
Dissortatio lie oriy:iiio ot pio<rro.s.sii jmisdiitioniH
inoiiasterii casHiiu'iiRi.s civilis, mixta.', Jc criiiii-
iialis. (Di'OJ'in nart<'s|, ])|i. 1-09.").
DiHscrtatio HPcntula, de jn-a-stautia ot fide arcliivi
(•a«HineiisiH. pp. <)!i<i-7'il>.
ISrevi.s dosorintio civitatum Caasini, sancti Ger-
main at<]ue ca.stell«rum. i)p. 730-704.
(Jlironicoii Kieliardi de Maucto Geniiano. pp. 705-
Aiionymorum monacliorum casiiinnsiiun clironi-
eoii. pp. H-21-Hil.
Iridrx diploiuatmn (et] index reriim. pp. 802-907.
Gaudin(Marc-Antoine). L'architecturo du
mondo des atoraes dcvoilant la structure
des cojnpos(^3 chimiques ot leur cristallo-
gt'uio, xix, 2:U pp. 12 . Paris, Gaii-
thirr-nilor8,W7'3. 8.
Gavarret (Jules). Traite d'elcctricitc^. 2 v.
vi, :m pp ; :? p. i. r.oi pp. 12 . Paris, r.
Masson, l-Tw -.")-'. s.
Geer(Elihu). Geer's Hartford city direct-
ory. S(c Hartford.
Gelobt sey Jesus Christ,
fiir fromme christen. V
lung des heil. erlosers.
Jlaltimorc, J. .)fnrph!f, l8l.'>.
General (A) catechism of the christian doc-
trine. Sec Roman catholic church.
Kin gebetbuch
m der Versamm-
448 pp. 21.
General (The) chiss-book, 1828. See "WU-
lard (Samuel, d. d.)
Genoa. licgio istituto tecnico indiistriale-pro-
I fcsHionalc e di marina mercan ti le della provin-
cia di iienova. Atti. Pubblicati per cura
[ ed a speso del muuicipio di Geneva. 2 v.
2 p. 1. 1020 pp. 1 pi ; 1 p. 1. 836 pp. 15 pi.
8 \ (icnova, coi tipi del r. i. de' sordo-mnti,
18G8-()9. s.
J5occAia)0 (Carlo). Sail' orijjino o sui proj^ressi
dolla gooinetria, v, 1, pp. 3i>r>-412.
BoccAHOO (Gorolamo). La conossione dello sci-
enze, v. 2, pp 1-26.
Caxai.k (M. (r.) Dell" origine ed ordiiiamento doi
coniiiiii e delle repubbliche d'ltalia, v. 2, pp.
CASTELLUcn (K.) Aniliua, e snoi derivati colo-
rauti, V. 1, pp. 443-r>02.
Cattanro (G.) Sun to di luia leziono popolaro
8uir e(iutlibrio dej^li arclii, v. 2, pp. G39-074.
Cklesia (E.) Le tcofjonio dull' antica Lismia, v.
2, pp. 157-277.
CioccA (F.) Snir importaiiza a della teoria della
nave, v. 2, i)p. 793-833.
Costa (A.) Considcrazioni iiitorno all' insogna-
mento delle mateniaticlie elenientari, v. 1, pp.
• DKitAiutiERi (F.) Santo di alcune lezione di geo-
metria analitica, v. 1, pp. 207-393.
Dklui (G.) Del giornalo di Maur^'. Memoria,
V. 2, pp. 473-511.
EitEDE (M.) Come sia utile studiare la coraputis-
teria e la nierceolofria, v. 2, pp. 513-569.
FiUTscn (M.) Vantagjiio « ongiue della lingua
tedosca, v. 2, pp. 687-709.
Gaiuhalhi (P. M.) Le radiaziono nel lore rap-
porti col vapore d'acqua e altri corpi gasHosi,
[etc.] V. 1, pp. 413-447.
Gakassini (E.) lirevi conni sulla niaccbina a va-
pore, dalla sua applicazione uUa nuiriua a giorui
nostri, v. 2, pp. 675-686.
Gunj.o (S.) Esirosiziono di formole semplici per
la misura delle piii comuni specie di volte, v. 2,
pp. 571-637.
IsNAiU) (R. J.) Hints on language as a means of
mental discipline, v. 2, pp. 711-790.
Mausaxo (G. B.) Sulla somma dello potenzo
simile dei numeri in progressione per diffe-
renza, p. v. pp. 4:{-160.
Sulla somma dei prodotti ad emnie ad em-
me di enno numeri in progressione per differen-
za, elevati anche a potenze superior! alia prima,
V. 1, pp. 101-205.
MoLFiNo (G. M.) Cronologia della scienza, v. 1,
pp. 769-1014.
Hafanem.i (B. G.) Meraoria tecnico-ecouomin
I'esercizio delle ferrovie, v. 1, pp. 557-768.
Saceto (G.) Della storia do' Cussiti, v. 2, pp. 27-
VninUilo (J.) La morale economica, v. 2, pp. 279-
Gentleman (The) in black, 1840. See Ir-
ving (W.)
Gentleman's (The) magazine. [Monthly].
Jan. to dec. 1872. Entirely new [6tb] se-
ries, V. 8-9; [complete series, v. 232-233].
8^. London, Grant <J- co. 1872.
Gentleman's (The) medical pocket book,
and health-adviser : with directions for
his conduct in ca.se of accidents on the
road or at sea. By a medical practitioner.
[anon.^ 160 pp. 1 pi. 24 . Philadelphia,
J. Kay, jr. ij- CO. [1832].
Oeorge Miller and his mother, {anon.] :U5
pp. 3 pi. IG^. rhiladelphia, Presbyterian
hoard of puhlicaiion, [18G0].
Georgetovrn (The) courier. [Weekly].
Nov. 18, 18G5, to uov. 2, 1872. v. 1-7 in 2
V. fol. Georgetown, J). C, J. I). McGill,
G^ramb (Ferdinand or Marie Joseph, baron
de, abbd et procurear (j^n6ral des trajjpistcs).
Pilgrimage to Jernsalem and mount Sinai.
2v. 299 pp; 300 pp. 12 \ rhiladelphia,
Carey <t JIart, 1840.
Gerard (Georges). Le cabinet des fdes, or
recreative readings, in french. 332 iip.
12*^. Neiv York, I). Appleton cj- co. 1859.
Note. — A solection from the "Contcs des ft'os" of
Charles Perrault, and the "Coutes nioraux" of
luadaiue Leimnce de Beaumout.
Germain {Lord George). Correspondance,
1782. See Great Britain. Foreign office.
Germain (Michel). Museum italicum, 1687.
See Mabillon (Jean) and Germain.
German reformed church. See Evange-
lischer kirchenverein des westens ; aho,
Evangelisch-reformirter verein.
Gersoni (Henry). Sketches of Jewish life
and history. 224 pp. 16°. New York,
Hehreu} orphan asylum printing establishment,
Gesenius (Friedrich Hcinrich Wilhelui).
A hebrew and english lexicon of the old
testament, including the biblical chaldee.
From the latin. By Edward Robinson.
With corrections and large additions. 5th
ed. xi, 1160 pp. 8°. Boston, Croclcer <^-
Brewster, 1854.
Gibbs (Josiah Willard, d. d.) A manual
hebrew and english lexicon, including
the biblical chaldee. 2d ed. revised and
enlarged, iv, 236 pp. 8°. New Haven,
H. Howe, 1832.
Gibson (John) and Fesseuden (L. G.) The
prairie vocalist ; a collection of church
music, from the best american and euro-
pean composers. 320 pp. obi. 8°. Cin-
cinnati, Moore, Anderson, Wilstach ^- Keys,
[1853]. s.
Gibson (William). A vision of faery land,
and other poems, vii, 214 pp. 12°. Bos-
ton, J. Munroe <^- co. 1853.
Gifford (William, psendon.) See Deacon
(Frederick W.)
Gift (The); a Christmas and new year's
present for 1842, 1843, 1844. \_anon.'\ 12°
& 8°. Philadelphia, Carey .J- Hfirt, [1841-
Gift (The) of friendship: a token of remem-
brance, for 1848, 1850, 1851, 1852, and ia54.
[v.2,4,.5,6,8]. 5v. 16. Philadelphia,
i/. i''. J MHtr»,[ 1847-53].
Gift (The) of the knees : or the ministry of
prayer, the ministry of i)ower. [awo«.]
328 pp. 18°. Boxton, Am. tract society,
Gilbert (Walter IJ.) Hymnal, with music,
1H72. See Protestant episcopal church.
Gilbert (William K. m. d.) Bibliotheca
americana. Catalogue of a large and
valuable private library illustrating amer-
ican anti(iuities and general and local
history, [etc. Auction catalogue]. 152 pp.
8°. New York, Bangs, Merwin .J- co. [1872].
[With partial list of prices].
Gilder (William H.) New rhetorical reader
and elocutionist. 336 pp. 12°. New York,
J. C. Hiker, 1852. s.
Giles (Rev. Henry). Christian thought on
life. In a series of discourses. 4 p. 1,
287 pp. 12°. Boston, Ticknor, Reed .)•
Fields, 1851.
Lectures and essays. 2 v. v, 300
pp ; 2 p. 1. 317 pp. 16°. Boston, Ticknor,
Reed <j- Fields, 1850.
Giles (Sanniel M. and others). Hymns for
the use of the african methodist epi8Goi)al
zion church. Sec African methodist epis-
copal zion church.
Gillmore (Parker). All round the world.
Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and
America, iv, 270 pp. 7 pi. 12°. London,
Chapman if Hall, 1871.
A hunter's adventures in the groat
west. 1 p. 1. vii-x, 336 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Lon-
don, Hurst ij- Blackett, 1871.
Prairie farms and prairie folk. 2 v.
2 p. 1. iv, 321 pp. 1 pi ; 2 p. 1. iv, 282 pp. 1
pi. 12°. London, Hurst .^- Blackett, 1872.
Gillmore (Quincy Adams). Engineer and
artillery operations against the defences
of Charleston harbor in 1863 ; comprising
the descent upon Morris island, the demo-
lition of fort Sumter, the reduction of
forts Wagner and Gregg. With observa-
tions on heavy ordnance, fortifications,
etc. With the official reports of chief of
artillery, assistant engineers, etc. 354 pp.
76 pi. (15 col.) 5 maps. 8°. New York,
D. Van Nostrand, 18G5.
GUman (Mrs. Caroline Howard). The sibyl,
or, new oracles from the poets. 313 pp.
12°. New York, It'iley .J- Putnam, 1848.
Gilpin (AVr. William). The life of Bernard
Gilpin. With an introductory essay, by
the rev. Edward Irving. 2<l ed. 2(54 pp.
portrait. 12'. (llaHijoiv, Jl'. Collins, 1830.
Giorg (Kara, pHCiulon.) Poesieu des iirwalds.
Vou Kara Giorg. viii, 240j»p. 10 . J\V«'
York, lknzi(jcr brothers, 1871.
Gioniale del genio civile. Seconda serie.
l-Tl-72. V. 3-1. 8. Atlas, f«d. IFinnce,
tipoijrajla dd ylornale, 187 1-72 J. S.
Glaisher (.James, editor.) Travels in the
air. liy J. Glaisher, Camille Flamnuirion,
W. Be Fouvielle, and Gaston Tissandier.
Edited l»y James Glaisher. xv, 398 pp.
57 pi. &'. London, li. Ikntley, 1871.
Glance (A) at New York: end)racing the
city government, theatres, hotels, church-
es, mobs, monopolies, professions, news-
papers, rogues, dandies, (ires and firemen,
water and other licjuids, iV-c. [rt/ion. By
Asa Greene]? vi,2Glpp. 18", Xew York,
A. (iretne, 1837.
Glascock (William Nugent). Tales of a
tar, with characteristic anecdotes. By
one of the authors of "The naval sketch
l)ook." [rcHOM.] 5 p. 1. 333 pp. 12". Lon-
don, II. Colbnrn .f- Ji. Bcntkij, 1830.
Glasgow (Tiie), Greenock, Edinburgli and
Leith commercial list, 1873-74. Fifth and
sixth years. By Estell «fc co. fol. Lon-
don, [.sV'i/d.jco.] 1873.
Gleanings from the poets, for home and
school, 1850. See Lowell {Mrs. A. C.)
Gmelin (Leopold). Recherches cxpdrimen-
talcs, physiologi(iti«'s et chimi<iues sur la
digestion. Svc Tiederaann (Friedrich)
ami Gmelin.
Gobat {Ikr. Samuel). Jouriuii of three
years' residence in Abyssinia. I'receded
by an introduction geographical and liis-
torical, on Abyssinia, translated from the
friMich, by rev. Sereno D. Clark. With a
biographical sketch of bishop Gobat, by
Robert Baird, d. d. 480 pp. portrait, 1 map.
12 . Xew York, M. ]V. Dodd, 1850.
Godron (Domiirnpio Alexandre). I)e I'es-
jx'ce et <les races dans les rtres organises
et spt'cialement de I'unit*^ de Tespi^co hu-
maine. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 472 pp ; 2 p. 1. 421) pp.
H\ Pariii, J. II. llaillihc i^-Jih, 1851).
Godadienstig .jaarl)oekje voor bij/,ondere
«Mi huisselijkt! stichting. Naar het hoog-
diiitseh. Door Bernardus Verweij. Tweede
Goifiue (Loonbard). E. P. Goffine, cbristka-
oder kurzo auslegnng aller sonn- und fest-
tiiglichen episteln und evangelien sammt
daraus gezogenen glaubens- und sitten-
lehren, uebst einor deutlichen erklilrang
der vorzilglicbsten kirchengebrauche,
einer haus-mess-andacht, und einer be-
schreibung des heiligen laudes von Georg
Ott. Zwei theile. xii, G84, 24 pp. 1 pi.
8 . Cincinnati, F. Pustet <;• co. 1871.
The same. Devout instructions on
stukje. 1 p. I. viii, 2"^(» pp
d,nn, C.. I'orlirlif. 1H>7.
the epistles and gospels for the Sundays
and holydays; with explanations of chris-
tian faith and duty, and of church cere-
monies. Translated from the german, by
the rev. Theodore Noethen. xxxiv, 13-
901 pp. 12>=. Xcw York, E. Dunigan ,$•
brother, [1859].
The same. Explanation of the epis-
tles and gospels for the Sundays, holidays
ami festivals throughout the ecclesiastical
year. [Also], instructions on christian
faith and morals, explanations of different
ceremonies and practices of the church,
and the lives of many saints. Edited and
enlarged by rev. George Ott. Translated
from the newest [29th] german ed. by rev.
Gerard M. Pilz. xvi, 816 pp. 8^. Cincin-
nati, F. Pustet ij' CO. 1871.
Golden (The) age. [Weekly]. Theodore
Tilton, editor. Jan. 0 to dec. 28, 1872.
V. 2. fol. Xcw York, T. Tilton, 1872.
Golden (The) legacy, 1857. See Moore
(Mrs. 11. J.)
Goldsbury (John) and Russell (William).
The american common school reader, 1844.
See Russell (William) and Goldsbury.
Goldsbury and Russell's comniOD-schoul
series, 1814-45.
Good-better-best : or three ways of mak-
ing a happy world, lanon.'] 321 pp. Ipl.
18". Philadelphia, Am. «. s. union, 1844.
Good cheer. The Christmas number of
Good words. Edited by rev. Donald Mac-
leod. Christmas, 1872. London, Strahan
.f-co. [1872].
[ With Good words for 1872].
Good (A) life, 1836. See True (The) plan
of a living temple.
Good words. [A monthly magazine]. Ed-
ited by Norman Macleod. Jan. to dec.
1872. V. 13. 8\ London, Strahan .f co.
Ooodell (William, d. d. misHlonary in Con-
stantiuople). The old and the now ; or the
chau«;e8 of thirty yeara in the east, with
some allusions to oriental customs as elu-
cidating scripture. With an introduction
by rev. William Adams, xx, 240 pp. 7
col. pi. portrait. 12°. Xcw York, M, W.
Doddy 1853.
Qoodell {Rev. William, of Xcw York). Slav-
ery and anti-slavery ; a history of the great
struggle in both hemispheres; with a
view of the slavery question in the United
States. X, G04 pp. 8 '. Xeu^- York, W.
named, 1852.
Goodenow (Mha Clara A.) Cecil's autumn
adventures. By the author of "Cecil's
summer at Elm terrace." [anon.l 3-18G
pp. 2 pi. 16°. Philadelphia, Am. s.-s. union,
Cecil's summer at Elm terrace.
\_anon.'\ 1G6 pp. 3 pi. 18°. Philadelphia,
Am. 8.-8. union, [1871].
Goodrich (A. B. d. d.) and Gilbert (Wal-
ter B.) Hymnal, with music, 1872. See
Protestant episcopal church.
Goodrich ( Frank B. ) Remarkable voyages ;
or, man upon the sea : a history of mari-
time adventure, exploration and discovery.
. 560 pp. 24 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip-
pincott i^- CO. 1873.
Goodrich (Jeremiah and Anna F.) The
spelling reader, or concordant spelling
book. 3ded. 156 pp. 16°. Albany, Hew-
itt 4' Goodrich, 1829.
Goodrich (Samuel Griswold). [The com-
prehensive readers]. 5 v. Boston, Oti8,
Broaders tj"- co. and Louisville, [7i'i/.] Morton
.)'• Griswold, 1839-41.
The common school primer: introductory. 64 pp.
sq. 18°. 1841.
Th»» first reader. 96 pp. 16°. 1839.
The second reader. 144 pp. 16°. 1839.
The third reader. 180 pp. 12°. 1839.
The fourth reader. 312 pp. 12°. 1839.
The same. Revised comprehensive
series, nos. 4-5. 2 v. 12^. Louisville, Ky.
Morton 4' Griswold, 1847.
4. The fourth school reader. 240 pp.
5. The fifth school reader. 384 pp.
Ifote. — Nos. 4 and 5 of this series correspond to
nos. 3 and 4 of the former series, respectively.
The same. American school series.
Edited by Noble Butler. Electrotype ed.
Nos. 1-6. 6 V. 16° & 12°. Louisville, Ky.
Morton <;• Grisivold, [1857-58].
1. Goodrich's first reader. 72 pp. 16°. [18j7J.
Goodrich (Samuel Griswold) — continned.
2. Goodrich's second reader. 144 pp. 16^. (ia57).
3. CrmMlricli's third reailcr. 2lfi i)p. 16o. (1857).
4. Goodrich's fourth render. 240 pp. 12°. jlH.57).
5. Gooilrich's fifth reader. 3:M3 pp. 12°. (l657).
6. Goodrich's sixth reader. 541 pp. 12-'. (lB58).
Peter Parley's book of bible stories.
For children and j'outh. [pseudon.] 256
l)p. sq. 16 \ Boston, Lilly, ll'ait .f- co.
The same. 2.56 pp. sq. 16°. Boston,
S. Colman, 1835.
Note. — "A Lond(m book, with additions."
Peter Parley's book of curiosities,
natural and artificial, [pscudo/i.] 224 pp.
sq. 16°. Boston, Richardson, Lord 4' Hoi-
brook, 1832.
Peter Parley's short stories for long
nights. 140 pp. 8 pi. sq. 16°. Boston,
Allen 4- Ticknor, 1834.
Peter Parley's tales about ancient
Rome, with some account of modern Italy.
208 pp. 1 map. sq. 16°. Boston, Carter,
llendee <;• co. 1833.
A system of school geography, chiefly
derived from Malte-Brun, and arranged
according to the inductive plan of instruc-
tion. 320 pp. 16°. Hartford, H. 4- F. J.
Huntington, 1830.
See, also. Life (The) of Benjamin
Franklin, 1832; and Life (The) of Christo-
pher Columbus, 1832.
Goodwin (William W.) and Allen (Joseph
II.) Greek reader, (prose), consisting of
selections from Xenophon, Plato, Herodo-
tus, and Thucydides. With notes, ix, 210,
120 pp. 2 maps. 12°. Boston, Ginn bro-
thers, 1871.
Gordon (/i?ei\ A. J.) The vestry hymn and
tune book. 292 pp. 12°. Boston, H. A.
Young ij- co. 1872.
Gordon (C.) Boarding-school days. By
Vieux Moustache, [pseudon.l iv,291pp.
7 pi. 16°. Xew York, Hard <y- Houghton,
That good old time ; or, our fresh and
salt tutors. By Vieux Moustache, [pseu-
don.} iv, 245 pp. 10 pi. 16°. Xew York,
Hurd 4- Houghton, 1867.
The same. Our fresh and salt tutors ;
or, that good old time. By Vieux Mous-
tache. lp8eudon.'\ 215 pp. 9 pi. 16°. Xew
York, Hurd cj- Houghton, 1870.
Gordon (Thomas). A cordial for low-
spirits: being a collection of valuable
tracts. [Edited by Richard Barron]. 2ded.
Gordon (Thomas)— contimiod.
v.l. t>R-<
pp. h\ . London, U. GriffithH, 1751
A (hilifatioii to a L'nut iiiuii, concniiin^ «l<Mli-
catii.ns. Disrovnin;: what will 1)<< tlio jut-s-
cut iHistiiiv ofatlairs a tlnms:iud yi'Uis hoiicf.
(Uv Jonathan Swift), ni^*.
A tliHsortation uim)ii ohl woin.-n. Tnalt« ami f<'-
iiiah>, Hpiritnal and ttMiiporal, in all a;:t's. [Al- \
so], an <».s.say upon the jirf.sfnt union of tho ,
whi'.; rhiefs. Hit). |
A iniMlfst a])olo^v for ]»ar.son [caiilinal] Albcro- ;
ni. [Hv lonl llcrvfv]. |
An apolojiy for the dan^'cr of the church. |
Jlfin;; a .second jiart of tiie apoloirv for par.son
AlWcroiii. [Hvlord Ihrvcyl. i:il». I
Cardinal AUKroiii'.s letter to a riuht rev. father
in Ciod, for the support of the cliurch, by in-
trotluiin;: ij,'uoranee anil super.<titiou. 171!*.
The character of an iiulependent whi-i. [By
h)rd Hervey]. ITI'.t.
Coii.sideratioii.s upon the ai»proncliinj: peace,
and upon the importance ot (iihraltar tu the
luitish empire.
— The .suiiie. IJi'lii}; a collection of
rtirioiis tracts. [IMited by Kichanl Baron.
:M 0(1 ?] V. 'i, 2 p. 1. 407 i)p. K; . Lon-
don, Wilson .J- FtU, 170:?.
(loituoN (T.) Tlie creed of an independent whijr,
.\ letter to tho author of tho lndcpend«'nf
whi^, 17'iO. [Siipjio.sed tobe Clurdou'ti. — Month.
Priestianity : or, a view of the disparity
between the apostles and the luodern inferior
der-y, 17-20.
The true picture of a uiodern tory : or a
hi;:h churchman i)ainted to the life, M'ii.
A vindication of the <iuakers. [AKso], a
more full account of theii- doctrines, occasioned
l)y dr. II. Mcues opiuiou of them. [Supposed to
b(' by Cordon).
(Ir.osvKNou (H.) A now form of prayer, 1712.
JIai.i.kt (Kec.J.) Au address to coiiforminj? ari-
ans, IT.i't.
Lk,I(;ii {Iter. —). A letter to dr. Sherlock. Defend-
in;; the whole of tlui bishoj) of l'an;;ors doc-
trine, [15. lloadlyj. V.y (Jilbert Dalrymple, d. d.
[]>xcuili)n.] ni'.i.
A modest apoloiry for priestcraft, as prac-
tised amon;i tlie jicntijes, with a small disserta-
tion concernin;: jure divino, tests, creeds, and
confissions of faith. J!y a christian, [anon.]
A new catechism, with dr. lllckos's thirty
nine articles, [anon.] 1710.
A .sober replv to mr. Ifi^ru's uierry arf;u-
ments, trom the fif,'ht of nature, for the trithe-
isti(^ doctiiiie of the trinity, [anon.] 1720.
W'lci.ii'iic (.[ohn, jm'uilon.) Jlemarks ui)on Iwo
late iiresentuu'nt.sof the ;;randjury of tho coun-
ty of^ Midillcsex : wherein are .shewn, tho folly
anil injustice of men's persecutinjr one another
)i>r ditfcrcncc of opinion in nuitters of rcliL'iou,
.Y„/,.._The :u\ ed. "with additifuinl articles (by
Ilichard 15arou"). Lowndes. — The m(»nthly re-
view for nov. 17.")0, ;;ives a list of articles in the
Isf etl.— Thero are two additional in this ed.
i.e. A .s(d)er rcjdy, and A letter to dr. Sherlock.
Gordon (Thomas V.) A <;a/.ettccr of the
state of i'eiiii.sylvania. I'art first, con-
tains a general description of tho state,
[etc.] I'art second, embraces ample de-
scriptions of its connlies, [et('. Also], a
table of all tho post ofiices in the slate,
[etc.] TjO.S pp. 1 col. map. « . Philadtl-
)>ltia. T. J hi k nop, 1KV.>.
Gordon (William R. d. d.) Croquet; or,
social prayer illustrated. 17 pp. 1 pi. 18°.
Xvw York, Hoard of pnhUvatlon of r. c. A.
[Skkd corn series).
Gorrie ( A'cr. P. Douglass). Episcopal meth-
od ism, as it was, and is ; or, au accouut of
tho origin, progress, doctrines, church
polity, usages, institutions, and statistics,
of tho methodist episcopal church in tho
United States. Embracing also a sketch
of the rise of methodisiu iu Europe, and of
its origin and progress in Canada, xxii,
\\:A pp. I'i \ A nbnrn, Derby ^- Miller, 1852.
'J'he lives of eminent methodist min-
isters; containing biographical sketches,
incidents, anecdotes, records of travel, ro-
jlcctions, &c. 408 pp. 5 pi. 12°. Auburn,
Ihrby .r Miller, 1852.
Goss and company, consulting surgeons. Tho
;egis of life, a non-medical commentary
on the indiscretions arising from human
frailty, iu which the causes, symptoms,
and baneful effects of lues venerea, go-
norrhwa, stricture, seminal weakness, &c.
are explained in a familiar manner:
[also], very extensive practical observa-
tions on sexual debility, and its attendant
sympathies; tho whole illustrated by
striking cases. 18th ed. xviii, 203 pp.
8°. London, R. (I. Gnnnell tj- co. for the au-
thors, 1827.
Gothaischer genealogischer hofkaleudor.
Almanacli de Gotha. Annuaire gdudalo-
gi(iue, diplomatique ct statistique. llOe
annde. 187:3. 24°. Gotha, J. Perthes, ll^'2-\.
Gott (Ada Augusta). Dare Fairfax. 174
pp. 12°. New York, E. J. Hale .J- son, 1872.
Gouge (Thomas). Christian directions
showing how to walk with God all the
day long. Correctetl and improved, xi,
287 pp. 18°. London, for proprietor, 1742.
Gould (Augustus Addison). Principles of
zoology, 1873. See Agassiz (Louis) and
Gould (Miss Hannah Flagg). Hymns and
other poems for children. IGO pp. 1 pi.
1G°. Jioston, W. J. Fwynolds <y- co. 1854.
New poems. 1 p. 1. viii, 287 pp. 12°.
Ifoston, ir. J. Reynolds if- co. 1850.
Tho youth's coronal. [Poems]. 200
pp. 12°. Xew-York, I). Apj>leton .y CO. imi.
Gould (Nathaniel D.) Church music iu
America; with notices of tho schools, com-
posers, teachers, and societies. 240 pp.
12°. Boston, A. N. Johnson, 1853.
Goulding ( lieo. V. R. ) Robert and I laroU 1 , or
the young raaroonera on the Fh>rida coast.
422 pp. 0 pi. 1 map. IG^. J'hiladeljyhia,
;r. S. Martien, iaV2.
Goussault (— , Vabhv). L'nsage cln nionde,
on le parfait modeled'an honneste honune.
Avoc les symbolos do Pythagoro. Tra-
duits & expliquez par m. Dacier. 6 p. 1.
208 pp. 2 1. 18^. PariH, M. Brunei <j'- /.'/-
gaut, 1707.
Grace (William). The army surgeon's man-
ual, for the use of medical officers, cadets,
chaplains, and hospital stewards. 200 pp.
12^\ New Yor1c, JiaiUierc hrothers, 18(54.
Graham (Grace, ji^cndou f) Mabel Living-
stone, 01*, christvvard led. 282 pp. 3 pi.
IG'^. Boston, 1). Lotlu'Oj) ij- co. [1872].
Graham (J. Murray). An historical view
of literature and art in Great Britain from
the accession of the house of Hanover to
the reign of queen Victoria, xv, 480 pp.
8°. London, Longmans, Green c^- co. 1871.
Graham (Thomas). Elements of chemistry,
including the applications of the science
in the arts. With notes and additions, by
Robert Bridges, m. d. [Ist am. ed.] 749
pp. 8*^. rhihidcljyhla, Lea tf- Blanchard,
The same. 2d am. from an enlarged
eng. ed. Edited, with notes, by R. Bridges,
m.d. [Parti], xiii, 33-430 pp. 8°. Phil-
adeljihia, Blanchard if Lea, 1852.
Gramdtica francesa, 1850. See Vingut (F. J.)
Grandfather Wishwell. See Ide (Simeon).
Grandmother's scrap-book; or, the way to
do good, [anon.'] xi, 384 pp. 1 pi. 12".
Boston, Crocker ^ LirewstcT, 1864.
Grauert (Wilholm). Turner-schulbiicher.
vi. Leitfaden der weltgeschichte. Her-
ausgegebeu durcli den vorort des Nord-
amerikaniocheu turuer-bundes unter be-
gutachtung einer commission von schul-
miinnern. 177 pp. 12". New York, E.
Steiger, 1867.
Gray (John Edward). Catalogue of rumi-
nant mammalia (pecora, Linnajus) in the
British museum, viii, 102 pp. 4 pi. 8".
London, trustees, 1872.
[British museum].
Hand-list of the specimens of shield
reptiles [testudinata, emydosauri, rhyn-
chocephalia, and amphisbtenia] in the Brit-
ish museum, iv, 124 pp. 8°. I^ondon,
I BuiTiSH niusoum].
Gray (O. W.) New topographical atlas of
Ohio, 1872. S^c "Walling (II. F.) and
Great Britain. AdniiraUy. Tlie navy list,
corrected to the 20th deccmber, 1872. 12 \
London, J. Murray, 1873.
The same. Corrected to the
20th march, 1873. 12 . Londjn, J. Mnr-
ran, 1873.
{Hoard of longitude). Blunt's
edition of the nautical almanac, and as-
tronomical <!phomeri.s for the year 1825.
[Revised]. By Daniel Stansbury. 6 p. 1.
182, 21 pp. 12^. New York, E. M. Blunt,
Foreign office. Case [(resented on the
part of the government of her britannic
majesty to the tribunal of arbitration con-
stituted under article I of the treaty con-
cluded at Washington on the 8th may,
1871, between her britannic majesty and
tlio United States of America. 2 p. 1. 168
pp. fol. [London, Harrison f sons, 1872].
The same. Mdmoire pr«Ssentd
par le gouvernement de sa majeste britan-
uique au tribunal d'arbitrage constitu6 en
vertu de Particle ler du traitd conclu a
Washington, le 8 mai, 1871, entro sa ma-
jestd britannique et les fitats-Unis de
I'Am^rique. 2 p. 1. 183 pp. ft)l. [ Londres,
Harrison ffils, 1872].
The same. Appendix to the
case t)resented on the part of the govern-
ment of her britannic majesty. 7 v. fol.
[London, Harrison f sons, 1872].
V. 1. Correspondence respoctiug the "Florida,"
"Alabama," "Georgia," and "Shenandoah."
V. 2. Correspondence respecting the " Siimtor,"
"Nashville," "IJerinuda," "Ilector," "Alex-
andra," and other vessels.
V. 3. Coirespondenco respecting the commence-
ment of the civil war in the United States ;
declarations of neutrality of hritish and
foreign {governments; neutrality laws of
Great BriUiin and the United St.-ite8 ; ifcc.
V. 1. General correspondence on the "Alabama"
claims, presented to parliament.
Presented with the counter case.
V. 5. Papers relating to the Florida, Alabama,
Shenandoah, Chickamauga, Tallahassee,
and lletribution ; correspondence of the
government of the United States, and opin-
ions of United States' attorneys-general,
relative to the preservation of neutrality,
V. 6. Correspondence respecting the reception of
confederate cruisers in ports of other coun-
tries; i)apers relating to tlio supplv of
arms to th<' United States from Great Brit-
ain duriiij; the civil war.
V. 7. lieports of coniiiiittes appointed by the board
of trade and admiralt^y to examine the lists
of claims contained hi vol. vii, of the ap-
pendix to the Cixso of the United States.
Gieat Britain— contimiL'd.
The same. Appendico an nic-
moire pri^sentc^ par lo gonvernoment de sa
majestti britaiiin([ne. 4 v. fol. Parin, o
Vimjn-imenc nailoiuile, 187*2.
V. 1. CorreHpondanco concornant la Florida, I'Ala-
Imnia, la G«H)r};ia, I't le Shonaiiiloah.
V. 2. CorroajMUHlancf con<"eniaiit 1<" Nashvillo, la
Boriiiuda, riloctor, la Goor;:iana, Ic I'liaii-
Uim, rAlt'xaiulra, \f ilawk, I'Aiiipliioii, etc.
V. 3. ConeajKuulance rolativo an conmionci'mcut
<le la KiieiTC civile anx l^.tats-Uiiis.
Dt''«;larati()n.s do in'ntralit6 du gouvernpinont
britaiiniqiio et dos ;;oiivenieineut8 otraii-
Lois do noutralift'' de la Grandc-Breta<ine et
doa fitatsl'uis, etc.
V. 4. Corre8|M>iidance relative a I'Alabama, i\ la
frontiere do San Juan, etc.
Inst met ions, protocoles de.s eonftrencofi
tenues h Washinj^ton.
Counter-ca.se presented on the
part of the government of her britannic
majesty to the tribunal of arbitration con-
Htitnted und«!r article 1 of the treaty con-
cluded at Wa.shin<i;ton on the 8th May,
1871, between her britannic majesty and
the United States of Atuerica. vi, 154 pp.
1 map. fol. [LowrfoM, //f»//.wH.J«0H8,1872].
The same. Coutrc-mdmoire
Great Britain— continued.
and 1791 ; on the part of the petitioners
for the abolition of the slave-trade.
{anon.^ 2d ed. 1 p. 1. xx, 141 pp. 1 pi.
l)t\ London, J. rUilUps, 1791.
The same. Abr<5g6 des preuvea
prdsejitd par le gouvernement de sa ma-
jestd britannique, an tribunal d'arbitrage
const itu6 en \ertu de Tartiele ler du
trait(5 conclu a Washington, le 8 mai, 1871,
entre sa majest<5 britannique et les fitats-
Unis de I'Amdrique. vi, 173 pp. 1 map.
fol. [;j.j;. 1872].
Copies of the arguments ad-
dressed by her majesty's counsel to the
tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, on va-
rious points rai.sed during the proceedings,
ami of the replies of the counsel of the
United States thereto, as received from
her majesty's agent. (Supplement to The
London gazette, oct. 4, 1872). pp. 4593-
4744. f«)l. ILoiidon, r. c^- J. ir. Unrriaou,
Correspondance du lord G.
Germain, avec les gdndraux Clinton, Corn-
wallis et les amiraux dans la station de
rAmeri<iue, avec plusieurs lettres inter-
ceptdes du gdndral Washington, du mar-
quis de la Fayette et de m. do Barras,
chef d'cscadrc. Traduit de I'anglois sur
les origiiiaux publi«'s par ordro do la
chambre des pairs, xvi, 304 pp.2 tables. 8'\
Heme, Lanou rtllc noc'u'lt' typoffiaj)]! iqiie, 1782.
I'aH'uniunl. An abstract of the evi-
dence delivered before a select committee
of the hou.se of commons in the years 1790,
donndes devaut un comitd do la chambre
des conmiunes de la Grande-Bretagne, en
1790 et 1791, en favour de I'abolition do la
traito des iiegres. [awom.] Traduit do
I'anglois par Jean de Carro. xiv, 18G, iv
pp. 2 pi. 8 \ V'tenuc, A. Strauss, 1814.
Hansard's parliamentary de-
bates, third series : commencing with tho
accession of William IV. 35° & 36° Vic-
torian, 1872. Comprising the period from
the 6th day of february, 1872, to the 10th
day of august, 1872. v. 209-213. 8°.
London, C. Buck, 1872.
Report, together with the
miimtes of evidence, and an appendix of
papers, from the committee appointed to
consider of provision being made for tho
better regulation of mad-houses in En-
gland. Each subject of evidence arranged
under its distinct head, by J. B. Sharpe.
xii, 400 pp. 8°. London, reprinted for B.
Crndock </ Joy, 1815.
Royal commission on scien-
tific instruction and the advancement of
science, v. i. First, supplementary and
second reports, with minutes of evidence
and appendices, xxxiii, 629 pp. 1 1. 128
pp. sm. fol. London, for hr majestij^s sta-
tionery office, 1872.
Substance of the debates on a
resolution for abolishing the slave trade,
which wa3 moved in the house of com-
mons on tho 10th June, 1806, and in tho
house of lords on the 21th June, 1806.
With an appendix, containing notes and
illustrations, xii, 216 pp. 1 pi. 8". Lon-
don, Phillips tf" Fardon, 1806.
[Parliamentary reports and
papers]. Session of 1870. 76 v. in 72.
fol. ILondon, 1871].
Tho same. Session of 1871.
74 V. in 73. fol. [London, 1872].
Priry conncil officr. Veterinary depart-
ment. Report on tho cattle plague iti
Great Britain, during the year 1865-67,
with appendix, tables, and diagramsshow-
ing tho progress of tho disease, vii, 408
pp. 17 pi. 4 maps. fol. London, (i. E. Eyre
«)• ]]'. Spottisteoode, 1868.
Great Britain — coutinued.
Public record office. Calendar of the
Carew manuscripts preserved iu the archi-
episcopal library at Lambeth. Edited by
J. S. Brewer and William Bullou. 574 pp.
1 1. 8'^. London, Longman .J' cv. [c/c.]
Calendar of state papers, do-
mestic series, of the reigns of Elizabeth
and James I. Addenda, 1580-1G25. Ed-
ited by Mary Anne Everett Green. 4 p.
1. 811pp. 8\ London, Lonf/manx, 1872.
Note. — This voliimo coinplotcs tlio series of do-
mestic calendars, from 1547 to 1G--J5.
Calendar of state papers, for-
eign series, of the reign of Elizabeth,
I0G6-G8. Edited by Allan James Crosby.
8°. London, Longman <j"- co. 1871.
[Calendar of state papers].
Letters and papers, foreign and domestic,
of the reign of Henry Vlll. Arranged and
catalogued by J. S. Brewer, v. 4, part 2.
[1526-28]. 8\ London, Longmans, 1872.
Calendar of the state papers,
relating to Ireland, of the reign of James
I. 1603-1606; preserved in her majesty's
public record office and elsewhere. Edited
by the rev. C. W. Russell, d. d. and John
P. Prendergast. 1 p. 1. cxviii, 05'J pp. 8-.
London, Longmans, 1872.
Rerum britannicarum medii
jevi scriptores, or chronicles and memori-
als of Great Britain and Ireland during
the middle ages. 8 v. 8 \ London, Long-
man (j- CO. 1872-73.
Bekynton (ThoraaiJ). Memorials of the rei;in of
king Henry VI. Official correspondence of T.
Bekynton. 2 v. Edited, with an appendix of
illustrative documents, by (i. Williams. 187-i.
HiiJUEN (Ralph). Polychronicon llauulphi Hif?-
den monachi cestrensis ; together with the en-
^lish translations of John Trevisa and of an j
unknown writer of the fifteenth century. Ed-
ited by rev. Joseph Rawson Luniby. v. 4.
Matthew Pakis. Matlia-i parisiensis, chronica '
niajora. Edited by H. R. Luard. v. 1. The
creation to a. d. lOGO. 1872.
Walteu of Coventri/. Memoriale fratris AValteri
dcCoventria. — The historical collections of Wal-
ter of Coventry, v. 1-2. 1872-73.
Whetiiamstede (John). Chronica monaattnii s.
Albani. Registra quorundam abbatum nionas-
terii 8. Albani, qui sieculo xvn)o. floruero. v. 1.
Repistrura abbatiai Johaniiis Whethamstede,
iterumsusceptfB ; Roberto Blakeney, capellano,
quondam adscriptum. Edited by lleury Tliomas
AVkight (Thomas). The auKlo-latin satirical
poets and epigrammatists of the twelfth century.
Great Britain (The pharmaceutical society
of). The calendar of the pharmacentical
society of Great Britain, 1873. 268 pp.
8"^. London, Pharm. hoc. of Gr. Britain,
1873. s.
15 C
Great (The) metropolis; or guide to New
York for 1846-48 and 1851. 2d, 4th, and
7th publication. 18\ New- York ^H.Wd-
8on, [1845-50].
Grediaga (I. G.) Guia do Nuova York, 1863.
Sec Alvarez (R.) and Grediaga.
Green (Horace, m. d.) Observations on the
l>athology of croup: with remarks on its
treatment by topical medications. [2«l
ed.] xvi, 13-1'J8 pp. 8. New York,.!,
miey, 1851).
A practical treatise on pulmonary
tuberculosis. Embracing its history, pa-
thology, and treatment. 1 p. 1. viii, 35.5
pp. 12 col. i>l. 8 \ Xtw Ym-k, J. Wiley,
I 1864.
j Green (Mary Anne Everett). Calendar of
j state papers. S<x Great Britain. Public
] record office.
Green (Nathan). The tall man of Winton
and his wife. By "Over forty." [jmn-
rfoM.] 303 pp. 18^\ Nashville, Tenn. Cnm-
bcrland prabijlcrian board of pnhlication.
[Gem library, v. 2].
Green ( Rachel W.) Grace filling an earthen
vessel with glory; or, letters of R. W.
Green. Edited by W. R. Carroll. 190 pp.
1()^. Philadelphia, Prot. epischook society,
Green (William Henry). A grammar of
the hebrew language, x, 322 pp. 1 tab.
8". New York, J. Wiley, 1861.
A hebrew chrestomathy ; or, lessons
in reading and writing hebrew. vii, 167
pp. 8-\ New York, J. Wiley, 1863.
Greene (Albert G.) Recollections of the
Jersey priso!i-ship. Sec Dring (Thomas).
Greene (George Washington). Companion
to Ollendorff's new method of learning to
read, Avrite, and speak the french lan-
guage; or dialogues and a vocabulary.
273 pp. 12-. New York, D. AppletonSi'co.
Greene (Joseph Reay). A manual of the
sub-kingdom co-lenterata. Now imp.
xiii, 271 pp. 18'. London, Longmanx,
[Galukaitii ct Houghton's scifutitic manuals].
A manual of the sub-kingdom pro-
tozoa. With a general introtluction on
the principles of zoology. New imp. xxx,
88 pp. 18°. London, lMngmans,\rS7\.
IGalukaitu & Houghton's scientiflc manuals].
Greener (W. W.) Modern breech-loaders:
sporting and military. With numerous
illustrations, xvi, 256 pp. 1 tab. folded.
12-. London, C'aascll, Petter cf- (iaipin,
Greenleaf (Benjamin). Mathematical se-
ries. New elementary arithmetic. 1871.
See Maglathlin (Henry li.)
Greenleaf (Jonathan). A history" of the
churches of all denominations, in the city
of New York, from the first settlement to
the year 1850. 2d ed. 430 pp. 18 \ Xew
York, E. French, 1850.
Green Mountain (The) boys, 18:U). See
Thompson (Daniel P.)
Greenock (The) commercial list, 1873-74.
See Glasgow.
Greenough (.lames li.) A latin <;rammar,
1872. A<r Allen (Joseph 11.) <nu/ Green-
Greenough, Jones & go's directory of
the cities and towns on the line of the
Eastern, Boston and Maine, Portland,
Saco & Portsmouth, and Maine Central
railroads, coniprisin*; complete business
directories of more than seventy- five cities
and towns. 8\ Boston, Grecnouf/h, Jones
<S- CO. 1872.
Greenough (Mrs. Richard S.) In extremis.
A novelette. 3 p. 1. 202 pp. 12°. Boston,
Jioherts brothers, 1872.
Greenwell (Dora). The patience of hope.
By the author of "A present heaven."
With an introduction by J. G. Whittier.
[qhom.] 171 pp. 12"'. Boston, Ticlnor <f-
Fields, 1862.
Greenwood (Francis William Pitt, d. d.)
A collection of psalms and hymns for
christian worship. 225 1. 16°. Boston,
Carter .j- Hendcc, 1830.
The same. 14th ed. xxvi pp. 214 1.
18' . Boston, Carta; Hendce <j- co. 1835.
The same. 16th ed. 234 1. unp. 12°.
Boston, Carter, Ilcndee <j- co. 1835.
The same. 26th ed. xxvi pp. 220 1,
16^. Boston, C. J. Ilnidrc .f-^'. jr. Palmer
.f- CO. 18:59.
The same. liJd «d. [With supple-
ment, by R. C. W. /. e. Waterston]. 546
pp. 16'\ Boston, Jcnks .f- Palmer, 1846.
[With AVatf.uhtox (K. (;.) .S.Tvici' book : for the
Church of tho .saviour].
Lives of the twelve apostles, to which
is prefixed a life of John tlw; baptist. 2d
ed. viii, 252 pp. lO '. Ihston, Ililliard,
Cray <|- co. 1835.
Greenwood (F. W. P. d. <?.)— continued.
The miscellaneous writings of F. W.
P. Greenwood, d. d. vi, 393 pp. 12^.
Boston, C. C. Little 4- J. Brown, 1846.
Greenwood (Grace, pseudon.) /SeeLippin-
I cott (J/rs.Sara J. C.)
Greey (Edward). The queen's sailors.
A nautical novel. 3 v. 16^'. Xew York,
E. Greey <J- co. 1870.
The same. Blue jackets ; or, tho
adventures of J. Thompson, a. b. among
'' the heathen Chinee." A nautical novel.
By Edward Greey, (Sung-tie). 236 pp. 1 pi.
i . 8-. Boston, J. E. Tilton tf- co. 1871.
I Gregg (J.) Selumiel, or a visit to Jerusa-
■ lem ; and tho most interesting scenes in
and around it. a. d. 40. \_anon.'\ 228 pp.
18°. Philadelphia, Am. s.-s. union [1833].
j Gregory I. the great (Saint and pope). King
I Alfred's west-saxou version of Gregory's
I Pastoral care. With an english transla-
t tion, the latin text, notes, and an intro-
duction. Edited by Henry Sweet. Part
2. pp. v-xlii, 1 1. pp. 289-509. 8\ Lon-
don, N. Triibner «f co. 1872.
[Eakly english text society publications, no.50].
Gregory (i^ey. Benjamin). Walter Powell,
of Melbourne and London, merchant, phil-
anthropist, and christian. Edited and
largely rewritten from [his] " Memoirs of
Walter Powell, merchant." By L. P.
Brockett, m. d. viii, 357 pp. 12°. Xew
York, G. Eoutledgc 4' sons, 1872.
Gregory (Rev. John). The works of the rev.
mr. John Oregorie. In two parts. 4th ed.
2 v. in 1. 12 p. 1. 175 pp ; 8 p. 1. 173 pp.
sm. 4°. London, M. Clark, for E. Royston,
V. 1. Notes and observations upon some passages
of scripture;
V. 2. Gregorii posthuma. Together with a short
.locount of the author's life. Published
by J[ohn] G[urganyJ. 1G83.
Contents of Posthuma.
A discourse of tho Ixx interpreters ; tho place,
and manner of their interpretation, pp. 1-4:}.
A discourse d»;cl(\ring what time the nicene creed
began to bo sung in tho cliurch. pp. 45-5.1.
Grier (J. B.) Studies iu the english of Bun-
yan. 150 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B.
Lippincott <f co. 1872.
Griffin (C. W.) Memoir of col. Cbas. S. Todd.
174 pp. 8°. Philaddphia, Claxton, Remsen
<f- Haffelfingcr, 1873.
Griffin (Edward D. d. d.) Au humble attempt
to reconcile tho diflerences of christians
respecting the extent of the atonement.
[In Park (E. A.) The atonement. 8©. Boston,
ie59. pp. 137-427],
QrifOn (George, //. d.) The gospel its own
advocate. 352 pp. 12°. New York, 1).
Jppleton 4- CO. 1850.
GrifOn (G. W.) Studies in literature. 2d
ed. 298 pp. 12°. Fhiladelphia, Claxton,
liemsen 4' Haffelfinger, 1871.
Griffin (Joseph, teache)-). Atlas, designed to
illustrate [the author's] "Elements of
modem geography." 2 1. [covers], 9 col.
maps, 4 charts. 4". (Hcn^s Falls, [iV. 1'.]
J. Smith, 1833.
Elements of modern geography. 228
pp. 18°. Glen's Falls, IN. F.] A. Smith,
Griffin (Joseph, printer). History of the
press of Maine, 1872. 284 pp. 4 pi. por-
trait. 8°. Brunswick, the jness [o/ J
Griffin^ established 1819, [1872].
Griffin (M.) Impressions of Germany, by an
american lady, lanon.} 451 pp. 12°.
Dresden, B. G. Teuhner, [1866].
Griffis (William E.) The first reader of the
new Japan series. 60 pp. 12°. San
Francisco, A. L. Bancroft ^' co. 1873.
The new Japan pictorial primer. In-
troductory to the new Japan readers.
1 p. 1. 43 pp. 16°. San Francisco, A. L.
Bancroft ^- co. 1872.
The new Japan spelling book. Les-
Grildrig (Sulomou)— continued.
235 pp ; 4 p. 1. 254 pp. 16°. Jj}Hdon, J.
Murray, 180R.
JVote.— The joint production of dr. Itfnnell, mr.
Knight, nir. Cannlug. and the soag of the mar-
quis of Welleslo}'.— Lowndes.
Grimes (J. Stanley). Etherology, and the
phreno- philosophy of mesmerism and
magic eloquence : including a new philoso-
phy of sleep and of consciousness, [etc.]
Revised and edited by W. G. Le Due.
[Also, A new system of phrenology]. 251,
121 pp. 12°. BoHton, J. Munroe 4' <»•
Grimm (A. Th. von). Alexandra Feodorow-
na, empress of Russia. Translated by lady
Wallace. 2 v. xv, 325 pp. portrait ; viii,
424 pp. portrait. 12^. Edinburgh, Edmon-
ston 4' Douglas, 1870.
Grimm( Hermann). Uniiberwiudliche niUch-
te. Roman. 2te and. 2 v. 384 pp; 388
pp. 12°. Berlin, JV. Hertz, 1870.
Griswold (lit. rev. Alexander Viets). Pray-
ers adapted to various occasions of social
I worship, for which provision is not made
i in the Book of common prayer. 190 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, W. Marshall 4- co. 1835.
The same. 271 pp. 12°. Philadel-
sons in spelling, with exercises in read
iug, writing, dictation «fe translation,
for Japanese pupils learning english. 204
pp. 12°. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft 4'
CO. 1872.
Griffith (Allen Ayrault). Lessons in elocu-
tion and drill book, for practice of the
principles of vocal physiology, and for
acquiring the art of elocution and oratory.
240 pp. 12°. Chicago, Adams, Blackmer 4'
Lyon publishing co. 1872.
Griffith {Rev. Thomas). The spiritual life.
3d ed. XV, 283 pp. 16°. London, T.
Cadell, 1836.
Griffith (William). Eamenes: a collection
of papers written for the purpose of ex-
hibiting some of the errors and omissions
of the constitution of New-Jersey, etc.
lanon.'] 154 pp. 8°. Trenton, G. Craft,
[WoLCOTT pamphlets, v. 57].
Griggs (William N.) The celebrated " moon
story." >See Looke (Richard A.)
Grildrig (Soloujon, pseudon.) The minia-
ture, by Solomon Grildrig, of the college
of Eton. \_psendon.'[ 2d ed. 2 v. 6 p. 1.
phia, W. Marshall 4- co. 1836.
Griswold (J.) James' traveler's compan-
ion, 1853. See James (Uriah P.)
Griswold (Rufus Wilmot). The poets and
poetry of America. With additions by R.
H. Stoddard. Revised, enlarged, and con-
tinued to the present time. 669 pp. 12
portraits. 8°. New York, J. Miller, 1873,
Grosh (Aaron B.) The odd-fellow's man-
ual: illustrating the history, principles,
and government of the order, [etc.] Engd.
tit. 384 pp. 1 pi. 12^. Philadelphia, U.
C. Peck 4- T. Bliss, 1852.
Gross (Rev. Joseph B.) The doctrine of the
lord's supper, as set forth in the Book of
concord, critically examined, and its fal-
lacy demonstrated. 191 pp. 16°. Phil-
adelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4- co. 1873.
Gross (Samuel D.) A manual of military
surgery ; or, hints on the emergencies of
field, camp and hospital practice, 186 pp.
18°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4' co.
A practical treatise on the diseases
and injuries of the urinary bladder, the
prostate gland, and the urethra. 726 pp.
8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4- Lea, 1851.
Gross (Samuel D.)— continued.
A system of surgery ; pathological,
diagnostic, tlierapeutic, and operative,
nth ed. greatly enlarged and thorougldy
revised. 2 v. xxxviii, 49-1098 pp; xxix,
19-1170 pp. 8\ Philiidelphia, Jf. C. Lm,
Grosse (Dr. Ernst). Deutschlauds kultur-
l)llanzen. vi, 192 pp. 8 . Lnpzlij, A.
Aid, 1858. s.
(HoTAXlCAL immphlets, v. 11].
Groszes Icsehuch fiir slovenisch-deutsche
schulen. [Or], Veliko herilo za slovensko-
neniwke sole. [«ho?j.] 44fi i)p. IG^. Sa
Diinaju, V c. l\ zaiozhi soltkih hulcr, 1870.
Grote (George). Aristotle. Edited by Alex-
ander Bain, II. d. and G. Crooni Kobertson.
2 V. xiii, 47Gpp; 2 p. 1. 4()8 pp. s . I.mi-
doti, J. Mto'ray, 1872.
Grmid (Francis J.) Elements of natural.
l)hilosopl)y, with questions for review,
2d ed. 294 pp. 12 . Jioslo,,, Carter, Hcu-
th'c .)• CO. 18:}').
Exercises in arithmetic, with particu-
lar reference to those rules [used] in com-
mon l)n.sineH.s, accompanied by a kej'
viii, 187 pp. 12 \ Jlmtou, Ciirtcr, Ilrn-
(ke ij CO. mXi.
Griiyer (L. A.) l^es causes conditionnelles
<t productrices des id^es, on de I'enchalne-
n\ent naturel des propri<^t^s et des ph<^-
nomines de Tarae. 1 p. 1. xi, \\>'7 pp. >^ .
Paris, Ladrangc, 1.*'14.
Giiardia (.1. M. m. d.) Essai sur Touvrnge
de J. Iluarte: examen des aptittides <li-
verses pour les sciences. (Examen de in-
genios para la.s ciencias). 4 j). 1. '.V2!-^ pp,
H . J'arh, A. Duraud, 18.'.r>.
GUell y Rente (.lose'-), roesj.is, con nii pro-
logo de A. Fernandez de los Jlios. 2 p. 1.
viii, :?:?8 i>p. portrait. 8. Paris, poiu/r
hrrmniios, ])hhou y Prcsnt', 1^*07. s.
Guericke (Heinrich Ernst Ferdinand). A
manual of <liurch history. Translated
from the germnn, by W. (J. T. Shedd. An-
cient church history, comprising the first
six centuries, xvi, 422 pj). H . Andovrr,
II'. F. Draper, 18.'>7.
Guernsey (Clara F.) IJoys of ICagh-wood ;
or, life at school. 400 pp. G pi. ]('» .
Philadelphia, Am. 8.-8. union, 1872.
Guernsey (Lucy Ellen). Jenny and the
birds. By the author of ".Jennv and the
Guernsey (Lucy Ellen)— continued,
insects," ** Irish Amy," [etc. ahom.] 309
pp. 4 pi. IC^. Philadelphia, Am. s.-s. union,
On the mountain; or, lost and found.
228 pp. 2 pi. 16^. Philadelphia, Am. 8.-8.
union, [1872].
Ready work for willing hands; or
the story of Comfort Allison. By the au-
thor of "Irish Amy." lanon.'\ 316 pp. 5
pi. 18-. Philadelphia, Am. 8.-8. union,
Rhoda's education ; or, too much of a
good thing. 1 p. 1. 5-317 pp. 3 pi. IG^.
Philadelphia, Am. s.-s. union, [1873].
The Round spring stories. 2 v. 18°.
Philadelphia, Am. 8.-8. union, [1872.]
]'«>rcv'.s holiil.avs; or borrowing troulih'. lO-l jip.
The red plant. Ill pp. 2 pi.
The straight path ; or, the story of
Hope Conroy. lanon.'\ 377 pp. 3 pi. 16°.
P'hiladclphia, Am. 8.-8. union, [I860].
Tlie tame turtle; or Geordie McGreg-
or's trouble. 199 pp. 3 pi. 1G°. Philadel-
phia, Am.s.-s. union, [1873].
The tattler; or, the history of Patty
Steele. By the author of "Irish Amy."
I [rt»o»]- 393 pp. 1 pi. 12. Philadelphia,
I Am. 8.-S. union, [18G3J.
I Gueullette (Simon). An easy method of
! learning the roman history; with a
chronology of the roraan emperors, and
an abridged account of the roman usages
and customs. Translated from the french,
I with additions, by George "NVatterston.
j lp.l.204pp. 12 \ lVashin(/ton, D. Poj)ine,
Guicciardini (Francesco). The historic of
iJuicciardin: containing the warres of
Italic and other partes, continved for ma-
I nie yeares vnder sundrie kings and princes,
together with the variations and accidents
of the same. Reduced into english by
Geffray Feuton. 4 p. I. 944 pp. 5 1. fol.
j London, P. Field, 1599.
I Guide book of the Lehigh valley railroa<l.
f>ee Chamberlain (Lloyd).
Guide (The) to domestic happiness, [anon.]
2d am. from 5th Loud. ed. 154 pp. 1 pi.
IG. Xew Haven, Sidney^ h press, for J. Cooke
<Sco. 1807.
Guillemin (Amdd^-e). The sun. From the
french by T. L. Phipson. xii,296 pp. 1 pi.
12-. London, P. Ikniley, 1870.
Guillemin (Am6(16e)— contiuued. !
"Wonders of the moon. Translated
from the french by miss M. G. Mead. Ed-
ited, with additions, by Maria Mitchell.
241 pp. 5 pi. 12°. New Tori; Scrihner,
Armstrong ^- co. 1873.
[Ii-LUSTRATED library of wonders].
Giiilleminot (Jean). Opuscnla pliiloso-
phica, quibus continental principia philo-
sophiae antiqnissiraae & recentissimae, ac
philosophia vulgaris refutata. [anon.']
144,340 pp. 24°. Jmstelodami, WJO.
[With Scorn (G. C.) Lvcii Cornelii cvropaei
nionarchia solipsorvm. Ed. Tcnefm, 1C51 J.
Guinnard (A.) Three years' slavery among
the Patagonians. From the 3d french ed.
by Charles S. Cheltnam. x, 375 pp. 1 map.
8^. London, li. Bcntley cf- son, 1871.
Gummere (Samuel R.) The progressive
spelling-book, in two parts; containing
exercises in spelling, pronunciation, and
derivation. 216 pp. 12^. PMIadclphia,
Eimher 4- Sharplcss, 1836.
Gundlach (W.) Liederbuch fiir scbul- und
volksgesang in worten und weisen. Eine
sammlung zwei- und dreistimmiger lieder.
1 p. 1. iv, 174 pp. 12^. Xew-Torl; L. W.
Schmidt, 1872.
Gunn (John C.) Gunn's domestic medicine,
or poor man's friend, in the hours of afiflic-
tion, pain, and sickness. 12th ed. 768 pp.
8°. Louisville, Ky. C. Fool, 1838.
The same. New revised ed.— im-
proved and enlarged. 893 pp. portrait.
8^. New York, C. M. Saxton, 1853.
The same. Gunn's new domestic
physician : or, home book of heaKh. 791
))p. 1 col. pi. 8^. Cincinnaii, Moore,
mistach, Keys 4- co. 1857.
The same. With an appendix on
anatomy, physiology, etc. 1046 pp. 26 pi,
portrait. 8^. Cincinnaii, Moore, Wil-
stach, Keys ^- co. 1859. ,
The same. With supplementary
treatises on anatomy, physiology, and
hygiene, and on nursing the sick, and the
management of the sick room. 1129 pp.
portrait, 23 pi. 8°. Cincinnati, Moore,
IVilstach, Keys 4- co. 1863.
The same. Gunn's neuer hausarzt,
oder handbuch der gesundheit. Ein voll-
stiindiger leitfaden filr familien. Nach
der 17ten stereotyp-auflage des englischeu
originals fiir das deutsche publikum bear-
beitet von dr. C. A. Rodin, unter mit-
Gunn (John C.)— continued,
wirkung von Johann Eggers. 1038 pp.
20 col. pi. 3 pi. portrait. 8^^. Cincinnati,
Moore, Wilstach .f Baldwin, 1864.
Gunn (Moses, m.<?.) See Peninsula (The)
and independent medical journal, 1858-59.
Gunn {Eev. William) and Harrison (Her.
Thomas). The christian melodist, a col-
lection of popular songs, for use in public
and social meetings. 344 pp. 18-^. Lou-
isville, Ky. Morton <f* Grisuold, 1850.
Gurley (Eev. L. IJ.) Memoir of rev. Will-
iam Gurley, of Milan, Ohio, a local min-
ister of the methodist episcopal church :
including a sketch of the irish insurrec-
tion and martyrs of 1798. 268 pp. por-
1 trait. 12'^ Cincinnati, for the author, ISiJO.
Guro'wski (Adam G. de). America and
Europe, viii, 411 pp. 12 \ New York, I).
I Appleton cf CO. 1857.
Gute (Der) same. Kin katliolisches gobet-
! buch. Herausgegeben von der Versamm-
I lung des allerheiligsten erlosers. 2to aufl.
I 383 pp. 32°. Baltimore, J. Murphy, 1850.
Guthrie (Mrs. M. J.) The silver lining ; or,
fair-hope prospect. 203 pp. 12°. I'hil-
adelphia, 1S72.
Gutierrez (Juan Maria). Apuntes biogra-
ficos de escri tores, oradores y hopibres de
estado de la republica arjentina. 294 pp.
11. 12°. Buenos-Aires, imprenta de Mayo,
1860. s.
I [Biblioteca americaua, v. 7].
I Estudios biograficos y criticos sobre
I algunos poetas sud-americanos, anteriores
al siglo xix. v. 1. vii, 355 pp. 1 1. 12°.
1 Buenos Aires, imprenta del Siglo, 1865. s.
j Noticias historicas sobre el orijen y
i desarrollo de la enseuanza publica supe-
rior en Buenos Aires, desde la <5poca de la
estincion de la Compauia do Jesus en el
auo 1767, hasta poco despUes de fundada
la universidad en 1821. Con notas, bio-
grafias, datos estadisticos y docnmentos
curiosos in^ditos 6 poco conocidos. xix,
941 pp. fol. Buenos Aires, J. M. Cantilo,
1868. s.
Note. — In this volnmo (pp. 573-618) is contained : —
" Catdlogo de los libros didicticos que so ban
pnblicado 6 escrito en Buenos Aires, desde el
iifio 1790 hasta cl auo 1807 inclusive, con escln-
sion de los cleraentales destiuados d las escuelas
de primeras letras. "
Poesias. x, 339 pp. 8 . liuenox,
Aires, C. Cosavalle, 1869. s.
Guy de VRerault. Histoire corapli^te et au-
thentique de Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte.
See Gallix and Guy.
Guyon (Jeauno Marie Bouvil'res cle la
Motbe). Spiritual torreuts. Translated
by A. E. Ford. With parallel passages
from the writings of Emanuel Sweden-
borg. 208 pp. 10^. Boston, 0. Clapp,
Guyot (Arnold). Guyot's geographical
series. Physical geography. 2 p. 1. 124
pp. inc. 9 maps. 4°. Xew York, Scrihner,
Armstrong ^- co. [1673].
Guyse (John, d. d.) The practical exposi-
tor : or, an exposition of the new testa-
ment, in the form of a paraphrase. 5th
ed. C T. 8°. Edinburgh, 1797.
The standing use of the scripture, to
all the purposes of a divine revelation. In
eleven sermons. "With an account of the
author. 324 pp. 12-. Glasgow, G. Cald-
well, 1790.
H. (lieiK E. jx^niof of the second jrrcshyterian
church, Trojf). The family a religious
institution; or heaven its model, [anon.
Preface subscribed E. H.] 204 pp. 12-.
Troy, X. Y., E. Gates, 1840.
H. (H.) See Hunt {Mrs. Helen M. F.) j
H. (J.) 'E/c Tuv TTfpt luKparovc, in usuni |
schola) regia3 ■westmonasteriensis. lanon.'] '\
3 p. 1. 240 pp. 2 1. 8^^. Londini, B. Bar-
ker, 17G0.
iS'ofe.— Extracts from Plato and Xcnoi)lioii.
H. (M. P.) An orphan's story ; or, sketches '
of some friends whom I have known.
[aHOH.] 242 pp. inc. 1 pi. IG-. New York,
Carlton tf- Lanahan, [1872].
Habert de C^risy (Germain, ahhe). La vie
dv cardinal de Bervlle. 6 p. 1. 907, 53 pp.
1 pi. 4^. Paris, J. Camvsat, et Pierre le
petit, 1G40.
Hackett (Horatio Balcli, d. d) A brief
statement of the best established results
at which biblical interpreters have arrived
respecting infant baptism. !
[In Chase (Trah. d. d.) Baptismal tracts for the |
Iti'. Boston, Gould d- Lincoln, 1851. pp. |
— A commentary on
original text
of the Acts of the apostles, vii, 407 pp.
8' . Boston, J. r. Jewett t^- co. 1852.
Illustrations of scripture ; suggested
by a tour through the holy land. 340 pp.
1 1>1. 12 . Boston, JJeath ./■ Graves, 1855.
The same. New cd. 354 pp. 12*^.
Boston, Gould ij- Lincoln, 18G0.
Hadley (James). A greek grammar for
schools and colleges, viii, 366 pp. 12°.
Xew York, D. Jppleton <f- co. 1860.
: Hague (The). Eoninklijk iHstituut van ingi-
nieura. Repertoire de cartes public par
I'lnstitut royal des ing^nieurs n^erlandais.
liv. 1-9 in 5 v. 8P. La Haye, van Langen-
huyaen frhes, 1854-68. s.
V. 1. [R6p«rtoire des cartes de la nionarchie autri-
chienne]. vlU, 142 pp. 1854-55. Also, 2e
6d. viii, tit. 1423 pp. 185f>.
V. 2. Repertoire des cartes de I'ompiro fran5aiH.
1 p. 1. 178 pp. 1856.
V. 3. Repertoire des cartes de la Suido. de la Nor-
v6£e et du Danemark. 2 p. 1. 74 pp. 1859.
V. 4. Repertoire des cartes du royaume des Pays-
lias et des colonies neerlandaises. 180
pp. 1865.
V. 5. Repertoire des cartes da royaume de Bel-
gique. 212 pp. 18C8.
Hahn-Hahn (Ida Maria Louisa Fredrika
Gustava, countess). Faustina. A novel.
From the german. 298 jip. 12^. Xetv
York, G. W. Carleton tj- co. 1872.
Hale (Ra\ Edward Everett). Christmas
eve and Christmas day. Ten Christmas
• stories. 4 p. 1. 294 (inc. 39i-39i<) pp. 1 pi.
16°. Boston, Eoherts brothers, 1873.
His level best, and other stories. 4
p. 1. 293 pp. 12". Boston, J. B. Osgood tf-
CO. 1873.
Ninety days' worth of Europe. 1 p. 1.
224 pp. 12°. Boston, Walker, Wise tj- co.
Ups and downs. An every-day
novel, iv, 319 pp. 16*^. Boston, lioberts
brothers, 1873,
editor. Six of one by half a dozen
of the other. An every day novel. By
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Adeline D. T.
Whitney, Lucretia P. Hale, Frederic W.
Loring, Frederic B. Perkins, Edward E.
Hale. XV, 245 pp. 16"^. Boston, Boberts
brothers, 1872.
Hale (Edwin M. m. d.) [Homfeopathic
materia medica]. The characteristics of
the new remedies. 3d ed. remodeled
and re-written. 544 pp. 8 col. pi. 8*^.
Detroit, Mich., Lodge's homaiopathic phar-
macy, 1873.
Hale (Lucretia P.) Struggle for life. By
the author of " The queen of the red chess-
men," [etc. anon.'] 311 pp. 12°. Bos-
ion, Walker, Wise 4- co. 1861.
Hale (Sarah Josepha). Flora's interpreter :
or, the american book of flowers and senti-
ments. 224 pp. 1 1. 1 col. pi. 12°. Bos-
ton, Marsh, Capen ^- Lyon, 1832.
A sketch of the life [of dr. John
Aikin]. ^ce Aikin ( John).
Half hours with Irish authors, 1873.
McGee (James Edward).
Hall (Baynard Rust, d. d.) Something for
every body : gleaued in the old purchase,
from fields often reaped. By Kobert Carl-
ton. li)midon.'\ 228 pp. 12'^. Xew-Tork,
D. Appleion ^^ co. 1846.
[Appleton's literary miscellany, no. Hi].
Hall (Charles H. d. d.) andWhiteley (S. B.)
Hymnal, 1872. See Protestant episcopal
Hall (Edward B.) Memoir of Mary L.
Ware, wife of Heury Ware, jr. Fourth
thousand, vii, 434 pp. portrait. 8 '. Bos-
ton, Crosby, Nichols ij- co. 1853.
The same. Fifth thousand, vii, 434
pp. portrait. 12"^. Boston, Croshij, Nichols
4^ CO. 1853.
Hall (Edwin, d. d.) An exposition of the
law of baptism, as it regards the mode
and the subjects. 216 pp. 18°. Norivalk,
Ct., J. A. Weed, 1840.
The same. [New ed.] 221 pp. 12°.
See Hall {Miss Mary Lucy)— continued.
The same. 116 pp. (inc. 9 col. maps).
sra. 4°. Boston, S. F. Nicliols, 1866.
Hall (Robert, of Arnsby). Help to Zion's
travellers. Illustrated with notes, by rev.
Joseph Warne. To which is added the
author's life. 274 pp. 1 pi. 10. Boston,
Lincoln, Edmands <f- to. 1833.
The same : relating to doctrinal,
experimental and practical religion. 252
l)p. 18 \ Philaddphia , Am. baptist publi-
cation society, 1851.
Hall (iSei;. Samuel Read). The instructor's
manual : or, lectures on school-keeping.
Revised ed. 233 pp. 16 . Boston, J. /'.
Jewel t 4- CO. 1852.
Lectures to female teachers on school-
keeping. 179 pp. 10. Boston, Richard-
son, Lord ij- Ilolbrook, 1832.
Lectures to schoolmasters, on teach-
ing. 4th ed. revised and enlarged. 168
pp. 12". Boston, Carter, ffendee .f co.
Philadelphia, Preabyterian publication com- j jjall {Mrs. Sarah Ewing). Conversations
mittee, [1864].
The puritans and their principles. 440
pp. dP. New York, Baker tf- Scribner, 1846.
Hall (John, captain british army). The his-
tory of the civil war in America, v. 1.
Comprehending the campaigns of 1775,
1776, and 1777. By an officer of the array.
lanon.'\ 2 p. 1. 413 pp. 3 1. 8^. London,
for T. Payne <f- son, 1780.
[No more published j.
The same. 2d ed. [ohom.] 6 p. 1.
467 pp. 1 map. 8"
cj- 8071, 1780.
on the bil)le. By a lady of Philadelphia,
[rtjjon.] 4th ed. 303 pp. 12^. Philndcl-
phia, author, 1827.
Hall (William White, wi. d.) The guide-
board to health, peace and competence;
or, the road to happy old age. 752 pp.
33 pi. portrait. 8°. Springfield, Mass. 1).
E. Fisk 4^ co.il^rZ^.
Health at home, or Hall's family doc-
tor. 1 p. 1. 799 pp. 4 pi. portrait. 8 .
Hartford, Conn. S. M. Belts 4- co. 1873.
London, for T. Payne HaUeck (Fitz Greene). The croakers, 1860.
I See Drake (Joseph R.) and Halleck.
Hall {Bev. John, of Trenton, N. J.) The life : Hallett {Miss E. V.) Natalie; or, a gem
among the sea-weeds. By Ferna Vale.
\^pseHdon.'\ 324 pp. 12". Andorer, W. F.
Draper, 1858.
Hallowell (Benjamin). Geometrical analy-
sis, or the construction and solution of
various geometrical problems from analy-
sis, by geometrj', algebra, and the differ-
ential calculus ; also, the geometrical con-
struction of algebraic e(j[uations, and a
mode of constructing curves of the higher
order by means of points. 279 pp. port-
rait. 8^ Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott .f
CO. 1872.
The young friend's manual; contain-
of rev. Henry Marty n. With some account i
of Abdool Messeeh, a hindoo convert.
246 pp. 3 pi. 18'\ Philadelphia, Am. s. s.
union, 1832.
jV'ote. — Principally compiled from the 10th en-
glish ed. of the Memoirs of mr. Martyn, by
the rev. John Sargent.
Shelomith's son ; the curser and blas-
phemer. By the author of the " Harvey
boys." lanon.li 146 pp. 18 -. Philadel-
phia, Am. s.-s. union, [1856].
Hall {Mrs. Louisa J.) Miriam, and Joanna
of Naples, with other pieces in verse and
prose. 403 pp. 12^. Boston, W. Crosby
4' H. P. Nichols, 1850.
Hall {Miss Mary Lucy). Our world, or first
lessons in geography. 177 pp. 12°. Bos-
ton, Crosby 4- Nichols, 1864.
ing a statement of some of the doctrines
and testimonies of friends, [etc.] 175 pp.
18°. Philadelphia, T. E. Zell, 1867.
Halloy (J. B. J. d'Omalius (V). See Oma-
lius d'Halloy (J. B. J. d').
Halsey (Le Roy J. d. d.) Life pictures from
the bible, or illustrations of scripture char-
acter. 460 pp. 12. I'hiladelphia, Fres-
hyUnan hoard of publication, [1860].
The literary attractious of tho bible ;
or a plea for the word of God, considered
as a classic. 3d ed. 441 pp. VI ■. Xeiv
York, C. Scribuer, 1858.
Hamill (S. S.) The science of elocution :
with exercises and selections systematic-
ally arranged for acquiring tho art of „^^^^^^^ ^^^^,^,^^^.^
reading and speaking. 388 pj). 12^. Xew
yorl;Xthon .f- FhiUips, 1872.
Hamilton (Frank Hastings, vi. d.) A prac-
tical treatise on fractures and disloca-
tions. 4th ed. 789 pp. 8 . VhiJaddpliia,
H. C. Lm, 1871.
The principles and practice of sur-
gery, xxvi, 17-943 pp. 8-. Xew York, W.
Hood .^- CO. 1872.
Hamilton (G. m. d.) Kudinients of vege-
table physiologj'. lanon.'] Kevised and
improved, by D. M. Keese, m. d. 162 pp.
12 . rhiladelphia, Sorin cj- Ball, 1846.
[CiiAMJiEKs' e<liicatioual course. Dr. Ileeso'sim-
pi oved ed. uo. 3J.
Hamilton (Gail, psendon.) Sec Dodge
(Mary Abigail).
Hamilton (George, ■■nirycoii). A voyage
round tho world, in his majesty's frigate
Hammack (Elijah B. m. df.)— continued.
' peculiar to women. 648 pp. 8^. St. Louis,
Southwestern book and 2mhU8hing co. 1869.
i Hammond (Charles D. m. d.) The fallacy
! of cauterization [in spermatorrhoea] ex-
posed ; or, practical observations for young
men. 272 pp. 12. Xew York, author,
Hammond (Mrs. L. M.) History of Madi-
son county, state of New York. 775 pp.
5 pi. 8^-. Syracuse, \_X. 3'.] Truair, Smith
.)• CO. 1872.
Hunting adven-
tures in tho uorthern wilds ; or, a tramp
in the Chateaugay woods, [etc.] 340 pp.
4 col. pi. 12 '. Xew York, J. C. Derby, 1856.
Hammond (William A. m. d. editor.) Mili-
tary medical and surgical essays, prepared
for the United States sanitary commis-
sion. [By various authors]. 552 pp. 8^.
rhiladelphia, J. B. Lippincott .f- co. 1864.
Robert Severne, his friends and his
enemies; a uovel. 369 pp. 12"^'. rhil-
adelphia, J. B. Lippincolt »)• co. 1867.
Hammond (VV. P.) Potter & Hammond's
system of book-keeping by double entry,
1862. Sec Potter (S. A.) and Hammond.
Hanaford {Mrs. Phebe Ann). The life of
George Peabody. With an introduction
by dr. Joseph H. Hanaford. 308 pp. 5 pi.
12\ Boston, B. B. Russell, 1870.
Pandora. Performed under the direction Hancock (Charles). Gaieties and gravities
<»f capt. Edwards in the years 1790, 1791, j for holy days and holidays, x, 419 pp. 8 '.
and 1792. With the discoveries made in { London, Saunders «)• Utley, 1857.
the South-sea; and the many distresses j Hanger (Charles Henry). Proverbial and
experienced by tho crew from shipwreck I moral thoughts. In a series of essays, iv,
and famine. 164 pp. portrait. 8'^^'. Ber-
wick, [A'h//.] jr. Phorson, 1793.
Hamilton (.John ). The garden of Florence ;
and other poems, xvi, I75pp. 16. Jmh-
doii, J. ff'arren, 1821.
Hamilton (William). The history of sir
William Wallace. .sVr Henry, the minstrel.
Hamilton (William T. d. d.) Tho "friend
ul Moses ;" or, a def(;nee of the Pentateuch
as the production of Moses and an inspired
document, xviii, 7-5.')2 pp. 8 . Xew
York, M. U. Dodd, 1852.
Hamline (Leonidas Lent, d. d.) Works.
Edited by F. G. Hil)l)ard, d. d. .Sermons.
132 pp. portrait. 12 . Cincinnati, //itch-
cork ,j- flaldcn, IHCU.
Hammack (Elijah B. m. d.) The family
])hy8ician and guide to health. Including
a treatise on midwifery and tho diseases
204 pp. 16 '. London, J. Cornish, 1857.
Hanna (John Smith), Hauna's complete
ready reckoner, and log, table and form
book: (U. S. standard). Consisting of a
correct set of tables for the measurement
of timber. [Also], a table of wages,
board, rent or other expenses. 3d ed. 203
l>p. 18 . rhiladelphia, J. It. Lippincott <)•
CO. 1871.
Hanna (Her. Thomas B.) Life and diary of
the late rev. T. B. Hanna, pastor of the As-
sociate congregation of Clinton, Pa. By
Thos. Hanna Bevcridge. With selections
from his sermons. 261 pp. portrait. 12 .
rhiladelphia, W. S. Young, 1852.
Hannah Maria. Ipseudon.'] Dolly's resolu-
tions ; or letters from abroad. By Hannah
Maria. 156 pp. 16'^. Philadelphia, (lax-
ton, Jiemsen 4- Llaffelfingcr, 1873.
Hansard's parliamentary debates.
Great Britain. I'arliament.
Hanson (J. H.) Preparatory latin prose-
book: containing all the latin prose nec-
essary for entering college. With refer-
ences to Harkness's and Andrews and
Stoddard's latin grammars, notes, a vo-
cabulary, [etc.] 14th od. xxii, 881 pp. 1
map. 12^. IioHton,('roHhy iS- AinHtcorth,\^()lCt.
aud Rolfe (William .1.) A hand bcMik
of latin poetry, containing selections from
Ovid, Virgil, and Horace, with notes and
grammatical references. vii,77Gpp. 12^.
Boston^ Crosby .^- Ainaworth, 1865.
Happy hours at homo, lanoii.'] 432 pp. 0
pi. 18^. Boston, Mass. «. «. society, [18G0].
Harbaugh (Henry, d. d.) The golden cen-
ser; or, devotions for young christians.
419 pp. 1 lith. 18^. Philadelphia, Lindsay
./• Blakiston, 1860.
The true glory of woman, as portrayed
in the beautiful life of the virgin Mary.
2 p. 1. 263 pp. 12^\ Philadelphia, Lindsay
if- Blakiston, 1853.
Harcourt (Helen). Bertram Raymond ; or,
the cruise of the Dolphin. 356 pp. 1 pi.
12^. Philadelphia, Claxton, liemsen tj- Haf-
felfinger, 1872.
Hard maple, 1859. See Warner (AnnaB.)
Hardivlcke's science-gossip; an illustrated
medium of interchange and gossip for stu-
dents and lovers of nature. Edited by J.
E. Taylor. [Monthly]. Jan. to dec. 1872.
V. 8. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke, 1873.
Hare (Augustus J. C.) Walks in Rome. 2d
ed. 2 V. XXV, 446 pp. 1 map ; vi, 464 pp.
12°. London, Strahan tf- co. 1871.
Hare {Bev. Julius Charles). A charge to
the clergy of the archdeaconry of Lewes.
Delivered at Hastings, sept. 26th, and at
Lewes, sept. 28th, 1854. 24 pp. 8°. Lon-
don, J. W. Parker ij- son, 1855.
[ With his Vindication of Lutber, 1855].
The mission of the comforter, with
notes. From the 2d Lond. revised ed.
With the notes translated for the am. ed,
498 pp. 12°. Boston, Gould .f- Lincoln, 1854.
Vindication of Luther against his re-
Harksy {Ilee. Simoon W.) The church's
best state ; or constant revivals of religion.
2d ed. with appendix. 256 pp. 12"^ Balti-
vwre, Publication rooiiu, 1813.
Harkness (Albert). First greek book ; com-
prising an outline of the forms and inllec-
tionsof the language, a complete atialytical
syntax, and an intrwluctory gn^ik reader.
With notes and vocabularies, xii, 276 pp.
12^. Xcir York, 7>. Appldon .;• co. iHtil.
A latin grammar for schools and
colleges, xii, 3.V> pp. P?^. Xvw York,
D. Apph'ton if- CO. liOl.
Second latin book ; comprising
cent english assailants. 2d ed. reprinted
and enlarged from the notes to The mis-
sion of the comforter, iv, 308 pp. 8°.
London, J. W. Parker *f son, 1855.
Hare (R.) Standish : a story of our day.
Ist ed. 1 p. 1. 185 pp. 8<^. Boston, Loring,
16 C
historical latin reader, with notes and
rules for translating; and an exercise-
book, xi, 362 pp. 12^. AVir-ForJt, J).
Appleton .J- CO. 1853.
HarknesB (Rev. J.) Messiah's throne and
kingdom ; or, the localit}', extent, and
perpetuity of Christ's kingdom, x, 218 pp.
12-\ New York, J. Moffd, 1855.
Harkness (William, m. d.) Observations
on terrestrial magnetism, and on the devia-
tions of the compasses of the Unite<l States
irou-clad Monadnock during her cruise
from Philadelphia to San Francisco, in
1865-66. V, 220 pp. 4^. [ Washington,
Smithsonian institution, 1873].
[Smitusoman contribations. v. 18, art. 4].
Harland (Marion, pscudon.) See Terhune
(Mrs. Mary Virginia Hawe.s).
Harman (Henry Martyn, d. d.) A journey
to Egypt aud the holy laud, in 1869-70.
331 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin-
cott 4' CO. 1873.
Harness (The) and carriage journal. De-
voted to the trade in harness, carriages,
trunks, coach and saddlery hardware,
accoutrements, etc. [Weekly]. Aug. 5,
1871, to July 2F, 1872. v. 15. 4^. Xew
York, [etc.] Dexter .^ co. 1872.
Harper's bazar. A repository of fsishion,
pleasure, and instruction. [Weekly]. Jan.
6 to dec. 28, 1872. v. 5. fol. Xew York,
Harper if- brothers, 1872.
Harper's hand-book for travellers in Euro^ie
and the east : being a guide through Great
Britain and Ireland, France, Belgium, Hol-
land, Germany, Italy, f]gypt,Syria, Turkey,
Greece, Switzerland, Tyrol, Spain, Russia,
Denmark, and Swe<len. By W. Pembroke
Fetridge. Eleventh [and] twelfth years
Harper's Land-book, etc. — contiuned.
2 V. 12"^. New York, Harper tf- brothers,
jN'or?.— Rnpcrscribotl " The nmcrican traveller's
Harper's new niontlily nmgazino. Dec.
1871, to nov. 1872. v. 44-45. 8^\ Xew
York, Harper .J- hrothers, 1872.
Harper's weekly. A journal of civilization.
Jan. 6 to dec. 28, 1872. v. 16. fol. New
York, Harper .j- brothers, [1872].
Harrington {Uaac, teacher). A key to illus-
trations of aritlunetic. 157 pp. 1(P. Kcw-
York, Baker, Crane cj- Day, 1845.
Harris (Alexander). A biographical bistory
of Lancaster county [Pa.] being a history
of the early settlers and eminent men of
the county. 638 pp. 1 1. 8°. Lancaster,
Pa., E. liarr <J- co, 1872.
Harris (Isaac). Harris' general business
directory, of the cities of Pittsburgh and
Alleghany, and also of the most flourishing
and important towns and cites of Pennsyl-
vania, Ohio, western New York, Virginia,
etc. 336 pp. 12°. Pittsburgh, A. A. An-
derson, 1841.
Harris (Jerome). The future life: or, im-
mortality, as revealed in the bible. 288 pp.
12?. Portland, [J/e.] S. H. Colesuorthij,
Harris (Rev. John Andrews). Sunday not
the mosaic sabbath. — A sermon preached
in S. Paul's church, Philadelphia, Septem-
ber 23d, 1866. 23 pp. 8^. Philadelphia,
T. L. Chase, 186:).
Harris (Nichol: s). A complete system of
practical book keeping, in four sets of
books, [etc.] Also a series of concise
rules for performing various computations
in business. 222 pp. 1 1. 8°. Hartford,
Broxcn 4' Parsons, 1838.
Harris (Mrs. S. M. Fuller). M( ir.oir of the
rev. Jacob Thomas, missionary to Assam.
With an introductory essay, by John
Dowling, d. d. 241 pp. 18". Kcic York,
E. H. Eletcha; 18r>0.
Harris (Thomas L.) First book of the
christian religion. 175 pp. 18°. Xav
York, New church publishing association,
Faith of the new church.
I^esHcr catechiHin.
i\po8tlc»' crood unfolded.
Sunday-school hynino and service.
Harris (William L. editor). The doctrines
and discipline of the methodist episcopal
Harris (William L. editor) — continued,
church. 1872. With an appendix. 424 pp.
24°. New York, Nelson cj- Phillips, [1872].
Harris ( — ). Reminiscences of America, 18T0.
See Rivington ( — ) and Harris.
Harrisburgh ( Pa.) " The patriot " Harris-
burg directory 1872-73; and a business
diiectory of Carlisle, Chambersburg,
Grcencastlo, Hummelstown, Lykens, Mid-
dletown, Mechanicsburg, Newville, Ship-
pensburg, etc. Compiled and published
by Andrew Boyd and W. Harry Boyd. 8°.
Harrisburg, Pa., S. H. Seig, [1872].
Harrison (George). Fragments and scraps
of history. lanon.'\ 2 v. 4*^. London, W.
Clowes, 1834.
V. 1. On the use and study of hi.story. 1 12 pp.
Sir Isaac Newton's chronology of the (i reeks
and Latins. 2*2 pp.
l^oose and unconnected thonglits respecting
ronian and grecian history. 12 pp.
Ob.servations respecting the authenticity of
the arundelian marbles, or in more accurate
language, the parian chronicle. 26 pp.
Annotations on Mitford's History of Greece.
151 pp.
V. 2. A concise account of the Gauls, from tho
earliest periods of their recorded history to
the capture of Kome. 53 pp.
Observations introductory to a history of
Great Britain. 35 pp.
Csesar's first [and second] invasions of Brit-
ain, preceded by some account of his his-
tory, previously to that event, pp. 1-185.
Britain; from Caisar's final departure, in
b. C. 54, until the close of the reign of Cali-
gula, pp. 187-209.
Harrison (John, m. d.) An essay towards
a correct theory of the nervous sj'stem.
viii, 13-232 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lj;a .j-
Blanchard, 1844.
Harrod (John J.) Tho academical reader.
323 pp. 1 pi. 12°. Baltimore, J. J. Harrod,
The introduction to The academical
reader. 168 pp. 12°. Baltimore, J. J.
Harrod, 1830.
Harry Budd ; or, the history of an orphan
boy. 235 pp. 7 pi. sq. 16°. New York,
Carlton tf- Phillijys, 1856.
Hart (Cyrus Wadsworth). Selections from
the philosophical, polemical, amatory
moral, and other works of C. W. Hart.
344 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, S. W. Johns, 1844.
Hart (James P.) Selections from recent
english and american reviews, for a com-
mon school reader : with an english pro-
nouncing alphabet, [for proper names],
and a universal short hand alphabet, show-
ing the relations of spoken sounds and
written languages. 24, 300 pp. 12°. Nav
Haven, lConn.'\ J. H. Benham, 1847.
Hart (John Seely, II d.) Class book of prose ;
eousistiug of selections from engUsh and
aniertcan authors, from Chaucer to the
present day. :J8l pp. 12^. Philadelphia,
Butler 4' Williams, 1845.
A manual of amcrican literature: a
text book for schools and colleges. 641 pp.
12". Philadelphia, Eldndge cj- brother, 1873.
Thoughts on sabbath-schools. 21.5
pp. 12^. Philadelphia, Presbyterian board
of publieation, [1864].
Hart (Joseph C.) Geographical exercises ;
containing 10,000 questions on the most
important features of the maps of the
world and the United States. 155 i)p.
18°- Neic-Tork, W. A. Mercein, 1824.
The same. Hart's geographical ex-
ercises. Revised, enlarged, and improved,
by the addition of maps and exercises for
review. By C. B. Strout. 139 pp. inc. 12
col. maps. 12'^. New York, Ivison </• Phin-
ney, 1857.
Harte (Francis Bret). Mrs. Skaggs's hus-
bands, and other sketches. 352 pp. 12°.
lioston, J. P. Osgood <|' co. 1873.
Hartford, Conn. (City of). Gardner's Hart-
ford city directory, for 18158. No. 1. 18*^.
Hartford, Case, Tiffany 4' co. 1838.
Geer's Hartford city director^-, for
1842, 1843, 1845, 1847, 1854-55, 1856-60,
1861-62, 1863-64, and 1872-73. Nos. 5, 6,
8, 10, 17, 10-22, 24, 26, and 35. 12 v. 16°.
Hartford, E. Gecr, 1842-72.
Hartley (A. M.) The oratorical class-book ;
with the principles of elocution simplified
and illustrated by suitable examples, xi,
4'?4 pp. 12°. Glasgow, J. Heddemick cj- son,
for Chalmers <J- Collins, 1824.
Hartley (Florence). The ladies' hand book
of fancy and ornamental work. 240 pp.
1 pi. sq. 12°. Philadelphia, G. G. Evans,
Hartshorne (Henry, m. d.) Memoranda
medica ; or, note-book of medical princi-
ples. 190 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. P.
Lippincott .J- co. 1860.
Hartung (Georg). Die Azoren in ihrer
iiusseren erscheinung und nach ihrer geo-
gnostischen natur geschildert. Mit be-
Bchreibung der fossilen reste von prof. H.
G. Bronn. Nebst einem atlas, enthaltend
19 tafeln und eine charte der Azoren. viii,
350 pp. 1 1. 8°. Atlas, I map, 19 pi.
(4 col.) 4°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann,
1860. s.
Hartwell {lier. Joseph). The business
man's biblo. What the bible says of busi-
ness life and morals. With an iotroduc-
tion by rev. T. Do Witt Talmago. 192 pp.
16°. New York, [1872].
Hart^trig (/>r.* George). The subterranean
world. 2d ed. xix, 522 pp. 8 pi. 3 maps.
8°. London, Longmans, Green <f- co. 1872.
Harvey (Gideon, «i. d.) The city remem-
brancer : being historical narratives of the
great plague, at London, 16(>5 ; great fire,
1666; and great storm, 1703. [Also],
observations and rejections on the plague
iu general. With historical accounts of
the most memorablo plagues, tires, and
hurricanes, v. 2. Of the fire and storm.
1 p. 1. 232 pp. 8^^. London, W. Nicoll,
Hasan ben Mohammed el-Tasi (Abu'l-
kasim, Firdusi). The poems of Ferdosi.
Translated by Joseph Champion, v. 1.
[" Shah Name"— 8 books]. 1 p. 1. x, 315 pp.
4°. Calcutta, J. Hay, 1785.
Xote. — No more published.
Hascall (Daniel). The obinents of theol-
ogy, ix, 261 pp. 18^. New York, />.
Colby .S- CO. 1816.
Hase (Karl). A history of the christian
church. Translated from the 7th im-
proved german ed. by Charles E. Blumen-
thal, and Conway P. Wing, xxxvii, 729
pp. 8°. New York, J). Appleton .f co. 1855.
Haskel (Daniel) and Smith (John Calvin).
A complete descriptive and statistical
gazetteer of the United States of America ;
with an abstract of the census and statis-
tics of 1840, exhibiting a complete view of
the agricultural, commercial, manufac-
turing and literary condition of the coun-
try. 752 pp. 8°. New York, Sherman .J-
,Smith, 1843.
Haskell (B. D.) Zethar, the celestial visit-
ant. A poem. 176 pp. 16°. Haverhill,
IMass.'] Smiley */• Jacques, 1863.
Haslewood (Joseph). The secret history
of the green-room : containing authentic
and entertaining memoirs of the actors
and actresses in the three theatres royal.
A new ed. [With] a sketch of the his-
tory of the english stage, &c. lanon.}
2 v. Ix, 361 pp; 2 p. 1. 390 pp. 12-.
London, J. Owen, 1795.
Hassler (Ferdinand Rudolph). Elements
of arithmetic, theoretical and practical.
[1st ed.] 216 pp. 12 J. New- York, J.
Plowifuld, 1826.
Hassler (Ferdinand Rudolph)— continued.
The same. A new stereotype ed.
21Gpp. 1-^. Xew-York;C.Jiartlett,\828.
Tlie same. A new stereotype ed.
1 p. 1. vii, 220 pp. Xew- York, G. <J- C. .f- H.
CarviU, 1829.
The same. Dth ed. 220 pp. 8^.
Washington, P. A. Sage, 184.3.
Principal documents relating to the
survey of the coast of the United States,
since 1816. 180, iv pp. 1 map. 8^. Xew
York, jr. Van Xorden, 1834.
tMAUKOE pamphlets, v. 5].
Hasted (Edward). The history and topo-
graphical survey of the county of Kent.
Containing the antient and present state
of it, civil and ecclesiastical. 4 v. fol.
Canterbury, author, Simmons tf- Kirhy,
Hastings (Horace L.) The groat controversy
between God and man. Its origin, pro-
gress, and end. Third thousand, vii, 11-
ir)7 pp. 16*^. Providence, li. /., //. i.
JlantingH, 18G1.
Hastings (Thomas) and Patton (William).
The christian psalmist ; or. Watts' psalms
and hymns, [etc]. Sec "Watts (Isaac, d. d.)
Hatch (Alice J.) Under the cedars; or,
what the years brought. 264 pp. 12°.
Boston, Lee <f- Shepard, 1872.
Hatch (Col. William Stanley). A chapter
on the history of the war of 1812, in the
north-west. With a biographical sketch
of the Indian chief Tecumseh. 1 p. 1. 7-156
]»p. IG'^. Cincinnati, Miami printing co.
Hatfield (Edwin F. d. d.) The church hymn
book, with tunes; for the worship of God.
[Music arranged by S. P. Warren]. 585
pp. 8°. New York and Chicago, Ivisov,
lilakeman, Taylor cf- co. 1872.
Hatin (Jules). Compendium of operative
midwifery; or, the manual and instru-
mental operations of preternatural labours
reduced to the greatest simplicity : pre-
ceded by an investigation of the mechan-
ism of natural labor. From the french.
By Richard Tuite, m.d. 171 pp. 12°.
New York, C. S. Francis, 1828.
The same. A manual of practical
obstetrics. From the french, by S. D.
Gross, m. d. With a physiological memoir
upon the brain. From the french of m.
Magendie, by Joseph Gardner, m.d. 2 p. 1.
l'J8 pp. 12^. Philadelphia, ./. Grigg, 1828.
Hattie (Aunt). See Baker (4Pr«. Harriet
N. W.)
Haudicquer de Blancourt (Jean). De
I I'art de la verrerie. Oil I'on apprend^
faire le verre, le cristal, & I'dmail. [etc.]
8 p. 1. 602 pp. 3 1. 8 pi. 16°. Paris, J.
Jombert, 1697.
Hauff (Wilhelm). The caravan; a collec-
tion of popular tales, translated from the
german. By G. P. Quackenbos. 219 pp.
inc. 1 pi. 16°. New York, D. Appleton </•
CO. 1850.
Haughton (Samuel, m. d.) Scientific manu-
als. See Galbraith (J. A.) and Haughton.
Havana. Real colegio de Belen. Observa-
ciones magndticas y ineteorol(>gicas del
real colegio de Belen de la compauia de
Jesus, en la Habana. Auo meteorologico
de 30 de noviembre de 1870 ft noviembre
de 1871. 8°. Habana, imprenta y libreria
religiosa, 1872.
Havana ( University of). Memoria a cer-
ca del estado de la enseuanza en la uni-
versidad de la Habana en el curso de 1869
ii 1870 [y] 1870 6. 1871. Anuario de 1870
a 1671 [y] 1871 fi 1872. 2 v. 8°. Ha-
bana, imp. del gobierno y capitania general,
1871-72. s.
Haven (Mrs. Alice Bradley, formerly Mrs.
Joseph C. Neal). Contentment better than
wealth. 1 p. 1. 188 pp. 4 pi. 16°. New-
York, D. Appleton <f- co. 1853.
The Coopers; or, getting under way.
336 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton tj- co.
The gossips of Rivertowu ; with
sketches in prose and verse. 2d ed. 327
pp. portrait. 12°. Philadelphia, Hazard .J-
Mitchell, 1850.
" No such word as fail ;" or the chil-
dren's journey. 1 p. 1. 177 pp. 2 pi. 18°.
New York, D. Appleton ij- co. 1852.
Patient waiting no loss; or, the two
Christmas days. 1 p. 1. 182 pp. 3 pi. 16°.
New- York, D. Appleton »;• co. 1853.
Watch and pray, or Helen's confirma-
tion. A sequel to Helen Morton's trial.
By cousin Alice. Ipscudon.^ 248 pp. 1 pi.
16°. New York, General prot. episcopal s. s.
union, 1851.
Haven (Joseph, d. d.) Moral philosophy :
including theoretical and practical ethics.
366 pp. 12°. Boston, Gould tj- Lincoln,
Hawker (Robert, d. d.) The poor man's
evening portion ; being a selection of a
verse of scripture, with short observations,
for every day in the year. New ed. 360
pp. 12°. Philadelphia, T. Wardle, 1845.
Hawkins (John Sidney). An inquiry into
the nature and history of greek and latin
poetry; more particularly of the dramatic
species : tending to ascertain the laws of
comic metre in both those languages,
xvi, 479 pp. 10 1. 8°. London, E. miliama,
[etc.l 1817.
Hawkins (La;titia Matilda). Rosanne; or,
a father's labour lost. 3 v. 8^. London,
F. C. tj' J. Rivington, 1814.
Haw^ks (Francis Lister, d.d.) The adven-
tures of Daniel Boone, the Kentucky rifle-
man. By the author of " Uncle Philip's
conversations." \_anon.'\ 174 pp. 1 pi.
18°. New YorTc, D. Appleton <.j- co. 1844.
[A. library for my young countrymen, v. 5].
The adventures of captaiu John
Smith, the founder of the colony of Vir-
ginia. By the author of " Uncle Philip's
conversations." [anon.^ 201 pp. portrait.
18°. New York, D. Appleton cj- co. 1842.
Natural history ; or, uncle Philip's con-
versation with the children about tools and
trades among inferior animals. \_anon.'\
Eugd. tit. 213 pp. 1 pi. 18°. New York,
J. ci' J. Harper, 1833.
Note. — The boy's and girl's library, no. 6.
Ha'wks (The) of Hawk-hollow, [anow.]
Sec Bird (Robert Montgomery).
Ha^wthorne (Nathaniel). Biographical sto-
ries for children. Benjamin West, sir
Isaac Newton, Samuel Johnson, Oliver
Cromwell, Benjamin Franklin, queen
Christina. 161 pp. 18°. Boston, Tappan
^' Dennet, 1842.
Famous old people : being the second
epoch of Grandfather's chair. 158 pp. 24°.
Boston, E. P. Peabody, 1841.
Grandfather's chair: a history for
youth. 140 pp. 24°. Boston, E. P. Pea-
body, 1841.
Septimius Felton ; or, the elixir of
life. 1 p. 1. 229 pp. 12°. Boston, J. R.
Osgood cf CO. 1872.
True stories from history and biogra-
phy. [Being the whole history of Grand
father's chair, etc.] vi, 335 pp. 4 pi. 16°.
Boston, Ticknor, Reed tf- Fields, 1851.
Hay Du Chastelet. See Du Chastelet
(Paul Hay).
Haygood (Atticus G. d. d.) and Mcintosh
(R. M.) The emerald: a book of sougs,
hymns, anthems, chants, and concert
pieces, for the sunday-school. 160 pp.
obi. 16°. Nashville, Tenn. A. II. Red/oid,
Hayley (William). An cs.say on history;
in three [poetical] epistles to Edward
Gibbon ; with notes. 1 p. 1. 159 pp. 4°.
I^ndon, J. Dodslcy, 1780.
[MiscELLAXEOUw pamphlets, v. 530].
Ode inscribed to John Howard, 1795.
[Fn AiKix (John, m. d.) A view of the life, trav-
elH, and philanthropic lalM)iirit of tim lat4< John
Howard. 18*=. Jionton, Manniun J- Luring, l'\)4.
pp. IGJ-nej .
Haywarde (Richard). Prismatics. Hlus-
trated, from designs by E. D. K. Hicks and
Rossiter. 235 pp. 12°. New York, I).
Appleton tf- CO. 1853.
Hazel (Harry, psendon.) Red King, the
corsair chieftain. A romance of the ocean.
By Harry Hazel. 122 pp. inc. 4 pi. 8°.
New York, II. Long .J- brother, [1850].
The three pirates; or, the virgin of
the islet. By Harry Hazel. 112 pp. inc.
4 pi. 8°. New York, H. Long <j- brother,
Hazeu (Edward). The speller and defiucr ;
or, class-book no. 2. 215 pp. 16°-. New-
York, M'Elrath ./• Bangs, 1829.
The symbolical primer; or, class-
book, no. 1. 72 pp. 18°. Neic-York, M' El-
rath <}• Bangs, 1829.
The symbolical spelling book. 2 v.
95 pp ; 140 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, W. W.
Walker, 1839.
Hazen (Jasper). The primary instructor
and improved spelling book. In two
parts. 156 pp. 16°. Woodstock, lVt.;\D.
Watson, 1822.
Hazen (William Babcock, U. S. a.) The
school and the army in Germany and
France, with a diary of siege life at Ver-
sailles. 408 pp. 8°. New York, Harper
tj' brothers, 1872.
Hazlett (Helen). The cloud with a golden
border. 4 p. 1. 13-412 pp. 12°. Philadtl-
phia, T. E. Zell, 1861.
Headley (Joel Tyler). The beauties of J.
T. Headley. With a sketch of his life.
X, 13-188 pp. 5 portraits. 18°. New- York,
J. S. Taylor, 1851.
Letters from Italy. viii,224pp. 12°.
New York, Wiley <f' Putnam, 1845.
[ 'Wn.EY and Putnam's library of american
books, no. 3j.
Headley (Joel Tyler)— continued.
Italy jiud the Italians, in a series of
letters. 64 pp. 8^. Xew York, I. S.
Plait, 1844.
Luther and Ciouiwell. 2G4 pp. 3
portraits. 1*2-'. 3Vjr I'orA, J. >V. Ta///o/", 1850,
Rambles and sketches. 1 p. 1. 312
pp. 4 pi. Xcw York, J. S. Taylor, 1850.
Headley (Phineas Camp). Historical and
descriptive sketches of the women of the
bible, from Eve of the old to the Marys of
the new testament. Eiigd. tit. 284 pp.
12^. Auburn, IX. Y.^ Derby, Miller ^j- co.
The life of tho empress Josephine,
first wife of Napoleon. 378 pp. portrait.
12°. Aubuni, IX. 1'.] Derby, Miller cf- co.
The life of general Lafayette, vi,
377 pp. portrait. 12^. Auburn, IX. Y.']
Derby 4' Miller, 1851.
Healy (Mary). A summer's romance. 314
pp. 10^. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1872.
Heam (Rufus), Bell (Joseph S.) and Ran-
dolph (Jesse), compilers. Zion's hymns,
for tho use of the original free-will baptist
church of North Carolina, and for saints
of all denominations. 303 pp. 24'^. Falk-
land, X. C. 1854.
Note. — Printed in Now York.
Hearne (Samuel). Voyage du fort du Prince
de Galles dans la bale de Hudson, tl I'ocdau
nord, ontrepris par ordre do la compagnie
do la bale do Hudson, dans les aun<5es
1769-72, et ex6cut6 par terre, pour la d6-
couverto d'un passage an nordouest. Tra-
duit do I'anglais [par m.Lallemand]. 2 v.
2 p. 1. Iviii, 374 pp. 4 pi ; 2 p. 1. 332, xxix
pp. 1 1. 5 pi. 8^. H'aris}, Palris, an 7,
Hearth and home. [An illustrated weekly
newspaper], Jan. 6 to doc. 28, 1872. v. 4.
fol. Xew York, 0. J add cj- co. 1872.
Heaven"ward paths for little feet: by the
author of "At Jesus feet." [rtwon.] 146
l>p. sq. 18^. Xew York, E. P. Dutton ^ co.
Hecker {Rvr. Isaac Thomas). Questions of
the soul. 294 pp. 12^. Xew York, D. Ap-
pleton «)• CO. 1855.
Hector (.James). Fishes of New Zealand,
1872. Atr Hutton (Frederick W.)
Hedges {Mrs. Mary J.) Working and win-
ning, [anow.] 235 pp. 4 pi. 16°. Xciv
York, Am. tract society, [1872].
Heeren (Arnold Ludwig). Ancient Greece.
From the german. By George Bancroft.
2d am. ed. viii, 344 pp. 8°. Boston, C.
a Little 4' J. Brown, 1842.
Heginbotham (E.) The peninsula collec-
tion of church music, containing a great
variety of metrical tunes, with the rudi-
ments of music, solfeggio exercises, chants,
anthems and songs. 176 pp. obi. 8°.
Baltimore, J. W. Bond, [1863].
Heilig (G. W.) Selections from the Meta-
morphoses and Heroides of P. Ovidius
Naso. See Ovidius Naso (Publius).
Heine (Heinrich). Scintillations from the
prose works of Heine. 1. Florentine
nights, ii. Excerpts. Translated from
the german by Simon Adler Stern, xxi,
185 pp. 16°. Xew York, Holt <j' Williama,
[Leisuke Lour series].
Heis (Dr. Eduard). Atlas coelestis novvs.
Stellae per mediam Evropam solis ocvlis
conspicvae secvndvm veras Ivcis magni-
tvdines e coelo ipso descriptae, [or] Neuer
himmels-atlas. Darstellung dor im mitt-
leren Europamitblossen augen sichtbaren
Sterne nach ihren wahren, unmittelbar
vora himmel entnommeuen grossen. xiii,
181 pp. 8°. Atlas, 12 tables, obi. fol.
Kohl, M. Du Mont-Schauberg, 1872.
Heiss (M.) The four gospels examined and
vindicated on catholic principles. 236
pp. 8°. Milwaukee, Hoffmann bros. 1863.
Helen on her travels. See Gage {Mrs. W.
Helffenstein (Jacob, d. d.) A pastor's ap-
peals: a series of sermons on important
subjects connected with christian doctrine
and experience. 355 pp. 12°. Philadel-
phia, H. B. Ashmead, 1861.
Heliodonis, of Emcsus, bishop of Tricca.
Histoire <Sthiopiquo d'H<Sliodore, ou les
amours de Th6agene et Charicl^e, traduc-
. tiou d'Amyot, revue et corrigde par m.
Trognon. Avec dcs notes do mm. Corray,
C. ..,etc. 2v.ini. 426 pp; 403 pp. 16°.
Paris, A. Correard, 1822.
Hellebusch ( B. H. F.) Katholisches geaang-
u. gebet-buch. Eino auswahl der vorziig-
lichsten chorale und kirchenlieder, filr z wei
stimmen gesetzt, mit den gowohulichen
andachtsiibnngen. 8te auH. 238, 82 pp.
16°. New York tind Cincinnati, gebiiider
Benziger, 1864.
Helmont (Franciscus Mercurius vau). Two
hundred queries moderately propounded
concerning the doctrine of the revolution
of humano souls, and its conformity to
the truths of Christianity, [anon.'} 3 p. 1.
166 pp. 18'-\ London, li. KettlnnH, 1684.
Help (A) in acquiring a knowledge of the
euglish language, designed for the henefit
of those in this country [Hindoostan] who
wish to study the english language and
science IGO pp. 8-. Jlonibay, Misnion
press, 1831.
Help (The) of christians; a manual of in-
structions and prayers. Compiled from
approved sources by the sisters of mercy.
1 p. 1. xxxviii, i)od [>p. 1 pi. 16^. Cincin-
nati, E. Morgan .j"- sons, 1834.
Helpe (A) to dlscovrse : or more merriment
mixt with serious matters. Consisting of
witty philosopliicall, graramaticall, physi-
call, astrononiicall questions and answers,
[etc.] Together with the country-mans
counsellor, and his yearely oracle and
prognostication, etc. l^anon.} 13th ed.
3 p. 1. 389 pp. 18*^. London, K. Vavasour,
Helps (Sir Arthur). Brevia : short essays
and aphorisms. By the author of ** Friends
in council." lanon.} 4i). 1.208 pp. 12°.
London, Bell <j- Daldy, 1871.
The life of Hernando Cortes. 2 v.
xiv, 277 pp ; vii, 307 pp. 12°. Tendon,
Bell c^- Daldy, 1871.
Helsiugfors. Finska lUteratur-aalhkapet.
Suoraalaisen kirjallisunden seuran toimi-
tuksia. 20. osa. 4°. Hchinyiasa, 1856-
V. 20. Forteckiiing tifver i tryck utgifua skrifter
p& Fiuska. [Von F. W. PiiipingJ.
Hemans (Felicia Dorothea). The poetical
works of Felicia Hemans. With a memoir,
hy mrs. L. H. Sigourney. A new ed. from
the last Loud. ed. with all the introduc-
tory notes. Engd. tit. 1 p. 1. 19-691 pp. 6
pi. portrait. 8°. Boston, Phillips, Sampson
cf- CO. 18.53.
Heming (T.) An enquiry into the pro-
gressive colonization of the earth, and the
origin of nations ; illustrated by a map of
the geography of ecclesiastical and ancient
civil history. 2 p. 1. xi, 168 pp. 1 map. 8°.
JMndon, W. rhillips, 1816.
Hempel (Charles Julius). A grammar of
the german language, arranged into a new
system on the principle of induction.
Hempel (Charles Julius)— continued.
[v. 1]. xiv, 214 pp. 120. New-York, G. A.
Newman, 1842.
The same. v. 2. 192 pp. 12". Xnv
York, 1842.
JViote.— Titlcpajjo of v, 2 wanting.
Henderson (Julia Putnam). Miss Mary
and her scholars ; or, the lord's prayer
exiilained and illustrated. By Theta.
Ipseudon.'] 122 pp. 3 pi. 16 '. llichmond,
Vrcuhytcrian commHtic of publication , [ ltf71 ].
Hendry X (Warren B.) The teacher, the
class, and the book : a series of fiftj'-two
Sunday school lessons, v. 1. 190 pp. 16".
Cincinnati, Bosworlh, Chase tf* Hall, 1872.
Henkle (W. D.) A test spelling-book: for
the use of advanced classes. 144 pp. 12 ^
Cincinnati, ll'ilson, Ilinkle i^- co. [1^:572].
Henman (Charles, Jr.) Illvstrations of the
medi.eval antiqvities in the covnty of
Dvrham. Sec Perry (.7. T.) and Hen-
Hennequin (Pierre). Cours de litt<^rature
ancienne et moderne, contenant un traitd
coniplet de po<5tique, extrait des meilleurs
critiques et commentateurs; enrichi de
700 [900] notices sur les poi^tes les plus
cdlebres de tons les temps et de toutes les
nations. 4 v. 8°. Moscon, A. Semen,
Note. — L'auteiir n'avais proniw d'alwrd que troig
volumen, c'est c« qui iHit qu'un lit aur le titro
700 noticea, taudis qu'il s'eu truiive 900 daiia
les quatro.
Hennequin (Victor.Antoine). Sauvons lo
genre humain. 3e <^d. xxxi, 256 pp. 12^.
Paris, E. IJcntu, 18.53.
Hennet (Albiu Joseph Ulpien). Podti(iuo
anglaise. 3 v. 8°. Paris, T. Barroisjils,
Henry (James, Jr.) The family and school
monitor, and educational catechism. 176
pp. sq. 16°. yew York, G. Savage, 1852.
Henry (James P.) Resources of the state
of Arkansas, with description of counties,
railroads, mines, and the city of Little
Rock. 2d ed. 1.52 pp. Imap. 8°. Little
Bock, Price .f- M'Clure, 1872.
Henry (Louis). Only ask ; or, avenue and
alley. 318 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Boston, Graven
^' Ellis, 1872.
Henry, the minstrel, or Blind Harry. The
history of the life and adventures, and
heroic actions of the renowned sir William
Wallace. [Done in nuMlern scots verse, by
William Hamilton, 1721. With] the life
and martial achievements of that valiant
Henry, the mlnstn-l — continued.
Iicio, Robert Bruce. By John Harvey.
2:i4 pp. 1 pi ; 1 p. 1. 107 pp. 16^. Air, J. i^-
r. minon, 1799.
Hentz (Nicholas Marcellus). A classical
frcnch reader, selected from the best
writers of that language, in prose and
poetry. 2 parts in 1 v. 264 pp. 12^.
Boston, Jiichardson ^ Lord, 1825.
Hepburn (J. C. m. d., 11. d.) A japanese-
tnglish and englisb-japaneso dictionary.
2d ed. 2 parts in 1 v. xxxi, G32pp; 1
p. 1. 201 pp. 8^. Shanghai, Am. pres-
hiftcrian minsion press, 1872.
Hering (C. iH. f?.) Honioopathisclier baus-
arzt. Fiir dre deutscben biirger der
Vereinigten Staaten nacb den besten va-
terliindiscben werken undeigneu erfabruu-
gen bearbeitet. viii,352pp. 12*^. Allcn-
tunn an der Lerha, J. Ikhhrt, 1837.
Herkern or Herkeren. Tbo forms of Her-
kern, corrected from a variety of manu-
scripts, supplied Avitb tbo distinguisbing
marks of construction, and translated into
englisb: witb an index of arable words
explained, and arranged under tbeir proper
roots. By Francis Balfour, m. d. A new
e<l. [Arabic and englisb]. xii, 232 pp.
8°. London, S. liousseau, 1804.
Hermann von L^ehninn. [itseudon.l Extrait
d'lin niauuscrit relatif j\ la proi)b6tie du
frere Hermann de Lebniun. Titre de
ce manuscrit : Merveilleuse projib^tio du
frere Hermann do Lebninn, concernant
les destinies du monastfsro de Lebninn ;
celles de lamaison de Brandebourg ; [etc.]
Avec des notes explicatives, par Louis de
Bouverot. 314 pp. 18°. liruxelks, C.
Vogler, 1846.
Note. — AccorilingtoJiiclior, ITennami vonLeliiiinii
nov«^r «'xi8ted, niul tho nbovo is piobahly tlio
work of the burgDruaster von Soidtl, written in
Ills youth.
Hermes {Dr. Karl Heinricb). Die entdek-
kung von America durcb die Isliinder im
zobnten iind eilften jabrbunderte. 1 p. 1,
V, 134 pp. 1 pi. 8^'. Jiraunsrhircig, F.
rieurg .f- Sohn, 18^4.
Hermit (Tbe) in tbe country. Sec Surr
(Tbomns S.)
Hermit (Tbe) in London ; or sketcbes of
englisb manners. Sec Surr (Thomas S.)
Hermogenes tarsensis. 'Efi/ioyevov^ Texvrj
( In P()UTI'8 (V.) 'Oi iv T)7 pTiTopiKjf Tfxvjf Kopvtftaioi.
V. I. 1(R [Gntevae], anchora J. Cnxpini, 1310.
Herodotus. 'HpoSorov ijropiuv ?Loyot 6. —
Herodotus, from the text of Scbweighrou-
ser : with englisb notes. Edijted by C. S.
Wheeler. 2 v. xix, 440 pp. 1 map ; 2 p.
1. 420 pp. 12P. Boston, J. Munroe tj- co.
The same. Histoire d'H6rodote.
[Jusqu'a Tan 479 avant J. C. Traduite
du grec, par P. H. Larcber].
. [Iti BucHON (J. A. C.) Choix des historiens greca.
8P. Paris, A. Besrez, 1838. pp.l-33C].
Vie d'Homi^re. [Spurious].
[In BUCHOX (J. A. C.) Choix des historiens greca.
8°. ParU, A. Desrez, 1838 pp. 337-345J.
Hersey (John). Tbe identity of tbe two
apocalyptic witnesses, their character,
death and resurrection, as connected with
the introduction of tbe millennium. [Also],
pious reflections. 297 pp. 18"". Baltimore,
Armstrong tj- Berry, 1857.
Hervas y Panduro (Lorenzo, s.j.) Catji-
logo de las lenguas de las naciones cono-
cidas, y numeracion, division, y clases de
estas segun la diversidad de sus idiomas y
dialectos. 6 v. sm. 4"^. Madrid, imprenta
de la administracion del real arhitrio de benefi-
cencia, 1800-05.
Hervey-Saint-Denys ( Marie- Jean-L(SoD,
marquis d'). Histoire de la revolution
dans les Deux-Siciles depuis 1793. viii,
411 pp. 8°. Paris, Amyot, 1856.
He-wins (James M.) Hints concerning
church music, the liturgy, and kindred
subjects. 180 i>p. 12°. Boston, He cf-
Djutton, 1856.
Hevritt (S. C.) Messages from the superior
state; communicated by John Murray,
through John M. Spear, iu the summer of
1852. 167 pp. 12°. Boston, B. Marsh,
Hewlett (Rev. J. Grigg). Thoughts upon
thought. For young men. In four parts.
6th ed. 181 pp. 16°. London, JSimpkin,
Marshall.y CO. [18621
Hewlett (Bev. J. T.) The l^enscellwood
papers. Comprising essays on capital
punishments ; on tbe evangelical alliance ;
on tlio endowment of the protestant and
romau catholic churches of Ireland ; and
on the education of tbe people. By the
author of " Dr. Hookwell," [etc. anon.}
2 V. in 1. xxii, 288 pp ; 2 p. 1. 333 pp.
8°. London, R. Bentleij, 1853.
Hewson (Addinell, m. d.) Earth as a topi-
cal application iu surgery. Being a full
Hew80n(Adtliiicll, m. d.)— continued,
exposition of its use in all tho cases re-
<iuiring topical applications admitted in
the men's and women's sur«;ical wards of
the Pennsylvania hospital during a period
of six months in 1869. xx, 25-309 pp.
4 photographic pi. 8°. Philadelphia,
Lindsay .j^- Jilakistoii, 1872.
Hewson (William). Principles and prac-
tice of embanking lands from river-floods,
as applied to " levees" of tho Mississippi.
[Isted.] 171pp. 8^. Xew York, J. J.
Heed, 1859.
Hezamer (Ernest). Insurance maps of the
city of Philadelphia surveyed and drawn
by [him]. Revised ed. v. 2-3. fol. Phil-
adelphia, E. Hejcamer, 1872.
Heydenreich (Bev. L. W.) Elementary
german reader, on the plan of Jacobs'
greek reader ; with a full vocabulary. 164
pp. 12°. Neic-York, D. AppletoH ij' co.lSb8.
Hiatt (James M.) The political manual,
comprising numerous important docu-
ments connected with the political history
of America, compiled from official records,
with biographical sketches and comments.
239 pp. 12°. Indianapolis, Aeher 4- Adams,
The test of loyalty. 180 pp. 12^- .
Indianapolis, Merrill <f- Smith, 1864.
Hibbard ( Bev. Freeborn Garretson ). Pales-
tine: its geography and bible history.
Edited by D. P. Kidder, xix, 13-354 pp.
22 maps. 12°. Xew-York, Lane^- Scott,l8bl.
The religion of childhood ; or, chil-
dren in their relation to native depravity,
to the atonement, to the family, and to the
church. 411 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, Poe .J-
Hitchcock, 1864.
Hibberd (Shirley). Rustic adornments for
homes of taste. A new ed. corrected, and
enlarged, with wood engravings, vii,
402 pp. 9 col. pi. sm. 4°. London, Groom-
bridge <f' sows, 1870.
Hiebl (Charles). Hand- und reisebuch fiir
die Ver. Staaten, 1873. See MiUer (Bern-
Hieronymus So2)hronius. D. Hieronymi
epistola ad Nepotianum, de vita clericorum
& monachorum ; cum notis J. Martianjei.
[In Bennet (Thomas, d. d.) Directions for study-
ing [divinity]. ii°. London, 1727. pp. 169-189].
Higden (Ralph). Polychronicon Ranulphi
lligden monachi cestrensis; together with
the english translations of John Trevisa
and of an itnknown writer of the fifteenth
17 c
Higdeu (Iiuli>h)--contiuued.
century. Edited by rev. Joseph R. Lnm-
by. V. 4. 2 p. 1. xlix, 480 pp. 8°. Jxtn-
don, Longman .)'• co. 1872.
[(riiEAT Bkitain. Itecord offife. Ilcrutu briUiuui-
cartim modii uuvi scripUit-VM].
High (The) school book. Being a selection
of lessons for reading and speaking, liy
an experience<l teacher, [anon.^ 252
pp. 12*^ Neiv-JIaven,L. If. Young, {\&^i)^.
Hilbourne ( Mrs. Charlotte S.) Effie and I ;
or, seven years in a cotton mill. A story
of the spindle city, xii, 276 pp. 12*^\
Cambridge, [Mass.'] Allen tf* Farnham, 1863.
Hildebrandt (C.) Winter in Spitzbergen.
A book for youth. From the german. By
E. Goodrich Smith. 300 pp. 16°. Xeir
York, M. W. Dodd, 1852.
Hill (B. L. »i. d.) Illustrated midwifery ;
or lectures on obstetrics, and the diseases
of women and children. Revised by S.
S. Oslin, m. d. 300 pp. 46 pi. 8°. Cin-
cinnati, J. W. Scioell <j- CO. 1860.
Hill (George Canning). American biogra-
phy. 2 V. 12^\ Boston, E. O. Libhif 4- co.
Benedict Arnold. Eiigd. tit. 295 pp. 9 pi.
Gen. Israel Putnam. (" Old Put.") 270 pp. inc
engd. tit. 7 pi,
Benjamin Franklin. A biography.
333 pp. 8 1)1. portrait. 16°. Philadelphia,
J. B. Lippincott 4" co. 1865.
Hill (Henry F.) The saints' inheritance;
or, the world to come. 247 pp. 12°. New
York, B. T. Young, 1852.
Hill (O'Dell Travers). English monasticism :
its rise and influence [a. d. 63-1539].
viii, 540 pp. 8°. London, Jacknon, Wat-
ford 4' Rodder, 1867.
Hillard (George Stillman). [Hillard's
class readers]. 4 v. 12°. Boston, Hick-
ling, Swan 4' CO. 1856-57.
1. A first class reader. 504 pp. 1856.
2. A second class reader. Iviii, 278 pp. 1857.
3. A third class reader, xlvi, 182 pp. 1857.
4. A fourth class readier, xl, 152 pp. 1857.
The political duties of the educated
classes. A discourse delivered before tho
Phi beta kappa society of Amherst college.
1866. 48 pp. 8°. Boston, Ticknor 4- Fields,
Hillem (Wilhelmine von). By his own
might. From the german. 1 p. 1. 5-;U>7
pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott .V-
CO. 1872.
Hillman (Josepli). The revivalist: a col-
lection of choice revival hymns and tunes,
original and selected. Rev. L. Hartsongh,
mnsical editor. Revised and enlarged ed.
:?35 pp. 12^. Troy, X. T., J. Uillman,
The same. Additional hymns, tunes
and choruses to The revivalist. 161. 16'^.
Albany, [.V. 3'.] Van Benthuysen printing
house, 1873.
Hinde (John Hodgson). A history of North-
umberland, in three parts. [By John
Hodgson]. Part I containing the general
history of the county. With a narrative
of events from the norman con<iuest to the
accession of the house of Hanover. Under-
taken by the Society of antiquaries of New-
castle-upon-Tyne. [Compiled by J. H.
Hinde]. x, 400 pp. 3 pi. 4^. Xewcastle,
T. 4' J. rifjg, ia'>8.
(lIODofiON (J.) A history of Northnmberland,
Hinrichs (Johann Conrad). Verzeichniss
der bUchor, landkarten, &c. welche vom
.januar bis zum decembor 1872 neu erschie-
neu odor neu aufgelegt worden siud. 2
v. in 1. 12*^. Leipzig, J. C. Hinrichs, 1872.
Hinsdale (na\ B. A.) The genuineness and
anthenticity of the gospels; an argu-
ment conducted on historical and critical
grounds. 276 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, Bos-
trorth, Chase tj- Hall, 1872.
Hippocrates. Traduction des a?u vres mddi-
cales d'Hippocrate, sur le texte grec,
d'ap^^8 l'6dition de Foes. 4 v. 8°. Tou-
louse, Fages, Meilhac 4' cie. 1801.
Hirsch (A.) Longitude, etc. See Plan-
tamour (E.) and Hirsch.
Hirsch (Theodor), and others, editors. See
Scriptores rerum prussicarum.
Hirzel (Hans Kaspar). The rural Socrates ;
or an account of a celebrated philosophical
farmer, lately living in Switzerland, and
known by the name of Kliyogg. xv, 203,
xiii pp. 8 \ Haltowell (Maine), E. Edes,
iSote.— Translated from the frencli, and edited l>y
Artliur VomiK. Kopriiited from the eng. e«l.
The work was originally published in german.
Histoire do ce qvi s'est passd en Cthiopie,
Malabar, Brasil, et <^s Indes Orientales.
Sec Lettere annvo d'Ethiopia, Malabar,
Brasil et Goa.
Histoire (L') do ralmcrin d'Olive. See
Palmerin dc Oliva.
Histoire des intrignos galantcs de la reine
Christine de Sui'de et de sa cour, pendant
son s<^jour h Rome, [awow.] 2 p. 1. 300
pp. portrait. 16"^. Amsterdam, J. Henri,
Histoire du stadbouderat, 1750. See Ray-
nal (Abbd GmWanme T. F.)
Historical and literary tour of a foreigner
in England and Scotland, 1825. See Pi-
chot (Am6d6e).
Historical collections, or a brief account,
of the most remarkable transactions of
the two last parliaments held and dis-
solved at Westminster and Oxford. [anoM.]
3 p. 1. 302 pp. 1 pi. 16°. London, S. Xeale,
Historical (The) magazine, and notes and
queries, concerning the antiquities, his-
tory and biography of America. Jan.
1870, to June, 1871. 2d series, v. 7-9;
[complete series, t. 17-19]. 8°. Morris-
ania, (X. T.) H. B. Dawson, 1870-71.
Historical sketches of the old painters, 1841.
See Sedg'wiok (Catharine M.)
History of american missions to the
heathen, from their commencement to the
present time. [awo»<.] 724 pp. 8°. Wor-
cester, Sjiooner J- Howland, 1840.
1. History of the American board of commission-
ers tor foreign missions, by lev. Joseph Tra-
cy, pp. 9-346.
2. History of the missions of the baptist general
convention. Prepared under the snperiutend-
ence of Solomon Teck. pp. 35;M)'20*, 1 map.
3. History of the missions of the methodist epis-
copal church, liy rev. Enoch Mudge. pp.
4. Missionary efforts of the protestant episcopal
church in the United States. By vVillium
Cutter, pp. 563-594.
5. History of the Free-will baptist foreign mission
society. By Enoch Mack. pp. 595-615.
6. History of the Board of foreign missions of the
general assembly of the presbyterian church
in the United States of America, and of its
missions. By Joseph Tracy, pp. 709-724.
History (The) of Christ, 1854. See Wilbur
History (The) of Eliza Warwick.
2d ed. 2 v. v, 268 pp ; 1 p. 1
16°. London, J. Walker, 1791.
History (The) of Emily Montague. See
Brooke (Mrs. Frances Moore).
History (The) of Georgina Neville ; or, the
disinterested orphan. A novel, [anon.}
2d ed. 2 v. 5-252 pp ; 1 p. 1. 247 pp. 16°.
London, jn'inted for the authoress ; and sold
by T. Hookham 4' J. Carpenter, 1792.
[Imperfect: title of v. 1 wanting; v. 2, pp. 149-
150 imperfect J.
History (The) of lady Julia Mande.ville.
See Brooke (Mrs. Frances Moore).
252 pp.
History (The) of sir Guor^o Wiiningtoti ;
or the political Quixote. By the author
of the benevolent Quixote, etc. lanon.}
V. 1, 3. 16°. London, J. Hell, 1797.
[v. 2 wantiiiK].
A'ofc— Wrouj^ly aacrtbod to Cliarlotte Lennox.
History (The) of the civil war in America.
Hy au officer of the britiah army. See
Hall (Captain John).
History of the great conflagration ; or, Bos-
ton and its destruction. Embracing a
brief history of [the city] : with a full ac-
count of its destruction by fire nov. 1872.
[anou.'\ 142 pp. I map. 8=^. rhiladclphia,
tr. Flint .f CO. 1872.
History (A) of the holy catholic inquisi-
tion, compiled from various authors. With
an introduction, by the rev. C. Mason.
[anon.-] xi, 192 pp. 1 pi. 12^. Philadel-
phia, n. Perkins, 1835.
[Makkoe pamphlets, v. 8].
History (The) of the life and adventures of
don Alphonso Blass de Lirias, sou of the
celebrated Gil Bias of Sautillane : from
the Spanish original, [anon.] 3 p. 1. 294
pp. 12°. London, J. Hodges, 1742.
Hitchcock (Edward, d. d. and Edward, jr.
VI. d.) Elementary anatomy and physi-
ology. Revised ed. 443 pp. 12*^. New
York, Ivison, Fhinney <f- co. 1860.
Hitchins (Fortescue). The sea shore, with
other poems. 11 p. 1. 175 pp. 12°. Sher-
borne, for author, 1810.
Hitopad^sa ou I'instructiou utile. Rocueil
d'apologues et de contes traduit du San-
scrit avec des notes historiques et litt<?-
raires, et un appeudice coutenant I'indica-
tions des sources et des imitations par
m. Cdouard Lancereau. xi, 288 pp. 16°.
Paris, P. Jannet, 1855.
(Bibliotbfeque elzevirienno].
Hoard or Hord (Samuel). God's love to
mankind, manifested by disproving his ab-
solute decree for their damnation. 2p. 1.
220 pp. 16°. London, J. Clark, 1673.
Hobart (Jicv. Noah). A second address to
the members of the episcopal separation
in New-England. Occasioned by the ex-
ceptions made to the former, by dr. John-
son [and others]. 172 pp. 8°. Boston,
1). Fotcle, 1751.
[Moore pamphlets, v. 12-2].
Hobbs (Isaac II. and son), llobbs' archi-
tecture: containing designs and ground
plans for villas, cottages, and other o<li-
Hobbs (Isaac II. and «on)— continued.
fices, both suburban and rural, adaptinl to
the United States. 189 pp. 8°. Phila-
delphia, J. II. Lippinoott 4' CO- 1873.
Hobbs (Capt. James). Wild life in the far
west; personal adventures of a border
mountain man. Illustrate<l. 48'^ pp. 17
pi. 8°. Hartford, Wilnj, Waterman 4'
Eaton, 1872.
Hodder (George). Memories of my time;
including personal reminiscences of emi-
nent men. xx, 420 pp. 8°. London,-
Tinsley brothers, 1870.
Hoddick (F. organist). Die slimmtlichen
urmelodien zu dem gemeiuschaftlichen
gesangbuch zum gottesdienstlichen ge-
brauch der lutherischen und reformirten
gemeinden in Nord-Amerika. 39 pp. 18°.
New-Tork, Koch tf- co. 1850.
[ With Neuestes gomelnschaftlichea gesangbach].
Hodge (Charles, d. d.) The constitutional
history of the presbyterian church in the
United States. 1705-1788. 2 v. 256 pp ;
516 pp. 8°. PhiladelphUt, IV. 8. Martien,
Proceedings connected with the semi-
centennial commemoration of the profes-
sorship of rev. Charles Hodge, in the theo-
logical seminary at Princeton, N. J. april
24, 1872. 128 pp. 8°. New York, A. D.
F.Iiandolph, [1872].
Systematic theology, v. 3. viii, 880
pp. 8°. New York, Scribner, Armstrong
4- CO. 1873.
The same. Index to systematic the-
ology. 1 p. 1. 81 pp. 8°. New York, Scrib-
Iter, Armstrong 4- co. 1873.
The way of life. 343 pp. 18°. Phila-
delphia, Am.s. 8. union, [1841].
Hodge (Hugh L. m. d.) On diseases pecul-
iar to women, including displacements of
the uterus, xx, 17-469 pp. 8°. Phila-
delphia, Blanchard 4- Lea, 1860.
The principles and practice of obstet-
rics, xxiv, 17-550 pp. 22 pi. 4°. Phila-
delphia, Blanchard 4' Lea, 1864.
Hodges (John Tyler). Hodges' new bank
note safe-guard ; giving fac simile descrip-
tions of upwards of ten thousand bank
notes, embracing every genuine note
issued in the United Stat^js A Cana<l».
4th quarterly ed. 2 p. 1. 3.')3 pp. fol.
New York, J. T. Uodgva, 1858.
Hodges (Richard M. m. d.) The txcision
of the. joints, viii, 201 pp. 8. liotton,
Hodges (Richard M. wi. d.)— continued.
[printed at Camhridye, Welch, Bigelmv tj- co.]
Hodgson (liev. John). A histoiy of North-
umberland, in throe parts. 7 v. 4^. New-
castle upon Tyne, 1820-08.
Tart i. Contalninj; tho general history
county. Undertaken by tlio Societj- of au-
tifinafies of Newcastle. ' Compiled by John
Ilodgfiou Ilinde. leUV.
V. -Z-i. Part ii. Containing the parochial history
of the county. 18-27-'10.
V. j-7. Part iii. Containing ancient records and
historical papers. 18*20-35.
Hodgson (Joseph). See Alabama (The)
manual and statistical register for 1871.
Hodson (James Whitworth, editor). The
history and antiquities of tho county of
Dorset. 3d ed. 1801-70. See Hutchins
{Rev. John).
Hoffmann (Franz). Knight and peasant.
From the german. By rev. D. P. Rosen-
miller. 195 pp. 4 pi. 16^\ rinladelphia,
Lutheran hoard of puhli cation, 1872.
[FATUEniJiND (The) series].
Self-will and repentance. Translated
from tho german, by rev. Charles A.
Smith, d.d. 189 pp. 4 pi. IG^. Fhiladel-
j)hia, Lutheran hoard of publication, 1872.
[Fatiieuland (The) series].
Hogarth (George). Memoirs of the opera in
Italy, France, Germany, and England. A
new ed. of the "Musical drama." 2 v.
viii, 37G pp. 1 pi ; v, 379 pp. 1 pi. 12^.
London, Ii. Bentley, 1851.
Musical historj', biography and criti-
cism. With an original preface, by H. C.
Watson. 181pp. 8^. New-York, E.G.
Daggers, 1845.
Hogarth (William). Graphic illustrations
of Hogarth, from pictures, drawings, and
scarce prints in the possession of Samuel
Ireland, xvi, 183 pp. 28 pi. 8^. London,
Ii. Faulder <;• J. Egerton, 1794.
Note. — A second volnnic was published in 17!H».
Holbach (Paul Thyry, haron d'). Lo bon-
sens, on id6es naturelles opposdes aux
id<^es snrnaturelles. [anon.'\ 1 p. 1. xii,
315 pp. \(S'\ Londres, 1772.
Holdich (Joseph). The wesleyan student ;
or, memoirs of Aaron Haynos Kurd. 288
pp. 18^. New York, G. Lane, 1841.
Holgate (Jerome B.) Conversations on the
]>rcsont ago of tho world, in connection
with prophecy, [anon.] 332 pp. 12 \
Albany, J. Munscll, \>*'y\\.
Holland (Elihu G.) Essays : and a drama
[The highland treason] in five acts, vi,
400 pp. portrait. 12^. Boston, PhiUips,
Sampson 4" co- 1852.
Niagara, and other poems. 4 p. 1.
170 pp. ISO. xew York, liudd 4^ Carle-
ton, 1861.
Holland (George Calvert, m. d.) The con-
stitution of the animal creation as ex-
pressed in structural appendages. 1 p. 1.
310 pp. 8^. London, J. Churchill, 1857.
Holland (John). Memoirs of the life and
ministry of the rev. John Summerfield.
With an introductory letter, by James
Montgomery. Abridged. 339 pp. portrait.
12*^. New York, Am. tract society, 1850.
Holland (Josiah Gilbert). Garnered
sheaves : complete poetical works. 397
pp. 2 1. iuterl. 17 pi. 16°. New York,
Scrihner, Armstrong 4' co. 1873.
The marble prophecy, and other
poems. 3 p. 1. 112 pp. 1 pi. 12°. New
York, Scrihner, Armstrong 4' co. 1872.
Hollard (Henry, wi. d.) De I'homme et dee
races humaines. viii, 296 pp. 12^^. Paris,
LaU, 1853.
HoUey (George W.) Niagara : its history
and geology, incidents and poetry. 165
pp. 4 pi. 1 map. 16*^. New York, Sheldon
cj- CO. 1872.
HoUick (Frederick, m. d.) Gnia de los
casados, 6 historia natural de la genera-
cion : mentor domdstico para las personas
de ambos socsos, casadas 6 prdcsimas a
tomar estado. Ed. no. 201: primera'_en
castellano. Traducciou de don E. de T.
.500 pp. 1 pi. 16°. Nueva York, for the
author, by T. W. Strong, [1863].
The origin of life : a popular treatise
on the philosophy and physiology of re-
production, in plants and animals, includ-
ing the details of human generation, xxiii,
233, 57 pp. 9 1. 10 col. pi. 24^^. New York,
Nafis 4' Cornish, [1845].
Hollyband (Claudius). Tho Italian school-
maister : contayning rules for the perfect
pronouncing of th' italiau tongue : with
familiar speeches : and certaine phrases
taken out of the best italiau authors.
With ahistorio called Arnalt and Lucenda.
[By Diego de San Pedro]. Revised and
corrected by F. P. 4 p. 1. 368 pp. 18o.
London, T. Vnrfoot, 1008.
Holmes (liev. D.) Puro i;<>l<l, or, truth in
its native loveliness. 282 pp. 1 pi. 12'-.
Aiihum, Derhy ^ Milkr, 1851.
The Wesley oftering ; or Wesley and
bis times. 308 pp. portrait. 12°. Auburn,
JJerby »J- Miller, 1852.
Holmes (Elizabeth Einra). Scenes in our
parish. By a " country parson's " daugh-
ter. First and second series, [anon.']
200 pp. 12°. Xcw York, Harper .J- brothers,
Holmes (George Frederick, 11. d.) Southern
university series. 7 v. 12\ New York,
Richardson tj- co. 1866-67.
Holmes' pictorial primer. 3G pp.
The soutliem pictorial primer, or first reader.
60 pp.
The southern elementary spelling book. 150 pp.
The southern pictorial second reader. 120 pp.
The southern pictorial third reader. 168 pp.
The southern pictorial fourth reader. 276 pp.
The southern pictorial tifth reader. 408 pp.
The same. University series.
Holmes' first, second, third, fourth, and
fifth ^eader8.^ 5 v. 12°. New York,
University publishing co. 1870.
Holmes (Mrs. Mary J.) Dora Deane, or
the East India uncle ; and Maggie Miller,
or old Hagar's secret. 474 pp. 12°. New
York, C. M. Saxton, Barker c/- co. 1860.
Homans (Isaac Smith). Sketches of Boston,
past and present, and of some few places
in its vicinity. lanon.'\ 1 p. 1. viii, 246,
112 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Boston, PhilUps, Samp-
son 4' CO. 1851.
Home, 1835. See Sedgwick (Catharine
Home and school. A journal of popular edu-
cation, literature and science. [Monthly].
Jan. to dec. 1872. v. 1. 8°. Louisville,
J. P. Morton cj- co. [1872].
2Vbte.— Successor to Louisville school niesseugev.
Home and the world. By the author of
" Souvenirs of a residence in Europe."
\_anon.'] 408 pp. 12°. New York, D.
Appleton cj- CO. 1857.
Home made happy ; or, pictures of every
day life for the family circle, lanon.']
300 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, H. C. Peck ^
T. Bliss, 1858.
Home songs for little darlings, lanon.']
238 pp. 16°. Boston, Mayhcw if Baker,
Home songs for little people, [omow. ] 286 pp.
16° . New York, A m . tract society, [ 1 872 ] .
Homer {Rev. William Bradford). WritingH.
With a memoir by Edwards A. Park. 420
pp. 12°. Andover, Allen, Morrill ,^' Ward-
well, 1842.
Homenis. 'Ofirjpov I'/uar.— The Iliad of Ho-
mer, from the text of Wolf. With english
notes. By C. C. Felton. Revi8e<l ed. xv,
581 pp. portrait. 12^\ Boston, J. Munroe
«y- CO. 1847.
The same. The Iliad of Homer,
according to the text of Wolf; with notes.
By John J. Owen, d. d. xii, 1.5-740 pp.
12°. New York, Leavitt .J- co. 1851.
The same. The Iliad of Homer
[books 1-8], with an interlinear transla-
tion. On the hamiltonian system, as im-
proved by Thomas Clark. 367 pp. 12°.
Philadelphia, C. Desilver, 1860.
The same. The first three books of
Homer's Iliad, according to the ordinary
text, and also with the restoration of the
digamma, [etc.] By C. Anthon, 11. d. viii,
599pp. 1 pi. 12°. New-York, Harper 4-
brothers, 1844.
Homespun (John, pseudon.) See Tuttle
Homespun (Sophia, j^sewrfou.) Much fruit.
By Sophia Homespun. 272 pp. 3 pi. 16°.
Boston, D. Lothrop </• co. 1871.
Hood (Charles). Gonzalva; or the fall of
Granada. [A poem]. 2 p. 1. 377 pp. 12°.
Boston, W. D. Ticknor c/- co. 1845.
Hood (Thomas). The poetical works of T.
Hood. With a memoir of the author.
xvi, 583 pp. 12 pi. portrait, sq. 16°.
New York, J. Miller, 1873.
Quips and cranks, xiii, 390 pp. 12°.
London, Routledge, Warne ij- Routledge, 1861.
Hoogstraten (Jan van). Staat- en zede-
kundige zinneprenten, of leerzame fabe-
len; die van den heere Lacourt speels-
wyze gevolgt. Door J. van Hoogstraten.
Engd. tit. 25 p. 1. 310 pp. 2 1. 4-. Rotter-
dam, A. Willis, 1731.
;Vote.— Illustrated with 100 cuts printed in the
Hook (Walter Farquhar, d. d. ) The church
of England vindicated against romanisni
and ultra-protestantism : in sermons.
From the last Lond. ed. viii, 13-292 pp.
12°. Baltimore, J. Robinson, 1H46.
Five sermons preached l)cfore the
university of Oxford. .3d ed. 3 p. 1. 166
pp. 16 '.. Lerds, Slocombc tf- Simms, 1847.
Hook (Walter Farqubar, <f. (J.)— cont'^ned.
Lives of the archbishops of Canter-
bury. V. 9, [or] V. 4, new series. Refor-
mation period, xx, 592 pp. 8^. London,
li. Bentley .j- son, 1872.
Hooke (Robert, vi. d.,f. r. ».) MIcrographia :
or some phy8iolo|j;ical descriptions of
minute bodies made by magnifying glasses.
With observations and inquiries there-
upon. 18 p. 1. 246 pp. 5 1. 38 pi. fol.
London, J. Marttjn <J- J. AUestry, 16(35.
Hooker (Edward W. d. d.) Memoir of mrs.
Sarah L. Huntington Smith, late of the
american mission in Syria. 3d ed. 396 pp.
portrait. 12^. Boston, T. IL Marvin, 1846.
Hooker {liev. Herman). The philosophy of
unbelief in morals and religion, as discover-
able in the faith and character of men.
286 pp. 12^. Xew York, JL Carter .J-
brothers, 1850.
Hooker (Hev. Horace). A practical spelling-
book, 1840. See Gallaudet (Uev. T. H.)
and Hook.er.
Scripture biography for the young ;
with critical illustrations and practical
remarks. Ezekiel to Nehemiah, including
Daniel, Ezra, and Esther. Gallaudet's
series continued, [v. 10]. 253 pp. 1 pi.
18 \ New York, Am. tract society, [1853].
Hooker (Richard). Of divine service, the
sacraments, &c : being selections from the
fifth book of the ecclesiastical polity. New
ed. XV, 221 pp. 18^. Oxford, J. H. Par-
ker, 1853.
Hooker (Worthington, m. d.) The child's
bookof common things, xiii, 166pp. 16^.
Xew Haven, Peck, White .J- Peck, ia58.
Hooper (Jane Winnard). Arbell: a tale
for young people. Engd. tit. 370 pp. 4 pi.
16 \ Xew York, C. JS. Francis cj- co. 1853.
Hope (Elizabeth). The immaterial system
of man, contemplated in accordance with
the beautiful and the sublime, and in refer-
ence to a plan for general education. 2 v.
viii, 327 pp; iv, 364 pp. 12^^, London,
J. liidgway <)'• sons, 1835.
Hope (James, in. d.) A treati.se on the
diseases of the heart and great vessels,
and on the aft'ections which may be mis-
taken for them. 1st american from the
3d Loud. ed. Witli notes, by C. W.
Tennock, m.d. 572 pp. 9 pi. 8 . Phil-
adilphia, Ua .>• IHanrhard, 1842.
Hope (John). Thoughts, in prose and verse,
started, in his walks, xvi, 350 pp. 8^.
Stockton, P. Christopher, 1780.
Hope, McKillop & co. Mercantile reports
from the mercantile agency of Hope, Me
Killop & CO. San Francisco, Cal. v. 7.
12 ^ San Francisco, Bawden tj- Forhes, 1872.
Hopkins (Caspar T.) A manual of ameri-
can ideas. 320 pp. 1 chart. 12"^. San
Francisco, author, 1872.
Hopkins (Mrs. E. A. W.) Little shells from
many shores. [Poems]. 300 pp. 12*^.
San Francisco, Bacon 4' co. 1872.
Hopkins (G. M. 4' co.) Atlas of the cities
of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and the adjoin-
ing boroughs. From actual surveys &
official records. 118 pp. inc. 53 col. maps.
4<3. Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins <f- co.
Atlas of West Philadelphia, including
the 24th & 27th wards of the city of Phila-
delphia. 1 p. 1. 60 pp. inc. 16 maps. fol.
Philadelphia, G. M. Hopkins tj-co. 1872.
Hopkins (Louisa Payson). The guiding
star ; or, the bible God's message. De-
signed to illustrate the second and third
questions of the Westminster catechism,
xi, 7-260 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Boston, Gould ^'
Lincoln, 1851.
The pastor's daughter : or the way
of salvation explained to a young inquirer.
From reminiscences of the conversations
of her late father, doctor [Edward] Payson.
viii, 13-236 pp. 18". Xew York, R. Car-
ter 4' brothers, 1850.
Hopkins (Mark, d. d.) God's provisions
and man's perversions. — A discourse, de-
livered before the Congregational library
association, Boston. 36 pp. 8°. Boston,
T. li. Marvin, 1855.
Hopkinson {Mrs. C. A.) Hints for the nur-
sery, or the young mother's guide. 169 pp.
12". Boston, Little, Brown *)• co. 1863.
Hoppin (liev. James Mason). Notes of a
theological student. 256 pp. 12". Xew
York, J). Appleton <)'• co. 1854.
Hoppin (William J.) Eulogy on general
[James S.] Watlsworth.
|/nCKNTiruY nasociation. J*nK-,iHMliugn. «=■. New
York, 18C5. pp. 7-3(3 J.
Hopton (Arthur). A concordancy of yeares.
Containing a new, oasie, and most exact
computation of time, according to the
english account, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 254 pp. 2 1.
16 . [London t] /. Adams, 1615.
Horatius Placcus (Quintus). The works
of Horace, with onglisli notes, by the rev.
A. J. Macloane. Kevised and edited hy
R.H.Chase, xii, 588pp. 12^. f'amhridge,
1 Mass.} J. Jiartktt, 1856.
Les odes 1' Horace en vers bvrlesqves.
lanon. Par Hvgves de Picovd]. 3 p. 1.
116 pp. sm. 4°. Paris, T. Qviuet, 1653.
Homblower (Mrs.) " The Julia." By the
author of '* Vara," [etc. anon.l iv, 9-388
pp. 12°. Neiv York, 11. Carter <f- brothers,
Horner (Francis, m. p.) Memoirs and cor-
respondence of Francis Horner, m. p.
Edited by his brother, Leonard Horner.
2 V. xxviii, 554 pp. portrait ; xxiii, 575 pp.
1 pi. 8°. Boston, Little, Brown 4- co. 1853.
Homschuch (Christian Friedrich, editor).
See Archiv skandinavischer beitriige zur
naturgeschichte, 1845-50. s.
Horry {Col. Peter) and Weems (Rev. Mason
L.) The life of major gen. Francis Marion.
By col. Horry and M. L.Wheems [Weems].
252 pp. 6 pi. 12°. Xew York, P. M. Davis,
Horschelmann (Ferdinand). llandbuch
der geographic und statistik. See Stein
(C. G. D.) and Horschelmann.
Horseo-wner's (The) companion, 1872. See
Roorbach (O. A.)
Horse Shoe Robinson, 1835. iSee Kennedy
(John Pendleton).
Horticulturist (The) and journal of rural
art and rural taste. (Established by A. J.
Downing, 1846). Devoted to horticulture,
landscape gardening, rural architecture,
rural embellishments, pomology, floricul-
ture, and all subjects of rural life, litera-
ture, art and taste. [Monthly]. Edited
by Henry T. Williams. Jan. to dec. 1872.
V. 27. 8°. Netv York, H. T. Williams, 1872.
Horus Apollo. Ipseiidon.'] Hi^roglyphes,
dits d'Horapolle. Ouvrage traduit du grec,
par m. Requier. 1 p. 1. xvi, 320 pp. 1 1. 16°.
Amsterdam, J. F. Bastien, 1779.
Hosmer (Margaret). Lily's hard words : a
story for little people. 172 pp. 16°.
Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen 4- Haffelfinger,
Hosmer (William ). The young lady's book ;
or, principles of female education, 301
pp. 1 pi. 12°. Auburn, Derby tf- Miller,
Hosmer (William)— continued.
The young man's book. Or self-edu-
cation. 291 pp. portrait. 16°. Auburn,
Derby 4- Miller, \mi.
Houel (Jean Pierre Louis Laurent). Voy-
age pittoresque des isles de Sicile,deMalte
et de Lipari, oh I'on traite des anti(init<^s
qui s'y trouveut encore; des principaux
ph(5nom^ne8 que la nature y offre ; du cos-
tume des habit.ans, & de quelques usages.
4 V. fol. PariK, Vimprimerie de monsieur,
J^'o<<^.— With 2C4 col. pi. iiunilKJrod conBecutively.
Hough (Benjamin Franklin). American
constitutions ; comprising the constitution
of each state in the union, and of the United
States, with the declaration of independ-
ence and articles of confederation ; each
accompanied by a historical introduction
and notes, with a classified analysis of the
constitutions. 2 v. viii, 886 pp. 23 pi ;
iv, 941 pp. 27 pi. 1 map. 8°. Albany, Weed,
Parsons .j- co. 1871-72.
Gazetteer of the state of New York,
embracing the history and statistics of the
state. With geological and topograph-
ical descriptions, and recent statistical
tables, viii, 745 pp. 8 pi. 1 map. 6P. Al-
bany, N. Y., A. Boyd, 1872.
House (The) on the rock, 1852. See Mac-
kamess (Matilda Planchd).
Housman (Robert Fletcher). A collection
of english sonnets. [1540-1840]. xxxiii,
358 pp. 12°. London, Simpkin, Marshall
cf CO. [1841].
Hovey (Alvah, d.d.) A memoir of the life
and times of the rev. Isaac Backus. 369
pp. . 12°. Boston, Gould 4- Lincoln, 1858.
Howard (Clarence J.) Howard's book of
drawing-room theatricals. 178 pp. 16°.
Netc York, Dick 4- Fitzgerald, [1871].
[Twenty-six short and amusing plays, v. 1].
Howard's recitations. Comic, serious,
and pathetic. 180 pp. 16°. New York,
Dick ij- Fitzgerald, [1872].
Howard (Henry, earl of Northampton). A
defensative against the poyson of supposed
prophecies. Not hitherto confuted by the
pen of any man, which haue been causes
of great disorder in the common-wealth,
especially among the simple and vnle^iruetl
people. Very nee<lfull to bo published,
considering the great offence, which grew
Howard (Henry)— contiuued.
by most palpable and grosse errors in as-
trologie. Now newly reuised. [Reprint-
ed]. 7 p. 1. 151 1. sm. fol. London, W.
laggard, {for} M. Lownef^, 1G20.
Howard (Matthew, m. d.) Life in deatb
and death in life. A paradox : illustrating
what wo know, and what we believe.
With criticisms on the morals and manners
of modern society. 209 pp. 12\ Xew
York, W. L. Allison, [1872 J.
Howard Grey, 1855. JSce M. (C. L.)
Howe (Elias, dancing master). American
dancing master, and ball-room prompter.
[Also], first lessons in dancing, the five
positions, etc. 1(50 pp. sq. 16^^. Boston,
E. Howe, 1862.
Howe (Fisher). Oriental and sacred scenes,
from notes of travel in Greece, Turkey,
and Palestine. 408 pp. 6 pi. 1 map. 12°.
Neic York, M. W. Dodd, 1854.
Howe (Henry). Our whole country; or
the past and present of the United States,
1861. See Barber (John W.) and Howe.
Howell {liev. Robert Boyte C.) The terms
of communion at the lord's table, and
with the church of Christ. Reprinted
from the am. ed. 6 p. 1. v, 477 pp. 12°.
London, for the [BajUist tract} society by
G. cf J. Dyer, 1844.
Howells (William D.) Italian journeys.
New and enlarged ed. 398 pp. 12°, Bos-
ton, J. li. Osgood .;• CO. 1872.
Suburban sketches. New and en-
larged ed. With illustrations by A. Hop-
pin. 255 pp. 10 pi. 12°. Boston, J. R.
Osgood ij- CO. 1872.
Venetian life. New and enlarged ed.
Hubbell & Cravenr— contiuued.
Also, a synopsis of the collection laws of
each state. 268 pp. 12°. >S/. Lout*, Huh-
bell cj- Craven, 1870.
Huber (Anne L.) The nursery rattle. For
little folks. 136 pp. inc. 12 col. pi. sq.
12°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Eemsen 4' Haf-
felfinger, 1873.
Hubner (Charles W\) Historical souvenirs
of Martin Luther. 155 pp. 4 pi. 16°.
Cincinnati, Hitchcock cj- Walden, 1873.
Hubner (.Johann, 1608 -1731). Centvm qva-
tvor historias sacra s, qvas e sacris Uteris
collectas, pverorvmqve captvi accomo-
datas germanico sermone edidit I. Hvb-
nervs, cvm praefatione de insigni hvivs
libelli vsv divvlgat Abrahamvs Krigel. Ed.
nova. 8 p. 1. 272 pp. 2 1. 1 pi. 16°. Lip-
siae, apvd I. O. Gleditschivm, 1760.
Hudson (Francis). Hudson's private the-
atricals for home performance. 179 pp.
16°. Xeio York, Dick cf Fitzgerald, [1871].
[Twenty-six short and amusing plays, v. 2J.
Hudson (Frederic). Journalism in the
United States, from 1690 to 1872. 2 p. 1.
789 pp. 8°. Neio York, Harper 4' brothers,
Hudson (J/a««.) Directory for 1872-73. See
Marlborough, Hudson, and Framingham.
Huergo (Luis A.) and Petersson (Pedro).
Ferro-carriles econ6micos para la Repiib-
lica Argentina. Serie de articulos pub-
licados en La tribuna. Y las observacio-
nes del sr. [Pedro] Petersson. 163 pp. 8°.
Buenos Aires, imp. de " La tribuna," 1872. s.
Ferro-carriles econdmicos de
437 pp. 12°. Boston, J. R. Osgood <f co. 1872,
Hows (John W. S.) The shakspearian read-
er, 1849. See Shakespeare (William).
Hubbard (Harvey). Ixion, and other poems,
viii, 165 pp. 12°. Boston, Ticknor, Reed <y
Fields, 1852.
Hubbard {Rev. William). A narrative of
the Indian wars in New-P^ngland, from the
first planting thereof in the year 1607, to
the year 1677. 228 pp. 16°. Noncich,
[Conn.] John Trumbull, \_ahout 1780]?
Hubbell & Craven. The national legal
directory, embracing the names of one or
more of the leading and most reliable at-
torneys in over three thousand cities and
towns in the United States and territories.
la Repiiblica Argentina. 74 pp. 2 tab. 8°.
Buenos Aires, imp. de La prensa, 1872. 8.
[ With their Ferro-carriles econ6mico8 para la Ke-
ptiblica Argentina].
Huergo (Palemon). Poesia«. vii, 472 pp.
8°. Paris, C. Lahure, 1869. s.
Hufeland (Christoph Wilhelm). Trait<S de
la maladie scrophuleuse. Traduit do I'al-
lemand et accompagn^ de notes; par J. B.
Bousquet, et suivi d'un m<Smoire sur lea
scrophules, accompagnd de quelques re-
flexions sur le traitement du cancer, par
m. le baron Larrey. 3 p. 1. xxxii, 398 pp.
2 pi. 8°. Paris, J. B. Baillikre, 1821.
Hugessen( Edward H. Knatchbull-). Moon-
shine. Fairy stories, xi, 338 pp. 8 pi. 12^\
London, Macmillan ij- co. 1871.
Hughes (Edward). Outlines of scripture
geography and history: illustrating the
Hughes (Edward) — continued,
historical portions of the old and now
testaments. 355 pp. 12 maps. 12^^. Phil-
(uMphia, Blanchard t^- Lea, 1854.
Hughes (Jabez). Claudian tlio poet his
elegant history of Rnlinns. Mount .^tna
poetically described, [by Lncilius junior;
also], the most beautiful passages in
Claudian, Statins, Orpheus, Aratus, and
Euripides, rendered into english verso.
Also letters moral and entertaining. 10
p. 1. 292 pp. 8^. London, J. lioblnson, 1741.
Hughes (Mrs. Mary). The life of William
l*enn, compiled from the usual authori-
ties, and also many original manuscripts.
224 pp. 12^. rUladclphia, Carey, Lea <f-
Carey, 1828.
Hughes (Thomas). Brown and Arthur : an
episode from " Tom Brown's school days."
Arranged for the press, by a mother,
[Anna Mead Chalmers]. 184 pp. 16*^.
liichmond, [ Fa.] West tj- Johnston, 18G1.
Hughs or Hughes (Mary Robson). The
now expositor : containing tables of words,
from one to seven syllables inclusive ; ac-
cented, explained, and divided. The whole
corrected and enlarged. 192 pp. 12°.
PhUadelpMa, R. H. Small, 1827.
Hughs (Thomas). The new americau
speaker : being a selection of speeches,
dialogues, and i)oetry. 252 pp. 12*^.
nuiadelphia. Key tj- Mielke, 1831.
The universal class-book: being a
selection of pieces, in prose and verse.
300 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Hunt, 1830.
Hugo (Victor Marie). Lea feuilles d'au-
tomno. Los chants du crdpuscule. [aMOJi.]
1 p. 1.302pp. 16°. Paris, Charpentier, I8il.
Gavroche : the gamin of Paris. From
" Les misdrables." Translated and adapt-
ed by M. C. Pyle. 225 pp. 1 pi. 1G°.
Philadelphia, Porter if Coates, [1872].
Hulburt (D. m. d.) An eye-opener. " Cita-
teur, par Pigault." Le Brun, doubts of
infidels: embodying thirty important ques-
tions to the clergy. Also forty close ques-
tions to the doctors of divinity. By Zepa.
Ipseudon.l 168 pp. 16°. Poston,W. fFhite
4' CO. 1871.
Hull (William). Memoirs of the camjiaigu
of the northwestern army of the United
States, 1812. With a sketch of the revo-
lutionary services of the author. 229, x
pp. 8°. Boston, True 4' Green, 1824.
TiiOKNDiKE pampLlots, v. H].
18 c
Hullah (.John, alitor). The song book.
Words and tunes from the best poets and
musicians. 9 p. 1. 36S pp. 1^^. London,
Macmillan <j- co. 1860.
[Golden treasury series].
Hulse (Georgio A.) Sunbeams and 8ha<l-
0W8, and buds and blossoms ; or, leaver
from aunt Minnie's portfolio. [A novel].
262 pp. 12 . Xew York, I). Appleton «J- co.
Hulsebos (Gerardus Assisus). Disputatio
anticiuaria inauguralis do educatione ot
institntione apud Ilomanos. xiv, 228 pp.
8°. Trajecti ad Hhenum, Kemink et filius,
1867. 8.
HulshoflF (Maria Alotta). Peace-republi-
cans' manual ; or, the french constitution
of 1793, and the declaration of the rights
of man and of citizens, according to the
Monitour of June 27th, 1793; in the origi-
nal french, together with a translation in
english. To which is added: debates on
this constitution in the national conven-
tion. Translated extracts from i)iece8
seized in Baboeuf 's rooms ; extracts from
a translation of Rousseau's work on the
social contract; and various other ex-
tracts. 1 p. 1. vii, 161 pp. 8°. Xew York,
J. Tiebout 4- son, 1817.
Humboldt (Carl Wilhelm von). Letters
of William von Humboldt to a female
friend, [Charlotte von Stein]. Translated
from the 2d gorman ed. by Catharine
M. A. Couper. With a biographical no-
tice of the writer. 2 v. xx, 348 pp. 1 fac-
sim ; viii,244 pp. 8°. London, J. Chapman,
Hume (David). The history of England,
from the invasion of Julius Cjosar, to the
revolution in 1688. With notes and refer-
ences, exhibiting the most important dif-
ferences between this author and dr.
Lingard. 2 v. 780 pp; 756 pp. 8°. Phil-
adelphia, WCarty <j- Davis, 1832.
The same. The student's Hume. A
history of England from the earliest times
to the revolution in 1688. Abridged.
Incorporating the corrections and re-
searches of recent historians; and con-
tinued to 1858. xvi, 789 pp. 12°. New
York, Harper 4- brothers, 1859.
Hume (J. F.) Five hundred majority; or,
the days of Tammany. By Willys Nilea.
Ipscudon.} 200 pp. 8°. New York, (i. P.
Putnam .)• sons, 1872.
Hume (Mrs. 11. S.) Woman's wrongs: a
history of Mary and Fidelia. 223 pp. 12<2.
rortland, B. Thurston .j- co. 1872.
Humming (The) bird ; or, morsels of infor-
mation, on the subject of slavery : with
various miscellaneous articles. [A
monthly, amom.] v. 1. x, 3-3G4 pp. 8°.
Leicester, A. Coclshaw, 1825.
Humphreys (F. m. d.) Humphreys' homeo-
pathic mentor or family adviser in the use
of specific liomeopathic medicine, vi,
3-3G4 pp. 8^^. New York, Humplireys'
specific homeopathic medicine co. 1872.
Hunsberger (I. R.) Readable notes for the
snnday-school. Sec Allebach (J. C.) and
The temple harp, 1872. See Alle-
bach (J. C.) and Hunsberger.
Hunter (liev. Joseph). Hallamshire. The
history and topography of the parish of
Sheffield in the county of York. With
historical and descriptive notices of the
parishes of Ecclesfield, Hansworth, Tree-
ton, and Whiston, and of the chapelry of
Bradfield. A new and enlarged ed. by Al-
fred Gatty, d. d. xviii, 508 pp. 11 pi. fol.
London, editor, 18G9.
South Yorkshire. The history and
topography of the deanery of Doncaster, in
the diocese and county of York. 2 v. 12
p. 1. xxviii, 406 pp. 9 pi. map; 4 p. 1. 498
pp. 8 pi. map. fol. I^ondon, author, 1S2S-21,
Huntington ( liev. B. S. ) Wreck and rescue.
The life and labors of John Byrne, lay
missionary to seamen in New York. 113
pp. 16*^. Xew York, ITurd .j"- Houghton,
Huntington (Frederic D. d. d.) Christian
believing and living. Sermons, v, 528
pp. 12°. Boston, Crosby, Kichols t^ co-
Elim : or hymns of holy refreshment.
xvi, 334 pp. 12^. Boston, E. P. Button .f
CO. 1865.
Steps to a living faith : being letters
to an indifferent believer. A tract for
parish use. 115 pp. 18^. New York, E.
P. Button ij- CO. 1873.
Hurdis (James, d. d.) Poems, viz.— the vil-
lage curate ; Adriano, or the first of June ;
and tears of affection. [Also], the boqnet,
a collection of scattered pieces. 1 p. 1.
270 pp. 16 . Philadetphia, I). Ifanna,
Hiirley (John). Jhe light. A treatise on
man's nature when created, and the design
of his creation as revealed in the holy
scriptures. 156 pp. 18°. New York,
author, 1856.
Hurst (Samuel H.) Journal-history of the
seventy-third Ohio volunteer infantry.
254 pp. 12^. ChiUicothe, 0. 1866.
Hussey (Joseph). The glory of Christ uu-
veil'd, or the excellency of Christ vindi-
cated in his person, love, righteousness,
&c. Occasion'd by divers notorious
errours in the writings of mr. John Hunt,
of Northampton, and many other writers.
5 p. 1. 918 pp. 27 1. 4^. London, N. Hillier,
Hutcheson (Francis, //. d.) An essay on
the nature and conduct of the passions
and affections. With illustrations on the
moral sense. lanon.'\ xxiii, 333 pp. 12°.
London, J. Smith, 1728.
Hutchins (Eev. Charles L.) The canticles,
etc. 1872. See Protestant episcopal
The church hymnal, 1872. See Prot-
estant episcopal church.
Hutchins (Rev. John). The history and
antiquities of the county of Dorset : with
a copy of domesday book and the inquisi-
tio gheldi for the county : interspersed with
some remarkable particulars of natural
history. 3d ed. augmented and improved,
by William Shipp and James Whitworth
Hodson. 4 v. fol. Westminster, J. B.
Nichols cj- son, 1861-70.
Hutchins (Joseph, d. d.) An abstract of
the first principles of english grammar.
3d ed. 1 p. 1. 207 pp. 12°. Philadelphia,
J. Bioren, 1810.
Hutchinson (Alexander H.) Try Lapland.
A fresh field for summer tourists. 2d ed.
xi, 228 pp. 8 pi. 1 map folded. 12°. Lon-
don, Chapman tj- Hall, 1870.
Hutchinson (William). A view of North-
umberland, with an excursion to the ab-
bey of Mailross in Scotland. 2 v. 2 p. 1.
xxviii, 301 pp 5 1. 62 pp. 9 pi. 1 tab. folded,
1 fac-sira ; 2 p. 1. 473 pp. 2 1. 20 pp. 13 pi.
4°. Newcastle, T. Saint, for W. Charnley,
[efc] 1778.
Hutchison {Rev. Patrick). A dissertation
on the nature and genius of the kingdom
of Christ, viii, 13-344 pp. 12°. Green-
ock, Scott, Ahercromby <J- co. 1810.
Hutton (Frederick WoUuHton) and Hector
(James). Fishes of New Zealaiul. — Cata-
logue with diaguoses of the species by F.
W. Huttou. Notes on the edible fishes by
James Hector, xvi, 133, ii, iii pp. 12 pi.
iP. IVellingtun, J. Iliitjhes, 1872. 8.
(New Zkalano. Colonial mtueum and geological
ntrvey departtntnt].
Huxley (Thomas Henry, U. d.) Critiques
and addresses, xiv, 3.'>0pp. H'. Txtndon,
Macmillan tf co. 1873.
Lessons in elementary physiology.
4th ed. xxiii, 348 pp. 1 pi. 18\ Loudon,
Macmillan .j- co. 1870. «■
A manual of the anatomy of verte-
brated animals. vii,5l0pp. 16'^. TA)ndon,
J. .;• J. Churchill, 1871.
The same. 431 pp.
12\ New York,
D. Appleton <f- co. 1872.
Hyacinth (The) : or aftection's gift. A
Christmas, new year, and birth-day pres-
ent, for 1848, 1851, and 18,52. 3 v. 10°.
Philadelphia, H. F. Annas, [1847-51].
Hyatt (James). The elements of chem-
istry; embracing the general principles,
with a description of the chief inorganic
and organic substances. [Also], a copious
glossarial index. 240 pp. 12°. New York,
Clark, Austin .j- Smith, 1855.
Hyl£L lj)8eudon.'\ The convent and the
manse. 242 pp. 12°. Jloston, J. P. Jew-
ctt ij- CO. 1853.
Hymnal (The), 1872. See Protestant epis-
copal church.
Hymns. The additional and selected
hymns, 18C2. Sec Protestant episcopal
Hymns for the sanctuary, [ajion.] xxx,
520 pp. 12°. Boston, W. Crosby <j- H. P.
Nichols, 1849.
Hymns of worship. Selected and arranged
by a pastor. [anon.} 440 pp. 18°.
Philadelphia, W. S. .j- A. Martien, 1858.
Hymns to the supreme being: 1780. See
King (Edward).
Hyneman (Leon). Ancient York and Lou-
don grand lodges. A review of free-
masonry in England from 1567 to 1813.
192 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, mrs. W. Cur-
tis, 1872.
editor. The universal masonic rec-
ord: or, links in the golden chain of
brotherhood. Containing the name, busi-
ness, profession and residence of subscrib-
ers ; [etc.] Containing also, a list of
Hyneman (Leon, ♦Y/i/«r)— continuo«l.
nuisonio lodges in America and Kuro|K'.
234 pp. >*'. Philadelphia, L. Huneman,
Iddo; an historical sketch, illtistratiiig
Jewish history, during the times of the
Maccabees. R C. 1G7-150. [anon.} 243
pp. 2 pi. H^. Philadelphia, Am. h.s. union,
Ide (Simeon). The young Franklinsonian,
grandfather's story : written for the chil-
dren of mechanics and farmers, by their
wellwishcr. [anon.] 128 pp. 8 pi. IG '.
Hartford, W. L. Matt, [1872].
Ijpeij (A.) Oeschiedenis van de kristlijke
kerk in de achttiende ecuw. 12 v. in 13.
8°. Utrecht, JV.ran Jjzerwnrst, [etc.} 1797-
nUger (Johann Karl Wilhelm). Versuch
oiner .systematischen vollstiindigen ter-
minologie filr das thierreich und pflanzen-
reich. xlvii,4r)9 pp. H. lhlmHtadt,C.C,.
Fleckeinen, 1800.
Illinois (State of). Constitutional convention.
Debates and proceedings of the coustitu-
tional convention. Convened at the city
of Springfield, dec. 13, 18o3. 2 v. 4 p. 1.
1-1076 pp; 2 p. 1. 1077-1896, 132 pp. 4^.
Springfield, E. L. Merritt .f brother, 1870.
Journal of the con8titution.il
convention, 1869. 1022 pp. 1 1. xi pp. »\
Springfield, State journal printing office, 1670.
Department of public instruction. Man-
ual of instruction: explanatory of the
common school law of the state of Illinois.
[By John P. Brooks]. 2i0 pp. 1 pi. 8^.
Rockford, Adams cj- Blackmer, 1864.
School laws of Illinois as
amended fob. 16th, 1865, with oflicial and
judicial decisions iu relation to common
schools. By Newton Bateman. 203 pp.
8°. Springfield, III, Johnson .| nra({fud,
Executive documents. Reports made
to the general assembly of lUiuois, at its
twenty -seventh session, 1871. 4 v. 8^-.
Springfield, Illinois journal printing office,
General assembly. Journals of the
senate and house of representatives of the
twenty-seventh general assembly, 1871.
5 V. 8°. Springfield, Illinois journal print-
ing office, 1871-72.
Industrial university. Fourlh annual
report of the board of trustees for the year
Illinois (State o/)— continuotl.
1870-71. With lectures, etc. 8 '. Spring-
field, Illinois journal imnting office, 1872.
liailroail and icarehouse commission.
Second annual report. For year ending
nov. 30, 1872. 8". Springfield, State jour-
nal steam jmnt, 1873.
Illinois state agricultural society. Trans-
actions, with reports from county and
district agricultural societies. Edited by
John P. Reynolds, secretary, v. 8.
1869-70. 8°. Springfield, Illinois journal
2)rinting office, 1H71.
The same. Edited by A. M. Garland,
secretary, v. 9, old series, v. 1, new
series. 1871. 8^. Springfield, Illinois
journal printing office, 1872.
Illinois state gazetteer and business direct-
ory, for the years 1864-5, embracing de-
scriptive sketches of all the cities, towns
and villages throughout the state, [etc.]
8-. Chicago, J. C. W. Bailey, 1864.
Illustrated (The) catholic family almanac
for the United States, for 1873. 12°. Xexc
York, The catholic puhlication society, [1872].
Illustrated (The) christian weekly. Jan 6
to dec. 28, 1872. v. 2. fol. New York,
Am. tract society, [1872].
Illustrated (The) hand-book, a new guide
for travelers through the United States of
America, [anon.] 233 pp. 1 map. 18".
Neio York, Sherman .j- Smith, 1846.
lUustrated (The) library of travel, etc. 1873.
See Taylor (Bayard).
Illustrated library of wonders. 16". Xcw
York, C. Scribner cj- co. 1869-73.
GuiLLEMiN (A.) Wondera of the moon. 1873.
Mkuxier (V.) Adventures ou tlie great luiutiug
grounds of the world. 1809.
Illustrated (The) progressive series of read-
ing books, 1871. Sec O'Shea (Patrick).
Illustrated sketches of the countries and
places mentioned in bible history. From
the german by J. F. Kennedy, [anon.}
3S3 pp. inc. 12 pi. Philadelphia, A7n. s. s.
union, [1847].
Illustrlrter farmer freund. Laudwirth-
schaftlicher kalender, bearbeitot von H.
Nicholas Jarchow. 1873. 12°. Keto York,
O.Judd.^co. [1872].
Ilsley (Charles P.) Forest and shore, or
legends of the pine-tree state. 4th thou-
sand. 426 pp. 12". lloston, J. P. Jetreit
<V- CO. lWi6.
Ilustracion hispano-amcricana. [Semi-
men.sual]. Ano i ji ano iv. 15 do octubre
do 1857 ri 31 do diciembre do 1860. 2 v.
fol. Paris, 1857-60.
Imitatione (De) Christi libri quatuor. Nova
od. 1 p. 1. xii, 210 pp. 1 pi. 32". Visun-
tione, liailly, 1839.
Impressions of Gorman}', by an american
lady, [ 1866 ] . See Griffin ( M. )
In exile, 1871. See St. (W. von).
Inconnu (L'), roman veritable, ou lettrcs do
m. I'abbd de *** et de mademoiselle B***.
ianon-l 167 pp. 16". La Ilaye,\'iCM.
Independent (The). [A religious weekly
newspaper]. Henry C. Bowen, editor.
Jan. 4 to dec. 26, 1872. v. 24. fol. New
York, II. C. Bowen, [1872].
Indian (The) cottage : a unitarian story.
By the author of " Father Rowland," &c.
ianon.1 159 pp. 18". Baltimore, F. Lucas,
jr. [1831].
Indiana (State of). Adjutant general. Re-
port of the adjutant general, 1861-65.
8 V. 8". Indianapolis, state printer,
V. 1. Containing Indiana in the war of the rebellion,
and statistics and documents. 1869.
V. 2. Containing rosters of governor's military
statf, Indiana ofHcers commissioned by the
president, otiicera and historical memor<inda
of Indiana regiments, numbered from the
6th to the 74th inclusive. 1865.
V. 3. Containing rosters of officers and historical
memoranda of Indiana regiments, num-
bered from the 75th to the 156th inclusive ;
of the 28th regiment of U. S. colored troops ;
niul of Indiana batteries of light artillery,
numbered from the 1st to the 26th inclu-
sive. Also, rosters of the officers of the U. S.
navy, appointed from Indiana, and of
officers ot tlio Indiana legion. Also an
alphabetical liat of all officera. 1866.
V. 4. Containing rosters of enlisted men of Indiana
regiments numbered from the 6tli to the
29th inclusive, 1866.
V. 5. Containing rosters of enlisted men of Indiana
regiments numbered from the 30th to the
59th inclusive. 1866.
V. 6. Containing rosters of enlisted men of Indiana
regiments numbered from the 60th to the
110th inclusive. 1866.
v. 7. Containing rosters of enlisted men of Indiana
regiments numbered from the 11 1th to the
156th inclusive ; colored troops ; and bat-
teries light artillery, numbered from the
Ist to the 26th inclusive. 1867.
v. 8. Containing additional information, correc-
tions of previous vobunes, a list of officers
and men who lost their lives in the service,
and a list of deserters. 1868.
Indiana (The) series [of readers], 1853.
See Stirling (Samuel G.)
Indiscretions, 1798-1830. Souvenirs anec-
dotiques et politiques, 1835. See R6al
(Pierre Francois, comte).
Industrial drawing for beginners. Free-
hand. [rtwoM.] 160 pp. 12' . Poston,
J. /.'. (hf/ood <\ r«. 1H72.
Industrial (The) tiiontlily; a practical
journal for inanufacturcrH, iiicchanicH,
liiiilderH, iiiv(M»torM, tMij^inccrs, architects,
witli ft record of railway progreKH. Jan. to
ilec. 1H72. V. 3. 4"^. Xnc York^ The in-
dustrial publication co. 1872.
NoU.—y. 1-2 aro HtjU'd TiiK TKCilNolxxilttr.
Infant (The) brother. By the author of
*' Woiulers of tho deep," [etc. anon.'\ 1.%
pp. 1 pi. !"( . AV»' Yorl,-, Ctiinal prot.
epific. «. 8. union, 1^39.
Infant (The) school manual, or tcachcr'H
assistant. Also a variety of useful les-sons.
lanon."] viii, Ui-SW pp. 1 pi. 12. IVor-
cester, Dorr .f- Uowhiml, 18*30.
Infidel (The) ; or, the fall of Mexico, 18:i5.
\_anon.^ See Bird (Robert M.)
Ingalls (Henry Augustus). Selections from
the writings of H. A. Ingalls.
[In BUUXAV {Rev. G. W.) Moiiioir of II. A. InjrallM.
la^. Jloaton, J. Mttnroe i£ co. 18JG. pp. 7r>-'J10J.
Ingelow (Jean). OffthoSkclligs. A novel.
[Author's ed.] 2 p. 1. fiOO pp. Jioston,
lioberts brothers, 1872.
Ingersoll (Lurtou Dunham). Explorations
in Africa, by dr. David Livingstone, and
others, giving a full account of tho Stanloy-
Livingstouo expedition of search, under
tho patronage of tho New York " Herald."
1 p. 1. 420 pp. 20 i>l. 1 map. 8 . Chicetgo,
Union publishing CO. 1872.
The life of Horace Greeley, founder of
the New York tribune, with extended
notices of many of his contemporary
statesmen and journalists. 688 pp. 24 pi.
2 fac-sim. 8^. Chicago, Union publishing
CO. 1873.
Inglis (Henry David). Rambles in the
footsteps of don Quixote. 180 pp. 12°.
Philadelphia, Ua <J- Blanchard, 1840.
Ingraham (AVr. Joseph H.) Bonfield: or,
tho outlaw of tho Bermudas. A nautical
novel. 93 pp. H'^. New York, If. L. Will-
iams, 184G.
The corsair of Casco bay; or, tho
pilot's daughter. 58 pp. 8^. Gardiner,
Me., G.M.Jtwood, 1844.
Tho dancing feather ; audits sequel
*Morris Gncme. 1 p.l. 92 pp. 2 pi. 8-=. New
York, Williams brothers, 1845-47.
Tho dnncin^ fontlMT, or the nniatoiir freohooloFM :
n nunnnwi «f Now York. pp. 1-4.H. Jionton,
n. L. WiUiam$, \M\
MorriH Grn'iiic: or, th« cniino of tho Hoa-rHppor,
n M'<|ii«-I to Tlio tlaiiciiig I'onthor. pp. i9-9i. '2 pi.
AV.n \ork. WiUiamn brothem. 1H47.
Ingraham ( A'er. JoHcph 11.)— eoutiunod.
Forrestal : or, tho light of tlio roof. A
romanco of the blue wat«ni. 1*3 pp. 6^.
Nctc York, Morning ntar office, 1850.
Tho freo-trmler : or, tho cruiwr of
Narragansett bay. 1H5 pp. k . A'»ir- York,
Williatns brothern, 1847.
Lafitte : the pirate of tho gulf. 1 p.l.
11-20(J pp. b . Setc York, Ik Witt .f Da-
venport, {about 1840].
Der lUrst aus David's hause, o<ler
drel jahre in dor heiligon stadt. 475 pp.
1 pi. 12 . New York, I'udnetf .(• Jlunntll,
Inland (The) monthly magn/.inc. Mary
Nolan and Charlotte Smith, editors.
March to dec. 1872. v. 1-2 in 1 v. S^. St.
Louis, C.Smith, [1872].
Innes (Cosmo, editor). Origines parochiales
Scotiao. Tho antiquities ecclesiastical
and territorial of the parishes of Scotland.
[Edited by C. Innes, assisted by rev. W.
Anderson, Joseph Robertson, James B.
Brichan, and J. M'Nab]. 2 v. in 3. 4<^.
Edinburgh, Hannatyne club, 1851-55. H.
(B.\XN.\TYXE club publlcatioDB, no. 97].
V. I. Tho dioTCM of CilMgow; comprising tho
dcanoriefl of KiithcrKlon, I<4>nn9x, part of
V. 2. P«rtl. Tho diocoso of Arpvh' ; roniprinlns
tho doant'ricH of Kintyrc, (ilaAMir\-, I^oru,
and Mor^•t>m ; tho dioiTiie of tho inlca.
V. 2. I'art 2. TIjo di«M'ciio of ItoM, tho di^icoMc of
Caithncm. AIho adtlitioun to tho dioccMw
of Arjtyle and tho dioccae of tho iales.
Innocent (The) fugitive; or memoirs of a
lady of quality. By the author of the Pla-
tonic guardian, [anon.] 2 v. 1 p. 1.228
pp ; 1 p. 1. 227 pp. IG . London, T. Jfook-
ham, 1789.
Inquirer (The). By the author of " Tho
best friend," [etc. anon.] 249 pp. 3 pi.
18^. Jhston, Mass. s. s, society, [1859].
Inquiry (An) into the present state of tho
foreign relations of the union, as affectcil
by the late measures of administration.
[anoM.] 183 pp. & . Philadelphia, S.
Bradford, 1806.
[DfANK pan>phk't«, v. 136).
Inquiry (An) into tho state of tho nation, at
the connnencement of the present adminis-
tration, [anon.] 3tl od. 218, xviii pp.
London, Tjongmans, 180(3.
(Di'AXK paniplilotn, v. 104].
Instauratio : or tho new era. [Sclectetl
thoughts, anon.] 311pp. Ifi . Hartford,
Cane, Lm'knood .»'• Ilrainavd. l'C2.
Institut royal dcs inj^t^uienrs n<5erliiTulais.
See Hague. Kovhihfijk iiinfituut ran
iii(j< nienrH.
luBtitution of civil eii<»ineers. Tlic ctluca-
tion ami status of civil engineers, in the
nnitcd kingtlom and in foreign countries.
Compiled from documents supplied to the
councilof the Institution of civil engineers,
18(W to 1870. xviii, 218 pp. 8-\ London,
luslilution, 1870. S.
Insurance (The) monitor. Devoted to the
interests of insurance: fire, marine, life,
casualty and otherwise. [Monthly].
C. C. nine, editor. Jan. to dec. 1872.
V. 20. 4^. Xcw York, C. C. Hine, [1872].
Insurance reporter. [Weekly]. C. Albert
Talmer, editor. Jan. 4 to dec. 2G, 1872.
V. 14. fol. rhUailil])hia, C. J. Palmer,
Insurance (The) times. A journal solely
devoted to life, lire and marine insurance.
[Monthly]. Stephen English, editor.
Jan. to dec. 1872. v. 5. 4^. Xcw York,
S. I-nglish, [1872}.
Intelligent (The) reader, 1834. See Mer-
riam (Charles).
Interior (The). [A weekly religious news-
l)apor]. Benjamin W. Dwight and J. H.
Trowbridge, editors. Jan. 4 to dec. 26,
1872. V. 3. fol. Chicago, Western pi'cshy-
ierian pulUnhing co. [1872].
Internal (The) revenue record and customs
journal. A weekly register of official in-
formation on internal revenue Und cus-
toms. Jan. G to dec. 28, 1872. v. 15-lG.
4^. Xew York, W. C. .)• F. P. Church,
International congress of jirehistoric an-
tifjuity. Congres international d'anthro-
pologio et d'archdologie prdhistoriques.
Compte rendu de la 2c session, Paris, 1867.
2 p. 1. 442 pp. 1 1. 8^. Paris, C. PeimcaJd,
1868. s.
The same. Transactions of the third
session Avhich opened at Norwich, and
closed in London, ang. 1868. xxx, 419 pp.
r>:\ pi. 8 . Loudon, Longmans, Green <J- co.
ItiiVX 8.
International penitentiary congress. Pris-
ons and reformatories at homo and abroad,
being the transactions of the International
penitentiary congress held in London,
July 3-13, 1872. Edited by Edwin Pears,
11. b. secretary of the congress, xx, 796 pp.
•S . lA»ndon, Longmans, (ircen <V' co. 1872.
International scientific series, v. 1-2. 12^.
NcH' YorX; IK Appleton tj- co. 1872.
V. 1. The formH of water in clouds and rivers, ice
and glaciers. IJy Jolm Tyndall.
V. 2. riiysics and politics. By \\ alter Bagehot.
Introduction to popular lessons, 1831. See
Robbins ( .Vj«« Eliza).
Investor's (The) monthly manual, a news-
paper for investors in british, colonial
and foreign stocks, [etc.] Jan 27 to dec.
28, 1872. New series, v. 2; [complete
series, v. 8]. fol. London, [ T. TL Meredith,
lo-wa (State of). Legislative documents,
submitted to the fourteenth general as-
sembly, 1872. 55 reports in 2 v. 8°. De«
Moines, state printer, 1872.
Ireland (Samuel). Graphic illustrations of
Hogarth, 1794. See Hogarth (William).
Ireland. Calendar of the state papers re-
lating to Ireland, of the reign of James I.
1603-1606. See Great Britain. PuhUc
record office.
Iriarte (Tomas). Glorias argontinas y re-
cuerdos historicos. 1818-1825. 2 p. 1. v,
2-243 pp. 1 1. 8°. Buenos- Aires, libreria
de la Victoria, 1858. s.
Iriarte. See Yriarte.
Irisarri (Antonio Jos6 do.) Cuestiones filo-
logicas sobro algunos puntos do la
ortografia, de la gramatica y del origen
de la lengua castellaua, y sobro lo que debo
la literatura espariola ii la nobleza do la
nacion. v. 1. xix, 398 pp. 12^^. Kucva
York, imprenta de E. Ballet, 1861.
Irish life : in the castle, the courts, and the
country. [awoH.] 3 v. 12°. London,
How cf Parsons, 1840.
Irish (The) song and dance book. 116 pp.
18°. New York, A. J. Fislier, [1873].
Irving {Bev. Edward). A preliminary dis-
course to the " Coming of the messiah," by
J. J. Ben Ezra.
[In Lacunza (Miinuel). Coming of tlio nipsslnli.
8°. London, L. D. Sceley <£• son, 1827. pp.
Irving (Theodore). "More than conqueror,"
or memorials of col. J[ohn] Howard
Kitching. By the author of " The con-
quest of Florida." [a/JOM.] ix, 239 pp.
portrait. 16°. New York, Hard ij' Hough-
ton, 1873.
Irving (Washington). The crayon reading
book ; comprising selections from the va-
rious writings of Washington Irving. 255
pp. 12^\ New-York, G. P. Putnam, 1849.
Irving (WaHliiiiKtoii)— coutiiuicd.
The goiitlomun in black, and talcs of
other days, [anon.] With illustrations
by George Cruikshank and others. 1 p. 1.
V, 392 pp. 18 pi. 12P. Lotulon, C. Daly,
The life and voyages of Christopher
Columbns. Abridged by the [author]. A
new ed. by the author. 2G7 pp. 1G\
New-York, G. .J- C. 4' //. Carvill, 1831.
The sumo. Including the author's
visit to Palos. xii, 9-325 pp. 1 map, por
trait. 12^. Jiostou, Marsh, Capen, Lyon ij-
WcU, 1839.
The Rock J' moJintains: or, scenes, in-
cidents, and adventures in the far west ;
digested from the journal of capt. B. L. E.
Bonneville, and illustrated from various
other sources. 2 v. 248 pp. 1 map ; 248
pp. 1 map. 12°. rhiladelphia, Carey, Lea,
«)■ Blanchard, 1837.
and Paulding (.James Kirke). Sal-
magundi ; or, the whim-whams and opin-
ions of Launcelot Langstaff, esq. and
others. Ipaeudon.] Engd. tit. 244 pp. 1
pi. 16°. Neio York, G. P. Putnam .j- co.
Isabel : or, the trials of the heart. A tale
for the young, [anon.] 182 pp. 18^.
New York, Uarper .)• brothers, 1845.
Ishervo'ood (Benjamin J.) Experimental
researches in steam engineering. The
whole being original matter composed of
extensive experiments made by the U. S.
navy department, v. 1. xxxi, 355 pp. 10
tab. 17 pi. 4°. Philadelphia, W. Hamil-
ton, 18G3.
Isidorus /ji«j>a/<cH8J«. Isidorus de summo
bono. [At end: Impressum Parisii per S.
Jehannot]. Ixxxxiv 1. numb. 2 1. 18°.
IParis], Jehan Petit, [1495].
Note.—ff. 1-lx, Ixxxx-lxxixiv, irregularly num-
Isle (June, i)8€tidon.y Maple grove stories
for little readers. By Juno Isle. 24°.
Cincinnati, Poe .J- Hitchcock, [1804].
The cbiUlreu's providence.
The hitter medicine : A miestion.
Mamma's journal from Maple grove.
Nanny's epitaph : Henrietta Marsli.
Lucretia and hi-r fjarden : How happy am I.
Johny's flrst Ixwts.
Happy licarts.
Goa 8 little boy that went liorae : Three busy chil-
The flag of truce : Little Tommy's spirit.
Israel (A. B.) An historical geography of the
bible. 1 p. 1. 288 pp. 22 col. pi. 8 maps
portrait. 8°. Saint Louis, EnnxBi^coABGi.
Israelitish church. .Six Jewish church.
Israelitisb prayer book, 1873. See Szold
(liabbi Benjamin).
Italy (Kingdom of). Statistlca del regno
d'ltalia. — Lo opcro pio nel 18GI. [Com-
partimcnto del Piemonto]. fol. locnzc,
typografia del succesaori Ia; Monnicr, 18G8. k.
The same.— Opero pio. AnnoHGl. 3 v.
fol. Milano, typografia reale, 1871. s.
dmiparflmcnto di-lla IlnHilicata. 1*<7I.
('ompnrtiiiionto dclln ('alahrii'. 1h7I.
Compartlmento dt-lhi Campaula. IB'I.
Miniatcro per gli affari cntcri. Bull<*t-
tino consolaro pubblicato per cura del
ministero per gli affari esteri. v. H, parte
1. Gcn.-ging. 1872. 8-. Pioma, Cirelli,
[1872]. H.
Kaccolla dei trattati o dello
convonzioni commerciali in vigore tra
I'ltalia e gli stati stranicri, compilatji per
cura del ministero per gli affari esteri,
[1751-18G2]. XXX, 1020 pp. 8\ Torino,
G. Favale e comp. 18G2. s.
Raccolta dei trattati e dello
conveuzioni conchiuso fra il regno d'ltalia
ed i governi esteri. [18G2-68]. 2 v. xii,
392 pp ; xii, 4G7 pp. &\ Torino, G. li. Pa-
ravia c comp. 1865-69. 8.
Ministero di agricoltura, induatria e
commercio. Annali, 1870-71. 12 v. 8°.
Prato, [etc.] 1870-72.
Parte I. As:rieoltura. 4 v.
Parte 2. Istruzioue tecnica, ccononiato, statitttica.
4 V.
Parte 3. Commercio e industria. 4 v.
Xote. — The year being divided into quartcra, all
information relating to subjects in nnj' depart-
ment is embraced in a quarterly report, or vol-
ume— one for each trimeatre.
Gl'istituti tecuici in Italia.
[Relazione di Domenico Berti, il presi-
dento del consiglio superiore per I'istru-
zione industriale e professionale]. xxxix,
307 pp. 4°. Firenze, G. Barbcra, 1869. 8.
Parte prima. Rolaziono del presidents della piun-
ta esaminatrico centralo intomo gli esami di
licenza negl'istituti tecnici o di marina mer-
cantile, e relazi«>ni doUo sotto commissioni.
Parte scconda. OsservazionI c proposlo in online
air inst^gnamenlo tecnico.
Ministero delle finame, Aunuario i>el
1871-72, anni x-xi. 2 v. 8°. Firenze,
atamperia reale, 1871-72. s.
Camera dei doputati. (Ses-
sione 1870-71). Progctto di leggo pn--
scntato dal ministro dello iinanzo. Bi-
laucio di definitiva previsiouo dcU' en-
Italy {Klnijdom o/)— continued,
trata o tlella spesa per I'anno 1871. 2a ocl.
4^. Firenze, stampena redle, 1871. 8.
The same. Stati di prima
provi.siono dell' cntrata o dclla spesa per
Tanno 1872. 4^. Firenze, stanqwria reale,
1871. s.
Esposiziouo (Inauziaiia fatta
alia camera dei doputati uella tornata del
12 die. 1871. 8^. Roma, tipografia eredi
liotta, 1872. 8.
(Dirczlone gcneralc delle gahcUe).
Movimento commercialo del regno d'ltalia
uel 1870. 4^. Milatio, stampcria reale,
1871. fi.
Ministcro ddV interno. Caleudario
generalo del regno d'ltalia, compilato per
cura del ministero dell' interuo. Auni
»^-10^, 1871-72. 2 V. 8^. Firenze, G.
Jiarhcra, 1871 ; lioma, tipografia Jiarhvra,
1872. s.
(Commissionc di esajninare il
merito delle azioni di coraggio). Ricom-
penso per atti di valor civile accordate
dall' ott. 1860 a tutto giugno 1871. Pros-
petti statistici pi'csentati a s. e. il miuistro
dell' interno dalla commissiouo istituita
col r. decreto 30 aprile 1851. 4 p. 1. 159 pp.
8^. Firenze, tipografia cenniniana, 1871. s-
{Direzione generale delle carceri)'
Capitolato pel servizio di fornitura degli
stabiliraenti carcorari del regno. 4°.
Firenze, tipografia dclla Gazzetta d^Ilalia,
1871. , 8.
Statistica delle case di
penadel reguo d'ltalia per gli anui 18G2-64.
fol. Torino, G. Favale <J- comp. 1866. s.
Statistica delle case di
pona, [1865-67] ; carceri giudiziarie,
[1863-67] ; case di cnstodia pei minorenni,
[1862-67]; e istitutii pii, [1862-67]. v.
2-3. fol. Firenze, tipografia cenniniana,
1867-70. s.
(Servizio di sanila inarittima).
Instruzioni ministeriali pel servizio di
sauita marittinia in relaziouo al r. decreto
organico 24 die. 1870. Ill pp. 8". Roma,
regia tipografia, 1871. s.
Ministcro dclla inlruzione imhhlica.
Auuuario della istniziono pubblica del
regno d'ltalia pel 1870-72. 2 v. 8° & 4'-\
Fnrnze, iipografiaclandiana, \H70-7\ ; Iloma,
regia tipografia, 1871-72. . s.
Kiordinamento delle univer-
sity. Leggc 31 Inglio 1862. Kelaziono a
Italy ( Kingdomjof) — continued.
8. m. premessa al roalo decreto 14 settom-
bro 18G2 per I'approvazione del rogola-
mento generalo delle university, del regno
0 dei regolamenti speciali delle singolo
facoltii. Testo dei regolamenti stesai. 4
p. 1. xxvi, 1 1. 67 pp. fol. Torino, stamperia
reale, 1862. s.
Ministero dei lavori jinhhlici. Camera
dei deputati. Rolaziono snl servizio dei
porti, spiaggie e fari dal 1837 al 1870, pro-
sentata dal rainistro del lavori pubblici,
12raarzol372. 4°. [iJowu, 1872]. 8.
Camera dei deputati. SuUe
speso per i lavori pubblici. Kelazione pre-
sentata dal ministro delle finauze (Sella)
e dal ministro dei lavori pubblici (Devin-
cenzi). 12 die. 1871. 4-. [Roma, E.
Botta, 1872]. s.
(Dirczione generale dei i)onti e
stradc). Strade comunali obligatorie
esecuzione della leggo 30 agosto 1868.
Instruzioni general! ai signori sindaci
dei comuni del regno. Feb. 1872. 4^.
\_Ronia, Barhhra, 1872]. s.
(Segretariato generale. Divisio-
ne technica). Relazioue statistica sulle
costruzioni ferroviarie a carico dello stato
per I'anno 1871. 4°. Roma, regia tipo-
grafia, 1872. 8.
See, aho, Giornale del genio
Ministero dclla marina.
See Rivista
comitato gcologico del regno.
Memorie per servire alia descrizione della
carta geologica d'ltaliil pubblicate a cura
del r. comitata geologico del regno, v. 1.
XXXV, 363 pp. 25 pi. and maps, (10 col.)
4^. Firenze, G. BarUra, 1871. 8.
Reale commissione degli siudi tecnici e
professionali. Istruzione tecnica. Istituti
industriali e professionali o scuole militari
o di marina militare, [1838-69]. am. fol.
Firenze, tipografia Tofani, 1870. s.
[Statistica del rejnio d'ltalia].
Reale commissione italiana sulla es^yosi-
zione universale di Parigi, 18G7. Relazioni
dei giurati italiani sulla esposizione uni-
versale del 1837. V. 1, [fasc. 4]. v.
2-3, [fasc. 1-4]. 8\ Firenze, G. Fellas,
V. 1. [4]. Maiitfatturn decli o<{;;«!tti di inobilia u
di abitnziono, doT Gabriclo CupoUo detto
Italy (Kingduiu o/)— continued.
V.-2. [1|. Kclaziuiio muI ooDrorwi ad uii iiiiovo
ordino <U nromi iHlitiiito in <M«*.nNiiiiii<
della cwito.HiKionn uiitvurtuiiu d<*l lHii7 di
Marco Miiicholti.
('2]. Didlo MOHtitDzo alimonturi, di Au;;u»t4»
(3j. Scultara, dol fiiovanni l»iiiir^.
4J. La pittiii-a lUMlcnnt in Italia cmI in Fran-
cia, di«l Pa8(|ualo Villari.
V, 3, (!]. I'rtMlotto dclln nilnifro o dclIa mi-tallur-
fin ill (iiiiliii ('iirioni.
'ilati t> toHsiiti di laiia iM'ttinata. TeHHUti j
di laoa atMlata, di Alt'HMandro IloHHi.
\'.i]. PnMlotti di'l fornaiu v d«'l paMtitciurt*. del
ItiiiHcppo OroHJ.
I'll. I)ot;li aliniouti froHchi o rouHrrvati a
div««rHi >:ra<!o di proparazioni-, <lcl AtluH'o '
TarKioni-To7.zi"tti. j
St'C, aUo, Bollettiiio indii.strialo «li'l
regno d'ltaliii, 1871.
Itesa Modeen {Mirza). .Slii;;iirf nainali-i-
veliict ; or, exccllont intelliguii(!o eoiiceni-
ing Kiiropo : being tlio travels of Mir/a
Itesa Modeen in Great Hritainand France.
Translated from the original persian
manuscript, by James Edward Alexander,
xi, 233 pp. portrait. 8^^. London, J. Tay-
lor, 1827.
Itiii^raire classifiue do I'ltalie, contenant :
1 . Des instructions sur la manirro de
voyager dans lesdiflV^renso tats. 2\ L'in-
dication des rclais do posto sur toutes les
routes frd4uent<Ss par la poste, etc. 3^.
La topographic ou description exacto des
vues, sites, villes, bourgs, lieux pitto-
res((ucs et reman[uablc8 par leurs produc-
tions, Industrie, commerce, «^tablissemens,
Hoci^tds litt<Sraires, et les curiosites de la
nature et do I'art. 8o 6d. [etc. anon.]
1 p. 1. Ixxxviii, 388 pp. 2 maps. 12 \ PariH,
If. TMnglois, 1828.
Xote. — Imperfect; wantinjj 1 map.
lu-kiao-li, ou les deux cou.siiies; ronian
chinois, traduit par m. Abel Kemusat;
l»rec6do d'uno preface ou so trouve un
parallMo des romans do la Chine et do
ceiix de I'Europo. 4 v. in 2. Ifi^. Pans,
Montardiei; 1820.
Ives (Vl.Jr.) Alpers (VV.) and Timm (II. C.)
The Beethoven collection of sacred music ;
comprising themes from the works of
Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, [etc.] and
original tunes, [etc.] with an accompani-
ment for the organ. New od. 224 pp. obi.
4°. Xeio York, D. Jiurgcus i^' CO. llS^^i]. h.
The same. New ed.
224 pp. obi. 4'\ lioston, O. Dilaon <)'• co.
[ia'>7]. s.
Ivy Fenuhttven ; or, womanhowl in Christ.
A story of processes, [anon.] 200 pp.
V2P. lioHton, D. Lothrop .J- co. [1872].
19 C
Izax (Ikabod, j>M-i»/uH.) My Mitcbe! aud I,
or literatnru on foot. Ity Ikabod Ixax.
32G pp. inc. 5 pi. 12 \ Sprinti/Uld, Mann.
I). E. Fink, f- CO. [1873].
Jack in the furecastlo, I'jiM). .sv« Sleeper
Jackson (>S'ir(feorg4')- 'l'l>" diurien and let-
ters of sir (jJeorge Jackson, from the peaiMi
of Amiens to the battle of Talnvera.
Etlited by lady Jackson. [H01-OI»]. 2 v.
XV, 470 pp; xiii, .'»22 pp. h '. ImhHoh, /.'.
IknlUij .r Hi,n, 1872.
Jackson {Her. William). Th-i christian'rt
Jegacy : with an appendix, containing a
ccMupendium of the holy bible ; with iltus-
tr.itions, A:e. (51 h ed. 420 pp. portrait .
12 . Philadelphia, author, 1813.
Jacobi (A. m. //.) Contributions to mid-
wifery, and di.sejises of women and chil-
dren, 18r>'.>. Sir. Noeggerath (Emil)
and Jacobi.
Jacobs (Christian Friedrich Willu'lm). The
greek reiwler. TIjo 3d am. [ 1st New
York] from the Dth german ed. With
improvements, [etc.] by David PattenMin.
iv, 202 pp. 1 1. 81 pp. 8 . Svtc York,
Collins .)• Jlannay, 1827.
The same. The 2<l New York from
the 0th german ed. With improvements,
[etc.] by David Patterson, vi, 257,78 pp.
8 \ AcJC-loiA-, Collins .f- Ilannaif, 1820.
The same. With improvement^,
[etc.] by David Patterson. 0th New
York, from the 0th german ed. Cor-
rected and improved, [etc.] by Patrick S.
Cjus.serly. 214,07 pp. 12 \ .Vr.c York,
/r. J'J. Dean, 1830.
The same. 10th New York, from tlu<
0th german ed. corrected and improved,
by Patrick S. Casserly. 214, 97 pp. 8\
yew York, W. E. Dean, 184r>.
The same. From the 7th german
e«l. mlapted to the tran.slation of Butt-
mann's Creek grammar. 2<l ed. viii, 2.'»fi.
HO pp. 8^ lioHlon, Ililliard, Cray, Little
.V- Wilkins, 1827.
The same. 3d Boston e*!. viii, 2r><).
110 pp. 8\ JtostoH, Hilliard, Cray,
Little <S- fnikins, 1820.
The same. The 4th am. from th«'
9th german ed. adapted to the gram-
mars of Buttmann and Fisk ; with new
selections from the text of, Jjvcobs, with
numy additional notes, by the e<litors.
Jacobs (C. F. W.)— continued.
Storeot. ed. viii, 356 pp. V2 \ Boaion,
Hilluml, Gray <>• <o. 18:13.
The same. A new ed. with en^lisb
notes, critieal and explanatory, a nietrica]
index to Ifoiner and Anacreon, and a co-
pious lexicon. Uy Charles Authon. xiv,
(>14 ])p. Vi^. Ni'w-Vorh, Harper i^ brolhirs,
A translation «>f .Jacoh.s' ^reek reailer.
with copious notes, critical and explana-
tory; illustrated with parallel i)as8ages
and (piotations from the greek, latni,
french, english, Spanish and Italian lan-
guages; and a complete parsing index,
xvi, :W8 pp. li . Xctv York, ]\'. E. Dean,
ami Doriug (Friedrich Wilhelm).
" Elementarbuch," or latin reader, Ist
part. Sec Cleveland (Charles D.) Sec-
ond latin book.
The same. The latin reader.
From the 5th gernian ed. 13y Frederic
.Jacobs. [Edited by George Bancroft.
First part], vi, 150 pp. 12°. Northamp-
ton, Mass. J. W. Shepard, 1825.
The same. First part. Stereo-
type [3d] ed. 233 pp. 12^. Boston, Hil-
liard, Crai/, Little <)• inikins, 1827.
The same. The first part of
Jacobs and Doring's latin reader: adapted
to Andrews and Stoddard's latin grammar.
By E. A. Andrews. 2GG pp. 12°. Jioaton,
Crocker .J- Brewster, 1837.
The same. The first part of
Jacobs' latin reader, adapted to Bullions'
latin grammar; with an introduction, oji
the idioms of the latin language; an im-
proved vocabulary ; and exercises in latin
prose composition, on a new plan. Jiy
Peter Bullions, d. d. 330 pp. 12°. New-
Vork, Pratt, Woodford .y- co. 1845.
: The same. An expeditious
method of learning the latin language,
exemplified in a literal iuterlineary trans-
lation of the first part of Jacobs' latin
reader, [anon. By .lames S. C.errisli and
Miles Ward]? VM pp. 12°. SaJem,
IMasH.^ Footers- Urown, 1>'28.
Tiie same. Stereotype ed. of
•Jacobs' latin rea«ler. First part [and]
second part. [Edited by George Ban-
«roft]. 2v. 2.V.> pp; iv, 184 pp. 12°.
lloslon, Hilliard, Craii, I.illlc .)■ WUkins,
Jacobs and Dqiing — continued.
The same. The latin reader.
With notes and illustrations, partly trans-
lated from the german, and partly drawn
from other sources. By Johu D. Ogilby.
Ist New-York ed. 2 v. in 1. vii, 238 pp ;
X, 127 pp. 12°. New York, Col fins .j- Jlan-
naij, 1830.
Kute. — Port first, from th« 7th {icrniiiii ed. rail
Kecuiul, Iroiii tlie 5tb ^ermau ed.
The same. From tbe 7th ger-
man ed. Eigbth [pait 2d, 7th] New-York
ed. 2 V. in 1. 3 p. 1. 198 pp ; 1 p. 1. viii,
120 pp. New York, W. E. Dean, 1845.
}s(itc. — Uoth parts from the 7th german ed.
Jacobs (J. A.) Primary lessons for deaf-
mutes. 2 v. 152 pp ; 153-353 pp. portrait.
18°. New York, J. F. Trow, 1800.
Jacobs {Ilev. Samuel). The seventh angel :
" or, the millennium about to commence.
281 pp. 10°. Louisville, Kij. A. F. Cox, 1856.
Jacobus (Melanctbon W. d. d.) Notes, criti-
cal and explanatory, on J,lie Acts of the
apostles, 1859. See Bible. (English).
New testament. Acts.
JacoUiot (Louis). The bible in India: hin-
doo origin of hebrew and christian revela-
tion. Translated from " La bible dans
I'lnde." 325 pp. 16°. New York, Carlcr
ton, 1870.
Jacox (Francis). Aspects of authorship:
or, book marks and book makers, x, 494
pp. 12°. London, Hodder cf- Stoughton,
Jacques de Vitry. lacobi do Vitriaco libri
dvo. Quorum prior orientalis, sine Hiero-
solymitana^: alter occidentalis historiie
nomine inscribitur. Omnia studio F.
Moschi edita. 24p. 1.479 pp. 16°. Dvaci,
ex officina tupographica li. Belleri, 1597.
Jaeger (Benedict). Chiss book of zoology :
with a list of the dift'erent species found in
the state of Now York. 179 pp. 16°.
New York, D. Appleton .y- co. 1849.
JaflFray (Januvs). (wraphic illustrations of
Warwickshire. 4 p. 1. 119 pp. 31 pi. 4°.
Birmingham, T. Underwood, 1862.
Jahn (.Johann). Elemcnta aramaicae sen
chaldaco-syriacae linguae, latine roddita,
ot nonnullis accessionibus aucta ab An-
drea Oberleitner. xvi pp. 2 1. VM\ xxxi
pp. 8°. Viennac, A. Sehmid, 1820.
Jahusson (Adolf AValdcmar). Forsok till
framstallning af den linska syntaxen.
Akademisk afhandling. viii, 172 pp. 8°.
llclsingfors, J. C. Frcnckell i^ son, 1871. 8.
James (David B.) Tho monitor, or baml-
Ix>ok of secret diHeascs, uiul other HocretH
worth kuowiiijf, iucludiiiKl"«»n»l« dimiUHcb.
173 pp. 24^. Chiraoo, lf*i'u\
• The same. 2d ed. 213 pp. 12^.
Chicago, 1806.
James (George Payne KainHford ). Tho cav-
alier. An historical novel. 2 v. iu 1. 1
p. I. 21-391 pp. portrait. 12^. Philadcl-
Ithia, T. n. I'deiHon ^■ hrothcrn, [18.VJ].
Tho man in Mack. An hiMtorical
novel of the dayn of qneen Anne. 1 p. 1.
11-1G() pp. b . J'hihnldpltio, T. II. I'llei-
»oH .S- bi-otlurn, [imO].
(Library of stiTliiiK: iiovfUl.
James (.James Henry). lUnfordia, a potiii.
4 p. 1. l.'il) pp. \* pi. HIM. 4". London, E.
Lavey, 1801.
A'«//r.— With «^\<cr|»ls anil niaitiimriiit uil«liti<niM,
apiMirontly l»y tin* aiitlior.
James ( Rn-. John An jjell ). The yonng man
from home. 1H7 pp. 18°. AciP York; I).
Applet on ,)• CO. 1840.
James ( A'cr. R. B.) Outlines of prophet ie
revelation, beiuj; a concise explanation of
the Kevelatiou of st. John, 1852. N<r Bi-
ble. (English). Xcw tvntament. lierdation.
James (Uriah P.) James' travelei-s' com-
panion: beinj; a complete guide thronj;h
the west and south, to the gulf of Mexico
and tho Pacific, with historical notes,
[etc. Also], a now and complete rail road
and route book. [Compiled by J. (iris-
wold]. 2 V. in 1. 103 pp; xii, ll-fiO pp.
18". Cincinnati, J. A. .V" l^. /'• 'tomcn,
185:J. s.
James V. of Scotland. Two ancient Scot-
tish poems; the gaber-lun/.ie-man, and
Christ's kirk on the green. With notes
and observations by John Callander. 1
p. 1. 193 pp. 8 . Edinhnrgh, ./. Ilohertnon,
f Ml8CKU.ANF.Ol'S pailipllli'tJ*, V. 'M4].
Jameson {Mrx. Anna Murphy). Lives of
celebrated f«Mnale sovereigns and illustri-
<m8 womeii. Edited by Mary K. Hewitt.
:VM pp. 4 portraits. 12 . I'hiladclphia,
Porter <S- CoatcH, [1870].
Jamieson (W. F.) Tho clergy a sonrc«: of
tlanger to the american republic. 331 i)p.
12^. Chicago, W. F.JamicHon, 1H72.
Janes (Edwin L.) The character and ca-
reer of Francis Asbnry, 1872. See Asbury
Janeway (Jacob J. d. d.) An exposition
of a portion of tho epistle to the Romans,
Janeway (Jacob J. <l.(l.)— coutiuuod.
in the form of qiieiitionii aud ausweni.
Parti. 115 pp. It*. Philadelpkia, Prea-
bjfteriaH board of publication, [ 1k42].
Tho (tame. An ux|>oMitiou of the
epistle to tho Romans, in the form of
quoHtiouH and answers. [Without text].
180 pp. 18 . Philadelphia, PreMbyterian
iHHird of publication, [ 1^42 J.
Janeway ( A' r. James). A token for chil-
dren : complete, in two parts. l.'>0 pp. 24 .
Xcir-JIarcn, J. //. .Mallby .) «i. 1^22.
Jane^«ray (Thomas LeijM'r, d. d. ) Memoir of
the rev..)acob J[onesJ Janeway, d. tl. :WM
pp. portrait. 12 . Philadelphia, J'tmby-
terian board of pnhlication, Hill.
Jauisch (.lostqdi). W:isliingt4)n. Iiist4>-
risch-epische dichtung in vier ges;engen.
Nebst geschichtlichen erheuterungen.
17t» pp. i>ortrait. 4 . Pent, C. liriir$ hof-
buchhandlung, 1870.
Jannet (Pierre, redaclenr). Nonvelle collec-
tion Januet. :MJ v. 10 . Parin, E. Picard,
Cazottk (.J.) Le iliablo amoiirfiix. |/n Janxet
(1*.) L'unteH fuiitaNti(|iii-ii. ISG?).
CiiAMlsjW) (A. dr). Mt-rveilli'iim' bintoire «le Plrnv
SiliUinihl. [In Ja.xskt (T.) CoiiU;m fauton
tiqin-H. 18«71.
En.KNHi'iKOKi. (T.) Lt'M avi-ntim-* «lo Til Ule-
8|)ie}:l«'. TradiK'tion fuite mir rori};tiuil alle-
iiiiind <Ir 1519. IH>7.
P'lruKTiKKK (A.) L«< roinan Iwurgwiii*. uuvrajce
coniiqiio. 2 V. ISTiH.
J \ssKt [l*. r^tlacteur). Cont<'« faiitaj^tiqiic*. (I*»r
CazotU", ChainiHiMi, «'t MHrtiiuvclIi].
.Jkiian t>B Pakis. Le roiuaut ile Jehan de Paris.
KAi.iPASA. La it'connaiiwaiu'o «lo SakoiintjUa.
Drame. 18fi7.
La Faykttk (M. M. P. do la VcrKiie). Ij* priii-
Cftwo de Cl»!ve«. l>*Ctt*.
La KoSTAlNK (J. de). Coiit«*H et noiivellea. 2 v.
Fables. 2 V. im*.
LriSAiiK (A. K.) I..e diablo iMiiUiix. 2 v. lHrt7.
Lox<ir(*. LeH paHUiralcM de lAinKiiR. oii Daphuia
et CbW". Traduction d'Aniyot. lf*6ti.
MAcniAVKiJ.l (X.) Le di'inoii iiiarif". [In Ja\-
NKT (P.) CoilteS failtJlMtiqilej*. IS«i7|.
Mai-HKUHK (F. tie). I*o<*»ieM fonipb-teH. ISlH.
MAKor (C) tKiivreHeomplete!*. 4 v. IsiT*.
PuKVosT l)'Kxil.K.s (A. F.) HiHt<»ir»« de Manoii
l^weaiit, et du cbevalier dea Grieiix. Iwl".
Qt'KVKIH) Y ViLl.KtiAS (P. (l.de). Ilixtoire de ditn
Pablo do S««govie. Tnuluite de I't^pajpiol. iwr
A. (ieriuoiid de I^vit;ne. iStis.
llAUKl.Als (F.) <Knvn'8. 6 v. 1867-f>H.
ItRo.siKK (M.) (KiivrcH c«uiplete*. iwr?.
Saix rPlKKKK (.F. H. 11 de). Paul et Virjjinie. IwJ".
V'n.U)N (F.) (Kuvre« completer. iStH.
ContesfantaHti<iues.— Lediableauiou-
reiix, par Gazette. Le demon mari/*, par
[N.] Miuhiavel. Merveilleuse histoiro do
Pierre S<hl<^mihl, par Adelbert de Cha-
mi.H.so. 207 pp. UV\ Parin, E. Piaird,
[Nuuvello cuUeotiun Jannet).
Janvier ( .l/r«. J^rama N.) A summer by the
HBii; or, Lilian Howard's choice. liy the
author of "For<xivene88.'' [anoti.] 304
pp. 4 pi. UP. J'hiladelphid, PrcHhytcrian
board of publication, [1872].
The white gate; or, indnstry and
faith. By the author of "Fruit gather-
ing." [««0M.] 141pp. 2 pi. 18-. riiil-
(iihlphid, Am. h. s. m/nom, [1872].
Who took those coins f By the au-
thor of "Nora's life at Dernclengh."
[auon.] 15G pp. 2 pi. IS \ J'hUadelphia,
Am. .s, H. union, [ 18G1>].
Jarvea (James Jackson). Why and what
am 1 ? The confessions of an inquirer. In
three parts. I'art 1. Heart-experience;
or, the education of the emotions. 320 pp.
12 \ Jloston, Phi 11(2)8, Siwqyson cj- co. 1857.
Jarvis (Samuel Farmer, d. d.) Two dis-
courses on prophecies : with an appendix?
in which mr. Miller's scheme, concerning
our lord's second advent, is considered
and refuted. 2 p. 1. 183 pp. 12°. New
York; J. A. Spnrls, 1843.
Jay (AVr. W'illiam). Evening exercises for
the closet : for every day in the year. 2 v.
in 1. 344 pp; 350 pp. 12'. Xew York,
liobimon .)'• Franklin, 1839.
Sermons. From the 2d Ijond. ed.
428 pp. IG '. r 'oopermtown, [ .V. Y. ] //. ,<(• E.
I'hinney,jr. 1812.
Jean or Jehan dc J'aris. Le romant de
.k'han de Paris roy de France. Kevu pour
la premii-re fois sur deux manuscrits de la
tin du qninzit'iuc sircle, p.ar m. Anatole de
Montaiglon. xlviii, KiU pp. 1(5 \ Paris,
E. Picard, 18G7.
I Nouvelh' collrction Jaiin<-t |.
i\t>fe. — TIh> two olilr.st, oditioiiH .iio tlioso of Piorre
«l»i .Saint4'-Liicic aixl of ('liaiissaid, inipriiiteil at
I^yoii. ir>3'a antl ir)44. Tim work is int'iitioiietl in
t lie, 2(1 book of Kahnlais, impiiiitril at Lyon the
.same year, ir>:}2. Tim author wsis, probably, a
Lyonnaisd (prcfaco, p. xxxvi), possibly, 'the
♦■ilitor thinks, I'ii-rro Sala, private secretary to
Frantis 1.
Jeanie Morrison ; or, the discipline of life.
Ity the author of "The pastor's family."
[anon.] Engd. tit. 348 pp. 5 pi. IG . New
York, A'. <'arlvr,S- brolhrrn, 18.')5.
Jamison (Mary). l)eh-ho-wa-mis : or a nar-
rative of tlic life of Mary Jemisou : other-
wise called the wliitn woman, who wiis
taken captive by tlie Indians in 17.55; and
who continued with them seventy eight
y«!ars. Carefully taken from her own
words. By James E. Seaver. The whole
Jemison (Mary)— continued,
descriptive and historical sketches of the
six nations, the Genesee country, and
other interesting facts connected with the
narrative; by Ebenezer Mix. 2d ed. 192
pp. 18^. Batavia, N. T., W. Seaver «j- son,
Jemmat {Mrs. Catherine). The memoirs of
rnrs. Catherine Jemmat, daughter of the
late admiral Yeo of Plymouth. Written
by herself. 2d ed. 2 v. 14 p. 1. 167 pp ;
2 p. 1. 148 pp. IG >. London, 1771.
Jenkins (Edward). Little Hodge. By the
author of "Ginx's baby." [anon. Am. ed.]
vii, 17Gpp. 12. New York, Dodd i^- Mead,
Jenkins (.lohn Stillwell). The life of James
Knox Polk. 395 pp. inc. portrait. 8-'.
Auburn, J. M. Alden, 18.50.
Lives of the governors of the state of
N3W York. 826 pp. 14 portraits. 8". Au-
burn, Derby .j- Millei; 1851.
Jenks (William, d.dl.) The comprehensive
commentary on the holy bible ; embracing
nearly all that is valuable in Henry, Scott,
and Doddridge. 6 v. 8^. lirailleboro' ,
[n.] 1835-38.
Part 1. A now concor(l.ance to the holy scriptiues,
!n a sinjilo alphabet. IJy the rov. io\\n Butter-
worth. A new edition, by Adam Clarke, 11. d.
To which are addiul the definitions of Cruden,
[etc.] under the superintendeuce of rev. Will-
iam Jenks, d. d. y80 pp.
Part 2. A guide to the leadintr and study of the
bible. ]?y William Carpenter. Abridged, with
.additions, by Joseph William Jenks. lUe! pp.
1 inaj), 7 pi.
Part 3. J3io{!jr.aphy of biblie,il writers and otliers
quoted in the ioiiiprehensive coniiiientary. in
this work will bo found full biographies of
Henry, Doddridge, and Scott, and soiiio notice
of nearly every writer quoted in the compre-
hensive commentaiy. 227 pp.
Part 4. Index to the bible; in which the various
subjects which occur in the scripture t*>xt are
:ili>iiabetically arranged ; with .aciurate refer-
ences to all the books of the (dd and new testji-
nicnts. Originally preimred for IJag.ster's com-
prehensive bibh^. " 20 i>p.
J'art5. Tables. 20 pp.
Part C. The symlKd dictionary ; being a key to the
symbolical langu.ige of the scrijitiiie. Founded
on the symbolical dictionary ot [Charles) Dau-
buz, [etc.] Uy Thonias WtMiiyss. 50 pp.
I'art 7. General index to the comiirehensive com-
mentary; <-ontaining references to all the ini-
|)ort»nt facts, opinions, or sentiments, exhibited
in that work. 58 pp.
Jenkyn (Thonias \V. d.d.) The extent of
the atonement, in its relation to God and
the universe. 3d ed. carefully revisecl by
the author for the am. ed. 376 pp. 12^.
Boston, (iould cf- Lincoln, 18.59.
Jenny an<l the birds. 8ve Ouemsey (Lucy
revised, correct«'d and enlarged; with ' Jerome (.SVr;/»/). -Vr Hieronymus (.V/.)
Jess (ZaclKiriali). Tho amoricau tiitor'H
oasiHtant, improved : or a coinpcndioiiH
Mystoin of decimal practical arithmetic.
Containing, altjo, a course of book keeping,
by Hingle entry. Irt7, [2d] pp. IG^.
J'itlaburghy (Pa.) L. lAxmia .Jf- co. 1828.
A compendious Bystem of practical
Nurveying, and dividing of lan<1. [With
traverse table, and logaritlnns from 1 to
10,000]. 3 p. 1. 212, 92, (W pp. 8'. jni-
miinjloiif [/>e/.] lloiimtl .J' yUen, for tin-
comjnhr, 17*J1>.
Jesse (John llencag*')- London: Its cv\r-
bratod characters and rcuiarkable places.
:J v. 8^. London, It. BeuUey, 1871.
Notf. — "An ainiil^iiniatioii of ' Litomry noil liistori-
rul mfiiiitriuU o( Luiuluii,' and ' I^iidon and itH
i'«'lcliritif8.' "
JeTV (The), at home and abroad. 188 pp.
1*^ . Philadi'Iphia, Jm. «.-». Mni««, [1845].
Jewell (Jeremiah P. wi. d.) History of
Harnstead, [N. H.] from its fust settle-
ment in 1727 to 1872. Since his decease
revised, enlarged and published by Rob-
ert B. Caverly. 2G4 pp. 11 pi. 8\ Loir-
ill, }farden ./• Jtotrdl, 1872.
Jevrett (E. G.) Keveries of a wood.sawyer ;
or, "sum" slicings of cord-wood, being
st'rio-comic views of life as it is, as taken
from the top of a saw-buck. By Jonas
Simpkins. Ipaeudon.} 230 pp. 2 pi. 12^.
Xvw York, for author, 1872.
Jewish church. Festgebete der Israeliten,
mit vollstandigem, sorgfiiltig durchgese-
heuem texte. Neu Ubersetzt und erliiutert
von dr. Michael Sachs. [Hebrew and
gerraan]. :Jte autl. 9 v. in .'i. 8^. IkrUn,
L. Germhel, 1859.
Prayers of IsratO, with an english
translation, [aiton.] 7th (stereotype) ed.
1 p. 1. 240, 229 pp. 18 . Xeiv York, L. H.
Frank, 1804.
Service for the two first nights of
passover. Hebrew and english. 4th ed.
72 pp. 12^. New York, H. Frank, 1857.
Jillson (Arnold). A treatise on instrument-
al arithmetic: or, utility of the slide
rule. Designed as a pocket companion
for the mechanic, manager and operative.
194 pp. 32*; .rrov'uUn(x\{It. I.) KnoaUn,
Anthony <ym. 1859.
Jillson (Clark). Inklings of song: a me-
mento of my leisure hours. 1.59 pp. 16".
Worccstir, [Mass.] F. M. Stotccll, 1851.
Joannis ( — de). Principcs d'anthropo-
logie, on des lois de la nature considi^riies
Joannis (— de)— continut'd.
duns riiomme. 2 p. 1. viii, 69 pp. :i |i1.
foldwl. 8 . J'ariM, DrhtuHatf, 1826.
Jooher (Adam). Obra/ bibliograficzno-bis-
toryciny literatury i nauk w I'olsc^, cmI
MTprowadzenia do niej drukn po rok IKU)
w^acznio, [etc.] Wydanie Adama Za-
wail/.kiego. 3 v. 8^'. IVilno, J. /airadzki,
V. I. LUoraliirn i flloloKjit ittaro>.ytiia. Naiiki ni
Kcni wz\rUi. /biory. rolyKnitla. I^-M).
V. 2. T«'«tlu((ia. WHtfpiio windoiudAci, bUturiA,
lUeraliira, krytyka, iru<l)a i ixiwaga. luMi-
tucja. If 42.
V. 3, I'raklyka, prawn kiMM-iolno, ilzieje. K.7.
Joder (Joseph). Exegese. Die parabel voni
reichen maniic und La/arus. Schrifl-
miissig erkljiret. lil pp. 16 . liUMnning-
ton. III. drui'k dtn " llhxnnington nnzriger,"
Johlsou (J.) Instruction in the mosaic
religion : translat<;d from tho german.
By Isaac Leoscr. [Now ed.] vii, 212 pp.
12^. Philadvlphia, author, [i. r. trannlatur,
John (AVr. D. ('.) Tho guiding star for
Sunday schools, a new collection of sun-
day school songs. 1(50 pp. obi. 12 . Phila-
delphia, Lee .J- Walker, lKr2.
John (E.) Tho little moorland princeits.
Translated from the german of E. Marlitt,
Ipseudon. ] by mrs. A. L. Wister. 408 pp.
12"^. Philadelphia, J. li. Lippincott .f- co.
John Bull. [A weekly newspaper]. Jan.
6 to dec. 28, 1872. v. .52. fol. London,
J. /f.i^f //»/,[ 1872].
John Chrysostom (Saint). An exposition
upon the epistle of s. Paule the ai>ostle to
the Ephesians. See Bible. ( KntjltHh ). AV»r
testament. Ephe^ianx.
John EUard, the newsboy, [anon.] 173 pp.
7 pi. 16 . Philadelphia, M. 6^ .» A. Mar-
tien, 18<W.
Johnes (liennett C^.) The book of poetry.
[anon.] New ed. xii, 186 pp. 18 . /x>»i-
don, E. Lumley, [1847].
Johns (Montgomery, 711. d.) A clinical phrase
book ; in engli.sh and german, containing
the usual questions &. answers employed
in examining and prescribing for patients ;
etc. With an cnglish-germau and ger-
man-english pronouncing lexicon ; gram-
matical appendix, table of idioms, «ic.
XX, 13-:U)8 pp. 16 . Philadelphia, Lind-
say .f lUakiston, 1'<.53.
Johnson (Anna C.) The cottages of tbe
Alps ; or, life auti manners in Switzerland.
Ity the author of " Peasant life in Ger-
many." [anon.] 42*2 pp. 12 \ Xcw York,
< '. Siribncr, IStJO.
Johnson (A. N.) Melotlia sutra : etc. Sec
Baker (1{. F.) Johnson (A. N.) aitd Os-
good (Josiah).
Tho true juvenile son*; l)0()k for the
thorou<;h instruction of children in the
art of singing. 21(5 pp. ohl. 12^. <"ni-
vinnali, J. Church .j- co. [1872].
Johnson (Charles). Histoiro lies pirates
anglois tlepuis leur (-tablissment dans
risle do la Providence jusqu'a pr<5seut.
Avec la vie et les avantures de deux
fcmnies pirates Marie K6ad et Anno
Bonny. Traduito do I'anglois. Ivi, 360
pp. 4 1. 1(> . Trcvoax, iniv la comjKignie,
[KxtjiKMKi.lN (A. ().) Histoiic drs avautuiiers
filibiistit'is, V. 4, e»l. 1744).
Johnson ((i. W.) Tlie poultry book, 1853.
Sec Wingfield {Ucr. W.) and Johnson.
Johnson (U. C. Koss). A long vacation in
the argcjitine Alps, or Avhere to settle in
the river Plate states, viii, 180 pp. map.
8«. London, B. Benlhij, 1868.
Johnson (H. M.) The farmers' guide to bee
k«'cping : being a practical treatise in bee
culture and bee management. 223, iv,
pp. 10 \ Ann Arbor, [Mich.'\ Courier steam
printing honse, 1872.
Johnson {Her. John Lipscomb). The uni-
versity memorial biographical sketches of
alumni of the university of Virginia who
f«'ll in the confederate war. 705 pp. 1 pi.
H portraits. 8^. Itallhnore, TnrnlpnII broth-
ers, 1871.
Johnson (Nancy C.) Simide sketches, and
l)hii:i rellections. By the author of " Let-
ters from a sick room." [rt>Jo;j.] 180 pp.
inc. 1 pi. 10-. JioHto^f, Mass. H. fi. Hociety,
Johnson (R. Piyron), Very far west in-
deed : a few rough experiences on the
north-west Pacific coast. 2ded. vii, 280pp.
12 '. London, S. Low, Marston, [c/c] 1872.
Johnson (/.Vr. Sauniel, of Lynn, Mass.)
Oriental religioiis and their relation to
universal religion. India. vi, 802 pp.
■< . JiiiHton, J. n. Osgood .V- rn. 1872.
Johnson {Mrs. Sarah Barclay). JIadji in
Syria; or, three years in .lerusalem. 303
pp. 12 pi. 12 . rhiladclphia, J. Challcn <y-
sons, 1858.
Johnson (Williayi Bullein). The gospel
developed through the government and
order of the churches of Jesus Christ.
230 pp. 24^. likhmond, [ I «.] 11. K. El-
lyson, 1840.
Johnston (Capt. I. N.) Four months in
Libby, and tho campaign against Atlanta.
191pp. 16^. CincinnaU,/or the author, ISM.
Johnston (James D. lieutenant U. S. n.)
China and Japan : being a narrative of
the cruise of the U. S. steam-frigate Pow-
hatan, in the years 1857, '58, '59, and '60.
Including an account of the Japanese
embassy to the United States. 448 pp. 8
col. pi. 1 map. 12^. J'hiladelphia, C.
Desilvcr, 1800.
Johnston (John). A manual of chemistry
on the basis of dr. Turner's Elements of
chemistry. /See Turner (E.)
Johnstone {Mrs.) Diversions of HoUycot,
or the mother's art of thinking. By the
author of Clan-Albin and Elizabeth De
Bruce. \_anon.^ 2 p. 1. 271 pp. 18 \ New-
York, W. B. Gilley, 1821).
Joliet (Charles). Les pseudonymes du jour.
3 p. 1. 131 pp. 1 1. 10 \ J'aris, A. Faure,
Joly (Gui) and others. Memoirs of Guy
loli, Claude Joli ; and the dutehess do
Nemours. These several histories form a
supplement to, and an illustration of the
Memoirs of cardinal de Retz. Translated
by E. Taylor. 2 v. viii,300 pp ; 1 p. 1. 325
pp. 10". ])ubUn,ir. Watson, [etc.] 1777.
Jomini (Henri, baron de). The political and
military history of the campaign of Water-
loo. Translated from the french, by S. V.
Benet. 227 pp. 1 inap. 12^\ New- York,
Bcdfield, 1853.
Jones (Abner). The psalms of David, ren-
dered into englisli verse of various meas-
ures, divided according to their musical
cadences, and comprised in their own lim-
its. C p. 1. 294 pp. 18°. New York,
Mason brothers, 1854.
Jones (Elisha) and Boise (James K.)
Exercises in greek prose composition :
with references to Hadley's, Goodwin's,
and Taylor's Kiihner's greek grammars ;
and a full english-greek vocabulary, ix,
101pp. 12*^. Chicago, S.C. a riggfitS- CO. 1972.
Jones (Erasmus W.) The captive youths
I ofJudah. 405 pp. 12". iV<»r York, J. C.
\ Derby <r co. 1856.
I A'ote.— Imperfect ; wantiiig title.
Jones (George A. .f- co.) Travellers' giiule.—
A complete list of the stations, ilistances &
lares, ft-oni Tortlautl, on the railroatls and
steamboats in the stut«^ of Maine. 3*2 pp.
1ft . rorthiml, a. A. Joins <f co. liW3.
Jones (litr. John). Ilishop Hall, his life
anil times: or, memoirs of the life, writ-
ings, and sntlerings of Joseph Hall, d. d.,
%vith a view of the times in which he
lived ; and some of his itiipnhlished writ-
ings, his funeral s<>rmon, &e. xvi, Ml
pp. 1 pi. H . London, I,, li. Siiley S- Hon,
Jones {Commoiioie John Taiil). Mdmoires
de Paul Jones, oil il expos<^ si>s principaiix
si-rviees, et rappeUe ce ipii Ini est arriNY-
de plus remar(|uable pendant lo cours de
la r<^voIutionam«'rifaine, particulit^rement
en Europe, <?crits par liii-nirmoen anglais,
et traduits sous st-s yeux par [.1. F.] An-
dre^. 2 p. 1. xix, '241 pp. If^ '. Varix, Louis,
A'c^*".— IinprifVct : waiiliii;; portrait.
Jones (.Jo.seph, HI. (^) Investigations upon
the nature, causes, and treatment of hos-
jiital gangrene, as it prevailed in the con-
federate armies, lH()I-18l)r). 8' . [AVjr
York, 1871].
(/»» UxiTKh Statks .Hiiiiitnry txHiiniisHiun iiiumoirH,
V. 2. pp. 14;J-rM0, 5 pi.)
Jones (Paschal). My uncle Hobson and I ;
oY, shishes at life with a free broad-axe.
2t)S pp. 12^\ Neic-York, I). Apphton «y- co.
Jones {Dr. lMea.saut, pscudon ?) The slave-
holder abroad ; or, Billy Buck's visit, with
his master, to England. A series of lettere
from dr. PIea.sant Jones to major .Joseph
Jones, of Georgia. 512 pp. 7 pi. 12'\
Phihuk'lphia, J. li. Lippincott .)• co. 18G0.
Jones (Theophilus). A history of the coun-
ly of Brecknock. 2 v. Engd. tit. xi [ + v],
371 [-f30, 3] pp. (5 K ins. 10 pi. 2 maps
folded ; 2 engd. tits. 1 p. 1. xii [+vi], 834
pp. 4 1. ins. 20 pi. 4 '. Brecknock, for the
author, [1805-^].
Jones (Thonias P. ?«. rf.) Now conversa-
tions on chemistry. On the foundation
of mrs. Marcet's '* Conversations on chem-
istry." 332 pp. 1 pi. 12\ rhilmhiphia,
./. (irigg, 1831.
Jones (Thonijvs Uymer, in. d.) General out-
line of the organization of the animal
kingdom, and manual of com])arativo
anatomy. 4th ed. xliii, 886 pp. 8'. Lon-
don, J. Van Voornt, 1871.
Jones (Thomaii Wharton, m. d.) The prin-
ciples and practice of ophthalmic medi-
cine and surgery. .Id am. ed. with addi-
tions, from the 2d I>ond. ed. [ By Walter
Franklin Atlrn;]. 4.VI pp. 4 pi. h . I'htla-
delphia, lilanvhard .f- I^a, 18(»3.
Jones (AVr. William, o/.V«i»//«im//, I726-Mm»).
The catholic doctrine of a trinity, proved
b}' above an hundriHl idiort and eh'ar
arguments, expressed in the t^-rms of the
holy s(!ri])tun% compared after a manner
entirely new! [Also J, a letter to the c«»m
mon ptMkple, in answer to some {Mtpnlar
arguments against the trinity. Ist am.
from 7th Lond. e<l. \>M\ pp. 12 . AVir
York, n luting .)• H'alnon, 1813.
Jones ( — ). Life and adventure in the
south Pacific. By a roving printer.
[anon.] 361 pp. inc. 22 pi. 12 . .Wiv
York, Harper .)• brother h, \H\\.
Jonquil, [paeudon.^ W-as she engaged f By
•' Jomiuil.'' 339 pp. 12. J'hiladtlphia,
J. It. Lippincott if CO. 1^*71.
Joos (/>/•. Wilhehn). Anatomio der mesne.
lOte and. 2 p. I. xvi, 4711 pjj. 1 pi. 8^ ,
SchaffhauKcn, C.Schoch, IHiK
Joseph Ben Gorion. A compendious and
most marueiloiis historie of the- latter
tymes of the lewcs common weale, [etc.]
Translated into onglyshe [from the epit-
ome by ScbiiJitian Munster J by IVt<;r Mor-
wyng, newly corrected by the same. 4 p.
1.:J57, (257)1. b.l. 18 \ London, li. I ngge,
Josephe in Frankfurt uiul Mainz, wiihren.l
der franzrisischen invasion. Ein komiseher
roman. [anon.'\ 1 p. I. 261 pp. 16=.
Frankfurt am Main, }f'. FU-ixchcr, 1794.
Josephine (Mari«^). See Mari^ Josephine.
Josephus( Flavins). Die werkedes Flavins
Josephus, und das leben dcis.Iosephus von
ihm selb.st geschriebon. Alles aus dem
griechischeu originale ilbersetzt durch
prof. I. F. Cotta und prof. A. Fr. Gfnirer.
Das ganzo von ncuem nach dem griechi-
scheu bearbeitet; mit erkliirenden an-
mcrkungen von Rosenmiiller, Burder, Mi-
chaelis, Whiston, Jost, Funk u. a. beglei-
tet; niul mit den nothigen tabellen und
registern vorsehen durch C K. Demme.
903 pp. 4'\ rhiladiljthia, himlur ,^- Scharp-
les8, 1839.
Josh Billings' farmer's allminax, 1872-73.
[v. 3-4]. 8^. yew York, G. » . Cnrhton
.f- 00. 1872-73.
Jouflfroy (Thomas Simon). Introduction to
t'thics. inchulin^ a critical survey of moral
systems, translati'd from tho french. liy
William II. ('liaiinin<;. 2 v. xxii,324 pp ;
viii, :V)8 pp. I'i . Ilitston, 11 il Hard, (i ray
,S- CO. 18 10.
(Kn'i.F.Y (<ioors«')- Sj»L'»iiiH'ii.s cif Joni.nii staiul-
anl litoiaturc, v. 5-<i|.
Joiirdau(Loui.s). heslV-mmesclevant Trcha-
iaiid. 2 p. 1. M'J pp. 1<; . Paris, Hal-
lay, 18r.-.>.
Un lierniapliroilite [Charles Louise
Anj;nsto Andre (Jeuevievc Timotlu'O d'l^on
d«? Heaumont]. 'J p. I. :{Olpp. 1'2 . Paris,
/•;. Diiitu, isni.
Journal de rinstriution publiipie. .s'w Jour-
nal of education for Lower Canada.
Journal des economistes. Kevuo do la sci-
ence econoini(|uo ct do la statisticpie.
:^()o anuee. Depuis oct. jusfiu'a dec. 1871.
:{o serie, ()0 ann«'^e. v. 24. 8\ Paris,
diiillaiimin .y- civ. 1871.
Journal geuj^'ralo do I'iniprimerie ct do la
lihrairie. 2e scric. v. 1.5. 1871. lo par-
lie. Bihliojjjraphie. 2c partie. Chroui<iue.
:W partie. Feuilleton. 2 v. 8 \ Faris, au
irrcic (h: I'tDummcrir, [f/e.] 1871.
Journal of an african cruiser, [1813-44].
Sec Bridge (Lieut. Horatio).
Journal (The) of anatomy and physiology.
V. 5-0. (Second series, v. 4-5). 8'-\ Cam-
bridge, [AW/.] Macmillan t^co. 1871-72.
Journal (The) of applied chemistry. De-
voted to chemistry as applied to tho arts,
m:inufactnres, metallurgy and agricul-
ture. [Monthly]. Jan. to dec. 1872. v.7.
4 \ Xew York; [f ^>.] IJexkr <f- C9. 1872.
Journal(Tho) of applied science, and record
of progress in the industrial arts. [Month-
ly]. Kditcil l»y P. L. Sinunouds. Jan. to
dec. 1872. v. .'{, fol. London, II'. Kent <J-
r.>. [1872].
Journal (The) of education for Lower Can-
a«la. Ldited l»y P. J. O. Chauvcau, super-
inten<lent of iducation, John Kadiger,
[and others. Mtmthly]. Feb. 1857, to dec.
l^m. v. 1-10. 4\ Montreal, department
of education, [18.57 -(»(»]. s.
,Vor«'.— Wantinj;, v. H, for l,-(;i.
The same. The Journal of education,
l>rovince of Qnehec. Published under the
direction of the minister of public instruc-
tion. Edited by Henry H. Miles and P.
Dehuiey. [Monthly]. Jan. 18r)7, to dec.
1872. V. U-lfi. 4. Quebec, E. Scneval
iS L. lirouHseau, [1807-72]. s.
Journal (The)of etlucation, etc.— continued.
The same. Journal de I'instruction
publiipie. l{edig<^. par Pierre J. O. Chau-
vcau, [etc.] Janvier 1857 jusqu'si dec.
1872. V. 1-lG. 4\ Montreal ct Qti^bec,
[1857-72]. 8.
Journal (The) of education for Ontario.
Edited, umler the direction of tho rev.
Egerton Ryerson, d. d. chief superintend-
ent of education, by J. George Ilodgins,
deputy superintendent. [Monthly]. Jan.
to dec. 1872. v. 25. 4". Toronto, Hunter,
Jiose cj- CO. 1872.
Journal (The) of prison discipline and phi-
lanthropy. Published annually under the
direction of " The Philadelphia society for
alleviating the miseries of public prisons "
January, 1864. New series, no. 3. 8 .
Philadelphia, J. li. Chandler, 1804.
Note. — A coutiiuiation of The IVnusvlvaiiia.jour-
ual of prison discipline aud philanliiropy.
Journal (The) of psychological medicine:
a quarterly review of diseases of the nerv-
ous system, medical jurisprudence aud an-
thropology. Edited by William A. Ham-
njond, m. d. Jan. to oct. 1872. v. 0. 8 \
i New York, D. Appleton ij- co. 1872. s.
I Journal (The) of sacred literature and bibli-
i cal record. J^ditcd by rev. II. Burgess and
j B. Harris Cowper. [Quarterly]. April,
j 1855, to Jan. 1802. v. 1-14. 8'\ London,
A. Ileylin, J. Crockford, and Jl'illiams «J-
j Nor gate, 1855-02. . s.
j Journal (The) of speculative philosophy.
Edited by Wm. T. Harris. [Quarterly]
Jan. to oct. 1872. v. 0. 8^\ St. />omj«, I{.
F. Sludley company, 1872.
Journal of tho telegraph. A semi-monthly
record of the jirogress of the telegraph,
aud of electric sciouce. v. 5. 4<^. New
York, irestern union telegraph co. [1871-72].
Journal oniciel do la r(^publique franvaise.,
4e anu<5e. lor Janvier a 30 juin 1872. Nos.
1-178. 2 v. 4 \ Versailles, 1872.
Juan (Jorge) and Ulloa (Antonio de). Re-
lacion historica del viago a la America
meridional hecho de ordeu de s. mag. para
medir algunos gradosde meridiauo terres-
tre. 2 V. 11 p. 1. 082 pp. 21 pi ; 4 p. 1. 00 1 ,
cxcv pp. 13 pi. fol. Madrid, A. Marin,
Juan Manuel (Prince don). Count Luca-
nor : or, the lifty pleasant stories of Patro-
nio, written a. d. 1335-1347. First done
into english from the Spanish, by James
Juan Manuel (Prince don)— continued.
Y«)rk, 1HC8. xvi, 246 pp. 16^. JfWmifi-
Hhr, n. M. Pickering, [18G8] f
Juana Iflea de la oruz, born AHbaje. Poemaa
lU la umca pootUa ainericaua, musa de-
ziiiia, ijue en varios luetros, idiouiaj),y esti-
Id.s fertiliza varioH assumptoH. Con olo-
f^atites, sutiluH, claros, ingunioHOH, vtiloH
vri-8(>8, i>ara euBcnanza, rocroo, y iMlniira-
liiin. Saco los a luz doii Juan Cartnacho
Cnyiia. 3a etl. Corregida, y antvdida por
811 imthora. S p. 1. ^.Vi pp. 4 1. am. 4^.
Valencia, A. Bordazar, 1700.
I Imperfect; wanting pp. 17-18. 37-44, 347-3501.
Jubilee days. Au illuHtrated daily record of
tlio humorous features of the World's
pt'Hce jubilee. With illustrations by Au-
gUMtus Hoppin, engraved by the Chemi-
cal engraving company. June 17 to July
4, 1872. Nos. 1-16. 2 p. 1. 63 pp. 2 1. Q^.
lioxion, J. It. Ongood 4" co. 1872.
Judd (David W.) The story of the thirty-
thinl N. Y. s. vols : or two years campaign-
ing in Virginia and Maryland, iv, 349,
76 pp. 12P. liocheaier, [X F.] Benton 4-
Andrews, ltJ64.
Judd (Rev. Sylvester). Richard Edney and
the governor's family. A rus-urban tale.
By the author of '* Margaret," [etc. anon.']
468 pp. 12^. Boston, Phillips, Sam2)son »/•
CO. IH.50.
Judex (Mattheus). »See Richter.
Judge (Jonathan J.) The southern orator:
being a collection of pieces in pro.se, po-
etry, and dialogue. 400 pp. 8°. Mont-
gomery, I Ala.} Brittan *j' De Wolf, 1833.
Judson (Edveard Z. C.) Cruisings, afloat
and ashore, from the private log of Ned
Buntlinc. Sketches of land and sea. By
the author of " The mysteries and miseries
of New York," etc. [a/ioM.] 102 pp. inc.
1 pi. 8°. Xeto York, R. Craighead, 1848.
Judaon (Mrs. Emily Chubbuck). Trip-
pings in author-land. By Fanny For-
ester, [pseudon.l vi, 13-281 pp. 12°.
Xeic-York, Paine 4' Burgess, 1846.
Juge (Le) prdvenu. [anon.'] See Ville-
neuve (Gabriollo Suzanne Barbot, dame
Jukes (Joseph Beete). The student's man-
ual of geology. 3d ed. re-cjist and in
great part re- written. Edited by Archi-
bald Geikie. xx,778pp. Ipl. 8°. Edin-
burgh, A. «;• C. Black, 1872.
"Julia (The)," 1859. See Homblower
(Mrs. -).
20 c
Julia de Fontenelle (Jean Si^bastian Ea-
gene). Manuel de phyttitiue amuaante, ou
nouvelles r6cr6ation8 physitiuea. 26 M.
2p. 1.423 pp.2 pL 18^. Pari»,RorM,\^n.
Jullian (Pidrre Louis Pascal de). M^moiren
de Joseph Fouchd, 1H2.J. See Beauchamp
(Alphonse de).
Juiig-Stilling (Johann Heinrich, m. d.) The
life of John Henry Stilling, doctor of me<li-
cine and philosophy, cotirt-counselor and
professor of political economy in the uni-
versity of Marburg in Germany, and au-
thor of many religious works. Translated
by E. L. Hazelius, d. d. 3 p. 1. 416 pp.
8^. Gettysburg, [ Pa.] II. C. Xeinstedt, IHIU.
Theory of pneumatology; in reply to
the question, what ought to be believed or
disbelieved concerning presentiments, vis-
ions, and apparitions, according to na-
ture, reason, and scripture. Translated
from the germau, with notes, by Samuel
Jackson. Ist am. ed. edited by rev. George
Bush, xxix, 286 pp. 12^. New York, J.
S. Redfield, 1851.
Juvenile (The) port-folio, and literary mis-
cellany; devoted to the Instruction and
amusement of youth. Conducted by
Thomas G. Condie. v. 2-4 in 1 v. 8-.
Philadelphia, J. Bioren,for theeditor, 1814-16.
Juvenile (The) speaker: comprising a col-
lection of pieces original and selected,
from various authors. By an instructor.
lanon.] 180 pp. 18^. Boston, Russell,
Odiorne .f co. 1833.
Juvenile (The) tourist: or, the poetical
geography of Europe. By an irish lady.
lanon.] 600 pp. 16^. Philadelphia, C. P.
Perry, 1858.
K. (O. A.) Hints for living. A book for
young people. 309 pp. 1 pi. 16^. Bos-
ton, D. Lothrop 4- CO. [1871].
Kaime (George S.) Phil Granger's triumph.
296 pp. 5 pi. 16°. Philadelphia, Milner .f
Sturgis, 1872.
Kcikasch (Stephan, de Zalonkomeoy). Iter
persicvm, kurtze, doch auszftihrliche und
warhafftige beschreibung der i>crsiani-
schen reisz: welche auff der riim: kay:
may : aller gnedig. befelch, im jahr 1»>02.
und alsz derselbig unterwegen zu Lautzeti
in Medier land tmles verschieden : von
seinem reiszbefeherten Georgio Tectandro
von der Jabel vollends continniret und
verrichtet worden. Nu niit tieisz iibenwi^-
hen, und in druck verfertiget. 8 p. I. 178
Kakasch (Stephan) — continued.
pp. 4 1. 7 pi. 16°. Alteniurg, H. Groaapn
d€88 jUngern, 1609.
[Imperfect; wanting 1 plate],
Kalender Tiir das konigreich Sachsen,
1872. See Saxony.
Kalevala. Kolmas painos. Kustannettn
Kellgren'in rabastou varoilla. lanon.']
2 p. 1. xi, 343 pp. 1 1. 8°. JleUingma,
Suomalaisen k'ujalisuuden Seuran Mi'japai-
11088a, 1866.
[Hei„stxofors. Suomalaisen kirjalisuudon Seuran
toiniituksia. 14 osa].
K^liddsa or Cdliddsa. La reconnaissance
de Sakonntali\. Drarae en sept actes.
Traduit da Sanskrit, par P. E. Foncaux.
xxiv, 188 pp. 16°. Paris, E. Picard,
[Nouvelle collection Jannet].
The same. Sacontalst ; or, the fatal
ring: an indian drama. Translated from
tLe original Sanscrit and pracrit. [By
sir William Jones]. 8°. London, J. Stock-
dale, 1807.
[In JoxES (Sir W.) Works, v. 9, pp. 362-532].
Kansas (The) magazine. [Monthly]. Jan.
to dec. 1872. v. 1-2. 8°. Topela, Kan-
sas magazine pnWisMng co. 1872.
Kate (Cousin, pseudon.) See Mcintosh
(Maria J.)
Katherlne Morris, 1860. See Athem (A.)
Kaufmann (Franz Joseph). Rigi und
molasscgebiet der Mittelschweiz, geolo-
gisch anfgenommen nnd beschrieben.
487 pp. 6 col. pi. 4°. Bern, J. Dalp, 1872.
[SwiTZERLAxn. OeolofjiHche commission dcr
schweiz. naturforsch. geseUschaft. Beitrage, lite
Kavanagh (Julia). AdMe ; a tale. 574
pp. 12°. NexQ York, D. AppJeton ^- co.
Bes.sie. A novel. 201 pp. 8°. Neto
York, D. AppJeton 4' co. 1872.
[ AprLETON'8 library of choice novels, no. 43].
Seven years, and other tales. 3 v.
16°. London, Hurst <f- Blackett, 1860.
Silvia. 3 v. 16°. London, Hurst ^
Blackett, 1870.
Kazan. Impei'at. kazanskii ttniversitet.
Catalogue des monnaies et des mddailles
da cabinet numismatique de I'universitd
impdriale do Casan. Dre88<5 par le prof.
E. Ber6sine. 6 parts in I v. 4°. Casan,
Vuniversiti, 1855. s.
Keach (Benjamin). The travels of true
godliness. Bevised and improyed, with
Keach (Benjamin)— continued,
memoir of his life. By Howard Malcom.
208 pp. 16°. Boston, Lincoln ^ Edmanda,
Keble (John). The christian year:
thoughts in verse for the Sundays and
holydays throughout the year. \^anon.'\
Ist am. ed. 415 pp. 12°. Philadelphia,
Carey, I^a 4- Blanchard, 1834.
Keen (William W. m. d.) Gunshot wounds,
1864. See Mitchell (S. W.) Morehouse
(G. R.) and Keen.
Keenan (Bev. Stephen). A doctrinal cate-
chism; wherein divers points of catholic
faith and practice assailed by modern
heretics are sustained by an appeal to the
holy scriptures, the testimony of the
ancient fathers, and the dictates of reason.
On the basis of Scheffraacher's catechism.
Ist am. ed. 395 pp. 16°. New York, E.
Dnnigan tf- hroihcr, 1848.
[Inside title wanting].
Keene (J. W.) Notes on mineralogy, 1872.
See Whitman (A. G.) and Keene.
Keep (John R.) School stories, with ques-
tions. 102 pp. 16°. Colunihus, 0., Insti-
tution for deaf and dumb, 1872.
Keeper's travels in search of his master.
\_anon.'\ 14th ed. enlarged, iv, 374 pp.
12°. London, Baldwin, Cradock ij- Joy,
The same. A new ed. revised, lanon.']
120 pp. 18°. Boston, Lilly, Wait tj- co. 1833.
Keetels (Jean Gustavo). An analytical
and practical french grammar. 523 pp.
12°. Kctv York, Mason, Baker 4- Pratt,
A collegiate course in the french lan-
guage, xxi, 368 pp. 12°. Keiv York,
Sheldon, Blakeman 4' co. 1857.
A key to the english exercises in
prof. Keetels' new method of learning the
french language. 37 pp. 12°. Kew York,
Sheldon cj- co. 1859.
Keim (De Bonneville Randolph). A report
to the secretary of the treasury, upon the
condition of the consular service of the
United States. 442 pp. 8°. Washington,
government printing office, 1872.
Keith (George). Immediate revelation not
ceased, but remaining a standing and per-
petual ordinance in the church of Christ,
[etc.] 2d od. With an appendix contain-
ing an answer to some farther objections.
4 p. 1. 259 pp. 2 1. 8°. [ London ], 1675.
Keith (Thoma«). Keith's arithmetic, prao-
ticul and self-explanatory. Revised and
adapted to amorican currency. [Also],
a couiprehonHivo troati.He on inensuration
and an ori^nal and porepicuoas system of
book-keeping. 2D0 pp. 16^. rkiladd-
phia, C. Shetnnan J- co. 1838.
P^obl^nlC8 amusimH d'astronomie ot
de sphere ; suivis do leure solutions. Tra-
dnit de I'anglais sur la 7o 6d. Engd. tit.
XX, 231 pp. 12^. J'arui, Audin, 18',>5.
Keller (Jacob). .S<« Neue (Dcr) welt-liott,
V. 5.
Kelley (Hall J.) The western spelling
book, containing the elements of the eu-
glish language, lessons in orthography
and rea<ling, with the pronunciation of
Walker's critical pronouncing dictionary.
168 pp. 12^. Cincinnati, Hubbard 4' Ed-
mandn, 1832.
Kelley. See Kelly.
Kellogg (Elijah). The pleasant cove series.
V. 4. HJ\ Boston, Lee <f Shepard^ 1872.
V. 4. The child of the island glon.
The whispering pine series, v. 1-4.
16°. Boston, Lc£ .J- She2>ard, 1872-73.
V. 1. The spark of genius ; or the coUece life of
James Trafton. 1872.
V. 2. The 8oj)h()ii)oren of liiidcliffo; or James Traf-
ton and his l>oHoni friends. 1872.
V. 3. The whispering pine ; or the graduates of
RadchffeHall 1872.
V. 4. Winning his spurs ; or, Henry Morton's first
trial. 1873.
Kellogg (Martin). Ars oratoria. Selections
from Cicero and Quiutilian on oratory.
With notes. 157, 3 pp. 12<^. New York,
Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor .^' co. [1872].
Kelly (Mrs. Sophia). The life of mrs. Sher-
wood. Abridged. [By T. H.] 152 pp.
portrait. 12°. Philadelphia, Presbyterian
board of publication, [1857].
Kelly. See Kelley.
Kelsey {Mrs. Charles E.) The Vail family,
ordoinggood. ByTheodelinda. Ipseudon.]
392 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Philadelphia, Presby-
terian board of publication, [1862].
Kempel (Charles Julius). A grammar of
the german langnage, arranged into a new
system of the principle of indnotion. xiii,
214 pp. 12°. New-York, G. A. Newman,1842.
Kendall (Amos). Autobiography of Amos
Kendall. Edited by his son-in-law, Will-
iam Stickney. ix, 700 pp. 4 pi. 1 fac-sim.
8°. Boston, Lee Jjr Shepard, 1872.
KandaU (Mn. E. D.) The StAnifords of
Staniford's Folly. 337 pp. 3 pL 16°.
BoitoH, D. Lothrop f eo. [1872].
Kendrick (Asahel Clark, tLd,) The child's
book in greek, being a serie« of elementary
exercises in the greek langnage. 1 p. 1.
68 pp. sq. 18^ namiltoH, N. Y., S. C.
Origgs, 1847.
An introduction to the grook lan-
guage, containing an outline of the gram-
mar, with appropriate exercises. VJ2 pp.
12°. Utica, Bennett, Backiu ,f- Ifawlcy,
Kennedy (Benjamin Ilall, d. d.) Hymnolo-
gia Christiana ; or psalms and hymns se-
lected and arrange<l in the order of the
christian seasons, xix, 404 pp. 16'^. /x>m-
don, Longmans, 1873.
Kennedy (John). A history of the civil
war in the United States, from its com-
mencement in 1861, to January, 1862.
2 p. 1. 308 pp. 8 pi. 12^. Philadelphia,
Kennedy </• co. 1861.
Kennedy (John Pendleton). Horse Shoo
Robinson ; a tale of the tory ascendency.
By the author of " Swallow bam." [anon.]
2 V. V, 13-325 pp ; 298 pp. 12°. i'Ai7«-
dclphia, Carey, Lea if- Blanchard, 1835.
Rob of the bowl : a legend of St.
Inigoe's. By the author of " Swallow
barn." [anon.'\ 2 v. 2 p. 1. 13-270 pp ;
275 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lea 4- Blanch-
ard, 1838.
Kennedy (Stiles, m. d.) The magnetic and
mineral springs of Michigan, to which is
prefixed an essay on the climate of Michi-
gan. 115 pp. 6 1. 4 pi. 1 map. 8^. Wil-
mington, [/>e/.] James 4- IVebb, 1872.
Kennedy (William). The privilege of the
writ of habeas corpus under the constitu-
tion of the United States, {anon.} 16 pp.
8°. Philadelphia, 1862.
Note.— With 3 leaves of ms. additions.
Kennet (White, d. d.) A glossary to ex-
plain the original, the acceptation, and
obsoleteness of words and phrases ; and
to shew the rise, practise, and alteration
of customs, laws, manners. 2 p. L 156 pp.
8°. London, R. 4- A. Taylor, 1816.
[ WUh DUNKIN (John). The history and antiqui-
ties of Bicester, ed. London, 1816J.
Kenxick (l-Yancis Patrick, archbishop of
Baltimore). The primacy of the apostolic
see vindicated. 3d ed. 527 pp. 8°. New-
York, E. Dunigan 4- brother, 1848.
^enrick (F. P.) — continued.
The same. Das primat des aposto-
lischea stuhls, vertheidigt und gerecht-
fertigt. 3te aufl. UobersBtzt von N. Steiu-
bacher. xxii, 535 pp. 8^. Sew York, E.
Dunigan <$' hruder, 1853.
Kent (England) arcbaiological society. Ar-
chicologia cantiana ; being transactions of
the Kent arcbiuological society, 1858-1868.
v.1-7. 8°. London, for the society, IS'^dr-m.
Kernning (J. B.) ScblUssel zur geister-
welt ; oder, die kunst des lebens. iv, 248
pp. 16°. Stuttgart, J. Scheible, 1833.
Kerr (Rev. Jobu J.) Future recognition ;
or, the blessedness of those " who die in
the lord." 168 pp. l^'^. rhiladelpJiia, U.
Hooker, 1847.
Kerr (Orpheus C. 7>seitdoJi.) See Ne"well
(Robert H.)
Kerry (Charles). The history and antiqui-
ties of the hundred of Bray, in the county
of Berks, viii, 200 pp. 8°. London, Sa-
vill .J- Edwards, 1861.
Kessler von Sprengeysen (Christian
Friedrich). Auti-Saint-Nicaise. Ein tur-
uier im xviii. jahrhundert gehalten von
zwey T ♦ : • H ♦ : ♦ [tempel-herru] als etwas
fiir freymaurer und die es nicht sind.
lanon.'\ 3 v. in 2. 16°. Leipzig, J. G.
Jacobaer, 1786-87.
V. 1. Aiiti-Saint-"Nicaise, [etc.]
V. a. Archi<l«iuirte8 oder des Anti-Saint-Nicalse
zweiter theil.
V. 3. Scala alfjebraica oeconoinica, oder dea Anti-
S.iint-Xicaise dritter uud lotzter tbeil.
Kettlewell (John). Of christian prudence,
or religious wisdom ; not degenerating
into irreligious craftiness in trying times,
[anon.] 4 p. 1. 290 pp. 16°. London, J.
Ilindmarsh, 1691.
Key (Thomas Hewitt). The alphabet ; te-
rentian metres; good, better, best, well, etc.
2d issue, with a paper on the pronouns
of the third person. 2 p. 1. 227 pp. 12°.
London, Taylor, fValton 4- Maherhj, 1849.
Keys (John). The antient bee-master's
farewell ; or, full and plain directions for
the management of bees to the greatest
advantage. xii,95, 61-2.52 pp. 2 pi. 12°.
Dublin, P. Byrne, [e/c] 1796.
Khuen (Andreas). Jilicke in das leben der
thiere. Naturgeschichtliche unterhaltun-
gen fiir die jugoud, mit riicksicht auf die
bestrebungen der tbierschiitzvereine. 2
pi. xi, 256 pp. 1 pi. 8". Wien, L. Grand,
1860. 8.
Elldder (Daniel parish, d. d.) Recollections
of William Theophilus, a pilgrim of four-
score. Edited by D. P. Kidder. 152 pp.
18°. Xew- York, Lam <$' Scott, 1852.
Blilboum (John). The Ohio gazetteer: or
topographical dictionary, containing a
description of the several counties, [etc.]
in the state of Ohio; alphabetically ar-
ranged. 166 pp. 18°. Columbus, P. H.
Ohnsted <j- co. 1816.
The same. 5th ed. 144 pp. 12°.
Columbus, J Kilbourn, 1818.
The same. 8th ed. 232 pp. 16°.
Columbus, J. Kilbourn, 1826.
The same. A continuation of the
work" originally compiled by John Kil-
bourn. 11th ed. Revised and enlarged
by a citizen of Columbus, xlviii, 6.5-512
pp. 1 map. 18°. Columbus, Scott 4- Wright,
Kilburne (William). Dangerous errors in
several late printed bibles: to the great
scandal and corruption of sound and true
religion, [1659].
[In LOFTIE (Rev. W. I.) A century of bibles. 8°.
London, B. M. Pi-ckerinj, 1872. pp. 31-49] .
BLilligrew (Thomas). Comedies and trage-
dies. [Collection]. 2 parts in 1 v. 2
p. 1. 576, 80 pp. portrait, fol. London, H.
Haringman, 1664.
Tbe princess ; or, love at first sight : a traj;i-com-
edy. pp. l-(57. (16()3).
The parson's wedding; a comedy. pp. C9-154.
The pilgrim : a tragedy, pp. 155-214. (H)63).
Cecilia and Clorinda;'or, love in arms: a tragi-
comedy, in two parts, pp. 215-309. (lCti3).
Tboinaso; or, the wanderer: a comedy, in two
parts, pp. 311-464. (1663).
Bellamira her dream ; or, the love of shadows: a
tragicomedy, in two parts, pp. 465-576. (1663).
Claricilla: a tragicomedy. Part 2. pp. 1-46.
The prisoners : a tragi-comedy. pp. 47-60. (1C63),
The parson's wedding, a comedy. 8^.
London, Miller, 1810.
[Ancient british drama, v. 3, pp. 354-404).
The same. 12°. London, Prowelt, 1827.
[DODSLEY (li.) Old plays, v. 11, pp. 347-585J.
Kimball (Horace E.) Kimball's now method
for the reed organ : a complete, progr»;ss-
ive and practical system of instruction,
and containing a choice collection of vocal
and instrumental music. 166 pp. 1 1. obi.
8°. Cleveland, S. lirainard:s sons, [1872].
Kimball's organ voluntaries; care-
fully arrang(Hl and adapted fro n the works
of Beethoven, Schumann, Wely, Hesse,
Andre, Korner, and others. 128 pp. 1 1.
obi. 8°. Cleveland, S. Brainard 4- sons, 1871.
King (Rev. D. S.) The riches of grace: or
the blessing of perfect love; as experi-
enced, enjoyed, and recorded, by living
witnessee. 456 pp. 129. BottoHy G. C.
Rand .f co. 1847.
King (Edward, 1735-1807). Hymns to the
supreme being: in imitation of the east-
ern songs, [anon.] xii, 185 pp. 8*^. Ten-
don, J. NichoU, 1780.
King (Edward, amerioan journalist). Ken-
tucky's love; or roughing it around Paris.
287 pp. 16^. Jhstoii, L€4: if Shepard, 1873.
King (William L.) The newspaper press of
Charleston, S. C. A chronological and
biographical history, embracing a period
of one hundred and forty years, xi, lihi
pp. 12^. Charleston, E. Perry, 1872.
Eling'B chapel (Church at). Sec Boston.
Church at King's chapel.
King's (The) godchild : and other tales.
lanon.} Translated from the german, by
M.A.T. P:ngd. tit. 198 pp. 1 pi. 16".
Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen tj- Uaffel-
finger, li<7 1.
Kingsbury (C. P.) An elementary treatise
on artillery and infantry, adapted to the
service of the United States, xi, 203 pp.
12°. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1856.
Kingsbury (Harmon). The great law book.
The kingdom and reign of the messiah ;
his subjecte, precepts, and government:
■with i)relinuuary remarks on the bible.
312 pp. 12P. Xew York, Jr. Gouans, 1857.
Kingsley (Calvin, d. d.) The resurrection
of the dead: a vindication of the literal
resurrection of the human body ; in oppo-
sition to the work of prof. [George] Bush.
George Peck, editor. 159 pp. 18^. New-
York, Lane ij- Tippet t, 1847.
ELingsley (Henry). The Harveys. 2 v. in
1. 3 p. 1. 250 pp ; 2 p. 1. 204 pp. 16".
London, Tinsley bras. 1872.
Hetty, xi, 381 pp. 16". London,
Bradbury, Evans cf co. 1871.
Old Margaret. A novel. 2 v. in 1.
1 p. 1. 235 pp ; 1 p. 1. 267 pp. 16'-''. Lon-
don, Tinsley brotJiers, 1871.
Elinkel (Charles). Kinkel's new method
for the reed organ ; containing a complete
course of elementary instructions, pro-
gressive lessons, studies, [etc.] 157 pp. 1
1. obi. 4°. New York, J. L. Peters, [ 1872].
Kiraly (Franz von). Betrachtungen liber
socialismus und communismus in ihrem
verhiiltniss zu den grundformeu des rechts.
Kiraly (Franz von) — oontinaed.
zur politischea oukonomte, zar socialen
praxis and zur politik. xi, 151 pp. 8°.
Leipzig, F. A. Jirockhaus, [ 1868]. 8.
Blirchenhoffer (Hermann). The oracle or
book of fate, formerly in the {MsseMHion of
the emperor Napoleon, and now first ren-
dered into cnglish, from a german trans-
lation, of an ancient egj'ptian manuscript,
found in the year IHOl, by m. Sonnini, in
one of the royal tombs, near mount Liby-
cns, in npper Egypt. 22d ed. xxxi, 32,
11 pp. 1 pi. 8\ London, M. Arnold, 1835.
Kirk (Edward Norris, d. d.) Discourses,
doctrinal and practical. 225 pp. portrait.
8". Boston, S. K. Whipple <f co. 1857.
Sermons on different subjects, deliv-
ered in England and America. With an
introduction by Samuel Hanson Cox, d. d.
2d ed. 367 pp. 12". New York, Gould,
Newman <f- Saxlon, 1840.
Kirkbride (Stacy B. jr.) Kirkbride's New
Jersey business directory, 1850. See Ne^ir
Kirkham (Samuel). English grammar in
familiar lectures. 11th ed. 228 pp. 1 tab.
New- York, author, 1829.
The same. 43d ed. 228 pp. 10".
Rochester, N. Y., W. Ailing .f co. 1837.
The same. New ed. with additions.
228 pp. 1 tab. 12". JVcir York, Collins .f-
ftroMer, [1857]. s.
Elirkland (Mrs. Caroline Matilda Stans-
bury). The evening book: or, fireside
talk on morals and maimers, with sketches
of western life. Engd. tit. 312 pp. 7 pi.
8". New York, C. Scribner, 1852.
Garden walks with the poets. Hid.
title, xii, 9-340 pp. 12". New- York, G. P.
Putnam <f- co. 1852.
Kirkpatrick (Rev. William). Pious medita-
tions, designed to excite mankind to make
such an improvement of time as will pre-
pare them for a blessed immortality.
Original and selected. 331 pp. 12". Irtr-
crpool, author, 1805.
Kissam (Rev. Samuel). Memorials. [In
verse], viii, 448 pp. 12". New York, D.
Dana, jr. 1859.
Kite (A) story, [amom.] 5(^ Vanderboilt
(Mrs. G. L.)
Kitty Foote, or the true way to i>eacc.
[onoM.] 180 pp. 3 pi. 18". Philadelphia,
Presbyterian board of publication, [1864].
Kladderadatsch. Humoristisch-satiriscbes
wochenblatt. 7 januar bis 29 dec. 1872.
25 jabrgang. 4°. Berlin, A. Hoffmann 4"
comp. [1872].
Klaproth (Heinrich Julius von). Examen
critique des travaux de feu m. Cbampol-
lion, 8ur les hi^roglypbes. viii, 175 pp. 3
pi. folded. 8^. Paris, Dondcy-DuprS, p^re
etfils, 1832.
Hdn tsii sy y poti ou suppldment au
dictionnaire chinois-latin du p. Basile de
Glemona (imprim6, en 1813, par les soius
de m. de Guignes). 5 p. 1. 168 pp. fol.
Paris, imprimerie royale, 1819.
[ With GuiONES (C. L. J. de), Dictionnaire chinois-
franvais-latin, ed. Paris, 1813}.
EUausing (Anton Ernst). A compleat en-
glish dictionary, oder vollstandiges eng-
liscb-deutsches worterbuch, aufiinglich
von Nathan Bailey berausgegeben ; jetzt
aber fast ganz umgearbeitet, vermebret und
verbessert. [Or], VoUstiindiges deutscb-
engliscbes worterbuch, ehemals zusammen
getragen von Theodor Arnold, und jetzt
aufs neue verbessert und verniebrt. 6te
aufl. von Anton Ernst Klausiug. 2 v. 4 p.
1. 958 pp. 1 pi ; 1 p. 1. 612 pp. 8°. Leipzig
(j- Ziillichau, auf kostcn der xvaysenhaus- und
frommanniachcn buchhandlung, 1783.
Klein (Carl Adolf). Ueber die pbysische
(korperliche) erziebung der kinder bis
zutn mannbaren alter. 416 pp. 12°. Neiv
York, T. Bergmann, 1853.
Knapp (11. S.) History of the Maumee
valley, commencing with its occupation
by the French in 1()80. [Also], sketches of
some of its moral and material resources
as they exist in 1872. 667 pp. 24 pi. 8°.
Toledo, Blade publishing house, 1872.
Knapp (Samuel Lorenzo). Life of lord
Timothy Dexter; with sketches of the
eccentric characters that composed his
associates; including his own writings,
"Dexter's Pickle for the knowing ones,"
&c. An introduction by " Cymon." 157
pp. 16°. Boston, J. E. Tilton 4' co.
Knapp (William I.) Chrestoraathie fran-
9aise. A french reading book : containing
1. Selections from the best french writers,
with reference to the author's french
grammar. 2. The master-pieces of
Molifere, Racine, Boileau, and Voltaire.
With explanatory notes, biographical
Knapp (William I.)— continued,
notices, and a vocabulary. 1 p. 1. 480 pp.
12P. New York, Harper 4- brothers, 1863.
A practical grammar of the french
language. Containing a grammar, ex-
ercises, reading lessons, and a complete
pronouncing vocabulary. 502 pp. 12°.
Nero York, Harper 4' brothers, 1864.
Knatchbull-Hugesaen. See Hugessen.
Knigge (Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwig
von). Ueber den umgang mit menschen.
lite origiual-ausg. Durchgesehen nnd
aufa neue stark vermehrt von F. P.
Wilmsen. 3 v. 12°. Hannover, in der
hahn^schen hof buchhandlung, 1830.
Ueber eigennutz und undank. Ein
gegenstlick zu dem buche: Ueber den
umgang mit menschen. 2te unveriinderte
ausg. 438 pp. 1 1. 16°. Leipzig, in der
jacobder'schen buchhandlung, 1815.
Knight (E. Cornelia). Description of La-
tium ; or, la campagna di Roma, lanon."]
xi, 268 pp. 20 pi. 1 map. 4°. London,
Longman, 1805.
Knight (Mrs. Helen Cornelia, editor). Life
scenes. 180 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Boston, Mass.
s. s. society, 1846.
A new memoir of Hannah More ; or
life in hall and cottage. Engd. tit.
311 pp. portrait. 12°. Xew York, M. W.
Dodd, 1851.
The same. Engd. tit. 282 pp. por-
trait. 12°. New York, Am. tract society,
Spare moments, and other stories, for
boys. Being contributions to the Well-
spring. 179 pp. 18°. Boston, Mass. s. s.
society, [1853].
Knights of Pythias. Pennsylvania. A digest
of the laws of the order of Knights of
Pythias in Pennsylvania. Compiled by
William Blancbois. 4 p. 1, 13-190 pp.
18°. Philadelphia, Knights of Pythias jour-
nal print, 1872.
Kniphausen (Gonnany). Sammlnng der
landesherrlichen verordnungen und re-
scripte, 1826-37. xxii,355pp. 8°. Varel,
W. Wesche, 1839. 8.
Knocker (Edward). Au account of the
grand court of Shepway, holden on the
Bredenstone hill, at Dover, for the instal-
lation of Henry John Temple, viscount
Palmorston, as constable of h. m. castle of
Dover, and warden and keeper of h. m.
Cinque Ports, etc. Aug. 28, 1861. xix,
Knocker (Edward)— continned.
h'A PI*. 2 pi. 4*^. London, J, It. Smith,
Know nothing (The). (?) [anon.^ 347 pp.
r2-\ Boston, J. P. Jvmtt Jfr co. 1855.
Kno^es {liev. Jamca Duvih). Life of mrs.
Ann II. Judttou, late missionary to Hiinnah ;
with an account of the american liaptiHt
iniwiion to that empire. 2C-1 pp. 1 1. 1) pi.
li^'. rhiladclphia, Am. n. a. union, I8:M).
Knowles (JameM Sheridan). Knowlea'ti
elocutionist ; a iirflt-claxs rhetorical reader
and recitation book. Altered an«l iulapte<l
by E|>e8 Sargent. 322 pp. 12^. Xcw York,
J. Mowatt «f- 00. 1844.
Knowlton (Capt. Miner). Ajithorized
tactics, U. 8. a.— Instructions and regula-
tions for the militia and volunteers of the
United States. With nmnual for non-
commissioned ofllcors of the infantry and
rifles— U. S. army. IJy capt. Alfred Sully.
Prepared and arranged from Cooper's
tactics, Scott's tactics, Gilham's manual,
Hardee's tactics, and other authorities.
Parts 1, 4, 5, G, in 1 v. 12^. Vhiladd-
phia, C. Deaxher, 18C1.
Knox (Alexander). The doctrine of the
sacraments, as exhibited in several treatises
first published in the remains of A. Knox,
iv, 302 pp. 16^^. London, J. Duncan, 1838.
Knox (Hugh, d. d.) The moral and religious
miscellany ; or, sixty -one aphoretical es-
says, on some of the most important chris-
tian doctrines and virtues. 2 v. 2 p. 1. 224
pp ; 2 p. 1. 231 pp. 16°. Earrisburgh, J.
Wyeth, 1808.
Knox (John, the Scottish reformer). The
works of John Knox ; collected and edited
by David Laing. 6 v. in 7. 8°. Edinburgh,
Bannatyne cJub, 1846-64. 8.
[Bannatyne clab publications, no. llS).
V. 1-9. History of the reformation In Scotland,
V. 3. An epistle to the congregation of the castle
of St. Andrews, prefixed to the treatis«t
bv Henry lialnaves on justifioation by
faith, with a summary of the work, 1548.
A vindication of the doctrine that the sacri-
fice of the mass is idolatry. 1550.
A summary acconliuK to the scriptures of
the sacrament of the lord's supper, 1550.
A declaration of the true nature and object
of prayer, 1553.
An exposition upon the sixth psalm of
David, 1554.
A eodly letter of wamlne or admonition to
the faithful in Loudon, Newca«Ue aud Ber-
wick, 1554.
Certain questions conr^ming obedience to
lawful maKiatrates, with auawera by Bui-
Unger, 1554.
Two omnibrtable epistles to bU afflicted
hreUuwi ia Ksglaad, 1M4.
Knox (JoUd)— contlnoed.
A eomforiable epUtto to ClirUt'«
churrh. 1554.
A faithful a4liiioaitloB to the prof«Mor« of
(JiMi N truth io RncUitd. 1564.
Epistlea to ura. nhuibetli Bowaa and her
daughter MafWv, 15KI-.M.
The treatlao by BaliuiTe* on Jnatlflcatlon by
faith, aa reriMMl by Knox I54M.
V. i. A narrative of tbe prooeedinic* an<l trouble*
of the enirlish oonffregatiuo al Ftankfort
on the Main, 1554-&. (By William Whit-
A lett«'r U> the queen dowagrr, reboot of
Kcotland. i:>56.
An rx|Mmi(ion upon Matthew iv. oonccminf
th<> t<iniptation nf Chrint^ 155<I.
Answcm to Mtme cim-iiiiuna ouucerning bap-
tiitm, I.VjA.
L(*tt4>r of wholeflome onunarl, addmMod to
his hrcthreu in Kc<itUnd. 1556.
The f<»nn of prayers and ministration of the
sacrnnieiits, etc. used In the eoKllah con-
KrcifHtion at (leneva. 1556.
Fiiuiiliar ppiNtli<«. I.'>55-M.
L«'tt<'rs to his hn'thrr-u and th« lords profe*.
siuK the truth in Scotland. 1.V17.
An aiHtlogy fur the pmt^wtaiita who are
holden in prison at Paris, 1557.
Tiio first blast of the tnim|M-t aeninst the
monstrous re)^m(*nt of women, 155«4.
A k'tter to the qui-4*n dowager, anicmcoted
and explained by the author. 1558.
The appellation from the sentrmoe pro-
nounced by the bishops and clertry. 15M.
A lctt«?r addressed to the oommonalty of
Scotland. 1558.
Anthony (lilhy's admonition to England and
Scotland, 1558.
▼. 5. A letter to mr. John Foxe. at Basel, 1558.
An answer to the cavillatioos of an adver-
sary reapeotlng the doctrine of predestina-
tion. 1560.
An epistle to the Inhabitanta of Newcastle
andlk«rwlck. I55H.
A briuf exhortation to England, for tbo
spee«ly embracing of tbe gospel. I5S8.
The names of the martyr* [in the marian
persecution |.
T. 6, part 1. Biographical preface, by Dsvld LaIng,
Ixxxvii pp.
Letters chiefly relating to tbe progreaa of
the refonnation in Hootland, l&5»-«i.
The reasoning betwixt the abbot of Croaa-
ragnell and John Knox, concerning tbe
maaa, 1563.
A sermon on Isaiah xxvi. 13-31. preached in
St. Giles' church. Edinburgh, 19 aug. 1565.
V. 6, part a. The book of common onler : or the
form of prayers and ministration, of tbe
sacraments. et<-. «i>pnive<l and received by
the church of Scotland, 1564.
The onler of the general fast, and tbe fbmi
of excommunication, approved by tbe gen-
erad assembly of the cuurch of Sootliuid,
An answer to a letter writtea by James
Tyrie, a Scottish Jesuit, 15T8.
Letters, etc. during the later period of
Knox's life, l.'^-72.
Api>endix, conUinlng additiooal Doles and
Kobelt (Wilhelm). Catalog der im eurt>-
pliischen faunengehiet lebeoden binneD-
conchylien. Mil besonderer boriicksicb-
tigung der in Rossmiissler's sammlnng
entbaltenen arten. xvi, 150 pp. 16^.
Ca$»el, T. Fisch^, 1871. 8
Fauna der naasauiscben inollasken.
Aas den jahrbUchern dos Naaaaaiacben
vereins fUr naturknnde. 286 pp. 9 pi.
a°. nic9b«iem,J,yi€dn«r,lff7l. 0.
Koch (Rosalie). Holly and mistletoe. Tales
translated from the german. By Trauer-
mantel. 2 p. 1. 249 pp. G col. pi. 16°.
lioston, Crosby, Xichols tj- co. 1860.
Koechlin-Schlumberger (J.) awd Schim-
per (Wilbelm Pliilipp). Mdinoire siir le
terrain de transition des Vosj^es. Partie
gdologique, par J. K<vchlin-Sclilumberger.
Partie paldontolo^^ique par Wm. Ph.
Schimper. 2 p. 1. 483 pp. 30 pi. 4°.
Strasbourg, veuve lierger-LevrauU, 1862. 8.
[Reprint from Md'tiioires do la Soci6t6 des sciences
uuturellea de Strasbourg].
Kohl (Johann Georg). Anstria. Vienna,
Prague, etc. 2 p. 1. 9-104 pp. 8°. Phil-
adelphia, Carey tf- Hart, 1844.
Koninck (L. G. de, m. d.) Nouvelles re-
cherchos sur los animauxfossiles da ter-
rain carbonifiire de la Belgiqne, compre-
nant la classification mdthodiqiie et la
synonyinie de toutes les espJices connues,
ainsi que la description et les figures des
espbces nouvelles ou nial ddfiuies. le par-
tie. [Polypes]. 2 p. 1. iv, 178 pp. 8 1. 15
pi. 4°. Bruxelles, F.Uoyez, 1S72.
Note. — Extrait du tome 39 des M6nioirps de I'Aca-
d6mie royale des sciences, [etc.] de Belgique.
Koninklijk instituut van ingenieurs. See
Hague (The).
Koss (Rudolph A.) Milwaukee. 474 pp. 1
pi. 8°. Milwaukee, Wis., Schnellpressen-
druck des " Herold," 1871.
Kossuth (Lajos). Kossuth in New Eng-
gland : a full account of the hungariau
governor's visit to Massachusetts ; with
his speeches, and the addresses that were
made to him, carefully revised and cor-
rected. With an appendix, vii, 343 pp.
portrait. 8°. Boston, J. P. Jewett^co. 1852.
Kost (John, TO. d.) Domestic medicine. A
treatise on the practice of medicine, adapt-
ed to the reformed system, comprising a
materia medica. 624 pp. 8°. Cincinnati,
Melick ,y Bunn, 1868.
Kotzebue (August Friedrich Ferdinand
von). The sufferings of the family of Or-
tenberg. A novel. Translated from the
german, by P. Will. 2 v. in 1. 154 pp ;
160 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. Bioren,for
U. <y P. Rice, 1800.
Zaida ; or, the dethronement of Mu-
bamed IV. A novel, founded on historic
facts. [Also], The beautiful unknown, a
dramatic history. [From the german],
by Charles Smith. 1 p. 1. 5-213, 50 pp.
16°. Ncxc-York, Burnton <f' Darling, 1811.
Krafft (Geor^ Wolfgang). Description et
representation exacte de la maison de
glace, construite ^ St. Pdtersbourg an mois
de Janvier 1740, et de tons les meubles qui
s'y trou vent ; avec quelques remarques 8\ir
le froid en g6u<Sral, et particuliiiremeut sur
celui qu'on a senti cette nidme ann6e dans
toute I'Europe. Traduit de I'allemand,
I)ar Pierre Louis Le Roy. 32 pp. 1 1. 6 pi.
folded. 4°. St. Petershourg, de Vimprimerie
de Vacadimie des sciences, 1741.
Kraitsir (Charles V. m. d.) The Poles in
the United States of America, preceded by
the earliest history of the Slavonians, and
by the history of Poland. 2 p. 1. iv, 196
pp. 16°. Philadelphia, Kidei'len cj- Stall-
meyer, 1837.
Kraus or Krause (Johann Ulrich). Tapis-
series du roy, oU sont representez lesquatre
dl^niens et les quatre saisons. Avec les
devises qvi les accompagnent & leur ex-
plication. 2 engd. tit. 2 p. 1. [142] pp. 48
pi. fol. lAngspurg, 1690].
Krauss (Ernst Carl Friedrich). Elements
of german grammar. 2d revised ed. xv,
133 pp. 12°. Boston, Thompson, Bigelow
4' Brown, 1872.
First book in german. 2d ed. 5 p. 1.
158 pp. 12°. Boston, J^hompson, Bigelow
f Brown, 1872.
Krauth (Harriet Reynolds). Church book,
for the use of evangelical lutheran congre-
gations. With music. Published with the
recommendation of the general council.
8 p. 1. 135, 469 pp. sm. 4°. Philadelphia,
Lutheran book store, [1872].
Krebs (Johann Philip). Guide for "writing
latin ; consisting of rules and examples for
practice. From the german, by S. H.
Taylor. xi,479pp. 12°. Andover.lMass.'}
Allen, Morrill 4' Wardwell, 1843.
Krefft (Gerard). The snakes of Australia;
an illustrated and descriptive catalogue of
all the known species, xxv, 100 pp. 12 col.
pi. 4°. Sydney, T. Richards, gov't printer,
Kretchmer (E.) The americau bee-keep-
er's guide ; a new edition of The bee-keep-
er's guide book. - 244 pp. sq. 18°. Chi-
cago, Wabash steam printing house, [1872].
Elriloff (Ivan Andrievich). Fables russea
tirdes du recueil de m. Kriloff, et imit^Ses
en vers frau9ais et italiens par divers au-
teurs ; pr<Sc6d6es d'uue introduction fran-
faise de m. L<Smontey, et d'une prdface
Kriloff(Ivai) Ainlin\irli}-i'<nit»nui-il.
italit'iinu «lu in. Hiilfl. riibli<5(>M pnr ui. In
c«Miito [Gri^ijoirt^J Orlull*. ^ v. 3 p. 1. Ixl,
24.'> pp. 2 1. 3 pi; 3 p. I. 37H pp. tf I. 2 pi.
H^. I'ttriM, BuMaMtjr, ISi^t.
Tlio Hniiu'. Fuhli'M do ni. J. Krylof.
Trafltiitm <Iu ruHM*. d'aprrs rdditiun coiii-
plrto <I(3 IH'iTi. 1*1(1- llippolyto MoMclvt.
5 p. 1. V, 270 pp. K . .\funrttH. .1. SniirH,
BltImi KriiigU-M rhriHiiiiaH tn**'. A lioliduy
prfNc'iit for boyM mill Kirl>«< [omom.] ICO
pp. wi. IG . Philndelphia, I-^. Fcrrtll <f- (o.
Krduleiu ( It. \V.) Dio oflcno wiiiidlM'haiul-
liiHK iiach crfuhriingfu mis der chiriir-
giHlieu kliiiik zii ZUricli. 1 p. 1. 139 pp.
1 tal). 4 . Zurich, Xiirchrr .V' Fiinrr,
187'i. H.
KruBinski (Jiidasz Tudciisz, s.j.) Bcricht
von dem Ictztcrn miuoch wiiliroudoni
kricg im koiiigreich rersitMi, [1725].
[In Nkie (Dit) woh l»ott. fol. Aiigtpurq, /»..
M.d^J. Vrith erUn, ITU. v. 3, part 1«, pp. 1-151).
Kryczyuski (J. N.) The recovi'ry of Po-
land. 2 p. 1. 9-323 pp. 12^. rhiltuhlphia,
Kryczynski .)'• Wasiletrnki, 1647.
Krylol See Krilof.
Kugler (Franz Thoodor). A IiaiidlxHik of
the luHtory of painting. Part ii. The ger
man, tlenii»Ii, and dutch hcIiooIh of paint-
ing. Translated from the gorinan, by a
lady. Kdited, with notes, by sir Kdinuud
Head. Hi, 377 pp. 12*\ I^ndon, J. Mur-
ray, 184G. H.
Kuhner (Raphael). An elementary gram-
mar of the greek language, and an appen-
dix on the homcric vense and dialect.
From the german, by S. II. Taylor, xii,
:i.').'» pp. 12. A adorer, [.!/«.<«><.] Allen,
Morrill .J- IVardircll, l>^f).
Klementary grammar of the latin
language, with a scries of latin and en-
glish exercises for translation and a col-
lection of latin reading lessons, with the
reipiisite vocabularies. Translated from
the german by J. T. Champlin. 3r>4 pp.
12-'. lioHton, J. Mnnroe tf" co. 1845.
Kiihnor's latin exercise book : intro-
Kurtm (Johunn llnnrirlij. Text-book of
church hiittory. [From the thin! gfrniaii
ed. (Kdinbiirgh (reuiilalioo), improvtMl
fruiu the fourth original c«l. By J. II. A.
llomliergerj. « v. !»?, !e>-5:il pp; zii.
27-4.Vt pp. f^\ PkilaMpkia. I.tmd*ay 4
WakinloM, imi.
V.I. Til llio rrfiinuatirtn.
V. i. Fniiii llw rrrurniattiin to Uir prr^'ut iini>-
Kuypera ((ientrd, editor). 8rr AM ben
Abu Taleb. Cannina.
L. ( K. L. ) Str LasMUe ( Mr: K. I.. )
L. ( L.) See Pratt ( I. Ixjring).
L. ( L. K. ) See Landon ( I^. K. )
L. (M. A ) The young ntudenl'M companion,
or elementary Iummhih and excrcintM in
translating from engliHh into frenrh.
[rtMoii.] :kl e«l. IHO pp. 12 . I'kUadrl-
phia, Smilh .f- Englinh, lH.'i3.
XuU.—VniM-i' iiiibm;rib»Ml M, A. I..
L. (8. W.) WhisperingH from lifr'i* nhore ;
a bright shell for children. [anoN.] viii,
H»0 pp. 1()\ lUtnloH .f- Cambridi/e, J. Mnn-
roe .r CO. 1H19.
ductory to his latin grammar. Translated
and remodelled by J. T. Champlin. vi,
145 pp. 12°. JtoHtott, Vhillipn, Sampson .V
CO. 1851.
Kunkel (C.) Eitsuy on the use of various
alloys, for the founding of cannon, 1872.
See Montefiore-Levy (C.) and Kunkel.
L'l C
(G. van). Mag.iziju van tiiin niera.*!-
den. Of verzameling van inodellen van
aanleg en sieraad, voor grooto en kleinc
Inst-hoveu, voornamelijk van de7.ulke die.
met weinig kosten, tc maaken zijn. 2 v.
2 p. 1. iv, 120, viii pp; 190 pi. 4 . Am-
sterdam, J. dc Itiiyler, [1802].
iVuM.— pp. rU-32 nn> oiuUUmI in tlic pasiiiaiion of
the text.
Labagh {Iter. Isaac P.) Twelve lectures on
the great events of nnfulfilleil prophecy,
which still await their necomplishment.
and are approaching their fultillmen'.
288 pp. 12 . Xeir York, author, IKVJ.
Labbe(PVilippe, «./) Kruditie pronuntia-
tionis catholici indices. Opus omnibus,
qui latine liH|ui, recitare, ac i>erorare de-
bent, omnino neccssarium. Ab E. I-.ee«leii
recensiti. 3 p. 1. 191 pp. 1(> ■. /^Mrfini,
./. IfiKjhn [pro] ./. .f- ./. Ilirington, 17r»l.
La BddolUdre (I^mile (iigault de). Ilis-
toire de la mere Michel et de son chat.
Avec uno pn^face et nn vocabulaire, par
mine. C. H. Corson. 124 pp. l(\ . I'hila-
dilphia, /•'. lAfyitoldt, l8l>r>.
Labl6e (Jacques). Couronne po<'>ti«|uo de
Napolt^on-le-gnind ; on choix de po^'sien
compos<5e8 on son honneur. [Avec une
table di« auteurs]. viii, 4.'>8 pp. r> 1. por-
trait. 8\ I'artM, A. Itertniml, l^»7.
[Xapoi.iiox painphlt'tA. v. I|.
Laborde (AU'xauclre liouis Joseph, comte
do). Descripcitiu do uu pavimento en
luosayco desciibierto eu la antigua Italiea,
lioi Sautiponcc, en las cercanias de Sevilla,
accompafiada con varias investigaciones
Hobre la pintura en niosayco de lo.s anti-
gnos y sobre los monunientos do cste
jjenero ineditos. Engd. tit. 1 p. 1. lO'i pp.
21 pi. fol. I'arh, 180t).
Labrador (KI) argentino, revista de agii-
eiiltura, pastoreo, eeononiia rural y do-
nn^stica, artes y oticios. '2a ed. Kovisada
y aumentada, con el infonne del coniisio-
nado do agricultura do los E. V. 4'M) pp.
13 1. (cuts), 5 pi. H '. Itiinios Airex, iin}).
ihl orden, 1867.
Labrosse (Joseph, known an par Ange de
»t. Joseph). Gazophylaciuni lingutu Persa-
runi, triplici linguarum clavi italicie, lati-
na', gallicjo nee non specialibus pra?ceptis
ejusdem linguio reseratuni. Engd. tit. 9
p. 1. 18, 474 pp. 19 1. fol. Amnielodami, ex
officind Jansonio- JVaeshergiana, 1684.
La Caille (Nicolas Louis de). Astro-
noniiai fundanieuta, novissimis solis et
stellaruiu observationibus stabilita Lute-
tian in collegio niazarina^o et in Africa ad
caput Bona) Spei peractis a Nicolas-Ludo-
vico de la Caille. 4 p. 1. 244 pp. 4°.
Paris'm, J. J. S. Collombat, 1757.
Note. — Only a ffw copies wor« priiitetl for prc-
scDtation to the friends of tlic autlior.
La Calpren^de (Gauthier de Costes, seigneur
de). Cassandra : the fam'd romance, the
whole work: in five parts. Written orig-
inally in french, and now elegantly ren-
dred into english by sir Charles Cotterell.
\^anon.'\ Engd. tit. 5 p. 1. 570 pp. fol.
London, 1\ Parker, 167(5.
Lacasa (Pedro). Poesias y escritos. 58, 294
pp. 8°. Buenos Aires, imp. de La discusion,
1870. s.
Xote.— In this volume are contained " Vidnniilitar
y politica del general argentiuo d. Juan La-
vnlle, " (2.'>4 np.) with a perfect titlepape, and
" HioKrafia d«l hri>r. nenl. d. Miguel Katanalao
Soler," with a half-title.
La Chasse (— de, «../.) Brief r. patris do la
Cliasse drrn missionen der gesellsehafft
Jesu in Neu-Frankn-ich obersten vorste-
hers. An einen gewis-sen priester aus ge-
dachter societsit zu Paris. (Joschriben zu
Kebec den 29 octobris, 1724.
( Tn Nkik (Der) welt hot t. fnl. .4 iigttpiirg d- iir'diz,
P., M. it. I. Vfilhn rrhen, IT£.). v. 2, part 14. im
W)-<Hj. ' "
La Chesnaye-( Nicolas do). La coradamna-
cion do bancquet. Moralitd [vers a. d.
[Tn Lacroix (P.) Itecneil de farces du l.'io si«^ole.
HP. i'flri*. 1859. pp. 207-4541.
La Cl^de (— do, d. 17:^6). Histoire gdnd-
ralo do Portugal. [Jusq'ii 1713]. 2 v.
16 p. 1. 783 pp. 1 map; 18 p. 1. 844 pp. 1
map. 4^. Paris, P. F. Giffart, 1735.
V. 1. Loripine, les nnrurs et les gaeiTes des an-
ciens Lusitaniena ; leur «'-tat sous la doniina-
tion des Homains; I'invasion des Gots &.
celle des Maures ; I'erection du Portugal en
royaunie ; &. les rt-^nes de Henry & d'Al-
fonse, jusqu'ji celui de dom Juan iii. in-
V. 2. Lf-a rejrnes de Sebastien, de Philippe ii. &c.
jnsqu ;i celni du rui Jean a present regn-
Lacour (Louis, editor). [Deux pieces in<?-
dites, viz :] M^moire dv voiago en Ru.%-
sie fait en 1586 par Jehan Savvage svivi
de Texpedition de Fr. Drake en Ani6rique
h la nierae <5poque [voiago do sievr
Drach]. Publi6s i^our la j)remitire fois
d'apres les manuscrits do la bibliotheque
impdriale, par Lovis Lacovr. x, 30 pp.
16^. Paris, A. Avhry, 1855.
[Tuf;sou (Le) de pieces rares on ineditea].
Lacour (Pierre). iEloTui, on les dieux do
Moise. 2 V. in 1. xxxiv, 336 pp. 6 pi ; 2
p. 1. iv, 404 pp. 20 1)1. 8^-. Bordeaux, J.
TeycJieney, 1839.
Lacroix (Fr<5ddric). Les mysteres de la
Russie, tableau politique et moral do Teni-
piro russe. Ouvrago r<5dig<S d'apres les
manuscrits d'un diplomat© et d'un voya-
geur. 2 p. 1. 472 pp. 2 1. 29 pi. portrait.
8°. Paris, Pagnore, 1845.
Lacroix (Jean Franfois de). Dictionnaire
portatif des femmes c<51obre8, contenant
I'histoire des femmes savautes, des actri-
ces, & g<?n<^ralement des dames qui so sont
rendues fameuses dans tons les si^cles, par
lours aventtires, les talons, I'esprit & le
courage. Nouv. <5d. revue & considdrable-
meut augmout(^o. lanon.'] 2 v. iv, 808
pp ; 1 p. 1. 724 pp. 16°. Paris, Belin tf-
YoUand, 1788.
Lacroix (Paul). The arts in the middle
ages, and at the period of the renaissance.
[Translated from the french, 2d ed. and
edited, with notes, by James Daftbme].
xix, 520 pp. 19 chromolith. 8*^. lA)ndon,
Chapman .f- Hall, 1870.
Paris ridicule et burlesque au dix-
septitime 8i«>cle. Par Lo Petit, Berthod,
Scarron, F. Colletet, Boileau, etc. Nouv,
Laoroiz (Paul)— coutiuiied.
od. revue et corrig^ aveo de» iioto* par P.
L. Jacob, bibliupliile. [/wrMrfoii.] *2 p. 1.
xxiv, 371 pp. h'r . I'tu'iM, J. Dtluhajf$,
(BimJOTUtijUB gauluiM*].
Kkutiiou. I^ villfl de P»ri«, p|>. R7-ia9.
ItoitKAt-DSM'KKAi'X (N.) lA-m vinbarraatlo I'aris,
(\ii,LrrET (F.) L* tram* t\f Var\n, m\ la *• pnrtlo
de L« vUlo de Parii*. |»p. IKVIJHJ.
Crw (Lod) P»rlK. pp. '-'r.i-^no.
Lk Pmr (C.) !-» rhroniuiu' HrandMlcnnc. p|». l->«.'i.
Si'AURON (P.) L« foirr SaliilCcnnaln, pp. 171-1»<. ;
Recucil de farces, Kttt'tvs vt iuot&WUh |
du quiuzirme siinjle, n'>uuie« iK)ur la pre-
niioro fois et pnblidoH avcc doH llotic4^8 ot
des notes par 1*. L. Jacob. Ipneudon.] 2
p. 1. xxxix, 455 pp. 16 \ Paris, A. Ikla-
hayi>, 1^59.
[BlBUOTH^-4^l'K s»ului«c].
La Ciibsnavk (Nicolaa de). Ijk oomdaiunacion dr
bancqiiet. [vem 1507). pn. ti67-ir>'l.
Lacroix (P.) L'ancion tW'Atre eu France. \r\t.
La Viunb (A.) Im farre dii munyor d« qui le dia- I
ble emporte I'Anie eu enfer, [H96]. pp. 233-26.'i. |
Moralitt- de raveugle et du btnteux. (H96J. '
j.p. ai 1-tCK.
^Iaimtke Pierre Patlieliu. (Farce. H«7-70. .
atton.] pp. 1-1 n. !
XoivKAU (T«e) Patheltn. [F*rce, 1474. anon.]
pp. 110-1 7:<. I
TRaTAMENT (I^) de Pathelia. [Farce, 1460-90.
•Non.) PP.17&-S10. '
.Vote.— The flimre« in brarketa refer to the age of
the conipoaition.
Lacroix (Silvestre FranvoiM) ami B^zout
(£tienDc). A» elementary treatise on
plane and spherical trigonometry ; and on
the application of algebra to geometry.
From the mathematics of Lacroix and
B^zout. Translated from the french. 3d i
ed. V, 165 pp. 5 pi. H . IIomUhi, nUliard, \
dray .| oo. 1«W.
La Croiz ( — , a.j.) Heschreibung desa ge-
genwiirtigen zustands der griecharmen-
und maronitischcn sowohl kirchen als
dienstbarkeit in derTilrckey. Schrift'tlich
verfasset anno 1691, gedruckt /u Pariss
1695, und abermal anfgelegt im jahr
1715. Jetzt zum erstenmal vertentscht,
und vielfaltig verbessert von p. Josepho
f/nNElK (Der) wdt-lwtt. fol. Aiui»j)iirg. P.. M.
d- ./. YnUi Mel. erben, 173.). v. :«, part ^3-24. pp.
Lacroix de Rochamboau (Achillu). Srv
Lactantius Firmiauus (Liicins CNidius, o»-
Cu'cilius). Firmiani Lactantii opera. Ad
optimoruin librornni fidem emcndavit et
cum .Hclccta Icctionnni varirtate edidit O.
Lactantius Pirmianoa (L.C.)— coniioned.
F. FritzMche. 2 v. xi, 976 pp ; xii, 311 pp.
12". Lijuiaf, It. Tanchiiilzjum. l84»-44.
|<iKB«l>OKK (K. (i.) nihHoth«v« Mtmm acdwl-
Utiooruni laliiioruni ai-hTta, v. 10-11 1.
V. 1. Inatltiilionnm divinarum liliri v. priore*.
v.a. InMtilulioniiiii div. I. r> A^ 7. Knitone. lib.
di' opltii io lui ; I dir ini I>ei ; I. de mortibuM
IMrNccuturuui ; tngtuvatm ; carmioa.
The same. The works of I..actantiu4.
Translateil by William Fletcher, d. d. 2 v.
xii. 4H7 pp; 2 p. I. 240 pp. »-. Kdin-
bHnfh, T. .f- T. aark, 1871.
(Ante-nickxe cbrlstiaii library-. v.SI-S^j.
Ladreyt (Casimir). R«'pertory of freuch
literature, from the origin of the langnag**.
[Or], R<?i»ertoire de littcratnre franvaiae,
dcpuis Torigine de la langue. xii, 473 pp.
12". I'hilailelphia, (Hhon, FuirckUd if oo.
I 1«42.
Lady's almanac for 1«73. (v. 20). 24^\
Boston, a . A . f oolitlgr, [ 1 872 ].
Lady's (The) friend. E<lited by mrs. Hen-
ry Peterson. [Monthly]. Jan. to dec.
1H72. v. 9. H^. J'hiladelphia, Deacon ,f-
Peterson, [1872].
(Wanilnit Jan. 1872).
Laennec (Ken<^ Thi^'ophile Hyaciuthe). Note
snr une nouvelle espi'ce de hemie, que Ton
pourroit appeler extra-p<^riton6ale.
|/»j .SCARPA (Antonio). Tralte pratique dea her-
nit*, f . VarU, Gabon, U\± p|>. air7-41S].
La Fayette (Marie Madeleine Pioche de la
Vergne, vomteusc dr). IlenriettA, princess
royal of England, daughter of king Charles
I. An historical novel. From the french.
xii, 168 pp. 16 . iJiibliH, J. liit-e, 1796.
La prince.sse de Cleves. viii, 2:W pp.
16°. PariM, E. Picard, lf*6S.
(Xouvellf collection Jannet].
Lafond (Gabriel, de Lun-if). Quinzu ans du
voyages autour du raonde. 2 v. 346 pp ;
2 p. 1. 380 i)p. I'ar'm, Sotie'tv deft publicaliomi
vosmopoUtes, 1840.
[ImiMTfect ; wanting the (4) plate*).
La Fontaine (Jean de). Contes et nou-
velles [en vers]. Nouv. <^1. revue et cor-
rig<'*e d'apres les manuscritact lee tVlitions
originates, aveo toutes les variautes et
plusieurs contcs in<^dits. Accompagn<^ de
notes et pr6c<?d<?e de Thistoire de la vie et
des ouvrages do La Fontaine, par Mathieu
Marais. 2 p. 1. ci, 4H0 pp. portrait. 16 .
PariH, A.Dilahays,\Kiri.
( |{nii.ioTiU-.(vl*R gauloiiM-J.
The same. Avec preface, uotea ct
glossaire, par ni. Pierre .Tannet. 2 v. viii.
La Fontaine (.lean tie) — coiitiiuiert.
'232 pp; 19. » pp. 10 ^ I'aih, E. I'Uard,
lNoiiv»'lle lollei'tuiii .lanntt).
Fables choisios, mis-.'s en vers. Avec
nil uonvoau coninientaiio par ni. Coste.
Nonv. «^(1.
xxxvi, lrt(> pp; 280
pp. 1()'\ Paris, In compaguie, ITGS.
The same. Fables do La Fontaine,
avec (les notes bistoiiipies, niythologiqnes
et grannnaticales, a I'nsage <les colleges et
des dcoles. Par F. Sales, xl, 'iM\ pp. 18^.
liovton, J. Man toe .»• ei»'. 1838.
The same. [Kevns par ranteur].
Avec i)rdface, notes et glossaire, i)ar ni.
Pierre Jannet. 2 v. xvi, 17.') pp ; 220 pp.
UV . Parin, E. Vicard, 1)^08.
[N'oiivtlle colU'ction Janmt].
Lafosse. See Touchard-Lafosse.
Lagr^e (Ernest Marc Lonis do Gouzague
Dondart de). Voyage d'exploratiou eu
Indo-(;hine. See Gamier (Francis).
Laing (.)/r«. C. II. B.) The seven kings of
the seven hills. 244 pp. 4 pi. 10-. Phil-
mUlphia, Porter .)'• Coatcs, [1872].
Laing (David). The Bannatyne miscellany ;
containing original papers and tracts,
chieHy relating to the history and litera-
ture of Scotland, v. 3. [Edited by David
Laing]. xii, 430 )ip. 1 pi. 3 fac-sims. 4°.
Ediubtirgh, 18.')5. s.
(Bannatvxk club publioatious, no. 11), v. 3).
Royal letters, charters, and tracts,
relating to the colonization of New Scot-
land, and the institution of the order of
knight baronets of Nova Scotia, 1(521-
103>^. [Edited by David Laing]. 5 p. 1.
[2o7] pp. 17 1. portrait, 1 fac-sim. 2 maps.
4 \ Edinburgh, 1807. S.
[n.vxNATYXE club publications, no. IH).
Kditoi's preface, containing a collection of royal
letters, actH of privy council, inochunatiouH,
I. A briefe discovrse of the Xew-found-land, by
captjiiti .lohn Mason. Ktlinb. 1H20.
'i. Nova Si'otia. The king's imttint fo sir William
Alexantler. knight, for tlie plantation of New
Scotland in America, and his jiroceedings
therein. Lond. lGa5.
'». An eticovragoHient to colonics, by sir William
Alexander. Lond. WH.
•I. Encovragemeuts for vuder-takers (af ] cape Kri-
ton, now New Galloway in Ameriea by nn-e
jsir Robert (tordon of) I^>chinvar. Kdinb.Wih.
."). Charters fin latin) under the great seal granted
to sir William Alexander of Menstrie. and sir
Robert Gordon of Lochinvar, of lands in Nova
Scotia. IWl-UW.
Laing (Sidney Herbert). Darwinism re-
futed. An essay on mr. Darwin's theory of
"The descent of man." 78 pp. Jfi . l,on-
dou, E. Stock, 1871.
Laire (Franfois Xavier). Index libronim
ab inventa typograpbia ad annum 1500;
chrouologice dispositus cum notis histo-
riam typograpbico-litterariam illnstranti-
bus. 2 V. 2 p. 1. viii, 475 pp; 2 p. 1. 404
pp. 8 \ Scnonin, apiid viduam et filiian I'.
Ilarduini Tarbe, 1791.
Lake (The) and the desert; or, missionary
adventures in sou thern Africa. [auon.'\
i 2yj pp. 9 pi. portr ait, 1 map. 1C<^.
adelphia, Jin. 8. 8. union, [1800].
' Lakeside (The) montbly. July to dec. 1872.
I V. 8. 8. Chieaqo, Unirersiti/ publishing CO.
\ 1.^72.
jLa Lande (.Iose[di Jerome Le Frauvois de).
' Bibliographic astrouomique; avec I'his-
I toire do rastronomie, depuis 1781ju8(]u'a
1802. 2 p. 1. viii, 910 pp. 4^\ J*ari8, imj).
de la republique, 1803.
Note. — Table of authors at tl»e end.
Lalla Rookh (The) songster, and a choice
collection of the songs of th e day. [«mow.]
119 pp. 21 \ ycic York, Fisher c^ Denison,
Lamarck ( Chevalier Jean Baptiste Pierre An-
toiue de Monet de). Systeme des auimaux
sans vertebres, ou tableau g(?ndral des
classes, des ordres et des genres de cos
animaux ; prdcddd du discours d'ouverture
du cours de zoologio. viii, 432 pp. 8 tab.
fol. 8^. Paris, Pauteur, 1801.
Lamartine (Alx)house Marie Louis I'rat, dit
Alphonse de). Graziella. Translated
from the freuch, by S. C. B. 205 pp. 12°.
Philadelphia, J. P. Lippincott «j- co. 1872.
Lectures pour tons, ou extraits des
ceuvres gdndrales do Lamartine, choisis,
destines et publics par lui-merae, a I'usage
de toutes les families et.de touts les ages,
viii, 000 pp. portrait. 18^. I'aria, (Irosset,
llmperl'ect ; wanting -2 p. 1. inc. title].
La Martiiiiere (Pierre Martin de). See
Lame Letty, or " be.ir ye one another's bur-
dens." By the author of *• Anuaudale,"
[etc. anon.^ 101 pp. 1 pi. 18°. Phil-
adelphia, Prenbyterian board of publication,
j La Meimais (Flugues Felioit<^ Robert de).
The people's own book. From the french,
I by Nathaniel Greene. 188 pp. 24°. lios-
I ton, C. C. Little <J- J. Brown, 1839.
j La'mert (Samuel). La conservation de soi-
I niCrae, traitd medical sur I'afFaiblissement
La'mert (Sauuiel)— contiuued.
et les maladies ilo8 organos gdaitanx.
Tijulnit do I'iinglais (22o 6d.) 2 p. 1. 172
pp. 2 1. 2 pi. folded. 12*^. lirnxelUs, 1848.
Lamothe-Laugon (fitieniie L(^on Laiuothe
1 londauconrt, baroti dc). Soir<:^e.s de Charles
X, recueillies et mises en oidre par m. le
due de ***, anteur des soirees de Louis
XVIII. [flMOH.] 2 V. 2 p. 1. 388 pp ; 2
p. 1. 367 pp. 8". , Pai-in, Spadnnann, 1830.
Soir<:^es de s. a. r. le due de Bordeaux,
Henri de France: public'-es sur des docu-
ments anthentiques et inddits par uu roy:
aliste qnand meme et revues par un anci-
eu miuistre d'dtat. [avou.Ji 2 v. 2 p. 1.
xxvii, 347 pp; 2 p. 1. 398 pp. 8°. Paris,
I)i(bey, 1840.
Lamour (Jean). Keeueil des ouvrages en
serrurerie que Stanislas le bieufaisant, roy
de Pologue, a fait poser sur la place royale
de Nancy, a la gloire de Louis le bieu-
aim6 ; avec un discours snr I'art de la ser-
rurerie et plusieurs nutres dcssins de sou
invention. Engd. tit. 1 p. 1. 8 pp. 25 pi.
fol. Paris, A. Lery, lahoui 18G0] ?
Xote — Original imprimatur dated 1767.
Lainson (/ie»J. Alvan). Sermons, vii, 424
1»[). 12^. lioHf on, Crosby, Nichols i^- CO. 1857.
Lancaster beobachter. [Wocbenblatt].
24 april, 1830, und april 13, 18.32, bis april
4, 1834. V. 1-2 in 1 v. fol. Lauca^ter,
(Pcnn.) S. Il'af/ncr, 1830-34.
[Wanting april 27, and jauy. 22, l€M].
yote. — No more published. TJuifed witli the Lan-
CASTEK voiksfieuud uud beobacbttir.
Lancereau (fidouard). Sec Hitopadesa.
Landenberger (G. F.) Kirclien-chore. , Fi-
ne sammlung der beliebtesten nud besten
gesangstiicke fiir kirchliche gesang-ver-
eiue. 235 pp. obi. 8". Philadelphia, J.
Kohler, 1868.
Lander (Sarah W.) Spectacles for young
eyes. Zurich. 205 pp. G pi. 16^. lioxton,
iralkcr, Wise <J- co. 1864.
Landers, Frary & Clark {Xcic ISritain,
Ctnin.) Illustrated catalogue and price
list of table cutlery and hardware, manu-
factured by [them]. 222 pp. fol. [Hart-
ford, jr. C. Hatchings <f- co. 18(51)].
Laudi. Sec Lando.
Landis (Robert W.) The doctrine of the
resurrection of the body asserted and de-
feuded ; an answer to the exceptions re-
cently presented by rev. George Bush.
379 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Perkins <$■
Purvca, 1846.
Landis (Simon M. d. d.) An entirely Dew
feature of a thrilling novel ! entitled, The
social war of the year 1900 ; or, the con-
spirators and lovers! 401pp. 12\ Phil-
adelphia, '^Landis pablushing society," 1872.
Lando or Landi (Ortensio). Sette libri do
cathaloghi a varie cose appartenenti, nou
solo antiche, ma anche moderue : opera
vtile molto alia historia, et da cvi premier
si po materia di favellare d'ogui proposito
cho ci occorra. [anon, j 568 pp. 16'^.
Vincyia, (!. (iiolito //<-' Ferrari e fratvlli,
Xiite. — The «lat«! at the ouil in 15.V{. I/andu nauK-s
liiiuHelt' UH the aatbor on p. 300.
Landon (Letitia Elizabeth, afterwards mrs.
McLean). The golden violet, with its tales
of romance and chivalry; and other po-
ems. By L. E. L. [anon.} 244 pp. 12-.
Philadelphia, H. C. Carey .)'• /. Lea, 1827.
Landon (Melville D.) Saratoga in 1901.
By Eli Perkins, [psendon.^ Illustrated by
Arthur l>umley. vii, 250 pp. 12^. -VeJC
i York; Sheldon <\eo. 1872.
Lando^vner (The). A journal of real estate,
building and improvement. [Monthly].
' Jan. 1870, to dec. 1872. v. 2-4. 4° and fol.
Chicago, J. M. Wing cj- co. [1870-72].
Xote. — Incomplete ; wanting oct. 1870, to jan. 1871,
inclusive ; none issued liom oct. to dec". 18T1.
Landre-Beauvais (Augustin Jacob). Sc-
m«5iotique, ou traitc^ des signes des mala-
dies. 2e dd. revue, corrigdeetaugmeutde.
xxvi, 628 pp. 8\ Paris, J. A. Brasson,
Landreth (/.'rr. P.) Life and ministry of
the rev. Adam Thomson, d. d. Coldstream,
and his labours for free and cheap bible
printing. By his son-in-law. xi, 624 pp.
8°. Edinburgh, A. Elliot, 1869.
Landw^irthsohaftliches wocheublatt fiir
[ Schleswig-Holstein. Jahrgangl871. [Her-
ausgegebcn durch die direction des Schles-
wig-holsteiuischeu landwirthschaft. geu-
eralvereins, unter redaction des geueral-
secretairs F. A. Hach iu Kiel. 4^\ Kiel,
A. F. Jensen, 1871.
Lane (liev. Benjamin I.) The mysteries of
tobacco. With an introductory letter ad-
dressed to the hon. J. Q. Adams, by thf
rev. S. H. Cox. 1 p. 1. 185 pp. 12 . yen-
I York, Wiley i^- Putnam, 1845.
Lane {Uev. James Pillsbury.) Historical
j sketches of the first congregational church,
Bristol, R. L 1687-1872. 1 p. 1. 123 pp.
12*^. Providence press company, 1872.
Lanfrey (Piene) The history of Napoleon
the first. [From the French], v. i. vii,
(ilO pp. 8 . London, Maanillan tj- co. 1872.
Lange (.Johann Peter, d. d.) A connneutary
on the holy scriptures. .SV<Bible. (Knglish).
( ommen tarns.
The life of the l«)ril Jesus Christ:
u coinpleto critical examination of the
orij^in, contents, and connection of the
j^ospels. Translated from the german.
Edited, with additional notes, by the rev.
Marcus Dods. 4 v. 8 \ ICdinhiirgh, T. <f-
/', (lark, 1872.
V. 1. Translated l»y Sophia Tajlor and J. K. Ky-
* V. '2. Tran.dated by J. K. Uylaud and 'SI. G. ITux-
V. U. Translatj'd by rov. 11. K. ^Y'a^i.s and rev. S.
V. -1. Translated by irv. S. :Man.son and rev. R.
Laugevln (Hector L.) British Columbia.
Report of the hon. II. L. Langevin, c. b.
minister of public works. Printed by
order of parliament, vi, 245 pp. 8°.
Ottawa, J. li. Taijlor, 1872. s.
Langille (.J. II.) Secrets revealed. 230 pp.
4 pi. 1«) ■. Xeic York, Am. tract society,
Langley (Thomas). The history and an-
tiquities of the hundred of Desborough,
and deanery of Wycombe, in Bucking-
hamshire; including the borongh towns of
Wycombe and Marlow, and sixteen par-
ishes. XV, 483 pp. 3 pi. 2 tab. 1 map fold-
ed. 4 . London, T!. Fanhhr, [e/c] 1797.
Langtoft (Peter). Peter Langtoft's chroni-
cle, (as illustrated and improved by Rob-
•irt of Brnnne) from the death of Cadw.ala-
der to the end of king Edward the first's
reign. 8^. \_Oxford, at the theatre, IK^A^.
[In llEAKNK (T.) AV'oiks, od. Oxford, IT-J-l, v. 3,
pp. 1-230; V. 4, pp. 231-.341].
Lanman (Charles). Dictionary of the Unit-
ed States congress, compiled as a manual
of reference for the legislator and states-
man. [2ded.] .'S^Gpp. 8'. {U'a><h\nfiton'\,
iiorernment printing office, 18G4.
[Inip<rte<t ; wantiii;,' ]>]>. .V21-.V22, .V15-r)3»> ] .
Lansing ( Mich.) IWown's directory of Lans-
ing, Michigan. Compiled and published
by C. Exera Brown, s . LtniKinf/, W. ,s'.
(ieori/e .('• ro. l'^73.
Lanz(Carl). Maria, tinsere zullucht. Voll-
Htiindiges kath«>lisches gebet- und nn-
<l»eht8bnch. 2te originalausg. 4 18, 48 pp.
H; 1. 4 pi. 24^. yew iork m. Cineinnali,
ililn-iidrr K. ,\- X. Ptenzigrr, I'^fw.
Lanza de Casalausa {Dr. F.) II progresso
indnstriale agronomico del secolo applica-
to ai bisogui patrj con illustrazioni inter-
calate nel testo. 4 p. 1. 255 pp. 8^.
lYie^te, tipografia del Lloyd au8triaco,l&70. s.
Lape (Rev. Thomas). A manual of the
christian atonement. 158 pp. ItP. Xetc-
York, M. W. Podd, 1851.
La Flanche (Louis Regnier, sieur de). His-
toire de I'estat de France, tant de la r<^.pub-
liqne (lue de la religion, sous le regne de
Francois II. Publico par Ed. Mennechet.
2 V. xvi, 404 pp. inp. 1 pi; 2 p. 1. 353 pp.
12°. Paris, Techener, 1836.
iVwte.— Contains, aLso, Un discours do Michel
Suriano, v^nitiein, touchaut son ambaa.sade de
France, et " Lo livre des marchaus" par Kegnier,
pp. 142-209, and " Lo livro des marchans, on dii
}!jand et loyal devoir, tid«''lit«'' et obeissance de
messieurs de Paris, envers le roj' et couronue do
France," v. 2, pp. 211-3.33.
Laporte (Laurent). Sailing on the Nile.
Translated from the french by Virginia
Yaughan. iv, 291 pp. 16-\ Boston, lioh-
erts brothers, 1872.
Laporte (Thdodore Charles, comte de). Speak-
ing es;ercise8, for the illustration of the
rules and idioms of the french language.
2d ed. viii, 13-152 pp. 12^. Boston, IF.
1). Ticknor .j- eo. 1847.
The same. A key to the french ex-
ercises. 2d ed. 93 pp. 12°. Boston, W,
D. Ticknor cj- co. 1847.
Larcher (Pierre Henri). Essai de chronolo-
gie d'Herodote. [Avec nn canon chrono-
logiqne]. 8-\ Paris, 1838.
( rn liiiCHOX (J. A. C.) Choix des historiens jjreos,
pp. 480-674].
Lardier (Joseph Alexis) and Barbaroux
(Charles Og<^). M^^moires de Robert Guil-
lemaid, sergent en retraite, suivis de docu-
mens historiqnes, la pluparts inedits, de
1805-23. [anon.'\ 2 v. 3 p. 1. iv, 37(> pp ;
2 p. 1. 3(30 i)p. 1 map. 8\ Paris, Drlafor-
ext, 182(5.
Lardner (Nathaniel, d. d.) A letter written
the year 1730, concerning the question,
whether the logos supplied the place of an
human soul in the person of Jesus Christ
[etc.] viii, 172pp. 8^. [L^ondon], Society/or
promoting the knowledge of the scriptures,\li^^.
La Rochefoucauld (Francois, due de). Les
pons(^cs, maximes et rellexions morales do
m. lo due *""". Nonv. M, angmentee de
rem.arqnca critiques, morales «.V histo-
riqnes, sur chacunc des rc^Hexions. Par
I'abbi^ de la Roche. [awoH.] 14 p. 1. ItGO
Itp. H \ /Vojx, danean, 17G5.
La Rochefoucauld (F. due de)— coutimicd.
The saiuo. K(5nexioii8 ou sentences
et uiaximes morales. Anj;;tnonteo8 de plus
dedenxceiis uouvellcs niaxinies ct inax-
imes «Si. pcns«5es di verses, laiion.'] 2 parts
in 1 V. 1.') p. 1. IfW pp. 4 1 ; 4 p. 1. 50 pp. 31.
1 pi. 18^. I'arlx, <'. licxi'hin .|- M. Ca-
moisy, 1G92.
La Rochfere (Eu^<^nie D. vomlesHc de). The
<astle of lioussillon ; or Qiiercy in the six-
teenth eontnry. A tale. Translated from
the french. By nus. J. Sadlier. 111. tit.
310 pp. 1 pi. 18^. .Vi*r York, JK .)• ./. .sV^<f-
//fr, [1850]. j
La Rocque or La Roque (— de). Mt-inoire |
analyticjue: on Ton dednit les principes, s\ i
I'aide desquels on pourra faire prosp<^rer de [
nouvelles colonies. Siiivi do I'exaTnen de
questions relatives aux eft'ets que les pro-
grtis de la population &. des cultures du
nouveau mondo produiront sur I'Enrope ;
avec un tableau de la population & des
produits de rarchipel de rAm<?ri(ine. xiv,
6, xv-xxxii, 175 pp. 1 1. 8\ Londrcs,
W. 4- C. S^ihhnry, 17t)o.
iVofc— Also, with a full Spanish title, but no text
in that language.
LarouBse (Pierre). Grand dictionnaire uni-
versel du xixe 8i^cle frau^'ais, historiqne>
g<5ograpliique, mythologiqne, bibliogra-
phique, litt<5raire, artistique, scientifiquej
etc. V. 7, E-Ezz. 4^. Paris, Larousse ct
lioyer, 1870.
Larrey (Baron Doininicjue Jean), Monioire
de cliirurgie.
[Fn TTUFKLANn (Christoph Wilhelm). Traite de
la maladio scrophnlcuse. S°. Paris, J. B.
JiaillUre, 1821. pp. 309-392].
Lai'sen (Juan Mariano). Anidrica ante-
colombiana 6 sea noticias sobre algunas
interesantes ruinas y sobre los viages en
America anteriores a Colon. 4 p. 1. 262 pp.
12°. Buenos-Aires, imprenta de Mayo,
18G5. s.
La Salle (.Jean Baptiste). A new treatise
of the duties of a christian towards God ;
being an improved version of the original
treatise. Translated from the french by
the christian brothers, xii, 418 pp. 12°.
West Chester, X. Y. Xtw York catholic
protectory, 1872.
Lasar (S.) The hymnary, with tunes. A
collection of music for Sunday schools.
176 pp. obi. 12°. Xew York, BigJow ./
Main, [1872].
La Serre (Jean I'uget i!e). Lo br6viairo
des courtisans. 188 pp. 1 1. 6 ]>1. IH"'.
Bruxelles, P. lleugart, 1671.
Lasselle (Mrs. E. L.) Magdalen the en-
chantress. By E. L. L. [a/jore.] 302 pp.
12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippinrott .)• en.
Latham (Baldwin). Sanitary engineering ;
a guide to the construction of works of
sewerage and house drainage ; with tables
for facilitating the calculations of the
engineer. 4 p. 1. 352 pp. 21 pi. 8 . Lon-
don, E. ij- F. X. Spon, 1873.
Lathrop (David). The history of the fifty-
ninth regiment Illinois volunteers. 213
pp. 3 pi. 12^. Indianapolis, Hall .»•
Jfutehinson, 1855.
Lathrop (Mrs, Henry). The villagers of
Gilead ; or, gathering unto Shiloh. By
the author of '* Elm-grove cottage."
lanon.} 287 pp. 3 pi. 16°. Xew York,
Hoard of publication r. e. a. [1873].
Latimer (Miss Y..) Life and thought: or
cherished memorials of the late Julia H.
Parker Dyson, xiv, 314 pp. portrait. 12°.
Boston, Whittemore, Xiles .^- Hall, 18.56.
La Tour d'Auvergne-Corret (Thdoiihile
Malo de). Origines gauloises, cclles des
plus anciens peuples de I'Europe, puisdes
dans lour vraie source, ou recherchos sur
la langue, I'origine et les antiquit6s des
Celto-Bretons de TArmoriqne. 342 pp.
8°. Paris, Quillan, \_l7d6}.
Precis historique sur la ville dc
Keraes, en fran^ais Carhaix, dans lo
ddpartement da Finisterre; et sur r<Sty-
mologie de son nom. 1 p. 1. 32 pp. 4. 1.
8°. Paris, Quillan, [1796].
[ With Im Origines gauloises].
Laughing gas; an encyclopjedia of wit,
wisdom, and wind, lanon. By Samuel
P. Avery]? 1.56 pp. 12°. iXew York,
Dick .J- Fitzgerald, 1859].
[ With AVEHT (Samuel P.) The book of 1000 com-
ical stoiies],
Laurent (Francois). Iltudes sur I'histoire
de rhumanit6. — La philosophie do I'his-
toire. 628 pp. 8°. Paris^ librairie inter-
nationale, 1870.
[Laurent (F.) HiHtoire du droit des gens et den
relations Internationale, v. 18].
Laurie (.Joseph, m. d.) The homreopathic
domestic medicine. Edited and revised,
with numerous important additions, by
Robert J. McClatchey, m. d. Ist am. from
the 21st eng. ed. xi, 1034 pp. Phila-
delphia, F. E. Boericke, 1871.
Laurie (Itev. Thomas). Woman and ber
saviour in Persia. By a returned mission-
ary, [anon.'l 303 \^l^. 1 map. 12". Bos-
ton, Gould .y- Lincoln, li^G'.l.
La Vicomterie de Saint-Samson ( Louis
do). Lescrimes dos rois de Fiance, depnis
Clovis jnsqu'a Louis seize. Nouv. <^d.
augmeut<5e des derniers crimes de Louis
XVL 2 p. 1. 484 pp. 5 pi. 8\ Paris, au
bureau des revolutions dc Paris, 1792.
La'wfulness (Tlie), excellency and advan-
tage of instrumental music. — A 2d ed. (with
necessary improvements, which now render
the sense entirely plain) of the lawful-
ness, excellency and advantage of instru-
mental music, in the public worship of
God, but chiefly of organs. \_anon.'\ 16
pp. 18^. rhiladelphia, A. Slcuart, 1763.
La-v9Tence (Philip). The Lawrence
speaker. A selection of literary gems in
poetry and prose. 17-624 pp. 12*^. Phila-
delphia, T. B. Peterson .)■ brothers, [1872].
LaTvrence {Sir William). Lectures on com-
parative anatomy, physiology, zoology,
and the natural history of man. 9th ed.
viii, 396 pp. 8 pi. 12°. London, H. G.
Bohn, 1848.
La"wrence (William Beach, II. d.) Com-
mentaire sur les (Elements du droit inter-
national et sur I'histoire des progres du
droit des gens de H. Wheaton. Pr<5cdilo
d'une notice sur la carriere diplomatique
de m. Wheaton. v. 3. xxii, 474 pp. 8^-.
Jjiipziy, F. A. Brockhaus, 1873.
La-wrence, Mass. {City of). The Lawrence
directory, with an almanac for 1864. By
Adams, Sampson &, co. 18*^. fjaurence,
J. a Bow .| CO. 1864. j
The same. The Lawrence directory, i
for 1871 and 1873. By Sampson, Daven-
port & CO. 8°. Laurence, Whitford .I"- Bice, \
Laws (The) of eti<iuette; or, short rules
and reflections for conduct in society. By
a gentleman. [a?jon.] 172 pp. 18^.
Philadelphia, Careif, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1836.
Layman's (A) reply to elder Knapp on close
communion, [anon.'] 36 pp. 18 . Bos-
ton, Kidder <J- Jfrif/ht, 1842.
Lazelle {Capt. Henry M.) One law in
nature. A new corpuscular theory, com-
prehending unity of force, identity of
matter, and its multiple atom constitu-
tion : applied to the physical affections or
Lazelle {Capt. Henry M.)— continued,
modes of energy, vii, 219 pp. 1 table. 12^
New York, J). Van Xostrand, 1872.
Lea (William). Catechisings on the [com-
mon] prayer book. Revised, with addi-
tions and alterations. 115 pp. 18^. Xew
York, I'ott, Young .("• co. 1873.
Leach (Daniel). The complete spelling
book. 174 pp. 16-3. Philadelphia, H.
CowjKTthwait tf- co. 1856.
Leaflets of memory : an ilhiminated annual
for 1846, 1847, 1848, 1850, [and] 1852.
Edited by Reynell Coates, m. d. 5 v.
8-\ Philadelphia, E. LL Butler ^S' co. 1846-52.
Leavenworth (The) medical herald.
Edited by C. A. Logan, m. d. and T. Sinks,
m. d. [Monthly]. June, 1867, to may,
1870. v. 1-3. 8\ Leavenworth, The
times printing house, 1867-70.
Leavitt {Rev. Joshua). Leavitt's reading
series. Parts 1-4. 4 v. 16- and 12^.
Boston, J. P. Jeu'ctt .J- co. 1817,
Parti. Primer: or, little lessons for little Icarii-
ors. 72 pp. 16°.
Part 2. Easy lessons in reading. For tbo younger
classes. 180 pp. 16°.
Part .'}. Heading lessons, for the niidille classes in
common schools. 240 pp. 12°.
Part 4. Selections for reading and ei)eaking, for
the higher classes in common schools. 312
pp. 12°.
Le B. {Sieur). J^e voyagovr cvrievx qvi
fait le tovr dv monde. Avec ses matitires
d'entretien qvi composent I'histoire cvri-
evse. [anon.] 8 p. 1. 424, 360 pp. .sm. 4^.
I'aris, F. Clovsier, 1664.
Leben und wirken des J. F. Oberlin, 1831.
Sec Memoirs of J. F. Oberlin.
Leblals (Alphonse). Matdrialisme et spiri-
tualisme ; «5tude de philosophic positive :
pr<^c6de d'une pr<5face par E. Littrt^. xxiv,
191pp. 12^. Paris, G. Bailliere,'i86r>.
Le Blanc {Sieur Thomas). Histoire de
Baviere. Qui traitte de I'origino des pen-
pies, qui les premiers habiterentla Baviere,
du commencement & du progrds do la
religion, & des princes, qui out regn<^
jusqn'jl [la mort de I'dlecteur Maximilien,
1651]. 4 v. 16'^. Paris, reuvc mUc de
Beaujeu, 1690.
Lebrun (Antoino Louis). Epigrammes,
madrigaux, et chansons. 8 p. 1. 418 pp.
1 pi. 8*2. Paris, X. Le Breton ftls, 1714.
Lebrun (— , dc Grenohlv). Porte-feuille po
litiqne d'un ex-employd an minist^re de
la police g6n«5rale, on essai sur I'instruc-
tion publique. 2 p. 1. xxiv, iii, 313 pp.
fP. Paris, Vauteur, 1800.
Le Brun de Charmettea (Philippe Alex-
andre). Histoire de Jeanne d'Arc, sur-
nomm^o L* pacolle d'Orl^ans, tirde de ses
propres declarations, de cent quarante-
quatre depositions de t^moins oculaires, '
et des manuscrits do la biblioth^que dn
roi et de la tour de Londres. 4 v. 8*^.
Paris, A. Berlrand, 1817.
La Cat (Claude Nicolas). Traitd de la
conleiir de la peau huraaine en general, de
celle des n&gres en particulier, et de la
metamorphose d'une de ces coulonrs en
I'antre, soit de naissance, soit acnidentelle-
ment. 1 p. 1. xiv, 191 pp. 8-^. Amster-
dam, 1765. j
Lecointre (Laurent). Les crimes de sept j
membres des anciens comitds de saint
public et de surety generalc, ou dduoncia-
tion formelle k la couvention nationale,
contre Billand-Varenne, Barfere, Collot-i
d'llerbois, Vadier, Vonland, Amar et
David, [etc.] 2e ed. viii, 250 pp. 8°. I
Paris, Maret, ll79i]. \
IDUAXE pamphlets, v. 110]. j
Le Comte (Louis). Memoirs and observa- {
tions, topographical, physical, mathemat-
ical, mechanical, natural, civil, and ecclesi- '
astical. Made in a late journey through
the empire of China, and published in j
several letters. Translated from the Paris
ed. 12 p. 1. 527 pp. 2 pi. 1 table. 12°. \
London, B. Toole, 1697.
Ledyard (John). The life of John Led-
yard, the american traveller ; comprising
selections from his journal and corre- ;
spoudence. By Jared Sparks, xii, 325 j
pp. 8-^. Cambridge, [Afas«.] HiUiard 4'
Brown, 1828.
The same. 2 p. I. x, 419 pp. 16°.'
Boston, C. C. Little ^ J. Broicn, 1847.
[In Sparks (.Tared). The libr.iry of american
biography, v. 24 ; 2d aeries, v. 14j.
Lee (Day Kellogg). Summerfield ; or life
on a farm, xv, 246 pp. 12^. Auhttrn,
IX. F.] Derby 4' Miller, 1852.
Lee (Eleanor Percy, born Ware). The wife
of Leon, and other poems, 1844. See \
"Warfield (Catharine A.) and Lee. |
Lee {Mrs. Eliza Buckmiusler). Florence,
the parish orphan ; and a sketch of the
village in the last century. 2 p. 1. 176 pp.
16°. Boston, Ticknor 4- Fields, 1852.
Life of Jean Paul Frederic Richter.
Compiled from various sources. With his
autobiography. Translated from the ger-
man. lanon.'\ 2 v. xi, 356pp; viii, 365
22 0
Lee {Mrs. Eliza Buckminster)— continued,
pp. 12^. Boston, C. C. Little 4- J. Brown,
Naomi; or Boston two hundred years
ago. 2d ed. iv, 324 pp. 12^. Boston, W.
Crosby 4- H. P. Nichols, 1848.
Lee (Frances). Laying the keel. 178 pp.
inc. 4 pi. 18^. New York, Carlton 4" Lana-
Lee {Rsv. Lather). Ecclesiastical manual,
or scriptural church government stated
and defrtudod. 264 pp. 12^. Xcw Tork,
Wesleyan methtdist book room, 1850.
Lee (Minnie Mary). The heart of Myrrha
Lake; or, into the light of catholicity.
5-207 pp. 16^. Xew York, Catholic publi-
cation society, 1872.
Lee {Mrs. R.) See Lee {Mrs. Sarah).
Lee {Mrs. Sarab, born Wallis). Motnolrs of
baron. Cuvier. 197 pp. 12^. Xew-York,
J. <f J. Harper, 1833.
Lee (Thomas J.) The national class book ;
a selection of exercises in reading, for the
higher classes in common schools. 288
pp. 12°. nallowell, [Me.] Olazier, Masters
4- CO. 1830.
Leeuwenhoek (Antoui van). Ontledingen
en ontdekkingen van levende dierkens
in de teel-deelen van verscheide dieren,
vogelen en vi&schen ; van het hout met
der selver meeuigvuldige vaatcn; van
hair, vlees, en vis; als mede van de groote
meenigte der dierkens in de excrementen.
[28-52 missive]. 2e druk. 11 parts in 1
V. sm. 4°. Leiden, C. Bontestein, 1696.
JS'ofc.— The first 27 letters were not printed : " du«
l)ier de 28ste brief de eerste die gedrakt is." —
[Vervolg der brieven, etc.] 7 v. in
3. sm. 4^\ Del/t, 1689-1704.
1. VervolR der brieven. (."JS-eo missive). 4 p. I.
pp. 1-165. Leyden, C.Boutest4yn,[l6Sl. v.2J.
2. Natiiurs verborgeiitheden outdekt : zijudeeeu
tweede vervolg der brieven. [61-67 ii:is3ive].
1 p. L pp. 150-350. 6 pL Del/, A. Yoorstad,
1689. [v. 2].
3. Derde vervolg der brieven. [68-75 missive).
4 p 1. pp. 351-531. 6 pi. Delft, E. van Krootie
r««. 16a3. [v. 21.
4. Vierde vervolg der brieven. [76-S3 missive) .
1 p. 1. pp. 5.0-73J. C pL Del/t, H. van Kroone
velt.WH. [v. 3).
5-6. Viifde [— se^de] vervolg der brieven, ge-
scurevf D aan vorscbeide hoge staiid-HporHoneQ
en gelet-rde luyden. [c<4-l07 misr^iv*? J. 4 p. 1.
pp. 1-172, 5 L 7 pi; 2 p. 1. pp. 173-342, 5 1. 4 pi.
Dt\ft, H. van Krooneveld, 1696-97. [v. 3).
7. Sevetide vervolg der brieven, waar In gebandelt
werd, van veele opnierkens en verwonderens-
waardige nataurs-gebeimen. vervat in veer-
tig brieven, waar van de nieest« geachreveu
siju aan de wijd vermaarde Koomklyke so-
Leeuwenhoek (Antoni van)— continued.
cieteit in Londen. [10&-146 missive]. 3 p. 1.
452 pp. 11 1. 25 pi. Delft, n. ran Krooneveld,
1702. [v. 4],
Send-brieven [1-40], zoo aan de |
Loog edele heeren van de Kouinklyke so-
cieteit te Londen, als aan andere aansie- !
nelyke en geleerde lieden, over verscheyde j
verborgentlieden der natunro, namentlyk |
over liet vronderlyk gestel van de veselen I
der epieren in veelderley godierte; do j
pesen en derselver working; [etc.] 7 p. i
1. 460 pp. 14 1. 32 pi. sni. 4 \ Jklft, A. j
Beinan, 1718. [v. 5]. j
Lefebvre {Br. D.) Louise Latean, the cc-
statica of Bois d'Haine; her life, stig-
mata, and ecstasies. From the french by
J. S. Shepard. With a sketch of several
former cases of the same nature. 141 pp.
18^. West Chester, N. Y. Xeic YorV catholic
protectory, 1872.
Lefevre {Sir George, m. d) An apology for
the nerves : or, their inlluence and import-
ance in health and disease, xii, 303 pp.
12^^. London, Longmans, 1844.
Leffel (James, <^' co.) Illustrated book of
Leflfel's improved double turbine water
wheel, for 1872 [and] 1873. 2 v. 4^.
Springfield, 0., Leffel news print, 1872-73.
Leifel's illustrated mechanical news.
A monthly journal devoted to science and
the mechanical and industrial arts. March, |
1872, to feb. 1873. v. 2. fol. Spiinfifu-ld,
O., J. Leffel 4- CO. [1872-73].
Legends and traditionary stories, [anon."]
viii, 270 pp. 1 pi. London, E. Lumlaj, [1843].
Legends of saint Joseph, patron of the uni-
versal church Byabb^"**. Translated
from the french, by mrs. J. Sadlier. [ anon . ]
340 pp. 16'^ Xeii' Yorl\ I), if- J. Sadlier
4- CO. 1872.
Le Qobien (Charles, s. J. redacteitr). Brief
aus Nord-America, UDd zwar insonderheit
von der nunmehro entdeckten landschaftY
California, [etc.]
( In Neuk (Der) welt-bott. fol. Aiigspurg <t Oratz,
P., M. «e J. Yeiths erben, 1726. v. 1, jtart 3, pp.
Lettres de quelqucs missionnaires do
la compagnie de Jdsus. Ecrites de la
Chine, & des Indes orientales. lop. 1. Ill
pp. 18°. Paris, impr. de J. Josse, 1702.
Leguat (Franfois). Voyage ct aventures
de Franyois Leguat, & de ses compagnons
en deux lies deserts des Indes orientales.
[etc.] 2 v. in 1. 14 p. 1. 1G4 pp. 18 pi. 1
Leguat (Francois) — continued,
map, 1 tab ; 1 p. 1. 180 pp. IG 1. 8 pi. 16°.
Londres, D. Mortin; 1721.
Leicester {Mass.) public library. Cata-
logue of the Leicester public library, with
the regulations for its use. 3d publication.
75 pp. 12°. ITorcester, C. Hamilton, 1873.
Leidy (Napoleon B. »i. d.) Dr. Leidy's
monitor and adviser. 192 i)p. 18°. Phil-
adelphia, 18G0.
Leigh (Evan). The science of modern cot-
ton spinning : embracing mill architec-
ture; machinery for cotton ginning, open-
ing, scutching, preparing, and spinning,
with all the latest improvements; [etc.]
2d ed. 2 V. 2 p. 1. vii, l-ir>2 pp. 4 1. 30
pi; ix, 153-320 pp. 22 pi. fol. Manches-
ter, Palmer <j- Howe, 1873.
Leisure hour series. 10 . Sew Yorl; Holt
.r JVilliams, 1867-73.
(.'HEUHiTj.TEZ (V.) Count Kostia. l!^7:l.
Joseph Noirol's revenge. 1872,
CUAVEN (ATmc. A.) Fleurauge. 1873.
Gauouiau (E.) Tlieniystery of Orcival. 1871.
IIEISE (U.) Soiutillalions liom the proso works
' of Heine. 1873.
Spirlhagen (F.) "What the swallow san?. 1873.
TuRGfeNlEFF (I. S.) Dimitri IJondiiie ; a novel.
1 1873.
I Father and sons. 1807.
' On the eve. 1873.
Smoke ; a russian novel 1872.
Le-Juge (Pierre). Histoire g^ndralle de la
vie et miracles de ste. GtMi<5viefve, patrone
de la ville de I'aris. Ensemble les noms
& fjiits remarquablos des abbdz qui out
regy I'abbaye, &. do leurs sdpultures,
iusques i\ prdaent. Et I'iustitution des
confreres &- porteurs. 14 p. 1. 430, 30 pp.
01. 16°. Paris, LDigast,lG3l.
Leland (Charles Godfrey). Walter Ash-
wood. A love story. By Paul Siogvolk.
Ipseudon.} 296 pp. 12. New York, liudd
4' Carleton, 1800.
Leland {Dr. Thomas), A dissertation <m
the princiides of human eloquence : with
particular regard to the style and composi-
tion of the new testament. 2d ed. correct-
ed and amended by the author. [With ]
a letter to the rev. dr. Thomas Leland, in
which the dissertation is criticized. Also
an answer to the above letter, xii, 270
pp, 12', J) iihl in, A. Lcaihley, 17 CuK
Le Louterel (F. P,) The company drill of
the infantry of the line, together with the
skirmishing drill of the company and
battalion. See Monroe (J.)
L^lut (Louis Fraucisque). ])ii donmn dr
Socrate, specimen d'une application de la
L^lut (Louis Francisque) — continued. j
science psycliologique ^ celle de I'histoire. |
2 p. 1. 365 pp. 8 \ Paris, Trinquart, ld36. j
Lemaire (Henri). Beaut6s de rhiatoiro des i
voyages les plus fameux autour du monde '
et dans les deux hemispheres, ou tableau
des d^couvertes, enterprises, aventures, ■
naufrages, captivit<Ss, nialhours ct succ^s !
des plus c<^lebre8 voyageurs, [etc.] 3e od. !
2 V. 2 p. 1. viii, 370 pp. (; pi ; 2 p. 1. 3G8 pp. i
() pi. 16^. Parh, Eijmenj, Fniffir >S- <ic. j
18-27. [
Lemaitre (Cluiile.s). Kodolphe de liraucb-
ievre, louiau. 318 pp. 1 1. ft pi. 8^. Xou- [
velle- Orleans, J. L. Sol Ice, 1851.
Lempriere (Joliu, d. d.) Bibliotlieca clas-
sica : or, a dictionary of all the principal
names and terms relating to the geogra-
l)hy, topography, history, literature, and
mythology of antiquity and of the an- '
cients: with a chronological table. Re-
vised and corrected and divided into three ,
parts. By Lorenzo L. Da Poute and J. D.
Ogilby. 15th am. ed. greatly enlarged in j
the historical department, by L. L. Da !
Ponto. 803pp. 8. yew-Tork, If. E. Denn,'
1845. I
Le Naiu de Tillemout. See Tillemont '
(Louis S<5bastieu Lo Nain de).
Lendermau. Ipseudon.^ Lenderuuiu's ad-
ventures among the spiritualists and free-
lovers, explaining how the "rappiugs,"
" table-tippings," playing on instruments,
etc. are done, and where the spirit com-
munications come from. 305 pp. 8 pi. 12^^.
C'umnnati,M. A. Ar)ioId, 1860.
Leufant (Jacques), llistoire de la papesse
.loauuc, 1720. See Spanheim (Fricdrich).
Leuglet Dufresiioy ( J 6&e Nicolas). Geog-
raphy for children : or, a short and easy
method of teaching and learning geogra-
pliy. From the french, and now great-
ly augmented and improved. 10th ed.
[With] a method of learning geography
without a master, for grown persons, xii,
148 pp. 16^\ London, G. Keith, 1776.
Lennox (Charlotte). The memoirs of the
countess of Berci. \_anon.'\ Taken from
the french. By the author of the Female
Quixote. 2 v. 1 p. 1. 304 pp ; 1 p. 1. 250
pp. 16'^. London, A. Millar, 1756.
Le Normand {Ma<lame Camille, pHeudoni*)
Fortune-telling by cards; or, cartomancy
made easy. [Also], a treatise upon chiro-
mancy ; and a full description of the sacred
Le Normand (Madame C.)— continaed.
book of Tbot, the egyptian oracle of des-
tiny. 192 pp. 16\ Xew Tori; R. M. De
Wilt, [1872].
Napoleon's complete) dream-book :
containing full, plain, and accurate ex-
Xdanations of fortune-telling by dreams,
visions, and reveries, [etc.] 192 pp. 16 \
Xeiv York; li. M. De Witt, [1872 J.
Lens (The) ; a quarterly journal of micro-
scopy and the allied natural sciences;
with the transactions of the state micro-
scopical society of Illinois. Edited by
S. A. Briggs. Jan. to oct. 1872. v. 1.
8 ■. Chicago, State microscopical society of
Illinois, 1872.
Leonard (Levi W.) The north americau
spelling book, conformed to Worcester's
dictionary : with a progressive series ef
easy reading lessons. New ed. enlarged.
180 pp. 12 . Eeene, X. H., G. ^ G. H. Til-
den, 1859.
Leonoweus (Mrs. Anna H.) The romance
of the harem. 5 p. 1. 277 pp. 16 pi. 8".
Boston, J. E. Osgood ij co. 1873.
Le Page Du Pratz (— ). An account of
Louisiana, exhibiting a compendious
sketch of its political and natural history
and topography, with a copious appendix
containing several important documents.
2 p. 1. 272, cxviii pp. 1 1. 18^. Xeichern,
Franklin ^^ Garroiv, 1804.
Lepeintre (Pierre Marie Michel). *S'e« Pin
du repertoire du th6A-tr© fraufais, 1824;
also, Suite du repertoire. Collection des
tbdiltres franf ais, 1829.
Le Petit (— ). See Petit (— Le).
Le Pierre. See Delepierre.
Leprince de Beaumont (Marie de). Contes
des f6es.
[In Mauazin (Le) ties fC'cs, [ct<\] 12'^. Parit,
Didier, 1852. pp. 145-305].
Lettres d'fimerance ^ Lucie. 2 v. x,
378 pp ; 4 p. 1. 361 pp. 24^^. Leide, P. U.
Jacqueau, 1766.
M^moires de madame la baronne de
Batteville, ou la veuve parfaite. 2 p. 1.
324 pp. 18°. Londres, J. Xourse, 1766.
Le Roux de Lincy (Adrien Jean Victor).
Lo livre des proverbes fran^ais, [xiie-xve
siccle]. Pr«Sced<S de recherches historiques
sur les proverbes frangais, et leur emploi
dans la litt^rature du moyen dge et de la
renaissance. 2e dd. revue et angment^e.
Le Roux de Llncy (A. J. V.)— continued, j
2v. 2p. 1. cxv, 403pp;2p. 1.619 pp. 16=.'
Paris, A. Delahays, 1S.")9.
(BiBLiOTiifeQLK gauloise].
Xote. — " Le rocaeil le plus complot fju on ait en-
core ptil)li6. " — Brunei. TliU 2ii ed. coiit.iina
also four appendices, and a bibliograjthy of
Le Roy (Alphonse). Libor nuMiioritilis.
L'universit<S de Li«^go depnis sa fondatiou. ;
Ouvrago rddigd et pnblid eu vortu d'uno
deci-sion du couseil acad«5miqnp, :\ I'occa-
sion du premier jubild seiui-seenhiire de
Fiiniversitd (3 nov. l-ifi7). 2 p. 1. 80, Ixxix,
1179, cxliv pp. 1 pi. 8 . LU'fjc, J. G. Car- \
manne, 1869. s.
Leroy (Charles Georges). The iutelligence
and perfectibility of animals from a phi-
losophic point of view. With a few let- 1
ters on man. Written by C. G. Leroy,
[176*i], partly under the pseudonym of
"The naturalist of Nuremberg." [From
the french]. 3 p. 1. 272 pp. 12-^. Lon- j
don, Chapman cf- HaU, 1870.
Le Sage (Alain Uen6). Le diable boiteux. i
Seule (Edition conipliljte, suivie de I'Entre- :
tien dos cheraindes de Madrid ct d'Une t
journde des parqucs, jiar le m6me auteur, i
et \)t6c6(16 d'une notice par ui. Pierre Jan- 1
net. 2 V. xvi, 2:56 pp ; 279 pp. 16^.
raris, E. Picanl, 1867.
(Xonvelle collection Jaunet]. j
A'o<«.— First publisbod in 1707. '• Cost I'^dition do
172G que jo reproduis."— Editor's prolaco. i
Lesconoel (Pierre de). Anecdotes secrJ^tes
des rdgnes de Charles VIII. ot de Louis XII.
Avec des notes hi.-storiques. \^anon.'\ 2 v.
1 p. 1. 126 pp ; 1 p. 1. 152 pp. 12^. La
naiie,J. Neanhne, 1741.
Lesebuch (Drittes) fiir den deutschen
Hprachunterricht in nicht-deutschen
volk.sschnlen. [anon.'] 218 pp. 16".
IVien, im k. k. schuWiioher-verlaff, 1867.
Lesebuch (Zweites) tiir die deutschen ka-
tholischen schnlen in den Vereinigten
Staaten. Bearbeitet von niehreren prie-
Kteru nnd lehrern. 120 pp. 12°. Xviv
York, Benzif/er brotherH, [1873].
Lesebuch (Drittes) fiir <lie deutschen ka- |
tholischen scluiien in diui Vereinigten t
Staaten von Nord-Anierika. Bearbeitet
von mehreren priestern und bdirern. 276
pp. 12°. New York, Ben ziger broth er8,[\S7^'].
Lesebuch fiir die dritte klasse der land- !
schnlen. (Ohno die erziihlungen aus der '
biblischen geschichte des alten bundes).
[anon.] 82 pp. 1 1. 16°. Wien, im k. k. ;
fichulbiicher-verlage, 1862.
Lesebuch fur die dritte klasse der volks-
schulen. [a«on.] 240 pp. 16°. Wien,
im k. k. schulbUcher-verlag, 1869.
Lesebuch fiir die oberklasso der laudscliu-
len. [a/joH.] 336 pp. 16^. JVten, im k.k.
8ch nlbiicher-verlage, 1870.
Lesebuch fur die oberste klasse der evan-
gelischcn hauptschulen im kaiserthum
Osterreich. Ergiinzuugsheft. Erziihlun-
gen aus der vatorlilndischen geschichte.
(iv. abtheilung des lesebuches). [anon.]
2 p. 1. 243-410 pp. 1 1. 16^. Wien, im
k. k. schulbiicher-verlage, 1863.
Lesley (Joseph Peter). The iron manufac-
turer's guide to the furnaces, forges and
rolling mills of the United States, with
discussions of iron as a chemical element,
an american ore, and a manufactured ar-
ticle, in commerce and in history. 1 p. 1.
xxxiv, 772 pp. 3 pi. 3 maps. S^. Xew
York, J. Wiley, 1859.
Leslie (Miss Eliza). Directions for cookery,
in its various branches. 20th ed. With
improvements, supplementary receipts,
and a new appendix. 511pp. 12°. Phila-
ddphia, Carey <f' Eart, 1844.
Miss Leslie's new cook book. A com-
plete manual of domestic cookery in all its
branches. 1 p. 1. 25-662 pp. 12°. Phila-
delphia, T. B. Peterson 4' brothers, [1873].
The young revolutionists : containin«
the stories of Russel and Sidney; and
Cha^e Loring: tales of the american
revolution. 187 pp. 18°. Xcw York, C. S.
Francis ^ co. 1845.
Leslie's (Frank) boy's and girl's weekly. An
illustrated journal of amusement, adven-
ture and instruction. April 23, 1870, to
oct. 12, 1873. V. 8-12. fol. Xeic York,
F. Leslie, [1870-72].
Leslie's (Frank) budgetof fun. [Minithly].
Oct. 1870, to dec. 1872. Nos. 151-177, in
1 V. fol. Neio York, F. Leslie, [1870-72].
Leslie's (Frank) chimney corner. [A
weekly literary newspaper]. May 25, to
uov. 1, 1-^72. V. J 5. fol. Xew York, F.
Leslie, [1872].
Leslie's (Frank) illustrated newspaper.
[Weekly]. June 6, 1857, to sept. 7, 1872.
V. 4-31. fol. Xeic York, F. Leslie, [1857-
Leslie's (Frank) illustrirto zeitung.
[Wochonblatt]. 27 januar 1872 bis 18
jantiar 1873. v. 30-31. fol. New York,
F. Leslie, [1872-73].
Lealle'B (Frank) lady's journal. Devoted
to fashion and choice literature. [Weekly]. |
May 18 to nov. 9, 1872. v. 2. fol. New \
York, F. Leslie, 1872.
Leslie's (Frank) lady's magazine, and |
gazette of fashion. [Monthly]. Jan. to
dec. 1872. v. 30-31. sm. fol. [Xew York, ^
F. Leslie, 1872].
Leslie's (Frank) modenwelt. IlUistrirte
zeitnng fiir toilette, handarbeiteu und
nnterhaltnnf?. [Wochentlicho uu<l vier- ,
zohutiiglicho zoitschrift]. 16 nov. 1S70 bis I
28 okt. 1871. V. 1. Xos. 1-31. fol. Xvw
York, F. Leslie, [1870-71].
Xotc. — Xo more published,
Leslie's (Frank) pleasant hours. Devoted
to light and entertaining literature, j
[Monthly]. Feb. 1872, to jan. 1873. v. ;
12-13. 8^. New York, F. Leslie, 1872-73. j
Leslie (Mrs. Ma,de\\n6, pseudon.) Sec Baker '
{Mrs. Harriet N. W.) '
Lesson (The) compend : choice extracts •
from eminent bDdical scholars on the snb- ;
jects of the uniform lessons for 1S72. j
Selected by two bible students, lanon.] I
With an introdnction by rev. George H. j
Whitney, iv, 104 pp. 12°. Xrw York,]
Carlton 4' Lanahan, [1872].
[Eclectic Sunday school library, v. Ij.
Lessons (First) in greek, 1833. Sec Cleve-
land (Charles D.)
Lessons on objects. Lessons on things.
Edited by John Frost, [anon.'] 180 pp.
18°. Fhiladelphia, Carey ^ Lea, 1831.
The same. Lessons on common
things; their origin, nature and uses.
lanon.] Edited by J. Frost. 204 pp. 18°.
Philadelphia, T. Ash, 1835.
Lester (Charles Edwards). The artist, the
merchant, and the statesman, of tlie age of
the Medici, and of our own times. 2 v.
viii,237pp. portrait ; 2 p.l. 239 pp. portrait.
12°. New York, Paine Sf Burgess, 1845.
The condition and fate of England.
[anon.] 2d ed. 2 v. Engd. tit. 278 pp;
engd. tit. 307 pp. 12^^. New York, J. H.
4' G. Langlcy, 1843.
L'Estrange {Bev. Alfred Gny Kingham).
The literary life of the rev. William Har-
ness, ix, 313 pp. 8^. London, Tlurst ($-
Blacken, 1871.
Letter (A) from a trooper in Flanders, to
his comrade: shewing that Luxemburg is
Letter (A) from a trooper, etc. — continued.
a witch, and deals with the devil, [anon.]
8°. [London, G. Sawbridge, 1712].
[In SAWBRmoB (G.) Collection of papers, pp.
Letter (A) from Feversham to a divine in
London. [Concerning king James II.
anon.] 8°. [London, G. Sanbridge, 1712].
[In SvwBiiiDGE (<j.) Colloftiou of papers, pji.
Letter (A) from the author of the Argnmeni
against a standing army, to the author of
The balancing h'ttcr, 1712. Nrc Trench-
ard (John).
Letter (A) of advice to the citizens of Lon-
don, and other.s, electors of members to
serve in parliament, [anon.] 8'. [Lon-
don, G. Sawbridge, 1712].
[In Sawbkidge (G.) Colloctiou of pajit'i-s, pp
5.3 1-53 J].
Letter (A) out of Lancashire to a friend
in London, 1712. See Wagstaff (Rev.
Letter (.A.) out of the country, to thu clergy
in and about the city of Loudon, [anon.]
8'. [London, G. Saivbridge, 1712].
[In SAwnnn)GE (G.) CoUoction of p.iper.s, pp.
Letter (A) to a friend in the country. [Con-
cerning the legality of parliament, anon.]
8^. [London, G. Saicbridffe, 1712].- -
[la Sawiuuuge (G.) Collecliou of papers, pp
I Lettere annvo d'Ethiopia, Malabar, Brasil
I e Goa.— Ilistoire de ce qvi s'est pass^ en
I £thiopie, Malabar, Brasil, et ^s Indes
I orientale.s. Tir<Se des lettres escrites ^s
i anuses 1620, insqnes h 1624. Addressee an
j r. p. Mvtio Vitelleschi, gdndral de la
compagnie de lesvs. Traduito de I'italien
en franfois, par un pdre de la mesme com-
pagnie [lean Darde. anon.] 2 p. 1. 451 pp.
16^. Paris, S. Cramoisy, 1628.
Lettere di xiii hvomini illustri, 1561. See
Atanagi (Dionigi).
Letters from Rome, a. d. 138. 1854. See
Bryant (William Cullen).
Letters from Scandinavia, 1796. See Thom-
son (William, II. d.)
Letters on the Chickasaw and Osage mis-
sions. By the author of Conversations on
the Sandwich islands, [etc. anon.] 161 pp.
16°. Boston, Mass. s. s. union, 1831.
Letters on the female mind, its powers and
pursuits, [anon.] 2 v. 2 p. 1. 2U pp :
2 p. 1. 211 pp. 16^. London, IJookhani .f-
Carpenter, 1793.
Letters to Ada, from ber brotber-iu-law.
By tbo autbor of '' Fatber Rowland,"
[«tc. auuti.] 100 pp. 10'. Xtw York,
Harper ij- hrothtrs, lf<o4.
Letters to Kdmiiiid Ihukf. - . hnidon,
i oMI.M.'.
A Iftt.i to K.lmiiii'l ISinko, «m|. oh i1i«- latti-r part
of the rt'poit of tlie Hilirt romiuittto of the
liouso of coiniuon.M. on tli« state of .jvistico in
Ilfiiiial. With some curious i>arti<MUar8, and
ori^riiial ancrdotos, i-oiic.criiiun th«^ forjjory torn-
inittcd hy Maha Kajah Nundtouiar Bahadar, on
th«' proof of whi<h hf lost his life, [anon.] He-
piintt'd. 2 p. 1. 2vJ7 pp. 6 \ London, 1783.
[ruuE'8 tratta, v. 2; alao, Ml.sc. paiii. v. 383J.
Letters to AVilliain Paley, arcbdeacon of
Carlisle, on bis objections to a reform in
tbe rci»reseutation of tbe commons, and on
bis apolo^jy for tbe intliience of tbe crown
ill parliament; bein^ strictnres on tbe
essay npon tbe britisb constitntion intro-
diicetl in bis Principles of moral and
political pbilosoitby ; witb an appendix.
[anon.] l.')fi pp. ^ . Loudon, J. Johnson,
(MiscEl.LAM-.oLrt pamphKt,'^, v. 1-20J.
Lettie Sterlinpf. [1872]. See Shaw (J/rs.
Lettre de mcssituirsdiK lllis^io^s t'trany,eres
an pape, snr les idolatries et sur Ics super-
stitions cbinoises. 1 p. 1. 214 pp. IG^.
[linurlk's, T). 7rrt///<r, 1700].
[ With StatI's qnastionis llonia' nunc icniporis
habita-, «;tc.]
Lettres a nne amie, snr le moven de trouver
b> bonbenr. [anon.'] '^(i (5d. 18.') pp. 1 1.
12 . (ienh-e, J. J. J'aschoiKl, 1823.
Lettres d'elle et de liii. Par nne dame de
la conr A- <iui n'esi pas d"uno academic.
[anon.'] 1 p. 1. iv, 01 ])p. 12 . Londrex,
I VarW], 1772.
Lettres de (|nel»infs missioniiaires de la
« iniipapjniede J^sns, 17<i2. NrrLe Gobien
(Cbarles, n.j.)
Lettres ediliantcs ft emiciisi.s.^ Nc Neue
(Der) welt-bott.
Lettres jnives, on coiresixnidaiic*' )ibilos()-
Itbiqne, liistori<nic vi criti<pie, 17.'ii». Sec
Argeiis (J. B. dti IJoyer).
Letture per la terza classe <UIIe seinde ele-
mentari. [anon.] 217 pp. 1(1 . JV/m,
iUilC i. r. dispt'nxa dri lihri KrolasUci, lr'70.
Leupold (.Jacob). Tlicatinm niacbinarnm
^eneralo. Scbati-plat/ des ^rnndes
niecbaniscber wissenscbalVten. <bjs int :
«lentlicbe anleitiui^ /ur medianic oder
bewrpungs-kunst. 10 p. 1. 214 pp. 71 pi.
lol. I.cip:ifi, ('. /nnh, I, ]72\. s.
Levallois (Jules)> D^isme et cbristian-
isme. xxii, 154 i)p. 12-. Paris, G.
BaiUiere, 1866.
Leven (Het) van Gastou Jeau Baptista,
margraaf van Reuty, 1744. See St. Jure
(.Jean B. de).
Lever (Charles). Lord Kil^obbin. A novel.
208 pp. 1 pi. H . Xetv York, Harper .)•
brothers, 1872.
One of them. New ed. Eu»;d. tit.
ix, 471 pp. 2'J pi. 8 . London, Chapman
.)'• Hall, 1872.
[luiporfect : 1 ph\to wanting;].
Tbo Dodd family abroad. New ed.
En^d. tit. 5 p. 1. 565 pp. 38 pi. 8\ Lon-
don, Chapman t§' Hall, 1872.
Leverett (Her. Cbarles Edward). A me-
moir biographical and genealogical, of sir
.John Leverett, governor of Massachusetts,
1673-70 ; of hon. John Leverett, judge of
tbe supreme court, and president of Har-
vard College ; and of the family generally.
[anon.] 203 pp. 4 pi. 1 chart. 8^. Bos-
ton, Crosby, Xichols ^j' co. 1856.
Leverett (Frederic P.) The new latin
tutor; or exercises in etymology, syntax
and pro8od,v : compiled cbielly from tbo
best euglish works. Stereotype ed. vii,
350 pp. Boston, Hilliard, dray. Little
<J- mikins, 1830.
Levesque (Pierre Charles), llistoiro do
Russie. Nou v. «5d. angmentde par I'auteur,
et conduite jusqu'a la mort de I'impdra-
trice Catherine II. 0 v. v. 1-8, text, 8 ;
V. 0, planches, 16 p. 1. 16 pi. folded, sm.
4^. Hambourg .)• Brnnm'ick, P. F. Fanehe
,y- vie. 1800.
Peusoes morales do divers auteurs
chinois, rccneillies et traduites du latin
»fc dn russo. 1(57 pp. 18'''. (lenere, X. De
liodon, 1783.
I Collection dea inorulislos ant:icu8, v. 3J.
Levi (1).) Petit musoe classiquo, ou <^uig-
mes bistoriipies, gdograpbiques, iconolo-
giqnes, etc. prcsentant, par tableaux, les
principaux <5v<:^nement8 do Thistoire gtlnc-
' rale. 5o ed. 180 pp. 18". Paris, J.
' Johanneaii, [1842].
Levlngs (liev. Noab). A treatise on pride.
I See Baxter (lier. Richard).
Levizac (.Jean Pons Victor Lecontz, l\(bhe
j do). I'rogressive french grammar and
I exercises, on the basis of Levizac's french
j grannnar. See Collot (Alexander G.)
A theoretical and practical grammar
I of the french language. With numerous
Levizac(J. P. V. L. Z'rt&6t^de)— continued,
corrections and improvements, and with
the addition of a complete treatise on tbe
genders of the fronch nonns, as also
with the addition of all the french verbs.
IJy A. Bolmar. x, 294 pp ; 17.3 pp. 12°.
riuladelphia, Carey ^' Hart, 1834.
Levy (Abraham G. to. d.) The magic wand
and medical guide. [On private diseases].
250 pp. 7 pi. w{. If^'. Xvw Tori-, author,
Levy (William Ilanlcs). lilindncssand the
blind: or, a treatise on the science of
typhlology. xvi, 518 pp. 12^. London,
Chapman if Hall, 1872.
Lewin (George, m. d.) The treatment of
Hypbilis with subcutaneous sublimate in-
jections. Translated [from the german]
by Carl Proegler and E. II. Gale. 24U pp.
1 pi. 12^. rhiladelpliln, Lhuhaif .V' Bla-
klston, 1872.
Le"wi8 (Dio, m. d.) Our digestion ; or, my
jolly friend's secret. 407 pp. A pi. por-
trait. 12^ rhiladelphla, G. Maehau, 1872.
Levria (Enoch). Memoirs of the life of
William Penn. 8-. [_rh\lad(^lphla, J.
lialeslraw, 1841].
[KvANS ("W. a\u\ T.) Fii» lids library, v. f). jin. 2;{-
Leybold (Fcderico)— continued,
la ruta tomada. 109 pp. 1 map. 8^. .SVjm-
iiago, imprcnia " Nacional," 1873.
Lhomond (Charles Francois). De viris
illustribus urbis Rom.p, a Rouiulo ad
Angustnm. 104 pp. 10'^. Xovi-Eboraci,
J. Seymour, 1819.
Epitome historiu; sacric Ed, nova.
Qnam prosodi;i; siguis, novaqiie vocuiii
omnium iiiterpretationo adomavit Geor-
gius Ironside. Ed. 20a, quam correxit ct
emendavit Thon)as H. Joy. IWl pp. I'' .
Xovi-Eboraci, (»'. Long, IH'MK
Viri Roma' ; with introductory exer-
cises, intended as a flrst book in the Htu<ly
of latin ; with english notes. liy F. P.
Lcverett, and T. G. Bratlford. 2 p. 1. 2lU
I)p. 12. Boston, TJiUiard, Cray, Little .r
inihins, 1830.
The same. 2 p. 1. 211 pp. 12 .
BoHton, HilUard, Cray cj- co. 183:?.
The same. [With a lexicon]. I
p. 1. 209 pp. 12 . P.nstou, Hilliard, Cray
.)• <o. 1841.
The sauK', Adapted to Andrews and
A treatise on i)lane and spherical
trigonometry ; including the construction
of the auxiliary tables ; a concise tract on
the conic sections, and the principles of
spherical projection. 228 pp. 8 \ rhila-
delphia, LI. Orr, 1844.
Lewis {Sir George Cornewall, hart.) Let-
ters to various friends. Edited by his
brother, the rev. sir Gilbert Frankland
Lewis, bart. xiii, 449 pp. portrait. 8-.
London, Longmans, Green 4" co. 1870.
Lewis (2Lrs. S. Anna). Child of the sea,
and other poems. 179 pp. 12^. Xcw
yorl; G. P. Putnam, 1848.
Lew^is (William Henry, d. d.) Sermons for
tlie christian year, xvi, 445 pp. 8-. Xew
Yorl; C. Shepard 4- co. 1851.
Lewiston 8c Auburn {Maine). Greenough,
•Jones & co's directory of the cities of
Lewiston & Auburn, for 1872. 8'. 7»os-
ton, Greenough, Jones <f- co. 1872.
Lexow (Friedrich). Gedichte. 1:55 pp.
portrait. 18^. Xew Yorl; E. Stciger, 1872.
Leybold (Fcderico). Escursion a las pam-
pas arjentinas. llojas de mi diario. Fe-
lirero de 1871. Seguido de tablas de ob-
servaciones barometricas, i un boceto de
fStoddard's latin grammar. With notes,
I and a copious dictionary. Py E. A. An-
1 drews. 270 pp. 12 . liostnn, Crorltr ,\-
I Jireivster, 1842.
'Liberator (The). [Weekly]. William
Lloyd Garrison, editor. Jan. 5, 1833, to
I dec. 24, 1830 ; jan. 5 to dec. 28, 1838 ; jan.
3, 1840, to dec. 29, 1805. v. :?-0, 8, 10-35,
I in 15 V. fol. Boston, 1833-05.
Ki)te. — Disrontinuod at the close of ler.r. ; wanting
V. 1, 2, 7, and 9. for 1831, 1832, 1837, and 1839.
Library of english literature : a collection
of the most useful and entertaining por-
tions of the works of nearly all the stand-
ard authors of the english language. Fol-
lowed by a new chronological table of the
era, the country, and the writings of
learned men, and of remarkable events,
from the creation to the present time.
[anon.'] 0 v. in 2. 8^. Philadelphia, E.
H. Butler <f co. 1847.
Libro di lettura per le classi del ginnasio
inferiore. [anon.] 2 v. viii, 252 pp ;
viii, 343 pp. 8 \ Vienna, dalV i. r. dire-
zione per la vendita dei libri scholastic!,
Liddell (Henry George, d. d.) A history of
Rome from the earliest times to the estab-
lishment of the empire. 2 v. xxii, 470
pp; xix, 470 pp. 8 . London, .T. Murray.
Lidell (John A. »i. d.) A treatise on apo- 1
plexy, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral eni-
boliim, cerebral gout, cerebral rheuina- j
tism, and epidemic cerebro-spinal menin- '
gitis. xix, 395 pp. 8^. Xcw-Tork, TT. ,
Wood cj- CO. 1H73.
Liober (Francis, II d.) On civil liberty and
sell-government. Enlarged ed. (>-**J i>p.
Hc. Philadtlphia, J. B. LippUicoft 4" co.
Liebig (Justus, harun von). Letters on
modern agriculture. Edited by John
Blyth, m. d. With addenda, by a practi-
cal agriculturist. Embracing valuable
suggestions, adapted to tlie wants ol
american farmers, xxvi, 275 pp. 1'^-.
Xcic York, J. Wileu, 1850.
Lieblein (Jens Daniel Carolus). Diction-
naire de uoms hi^roglyphiques en ordre
g(5n6alogique et alphab<5tique. Public
d'aprijs lea monumens ^gyptieus. [Or],
Hieroglyphisches namen-worterbuch ge-
noalogisch und alpliabetisch geordnet.
Nach den aegyptischen denkmaelern i
herausgegeben. 1 v. in 2. 2 p. 1. iv, 555
pp. 8-. Chrhtinnla, Broijger <S' Chrislie,
[Wantiugpp. 240-2C1I '
Li^ge {Province de). Expose dela situation
administrative de la province de Li^ge
fait par la deputation permanente du
conseil provincial. 1313, 1845-43, 1851-53,
18.57-58, 18G0, 13r.2-r>5, 1^07-09. 18 v.
s^ . Lii^ge, 1843-G'J.
Proems- verbanx des seances du con-
seil provincial de Lidge. Sessions de
1845, 1851, 1857, 1859-()0, 1868-60. 7 v.
8'^. Lh'i/e, [l845-]60.
Li^ge {Cnivcrs'ttc dc). Lil)er niemorialis, |
IbliO. Sa- Le Roy (xVlphonse).
Liesegg (Andreas). Die spektralanalyse.
Erliliirung der spektralerscheinungen und
deren anwendung fiir wissenschaftliche
und praktische zwecke. viii, 90 pp. 1 col.
pi. H . JlV/mar, /;. /'. Voiyt, 1867. s. !
Life and adventure in the sontli Pacific,
1861. Sir Jones (— ).
Life and alono. [aiiou.] 4ur )»[>. 16 \ fios-
ton, Lee tf- >Shqmrd, 1^70,
Life (The) and campaigns of Victor Moreau,
18UG. Sn> Moreau'B IoVh-u und feldziige. ;
Life and death ; a novel. I3y your humble
servant, [anon.] 1 p. 1. 264 pp. 12^.
-NVif York, Carhton, 1871.
Life (The) and d6ath of Maria Antoinette,
lato queen of France, lanon.} 190 pp.
8°. [n. p. about 1793].
[DUANE pamphlets, v. 110].
Life and opinions of Julius Molboarn, 1847.
See Melbourn (Julius).
Life and public services of Abraham Lin-
coln, [anon.'] 1 p. 1. 17-187 pp. S^*.
Philaddphia, T. B. Peterson 4- brothers,
Life (The) and travels of the apostle Paul.
[rt«o>?.] 272 pp. 1 map. 16'^. Boston,
Lilly, Wait, Cohnan cj"- Holden, 1833.
Life (The) and writings of mrs. Harriet
Newell, 1831. See Woods (Leonard, d. d.)
Life-book (The) of a labourer. By a work-
ing clergyman, [anon.'] 1 p. 1. viii, 350
pp. 16^. London, Smith, Elder 4- co. 1339.
Life (The), campaigns, and public services
of genl. [George Brinton] McClellau.
[anon.] 1 p. 1. 17-184 pp. 8^. Philadel-
phia, T. B. Peterson 4- brothers, 1S64.
Life illustrated. Sec Plirenological journal
and life illustrated.
Life (The) of Benjamin Franklin. Illus-
trated by tales, sketches and anecdotes.
[anon.] 180 pp. 18^. Xew-York, Collins
cf Haimny, 1832.
iYofe.— Endorsed " Parley's Frankliu."
Life (The) of Christ, [anon. By Daniel B.
Bradley? Ilindostaui]. 180 pp. 1 map.
8^. Bangkok, A. b. c.f. in, mission press, 1841.
Life (The) of Christopher Columbus.
[anon.] 187 pp. 18^ Xcw York, Collins
4^ Rannay, 1832.
Note. — Endorsed " Parloy".s Columbas," but did-
claimed by S. G. Goodrich.
Life (The) of Elijah, [anon.] 197 pp. 18^.
Philadelj)hia, Am. s.-s. union, [1835].
Life (The) of George Washington, illustrat-
ed by tales, sketches and anecdotes. 174
pp. 16^. New York, Collins 4' JIannay,
j\7>fe —Eudoraod "Parley's Washington;" one of
the " Parley" booka disavowed by the author.
Life (The) of John Newton, 1831. See
Life (The) of madame Louise de France,
daughter of Louis XV ; known also as the
mother T<5r^se de st. Augnstiu. By the
author of "Tales of Kirkbeck." [anon.]
xi, 291 pp. 1C°. London, [etc.] Rivinglons,
Life (The) of rev. Legh Richmond, 1842.
See "Wioklna (Stephen B.)
Life (The) of nt. Alphonsiis Mitria de Ligii- 1 Liznburg — coiitiiiiteil.
ori, bishop of st. Agatha of the Goths, | permanouto, dans la sossiou ordiuuire do
and fouudor of the Congregation of the 18JI. 2:K) pp. 8^. Li6,je,J. Desoer, 1841.
moat holy redeemer. Compiled from the
pnblinhed memoirs of the saint, by one of
the redemptorist fathers, [aiion.^ 594
pp. portrait. 14^'. lialtimorc, J. Murphy
iV- CO. 1855.
Life (The) of the rev. James Ilervey. [Also],
a collection of his letters, [anoii.^ 2d ed. |
2:W pp. 16 . licncirk; li. Taiflor, 1772. |
Lift (A) for the lazy. [Containing the ori- 1
Limlers (Henri Philippa diO- Xhr6gfi chro-
nologique do I'histoiro du Franco, contc-
nant les n^gnes do Louis XIII & Louis
XIV, ponr servir de snito li ctilni de M<v.i'-
ray. Nonv. <^d. aiigtnenti^c [do la vie do
[In MKZKitAV (Fram.oirt Kii-lfs ilf). Abn'-:;<'- «lir'»-
n(>lo;;i<|iio dt) riitHtoiro dn Fiaiirj. \oiiv. •'•I.
. 4 V. 4^ AmnUrdam, 1710. v. 4, 'i p. I. (ilJ
pp. 2 pirtraitsj.
ginof many words and expressions, awow.] I'i^col'i (f--- t^) lJ.s«i'iisitions o.-i the pro-
11)5 pp. 12^. Xtw York, (I. l\ Paimim, 184'J.
Light and love for the nnrsery gronp,
[«M0».] IfiG j)p. inc. 12 pi. 12^. Phila-
(klphia, Am. a.-a. union, [1851].
Lightfoot (.Josci)h Barber, d.d.) On a fresh I
revision of the english new testament. \
2d ed. rev. 195 pp. 8 '. Xew York, liar- 1
per cj"- brothern, 1873.
[Schafk (IMiilip). The revision of the eii^jliMli
version of the new te.stanient, pait 1 ].
Lighten (Rev. William li.) The mission
book: a mannal of instrnctions and i
prayers. Drawn chiefly from the works ,
of St. Alphonsus Lignori. 1 p. 1. 534 pp. 1 j
pi. 18-. New York, E. Dunignn .f- brother,
1854. I
Narrative of the life and sntierings i
of the rev. William B. Lighten. Written
by himself. New and revised ed. Engd. j
tit. 258 pp. 8 pi. portrait. 18 \ Boston, .s. \
N. Dickinson, 1840. !
Liguori (Alfonso Maria do). Bt'snchmigen
des allerheiligsten sakramentes des altars, ■
nnd begrii.ssuugen der allersel. jnngfrau i
Maria fiir jeden tag des monats. Nebst I
den gewohnlichen andachtsiibungon. 240
pp. 24'-\ Einsicdcln, [e/c] C. <S- X. Benzi-
fjcr, 1872.
Lilias and her cousins: or a tale of planter
life in the old dominion. By the author
of "Thomas Jackson." [rttto/j.] 3(57 pp.
I pi. 18°. Xeio York, General protestant
episcopal s.-s. union, 1860.
Lilly (Lambert, pseudon.) The history of
the middle states, New York, New Jer-
sey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Mary-
land. Illustrated by tales, sketches and
anecdotes. With numerous engravings.
By Lambert Lilly, schoolmaster. 156 i)p,
16°. Boston, Allen .|- Ticknor, 1833.
Limburg. Expos*' de la situation admini-
strative de la province de Limbourg, fait
an conseil provincial par la doputation
23 C
pliecies of Daiiiol, with an appendix, e.v-
hibiting tho fnlMlnuMit of tlie prophecy
" In the third year of Cyrus, king of Vi'V-
sia," to the present t'uwi. 16-^ pp. 16 .
Lowell, [.!/<<««.] 1843.
Lincoln (Robert W.) Lives of the presi-
dentsof the ITnited States; with biograplii-
cal notices of the signers of the duclara-
tion of iudopendence; sketches of tho
most remarkable events in the history of
the country, vi, 522 pp. 1 pi. 8°. Brat-
tlehoro\ Vf., Tuporjraphic at. 1839.
Lind (.Janits, m. f/ ) An essay on diseases
incidental to Europeans, in hot climates,
with the method of preventing their fatal
consequences. [Also], an api)endi'x, con-
cerning intermittent fevers; and a simple
aiul easy way to render sea water fresli,
and to prevent a scarcity of provisions in
long voyages at sea. Ist am. from the 6th
Loud. ed. viii,268pp. 8°. Philadelphia,
ir. Duanr, ISn.
Lindsay (iS'tr David). Tiie minor poems of
Lyudcsay, namely : 1. The deploration of
queue Magdalene [compylit 1537]. 2. The
answer quliilk schir David Ly ud(^say maiil
to ye kingis flyting [153(5]. 3. Tiie com-
plaint aiulpublictconfessiouuof thekingis
auhl hound callit Bagsche [about 1536].
4. Ane snpplicatiouu to the kingis grace
in contemptioun of syde taillis and mis-
sellit fiicis [about 1533]. 5. Kitteis con-
f(!ssiouu [between 1537 and 1541]. 6. Tiie
justyng betiiix James Watsoun and Jlione
Barbour [about 1538; reprinted from the
warkis, 1568]. 7. Ane descriptiouu of
])eder colfcis having na regaird till hones-
tie in thair vocatiouu [printed from the
Banuatyue ms.] Edited by J. A. 11. iliu-
ray. liv, .549-.590. 13 pp. s . London.
X. Triihner .j- co. 1)^71.
[IC\ltI,Y KXtil.IHIl text .siK-iity. .'^il D. I,.\ ih1<n;«.\ s
works, part vj.
Lindsay (David). The claims of pastors of
cUurelies, aud preachers of the gospel, for
inaiuteuance; considered in the light of
httly scripture. iv, Uk') pp. 1*^ \ ' Xar
York, C. McCowati, 1843.
Lindsay (Walter M.) Poems. ll>Tpp. W.
Xiiv York, I). Appktoii iS' CO. l^oil
Lindsey (Charles). The life and times of
Wm. Lyon Mackenzie. With an account
of the Canadian rebellion of lri37, and the
hubsecpunt frontier disturbances, chietly
from unpublished documents. i;iv. in'l.
'101 pp. portniit ; 400 pj). 7 pi. H . riiil-
aihlphiu, J. ii: liraiikii, 18(52.
Lingard (William Horace). Lingard's
'' new " songster. 17G pp. IG ■. Nac
York, Ii. M.De Jn//,[1872].
Lingay (J.) De la monnrchie avec la charte.
Par ni. C. M. Leon de 8aint-Marcel. [pscu-
don. En troi8i)arties]. ii5*2pp. 8'-. I'arin,
./. /.. Chansons, 181(5, ,
[Xai-oi-kox p.iiiiphlots, V. 27].
.Vo^c— Although advertised to ai)peiu in four
part.s, tinee only wore published.
Linguet (Simon Nicolas Henri). Histoirc
impartiale des jdsuites. Depnis leur <5tab-
lissement Jusqu'jl leur premiere expul-
sion. [rtwoH.] 2 V. 1 p. 1.480 i)p; 1 p. 1.
416 pp. 16^. [Paris}, 17GS.
Political and philosophical specula-
tions on the characteristics of the i>resent
century; with occasional rellections on
the probable eflects of american indepen-
dency. l.')2 pp. 12 \ Lomlon, 1778.
f DlAXK pamphlets, v. 'yi].
Note. — Titlejiage wan ting.
Th(^jltre espagnol. [(tuou.'] 4 v. 16^^.
Paris, De Ilansy, 1770.
V. 1.<'am>eiu)N UK La lUucA (Pedro). II ya du
niienx, en espagnol, Mejor estava, coiuedie.
pp. 403-4!tf).
Vkca CAUno (Lope Felix de). La con.stance
a I'epretive, en e.spaffnol, La esclava de su
galan, conn'-die. p. 47.
Le nrt tcpteur supiKise, en espagnol, El
doniine Lucas, eoniedie. ]). 173.
l..ea vapetirs, on la tille delioato. en
espagnol, La dania nielindrosa, eonw^die.
p. '2«tL
V. '2. Le viol ]»nni, en espagnol, L'aUalde
de Zalaniea, conndie. ]•. 1.
I^ eluison, en e.sj)agiiol, LI cseondido y
la tapada. eoniedie. ii. 117.
S«' detier des ajiparences, en es])agnol,
Nunea lo peor es cierto. 4(»in«'die. p. -2^h^.
La jounn'e diOieile, en espagncd, Los
eni{M'fioH de Beis horas, eoTm'die. p. '.inX
V. :<. (Ml ne badine noint avec lainour. en e8-
fiagnol, No ai hurlas con el amor, eoniedie.
p 1.
MuiiKTO (Agustin). La diose inipossilde, en
es)tagn<d, No jmede .ser. eoniedie. p. 10:J.
La re,ssemblaiHc, en < spagnol, Kl pare-
1 ido, comi'die. p. "Jlii.
J/occasion I'ait le larroii. en esjiagnol.
I.a nca.Hinii lia/i- al ladroii, roinedie. p. :UI.
Linguet (Simon Nicolas Heuri) — continued.
V. 4. Baxzks Caxdamo (Franciwo). La fld^lite
ditlicile, en espagnol, £1 duelo contra su
damn, comedie. p. 119.
:Mato8 Fkagoso (Juan de). Le sage dans sa
retraite, en espagnol, El sabio en su retiro,
comedie. p. I.
SoLis (Antonio de). T>e fou incommode, en
«'spagn«d, L^u bobo haze cieuto, comedie.
P v'-il.
I ntermi'des.
lutermede des melons et de la fennne tetue,
en espagnol, Entremes del melouar y la
respoiKlona. p. 3.35.
Intermt^dedesbeignets, en espagnol, Intermes
de loH bufiuelos. p. 351.
lutermede du malade imaginaire, en espag-
nol, Dom Juan Kana Comilon. p. 36.'5.
IntermtMle de la relique, en espagnol, En-
tremes de la reliquia. p. 3H7.
Intermede de lecolier magicien, en espagn<d,
Entremes de la ciieva de Salaman«a. p. 401.
Linschoteu or Linschotten (Jan Huygeii
van). Navigatio ac itinerarivm Johannis
Hvgonis Linscotani in orientalemsiveLu-
sitanorvm Indiatn. Descriptioues ei vsdein
teiTje ac tractvvm littoralium. Collecta
ac descripta belgice ; nunc latine reddita.
Engd. tit. 2 p. 1. inc. 1 pi. 124 pp. 30 pi.
10 maps folded, fol. Uaga-Comitis, ex offi-
cina A. HcDriei, impensis authoris 4- C. Nicolai
prosiantqne apud J'lgidium Ehcvirnm, 1599.
Descriptio totivs Gvineae tractvs,
Congi, Angolae, et Monoraotapae, eo-
rvinqve locorvm, qva'; e regions c. 8. Av-
gvstiui in Brasilia jacent. Accedit noviter
historia navigationvm Batavorvm in sep-
tentrionales oras. lanon.} 45 pp. 1 1. 2
maps folded, fol. Hagiv Comitis,€xofficina
A. Hem-id, 1599.
[With the preceding].
Linscotanus. See Linschoteu.
Linwoods (The), 1835. Sec Sedgwick
(C. M.)
Linz. llaudels- imd geieerhekammcr. Sum-
marischer bericht betreft'end die verhillt-
niage der Industrie, des handels und ver-
kehres (^berosterreich's im jahro 1870.
167 pp. 8^^. Linz, oherosterr. handels- und
geiverhekammcr, 1871. S.
Lippincott (J. B. & co. publishers). Lippin-
cott's magazine of popular literature and
science. [Monthly]. Jan. to dec. 1872.
V. 9-10. 8^. Philadelphia, J. B. lAppin-
coll .r CO. 1872.
Lippincott's pronouncing gazetteer.
Kevised ed. Avith an ai)pendi.\: containing
10,000 new notices and the census of 1870.
A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geo-
graphical dictionary of the world. Edit-
ed by J. Thonuis, m. d. and T. lialdwin.
1 p. 1. XX, 9-2336 pp. H . Philadelphia, J.
Ji. lAppineotl .|- eo. 1873.
Lippincott (Mrs. Sura Jauo Clarke). Now
life iu new lands: notes of travel. By
Grace Greenwood. Ipseudon.'} 413 pp.
12°. Xew York; J. B. Ford .;• co. 1873.
Poems, by Grace Greenwood, [pseii-
rfoM.] viii, 190 pp. portrait. Vi'\ lion-
ion, Ticknor, Reed <f- Fields, Ifiol.
Lipscomb (George, m. d.) The history and
Littell (S. jr. w. d.) A manual of the din-
eases of the eye: or, treatise on ophthal-
mology. 2tl e<l. xii, 25-372 pp. 1^ .
rhiladclphia, Hogan tf Thompson, 184<5.
Little (Cajyt. George). An exposition of
english grammar, in conversational or
familiar lectures. 211) pp. 12 . Haltimore,
J. YontHj, l^^ll.
antiquities of the county of Buckingham, i Little (The) christian. A sunday-school
4 V. 4^. Jjnidon, J.. S If- Robins, ISil. j paper for boys and girls. [.Monthly. Jan.
Lireux (Auguste). Assembh^o nationale ! to dec. 1871]. v. i. H. Ilostou, H. A.
comifiue. Illustrd par Cham, [ i. e. Am6d<^e
deNo<^]. 2 p. 1.(525 pp. 20 pi. 8°. Paris,
M. IJvyfreres, 18.')0.
List (Friedrich). Das nationale system der
l>olitischen oekonomio. Ister band. 2te
Cotta, 1842.
aufl. 8-. Stuttgart, J. (!.
1. Dor intoruatiouale handel, die liamlolsiwlitik
jreiii. Ixviii, 581) j»p.
und der deutsche zollv(
Lister (Thomas Henry). Anne Grey: a
novel. Edited by the author of " Granb}"."
[anon.} 2 v. 21() pp ; 208 pp. 12=. rhil-
adclphia, Carey, Lea .y- Blanehard, 1835.
Liston (Robert). Elements of surgery.
From the 2d Lond. ed. with copious notes
and additions, by Samuel D. Gross, m. d.
640 pp. 8^\ Philadelphia, E. Jhvringtoii
Hastings, [1871].
Little (The) corporal. An original maga-
zine for boys and girls and for older peo-
ple who have young hearts. [Monthly].
Emily Huntington Miller, editor. July,
I 1870, to dec. 1872. v. 11-15 in 2 v. 8 \
j Chicago, Senrll 4- Miller and J. E. Miller,
I [1870-72].
Little Hodge, 1873. Sec Jenkins (Edward).
Little Mabel and her sunlit home. By a
lady. [anon.'\ 164 pp. 18. Xeic York;
Carlton .|- Porter, [1861].
I Little Mabel's friends: a sequel to " Little
Mabel and her sunlit home." By a la<ly.
lanon.'\ 145 pp. 4 pi. 18 ■. Xew York;
Carlton .S' Porter, [1862].
Little (The) messmates and other stories.
By popular authors, [anon.] 154 pp. 3
pi. 16 . Xciv York; E. P. Button .)• co.
1861. See
.r a. D. Haswell, 1842.
Lectures on the operations of sur- ' Little (The) night-cap letters
gery, and on diseases and accidents re- i Barron (.>/»•». Fanny).
quiring operations. With numerous addi- 1 Little (The) rebel, [omom.] 295 pp. 3 pi.
tions, by Thomas D. Miitter, m. d. 565 j 18^. Boston, J. E. Tilton ^- co. 1864.
pp. 8-. Philadelphia, Lea .J- lilonrhard, Little (The) vesper-book, 1860. See Cor-
1846. I nelliPev.J.H.)
Liszt (Franz). Life of Chopin. Translated ! ^^"1® ^^«"^«' ^"^^ li"l« ^^^^^ about them
from the freuch by Martha W. Cook. 1 p.
1. 202 pp. 18^. PInhulelphia, V. Leypoldt,
Litch (liev. J.) A complete harmony of!
!^r''L w"^ , *^.^ apocalypse. 300 pp. ; Liturgies and other documents of the ante-
12-. Philadelph,a,Claxton,Lemsen,SHa/-\ ^j^ene period, viii, 186 pp.
felfinger, 1873.
Literary (The) souvenir; a Christmas and
By the author of "Little Bob True," [etc.
rt/joH.] 211 pp. 2 pi. 18-^. Philadelphia,
Presbyterian board of publication, 1859.
Liturgic worship, 1864. See Nevr York
bible and common prayer book society.
new year's present, for 1845. Engd. tit.
vii, 13-252 pp. 10 pi. 16\ Philadelphia,
Carey </• Hart, 1845.
Littell (John S. editor). The Clay minstrel ;
or, national songster. To which is pre-
fixed a sketch of Henry Clay. 188 pp. 1
pi. 18^. Philadelphia, Turner .1'
nicene period, viii, 186
burgh, T. .f- T. Clark; 1872.
[AxTE-XICEXE chrlatian library,
Live and let live, 1837. Nee Sedgwick
(C. M.)
Livermore {Rer. Abiel Abbot). Lectures to
young men on their moral dangers and
duties. New ed. 160 pp. 12 . liostou,
J. Munroe .f- co. 1847.
Fixher, \ Liverpool naturalists' field club. The flora
of liiverpool. A list of the indigenous
Liverpool iiatiiralisth' lu;Ul club — cont'd.
lloweiiiijjj plivutsiind ferns grow iug within
fifteen miles of tlio LiverptK)! exchange
and two miles of Southport. [ IJy the Mora
committee], vi, 178 pp. 2 1. 8 . I/nrr-
piiol, 11'. Fearuoll, 1872. •'^•
Lives (The) of Christopher Columbus, the
discoverer of America, and Americus Ves-
pucins, the Florentine. [(Hion.'\ 1 p. 1.278
pp. 1 pi. IG . Iloxton, .MarHh,('apeii,L>jon
.1- ]\\hh, 1840.
Lives of the apostles of Jesus Ciuist, 18:U>.
Set' Bacon (Uavid F.)
Lives of the heroes of the arnorican revolu-
tion, 1848. See Frost (John, //. d)
Living to Christ, 18."):i. See Cobb {Mrs.
San ford).
Living (The) way. [A monthly religions
magazine]. Edited by S. D. Simonds.
Jan. 1871, to dec. 1872. v. 2-:?. 8 . San
Franc'mo, S. J). Simotidx, 1871-72.
Livingston (Edward). Address to the peo-
ple of the United States, on the measures
l)ursued by the executive with respect to
the batture at New-Orleans ; [with] docu-
ments; etc. 277 pp. 1 map. 8-^. Nav-
(Means, Bradford,^- Anderson, 1808.
[ Woi.corr pamphlet.s, v. 6;")].
Livingstone (David). Livingstone's Africa.
Perilous adventures and extensive discov-
eries in the interior of Africa, [abridged]
from the personal narrative of David Liv-
ingstone, together -with the remarkable
success and important results of the Her-
ald-Stanley exjiedition, as furnished by H.
M. Stanley. [Also], a sivctch of other
important discoveries in Africa, including
the celebrated diamond diggings at Coles-
berg Kopje, xvi, 51)8 pp. inc. 2.'') pi. 2
l)ortraits. 12 \ I'ltiladelphia, Hithhard
^ro«. [1872].
Livingstone lost and found, or Africa and
its explorers. ^Vith a biographical sketch
of dr. David Livingstone, and a most in-
teresting account of his discovery by the
american expedition, in command of Henry
M. Stanley. Compiled from the most
authentic sources, with an introduction
and chapter on Natal, by rev. Joseph
Tyler, missionary, [anon.] 782 pp. 8^.
Ilarl/ord, Conn., Mutual pnhUshlng co. 1873.
Livius (Titus). The histories of Livy,
books i, xxi, and xxii, with extracts from
books ix, xxvi, XXXV, xxxviii, xxxix, xlv.
Edited and annotated bv Thomas Chase.
rhiladelphia, Eldrcdge «f'
Livius (Titus)
304 pp. KJ^
brother, 1872.
[CiiASR ai\d SruAiti's classical seriesl.
The same. Selections from the Brst
live books, with the twenty-first and twen-
ty-second books entire. Chielly from the
text of Alschefski. With english notes.
Hy J. L. Lincoln, vi, 329 pp. 2 maps.
12°. New York, D. Jpplefon <)• co. 1847.
The same. With an interlinear trans-
lation. By